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47322 describing personality

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Task 1. With which personality adjective(s) could you best
describe a person who says the following sentences?
1. “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”

„Are we

2. “Come on! Let’s see who is the best!”
3. “After you have finished washing the dishes, bring me my newspaper
and clean the windows.”
4. “I am going to do everything on my own. I don’t need your help. But
thanks anyway.”
5. “Really?! Only 10 presents for my birthday? Last year I got 15! What were you thinking???”
Task 2. Read the complaints of his friends about John. What is their problem with him?
Use a personality adjective to describe.
John only cares for himself.
He is not interested in what I

John loves arguing and
sometimes I’m afraid that he
might even hit me.

John is happy one minute and
sad the next. Unfortunately he
is often bad-tempered.

John always accuses me of
loving his brother more than

John never helps me with
anything. He sits in his room
doing nothing all day.

I can’t believe a word John
says. He is always lying to

Task 3. Give the opposite of each adjective you used in Task 2.
Task 4. Fill in the sentences with the missing adjectives. First fold the bottom of the page so that you can’t
see the listed words. After trying to guess, check the list and add the ones you couldn’t guess.
1. Kevin is a really …………………….. guy. He gets offended very easily.
2. He is very ………………………… to the church. He always gives the poor half of his earnings.
3. She is always very ………………………… when she is the company of others. You never hear a word
she says and she seems quite frightened.
4. …………………………….. people are people you can depend on and trust.
5. It’s amazing how ……………………………. Sue is. She has a plan ready for everything.







More than one answer is possible.
Task 1:
1. impatient
2. competitive
3. bossy
4. independent
5. spoilt
Task 2:
1. selfish
2. aggressive
3. moody
4. jealous
5. lazy
6. dishonest
Task 3:
1. caring, kind, unselfish
2. calm, easy-going
3. balanced
4. trusting, confident
5. hard-working
6. honest
Task 4:
1. sensitive
2. generous
3. shy
4. reliable
5. organized

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