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Giải thích từ vựng_IELTS Cambridge 11_ Test 1 the falkirk wheel

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Reading text 2: IELTS Cambridge 11 – Test 1
The Falkirk Wheel

Highlighted vocabulary:

Words & Word Form
Unique (a) / juˈniːk /
 uniquely (adv)

Meaning and/or Examples + Collocations
(1) = being the only one of its kind (độc quyền, chỉ duy
nhất một, độc nhất vô nhị)
• Everyone's fingerprints are unique.
(2) = very special or unusual (khác thường, phi thường,
đáng chú ý)
• a unique talent
• The preview offers a unique opportunity to see the
show without the crowds.
• The deal will put the company in a unique position
to export goods to Eastern Europe.


Ambitious (a) / æmˈbɪʃəs /
 ambitiously (adv)
≠ UNambitious (a)

= needing a lot of effort, money or time to succeed (nhiều,
rất lớn)


Navigable (a) / ˈnævɪɡəbl /
 navigability (n)

= ( of rivers, etc. ) wide and deep enough for ships and
boats to sail on or go through (khả năng đi lại / di chuyển
của tàu thuyền)


Dismantle (v) / dɪsˈmæntl /


Commemorate (v)
/ kəˈmeməreɪt /
 commemoration (n)
/ kəmeməˈreɪʃn /


Numerous (a) / ˈnjuːmərəs /


Eventual (a) / ɪˈventʃuəl /


Notably (adv) / ˈnəʊtəbli /


Propeller (n) / prəˈpelə/

 (n): tình trạng qua lại / di chuyển của tàu thuyền
= to take apart a machine or structure so that it is in
separate pieces (tháo dở)
• I had to dismantle the engine in order to repair it.
• The steel mill was dismantled piece by piece.
= to remind people of an important person or event from
the past with a special action or object (tưởng niệm, tưởng
nhớ, kỷ niệm)
 = an action, or a ceremony, etc. that makes people
remember and show respect for an important person or
event in the past (lễ kỷ niệm, sự kỷ niệm)
= many (nhiều)
• He has been late on numerous occasions.
• The advantages of this system are too numerous
to mention.
• Numerous studies have shown this to be true.
= happening at the end of a period of time or of a process
(cuối cùng)
• the eventual winner of the tournament
• It is impossible to predict what the eventual

outcome will be.
= most importantly, remarkably, especially (nổi bật nhất,
đáng chú ý nhất)
= a device with two or more blades that turn quickly and
cause a ship or an aircraft to move forward (chân vịt)


Ribcage (n) / ˈrɪbkeɪdʒ /

= the structure of curved bones (called ribs ), that
surrounds and protects the chest (xương sườn)


Spine (n) / spaɪn /

= backbone (synonym)
= the row of small bones that are connected together down
the middle of the back (xương sống)


Assemble (v) / əˈsembl /

= to come together as a group; to bring people or things
together as a group (tụ tập, tập họp, lắp ráp)


≠ DISassemble (v) = take apart
Painstaking (a)
/ˈpeɪnzteɪkɪŋ /
 painstakingly (adv)

= thorough (synonym)
= needing a lot of care, effort and attention to detail (chịu
khó, cần cù, cẩn thận, tỉ mỉ)
• painstaking research / student
• The event had been planned with painstaking
attention to detail.
• The building has been painstakingly restored to all

its former elegance.

Bolt (v) / bəʊlt /
Crane (n) / kreɪn /

= to fasten things together with a bolt (chốt lại, siết lại)
= a tall machine with a long arm, used to lift and move
building materials and other heavy objects (cần trục)


Withstand (v) / wɪðˈstænd / withstood - withstood

= resist , stand up to (synonym)
= to be strong enough not to be hurt or damaged by
extreme conditions, the use of force, etc. (chịu đựng, chống
• The materials used have to be able to withstand
high temperatures.
• They had withstood siege, hunger and deprivation.


Immense (a) / ɪˈmens /

= enormous (synonym)
= extremely large or great (mênh mông, bao la, rộng lớn,
vô số, vô kể)
• There is still an immense amount of work to be
• The benefits are immense.
• a project of immense importance


Robust (a) / rəʊˈbʌst /

= sturdy (synonym)
= strong; able to survive being used a lot and not likely to
break (cứng cáp, chắc khỏe, mạnh mẽ)
• a robust piece of equipment


Capacity (n) / kəˈpæsəti /

= the total amount that can be contained or produced or
(especially of a person or organization) the ability to do a
particular thing (sức chứa, có khả năng)
• The stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000.
• a fuel tank with a capacity of 50 litres
• She has a great capacity for hard work.
• Limited resources are restricting our capacity for
developing new products.


Hydraulic (a) / haɪˈdrɔːlɪk /

= operated by or connected or involved the pressure of
water or some other liquid (thuộc về nước, có liên quan


Dock (v) / dɒk /


Revolution (n) /revəˈluːʃn /
 to revolve (v)


Aqueduct (n) /ˈækwɪdʌkt/

đến nước, thủy lực)
= if a ship docks or you dock a ship, it sails into a harbour
and stays there (đậu, cập bến, neo đậu)
= a complete circular movement around a point (vòng
• the revolution of the earth around the sun
= a structure for carrying water, usually one built like a
bridge across a valley or low ground (cầu máng nước, cầu
máng dẫn nước)
