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Hình thức của Mạo từ xác định "the"(Definite Article)
The dùng cho cả danh từ đếm được (số ít lẫn số nhiều) và danh từ không đếm được.
Ví dụ:
- The truth (sự thật)
- The time (thời gian)
- The bicycle (một chiếc xe đạp)
- The bicycles (những chiếc xe đạp)
Dùng mạo từ xác định
1/ Khi vật thể hay nhóm vật thể là duy nhất hoặc được xem là duy nhất
Ví dụ:
- The sun (mặt trời); the sea (biển cả)
- The world (thế giới); the earth (quả đất)
2/ Trước một danh từ, với điều kiện danh từ này vừa mới được đề cập trước đó.
Ví dụ:
- I saw a beggar.The beggar looked curiously at me.
(Tôi thấy một người ăn xin. Người ăn xin ấy nhìn tôi với vẻ tò mò)
3/ Trước một danh từ, với điều kiện danh từ này được xác định bằng một cụm từ hoặc một
mệnh đề.
Ví dụ:
- The girl in uniform (Cô gái mặc đồng phục)
- The mechanic that I met (Người thợ máy mà tôi đã gặp)
- The place where I waited for him (Nơi mà tôi đợi anh ta)
4/ Trước một danh từ chỉ một vật riêng biệt
Ví dụ:
- My father is working in the garden
- (Cha tôi đang làm việc trong vườn) [Vườn nhà tôi]
- Please pass the dictionary (Làm ơn đa quyển tự điển) [Tự điển ở trên bàn]
5/ Trước so sánh cực cấp, Trước first (thứ nhất), second (thứ nhì), only (duy nhất).... khi
các từ này được dùng như tính từ hay đại từ.
Ví dụ:

- The first day (ngày đầu tiên)
- The best time (thời gian thuận tiện nhất)
- The only way (cách duy nhất)
- The first to discover this accident (người đầu tiên phát hiện tai nạn này)

6/ The + Danh từ số ít tượng trưng cho một nhóm thú vật hoặc đồ vật
Ví dụ:
- The whale is in danger of becoming extinct (Cá voi đang trong nguy cơ tuyệt chủng)
- The fast food has made life easier for housewives.(Thức ăn nhanh đã làm cho các bà nội trợ có
cuộc sống dễ dàng hơn)
7/ The có thể dùng Trước một thành viên của một nhóm người nhất định
Ví dụ:
- The small shopkeeper is finding business increasingly difficult (Giới chủ tiệm nhỏ thấy việc
buôn bán ngày càng khó khăn)
8/ The + Danh từ số ítdùng Trước một động từ số ít. Đại từ là He / She /It
Ví dụ:
- The first-class passenger pays more so that he enjoys some comfort.
(Hành khách đi vé hạng nhất trả tiền nhiều hơn để hưởng tiện nghi thoải mái)
9/ The + Tính từtượng trưng cho một nhóm người
Ví dụ:
-The old (người già); the rich and the poor (người giàu và người nghèo)
10/ The dùng Trước những danh từ riêng chỉ biển, sông, quần đảo, dãy núi, tên gọi số
nhiều của các nước, sa mạc, miền
Ví dụ:
- The Pacific (Thái Bình Dương);The Netherlands (Hà Lan)
- The Crimea (Vùng Crimê); The Alps (dãy Alps)
11/ The cũng đứng Trước những tên gọi gồm Danh từ + of + danh từ
Ví dụ:
- The Gulf of Mexico (Vịnh Mêhicô)

- The United States of America (Hiệp chủng quốc Hoa Kỳ).
Nhưng người ta lại nói:
- South Africa (Nam Phi), North America (Bắc Mỹ), West Germany (Tây Đức),mặc dù The
north of Spain (Bắc Tây Ban Nha), The Middle East (Trung Đông); The West (Tây Phương)
12 The + họ (ở số nhiều)nghĩa là Gia đình ...
Ví dụ:The Smiths = Gia đình Smith (vợ chồng Smith và các con)

Không dùng mạo từ xác định

1/ Trước tên quốc gia, tên châu lục, tên núi, tên hồ, tên đờng.
Ví dụ:
Europe (Châu Âu), South America (Nam Mỹ), France (Pháp quốc), Downing Street (Phố
2/ Khi danh từ không đếm được hoặc danh từ số nhiều dùng theo nghĩa chung nhất, chứ
không chỉ riêng trường hợp nào.
Ví dụ:
- I don't like French beer (Tôi chẳng thích bia của Pháp)
- I don't like Mondays (Tôi chẳng thích ngày thứ hai)
3/ Trước danh từ trừu tượng, trừ phi danh từ đó chỉ một trường hợp cá biệt.
Ví dụ:
- Men fear death (Con người sợ cái chết)
- The death of the President made his country acephalous (cái chết của vịtổng thống đã khiến cho
đất nước ông không có người lãnh đạo).
4/ Sausở hữu tính từ(possessive adjective) hoặc sau danh từ ở sở hữu cách(possessive case) .
Ví dụ:
- My friend, chứ không nói My the friend
- The girl's mother = the mother of the girl (Mẹ của cô gái)
5/ Trước tên gọi các bữa ăn.

Ví dụ:
-They invited some friends to dinner.
(Họ mời vài người bạn đến ăn tối)
- The wedding breakfast was held in a beautiful garden
(Bữa tiệc cưới được tổ chức trong một khu vườn xinh đẹp)
6/ Trước các tước hiệu.
Ví dụ:
- President Roosevelt (Tổng thống Roosevelt)
- King Louis XIV of France (Vua Louis XIV của Pháp)
7/ Trong các trường hợp sau đây:
- Women are always fond of music (Phụ nữ luôn thích âm nhạc)
- Come by car/by bus (Đến bằng xe ôtô/xe búyt)

- In spring/in autumn (Vào mùa xuân/mùa thu), last night (đêm qua), next year(năm tới), from
beginning to end (từ đầu tới cuối), from left to right (từ trái sang phải).
- To play golf/chess/cards (chơi gôn/ đánh cờ/đánh bài)
Lưu ý
- Nature mang nghĩa "Tự nhiên , thiên nhiên " thì không dùng the.
Ví dụ:
+ According to the laws of nature (Theo quy luật tự nhiên)
+ They couldn't tolerate city life anymore and went back to nature(Họ không chịu nổi đời sống
thành thị nữa và trở về với thiên nhiên)
- He listened to the radio(Anh ta nghe rađiô), nhưng He watchedtelevision(Anh ta xem TV) ;
hoặc He heard it on the radio(Anh ta nghe được việc đó trên rađiô), nhưng He saw it on TV(Anh
ta thấy việc đó trên TV).
- Go home/get home (Đi về nhà), be at home (™ nhà), nhưng They returned to the brideg room's
home(Họ trở lại nhà chú rể).Go to bed/hospital/church/school/ work/prison (Đi ngủ/đi nằm bệnh
viện/đi lễ/đi học/đi làm/ đi tù), nhưng They went to the school to see their children's teacher(Họ

đến trường để gặp thầy của con họ) & Thepriest goes to the jail topray for the two dying
prisoners(Linh mục đến nhà tù để cầu nguyện cho hai người tù đang hấp hối) & She will get a
bus at the church (Cô ta sẽ đón xe búyt ở chỗ nhà thờ).Nói chung, không thể thiếu The nếu đến
trường không phải để học, đến nhà tù không phải để ở tù hoặc đến nhà thờ không phải .

Exercise 1: Filling the articles in the blanks
1.This is..........beautiful painting. Does..........artist live near here?
2. I bought..........new toothbrush his morning and I can't find it. I'm sure I put it
3. Can you get..........fresh cream cake when you go out?..........shop on..........corner
usually sells it.
4. It's.......... very nice school and ..........teachers are all very hard-working.
5. "Look! There's ..........cat in ..........garden." "Yes, it's ..........cat from next door."
6. There's.......... man at ..........door. He wants to see you.
7. We stayed in.......... very nice hotel. ..........room was comfortable and ..........food was
8. I bought ..........new jacket last week but yesterday two of ..........buttons came off. I'm
taking it back to ..........shop.

9. I had ..........bath this morning but ..........water was a bit cold.
10. I was at ..........airport, waiting for ..........friend to arrive.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer
1. What was……………..music you were playing when I came in?
a. a b. an c. the d. 0
2. It is……………..best restaurant in ……………..Lyon , but it is too expensive to eat there
very often.
a. the/a b. a/an c. 0/the d. the/0

3. I like ……………..weather in Florida in……………..March.
a. 0/0 b. the/0 c. a/the d. the/a
4. ……………..Australia is a member of……………..Europe Union.
a. 0/the b. an/an c. an/the d. the/an
5. In my spare time, I play……………..guitar and collect……………..stamps.
a. the/the b. the/0 c. 0/0 d. 0/the
6. John is . ……………..English. He comes from……………..United Kingdom.
a. the/an b. an/an c. 0/0 d. 0/the
7.He has worked as ……………..MC for three months.
a. a b. an c. the d. 0
8. Can you imagine how human life will be in ……………..future?
a. a b. an c. the d. 0
9. ……………..Pacific is ……………..largest ocean in ……………..world.
a. The/the/the b. An/the/0 c. The/an/the d. 0/the/the
10. Our country will have ……………..space shuttle to ……………..moon
……………..next month.
a. a/the/the b. a/the/0 c. the/0/the d. 0/the/a
11. Who is……………..first spaceman to travel into ……………..space?
a. the/0 b. the/the c. a/a d. a/the
12. I have just bought……………..HP printer, which is better than ……………..one my
mother gave me.
a. 0/the b. the/an c. an/the d. a/0
13. Can you give me……………..explanation for your failure?
a. a b. an c. the d. 0
14. Don’t look at ……………..sun with your bear eyes.
a. a b. an c. the d. 0
15. What is ……………..biggest desert in ……………..world?
a. the/0 b. the/an c. 0/the d. the/the
16. It is great to learn ……………..English on ……………..Internet.
a. 0/the b. the/an c. an/the d. 0/0

17. John goes to……………..school by……………..bus everyday.
a. the/a b. a/the c. an/the d. 0/0
19. He was……………..honest, hard-working lawyer but he hated……………..job.
a. a/0 b. an/the c. the/a d. 0/0
20. ……………..Pacific Ocean is……………..largest body of water on the Earth.
a. The/0 b. 0/the c. The/the d. 0/0
21. The lines at……………..cinema were very long, so I had to wait for ……………..long
a. the/a b. 0/n c. the/0 d. 0/the
22. John were here……………..hour ago. Now, he has gone to Paris on
a. a/the b. an/0 c. the/a d. an/the
23. Listen! Dennis is playing……………..trumpet.
a. a b. an c. the d. 0
24. How about going to……………..Netherlands next……………..summer?
a. 0/0 b. the/the c. the/0 d. 0/the
25. He went to ……………..United States to learn……………..computer science.
a. 0/0 b. an/the c. the/0 d. the/a
26. He has……………..good knowledge of computers.
a. a b. an c. the d. 0
27. ……………..flower gets its smell from……………..oil that the plant produces.
a. The/an b. A/the c. 0/0 d. A/an
28. ……………..cattle raising began in Texas before……………..Civil War.
a. 0/0 b. 0/the c. A/the d. The/0
29. Whe I was at……………..Cambridge University , I study……………..physics.
a. 0/0 b. the/the c. the/a d. 0/the
30. At …………..beginning of the twentieth century, Los Angeles became…………..popular
immigrant destination.

a. the/a b. 0/the c. 0/0 d. an/the
31. ……………..amazing thing happened to me yesterday. ……………..man mistook me for
his girlfriend.
a. The/An b. An/A c. A/The d. The/0
32. Someone who saw ……………. robbery called the police.
a. a b. the c. an d. 0
33. “Is there anybody else in …………….waiting-room?” – “Yes, …………….man wants to
speak to you.”
a. a/ the b/ the/ the c. the/a d. a/a
34. Could you open…………….door, please? I see …………….girl knocking.
a. the/a b. a/ the c. the/ the d. a/a
35. He lives in …………….south of …………….Australia.
a. a/the b. the/0 c. the/ a d. 0/ 0

36. …………….English Channel is between …………….Great Britain and
a. 0/0/0 b. 0/the/0 c. The/ the/0 d. The/0/0
37. …………….Mississipi is …………….longest river in …………….USA.
a. 0/the/the b. The/ the/ the c. 0/the/0 d. The/the/0
38. Do you open listen to …………….radio or watch …………….TV?
a. the/ the b. 0/the c. 0/0 d. the/0
39. He is …………….last one to come and …………….first one to leave.
a. the/ the b. a/ 0 c. an/ a d. the/ a
40. …………….Smiths are all fond of drawing.
a. A b. The c. 0 d. One
41. …………….Philipine Island are to …………….south-east of Vietnam.
a. The/ a b. A/ the c. The/ the d. 0/0
Exercise 3: Choose the most suitable answer
1.The cinema was almost empty. There were .................. people there.

a. a little

b. many

c. much

d. few

2.Don’t worry. We’ve got ............... time to have coffee.
a. a little

b. many

c. a few

d. little

3.This homework has .............. problems.
a. the three kinds

b. three kinds of

c. the three kinds

d. three kinds

4.A kid drinks ............. milk everyday.
a. much

b. a few

c. a lot of

d. many

5.Helen didn’t read .......... novels last week.
a. much

b. any

c. a few

d. some

6.Would you try ................. champagne?
a. a little

b. little

c. few

d. a few

7.She has read ............... interesting book.
a. the

b. an

c. a

d, any

8.John Gilbert was a patient . He was ................
a. a sick

b. an ill

c. a sick man

d. not in a hurry

9.The Atlantic is ......................
a. a canal

b. a sea

c. an ocean

d. a lake

10.The songs are popular .............. like them
a. people

b. the folk

c the people

d. many people

11.That was a family of ...................
a. a prosperity

b. the prosperity

c. the prosperous

d. prosperity

12....................... youngest boy has just started going ............ school.
a. the/ x

b. a/ x

c. x/ the

d . an/ x

13........................ eldest boy is at ............... college.
a. The /the

b .An/ the

c. The /x

d. a/ the

14.She lives in ................... top floor of an old house.
a. an

b . any

c. a

d, the

15.She had .............. very bad night, she didn’t sleep .............. wish.
a. a/ a

b, an/ a

c. a / an

d. an/ an

16............. person suffering from................... shock should not be given anything to drink.
a. An/ the

b. A/ x

c. A / the

d. A/ any

17.You’ll get .,............ shock if you touch ............. live wire with that screwdriver.
a.a/ a

b. an/ a

c . an/ the

d. the/ the

18.Mr Smith is .............. old customer and ............ honest man.
a. the/ an

b. an / the

c. an/ an

d. the/ the

19.Do you go to ............... prison to visit him?
a. the

b. x

c. a

d. an

20.On ................... Sundays my father stays in bed, reading................. Sunday papers.
a. the/ the

b. a/ the

c , x/the

d. the/a

21.My mother goes to .................... church in ................. morning.
a. the/ x

b. the/ the

c. x/ the

d. a church/ a.

22.And in .................... afternoon goes to visit .................. friends.
a. the/ any

b. the/x

c. an/ an

d. the/ the

23.I have ............ little money left, let’s have dinner in ............ restaurant.
a. some/ the

b. a / the

c. the/ a

d. a / a

24................ man is .............. reasoning animal.
a. x/ a

b. the/ a

c. x/ an

d. a/ the

25.Like many women, she loves .............. tea parties and ............. gossip
a. some/ the


c . a lot of/ the

d. x/ a

26.If ............ letters arrive for me , can you send them to this address?
a. some

b. many

c. any

d. much

27.Buy some pears if you see ...................
a. any

b. a few

c. anything

d. some

c. anything

d. nothing

28.The boy refused to tell me ...............
a. something

b. everything

29.Ann used to ride a motorcycle up and down ........... road early in .............. mornsing
a. a / the

b. the/ a

c. the/ the

d. the/ an

30.I am on night duty. When you go to ................ bed , I go to .............. work.
a. a/ the

b. x/ x

c. a/ x

d. the/ x

31.He switched on ........ ...... torch, read................. meter.
a. the/ a

b. the/ the

c. a/ the

d. a/ a

c. a / the

d. A moon

32.................. is a star....................
a. The moon

b. moons

33.Hanoi is ....................... capital of Viet Nam.
a. a

b. x

c. an

d. the

34.She visited .............. France and ............. United States last month.

a. x/ the

b. the/ the

c. the/ x

d. x/ x

35.The murder was taken to .................. prison.
a. a

b. x

c. an

d. the

36.Rarely did .............. pass the exam.
a. someone

b. anyone

c. nobody

d. noone

37.The Smiths has a ................ baby.
a. two- year- old
year- old

b. two – year – older

c. two –years – old

d. the two-

38.She said that she was going to give you ............. information .
a. some of

b. some

c. any

d. an

39..................... are allowed in the city center.
a. None motorcycles b. No motorcycles

c. None of motorcycles

40.My mother goes to .......... school to meet my sister’s teacher.
a. x

b. a

c. the

d. an

d. No motorcycle

41.Mr Smith was holding a lighted match at ..............time of ........ explosion.
a. the/ x

b. x/ the

c. the/ the

d. the/ an

42.He said thar he had had .............. book but that it had been burnt in ............ fire .
a. the/ the

b. a/ the

c. a/ a

d. the/ a

43.Peter thinks that this is quite ............. cheap restaurant.
a. a.

b. the

c. an

d. any

44.To prevent ............... possible repition of this accdent, I lent him...........torch.

a. a/ an

b. the/ a

c. a/ a

d. the/ the

45.There’ll always be a conflict between ................. old and .............. young .
a. the/ the

b. an / the

c. an /a

d. the/a

46.The lioness bit him in ............. leg.
a. a

b. an

c. the

d. his

47.The barman seized the drunk by ................ collar.
a. a.

b. any

c. an

d, the

48.He pointed to a woman in .............. green dress.
a. in

b. a

c. the

d. an

49.Would you like to hear ............ story about .............. Englishman.
a. the/ the

b. a/ an

c. an / the

d. a/ the

50.There was ............... collision at ............. corner.
a. a/ the

b. the/ the

c, an/ the

d. the/ a.

51.Call an ambulance. There’s been ........................
a. accident

b. an accident

c. some accident

d. any accident

52.“ Where are you going?” “ I’m going to buy ................
a. a bread

b. any bread

c. loaf of bread

d. some bread.

53, Sandra works at a big hospital. She’s ..................
a. nurse

b. a nurse

c. the nurse

d. an nurse

c. a

d. x

c. The sun

d. Suns

54.He works six days ............week.
a. in

b. for

55........................ is a star.
a. Sun

b. A sun

56. What did you have for........................ breakfast this morning?
a. x

b. a

c. an

d. the

57.London is ................... capital of England.
a. an

b. a

c. x

d. the

58.When ................ invented ?
a. was telephone

b. was the telephone

c. were the telephones

d. were a telephone.

59.We visited ................... two years ago.
a. Canada and the United states

b. the Canada and the United States.

c. the Canada and United states

d. Canada and United States.

60.Are you going away next week? No, ......................... week after next.
a. a

b. the

c. some

d. x

61`We haven’t been to ................. for years.
a. cinema

b. the cinema

c. a cinema

d. any cinema

62.It took us quite a long time to get here . It was ............... journey.
a. three hour

b. a three- hours

c. a three –hour

d. three- hours

63.My mother goes to church in ................... morning.
a. x

b. every

c. the

d. a.

64. I eat ................. everyday.
a. a banana

b. banana

c. the bananas

d. any banana

65. If you live in ................... foreign country, you should try an learn the language.
a. the

b. x

c. an

d. a

66. Did your train leave from.........................?
a. the 8 Platform

b. an Platform 8

c . some Platform 8

d. Platform 8.

67. I can’t work here. There ‘s too much ....................
a. noise

b. noises

c. the noise

d. a noise

c . umbrella

d. an umbrellas

68. Do you need......................?
a. an umbrella

b. a umbrella

69. I’ve seen ...................... good films recently.
a. a

b. the

c. some

d. an

70. I often watch ................ television for two hours every night.
a. some

b the

c. any

d. x

71. The unjured man was taken to ....................
a. hospital

b. any hospital

c. the hospital

d. hospitals

72. I’m not hungry. I don’t want ............. to eat.
a. some thing

b. anything

c. thing

d. the thing

73. She went out without ................. money .
a. any

b. an

c. a


74. Hardly did ...................... pass the examination.
a. somebody

b. anybody

c. body


75. “ Have you got .............. luggage ?” No , I haven’t.
a. a

b. some

c. any

d. an

76. My father is a writer. He writes ....................... books.
a. a

b. some

c. any

d. x.

77. If there are ................... letters for me , can you send them on to this address?

a. some

b. any

c. the

d. no

78. We didn’t spend ................ money last month.
a. much

b. many

c. none

d. lot

c. lots

d. little.

79. Do you know................. people here ?
a. many

b. much

80.We must be quick. There is .................... time left.
a. a little

b. little

c. x

d . much

81. Listen carefully. I’m going to give you ................. advice.
a. a few

b. some

c. few

d. little

82. Do you mind if I ask you ....................... questions?
a. few

b. a little

c. a few

d. much.

83. This town is not an interesting place to visit, so ................tourists come here.
a. a few

b. few

c. a little

d. x

84. He spoke.......................... English, so it was difficult to communicate with him.
a. a little

b. little

c. few

d.a few

85. The village was very small. There were only .................... houses.
a. plenty

b. x

c. a few

d. any

86.There ‘s no need to hurry. We’ve got ............... time.
a. many

b. plenty of

c. plenty


87. Come and sit with us. There’re ......................... things to see.
a. many

b. much

c. plenty

d. few

c. a few

d. the

88. He’s always telling ................... lies.
a. x

b. a little

89. ..................... are allowed in the city center.
a. None cars

b. No cars

c. No of cars

d. No car

90. ..................... tells me anything.
a. Nobody doesn’t

b. Nobody

.c. None body

d. Body

91. Some plants are annuals ; ..................... are biennials; the rest are perennials.
a. some another

b. another

c. others

d. other

c. two kinds of

d. the two kinds of

92. This exam has ................ problems.
a. two kind of

b. both kinds

93. It is generally believed that an M.B.A degree is good preparation for a career in .........
a. a business

b. one business

c. businesses

d. business

94. They have ................
a. a four – month- old baby

b. a four- months- old baby

c.four- month-old baby

d. four- months- old baby

95. Unemployment compensation is money to support an unemployed person while he is
looking for .........................
a. job

b. a job

c. works

d. a work

96............................ at 212 degrees F.
a . Waters boils

b. The water boils

c. Water boils

d. Waters boil

97.Although southern California is densely populated , .................. live in the northern part of
the state.
a. a little people

b. a few the people

c. few people

d. a little of people

98.I think that there is .................. on TV.
a. too many violence

b. so many violence

c. too much violence

d. too much violences

99....................... people in my apartment buiding are friendly.
a. Few

b. A great deal

c. Little

d. A little

c. the Japan

d. Japanese.

100.Toshi speaks .................. at home.
a. the Japanese

b . Japan
