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Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management-
Customer Visible Logs
Standard Release 6.0 Issue 1 September 2009
What’s inside...
Introduction to customer visible logs
Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs
Copyright  2004-2009 Nortel Networks, All Rights Reserved
This document is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. All information, copyrights and any other intellectual
property rights contained in this document are the property of Nortel Networks. Except as expressly authorized in writing by Nortel
Networks, the holder is granted no rights to use the information contained herein and this document shall not be published, copied,
produced or reproduced, modified, translated, compiled, distributed, displayed or transmitted, in whole or part, in any form or media.
This information is provided “as is”, and Nortel Networks does not make or provide any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied,
including any implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third party intellectual property rights, and fitness for a
particular purpose.
Nortel, the Nortel logo, and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
Printed in Canada
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
New in this release v
Introduction to customer visible logs 1-1
Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs 2-1
iv Contents
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500

Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
New in this release
The following sections detail what’s new in
Fault Management - Customer
Visible Logs
, 323-1851-840 Standard Issue 1 for Release 6.0.
New features
No new logs have been added in this issue.
vi New in this release
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks

Introduction to customer visible logs
This section provides an introduction to the use of customer visible logs in
troubleshooting failures related to the Domain Optical Controller.
1-2 Introduction to customer visible logs
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Domain Optical Controller Customer Visible Logs
The Domain Optical Controller (DOC) provides a number of customer visible
alarms to signal fault conditions. These alarms include:
• DOC Action Failed: Add
• DOC Action Failed: Delete
• DOC Action Failed: Monitor
• DOC Action Failed: Optimize
• DOC Action: Fault Detected
• DOC Domain Not Optimized
• Channel Controller: Unexpected Loss Detected
• Invalid Photonic Domain
Faults that result in one of these alarms prevent DOC from continuing a
re-optimization as this could result in worse performance conditions for
surviving traffic.
DOC maintains logs detailing any failure of previously executed commands
that can result in the above listed alarms. The DOC Customer Visible Logs
are retrievable from the Site Manager DOC application and the “Logs” button.
The DOC logs are used to determine the fault responsible for the DOC alarm
on the network element. The procedures contained in this guide outline the

steps required to clear the faults based on the content of the logs. Once the
fault is cleared DOC can re-attempt the channel action.
DOC Log Description
The DOC logs are displayed by opening the Configuration -> Photonic
Services -> Domain Optical Controller (DOC) tab in Site Manager for a
network element containing a DOC site. Once a DOC instance is selected the
user can Click the "Logs" button to view the CVLs.
In the case of any DOC Failure the DOC Logs should be retrieved and saved
for investigation before any troubleshooting steps are taken. DOC logs are
updated when a DOC action failure occurs. The logs remain until either the
next failure or when the "Clear DOC Logs" button is selected in Site Manager.
DOC Logs report details for 5 sections:
• Domain Optical Control Topology Log
• Domain Optical Control Command Log
• Section Optical Control Command Log
• Network Topology Log
Introduction to customer visible logs 1-3
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
• Section Topology Log.
The topology logs outline the system and channel topologies for the DOC,
Network and Section. The Command logs outline the steps taken, and the
faults detected, that resulted in the alarm being raised.
For details on Domain and Sections see the Photonic services - Photonic
advanced optical control section of the OME 6500 Planning Guide (Part 2 of
DOC Log Format

An example of the DOC Log window is shown below. The format of the DOC
logs are also described in this section.
1-4 Introduction to customer visible logs
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
<TID-SHELF> DOC Log generated at <hh:mm:ss> on <MM-DD-YYYY>.
Logs for <TID-SHELF>
* Domain Optical Control Topology Log.
DOC topology at <YYYY-MM-DD> <hh:mm:ss>
Configuration: <Configuration>
List of SOC Sites
<TID>-<SHELF>-<PATH ID> (repeated for all SOC Sites)
Network Channel AID Optimization State SHELF (Add & Drop)
NC-<SHELF>-<SITEID>-<Remote Shelf>-<Remote Path>-<Wavelength>
<Optimization State of Channel> <TID of Add Shelf>-<SHELF>-<PATH ID>
<TID of Drop Shelf>-<SHELF>-<PATH ID> (repeated for all defined
* Domain Optical Control Command Log.

<YYYY-MM-DD> <hh:mm:ss> DOC command log (repeated for all logs)
Introduction to customer visible logs 1-5
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
* Section Optical Control Command Log.
<YYYY-MM-DD> <hh:mm:ss> SOC command log (repeated for all logs)
<TID>-<SHELF> Topology Log generated at <hh:mm:ss> on MM-DD-YYYY.
Logs for <TID>-<SHELF>
* Network Topology Log.
<YYYY-MM-DD> <hh:mm:ss> Network Topology log (repeated for all logs)
* Section Topology Log.
<YYYY-MM-DD> <hh:mm:ss> Section Topology log (repeated for all logs)
DOC Log Troubleshooting Documents
The procedures contained in this guide contain details on how to troubleshoot

failures based on the contents of the DOC Logs. The procedures are
presented in the following format:
Log text - The text presented to the user in the DOC Log
Description/Probable cause - Outlines the cause of the fault
Troubleshooting information - Details on resolving the fault
1-6 Introduction to customer visible logs
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Commonly Used Terminology
The procedures contained in this guide use the following terms when
describing directions in the photonic network:
Upstream: Components that exists prior to the current point in the optical
traffic path
Downstream: Components that exists after the current point in the optical
traffic path.
The TX is upstream of CMD44(1).
CMD44(2) is downstream of WSS(2).
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs

This section provides detailed information on DOC logs. That information is to
be used for troubleshooting purposes.
2-2 Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Unique log Identifier: 65537
Log text
Topology Routing Failure - Routing message failed to sent to:
<TID>-<SHELF>, rem_path <PATH>.
Software area
To p o lo g y
Associated alarms
DOC Invalid Photonic Domain
Description/Probable cause
A failure occurred while trying to send Routing message to the next node with
<TID>-<SHELF> and rem_path <PATH>. The probable cause is a
communication error between network elements in the section.
A retry mechanism will ensure that routing message is eventually sent once
the error condition is resolved.
Troubleshooting information
• Determine if all nodes in the network can be accessed. If access is not
available, a condition might exists on the network which is preventing
normal communication between network elements. This should be
addressed using network troubleshooting techniques.
• Clear any alarms raised in the network using the published trouble
clearing procedures.

• Verify the software release which is running on all NEs in the network. If
any NE is running an older release, proceed with the appropriate upgrade
procedure to upgrade all NEs to the same software release.
• Verify the OSC equipment and facilities are present and in-service for all
nodes in the network.
• Ensure that no more than 2 DOC sites are present in each domain.
• Verify that all nodes in the network are displayed as expected in the
Visualization tool (Network View). If the Visualization tool is not available
issue the command RTRV-TOPO-OST and verify that all nodes in the
network are listed as expected.
• Contact Nortel Global Product Support for further assistance.
Additional information
CVL 65546 might be seen before this one is generated. CVL 65820 will be
seen after this one.
Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs 2-3
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Unique log Identifier: 65538
Log text
Update remote section routing request to <TID>-<SHELF> timed out,
rem_path <PATH>.
Software area
To p o l o g y
Associated alarms
Following alarm may be present along with this CVL: DOC Invalid Photonic

Description/Probable cause
A time out occurred while trying to send remote section routing message to
node with <TID>-<SHELF> and rem_path <PATH>. This CVL does not
indicate any build failure unless other CVLs along with it indicate any failure.
If that is the case then the probable cause is a communication error between
network elements in the section.
A retry mechanism will ensure that routing message is eventually sent once
the error condition is resolved.
Troubleshooting information
• Determine if all nodes in the network can be accessed. If access is not
available, a condition might exists on the network which is preventing
normal communication between network elements. This should be
addressed using network troubleshooting techniques.
• Clear any alarms raised in the network using the published trouble
clearing procedures.
• Verify the software release which is running on all NEs in the network. If
any NE is running an older release, proceed with the appropriate upgrade
procedure to upgrade all NEs to the same software release.
• Verify the OSC equipment and facilities are present and in-service for all
nodes in the network.
• Ensure that no more than 2 DOC sites are present in each domain.
• Verify that all nodes in the network are displayed as expected in the
Visualization tool (Network View). If the Visualization tool is not available
issue the command RTRV-TOPO-OST and verify that all nodes in the
network are listed as expected.
• Contact Nortel Global Product Support for further assistance.
Additional information
CVL 65549, 65581 might be seen after this one is generated.
2-4 Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs

Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Unique log Identifier: 65540
Log text
"Network Topology Build Failure - ""DOC incorrectly provisioned - Consult
""Network Viewer.")
Software area
Optical Topology
Associated alarms
DOC Invalid Photonic Domain
OTS Provisioning Error
Adjacency Far End Not Discovered
Description/Probable cause
The provisioning data for the Optical Domain is incorrect. The following rules
must be observed when provisioning an Optical Domain:
• There must be two DOC instances per domain.
• The DOC instances must be at the head-end and tail-end of the domain
for linear systems.
• The DOC instances must be at the same site for ring systems.
• There are two valid network paths in the domain, one for each direction. A
network path is valid when the OTSs’ Tx path values in a direction have
the same parity, i.e. all odd or all even values.
Troubleshooting information
• Log in to the shelf where the DOC log was generated.
Site Manager
• Launch the Visualization application from the Tools menu.
• Select the ’Photonic Network" view.

• Click on "Overlays..." and select the "DOC indicator" and the "OSID
indicator" options. Click Ok.
• Verify that there are two DOC instances in the optical domain.
• Verify that the DOC instances are the head-end and tail-end of the domain
if it is a linear configuration.
• Verify that the DOC instances are at the same site if it is a ring
Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs 2-5
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
• Verify that the Tx path values have the same parity for a given direction in
the domain. The Tx path values are shown in the "Optical System
Topology" tab in the Visualization application.
• To add or delete a DOC instance in the optical domain, refer to the "Edit
an OTS instance" procedure to change the "DOC Indicator" parameter
value in the OTS.
• If a Tx path value is incorrect, the OTS instance needs to be deleted and
re-provisioned with the correct value.
• Login to each shelf that has an OTS in the optical doamin and retrieve the
OTS parameters:
• To add or delete a DOC instance on an OTS, edit the "DOC Indicator"
value in the OTS:
<docind>: Y to set as a DOC instance, N to not site as a DOC instance.
• To correct a Tx path value, use the DLT-OTS and ENT-OTS commands to

delete the OTS and re-provision it with the correct Tx path value.
Additional information
2-6 Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Unique log Identifier: 65541
Log text
Network Topology Build Failure - Refer to Section Logs at <TID>-<SHELF>.
Software area
Optical Topology
Associated alarms
DOC Invalid Photonic Domain
Description/Probable cause
A topology problem has been detected in an optical section that starts on the
TID and SHELF identified in the log. For example, the detailed logs might
indicate that the topology could not be built due to an inter-shelf
communication issue or a provisioning error.
Troubleshooting information
Site Manager
Login to the node hosting the DOC for which this log was generated.
Launch the Configuration -> Domain Optical Controller (DOC) application,
and select the DOC instance from the list that is managing the optical section
starting at TID-SHELF.
Click on the "DOC Logs" button. In the DOC Logs window, scroll domain to the
"Section Topology Logs" section and examine the detailed logs for the section

Refer to the troubleshooting section of the detailed logs for more information
on how to resolve the problem.
Login to the node hosting the DOC for which this log was generated.
Use the RTRV-DOC-LOG command to retrieve the DOC logs and examine the
detailed logs for the section TID-SHELF.
Refer to the troubleshooting section of the detailed logs for more information
on how to resolve the problem.
Additional information
Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs 2-7
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Unique log Identifier: 65542
Log text
Network Topology Build Failure - Number of sections in network exceeds the
<Maximum number of sections allowed in a network> allowed.
Software area
To p o l o g y
Associated alarms
DOC Invalid Photonic Domain
Description/Probable cause
A failure occurred while attempting to build the network topology. The build is
failing as the number of sections in the network exceeds the maximum
number of sections allowed in a network. A total of 22 sections is allowed in a

Troubleshooting information
• Reconfigure the network so that the number of sections in it does not
exceed the maximum limit.
• Contact Nortel for more information on performing reconfigurations.
Additional information
2-8 Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Unique log Identifier: 65543
Log text
Network Topology Build Failure.
Software area
To p o l o g y
Associated alarms
DOC Invalid Photonic Domain
Description/Probable cause
A failure occurred while trying to build the network topology.
A retry mechanism will ensure that the channel topology is eventually
discovered once the error condition is resolved.
Troubleshooting information
• Determine if all nodes in the network can be accessed. If access is not
available, a condition might exists on the network which is preventing
normal communication between network elements. This should be
addressed using network troubleshooting techniques.
• Clear any alarms raised in the network using the published trouble

clearing procedures.
• Verify the software release which is running on all NEs in the network. If
any NE is running an older release, proceed with the appropriate upgrade
procedure to upgrade all NEs to the same software release.
• Verify the OSC equipment and facilities are present and in-service for all
nodes in the network.
• Ensure that no more than 2 DOC sites are present in each domain.
• Verify that all nodes in the network are displayed as expected in the
Visualization tool (Network View). If the Visualization tool is not available
issue the command RTRV-TOPO-OST and verify that all nodes in the
network are listed as expected.
• Contact Nortel Global Product Support for further assistance.
Additional information
Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs 2-9
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Unique log Identifier: 65792
Log text
Network Topology Build Failure - Timeout of RoutingSet due to Invalid Path -
Software area
Optical Topology
Associated alarms
DOC Invalid Photonic Domain
The following alarms may also be present:

• OTS Provisioning Error
• Adjacency Far End Not Discovered
Description/Probable cause
The topology application failed to set the routing information on one or more
nodes in the optical domain. This log can be generated when there is a
problem with inter-node communication or when the domain is not
provisioned incorrectly.
Troubleshooting information
Site Manager
• Login to all nodes in the domain. If access is not available, a condition
might exist on the network which is preventing normal communication
between network elements. This should be addressed using network
troubleshooting techniques.
• Launch the Active Alarms application on each node and determine if there
are alarms that indicate a communication failure, such as "OSC Loss of
Signal" or "Adjacency Far End Not Discovered". Refer to the alarm
troubleshooting section for details on clearing any alarm present.
• Launch the "Release Management" application and verify the software
release which is running all nodes in the network. If any node is running
an older release, proceed with the appropriate upgrade procedure to
ensure all nodes are running the same release.
• Launch the "Equipment and Facility" application and verify that the OSC
equipment and facilities are present and in-service for all nodes in the
• Launch the "OTS Management" application and verify that there is no
more than two DOC sites present in each domain.
2-10 Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard

Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
• Launch the "Visualization" tool and verify that all nodes in the network are
displayed as expected.
• Issue the command RTRV-ALM-ALL on each node and determine if there
are alarms that indicate a communication failure, such as "OSC Loss of
Signal" or "Adjacency Far End Not Discovered". Refer to the alarm
troubleshooting section for details on clearing any alarm present.
• Issue the command RTRV-SW-VER to verify the software release which
is running all nodes in the network. If any node is running an older release,
proceed with the appropriate upgrade procedure to ensure all nodes are
running the same release.
• Issue the commands RTRV-EQPT and RTRV-OSC to verify that the OSC
equipment and facilities are present and in-service for all nodes in the
• Issue the command RTRV-TOPO-OST and verify that all nodes in the
domain are listed as expected.
• Issue the command RTRV-OTS and verify that there is no more than two
DOC sites present in each domain.
Additional information
Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs 2-11
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Unique log Identifier: 65793
Log text

Network Topology Build Failure - Timeout of RoutingSet due to Invalid Path -
Software area
Optical Topology
Associated alarms
DOC Invalid Photonic Domain
The following alarms may also be present:
• OTS Provisioning Error
• Adjacency Far End Not Discovered
• OSC Loss of Signal
Description/Probable cause
The topology application failed to set the routing information on one or more
nodes in the optical domain. This log can be generated when:
• there is a problem with inter-node communication, or
• when the domain is not provisioned incorrectly, or
• when there is more than 17 OTS instances in a section.
Troubleshooting information
Site Manager
• Login to all nodes in the domain. If access is not available, a condition
might exist on the network which is preventing normal communication
between network elements. This should be addressed using network
troubleshooting techniques.
• Launch the Active Alarms application on each node and determine if there
are alarms that indicate a communication failure, such as "OSC Loss of
Signal" or "Adjacency Far End Not Discovered". Refer to the alarm
troubleshooting section for details on clearing any alarm present.
• Launch the "Release Management" application and verify the software
release which is running all nodes in the network. If any node is running
an older release, proceed with the appropriate upgrade procedure to
ensure all nodes are running the same release.

2-12 Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
• Launch the "Equipment and Facility" application and verify that the OSC
equipment and facilities are present and in-service for all nodes in the
• Launch the "OTS Management" application and verify that there is no
more than two DOC sites present in each domain.
• Launch the "Visualization" tool and verify that all nodes in the network are
displayed as expected.
• Issue the command RTRV-ALM-ALL on each node and determine if there
are alarms that indicate a communication failure, such as "OSC Loss of
Signal" or "Adjacency Far End Not Discovered". Refer to the alarm
troubleshooting section for details on clearing any alarm present.
• Issue the command RTRV-SW-VER to verify the software release which
is running all nodes in the network. If any node is running an older release,
proceed with the appropriate upgrade procedure to ensure all nodes are
running the same release.
• Issue the commands RTRV-EQPT and RTRV-OSC to verify that the OSC
equipment and facilities are present and in-service for all nodes in the
• Issue the command RTRV-TOPO-OST and verify that all nodes in the
domain are listed as expected.
• Issue the command RTRV-OTS and verify that there is no more than two
DOC sites present in each domain.
Additional information

Domain Optical Controller (DOC) logs 2-13
Optical Multiservice Edge 6500
Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs
323-1851-840 Iss 1 Standard
Release 6.0 Sep 2009
Copyright  2004-2009, Nortel Networks
Unique log Identifier: 65794
Log text
Network Topology Build Failure - Local section data is invalid or unavailable
at <TID>-<SHELF>.
Software area
To p o l o g y
Associated alarms
DOC Invalid Photonic Domain
Description/Probable cause
A failure occurred while trying to build the network topology as local section
data is either invalid or unavailable for the given <TID>-<SHELF>.
A retry mechanism will ensure that the channel topology is eventually
discovered once the error condition is resolved.
Troubleshooting information
• Determine if all nodes in the network can be accessed. If access is not
available, a condition might exists on the network which is preventing
normal communication between network elements. This should be
addressed using network troubleshooting techniques.
• Clear any alarms raised in the network using the published trouble
clearing procedures.
• Verify the software release which is running on all NEs in the network. If
any NE is running an older release, proceed with the appropriate upgrade
procedure to upgrade all NEs to the same software release.

• Verify the OSC equipment and facilities are present and in-service for all
nodes in the network.
• Ensure that no more than 2 DOC sites are present in each domain.
• Verify that all nodes in the network are displayed as expected in the
Visualization tool (Network View). If the Visualization tool is not available
issue the command RTRV-TOPO-OST and verify that all nodes in the
network are listed as expected.
• Contact Nortel Global Product Support for further assistance.
Additional information
CVL 65541 might be seen along with this one.
