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ĐỀ THI TS lớp 10 THPT chuyen 2015

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NĂM HỌC 2015-2016
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH (Chuyên)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
(Đề thi gồm 07 trang; thí sinh làm bài vào đề thi này)
Điểm của bài thi Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo Số phách
Bằng số: Giám khảo số 1:
Bằng chữ: Giám khảo số 2:
Part I. Questions 1-10: You will hear a conversation between a student and a job
advisor (10 points)
Questions 1-2. Complete the note below (write no more than three words and/or a
number for each answer)
Example: Answer:
Type of job required: (0)

Student is studying: (1) ……………… ………
Student is in the (2) ……… ……………year of the course.
Questions 3-5. Complete the table below (write no more than two words for each answer)
Position Available Where Problem
Receptionist in the (3) evening lectures
(4) in the Child Care Centre too early
Clerical Assistant in the (5) evening lectures
Questions 6-10. Complete the form below (write no more than three words and/or a
number for each answer)
Name: Anita Newman
Address: (6)
Room No. (7)
Other skills: Speak some Japanese

Position available: (8) at the English Language Centre
Duties: Respond to enquiries and (9)
Time of interview: Friday at (10) a.m.
Part II. Questions 11- 15. You will hear a news reporter called Angerlia Bond, talking on
the radio about her job. For each question, circle the correct answer A, B or C (5 points)
Example (0). Where is Angelia working at the moment?
Britain B. the USA C. the Asia
Page 1 of 7
11. Angelia likes her job because she
A. loves being in dangerous situations.
B. never knows where she'll go next.
C. enjoys watching important events happen.
12. What did Angelia bring home from Hong Kong?
A. pictures B. carpets C. furniture
13. What time does Angelia's working day begin?
A. 8.30 B. 6.30 C. 10.00am
14. Where did Angela meet her boyfriend?
A. at her sister’s house B. at university C. in Hong Kong
15. What does Angela do to relax?
A. She cooks a meal B. She goes sailing C. She goes shopping
Part III. Questions 16-20. You will hear two friends, a boy, Rolf and a girl, Maria,
talking about the job they would like to do in the future. Decide each sentence is
correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick (V) in the box under A for YES. If it is
not correct, put a tick under B for NO. (5 points)
Correct/Incorrect Information A(YES) B(NO)
16. Maria would travel a lot as part of her job.

17. Maria is confident she will be able to work for an airline.
18. Rolf intends to do a job connected with his degree.
19. Maria and Rolf agree it is important to have a good salary.
20. Maria hopes to work for several different employers.
Part I. Circle the word whose underlined part is differently pronounced (2.5 points)
1. A. technique B. parachute C. mechanic D. schedule
2. A. many B. vanish C. shadow D. have
3. A. exhaust B. exhibit C. exist D. exhibition
4. A. oranges B. figures C. classes D. watches
5. A. grew B. knew C. fewer D. view
Part II. Circle the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words (2.5 points)
1. A. collect B. reputation C. communicate D. biology
2. A. cover B. prevent C. provide D. receive
3. A.commercial B. goverment C. natural D. vanish
4. A. economic B. interactive C. environmental D. unpolluted
5. A. visit B. invite C. improve D. agree
Part I. Choose the best word or phrases (A, B, C or D) to complete these sentences (10 points)
1. Unless you try your best, you won't be able to ___________ your classmates.
A. keep up with B. lose track of C. take care of D. put an end to
2. Our main agricultural _________ to export world wide are rice, coffee and rubber.
A. products B. produce C. production D. productivity
3. The Earth is the only planet with a large _________ of oxygen in its atmosphere.
A. number B. quality C. amount D. size
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4. To get a passport, you must send in your birth _________ and two photos.
A. certificate B. license C. paper D. card
5. - "What would she like to do?" - "__________________"
A. Thanks. I don't know B. Sorry, I have no idea.

C. Why don't I know? D. Excuse me. Sorry for the mistake.
6. It's the matter of life and death. ________, we will give it serious consideration.
A. As a consequence B. Generally C. However D. So that
7. _________ different in characteristics we are, we have been mutual friends since our
A. Despite being B. Although C. Whatever D. However
8. We live in a friendly community and everyone gets _______ each other very well.
A. up to B. on with C. down to D. out of
9. _______ have you been able to play the piano?
A. When B. How many times C. Since when D. Why
10. The students are always excited _______ doing the experiment in their Physics class.
A. with B. in C. about D. at
11. Your room is a mess! __________ it up at once.
A. Arrange B. Make C. Tidy D. Do
12. Tomatoes can be used as _________ a green salad or a cooking vegetable.
A .both B.such C.either D.neither
13. Going swimming every day can have very _________ effects.
A. beneficial B. benefitial C. benefited D. unbenefitial
14. Do you think we’ll find a solution _________ the problem?
A. to B. for C. of D. about
15. Take an umbrella with you _________ it rains on your way.
A. though B. as if C. however D. in case
16. Sue was offered a job as a translator but she turned it down. The underlined words can
be replaced by _________.
A. accepted it B. refused it C. got it D. considered it
17. Not until the beginning of the twentieth century _________ all over world.
A. the first bicycles used B. were the first bicycles used
C. the first using bicycles D. the first bicycles were used
18. She never lets you cook the meals, ___________?
A. didn't she B. doesn't she C. did she D. does she

19. Indian is difficult to get used _________ with the chopsticks.
A. to eating B. to eat C. to be eaten D. eat
20. “Who is Mr. Madely?” -“I don't know. I’ve never heard _________ him”.
A. about B. from C. after D. of
Part II. Give the correct tense/form of the verbs in brackets to complete these
sentences (10 points)
a) When I got home, my mother (1. prepare)… …… dinner so we had a
drink and waited.
b) My children enjoy (2. allow) (3. stay) up
late when there is something special on TV.
c) A new bridge (4. build) across the river. Workers started
last year and the bridge (5. expect) to open next year.
d) Jane, together with her parents, (6. just go) to London (7.
see) her grandmother.
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e) It's very kind of Jack (8. offer) (9. carry) my bags
when I go shopping.
f) I'm sure she would also do like this if she (10. be) in your position.
Part III. Identify and circle the incorrect underlined part in each sentence below (5 points)
1. One of the world’s most natural important resources is rivers, lakes and streams.
2. Many cities are on large rivers, and almost every country has at least one river that plays
an important part in the lifes of its people.
3. Besides transportation, rivers provide food, water for crops, water to drink, and opportunities for
recreation for people live along their banks.
4. And in order to get water for crops

, engineers sometimes build

a dam along a river

let the water become a lake behind the dam.
5. Then people can use the water not only to irrigate fields but to make electricity for homes
and industries as also. A B C
6. However, the water often becomes polluted when cities on river banks grow in size and
the number of industries increase. A B C
7. We are learning that it is necessary to keep rivers clean unless we want to enjoy the

of the natural resources.
8. George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t neither.
9. Products of this kind first became commercial available about a hundred years ago.
10. Thanks to TV, that was invented many decades ago, people can enjoy a form of entertainment
in an inexpensive and convenient way.
SECTION D. READING (25 points)
Part I. Choose the best phrase from A-H to fill in each blank in the passage below (8 points)

A. who believe that children
B. can be bad for the child’s development
C. with letting a very small child
D. if too much television harms children or not
E. and a little amusement can’t be
F. will sit there quietly for a while
G. forty or fifty years ago
H. was limited to not much
Is there really anything wrong (1)____________ watch television for a few hours
a day? This is a question that didn’t need to be asked (2)_____________, when
children’s television in the UK (3)__________
more than an hour a day. But now
that daytime television has become a reality, and many homes have satellite
with channels purely for children, parents have to decide (4)________. There are those
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parents (5)__________ need conversation and interaction with real people in order to
develop properly, because watching television too much (6)________. On the other
hand, the vast majority of parents feel that watching lively, bright cartoon and puppet
shows on television is fun for the child, (7)_________ such a bad thing. One thing is
quite clear: being able to place a baby in front of the television in the knowledge that he
or she (8)___________ gives parents a welcome break now and then.
Part II. Fill in each blank with a suitable word to complete the following passage (7 points)
One of the most urgent environmental (1)______________ in the world today is the
shortage of clean water. Having clean drinking water is a basic human (2)______________.
But acid rain, industrial pollution and garbage have (3)__________________ many sources
of water undrinkable. Lakes, reservoirs and even entire seas have become vast pools
(4)_________________ poison. Lake Baikal in Russia is one of the largest lakes in the
world. It (5)__________________ a rich variety of animals and plants, including 1,300 rare
species that do not exist anywhere else in the world. But they are being destroyed by the

massive volumes of industrial effluent (6)_________________ pour into the lake everyday.
Even where law existed, the government did not have the power to enforce them. Most
industries simply ignore the regulations. The Mediterranean Sea occupies 1% of the
world’s water surface. But it is the dumping ground for 50% of all marine pollution.
Almost 16 (7)________________ regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles off-shore.
Part III. Read the passage below, then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each
of the following questions (10 points)
The Winterthur Museum is a collection and a house. There are many museums
devoted to the decorative arts and many house museums, but rarely in the United States is a
great collection displayed in a great country house. Passing through successive generations
of a single family, Winterthur has been a private estate for more than a century. Even after
the extensive renovations made to it between 1929 and 1931, the house remained a family
residence. This fact is of importance to the atmosphere and effect of the museum. The
impression of a lived-in house is apparent to the visitor: the rooms look as if they were
vacated only a short while ago whether by the original owners of the furniture or the most
recent residents of the house can be a matter of personal interpretation. Winterthur remains,
then, a house in which a collection of furniture and architectural elements has been
assembled. Like an English country house, it is an organic structure; the house, as well as
the collection and manner of displaying it to the visitor, has changed over the years. The
changes have coincided with developing concepts of the American arts, increased
knowledge on the part of collectors and students, and a progression toward the achievement
of a historical effect in period-room displays. The rooms at Winterthur have followed this
current, yet still retained the character of a private house.
The concept of a period room as a display technique has developed gradually over
the years in an effort to present works of art in a context that would show them to greater
effect and would give them more meaning for the viewer. Comparable to the habitat group
in a natural history museum, the period room represents the decorative arts in a lively and
interesting manner and provides an opportunity to assemble objects related by style, date,
or place of manufacture.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The reason that Winterthur was redesigned
B. Elements that make Winterthur an unusual museum
C. How Winterthur compares to English country houses
D. Historical furniture contained in Winterthur
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2. The phrase "devoted to" in line 2 is closest in meaning to
A. surrounded by B. specializing in C. successful in D. sentimental about
3. What happened at Winterthur between 1929 and 1931?
A. The owners moved out C. The old furniture was replaced
B. The house was repaired D. The estate became a museum
4. What does the author mean by stating "The impression of a lived-in house is apparent
to the visitor"?
A. Winterthur is very old C. Winterthur does not look like a typical museum
B. Few people visit Winterthur D. The furniture at Winterthur looks comfortable
5. The word "assembled" in line 11 is closest in meaning to
A. summoned B. appreciated
C. brought together D. fundamentally changed
6. The word "it" in line 11 refers to
A. Winterthur B. collection C. English country house D. visitor
7. The word "developing" in line 13 is closest in meaning to
A. traditional B. exhibiting C. informative D. evolving
8. According to the passage, objects in a period room are related by all of the following
A. date B. style C. place of manufacture D. past ownership
9. What is the relationship between the two paragraphs in the passage?
A. Paragraph 2 explains a term that was mentioned in Paragraph 1.
B. Each paragraph describes a different approach to the display of objects in a museum.
C. Paragraph 2 explains a philosophy of art appreciation that contrasts with that explained
in Paragraph 1.
D. Each paragraph describes a different historical period.

10. Where in the passage does the author explain why displays at Winterthur have
A. lines 2-3 B. lines 5-6 C. lines 9-10 D. lines 13-15
SECTION E. WRITING (25 points)
Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it (5 points)
1. If the work is finished by lunchtime, you can go home.
 Get
2. They left quietly so that they wouldn't wake the baby up.
 So as ……………………………………………………………
3. All the rivers in the region were so poisonous that no fish could live in.
 So ……………………………………………………………… …………
4. The number of tourist visiting this area rose last year.
 There was
5. The national museum is the same as it was 30 years ago.
 The national museum has
Part II. Use the suggestions to build the meaningful sentences (5 points)
1. She/unable/warn/mother/that/she would/late/because/telephone/out/order.

2. Both Italians/Polish/famous/their friendship /good spirit.

3. In / spite/ be / able / speak English/ fluent /, / my son/ still /difficulty /listening.
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4. I cann't complete / report / time / the conference/ because/ my broken laptop.

5. The protection/ animal world /be/ pointless/ unless /we also take steps/protect/planet.

Part III. Students always have a long vacation after each school year and they spend
it in many different ways. Write a letter of about 130 – 150 words to your penpal to
give him/her some advice on what you and your friend should or shouldn't do during
your summer holiday (15 points).

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NĂM HỌC 2015-2016
Môn thi: Tiếng Anh (Chuyên)
* Tổng điểm tối đa của đề thi: 100;
* Điểm của thí sinh được quy về thang điểm 10;
* Phần điểm thập phân được làm tròn theo quy định sau:
Phần điểm thập
phân của bài thi
Điểm làm tròn
Phần điểm thập
phân của bài thi
Điểm làm tròn
0.05 0.70
0.10 0.75
0.15 0.80
1.00.25 0.90
0.30 0.95

Part I. Questions 1-10
(10 points/10questions; 1point for each correct answer)
1. business 6. International House
2. third (or: 3rd) 7. B659
3. Sport(s) Centre 8. (an) office assistant
4. (a) cleaner 9. anwer (the) phone
5. Library 10. 11.30
Part II. Questions 11- 15
(5 points/5questions; 1point for each correct answer)
11. C 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. B
Part III. Questions 16-20
(5 points/5questions; 1point for each correct answer)
16. A 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. B
Part I. Circle the word whose underlined part is differently pronounced
(2.5 points/5questions; 0.5 point for each correct answer)
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A
Page 8 of 7
Part II. Circle the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words
(2.5 points/5questions; 0.5 point for each correct answer)
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A

Part I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete these sentences
(10 points/20questions; 0.5 point for each correct answer)
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. C
11. C 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. D
Part II. Give the correct tense/form of the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences.
(10 points/10questions; 1point for each correct answer)
1. was preparing 6. has just gone
2. being allowed 7. to see
3. to stay 8. to offer
4. is being built 9. to carry
5. is expected 10. were
Part III. Identify and circle the incorrect underlined part in each sentence below
(5points/10questions; 0.5 point for each correct answer)
1. B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. B
SECTION D. READING (25 points)
Part I. Choose the best phrase from A-H to fill in each blank in the passage below
(8 points/8 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
1. C 2. G 3. H 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. E 8. F
Part II. Fill in each blank with a suitable word to complete the following passage
(7 points/7 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
1. problems 2. right/need 3. made
4. of
5. contains 6. which 7. countries
Part III. Read the passage below, then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each
of the following questions
(10 points/10 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. D
SECTION E. WRITING (25 points)
Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it

(5 points/5 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
1. Get the work finished by lunchtime and you can go home.
2. So as not to wake the baby up, they left quietly.
3. So poisonous were all the rivers in the region that no fish could live in.
4. There was a rise/ an increase in the number of tourists visiting/ who (or: that) visited this
area last year.
5. The national museum has had no change / has remained unchanged/hasn't changed for
/during (the past) 30 years.
Part II. Use the suggestions to build the meaningful sentences
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(5 points/5 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
1. She was unable to warn her mother that she would be late because the/her telephone was
out of order.
2. Both Italians and Polish are famous for their friendship and good spirit.
3. In spite of being able to speak English fluently, my son still has difficulty in listening.
Or: In spite of his ability to speak English fluently, my son still has problem with listening.
4. I cann't complete the report in/on time for the conference because of my broken laptop.
5. The protection of the animal world is pointless unless we also take steps to protect our planet.
Part II. Students always have a long vacation after each school year and they spend it
in many different ways. Write a letter of about 120 – 150 words to your penpal to give
him/her some advice on what you and your friend should or shouldn't do during your
summer holiday (15 points)
* Criteria for evaluating students' writing:
1. Form: 3points
+ An informal letter with appropriate form, language style and length (130-150words)
+ Hand writing: clean and clear layout, easy to read
2. Content: 6 points
Successful fulfillment of the task with appropriate content (distictive main ideas which are
relevant, well-developed/supported); coherence.
3. Use of language: 6 points

+ Appropriate vocabulary
+ Correct grammatical structures and spelling
+ Right use of connectors & punctuation (cohesive devices)
****THE END****
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NĂM HỌC 2015-2016
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH (Chuyên)
* Tổng điểm tối đa của đề thi: 100
* Điểm của thí sinh được quy về thang điểm 10; phần điểm thập phân của toàn bài
được quy đổi như sau:
Phần điểm thập
phân của bài thi
Điểm quy đổi
Phần điểm thập
phân của bài thi
Điểm quy đổi
0,05 0,70
0,10 0,75
0,15 0,80

1,00,25 0,90
0,30 0,95
Part I. Questions 1-10
(10 points/10 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
1. business 6. International House
2. third (or: 3rd) 7. B659
3. Sport(s) Centre 8. (an) office assistant
4. (a) cleaner 9. anwer (the) phone
5. Library 10. 11.30
Part II. Questions 11- 15
(5 points/5 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
11. C 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. B
Part III. Questions 16-20
(5 points/5 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
16. A 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. B
Part I. Circle the word whose underlined part is differently pronounced
(2.5 points/5 questions; 0.5 point for each correct answer)
Page 11 of 7
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A
Part II. Circle the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words

(2.5 points/5 questions; 0.5 point for each correct answer)
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A
Part I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete these sentences
(10 points/20 questions; 0.5 point for each correct answer)
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. C
11. C 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. D
Part II. Give the correct tense/form of the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences.
(10 points/10 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
1. was preparing 6. has just gone
2. being allowed 7. to see
3. to stay 8. to offer
4. is being built 9. to carry
5. is expected 10. were
Part III. Identify and circle the incorrect underlined part in each sentence below
(5 points/10 questions; 0.5 point for each correct answer)
1. B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. B
SECTION D. READING (25 points)
Part I. Choose the best phrase from A-H to fill in each blank in the passage below
(8 points/8 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
1. C 2. G 3. H 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. E 8. F
Part II. Fill in each blank with a suitable word to complete the following passage
(7 points/7 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
1. problems 2. right/need 3. made
4. of
5. contains 6. which 7. countries
Part III. Read the passage below, then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each
of the following questions
(10 points/10 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. D

SECTION E. WRITING (25 points)
Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it
(5 points/5 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
1. Get the work finished by lunchtime and you can go home.
2. So as not to wake the baby up, they left quietly.
3. So poisonous were all the rivers in the region that no fish could live in.
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4. There was a rise/ an increase in the number of tourists visiting/ who (or: that) visited this
area last year.
5. The national museum has had no change / has remained unchanged/hasn't changed for
/during (the past) 30 years.
Part II. Use the suggestions to build the meaningful sentences
(5 points/5 questions; 1 point for each correct answer)
1. She was unable to warn her mother that she would be late because the/her telephone was
out of order.
2. Both Italians and Polish are famous for their friendship and good spirit.
3. In spite of being able to speak English fluently, my son still has difficulty in listening.
Or: In spite of his ability to speak English fluently, my son still has problem with listening.
4. I cann't complete the report in/on time for the conference because of my broken laptop.
5. The protection of the animal world is pointless unless we also take steps to protect our planet.
Part II. Students always have a long vacation after each school year and they spend it
in many different ways. Write a letter of about 130 – 150 words to your penpal to give
him/her some advice on what you and your friend should or shouldn't do during your
summer holiday (15 points)
* Criteria for evaluating students' writing:
1. Form: 3 points
+ An informal letter with appropriate form, language style and length (130-150words)
+ Hand writing: clean and clear layout, easy to read
2. Content: 6 points

Successful fulfillment of the task with appropriate content (distictive main ideas which are
relevant, well-developed/supported); coherence.
3. Use of language: 6 points
+ Appropriate vocabulary
+ Correct grammatical structures and spelling
+ Right use of connectors & punctuation (cohesive devices)
****THE END****
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