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Effect of work study & time study on production and quality

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Our Project Title On:
Effect of work study & time study on production and quality.
Southeast University
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Objectives of project work:
To implement of work study charts to obtain maximum utilization of the resources( Man, Machine & Materials) and to optimize
workplace by changing. The plant layout & workstation, using the process charts.
Southeast University
Role of industrial engineering department in apparel industry:
Importance of industrial engineering (IE) tools that can be used to improve upon the productivity of their factories and thus enhance the
profits. Very few companies have been operating with a full fledged industrial engineering department and even those which boast of as
an industrial engineering department(IED) in their factories are not allowing freedom and scope to function to its full capabilities. The
role of IED is important for the garments industry for the following two reasons

It’s highly labor –intensive industry.

Effective planning is emerging as one of the key factors for the garments manufacturing industry.
Southeast University
Garments manufacturing diagram:
Fabric from stores
Cung secon

Sewing secon
Finishing secon
Finished garments to warehouse
Southeast University
Topics covered during the project work:

Plant layout & workstation design.

work study & time study concepts on production and quality.
Southeast University
Workstation Design:
Workstation Design are described below-
1. Space requirements.
2. Consideration of the space requirement for the movement of material handling equipment.
3. Easy access to safety stops in case of emergency.
4. Easy access to machine for inspection and lubrication, maintenance and repair.
5. Space between one machine to another machine.
6. Appropriate ventilation, lighting & safety.
Southeast University
Cung Secon
Cung Secon
Southeast University
Southeast University
Work Study
Method Study
Work Measurement
What is work study?

Work study is mainly concerned with the examination of human work.
There are two parts of work study:

Southeast University

To eliminate wastage of time and labor.

To reduce fatigue and boredom of work by avoiding unnecessary movements.

To find a best way of doing a job.

To have more utilization of materials, machines and workers.

To improve the design of work place layout.

To standardize the method, obtained after conducting the motion study.

To train the individual operator in its practice as per standardized methods.
Why work study?
Southeast University

Set target

Manpower allocation

Calculate efficiency

Production planning and control

Determine cost

Incentive schemes
Why Work Measurement is Important?

Southeast University
Work Measurement Techniques

Time Study: Directly observing an operator.

Pre-Determined Motion Time Study System: Analyzing the motions used to carry out the activity.

Analysis of Past Records: Using previous records/ Studies available in the factory.
Southeast University
Time Study
To determine the time it should take for a qualified worker to
perform a specific task using a specified method by directly
observing an operator.
Southeast University
Time Study Sheet of IE Department:
Southeast University
Observed time X
1. Compute the basic time
Basic Time =
2. Compute the standard minute value
SMV = Basic Time + Allowance
Standard rating
How it Works?
Observed rating
Southeast University
GSD layout of IE:
Southeast University
SL Operation Observed time Standard time
1 Seam right shoulder 15” 10”
2 Bind neck 16” 10”

3 Seam left shoulder 14” 11”
4 Bind sleeve openings 14” 12”
5 Seam sleeves 14” 12”
6 Attach sleeves 36” 30”
7 Cut & fold label 7” 4”
8 Attach label 16” 12”
9 Bartack shoulder & neck 10” 6”
10 Hem bottom 16” 12”
Total time 158” 119”
Practically process following in the
sewing floor:
List of processes to produce T-shirts:
Southeast University
SI Operator Process Observed time Rating Basic time Allowance time Standard time
1 Rahima Stay sewing 9” 80% 7.2” 20% 8.6”
2 Nazma Collar fitting 3” 75% 2.25” 20% 2.7”
3 Moyna Collar sewing 30’ 85% 25.5” 20% 30.6”
Time measurement table:
Southeast University
For this process operation is 2, but making time taking around 10 min.
seam joining uneven, seam, broken stitch, puckering needle hole and down grade quality etc defects are coming more which clearly indicate that garment piece handling
by the operator are not proper, they need to trained how to handle the fabric or the proper method of stitching the garment.
Practically process following in the sewing floor:
Southeast University
Southeast University
In this case, we need to follow PDCA process improvement chart which can give us a solution.


Figure : The Shewhart Cycle is a fundamental idea for continuous process improvement.

Southeast University
Benefits of TQM:

The benefits of TQM can be classified into the following two categories:
1. Customer satisfaction oriented benefits.
2. Economic improvements oriented benefits.

1. Customer satisfaction oriented benefits: The benefits under this category are listed below:
(a) Improvement in product quality.
(b) Improvement in product design.
(c) Improvement in production flow.
(d) Improvement in employee morale and quality consciousness.
(e) Improvement of product service.
(f) Improvement in market place acceptance.
2. Economic improvements oriented benefits: The benefits under this category are as follows:

(a) Reductions in operating costs.
(b) Reductions in operating losses.
(c) Reductions in field service costs.
(d) Reductions in liability exposure.
Time Study Exercise
Process Name = Side Seam
Observed Time = 35.27 Sec
Observed Rating = 92%
Allowance = 25%
Basic Time = (35.27 X 0.92) Sec
= 32.45 Sec
SMV = 32.45 + (32.45 X 0.25) Sec
= 40.56 Sec
Capacity = (3600 ÷ 40.56) Pcs/ Hour

= 88 Pcs/ Hour
Some suggestions:
