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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 unit 9: At home and away

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Unit 9:


A- Objectives.
After this lesson , the students can:
- Talk about their vacations.
- Describe the characteristics of friends and neighbors.
- Talk about hobbies.
- Describe a process.
B. Contents
1- Grammar:
- Past simple tense.
2- Vocabulary:
- Topic: At home and away.
C. Teaching aids.
- Objects of teaching ( an English book,a ruler, chalks,teaching
notebook ...).
- A picture, cards, an extra board, cassette, tape.
D- Teaching method .
- Comunitive, some adroitnesses.
E – Teaching process.
Part A :

Period 55 th:


Objective: After this lesson , the S can talk about their vacations.
1- Warm up.

Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Let the s play a game

- Jumple words: lohiyda, activano,

rfeinldy, cilideous, vesourin, tisvi.
 holiday, vacation, friendly,
delicious, souvenir, visit
2- Presentation.
- Get the S to listen to the tape once.

- Explain: gift, tired, trip, wonderfull,
quite, delicious, Cham Temple, Tri
Nguyen Aquarium.

- Ask the S to find out the new words.

- Check: Slap the board.
- Grammar: The past simple tense.

Form: (?) (Question – words) +

did + S + V + O ?
- Ask the S to repeat in chorus.

– Yes , S + did/ No, S didn’t.
(+) S + V( at the past simple tense) +

O (-) S + didn’t + V + O .
+ Use: It is used to show an action

- Ask the S to read one by one.

happened and finished in the past . It
doesn’t concern to the present.

Some adverbs of this tense:


Last Monday/ Last week/

Last month/ Last year, two days ago/
three months ago.
+ 2 ways to change verbs into the past
simle tense :
+ Change regularly: V + ‘ ed’. Ex:

=> learned, remember =>

+ Change irregularly: Ex: be => was/
were, buy => bought.
+ 3 ways to pronunciate the sound ‘ ed’
after the verb in the past :

+ / t / :When ‘ed’ is after the verbs that
have k, s, sh, x, p . Ex : worked,
+ / id / : When ‘ed’ is after the verbs that
- Ask the S to find the sentences that

have t, d . Ex: wanted, needed, decided.

have the past simple tense.

+ / d / : The last.
Ex : I visited Nha Trang last
summer vacation.
3- Practice

- Get the S to listen to the tape

- Correct their pronunciations.


* Ordering the sentences .( Work one by

- Ask the S to work in pair to read the one)

- Feedback: 3- 2- 4- 1- 5.

- Ask the S about the content of the

- Ask the S to read the sentences again
one by one.
4- Production

- Ask the S to work in pair

- Describe their holidays in somewhere.
- Remark how they practice.

- Remark how they play this game

5- Homework.
- Ask the S to review new words and the structures by heart.
- Ask the S to learn 10 irregular verbs on the page 177 in the book.
- Ask the S to do ex in ex.book.
- Prepare the next lesson.

Unit 9:


Part A :

Period 56 th:


A- Objective:
After this lesson , the S continue talk about their vacations.
B. Contents
1- Grammar:
- Past simple tense.
2- Vocabulary:
- Topic: A holiday in Nha Trang.
C. Teaching aids.
- Objects of teaching ( an English book,a ruler, chalks,teaching
notebook ...).
- A picture, cards, an extra board, cassette, tape.
D- Teaching method .
- Comunitive, some adroitnesses.
E – Teaching process.
1- Warm up.
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Let the s play a game

- Form the irregular verbs in the past.
- Brainstormings - topic: Your vacation

2- Presentation.
- Get the S to listen to the tape once.

- Explain: skark, dolphine, turtle, type of

- Ask the S to find out the new words.

fish, colorful, exit, cap, poster, crab,
remember, noodles, instead, paddy field.

- Ask the S to repeat in cho rus.

- Read new words aloud.

- Ask the S to read one by one.

- Check: Pelmanism.
- Grammar: Review the past simple
- Hang on an extra board with ex of
formintg the verbs with suitable tense
3- Practice

- Get the S to listen to the tape twice

- ( Ex 2 on the page 87).
- Correct their pronunciations.
-A bout the content of the text.

- Ask the S to work individually to read *
the text.

Comprehension questions: ( Work in

a, Her parents went to the aquariunm

- Ask the S check their predictions

with Liz.
b, They saw sharks, dolphines,and
c, They bought a cap and a poster.
d, Yes she did. Liz wore a cap all day.

4- Production
- Ask the S to work in pair

- Role play.

- The story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen
- Ask the S to retell

Aquarium follow the pictures on the
page 88 in the book.

- Work one by one.

- Begin with “ The Robinson family went to

- Remark how they practice

the aquarium....”
5- Homework.

- Ask the S to review new words and the structures by heart.
- Ask the S to learn 10 irregular verbs on the page 177 in the book.
- Ask the S to do ex in ex.book.
- Prepare the next lesson.

Unit 9:


Part A :

Period 57 th:


After this lesson , the S describe the characteristics of friends and
neighbors, talk about hobbies.
B. Contents
1- Grammar:
- Past simple tense.
2- Vocabulary:
- Topic: A holiday in Nha Trang.
C. Teaching aids.
- Objects of teaching ( an English book,a ruler, chalks,teaching
notebook ...).
- A picture, cards, an extra board.
D- Teaching method .

- Comunitive, some adroitnesses.
E – Teaching process.
1- Warm up.
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Let the s play a game

- Chatting – topic : Your hobbies.

2- Presentation.
- Have the S to guess

- The content of the text ( Ex 3 on the
page 89 in the book)

- Ask the S to find out the new words.

- Read the text once.
- Explain: rent, move, miss, keep in

- Ask the S to repeat in cho rus.

touch, improve.
- Check: What and Where.

- Ask the S to read one by one.

- Grammar: Structures:

S talk with O about st.

( Ex: I

talked with you about my summser

S be + adj + to V O.

( Ex: I’m

glad to meet you.)

S + like + Ving + O.

( Ex: I

like paying soccer with my friends).

S + talk / speak in English /

- Ask the S to make up the sentences - Hang on the board with possessive
using possessive pronouns.

pronouns : mine , yours, his, hers, its,

- Ask the S to play True/ False ours, theirs.
repetition drill.

- Feedback.
3- Practice

- Get the S to listen to the tape.

- (Ex 3 on the page 89 in the book)

- Ask the S to find out

- The sentences follow the text.

- Get the S to compare their answer with - ( Ex 4 on the page 89).
each other.

- Correct their pronunciations.

- Get the S to listen to the tape twice


- Ask the S to work individually to read

in Hanoi from?

the text


Where did Liz and her parents arrive
What does Mr. Robinson do?

- Ask the S some questions:


How old is Liz?


What does Ba collect?

- “ Now make the
- Ask the S to do the part

sentences true”


Liz lived next door to Ba. ( not a

long way)
b, Liz learned Vietnamese in Vietnam (
not in the USA).

- Ask the S to give their answers before c, Ba collects stamps ( not Liz).
the class.

d, Liz’s aunt lives in New York ( not in

The Robinson moved to the other

side of Hanoi ( not to HCM city).
f, The Robinson moved.Now Ba is sad
( not happy).

Ba will see Liz next week ( not

4- Production
- Ask the S to work in pair

- Ask the S to play with words. ( Ex 5* on

- Work one by one.

the page 90 in the book)

- Remark how they practice

- Correct their pronunciations.
5- Homework.

- Ask the S to review new words and the structures by heart.

- Ask the S to continue to learn 10 irregular verbs on the page 177 in
the book.
- Ask the S to do ex in ex.book.
- Prepare the next lesson.

Unit 9:

Period 58 th:

Part B :


After this lesson , the S review to talk about jobs.
B. Contents
1- Grammar:
- Past simple tense.
2- Vocabulary:
- Topic: Neighbors : jobs, process of doing somethings
C. Teaching aids.
- Objects of teaching ( an English book,a ruler, chalks,teaching
notebook ...).
- A picture, cards, an extra board, cassette, tape.

D- Teaching method .
- Comunitive, some adroitnesses.
E – Teaching process.
1- Warm up.
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Let the s play a game

- Guess someone who – topic : jobs.

2- Presentation.
- Get the S to listen to the tape once.

- Explain: look, different, hairdresser,

- Ask the S to find out the new words.

material, clever, dressmaker, neighbor.
- Check: Pelmanism.

- Ask the S to repeat in cho rus.

- Grammar:

- Ask the S to read one by one.


Review the past simple tense.


Review how to ask and answer

about jobs.
(?) What do/ does + S + do? or What
+ be + possessive adj + job?
- Ask the S to make up exclamations

(- ) S + be + a/ an + noun of job.
+ Exclamation: What + a/ an + adj +
- Hang on a picture with objects .
- Feedback.

3- Practice
- Get the S to listen to the tape twice.

- Correct their pronunciations.

- Ask the S to work in pair to read the

* Comprehension questions.


a, Hoa’s aunt is a hairdresser.

- Ask the S to work in pair to ask and

b, Mrs. Mai is a dressmaker.

answer the questions

- ex 2 on the page 93 in the book.
- Remark how they practice.
4- Production

- Ask the S to work in pair

- Ask and answer about one’s job.

- Work one by one.

- Remark how they practice.

- Remark how they practice
5- Homework.
- Ask the S to review new words and the structures by heart.
- Ask the S to continue to learn 10 irregular verbs on the page 177 in
the book.
- Ask the S to do ex in ex.book.
- Prepare the next lesson.

Unit 9:

Period 59 th:

Part B :


After this lesson , the S describe a process .
B. Contents
1- Grammar:
- Past simple tense.
2- Vocabulary:
- Topic: Neighbors : jobs, process of doing somethings
C. Teaching aids.
Objects of teaching ( an English book,a ruler, chalks,teaching notebook
- Cards, an extra board
D- Teaching method .
- Comunitive, some adroitnesses.
E – Teaching process.
1- Warm up.
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Let the s play a game

- Hang on the pictures with mixed orders
of cooking rice.

- Ask the S to match adverbs:

- first, next, then, after that, finally in each
- Feedback
2- Presentation.

- Ask the S to find out the new words.

- Read the text once.

- Ask the S to repeat in cho rus.

- Explain: sew, useful, hobby, decide,

- Ask the S to read one by one.

sewing machine, cushion, fit, wear.

- Ask the S to the new words.

- Check: What and Where.
- Grammar: Structure
a, S + decide to + V + O.

Ex: I

decided to learn sew a shirt.
- Ask the S to repeat in cho rus.

b, S + make + O + for +O.

- Ask the S to read one by one.

made some cakes for my mother.
c, S + try on + O .

Ex: I

She tried on her skirt.
- Guessing game: Ask the S to guess

+ Take notes : pronouns are placed

where the verbs are placed

before prep, nouns are placed after
- Matching: watch, buy, cut, use,
decide, be, make, help, fit with their
past simple tense.
- Feedback.
3- Practice

- Ask the S to put the verbs in blackets - Correct their pronunciations.
in the simple past tense.

* Comprehension questions.

- Ask the S to compare with each other.

a, Hoa’s aunt is a hairdresser.
b, Mrs. Mai is a dressmaker.

- Call some S to do ex on the board.

- ex 2 on the page 93 in the book.

- Remark how they practice.
- Feedback:

watched, bought, cut,

- Ask the S to read the completed used, decided, was, made, was, wasn’t,

helped, fitted.

4- Production
- Ask the S to give orders to make their

- Give adverbs: first, next, then, finally.


- Feedback.

- Call some S to read their passage

- Hang on the board with writing exercises.

- Get the S to work individually.

- Explain how to do ex for the S.

- Call some S to do on the board.

- Remark how they practice.
5- Homework.

- Ask the S to review new words and the structures by heart.
- Ask the S to continue to learn 10 irregular verbs on the page 177 in
the book.
- Ask the S to write their passages again in their notebooks.
- Ask the S to do ex in ex.book.
- Prepare the next lesson.

-----------------------------------------------Period 60th:


A- Objectives.
After this lesson , the students can:
- Review the knowledge they learned from U7 to U9.
- Recall how to learn English with 4 skills: speaking, readng , listening and
B. Contents
- Knowledge from U7 to U9 .

C. Teaching aids.
- - Objects of teaching ( an English book,a ruler, chalks,teaching notebook ...),a
picture, cards, an extra board.
D- Teaching method .
- Comunitive, some adroitnesses.
E – Teaching process.
1- Warm up.
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Let the s play a game

- Lucky numbers. – topic : Knowlege from
U7 to U9.

2- Presentation.
- Ask the S to review :


Inquire prices. ( Work in pair )
Adj to make comparations. ( Hang

on some pictures ask the S to compare

Adverbs of frequency. ( Pelmanism)



( Matching )

How far....../ How much.......( Work

in pair )

Compound nouns. ( Explaination)


Directions. ( Work in pair )


Want / need. ( Work in pair )

+ Past simple tense. ( Call a S to write
form, use, adv of time and example for
this tense)

more, less and fewer. (Explaination)

3- Practice
- Ask the S to practice in pair to ask - Ex 1 on page 95 in the book: Read the
about prices.

dialogue in pair.

- Ask the S to make the similar

- Remark how they practice.


- Ex 2a on page 96 : Work individually.

- Ask the S to look at the map and write - Feedback:
location of each store.
- Call some S to do on the board.


Ex: The shoes store is on Hai Ba

Trung Street. It’s next to / near the
The bookstore is on Hue Street. It’s
between the restaurant and the minim
Ex 2b on page 96: .
- Feedback:

- Get the S to work in pair to ask and


How far is it from the clothing store

answer about the distance

to the bookstore?


It’s 450 meters.

- Ex 3 on the page 97. Hang on the
board of verbs.
- Ask the S to write the past form of the

- ( Work individually).

verbs in the table.

- Feedback: helped, remembered, took,
sent, thought, talked.

- Have the S complete the sentences - Feedback:

played/ talked/ bought/

using the words in the box. ( Work one worked/ sent.
by one).

- Ex 4 on the page 98 in the book:

What does she do on Sunday ,

Monday and Tuestday?
- Ask the S to look at Nga’s diary and


What did she do just on Sunday?

explain of them with questions:


What will she do on Tuesday?

- Use simples tenses to complete the
- Ask the S to work in pair to give their



- Feedback:

help my Mom and study English,

+ cleaned my room, helped my Mom,
studied English, watched TV, played
football and stayed at Hoa’s house.
+ I will study English, clean my room,
help my Mom, see a movie, visit my
grandmother and buy new shoes.
- Ex 5 on page 98: Hang on the board
with 2 bridges.
- Ask the S to write sentences using ‘ - Feedback:
more, less, and fewer’

Before,therewere Now, there are

- Call some S to on the board.

+ 4 bananas.
+ fewer bananas.
+ 500 ml of orange juice.
+ more orange jiuce.
+ 200 grams of butter.
+ ...more....
+ no cabbages.
+ ....one.....
4- Production

- Ask the S to sum up

- The knowledge.
- Feedback.
5- Homework.

- Ask the S to do ex again in their books.
- Ask the S to review the knowledge .
- Ask the S to do ex in ex.book.
- Ask the S to prepare the Test.
