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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 1: My friends

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Unit 1:
Lesson 1/2:


Getting started + Listen and read

A. Aims:
By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able know the content of the
dialogue, and how to use the folling form:
- What + do/does + S + look + like?
- S + be + (not) + adj + enough + to_V.
- Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook.
- Anticipated problem:
B. Contents
I. Warmer :
1/ Brainstom
Reading books



playing sports
2/ Describle the pictures on pages 10. ( Getting started)
Eg: a)they are playing soccer .
b) They are reading book.
c) They are playing chess.

d) They are playing vollayball,
II. Vocabulary.
- Smile (n/v) : Nụ cười / mỉm cười


- Receive (v) : Nhận (thư)


- seem (v) : dường như


- enough (adj/adv) : đủ


- next door (adj) : sát nhà


- look like (v): trông như


* Checking R.O.R
III. Listening and reading
1, Modeling (Tape or Teacher)

(3 times)

2, Practice reading ; - some pairs of good students
- some other pair (ant level)
3, Comprehension question: LN!
1 -a

4 - LN!

8- How old is Nien?

2- b


9- Does Hoa like to meet Nien?

3 - LN!

6- d

10- LN!

* Keys:
1, Nien(she) lives in Hue.
2, Yes, she does.
5, She wasn’t old enough to be in my class.
6, At Christmas.
8, She is 12.

9, Yes, she does.
IV, Target language.

(Eliciting from the dialogue)

1. Form .
1, -What + do/does + S + look + like?

- S + be + adj.
2, - S + be + (not) + adj + enough + to_V.
*Note: enough + N.
2. Practice with the forms (optional)
Eg: cues ; 1, Lan/ beautiful.
2, Nam/ tall.
3, Mai and Hoa/ short.
4, Your sister/ nice
V. Homework.
1, Learn vocabulary by heart.
2, Reread the dialoge and answer the question about it (a-d)
3, Do exercises 5 (P.9) + 6 (P.10)


4, Read ‘speak’ (P.11) and find out new vocab.

Unit 1:


Lesson 2/3: Speaking + Listening
A. Aims:
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to describle one’s appearance, using the
1, S + be + adj.
2, S + have/has + adj + hair/ eyes/ …
- Teaching aids: Pictures, cassette, tape.
- Anticipated problems
B. Content
I. Warmer:

Ask ss to write the words related to "body build" and "hair" on the board.



Body build

II. Speaking:
1. Pre teach vocabulary
- curly (adj) : xoăn (tóc)


- straight (adj): thẳng # curly


- bald (adj): hói (đầu)


- black = dark (adj): đen (tóc)


- blond/ blonde (adj): vàng hoe (tóc) (visual)
- fair (adj):

vàng nhạt (tóc )


trắng (da)
- slim (adj): mảnh mai

(explan/ examples)

*Checking: Slap the board.
2. Presentation:
- Show ss a picture of Mary and ask them to describe her hair and her body build.
*Model sentenses:
She has long black hair.
She is short and thin.
*Form: S + have/ has + adj + hair.

S + be + adj (appearance)
*Use: Describing someone’s appearrance.

*Notes: Positions of adj: tính từ chỉ KT,CD - HD,CR - MS - Danh Từ
a, Body build : tall/ short + slim / thin …
b, hair: long/ short +curly/straight/ + bald + black/ fair/ brown/ +….
3. Practice:
a. Picture cues drill (P11+ P12) (Pair work) (Make similar dialogue)
b. Practice speaking: Guessing (whole class)
- Ask one student to describle any person in class, and the others guess who she/ he
III. Listening
1. Pre - listening:
- Reading the expressions in the box. Check the meanings and pronunciation.
- Reading the dialogue and guessing the answers.
- Ask ss to guess what expression should be used for each gap.
2. While - listening:
- Ask ss to listen and complete the dialogue. (Twice)
- Ask ss to listen again and compare with their partners.
* AnswerKeys:
1, I’d like you to meet

5, Come and meet

2, Nice to meet you

6, How do you do?

3, I’d like you to meet

4, It’s pleasure to meet you.
3, Post - Listening : (Pair work)
SS practice talking based on the completed dialogues
IV. Homework.
1, Learn the vocab by heart
2, Describle 3 people (In your class or in my family)
3, Do exercise 3 (P.6 + 7) (work book)

4, Prepare for next lesson: Read (p.13).

Unit 1:


Lesson 3/4:


A. Aims:
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read and understand the content of the
text, and get further practice in talking about one’s character.
- Teaching aids: textbooks.
B. Contents:
I. Pre - reading
1. Warmer: Shark attack

(9 letter)


(10 letter)

2. Pre teach vocabulary:
- Character (n) : Tính cách


- Generous (adj): Rộng lượng


- Sociable (adj): Hoà đồng, dễ gần gũi


- Outgoing (adj) = sociable (a): Dễ hoà đồng, cởi mở, thân thiện (synonym)
- reserved (adj) # outgoing: kín đáo, dè dặt


- volunteer (n): Tình nguyện


- orphanage (n): Trại trẻ mồ côi


- sence of humor (n.ph): tính hài hước


*Checking: What and Where
3. Open - Prediction:
- Have ss predict Ba’s, Khai’s and Song’s characters before reading.
*Eg: Bao is (kind,…)

Ba is (good,…)
Khai is (reserved,… )
Song is (sociable, …)
II. While - Reading:
1. Checking ss' prediction:
- Ask ss to read the text on page 13 and check their predictions.
* Keys:
- Bao is sociable, kind, generous and hard working.
- Ba is humorous (and quite outgoing).
- Khai and Song are quite reserved in plublic.
2. Matching
- Ask ss to read the text again and do the matching.


1. annoy (v)

a, Lời nói đùa

2. extremely(adv)

b, Gây bực tức

3. peace (n)

c, Địa phương

4. Joke (n)

d, Cực kỳ

5. local (adj)

e, Sự yên bình

*Keys: 1-b


3. Multiple - choice
* Keys:









4. Comprehesion questions:

(Read 2 - p.14)

- Ask ss to answer the questions on page 14.
* Keys:
a. He fells lucky.
b. Bao is (the most sociable).

c. Khai likes reading./ Khai does.
d. A bad thing about Ba’s joke is (that) sometimes his jokes annoy his friends.
e. Bao spends his free time in a local orphanage.
f. We have diffirent characters. (ss' answers)
III. Post- reading: Speaking:
1. Talking about Ba, Bao, Khai and Song.
2. Talking about any person they like.
- Ask each student to write a paragraph about 5 lines about his/ her friend after
IV. Homework
1. Learn the vacab by heart.

2. Reread the text and translate it into VN.
3. Finish writing and Do exercise 4 (P.8 - workbook)
4. Prepare for next lesson: Write.

Unit 1:


Lesson 4/5: Writing
A. Aim:
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to write about personal
information and practice talking about this.
- Teaching aids: textbook.
B. Content
I. Pre - writing
1.Warmer: Brainstom

Adj of Appearance


2. Matching:
- Ask ss to do the matching information about Tam by reading.



1. Name

a. sociable, humorous, helpful.

2. Age

b. Ba, Bao.

3. Appearance

c. mother, father, elder brother.

4. Characters

d. 14

5. Address

e. Le Van Tam

6. Family

f. 26 Tran Phu st, Hanoi.

7. Friends

g. tall, thin, short black hair.

*Keys: 1-e







3. Interviewing:
- T asks and ss answer the questions based on the matching.
1. What is his name?
2. What does he look like?
3. What is he like?
4. How old is he?
5. Where does he live?
6. who does he live with?
7. Who are his friends?

- Ask ss to order these answer sentences into a paragraph (help ss to know the way
to describe someone: from general to particular).
- Ask ss to compare with the paragraph in their book on page 15.

II. While writing:
- Ss interview each other in turn about their friends to get information.
- Ask them to write a paragraph about their partner individually using interviewed
information and given questions.
- Ask ss to share their writing with their partners and correct if possible.
His/ Her name is … and he/ she is … years old. He/ She lives at … in … with …
. He/ She is … and … . He/ She has … hair. He/ She has a lot of friends but his/
her best friends are … .
III. Post writing:
- Call some ss to write their writing on the board.
- Call some ss to read aloud their writing (turn by turn).
- Check and correct.
- Ss tell about the patners they have written about.
- Ss talk about any other person they know (at least 5 sentences).
IV. Homework
1, Write a paragraph about one of their family members.
2. Do exercise 3 on page 17 in textbook.
3. Do exercise 7 on page 11 in work book.
4. Prepare for next lesson: Language focus.

Unit 1:


Lesson 5/6: Language focus
A. Aim:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple
present tense to talk about general truths and practice in structure: (not) adj +

enough +to- infinitive.
*. Grammar : Ptesent simple tense, past simple tense, (not) adj + enough +toinfinitive.
* Lexical item : Mar, Mercury , silly.
*. Teaching aids: pictures, posters.
*. Skill : Speaking and practicing.
*. Anticipated problems:
B. Content:
I. Vocabulary:
- Mar



sao hoả

- Mercury



sao thủ

- Silly

(adj )


ngớ ngẩn


*Checking vocabulary: Rub out and Remember.
II. Presentation:
- T gives out examples:
a/ The Sun rises in the East.
b/ He often watches TV in his free time.
c/ I went to the market yesterday.
d/ He is strong enough to carry the box.
- Let ss look at sentences a, b and then answer questions:
? Which tense is it? - simple present tense
? Form?

S + V(s/es) + O

? How to use it? - to talk about general truths.
- Ask ss to look at sentence c and then answer questions:
? Which tense is it? - past simple tense
? Form?

S + V(past) + O.

? How to use it? - to talk about past events that are not related to present.
- Ask ss look at sentence (c) to give the form and use.
* Form: (not) adjective + enough + to - infinitive.

* Use: Đủ (không đủ) … để làm gì đó.
III. Practice:
1. Activity one: Ex.1 - p16
- Have ss look at their books.
- Run through.
- Let ss give correct form of the verbs in brackets.
- Call ss to answer and correct mistakes.
* Answer key:
(a). 1. lives 2. sent

3. was

4. is

(b). 1. are

3. showed

4. introduced

2. came

2. Activity two: Ex.2 - p16
- Run through dialogue and verbs in the box.
? What are you going to do?
- Complete dialogue using correct form of verbs in the box.
- Get ss to work in pairs.
- Ask three pairs to read out and correct.
* Answer key:
1. sets

2. goes

3. Activity three:
3.1. Word cue drill:

3. moves

4, 5, 6. is

a. drive a car/ old (no)
b. read English books/ good (yes)
c. carry this bag/ strong (no)
d. do this exercise/ intelligent (yes)
*Example: a. Can you drive a car?
No. I am not old enough to drive.
3.2. Ex.4 - p17
- Run through dialogue and adjectives in brackets.
- Have ss use structure: “(not) adj + enough + to - infinitive” to complete the
- Ask ss to work in pairs.
- Call three pairs to read out and correct.
* Answer key:
b. not old enough.
c. strong enough.
d. good enough.
IV. Homework:
- Learn by heart vocabulary and form.
- Do again all exercises in textbook.

- Do all exercises in workbook.
- Prepare for next lesson: Unit 2: Getting started + Listen and read.
