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Group Assignment Brief_Spring 2016

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Assignment Brief

Spring 2016

Level BA

BA Business Administration
Integrated Marketing Communication

Title of Brief: Group Project

This assignment is a formal
element of coursework worth
25%of the overall unit mark

Deliver a 4000 words report according to this procedure:
1. Select an integrated marketing communications campaign. (You can start by browsing
“marketing case study” on Youtube or />2. Critically analyse the components of the campaign with specific reference to brand building.
Your analysis should aim to understand and (if appropriate) criticise the reason behind the
campaign creators’ choice (with strong evidences), not simply listing out what were used.
3. Provide amendment on the communications plan with supporting rationale/theory in line
with your critical analysis.
No groups should choose the same campaign.

1. Group presentation: 50%
2. Group report:
3. Creative product:

Presentation Skills/Professionalism (25%)
Confidence-inspiring presentation with high
energy levels with an ability to engage the
audience with good team dynamics.
Desire to win the business clearly shown and
appropriate pace of delivery..
Good use of voices, body language and
presenting space.
Professional PP slides that are clear and free of
typographical and grammatical errors.
Questions answered confidently, explicitly and

Presentation/Professionalism (15%):
Desire to win the business clearly shown
Attractive, professional-looking report with
attention clearly paid to format and design
Excellent use of written English.
Easy to navigate and written as agency to
potential client with correct tone.

Structure (10%)
Logical, easy to follow structure starting with
agency introduction.
Full plan/campaign presented including
communication channels used, evaluation of

Structure (10%)
Logical, easy to follow structure including both an
executive summary and an agency introduction.
Full plan/campaign presented including media
used, evaluation of success and a conclusion to

success and conclusion of the pitch.
Evidence of a clear theme (big idea) running

the report
Evidence of a clear theme running throughout

Analysis and Research (40%)
Depth and evidence of company and market
research. Primary research must be present with
communication of research methodology used.
Clear application of academic theory.
Key research findings communicated clearly and
credibly and fully analysed.
Attention to detail in determining the key issues
to be tackled and strength of insights offered to
client (beyond the obvious)
Clear development of insights from the research
leading to the big idea.

Analysis and Research (45%)
Depth and evidence of the company and market
research. Primary research must be present with

communication of research methodology used.
Clear application of academic theory.
Key research findings communicated clearly and
credibly and fully analysed.
Attention to detail in determining the key issues
to be tackled and strength of insights offered to
client (beyond the obvious)
Clear development of insights from the research
leading to the big idea.

Recommendations (25%)
A strategic plan that is demonstrably integrated
and meets the key issues and communications
objectives with a clearly communicated big idea.
Photos of indicative creative for all media

Recommendations (30%):
A strategic plan that is demonstrably integrated
and meets the key issues and communications
objectives with a clearly communicated big idea
Photos of indicative creative for all media

Each group has to submit a Report of maximum 4000 words (+/- 10%)excluding appendix. You will
then deliver a 30 minutes Presentation on the result of your project followed by 15 minutes Q&A.
You might consider the following guidelines for your report structure. This piece of work should also
have a clear theoretical underpinning from your analysis and recommendation.

1. Title page:This makes the first impression. It should have the company’s name (and logo) of
the company or not-for-profit organisation. The date the project is turned in (DUE DATE), your
name and total wordcount.
2. Brief introduction of theorganisation/ company
3. Campaign context analysis
- SWOT analysis
4. Organisation/ company’s communication objectives
5. Description of the current campaign
Evidence of the campaign
6. Critical Analysis of the campaign using communication process
Analyse the success and failure of campaign
Recommended amendment on the IMC Plan


Report & Presentation:

Wednesday, 20th of April 2016

Late submission will be deduced 10% for each day of lateness. After 3 days no more
submission will be allowed and you will receive an automatic 0. Your feedback and mark
for this assignment will be available after a working week.
Questions arising from this assignment can be raised during lecture time or email me–
If you have specific problems regarding group work or group members
please discuss these with me as early as possible.
• You must acknowledge your source every time you refer to others’ work, using the Harvard Referencing

system (Author Date Method). Failure to do so amounts to plagiarism which is against University regulations

and would be graded as 0.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this assignment brief is correct at time of
publication. In the unlikely event that any changes are deemed necessary, they will be
communicated clearly via e-mail and a new version of this assignment brief will be

Version: 1
