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ENGLISH 8 UNIT 6 test and vocabulary exercises

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I. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.
1. a. enroll

b. summer

c. Hobby

d. Favor

2. a. activity

b. community

c. participate

d. citizenship

3. a. popular

b. business

c. America

d. personal

4. a. encourage

b. voluntary

c. assistance

d. resources

5. a. environment

b. excellent

c. interesting

d. character

II. Choose the most suitable words or phrases to fill in the blanks.
1. It‘s too cold outside. ......................... close the door, please?
a. Do you

b. Would you mind

c. Can you

d. Why don‘t you

2. She is studying hard ......................... the final exams.
a. but for passing

b. in order to pass

c. so as pass

d. so that she pass

3. Most people enjoy ......................... to different part of the world.
a. to travel

b. travel

c. traveled

d. traveling

c. doesn‘t it

d. is it

4. It is really interesting, .........................?
a. does it

b. isn‘t it

5. We ......................... to the movie tonight. The film ......................... at 7.30.
a. will go, will begin

b. are going, will begin

c. go, begins

d. are going, begins

c. avenue

d. road

6. You should walk on the .........................
a. sidewalk

b. street

7. The doctor advised him ......................... a rest .........................any heavy work.
a. to take, to do

b. to take, not do

c. to take, don‘t do

d. to take, not to do

8. I need some help with this table. .........................you lift the other end?
a. May

b. Should

c. Could

d. Shall

c. having

d. to having

9. It‘s lunch time. Let‘s stop ......................... lunch.
a. have

b. to have

10. ―May I help you?‖ – ―.........................‖
a. What can I do for you?

b. I‘m afraid I‘m busy now.

c. Yes. That‘s very kind of you.

d. How can I help?

III. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. The World Health ......................... is an international one. (organize)
2. The first World ......................... Festival was held in Prague in 1947. (young)
3. Fishing is an ......................... my father enjoys best. (act)
4. We will interview only three ......................... for the job. (apply)
5. Because of the ......................... of her teachers, she decided to study law. (encourage)
6. Children need to have a good ......................... (educate)
7. He should say a few words of ......................... (explain)

8. Charities rely on ......................... contributions. (volunteer)
9. We should save ......................... resources. (nature)
10. They collected over 1000 ......................... for the petition. (sign)
IV. Make questions for the underlined words.
1. They join in Spring Activities program.
2. They plant and water trees along the streets on weekends.

3. They collect and empty garbage at Ben Thanh Market.
4. They help the elderly and the street children.
5. They help the community by participating in recycling program.
6. They start their work at 7 a.m and finish at 5 p.m.
7. They collect used glass, paper and cans for recycling.
8. They hope to give more green to the city and earn more money for their school.
V. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer.
Education for Development (DFD) is a small international organization that was set up in 1996 by a Swiss
and a Belgian volunteer who were teaching English to children on the street.
EFD believes education improves the quality of life for disadvantaged children. The organization has since
increased its scope and number of activities, and developed into a dynamic and multicultural team or staff and
volunteers. EFD strengthens and empowers local Social organizations enabling them to improve and expand their
educational services for disadvantaged children. The aim of the organization is to get disadvantaged children into
mainstream education. They achieved positive results in various fields (for example: cooking classes, English
classes, etc) and they continue to improve and expand their services.
1. EFD was established in 1996 by .........................
a. a Swiss volunteer

b. a Belgian volunteer

c. a voluntary organization

d. Both a and b

2. The organization provides .........................
a. children on the street
b. education to children on the street
c. comfortable life of disadvantaged children
d. number of activities
3. ......................... can improve the quality of life for disadvantaged children.
a. Education

b. EFD

c. Service

d. Local Social Organization

4. The word ―scope‖ means .........................
a. development

b. education

c. potential

d. aim

5. A volunteer is a person who does the job .........................
a. such a high salary for it

b. as a social worker

c. with being paid for it

d. without being paid for it

VI. Write sentence with the cue given.
1. Please/ take/ form/ your teacher/ and / ask/ her/ sign.
2. Can/ you/ show/ way/ nearest/ post office?
3. We/ going/ plant/ flowers/ parks/ water/ afternoon/ class.
4. We/ hope/ give/ more/ green/ color/ city/ earn/ money/ our organization.
5. Yesterday/ he/ promise/ take part/ recycling program.
6. My brother/ very good/ repair/ household/ appliances

Đoàn thanh niên cộng sản Hồ Chí Minh is một tổ chức của Vietnamese youth from 15 to 30 years of age. The
Union xây dựng phẩm chất tốt, yêu tổ quốc, and encourages công dân tốt, soft skills and personal fitness.
The Union được thành lập vào March 26 1931 by chủ tích Hồ Chí Minh kính yêu. It had different names qua các
năm. Một trong những tên đầu tiên của nó was ‗Vietnam Communist Youth Union‘. In December 1976. it chính
thức được đặt tên như là it is called today: Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. However, people normally use
the name ‗The Youth Union' như là tên viết tắt.
The Youth Union, together with other vouth organizations such as the đội thiếu niên tiền phong, Hội Liên Hiệp
Thanh niên VN , Hội Sinh viên Việt Nam , often tổ chức các hoat động xã hội such as giúp đỡ người khuyết tật, dọ
vệ sinh môi trường. Những chiến dịch mùa hè xanh tình nguyện, and những phong trào tương tự khác. These
activities nhằm giúp the young nâng cao ý thức với cộng đồng and xây dựng nhân cách của họ.
Ever since the Union was founded, its aims and principles, established by President Ho Chi Minh, have been là

đường lối cho the young Vietnamese people of today and tomorrow.
1. Ho chi minh Communist Youth Union

13. the Vietnam Students Union


14. hold social activities

An organization for

3. builds good character

15. Helping the Handicapped

4. love for the nation

16. Cleaning the environment

5. good citizenship

17. Green Summer Volunteers Campaign

6. was founded on

18. other similar movements

7. the beloved President Ho Chi Minh

19. aim to help

8. One of its first names

20. develop their public awareness

9. Was officially named as

21. form their personality

10. for short

22. the guidelines for

11. Young Pioneers Organization
12. the Vietnam Youth Federation

Academia (n) the world of learning, teaching, research, etc. at universities, and the people involved in it
 Academic(a) connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities
 Academically (adv) in a way that involves a lot of reading and studying rather than practical or
technical skills/ n a way that is connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities
 Academician (n) a member of an academy
 Academy (n) a school or college for special training/ a type of official organization which aims to
encourage and develop art, literature, science, etc.
2. Apply (v): to make a formal request, usually in writing, for sth such as a job, a place, at college, university
to use sth or make sth work in a particular situation
 Applicant (n) a person who makes a formal request for something (= applies for it), especially for a job,
a place at a college or university, etc.
 Applicable (a) that can be said to be true in the case of somebody/something [ stress on 1st or 2nd


 Applicability(n) the fact of being true or useful in a particular case or situation
 Application (n) request for something, such as a job, permission to do something or a place at a college
or university/ the practical use of something, especially a theory, discovery, etc.
 Appliance (n) a machine that is designed to do a particular thing in the home, such as preparing food,
heating or cleaning
3. Associate (v) to make a connection between people or things in your mind
 Associative(a) relating to the association of ideas or things
 Association(n) an official group of people who have joined together for a particular purpose
 Associationism(n) the theory that we think and learn by connecting many different very simple ideas in
our minds
 Associationist (n) people who believe in the theory that we think and learn by connecting many
different very simple ideas in our minds
4. Citizen(n) a person who has the legal right to belong to a particular country/ a person who lives in a
particular place
 Citizenship (n) the legal right to belong to a particular country/ the state of being a citizen and accepting
the responsibilities of it.
5. Educate(v) to teach somebody about something or how to do something
 Education (n) a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools or colleges, to improve
knowledge and develop skills
 Educational (a) connected with education; providing education
 Educationally (adv) in a way that is connected with education
 Educationalist (n) a specialist in theories and methods of teaching
 Educative (a) that teaches something
 Educator (n) a person whose job is to teach or educate people
 co-education (n) the practice of teaching girls and boys together in a school
 co-educational (a) (of a school or an educational system) where girls and boys are taught together
6. enroll (v) to arrange for yourself or for somebody else to officially join a course, school, etc.

 enrolment (n) the act of officially joining a course, school, etc.; the number of people who do this
 enrollee (n) a person who has officially joined a course, an organization, etc.
1. Successful …………..will receive notification within the week. APPLY
2. Children living in inner-city areas may be …………..disadvantaged. EDUCATE
3. Do you belong to any professional or trade …………..? If not, it‘s difficult to make others believe you.
4. Fees must be paid in full at the time of …………... ENROLL
5. Girls tend to do better academically in single-sex schools than in …………..ones. EDUCATE
6. He was perhaps the most significant …………..of the 20th century with her new teaching methods.
7. His ………….. to the court for bail has been refused. APPLY
8. Most people immediately …………..addictions with drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. ASSOCIATE
9. Much of the form was not ………….. (= did not apply) to me. I‘m not the one for it. APPLY
10. My younger sister got a place in Banking …………..but she decided not to study there. ACADEMIC
11. She completed her formal …………..in 1995. Then, she started working for our company. EDUCATE
12. She's Italian by birth but is now an Australian …………... CITY
13. The ………….. of new technology to teaching helps our school teachers improve the quality of their
lessons. APPLY
14. The campaign is intended to …………..the public to respect the environment. EDUCATE
15. The new approach had wide ………….. to all sorts of different problems. APPLY
16. The schools should be responsible for teaching our children good …………... CITY

17. The Swiss scholar Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), who is an ………….., believes that "all language
items are essentially interlinked." ASSOCIATE
18. They sell a wide range of domestic …………..—washing machines, dishwashers and so on. APPLY
19. To participate in this course you need to …………..before the end of August. ENROLL
20. Watching television and playing games can be very …………... EDUCATE


4. I do some ........work at the local hospital to help the handicapped children.
7. Discussing all these details will get us nowhere; we must get back to first ....... (= the most basic rule).
8. connected to the system of government by a ruling Communist Party, such as in the former Soviet Union
9. Could you do me a ........ and pick up Sam from school today?
10. They were glad to be back in their ........ Ireland.
1. She later became a ........ of education for women.
2. I want to lose weight and stay healthy so I take a ....... course .
3. A sale is being held to raise ...... for the school.
5. She .........some secondary school students when she was studying at university.
6. You have to ....... out the form first. then bring it to your teacher to sign it.
