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Bài 1: Choose the correct answer
1. I can’t help my mother to cook because I …………my homework.
a. do b. does c. am doing d. doing
2. My father likes coffee, but my mother ……………
a. don’t b. doesn’t c. don’t like d. doesn’t like
3. Jack wakes up ……………
a. morning early b. early in morning
c. early in the morning d. early morning
4. Choose the word has the underlined part pronounced differently
a. high b. big c. city d. dinner
5. Choose the word has the underlined part pronounced differently
a. sugar b. sandwich c. summer d. sorry
Bài 2: Fill in the blank
1. bi _ th 2. cand _ 3. ad _ ress 4. e _ ercise 5. s _ ould
6. ans _ er 7. fe _ ale 8. fa _ se 9. al _ ng 10. g _ eat
Bài 3: Matching
1. Eat hamburgers 2. teddy bear 3. gym 4. sandwiches 5. play chess
6. Caps 7. do the homework 8. string 9. mirror 10. wear a purple blouse
a. gấu b. nón kết c. dây thừng d. gương e. mặc áo tím
f. làm bài tập g. ăn bánh ham bơ gơ h. bánh mì kẹp xúch xích i. chơi cờ
j. nhà tập thể dục thể thao
1…… 2………3……… 4………5……….6……… 7……….8………9…… 10………