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Vòng 30:
Bài 1: Choose the correct answer
1. What are the children doing in the garden ? – They are………boats.
a. swimming b. fying c. playing d. riding
2. Why do you look so sad ? – Because I’m………………
a. boring b. bored c. interesting d. happy
3. Choose the odd one out
a. train b. van c. bus d. motorbike
4. Do you go shopping a lot ?-………………………
a. Every weekend b. one a week c. twice a week d. last weekend
5. Choose the odd one out
a. hippo b. turtle c. tiger d. leaf
6. When summer comes, we go …………….on the bank of the river.
a. climbing b. skiing c. swinging d. fishing
7. Let’s ………….goodbye to Mrs. Jannies.
a. tell b. talk c. say d. speak
8. Choose the odd one out
a. airport b. bus stop c. railway station d. park
9. What’s the matter ? -…………………….
a. I go to Ha Long Bay b. I have a cold c. I like fruit juice d. No
10. English and Arts are very interesting ……………….me.
a. .to b. out c. of d. in
Bài 2: Reoder the words to make sentences
1. for does What his birthday ? Ben want
2. a cake. to buy to make sugar and milk you need
3. summer comes ? What do you do when usually
4. eyes ? are your mother’s colour What

5. to become Why he want a famous singer ? doesn’t
6. I have cats. dog one no
7. use People their teeth. toothbrushes to clean
8. your help. for thank you to say I would like
9. are playing with in the living room. The cats a ball
10. an English song. the pink skirt The girl is singing in
Bài 3: Matching
1. potatoes 2. mobile phone 3. hamburger 4. go ice-skating 5. towels
6. high jump 7. sandals 8. onions 9. shrimp 10. eagle
a. bánh ham bơ gơ b. khoai tây c. cái khăn d. điện thoại di động e. củ hành
f. giày san đan g. nhảy cao h. tôm i. trượt patin j. chim đại bàng
1…… 2………3……….4……….5……….6……… 7………8……….9………10………
