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Mulan activity guide 1

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Chinese Culture – Read the following essay on the topic and answer the questions below.

What do you know about China’s custom regarding marriage?
Do you know what women’s customs were in the past?
What is foot binding?
Who came up with such idea?
What are “Lily Feet”?
When was the practice overruled?
Why did women resort to suicide so often and who helped in the decision?
When were women allowed to start studying?
Who made it possible for Chinese women to become educated?
Approximately when did Chinese women become involved in politics?

ESSAY # 1: Women in China at the beginning of the 20th century
China was suffering from a great loss in the beginning of the 20 th century, since half of its citizens were
not able to contribute to the country. The society at that time was male-dominated, so though women
comprised almost half of the total population, they had actually a very little part to play in uplifting the
country economically, socially and intellectually. Nevertheless, Chinese women should not be blamed for
that. They had their own reasons for being so unproductive, which they later tried to overcome

Firstly, they were physically confined. This takes us back to the practice of foot binding in China, which
started early in the 10th century by a prince who loved the small “lily feet” of his concubine. “Lily feet”
were considered very dainty, beautiful, and a symbol of gentility and high-class. They could fit into three
inches long shoes. This practice of food binding began when a girl was between three and eleven years
old. “The child’s toes were turned under and pressed against the bottom of her foot and a bandage
would be tightly wound around the foot from the toes to the ankle.” This indeed was a very cruel thing
to do because sometimes the toes even fell off due to the lack of blood. It was very painful even to stand
and they could not walk unassisted. Foot binding was not only for the sake of beauty, but it also served
the purpose for the Chinese young girls to be restricted from going out of their houses. This practice
lasted for about a thousand years. Thus this unhealthy practice prevented Chinese women from going
beyond their houses and thus limited their freedom to gain knowledge from the outside world.
Secondly, Chinese women were socially restricted. “Chastity for women was more valuable than life
itself. The definition of chastity became ridiculously broad to the extent that a girl was considered
unclean if she happened to see a man’s genitalia when he urinated in any public place.” Unless she

married him, she had to commit suicide to protect her reputation. “Moreover, women who were
disowned by their husbands due to unfaithfulness and disobedience, were deprived of employment,
bearing remorse and disgrace for life.” [Yao 79]
Since these women had no other source of living as they were completely dependent on the men,
suicide was the only alternative. More often the family made those decisions of suicide because that
saved its name. So, there was a lot of pressure from the society which suppressed Chinese women’s
hopes and desires to be equal to men in every aspect of life.
One of the reasons for the Chinese women to be so dependent was the lack of education. “Missionaries
from the West, as a result of their outreach to Chinese women, first recognized their desperate need of
education.” The Western missionaries emphasized foreign language, science, mathematics, social science
and Bible studies. “In 1905 the government set up a new division in the administration to direct
educational affairs which still leaned toward traditional values to learn domestic skills.” The number of

girls in school in China was almost zero until the beginning of the 19 th century, but it slightly increased at
the beginning of the twentieth century. However, there is a sharp increase in the number of Chinese
female students in early twentieth century. This opened the door for those young girls to go out of their
home to gain education and motivation in their lives. Moreover; women in the past were politically
ignorant. They had no idea what was going on outside their homes. More importantly, they did not even
have any rights to work with politics. This was so until the May Fourth Movement in 1919 when there
was a political upheaval in the government of China. Women were then given opportunities to work with
the opposite sex. Thus they could demonstrate their potential, and talents as they competed with men.
They had the opportunity to be liberated from the traditional value system, which helped them to
develop themselves as individual persons.
Gradually, women tried to come out of their homes and face the world in front of them. The practice of
foot binding also started to be less common as people realized the cruelty behind it. Women’s
organizations were also being established, like the League of Women’s Rights and Women’s Suffrage
Association which voiced women’s opinions. Women were able to overcome all the social, political, and
traditional pressures and identify themselves to the world. This indeed was a good start for Chinese
women to pave the way for later generations to follow. Hence, no matter how much women suffered in
China in the early stage of the twentieth century, they made a good start and continued to reach the
present state of freedom and equality.


1. Answer the following questions:
a. What’s the first shot we get?
b. Why does Shan-Yu say “perfect”?
c. What is Chi Fu like?
d. What does the Emperor answer to the General’s suggestion to protect the palace?
e. What do you think “A single grain of rice can tip the scale” mean?
f. What does the Emperor want General Li to do?

2. Organize the following adjectives in their chronological appearance.
____ graceful

_____ punctual

____ poised

_____ polite


____ quiet
____ demure

____ delicate
_____ refined

What do they refer to?
Look up the ones you don’t understand in a dictionary.
What cultural hint can you spot here?
Complete the following conversation.

Fa Zhou:

Honorable ______________ please help Mulan __________ the
_______________ today.

Little Brother:

Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.

Fa Zhou:

_________. PLEASE help her.


_______! I _________ you – whoop!

Fa Zhou:

Mulan –


I brought a __________.

Fa Zhou:

Mulan –


Remember: the _________ said _____ cups of ______ in the ____________.

Fa Zhou:

Mulan –


And ________ at _______.

Fa Zhou:

Mulan, you _________ already be in _______. We’re _________ on you to up –


– ___________ the family _________. Don’t ________, father. I won’t _______
you ______. ________ me _________.

Fa Zhou:

Hurry! I’m going to ______ some _______.

4. Say whether these statements are T (true) or F (false).
a. The Bath Lady says that Mulan is the worst case she’s assisted.
b. Mulan tells her mother her notes on her arm are to refresh her memory. _____
c. The song mentions men will avoid going to war to marry Mulan.
d. A woman can bring her family honor if she strikes a good match.
e. A woman helps the Emperor by bearing arms.

5. Choose only one answer.
f. The water for the bath is freezing because:
i. Mulan likes it cold.
ii. The Chinese tradition is to bathe girls in cold water before meeting the match
iii. Mulan was late to her appointment.
g. Organize the actions according to how they are carried out in the song.
i. primp, polish, wash and dry.
ii. wash, dry, primp and polish.
iii. polish, dry, primp and wash.
h. Men want girls…
i. With good taste, obedient and calm.
ii. Obedient, calm, and with good taste.
iii. With good taste, calm and obedient.
i. Women should also …
i. work fast-paced, have good breeding and a tiny waist.
ii. work slowly, have poor breeding and a wide waist.
iii. work fast-paced, have poor breeding and a tiny waist.
j. What are the amulets for?
i. An apple for beauty, beads of Jade for balance & a pendant for serenity.
ii. An apple for balance, beads of Jade for beauty & a pendant for serenity.
iii. An apple for serenity, beads of Jade for beauty & a pendant for balance.
What is the cricket for?


Complete Mulan’s prayer at the end of the song:

____________ hear my __________, help me not to ___________ a ___________ of me
and not to ____________ my family’s _________, ________ my ____________ standing

6. Organize these last lines of the song:
_____ Destiny, guard our girls.
_____ Scarier than the undertaker.
_____ Please look kindly on these cultured pearls.
_____ And our future as it fast unfurls.
_____ Each a perfect porcelain doll.
7. Organize the following events according to the movie.
_____ Mulan speaks without permission.
_____ Grandma Fa thinks things are going well.
_____ Cri-Kee escapes from his cage.
_____ Mulan spits the cricket to recite the final admonition.
_____ Mulan splashes the Matchmaker’s face to put out the fire.



Mulan is called by the Matchmaker.
Mulan puts Cri-Kee in her mouth.
the Matchmaker runs out of the building screaming.
Mulan scans her smeared notes for the final admonition.
the crowd whispers and walks away.
the Matchmaker stains her face with ink.
the Matchmaker sits on burning coals.
Mulan struggles to catch Cri-Kee.
Mulan tries to recover the cup of tea.
Grandma Fa makes a comment on the Matchmaker’s bad mood.
Mulan realizes she’s pouring tea on the table.
Cri-Kee jumps down the Matchmaker’s dress.
the Matchmaker shouts Mulan will never bring her family honor.
the Matchmaker looks at her clipboard and calls Mulan.
Mulan tries to put out the fire with the fan and makes it flame up.

8. Song: Reflection: Summarize Mulan’s thoughts in three statements. (Family, herself, future)

9. Analize the meaning of the comment made by Mulan’s father:
… “My, my, what beautiful blossoms we have this year. … But look, this one’s late. But, I bet that
when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all.” …
10. According to this scene, what are girls supposed/not supposed to do?
_________________ /
________________________ /
______________________ /___________________


11. Describe Mulan’s state of mind in a few lines.
12. Answer the following questions:
a. What does Mulan decide to do and why?
b. How does she do it?
c. Who gets the hint that something is happening?
d. What do the members of the family do?
e. What does Mulan’s father mean by “If I reveal her, she will be”

f. What do we see immediately after the family prays for the ancestors to help Mulan?
g. Which of the characters is voiced by Eddie Murphy?
h. Which of the family’s guardians is to be sent?

i. Which will finally help her and why?
13. Here are some of Mushu’s statements. Put them in order and say what they mean…
_____ … Let’s move it, rise and shine.
_____ Do I look like a sucker to you?
_____ Don’t make me have to singe nobody to prove no point.
_____ I ring the gong.
_____ After all this great stone Humpty Dumpty mess…
_____ You all the way past the beauty sleep thing trust me!
_____ Oh, man, they’re gonna kill me!
_____ And your point is?
_____ Whach’ you mean loser? How ‘bout I pop one of your antenna’s and throw it across the
yard. Then who’s the loser; me or you?
_____ I mean it’s not like it’ll kill ya.


14. Complete this short Interlude conversation.
Hung Long Hair Guy:
Imperial ____________.
Scout # 1:
________ work, ____________. You ________ the _________ army.
Scout #2:
The _______ will __________ you.
_______ me? He ___________ me. By ___________ his __________, he
__________ my ___________. Well, I’m _________ to _________ his
___________. Go! Tell your ____________ to _________ his ___________

armies. I’m _________. _______ many _______ does it ________ to
__________ a ________?
Archer Guy:
15. Say whether these statements are T (true) or F (false).
s Mulan knows how to handle a sword.
s She thinks she only needs a miracle to make it work.
s Mushu pretends to be a huge dragon ghost when he first appears before Mulan.
s Cri-Kee gives Mushu’s size away.
s Mushu is delighted by Mulan’s saying he’s a lizard.
s Mulan’s amazed at Mushu’s size for a guardian.
s Mushu says he’s travel size because otherwise, Khan would die of fear.
s Mulan refuses to apologize.
s Mulan finally recognizes she’s never done that before.
s Mushu tells her that she’ll have to trust him blindly.
16. List the male attitudes and Mulan’s male attitudes in these columns.
Real Men Attitudes
 _________________
 _________________
 _________________



Mulan’s Male Attitudes.
 __________________
 __________________
 __________________

17. Choose only one answer
a. General Li will take the main troops to
i. Shao Yu Pass.
ii. Tao Shang Pass
iii. Tung Shao Pass
b. Li Shang is named Captain because…
i. He’s the General’s son.
ii. The Emperor’s councilor suggests it.
iii. Li Shang’s #1 in his class, he has extensive knowledge of training techniques and
an impressive military lineage.
c. Both father and son will toast China’s victory at …
i. The Tung Shao Pass.
ii. The training camp.
iii. Imperial City.

d. When the Captain says he doesn’t need anyone causing trouble in the camp, he refers
i. All the recruits.
ii. Chien
iii. Ping
e. What is the correct order of Mulan’s male names mentioned in the scene.

i. Ah Chu, Ping, Mushu
ii. Ping, Mushu, Ah Chu
iii. Ah Chu, Mushu, Ping
f. Thanks to Ping, the recruits have to spend the night…
i. Picking up every single grain of corn.
ii. Picking up every single grain of rice.
iii. Picking up every single grain of wheat.
18. What do these expressions mean or refer to?
a. Rise and shine sleeping beauty.
b. You gonna make people sick.
c. Then you have to kick the other kid’s butt.
d. I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover.
e. Moo goo gai pan.
f. ‘Cause I owe you a knuckle sandwich.
g. I’ll get that arrow pretty boy.
h. This represents discipline and this represents strength.
19. Song “I’ll make a man out of you”.
a. Why does Captain Li says: “We’ve got a long way to go.”
b. Fill in the blanks in the lyrics:
c. Explain how Mulan improves during the training.
Let’s get ________ to business
To ______________ the Huns.
Did they _______ me _____________
When I __________ for __________?
You’re the __________ bunch
I ever ___________
But you can ________ before we are ______________.
Mister, I’ll __________ a man _______ ________ you.
Chorus  organize the lines 


Once you find your center
But on fire within
You are sure to win
Tranquil as the forest

You’re a __________, _________, _________ lot
And you _______n’t got a _______

__________ I’ll ______ a man ____ ___ you.
I’m never ___________catch my __________
Say ___________ to those who __________ me
Boy I was a ___________ in school for _________ gym
This ________’s got ‘em ____________ to death
________ he doesn’t see right ____________ me
Now I really ________ that I ________ how to ________!
(Be a man) We _________ be _________ as the __________ river
(Be a man) With all the __________ of a great ____________
(Be a man) With all the ___________ of a __________ fire
____________ as the ________ side of the ________.
Scrambled words! The lines are in the correct order but the words got all mixed up. Put them back in
their correct order. 
arrive Huns is racing the till time toward us:

you survive order my might heed every and:
for of rage the unsuited war you’re :
you’re up through so pack home, go and: ___________________________________________________
a can how I make man of out you: ________________________________________________________
(Be a man) swift as the we must coursing river: _____________________________________________
(Be a man) typhoon all force with the of a great: ____________________________________________
(Be a man) with raging strength of all the fire a: _____________________________________________


20. Answer these questions:
b How do the Huns learn that the Imperial troops are at the Tung Shao Pass? List the clues:
_________________ _________________ __________________
b What will they do?
21. Complete the missing information:
Hey, oh, oh, no. This is _______ a good _______. What _________ somebody
______ you?
___________ because I look _________ a man __________ mean I ________to
______ like one.
So a ___________ of guys don’t _________ out their _________ picky _______,
________. Well __________ I kinda _________ that __________ chip’s

________, all right, that’s __________. Now c’______, get _____ before you
_________ all ______ and _______.
__________, if you are so _________, go _________ _________.
Yeah, yeah, __________ ________, Mushu while I ________ our ________ with
my stupid, __________ habits. ___________.
Chirp, chirp.



Me ______! Me ________!
Ah! We’re _________. There are a __________ of things I __________ they’re
_______ to ___________.
Hey, ________!
Oh, hi! __________. I didn’t ________ you were __________ I was ______
___________, so now I’m ____________ and I’m _____________ go. Bye.
_________ back __________. I _________ we were _________ to you
___________, so let’s _________ _________. Hi, I’m ________.
Heh, heh!
And I’m Chien-Po.
Hello, Chien-Po.
_______ I’m Yao. ________ of the _________. And there’s _________ you
______ can ________ about it.
Oh, yeah? Well, I think ________ and _____ could _______ you.
I really ________ want to _________ him ______________.
_________, we have to _________.
No, we ________. We ___________ just _____________ our _________ and
swim __________.
C’mon ________ be ________ a g… ________! Something _______ me.
What a ________ __________.
__________, ________!
Some __________ of the __________!

________, that was ________.
No, that was _______! You ________ me ______!

I _________ want to see a ________ man again.
Hey, don’t _______ at me. I ________ biting ____ more _______.
22. Answer the following questions.
a. How does Chi Fu say he believes the troops will fail?
b. What are those boys no more fit “than ________________________”?
c. What does Chi Fu say will happen once the General sees his report?
d. What does Chi Fu bear a grudge against when he emphasizes he got the job on his own?
e. What is his job?
f. What does Mushu wonder as he eavesdrops Chi Fu’s comment?
g. What does Ping tell the Captain to cheer him up?
h. What does Mushu realize?
i. What does Mulan answer?
j. What does Mushu decide to do? Is he successful?
23. Song: “A Girl Worth Fighting For” Complete the following lines:
_____________________________________, marching off to battle.
In a ___________ herd, we _________ a lot more like __________.
Like the pounding beat, ____________________________, easy to ignore.
Hey, think of instead, ____________________________________. Huh?
That’s what I said, a girl _______________________________________.
__________________________, the moon with eyes that __________________________
My girl will marvel at _________________, adore __________________. ______________, wear
or what she looks like, __________________________________: Beef, pork, chicken…
Bet the local girls thought __________________________________________________.

___________________________________________ a man in armor.

__________________________________, since we went off to war. What do we want?
My girl would think I have ______________________________________________
Uh… How about a girl ___________________________, who always
_____________________________________________ are sure to thrill her.
He thinks he’s such ________________________________________.
____________________________________, unlike any other.
Yeah, the only girl who’d _____________________________________________.
___________________________________ in _____________________, at the door.
What do we want?
Wish that I had ________________________________________________!


24. Choose only one answer:
a. Captain Li Shang asks the recruits to look for _________
i. Rivals
ii. His father
iii. Survivors
b. General Li should have been ______________
i. At the Tung Shao Pass
ii. That village
iii. Back at the camp.
c. _______________ condoles with the Captain.
i. Mulan
ii. Chien-Po

iii. Yao
d. When Mulan fires the cannon, she __________
i. Attacks the Huns
ii. Gives away their position
iii. Does it to ask for help.
e. An arrow hits the Captain in _____________.
i. His head
ii. The leg
iii. The shoulder
f. When the shower of fire arrows starts falling at them, Shang asks to save __________
i. The cannons
ii. The food
iii. The tents
g. Who says “Oh sure, save the horse”?
i. Shang
ii. Chien-Po
iii. Mushu
h. Captain Li says that if they die, they die __________
i. With honor
ii. In peace
iii. For China
i. Mulan aims the cannon at _____________.
i. Shan-Yu
ii. The hawk
iii. The snow embankment
j. Mulan gets hurt in __________
i. Her left side
ii. Her right side
iii. Her back
k. Mushu says Cri-Kee is one lucky ___________.

i. Bug
ii. Grasshopper
iii. Cricket
l. After the avalanche episode, the Captain says _________
i. Ping should go back home because he’s insane.
ii. He owes his life to Ping and therefore he trusts Ping now.
iii. To Ping he is not to disobey him again.


m. The other recruits hurray Mulan because she’s the __________
i. Maddest of them all.
ii. The most coward of them all
iii. The bravest of them all.
n. When Shang sees Mulan’s wounded and fainting, he says ________
i. Hold on
ii. Hang on
iii. Come on
o. As Shang discovers Mulan’s a woman, he ________________
i. Puts her to die
ii. Spares her life in exchange for his.
iii. Kisses her madly
25. Correct the mistakes made while typing the following dialog.

I was this near, this near to impressing your ancestors, getting the highest shelf, an
entourage. Man, all my best work, ffft. Hello.


I must never have left my parents.


Eh. Come on, you wanted to replace your father. Who knew, you’d finish up disgracing
him, shaming your elderly and losing every one of your friends. You know, you only gotta
remember to let everything go.


Maybe I haven’t gone for my father. Perhaps what I really wanted was to test I could do
things fine, so when I reflected on the mirror I’d meet someone worthwhile. But it was
wrong. I don’t see anything.


Well, that’s because this only needs a little polishing… That’s it. Let me shine this out for
ya. I can peep you, look at yourself, you look so beautiful. The fact is we’re both failures.
Your ancestors never requested me, they even hate me. I mean, you risked your guts to
help the ones you adore. I risked your skin to help myself. At last you had good


Chirp, chirp, chirp, bowl, bowl.


What? What do you mean you’re unlucky? You lied to us? And what are you? A goat?


I’ll have to meet my father sooner or later. Let’s go back.


Yeah, this isn’t going to be cute. But don’t ya worry. Okay? Things’ll be solved out. We
began this thing together, and that’s the way we’ll end. I swear.
_______________________XXXX ____________________________




Home is the other way!


I must do something.


Have you seen those Huns!? They sprung up like jasmines.


Are we in these together or not?


Chirp, chirp.


Well, let’s go hit some Huny butts. Wu Hu Ha Ga, Wu Hu Ha Ga.

26. Answer the following questions:
a. Why will China sleep safely?
b. Who does Mulan warn first?
c. How does people react?
d. What’s Mushu’s comment on it?
e. What does the Emperor say and why?
27. Order the following sequences of events according to the movie.

All of Shan-Yu’s men jump out from behind the dragon knocking down Shang and grab the
Emperor knocking off his hat.


Shan-Yu’s falcon swoops down and takes the sword while Shang is giving it to the Emperor.


Long-Haired Hun Man and Hun Strong Guy close the palace door as Hun archer knocks his arrow
retreating into the Palace to threaten rescue attempts.


The masses of people gasp at the sight of Shan-Yu.


The falcon rises above the roof and drops the sword to Shan-Yu, who was sitting next to the
gargoyles in the shadows blending it.


Shang begins to draw his sword.


Hun Bald Man #1 and #2 carry the Emperor into the Palace.


He rises out of the shadows to catch the sword so that all the people can see his face.

B) Song I’ll Make a Man Out of You (reprise) plays in the background during the next action sequence.
Organize the few lines of the song and match them with the actions taking place.



Yao, Ling and Chien-Po look at one
another then drop the statue and
follow Mulan.
Shang looks astonished
Around the corner, Yao, Ling and
Chien-Po begin to take off their armor
And dress as women.
Once the transformation is complete,
They take out their sashes and
He takes off his cape and wraps it around
The column to signify he’s coming along.
They shimmy up the poles together.

With all the force of a great typhoon
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.
With all the strength of a raging fire
Be a Man
Be a Man
We must be swift as the coursing river.

28. Say whether these statements are T (true) or F (false)
a. Shan-Yu orders the Emperor to give in to him.
b. Yao wants to change dresses because his makes him look fat.
c. One of the Hun Men is surprised at the beauty of the concubines.
d. Mushu burns the falcon’s feathers and calls him a Mongolian Barbecue.

e. Shan-Yu is patient with the Emperor.


Rewrite the Emperor’s words:


29. Who are these expressions said by and why?

You don’t have a plan?


Hey, I’m making this up as I …


You’re worst nightmare.


Light me!


She’s a hero.


Tis a woman. She will never be worth anything.

Quote the Emperor’s words:

My little baby’s all grown up and savin’ China.


Very well, then, you can have his job.


Is she allowed to do that?


You fight good.


The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all … You don’t
meet a girl like that in ev’ry dynasty.

30. Complete the final dialog:
Fa Zhou:



Father, I _________ you the __________ of Shan-Yu and the _________ of the
_________. They’re _______ to ________ the Fa Family.

Fa Zhou:

The __________ gift and ___________, is having ______ for a __________. I’ve
_________ you so…


I’ve ________ you ________, ________.

Fa Li:


Grandma Fa:

_______, she brings _________ a __________. If you _______ me she ___________
have brought ________ a ________ …


________ me, does Fa ____________ live ________?

Grandma Fa:

Woo, ______ me _______ for the next ___________.


_________ Fa Zhou I …. Mulan. Uh…uh… You ________ your, your ________. W-well,
________ it’s your ___________, isn’t it?


Would you _________ to stay for _________?

Grandma Fa:

_________ you ___________ to stay __________?


_________ would be _________.


C’mon. ________ did a great _______? C’mon, ______ me who did a good ______.

First Ancestor: Oh, all _______. You _________ be a _________ again.

Ah-ha. Woo Hoo Hoo Hoo!
_____ it, Cri-Kee.

31. Answer this last questions:

What happens in the end once Mushu is accepted as a guardian again?
What happens between Mushu and Mulan?
How do the ancestors celebrate?
What makes the First Ancestor mad?
Did you like Mulan?


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