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ePROJECT National Level Paper Presentation FPT APTECH

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Centre Name: ACE-HCMC-3-FPT

National Level Paper Presentation

Group Member

LE THANH BINH - Student635001
VUONG QUOC HUNG - Student557205
LE TUAN AN - Student556489
NGUYEN TAT THIEN - Student556203
TRAN NHUT QUANG - Student522237

Group Name

Group 6


Trang Hong Son





Ho Chi Minh City, 01/2013

Project: National Level Paper Presentation

Document: Development Guide

Approved by: Faculty

This is to certify that

LE THANH BINH ...............................................Student635001
VUONG QUOC HUNG ......................................Student557205
LE TUAN AN ....................................................Student556489
NGUYEN TAT THIEN .........................................Student556203
TRAN NHUT QUANG ........................................Student522237

Has successfully Designed and Developed.

National Level Paper Presentation
Submitted by: Le Thanh Binh
Date of issue: 15 – Jan – 2013
Authorized Signature:
Binh Le


Project Team: 06

Prepared by: All members

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Project: National Level Paper Presentation

Document: Development Guide

Approved by: Faculty

National Level Paper Presentation...........................................................................................1
National Level Paper Presentation...........................................................................................2
REVIEW 1..................................................................................................................................3
CHECKLISTS......................................................................................................................... 83

and Customer Requirement

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Project: National Level Paper Presentation


Document: Development Guide

Approved by: Faculty


We would like to acknowledge all those who have given moral support and helped us make
the project a success.
We wish to express our gratitude to the eProject Team at the Head Office, who guided and
helped us. Particular thanks to Mr. Trang Hong Son, who suggested the "debugging is
parallelizable" formulation, and helped to develop the analysis that proceeds from it. I would
also like to express my gratitude to all the student members of my centre (HCM, Aptech Fat3)
for not only providing me with the opportunity to work with them on this project, but also for
their support and encouragement throughout the process.
Although, there have been many attempted but by the time the limited practice should
not be able to avoid the mistakes and omissions. Hope is the understanding of eProject Team
at the Head Office. And finally, we would like to offer many thanks to all my friends for their
valuable suggestions and constructive feedback.



KSC Technology and Sciences is the educational university which runs the classes for
the categories like Engineering, Pharmaceutical sciences, Literature, etc. It is one of the

famous universities in the country. They generally conduct Paper Presentations at state level
and national level. They also conduct seminars, Techno-Feat, etc. so as to entertain the
students in the technical back grounds.



Each time when they conduct seminars, symposiums, or paper presentation, etc. they
used to send the invitations for the participation of the students of other colleges, etc. so that
the knowledge of the student can be enhanced and at the same time, the students who does
not belong to this university can also have the opportunity in participating in these activities.
While sending the invitations to the other colleges, universities, they quote some
registration fees for the gate pass and also they will provide the details like the topics for
which seminars or paper presentations or symposiums or techno-feats are conducted. For the
seminars and the Techno-feats they also provide the names of the speakers who are
conducting or providing this. Along with the invitation they also send the format of
application, which is to be filled and sent back to the address as mentioned in the invitation
for participating in the activities.
In general to participate in these activities, the students who do not belong to this
university send their requests by filling in the application form as per the format sent and
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Project: National Level Paper Presentation

Document: Development Guide

Approved by: Faculty

send it along with the payment through courier or directly dropping it at the address in
personal. In case of the Paper presentations, along with the courier, they also used to submit
both the soft copy and the hard copy, so that they can reach the mentioned address before
the end date of the participation. After sending these copies, they used to verify and then
finalize which students are to be participated in this paper presentation. The selection is
purely based on the technology (like mostly they prefer the new implementations in the
technology, etc.).
Now they want to provide a facility where the participants can register themselves
online and as well the invitation can be displayed directly online itself in the specific portal.
Once they are registered online they can send the details of the payment along with the print
out of the application along with the signature of the participant and for the paper
presentation, the hard copy of the paper presentation will be sent along with it. So they have
approached us in order to help them.
They want that the following steps to be incorporated in the website.
There should be a logo indicating the brand of the institute on all the web pages.
(Note: the logo can be of any institution or it can be designed by your own as well)
On the home page of the website the details of the upcoming activities, and the
winners of the recent activity conducted is to be displayed. Also the details of the
participants like how many are registered for the recent or for the latest activity conducted
can be displayed on the home page.
The user can also create the account with the website, with his/her personal mail
id. So that if any activity is going to be launched a mail will be marked to the mail id that is
mentioned during the time of registration with the site.

When a user tries to access the link of the activity like symposium, seminar,
techno-feat, etc. He/she should be able to view the details like
• Date and time of conducting
• The procedure for applying for the participation
• The fees details
• Payment options
• Eligibility criteria
• Speakers name or guest’s name
• Topics on which the activity is performed
• Prize details if any
• Address for sending the applications for the participation
• Terms and conditions, etc.
The navigation bar should include the following
• Home Page
• Login Page
• Application or enroll Page
• Update/Edit Page
• Subscribe Page (through this one can create the account) and unsubscribe

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Document: Development Guide

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• Page (through this one can deactivate the account created)
• About Us Page
• Contact Information Page

Through Login page, users and admin can login.
Through the Enroll page one can enroll or apply for symposiums, seminars, TechnoFeat, etc.
Through Un-Enroll for an event (symposiums/seminars/Techno-Feat)
Through Subscribe Page one can subscribe for the mailing lists and create the
account with the site.
Through Unsubscribe Page one can subscribe for the mailing lists.
Through Update page that is available after login one can Manage Personal
It should also include the About Us and Contact information.
The payment options to be included are
• Payment through Demand Draft
• Payment through Cheque
• Payment by cash
The application can be done in both the ways
• Online application

Note: The payment can be sent through the courier or dropped at the address. Once the
payment is cleared, then only the enrollment will be activated.

• Taking the print out of the application and filling it up and sending it through
courier to the address mentioned.



4.1- User subcribe:
- Require loged in.
- Select subcribe on menu bar.
- Select categories of event that you prefer and want to get news.
- Add UserID and CategoryID to table EmailRecieverEventCategory.
- User receiver email for each news.

4.2- User enroll on online system:
- User ID (User must loged in)
- Event ID (user can search by event info)
- Add user ID and event info to database (table EnrollEvent)
- Details of enrollment with printing support.

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Project: National Level Paper Presentation

Document: Development Guide

Approved by: Faculty

4.3- Employee create enrollment for user:
- Case 1: Users go to the university to register directly. The employee creates
enrollment for them.
- Case 2: Users send the enrollment (hard copy) to the university. The employee
creates the enrollment for them.
- Employee enter user info to create enrollment form. When he enter email, program
check the existence of this email. If this email isn’t existed, new user will create and
user info is send to this email, otherwise, the user info has this email auto fill to this
- The enrollment for user

4.4- Payment:
- Enrollment info.

- The employee searches the enrollment by enrollment info and changes payment
- The status of enrollment is paid. (IsPayment field on EnrollEvent = true).

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Document: Development Guide

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5.1- Hardware & OS
1. A minimum computer system that will help you access all the tools in the courses
is a Pentium 166 or better.
2. 64 Megabytes of RAM or better.
3. Windows 98 (or higher if possible).
4. Java Virtual Machine.

5.2- Software

Notepad/HTML editor/Java editor
Dream weaver/JavaScript
j2sdk1.4.1_02 (or later) / .Net / J2EE
JSP / Servlets
EJB / Struts
SQL Server 2000 (or later) / Oracle 9i / MS Access
JDBC Driver

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Document: Development Guide

Approved by: Faculty

Ref. No.

Project Name:





Date of Preparation of Activity Plan

National Level Paper



Team member


Problem Definition &










Signature of Team Leader

Signature of Instructor

Le Thanh Binh

Trang Hong Son

Project Team: 06

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Project: National Level Paper Presentation

Document: Development Guide

Approved by: Faculty

Analysis & Design

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Project: National Level Paper Presentation

Document: Development Guide

Approved by: Faculty

The standard 3-tier architecture consists of presentation and application logic in the
client, application and business logic in a middle tier application server, and data managed by
database servers in the 3rd tier. The application is typically controlled by user interface in the
client with substantial application processing taking place in the middle tier application server.
The middle tier code typically drives 3rd tier data queries, updates, and transactions and
implements shared business logic. Data manipulation performed by the application is typically
done on object representations of 3rd tier data fetched through queries, or through data
manipulation APIs or SQL code that operates in the database server.

From actual operation of the leaning and management, the entities are identified and
must be stored are:

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Project: National Level Paper Presentation

Document: Development Guide

Approved by: Faculty

6.1- Requirements Storage:

Information about Users (such as the user id, password of the user, role of user,
full name, email, address, phone number etc).
Information about Role of User (role id, role name).
Information about Events (event id, event name, category of event, date of
created, date of begin, date of end, address, fees detail, prize, image intro, details
Information about Categories (category id, category name).
Information about Enrollment for an event (enroll id, event id, user id, date of
Information about Winners (winner id, enroll id, date of paid, payment option,
Information about Payment Option (option id, option name).
Information about Subcribes for the mailing lists (subcribe id, category id, user id).

6.2- Requirements Functions:
a) Function of the User:
• Create the account with the website.
• Login to the website.
• Update user information himself/herself.

• View list of events and details of an event.
• Enroll or Unenroll for an event.
• Subcribe or Unsubcribe for the mailing lists.
b) Function of the Admin:
• Login to administrator pages.
• Manage Users.
• Manage UserRole.
• Manage Categories.
• Manage Events.
• Manage Enrollments.
• Manage Subcribes.
• Manage PaymentOption.
• Send email to any users.
• Update the About Us and Contact information.
c) Function of the Employee:
• Login to administrator pages.
• Create enrollment for the end-user.
• Update information of end-user.
• Send email to any users.
• Implement payment for winners.

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Document: Development Guide

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7.1- DFD Level 0: Context diagram

Figure 1. DFD Context diagram

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7.2- DFD Level 1: Website process

Figure 2. DFD Website process

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7.2.1- DFD Level 1.1: Event management

Figure 3. DFD Event management

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7.2.2- DFD Level 1.2: Enrollment management

Figure 4. DFD Enrollment management

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7.2.3- DFD Level 1.3: Subcribes management

Figure 5. DFD Subcribes management

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7.2.4- DFD Level 1.3: User management

Figure 6. DFD User management

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Figure 7: Flow Chart for Login Object

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Figure 8: Flow Chart for Add Object

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Figure 9: Flow Chart for Edit Object

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Figure 10: Flow Chart for Delete Object

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Figure 11: Flow Chart for Search Object

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9.1- ACTOR:

Actor Name



1. Create the account with the website.
2. Login to the website.
3. Update user formation himself/herself.
4. View list of events and details of an event.

5. Enroll or Unenroll for an event.
6. Subcribe or Unsubcribe for the mailing lists.
1. Login to administrator pages.
2. Manage Users.
3. Manage UserRole.
4. Manage Categories.
5. Manage Events.
6. Manage Enrollments.
7. Manage Subcribes.
8. Manage PaymentOption.
9. Send email to any users.
10. Implement payment for winners.
11. Update the About Us and Contact information.
1. Login to administrator pages.
2. Create enrollment for the end-user.
3. Update information of end-user.
4. Add new winner of an event.
5. Send email to any users.
6. Implement payment for winners.



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