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ng – 01225.397.470 – Lý Thuy t + Bài T p T Lo i



1. Danh t (Noun) - N: Danh t th

ng k t thúc b ng: -tion, -ment, -er, -or, -ar, -ism, -ity, -ness, -

ance, -ence, -cy, -ee, -st…
Ex: distribution, information, development, teacher, actor, friendship, relationship, shoolarship, socialism,
ability, sadness, happiness,...........
*** L u Ủ:
- Các danh t KHỌNG
C vs
C d nh m l n:
C: an/a account/advertisement/permit/ticket/fund/letter: tài kho n, tính toán/qu ng cáo/gi y
phép, s cho phép/vé/qu /th
C: accounting/advertising/permission/ticketing/funding/mail: s thanh toán, tính
toán/qu ng cáo/s cho phép, s ch p nh n/s dán nhưn, vé/c p v n, gây qu , tài tr /mail

- 1 s t đuôi ắalẰ là DANH T c n nh :
+ Potential: Ti m n ng, Removal: s xóa b , Renewal: s đ i m i, làm m i, Arrival: s đ n, Proposal: đ
xu t, Approval: s ch p thu n, Disposal: s s p x p/s b đi, Professional: chuyên gia, Individual: cá
- 1 s t đuôi ắiveẰ là DANH T c n nh :
+ Representative: đ i di n, Objective: M c tiêu, Initiative: b t đ u/kh i đ u/sáng ki n, Executive: ng i
đi u hành, Relative: h hàng, liên h , Incentive: s khuy n khích,ầ
- Các Danh t KHỌNG
C th ng g p: Access / information / baggage(luggage) / machinery /
equipment /stationery(gi ng v i office supplies): Truy c p/thông tin/hành lỦ/máy móc/thi t b /đ ng dùng v n
 Sau a, an, the, this, that, these, thoseầ. + N
 Sau my, your, her, hisầ.+ N
 N + V ==>
ng đ u câu (ch ng )
 V (Th ng ho c TOBE) + N ==>
ng sau V là O (tân ng ) c a đ ng t : I am a student
 Adj + N : beautiful voice, radical change,ầ
 N + N = Compound noun (Danh t ghép) : Maintenance Officer, Payroll Department, Book store,
rain coat, pay increase, office supplies,ầ
 Preposition (Gi i t ) + N/Ving ậ ch n Ving + O
2. Tính t (Adjective) - Adj: Tính t th

ng k t thúc b ng: -ful, -less, -al, -ble, -ous, -like, -ic, -ive, -

ent, -ant, -ing, -ed,…
Ex: helful, beautiful, useful, homeless, childless, friendly, yearly, daily, national, international, acceptable,
impossible, active, passive, attractive, famous, serious, dangerous, childish, selfish, foolish, rainy, cloudy,
snowy, sandy, foggy, healthy, sympathy, childlike, specific, scientific, interested, bored, tired, interesting,

boring, significant, subsequent
*** L u Ủ: 1 s t đuôi ắlyẰ là TệNH T : early (s m), likely (có kh n ng), lovely (đáng yêu), timely (k p
th i), happy (h nh phúc), friendly (thân thi n), daily (hàng ngày), familiar WITH (quen v i), Yearly (hàng
n m), Weekly (hàng tu n), Monthly (hàng tháng), Quarterly (hàng quý).
- Sau đ ng t tobe: (SAU TOBE + ADJ/Ving -C /Ved-B ) - Ex: She is beautiful
- Tr c danh t , b ngh a cho danh t đó - Ex: This is an interesting book
- Sau các t nh n th c tri giác (ph n này quan tr ng có nhi u b n không bi t) : look, feel, seem, smell,
taste, Find/Make/Keep/Deem + O + adj, sound, stay, remain, become (ch c n nh nh ng t này thôi

ào M nh C ng – 01225.397.470 – Lý Thuy t + Bài T p T Lo i
3. Tr ng t (Adverb) - Adv: Tr ng t th ng đ c thành l p b ng cách thêm đuôi “ly” vào tính t : Adv

= Adj + ly
Ex: beautifully, usefully, carefully, strongly, badly,…

U câu (ph i TR
C d u ph y) ho c CU I câu đ b ngh a cho c câu:
Luckily, he passed the exam/She speaks English fluently
ngh a cho đ ng t , đ ng TR
C ho c SAU đ ng t :

She drives carefully / She carefully drives her car
ngh a cho tính t , đ ng TR
C tính t :
She is very beautiful / She is extremely beaufiful
ngh a cho tr ng t , đ ng TR
C tr ng t mà nó b ngh a:
She drives extremely carefully

4. ng T (Verb) - V:
ng t th ng k t thúc b ng: -ate, -ize, -ain, -fy…
Ex: emphasize, familiarize, Criticize, Facilitate, Regulate, Validate, Operate, Categorize remain, contain,
train, maintain, entertain, specify, Diversify, Satisfy, Qualify, Rectify, Verify, Notify,…
*** L u Ủ: NH CÂU NÀY: My really(1) beautiful girlfriend runs really(2) quickly into my house!
- N chính: Girlfriend
- Adj ( ng TR
C N) đ mô t cho girlfriend: beautiful ==> p nh th nào.
- Adv có 3 adv trong câu này (really và quickly)
+ Really (1) (adv - B ngh a cho tính t , đ ng tr c tính t beautiful (adj)) ==> ư đ p r i thì adv nh n m nh nó
th t s r t là đ p
+ Quickly (2) (adv - B ngh a cho đ ng t , đ ng tr c ho c sau đ ng t là run) ==> CH Y NH TH NÀO ==>
+ Really (2) (adv - B ngh a cho tr ng t , đ ng tr c tr ng t mà nó b ngh a là quickly) ==> đư nhanh R I==>
nh n m nh nhanh nh nào n a ==> th c s r t là nhanh :)))
- My (t h n đ nh): xác đ nh gi i h n c a N ==> Ủ mu n nói là b n gái c a TỌI, ch k ph i b n gái c a ai khác
- into my house (c m gi i t ) là gi i t + N == > c m gi i t => QUAN TR NG: C M GI I T CH CÓ
VD: The man WITH golden rings IS very rich (ng i đàn ông đeo đ y nh n vàng thì r t giàu)

+ S: The man
+ C m gi i t : WITH golden rings ==> QUAN TR NG: C M GI I T CH CÓ CH C N NG MỌ T THÊM
N VI C CHIA THỊ, NGỌI TRONG CÂU) ==> V v n chia theo CH NG s ít là IS

My Love
An empty street, An empty house, A whole inside my heart. I'm all alone. The rooms are getting smaller. I wonder
how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are. The days we had, The songs we sang together. Oh, yeah. And oh, my
love. I'm holding on forever. Reaching for a love that seems so far. So, I say a little prayer. And hope my dreams will
take me there. Where the skies are blue. To see you once again, My love. Over seas and coast to coast. Find the place I
love the most. Where the fields are green. To see you once again, My love. I try to read, I go to work, I'm laughin' with
my friends. But I can't stop, To keep myself from thinking. Oh, no. I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they
are. The days we had, The songs we sang together. Oh, yeah. And oh, my love. I'm holding on forever. Reaching for a
love that seems so far. So, I say a little prayer. And hope my dreams will take me there. Where the skies are blue. To
see you once again, My love. Over seas and coast to coast. Find the place I love the most. Where the fields are green.
To see you once again...To hold you in my arms. To promise you my love. To tell you from the heart, You're what I'm
thinking of. I'm reaching for the love that seems so far. Soooo , I say a little prayer. And hope my dreams will take me
there. Where the skies are blue. To see you once again, My love. Over seas and coast to coast. Find the place I love the
most. (Love the most) Where the fields are green. To see you once again, My love. I say a little prayer. (My sweet
prayer). Dreams will take me there. Where the skies are blue. (Oh yeah). To see you once again. (Oh, my love). Over
seas and coast to coast. To find the place I love the most. Where the fields are green. To see you once againầ.


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ng – 01225.397.470 – Lý Thuy t + Bài T p T Lo i

I V I CÂU TR L I: N u trong đáp án mà xu t hi n các đuôi (-Ving/-Ved) ==> Là ADJ
I V I CÂU H I: N u mà có GI I T (with, for,ầ)/M O T (a, an, the,ầ)/TTSH (her, their, his,
its,../T H N NH (some, any, all,ầ),ầ đ ng đ ng TR
C (-Ving/-Ved).
VD: the requestedầ., for fulfillingầ ==> thì (-Ving/-Ved) Là ADJ ==> C n 1 Danh T
3. Trong 1 câu thì KHỌNG BAO GI có 2
NG T CHệNH (N u 1 câu mà có 2
NG T CHệNH thì 1
NG T ph i n m trong M QH ho c M QH RỎT G N - S H C TRONG NH NG BÀI SAU NHÉ ^^!!!)
4. ng
U CÂU làm CH NG th ng là: Ving, To V (ch M C ệCH) ho c Danh t (ho c là Vnguyên th
- câu m nh l nh)ầ
==> Ch n Ving khi đ ng sau có TÂN NG (DANH T )/C M DANH T (KHÁC GI I T )


==> Nguyên t c chung khi làm bài t p T LO I: nhìn
NG SAU ch tr ng tr c:
5. N u đ ng SAU ch tr ng có DANH T ==> Ch n ngay ADJ (Vì ADJ + N) ậ Tr 1 s N ghép
==> Trong đáp án mà có 3 TệNH T (-VING/-ED/G C) ==> u tiên ch n TệNH T G C (-ive, - ous, -ble.. ậ
khác ADJ-Ving/Ved)
==> N u đ ng SAU ch tr ng KHỌNG CÓ DANH T mà đ ng TR
C ch tr ng KHÔNG CÓ ADV
==> LO I ADJ
6. N u đ ng SAU ch tr ng không có DANH T mà đ ng TR C ch tr ng là ADV
==> Áp d ng công th c:
- BE + ADV + ADJ

- V + ADV + ADV
- BE + ADV + V3/Ved
7. N u câu có CT: S + ầầ..+ V/ To/will/can/cnould/should/must +ầầ.+ V ==> CH N ADV
8. N u câu có CT: S + V +ầ..==> Th ng ch tr ng là DANH T (làm tân ng c a V), To V (ch m c đích), Adv
(b ngh a cho V)
9. N u câu có CT: M o t /TTSH/TH (a/an/the/your/herầ.)ầầầ.Gi i t (in/on/atầ.) ==> Tr c GI I T
ch c ch n là DANH T ==> Hay: M o t /TH /TTSH (+ầ.+) +N +Gi i t /Gi i t (+ầ.+) +N +Gi i t
10. ng t khi m khuy t (Can/could/should/might/have to/mustầ+ V-nguyên th )
==> CT: Can/could/should/might/have to/mustầ + (Adv) + V-nguyên th + (Adv) ( N u đ ng SAU ch tr ng
NG c a ng t khi m khuy t (Can/could/should/might/have to/mustầ+ BE + V3/Ved)
==> CT: Can/could/should/might/have to/mustầ+ (Adv) + BE + (Adv) + V3/Ved + (adv) ( N u đ ng SAU ch tr ng

11. GI I T + N/Ving
+ N u trong đáp án không có N thì ch n Ving và ng c l i
+ N u trong đáp án có c N và c Ving thì:
==> Ch n Ving khi đ ng sau có TÂN NG (DANH T )/C M DANH T (KHÁC GI I T )
==> CT C N NH : GI I T + ADV + VING
+ Danh t có đuôi ắIONẰ TH
C ==> M O T /TTSH/TH ho c có ắsẰ
12. N u đ ng SAU ch tr ng mà có các TR
NG T -has/have/am/is/are/were/was/can/could/should/mightầ
==> Các t này B T
U B NG 1 V NG ==>
ng TR
C NÓ ch c ch n là 1 DANH T

13. More/most + ADV/ADJ ( ng sau ch tr ng KHỌNG CÓ DANH T )

+ Dùng adv: Khi tr c nó là V
14. M o t + N + gi i t (Theầ.of, a/anầ.in)
15. A/an + Danh t
C S ệT
16. THE + Danh t
==> T t c nh ng danh t CH NG
I (có đuôi - ar, or, er,..) hay t t c nh ng DANH T
==> Ph i có M O T ho c là THÊM ắsẰ

==> Danh t KHỌNG




C ph i đ ng M T MỊNH (không có A/AN ậtr ắTHEẰ và C NG KHỌNG CÓ ắSẰ)

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ng – 01225.397.470 – Lý Thuy t + Bài T p T Lo i

*** L u Ủ: KHỌNG Cị D NG:
==> N + ADJ + N (SAI) ==> Ch có: N + N + N ==> N ghép
==> ADJ + M O T /TTSH/TH (a/an/the/ầ) + N + (SAI) ==> Ch có: M O T + ADJ + N
==> N + M O T /TTSH/TH (a/an/the/ầ) + N + (SAI) ==> Chi có: M O T + N + N

B. BÀI T P ÁP D NG (Các câu T

LO I trong

THI TH T và các sách THAM KH O)

1. The opening of the Prince Theater was considered a notable ầầầầ
A. Success
B. Succeed
C. Successive
D. Successively
2. Despite several atempts to contact the ầầầầ.. of the item, we have not received a single response so far.
A. Manufacturer
B. Manufacture
C. Manufacturing
D. Manufactured
3. Our company has replaced the old air conditioners with a system that does a better job of ầầ the temperature.
A. Regulate
B. Regulator
C. Regulation
D. Regulating
4. Although Ms Swanson’s experience is ầầầầầ, we think she may not be suitable for this kind of work.

A. Impress
B. Impressed
C. Impressively
D. Impressive
5. Customers must contact the ----------for all warranty and repair issues.
A. manufacturer
B. manufacturing
C. manufactures
D. manufactured
6. It is common practice for a firm to seek a ----- -- advantage in order to maintain its position in the marketplace.
A. compete
B. competition
C. competitive
D. competitively
7. The many ầầầầầ. listed in the candidate’s resume show that he is an ideal candidate for the position.
A. Accomplish
B. Accomplishments
C. Accomplishing
D. Accomplished
8. When meeting with first – time clients, be sure to present yourself in a ầầầầ. manner.
A. Dignifies
B. Dignity
C. Dignify
D. Dignified
9. The design work of our new e-learning website was ầầầầầ. aided by the talents of the two artists.
A. Greater
B. Great
C. Greatly
D. Greatness
10. The Georgetown Art Museum thanks its ầầầầầ. for their generous donations this year.

A. Supported
B. Supporting

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ng – 01225.397.470 – Lý Thuy t + Bài T p T Lo i

C. Supporter
D. Supporters
11. Mayton City Council are receiving ầầầầ.. for Mayton Volunteer of the Year Award.
A. Nominated
B. Nominate
C. Nominations
D. Nominating
12. Mr. Skane thinks only an ầầầ.. marketing campaign can help increase ticket sales for the next movie.
A. Extent
B. Extension
C. Extensively
D. Extensive
13. Please be careful to record the quantities and costs of all purchased items ầầầầ..
A. Accurate
B. Accurately
C. Accuracy
D. Accuracies
14. Executive is pleased to announce that internet access is now available in all ầầầầ. areas of the building.
A. Publicize
B. Publicity
C. Publicly
D. Public

15. The ầầầ.. customer service of Vintel Corporation is what sets it apart from other manufacturers in the area.
A. Exception
B. Exceptionally
C. Exceptional
D. Exceptionality
16. Spruce Theater’s latest play was produced in ầầầầ.. with the director of the city’s summer arts program.
A. Cooperated
B. Cooperatively
C. Cooperation
D. Cooperate
17. Crawford Devices is guaranteed to ầầầầầ. regulate the temperature of any commercial refrigerator.
A. Precisely
B. Precise
C. Precision
D. Preciseness
18. ầầầầầ for the Auburnville Photography Competition must feature scenes of every life in the town.
A. Enter
B. Entered
C. Entries
D. Entering
19. The Fulton Café offers a large ầầầ. of home –grown fruits and vegetables.
A. Selection
B. Select
C. Selected
D. Selects
20. Coolbreze has been a proud ầầầầ. of high quality electric fans since its founding in 1980.
A. Manufatured
B. Manufacturer
C. Manufactures
D. Manufaturing

21. Because of its mild climate and fertile soil , the southern region of the country is ầầầ. for farming.
A. Idealty

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B. Idealism
C. Idealise
D. Ideal
22. ầầầ.. are complete for the tomorrow’s demonstration of the newest product from Anto Inc.
A. Preparations
B. Preparing
C. Prepares
D. Prepared
23. Ms. Morgan has made a ầầầầầầ.. at the Minara Café for tomorrow’s lunch meeting.
A. Reserved
B. Reservation
C. Reservable
D. Reserve
24. The directors of Montreal were pleased at the enthusiastic ầầầ.. to its call for voluntary community work.
A. Responsive
B. Respond
C. Response
D. Responded
25. Although many deemed it ầầầ, Chemio Industries has reported a sales growth in the first quarter.
A. Impossibilities
B. Impossibility
C. Impossibly

D. Impossible
26. Mr. Williams’ application for ầầầầ. to the certification program was not submitted before the deadline.
A. Admit
B. Admission
C. Admitted
D. Admitting
27. The deparment head ầầầầ.. approved the new layout for the company’s website.
A. Enthusiasts
B. Enthusiastic
C. Enthusiasm
D. Enthusiastically
28. The mechanics recommended car owners to check their tier alignment ầầầầầ
A. Frequent
B. Frequently
C. Frequented
D. Frequenting
29. The ầầầ.. of the new supply requisiton process is to avoid duplicate orders.
A. Intend
B. Intentional
C. Intention
D. Intentionlly
30. The company experienced an .......... need to improve its delivery system.
A. Increase
B. Increases
C. Increasing
D. Increasingly
31. The annual letters by the chairman Tianfu Yang are so ầầầ.. well written that people all over the world look
forward to their releases.
A. Except
B. Exception

C. Exceptional
D. Exceptionally

ào M nh C

ng – 01225.397.470 – Lý Thuy t + Bài T p T Lo i

32. Please show ầầầ for fellow passengers on the train by turning of your mobile phones.
A. Considerate
B. Consideration
C. Consider
D. Considerately
33. Records from the city’s department of commerce indicate aầ.. rise in the purchase of computers this month.
A. Noticeable
B. Noticeably
C. Notice
D. Noticing
34. To improve the appeal of its products, Natron usually hold ầầ among its employees for creative proposals.
A. Competing
B. Competitively
C. Compete
D. Competitions
35. Maurice Owens was honored at the employee appreciation banquet for hisầầầầ service and achievement.
A. Exception
B. Exceptionally
C. Exceptional
D. Except
36. Melanie Swanson’s report last month contains a ầầầầ.. description of the methods used by researchers.
A. Length

B. Lengthily
C. Lengthy
D. Lengthen
37. Jim Baskin ầầầầ. threw away his copies of the sales contract, so he had to have new ones printed.
A. Mistake
B. Mistakenly
C. Mistakes
D. Mistook
38. A must must proceed with the negotiations ầầầầ because the terms of the merger are very complicated.
A. Caution
B. Cautious
C. Cautioned
D. Cautiously
39. The researchers conducted each survey to ầầ.verify the quality of their products
A. Accurate
B. Accurately
C. Accuracy
D. Accuracies
40. ABC, who has been working at ABC for only two months, has proved herself to be a very ầầầ. employee.
A. Valuable
B. Valuing
C. Value
D. Valuably
41. We are pleased to inform you that your order of Tuffs Furniture chairs will arrive ầầầầ
A. Short
B. Shortly
C. Shorten
D. Shortness
42. The builder send an ầầầ. to the architectural firm for the costs of the materials needed for the building.
A. Estimate

B. Estimates
C. Estimating

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D. Estimated
43. The CEO had left ầầầầầ. for his employees to follow when he is out of town attend the convention.
A. Instructionally
B. Instructing
C. Instructions
D. Instructional
44. The new management recognized ầầầầ.the importance of this business decision
A. prompt
B. promptness
C. promptly
D. prompter
45. The ------- has always been on ensuring a consistently high level of quality and outstanding service.
A. emphasized
B. emphatic
C. emphasis
D. emphasize
46. The ------- outcome of the current economic recession is that the growth of merger activity will slow down.
A. possibly
B. possibility
C. possibilities
D. possible
47. Assessment can help you identify areas for improvement and ultimately help you realize your goals more ----A. efficient

B. efficiency
C. efficiencies
D. efficiently
48. You have to become more ầầầầwith the rules and regulations before you start working here
A. familiarity
B. familiar
C. familiarize
D. familiarly
49. The application process is highly ----- -- with only 5% of applicants ultimately selected for positions.
A. competition
B. competitive
C. competitors
D. competitively
50. The wrecked automobile must be examined extremely ầầầầ..before any repair work may begin on it
A. carefully
B. careful
C. care
D. more carefully
51. It is advisable to keep your system and software updated for -------computer performance and security.
A. optimal
B. optimize
C. optimally
D. optimization
52. Corsica is an undeniable paradise for --------- of sea and water sports, as well as for hiking.
A. enthusiasts
B. enthusiastically
C. enthusiastic
D. enthused
53. Purchase order organizer software is a flexible sales and purchase record management utility that keeps track of
all business-related activities in an --------- manner.

A. efficiency

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B. elficiently
C. efiiciencies
D. efficient
54. Derek’s Sporting Goods now has over 400 stores --------- located in more than 40 states across the country.
A. convenience
B. convenient
C. conveniently
D. conveniences
55. The district rules assessment team coordinated an ----- -- evaluation of performance standards and emerging
A. extent
B. extension
C. extensive
D. extensively
56. Sign up to receive our free newsletter and you will ----- -- receive update notifications and other news via
A. automatically
B. automaticity
C. automated
D. automatic
57. QIB will work -------to maintain sustainable growth and expansion plans.
A. persisted
B. persistent
C. persistently
D. persistence

58. Wholesale buyers purchase merchandise -------- from manufacturers and resell it to retail firms, commercial
establishments, and other institutions.
A. direction
B. direct
C. directly
D. directed
59. Many science majors enter graduate school..............after completing a bachelor of science degree.
A. directly
B. direct
C. directed
D. direction
60. Online Ticket Shop gives you the chance to buy your tickets at a ------- rate.
A. reduction
B. reduces
C. reduce
D. reduced
61. Mr. Garry Noxon in accounting was..........warned about having to many numerical errors the budget report.
A. repeat
B. repeatedly
C. repeater
D. repetition
62. The first step in preparing a fairly................presentation is to do your research thoroughly on your topic.
A. informative
B. inform
C. information
D. informer
63. A detailed quotation on the ongoing..........................will be provided for free anytime upon request
A. maintaining
B. maintenance
C. maintained

D. maintains

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64. The customer service department is responsible for fulfilling.............. from the public and has to forward them to
the chief financial officer.
A. requests
B. request
C. requesting
D. requested
65. You can------ rebuild your credit by taking steps to repair your credit rating as soon as possible.
A. easy
B. easier
C. easily
D. easiness
66. Make sure you provide the requested-------when submitting proposals since ones will not be accepted.
A. information
B. inform
C. informing
D. informed
67. While smokers are highly ------ of the ban on smoking in workplaces, most non- smokers support the ban.
A. critic
B. critically
C. critical
D. criticism
68. Our monthly production capability is expected to grow, owing to the --------- of our own factories in China.
A. expand

B. expands
C. expansion
D. expansive
69. The company also won a ------- for maintenance of the trains for the next seven
A. contract
B. contracts
C. contracted
D. contracting
70. NDRC is the national authority that is in charge of setting guidance tariffs that are ------implemented by the local
A. subsequent
B. subsequent to
C. subsequently
D. subsequence
71. Even if residents in the area have shown strong -------- to the project, the city government may not be hesitant to
proceed with it.
A. resisting
B. resistant
C. resisted
D. resistance
72. We are sorry to announce that we will not ........any credit cards starting since a cash deposit is required.
A. accepts
B. accepting
C. accept
D. accepted
73. The appointed president is expected to earn the..............trust of employees despite indications to the contrary
A. completely
B. completed
C. completing
D. complete

74. Much of the expected boots is related to a transaction fax which has yet to receive final ..........from Congress.

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A. approving
B. approved
C. approval
D. approves
75ầ..ầ..for contracts has been getting stiffer over the years since it can generate enormously lucrative earnings.
A. Competitively
B. Competition
C. Competiting
D. Competes
76. .............its plans to focus on its care products, the ABC released its plans for the upcoming year
A. Confirns
B. Confirmed
C. Confirming
D. Confirmation
77. Our experienced and skilled technicians can be of much help in the event that you ------delete something essential
from the program.
A. accident
B. accidental
C. accidents
D. accidentally
78. When the ..... for this new safety policy was under consideration by the managers, a number of experts were asked
for their comments.
A. proposing

B. propose
C. proposes
D. proposal
79. Superbầầầầ has been paid to even the smallest detail, as the project was expected to cost billions
A. attends
B. attention
C. attended
D. attendant
80. Speakers will discuss the process ofầầa global sevice by opening doors to economic opportunities.
A. establish
B. establishing
C. establishes
D. established
81. We are proud to announce their upcomingầ....... in an event whose purpose is to educate attendees on e-mail
management tools.
A. participation
B. participated
C. participating
D. participate
82. The president of Inc . ........announced that Davis, who has served the company for more than 30 years, would
retire at the end of next month.
A. regretting
B. regretted
C. regretfully
D. regretful
83. A questionnaire askedầ to evaluate the appearance and the overall brightness of the new merchandise.
A. shopping
B. shoppers
C. to shop
D. shopper

84. Road and street signs must be ........visible even in the distance in order for drivers

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A. clearness
B. clear
C. clearly
D. clearest
85. The medications widely used for patients should be ầầầ. evaluated for long-term use.
A. rigor
B. rigors
C. rigorous
D. rigorously
86. The newly launched cell phones were designed to deliver exceptional ầầầ. in various functions.
A. performing
B. performed
C. perform
D. performance
87. If you need further information or have any questions aboutầầ..your merchandise, please send an e-mail to the
sales department or contact us.
A. return
B. returns
C. returned
D. returning
88. Empty boxes should be placed in the stockroom forầầ..
A. removable
B. remover

C. removed
D. removal
89. It was unanimously agreed that Ms.Perkin’s proposal was the mostầầ..
A. persuasive
B. persuasively
C. persuade
D. persuasion
90. Sales ------- are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the location of various merchandise
A. representational
B. represent
C. represents
D. representatives
91. Cruises’ policy of changing plans without ------- passengers of the ensuring delays
A. notifies
B. notified
C. notifying
D. notification
92. Regulations have been enacted to ensure that labels on all medications are easilyầầầầ..
A. understand
B. understanding
C. understandably
D. understandable
93. Van is a leader in exploring agricultural innovations that are environmentally friendly andầầ. beneficial.
A. economics
B. economical
C. economic
D. economically
94. After ---- -- interviewing more than fifty candidates for the position of Department manager
A. carefully
B. to care

C. most careful

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D. careful
95. Salary ---------- are verified after an evaluation performed every six months after starting employment
A. increases
B. increasing
C. increase
D. increased
96. According to many ......................of the industry, the majority of small firms are hoping to enter into lucrative
A. survey
B. surveys
C. surveying
D. surveyed
97. The 50 cans of paint will be returned to your order ----- -- department this afternoon by our staff.
A. collection
B. collective
C. collect
D. collector
98. ------ for the money management seminar will be forwarded to all the managers tomorrow.
A. Invite
B. lnvitations
C. Inviting
D. Invited
99 ầầầầ..of your purchase will be sent to your mailing address within the next 10 days
A. confirms

B. confirmed
C. confirming
D. confirmation
100. Our aim is to focus on customers’ needs and satisfaction by ầ.. introducing exceptional goods.
A. consist
B. consistently
C. consistent
D. consisting
101. Because this years's prize money is larger than that of last year's, the contest has become more......
A. competitions
B. competitive
C. compete
D. competively
102. Make sure that your employment application is filled out ầầầ.. before you submit it.
A. Completed
B. Completeness
C. Completely
D. Complete
103. Copies of this communication skills book are available for ầầầầ. to educators, students and employees all
over the country.
A. Distributor
B. Distributing
C. Distributed
D. Distribution
104. The general hospital was able to improve patient care significantly without hiring more staff by ........ in a new
information system.
(A) invests
(B) invested
(C) investing
(D) invest
