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Giáo án Anh 8
Giáo án Anh 8
. Preparing date:/..4.../11 / 2005........
Period: 30.
A. Objectives:
I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the format of
a friendly letter and practice writing a letter to a friend.
II.Skills: writing, reading and speaking.
III.Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, textbook and posters .
I. Class-organization: check-attendance(1m)
II .Checking-up: Newwords and read the text , answer the questions(5ms)
III.New- lesson:
Time Teacher's activities Ss' activities

Warm - up: Chatting:
-Asking Ss some questions dealing
with writing a letter.
-Have you ever written to
-To whom do you usually write ?
-What do you often write about?
A-Pre- writing:
I Pre - teach vocabulary:
-Lunar New year Festival :lễ tết

nguyên đán.
-to be pleased : hài lòng, vui lòng.
-result /ri'slt/ (n):kết quả, hậu quả.
-to celebrate /'selibreit /(v) :làm lễ
kỷ niệm.
-enjoyable (adj):thú vị.
-to regard :nhìn, để ý, lưu tâm.
-regards: lời thăm hỏi thân thiết
T reads first

II. Checking vocabulary: What
and Where.
-Asking Ss to put the parts of the
letter in the correct order.
A.Body of the letter.
B.Heading ( writer's address and
date )
Ss answer the questions.
Ss copy down
Ss repeat in chorus and then
Ss work in pairs to discuss.
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Giáo án Anh 8
Giáo án Anh 8
C.Closing ( Your friend / regards /
love )

D.Opening ( Dear ….)
T corrects.
-Having Ss read the letter carefully
and then ask Ss to answer the
IV. Comprehension questions:
1.Who write the letter ? to whom?
2.What are there in the heading?
3.What is the main part of the
4.What did Hoa receive a few days
5.Which subject is she good at?
6.Where is she going to celebrate
the Lunar New Year Festival?
B.While - writing:
-Asking Ss to use the information
in the box to help Lan write a letter
to her penpal in San Francisco.
T asks Ss to write their answers on
the board.
T corrects
Ss order.
1.Heading ( writer's address and
date )
2.Opening ( Dear…….)
3.Body of the letter.
4.Closing ( regards / your friend /
love ).
.Ss read the letter and then

answer the questions.
1.Hoa wrote the letter, and to
2.There are writer's address and
date in the heading.
3.The main part of the letter is
body of the letter.
4.She received her first semester
report a few days ago.
5.She is good at Sciene, English
and History.
6.She is going to Hue to celebrate
the festival with her
Ss write the letter individually.
Lan's address.
Dear Donna,
Thanks for your letter. I'm
pleased to hear you had an happy
Mother's day.
I received my second semester
report last month. I got good
grades for Geography, Physics
and Math, but my English and
Hisory results were poor. My
teacher told me to improve
English and History. I think I'll
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Giáo án Anh 8

Giáo án Anh 8
5ms' C.Post -writing:
T asks Ss to compare format of VN
letter and English letter.
have to study harder next school
In a few weeks we are going to
celebrate the Mid-Autumn
Festival .That's a moon festival in
Autumn or Fall in Vietnam.I'm
going to Ha long Bay with my
aunt and uncle by bus this
afternoon and I'm going to stay
there with them until after the
festival. I'll send you a postcard
from there.
Write soon and tell me all your
Ss give the idea.
IV. Consolidation(2ms)
-Asking Ss to read newwords again .
-Learning newwords by heart.
-Preparing language focus and write the letter in your note - book..
-Doing exercise 7 in workbook.
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