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Quang Trung Secondary School
Week 1: TENSES
Present simple + present propressive
A. Ojectives
Ss review the present simple and the present progressive tenses and practice to do exercises in
real situations.
B. Preparation
T : some exercises
Ss : review the present simple and present progressive
C. Proceduce
1. Form
* Tobe: am/is/are.
Eg. I am a teacher.
(+) S + am/is/are…
(-) S + am/is/are not…
(?) am/is/are + S…?
Notice: am not = ’m not ; are not = aren’t; is not = isn’t
* Ordinary verbs:
(+) S + V-(s,es)
Eg: I walk to school.
She goes to school.
(-) S + do not/does not + V
Eg: We don’t walk to school.
He doesn’t go to school.
(?) Do/does +S + V…?
Yes, S + do/does
No, S + don’t/doesn’t
Eg: Do you go to school? Yes, I am/ No, I’m not
Does she go to school? Yes, she does/ No, she doesn’t.
Note: The third singular person

- Final ‘-s’ not ‘es’ is added to most verbs. Many verbs in ‘-e’ final ‘-s’ is simple added.
Eg: visit, answer, speak, write, hope
- Final ‘-es’ is added if the verbs ends in –ch, sh, s, x or z.
Eg: catch, wash, pass, buzz, fix
-Fanal’-es’ is added ‘to do’ and ‘go’.
If a verd ends in consonant ‘-y’ change the ‘-y’ to ‘-i’ and add ‘-es’
Eg: try - tries , study - studies
If a verb in a vowel + ‘-y’ simply add ‘-s’
Eg: buy - buys ; pay - pays
2. Use
- expresses daily habits or usual activities.
Eg: We go to school everyday.
- expresses general statements of fact.
Eg: It’s hot in the summer.
The earth revolves around the sun.
- expresses action or event which are happened in the present.
Eg: He says he wants to marry her.
- usually the frequency adverbs: never, rarelly, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always.
Eg: I often play badminton.

Nguyen Le Kieu Tham

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Quang Trung Secondary School
- for the future when we talk about future events that are part of some “officical arrangement” such
as timetable or programme.
Eg: Their plane arrives at 2 o’clock in the morning.
I’m always on holiday next week.

x x


x x x

- usually
- ofen
- sometimes
- sedom
- rarely

* He is selfish and he is being selfish
I’m being = I’m behaving/I’m acting
Eg: I can’t understand why he’s being so selfish.
- He never thinks other people. He is very selfish.
He isn’t usually like that
( being selfish = behaving selfish at the moment )
( am/ is /are being : hành vi cư sử của ai đó)
1. Form
(+) S + am/is/are + V-ing…
Eg: She is writing a letter every day.
I’m going to school by bike now.
(-) S + am/is/arenot + V-ing…

Eg: He isn’t writing a letter every day.
We aren’t going to school by bike.
(? ) Am/is/are + V-ing...?
Eg: Are you writing a letter ? - Yes,I am
- No, I’m not
Is she going to school by bike ? - Yes, she is
- No, she isn’t.
Note: V-ing
- Verb ending in ‘e’ drop ‘e’ before adding ‘ing’
Eg: write - writing
- Verb ending in one consonant before it is one vowel double consonant before adding ‘ing’
Eg: run - running
- If the verb ends in two consonants, just add ‘ing’
Eg: help – helping
But if the first syllable of a two syllable verb is stressed, don’t double the consonant.
Eg: visit - visiting
- If the second syllable of a two - syllable verb is stressed, double consonant.
Eg: prefer – preferring
- If the verb ends in a vowel + -y, keep the -y. Don’t change ‘-y’ to ‘-i’
Eg: play – playing
enjoy – enjoying

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- If the verb ends in a consonant +- y, keep the ‘–y’ for the ‘–ing’
Eg: worry – worrying

study – studying
(*) Verbs can’t be in present/past progressive.
1 - Verb of sense
Eg: hear, smell, feel, see, taste…
2 - Verb of feeling
Eg: like, dislike,care,and emotion, hate, love
3 - Certain link verb
Eg: look, seen, sound, feel…
4 - Verb of mantal activity
Eg: agree, think, believe, remember
5 - Verb of possession
Eg: have, belong, own, posses
How munh do I own you?
6 - Modals: except “be, have” in certain use – present progressive never use the stative verbs:
know, understand, have, hate, need, hear, love, see, like, smell, want, wish…
2. Use
- expresses an actiavity that is in progress (is occurring/happening) right now. The event is in
progress at the time.The speaker is saying the sentence.
Eg: I’m speaking E now.
- expresses an action which is happening aroud now but it isn’t necessary happening at the
moment of speaking.
Eg: We’re living in BN district.
- expresses an action which is happening with other at the moment.
Eg: I’m teaching while you are learning.
- expresses a plan in the future.
Eg: I’m going to the markert tomorrow.
Can use: today, this week/evening…(near time in the furture)




In progress
D. Practice
Exercise 1: Change the sentences into negative and interogative.
1- Ba goes to school 6 days aweek.
2- They do their housework.
3- There are 4 seasons in a year.
4- My mother wants to buy a new bike.
5- You ofen invite your brother to the concert.
6- We have Math, History and English.
7- I’m writing a letter.
8- Hoa is watching TV.
9- We are coming here.
10- They are walking to school.

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11- Peter is reading book.
12- You are living in Bao Nhai.
Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the simple present or the present progressive tense.

1- Cuckoos (not build)……. nests. They (use)…… the nests of - don’t build; use
other birds.
2 - You can see Tom now. He (have)……a bath.
- is having
3- He usually (drink)……coffee but today he (drink) … …. tea.
- drinks;is drinking
4- Ann (make)……. a dress for herself at the moment. She (make)
……all her own clothes.
- is making ; makes
5- I (wear)…. my sunglasses today because the sun is very strong.
6- The kettle (boil)………..now. Shall I make the tea.
- am wearing
7- Why you (put)……. on the coat ?
I (go)……… for a walk. You (come)…… with me?
- is boiling
Yes, I’d love to come.You (mind)….. if I bring my dog?
- are putting
8- I always (buy)……. lottery tickets but I never (win)…... am going. Are ...coming
9- You (love)……… him?
- buy/am always buying; win
No, I (like)…… him very much but I (not love)….. him.
- do…love ;
10- You(write)…… to him tonight ?
like ; don’t love
Yes, I always (write)…..to him on his birthday. You (want) ….. - Are…writing ;
to send my message?
write ; do…want
11- You (believe)…….all that the newspappers say ?

No, I’m ( not believe) ……any of it.
Then why you (read)…..newspappers ?
- Do…believe; don’t believe;
12- This car (make)………a very strange noise. You (think) do...read
…….it is all right ?
Oh,that noise (not matter)……. it always (make)……….a noise
- Is making; Do…think ;
like that
doesn’t matter ; makes
E. Feedback
Remark the main mistakes and the things need to notice
Eg : The water is boiling. Can you turn it off?
Water boils at 100 degrees celsius
Or Listen to those people. What language are they speaking?
Excuse me, do you speak English ?
F. Homework
Ask Ss to learn by heart the methods and do exercises again and rewiew the present perfect
and past simple .

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Quang Trung Secondary School
Week 2: TENSES
Present perfect + past simple
A. Ojectives
Ss review the present perfect and past simple tenses and apply them to do exercises.

B. Preparation
T: some exercises
Ss: rewiew the present perfect and past simple
C. Procedure
1. Form:
(+) S + have/has + P.P
Eg: I have lived in Bao nhai since 2000
(-) S + haven’t/hasn’t + P.P
Eg: I haven’t seen him for a long time
(?) Have / has + S + P.P ? -Yes. S + have/has
-No. S + Haven’t/hasn’t
Eg: Have you done your homework ? -Yes. I have
-No. I haven’t
2. Use:
- expresses activities or situations that occurred (or didn’t occur) “before now” at some unspesified
time in the past
- He has already eaten lunch
- She hasn’t eaten lunch
- Have you ever eaten at that restaurant?
I’ve never eaten there
- expresses acrtivities that were repeated several or many times in the past.The exact times are

- He has eaten at that restaurant many times
- I’ve been to that theater 5 or 6 times
- We’ve had three tests so far this week

x x x

- When the present perfect is used with “since” or “for” it expresses situations that began in the past
and continue to the present
- I’ve worked here since 2000/for 9 years


- She has been in classroom since 6.00 a.m
Since: a point in time
For : a period of time

1. Form
a. To be: was/were
b. Ordinary verb
(+) S + V- ed (past verb – V-2) ( - V-ed: regular verb
- V-2 : irregular verb )
Eg: She lived in Bao nhai 2 years ago
(-) S + didn’t + V

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Eg: I didn’t see her yesterday
(?) Didn’d + S + V ? - Yes. S + did
- No. S + didn’t
2. Use
It is used to talk about activitives or situations that began and ended at a particular time in the
(yesterday, last (night, week,….) ago, in 2008)
Eg: When I was younger, I used to play/played table tennis
She lived in the countyside 10 years ago
* Compare between present perfect and past simple
Present perfect
Past simple
-I’ve done a lot of work today
- I did a lot of work yesterday
Khi đề cập đến thời gian liên tục từ quá khứ
Khi đề cập đến thời gian trong quá khứ và
đến hiện tại
kết thúc hẳn
Eg: today, this week, since 2000
Eg: yesterday, last week, from 2000 to 2008
- Did you see Ann this morning ?
- Have you seen Ann this morning ?
(Bây giờ là buổi chiều hoặc tối)
(Bây giờ vẫn là buổi sáng)
* Chỉ nói về quá khứ
* Luôn có sự liên hệ với hiện tại
D. Practice
Ex1: Put the verbs in the following sentences into past simple and present perfect
Eg: I go to school by bike

I went to school by bike
I have gone to school by bike
1. She speaks slowly
6. His roses grow well
2. You eat too much
7. He sleeps badly
3. Who knows the anwer ?
8. they ride their bikes
4. We buy them here
9. I read books
5. It costs 30 p
10. Hoa and Nga get up early
Ex2: Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect and past simple tenses
1. This is my house
1. Have .… lived/have …. been living
How long you (live)……….. here?
– have lived/have been living
I (live)……….. here sine 1990
2. did …. wear/insisted
2. You (wear) ………… you hair long when you were at
Yes. My mother (insist)………….. on it
3. wrote
3. Shakespeare (write)………….a lot of plays.
4. hasn’t smoked
4. He (not smoke)……….. for 2 weeks. He is trying to
give it up
5. did arrive/arrived
5. When………... she (arrive)………?
H e (arrive)……….. at 2.00

6. have …. had/had
6. You (have)………… breakfast yet?
Yes. I (have)…………. it at 8.00
7. did …. see
7. …….You (see)……….. the moon last night?
8. began/lasted/enjoyed
8. The concert (begin)……….. at 2.30 and (last)……
…….. for 2 hours. Everyone (enjoy)………. it very

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9. The newspaper (come)…………?
Yes. Ann is reading it
10. You (be)…………. here before?
Yes. I (spend)……… my holidays here last years
……….You (have)……….. a good time?
No. It never (stop)……………. raining.
11. Where is Tom?
I (not see)………. him today , but he (tell)….
………. Mary that he’d be in for dinner
12. He (leave) ………..the house at 8.00
Where …………he (go)…………….?
I (not see) …………where he (go)…… … …

9. have….come

10. have….been/spent/

11. hasn’t seen/told
12. left/did….go/hasnn’t seen/ went

Ex3: Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning
1. The last time we went to Lon don was two years ago
We haven’t…………………………………………………………………………..
2. I’ve never talked to the headmaster before
3. The last time I went skiing was ten year ago
I haven’t…………………………………………………………………………….
4. Hoa hasn’t written to her parants for three months
The last…………………………………………………………………………….
D./ Feedback
Remark the main mistakes and give the diffirence between them
E./ Homework
Ask Ss to learn by heart the methods and do exercises again and rewiew the past progressive
and past perfect.

Week 3: TENSES
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Past progressive + past perfect

A. Ojectives
Ss review the past progresive and study the past perfect. By the end of the lesson Ss can use them
to practice in real situations.
B. Preparation
T : some exercises
Ss: review the past progressive
C. Procedure
1. Form
(+) S + were / was + V-ing
Eg: I was watching TV at 9.00 last night
(- ) S + were / was not ( weren’t / wasn’t ) + V- ing
Eg: She wasn’t reading book when I came
( ? ) Was/ Were + S + V-ing ? – Yes. S + was/ were
No. S + wasn’t / weren’t
Eg : Were you studying English ? - Yes. I was
No. I wasn’t
2. Use
- expresses an activity that was in progress (was occurring/happening) at a point of time in the past.
Eg : I sat down at the dinner table at 6.00 p.m yesterday
Tom came to my house at 6.00 p.m – I was eating dinner when Tom came
I went to bed at 10.00. The phone rang at 11.00 – while I, the phone rang was sleepping
Note: when = at that time
while = during that time
At 9 o’clock last night I was preparing the lesson while my sons were watching TV
• For past progressive action at axact limits or for time in the past (một thời điểm or một khoảng
thời gian)
Eg: They were studying their lessons all yesterday evening
• For an action was happening with an other action or event in the past

Eg: Mai was reading a book while I was writing a dictation
When I came, they were eating lunch
1. Form
(+) S + had + P.P
Eg: I had learnt English before I came
(-) S + had not (hadn’t) + P.P
Eg: I hadn’t stayed at home when he came to my house
(?) Had + S + P.P ? Yes. S + had
No. S + hadn’t
Eg: Had you learnt Viet namese before you came to Viet nam ?
Yes. I had / No. I hadn’t
2. Use
- expresses an activity that occurred before another time in the past
eg : I wasn’t hungry because I had already eaten
(At moon. I wasn’t hungry because I had already eaten before 1.00 p.m)
- expresses an activity that was completed before a particular time in the past
eg: I had eaten when he came

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(I ate at moon . He came at 1.00 p.m .My meal was completed before he came)
Note: It is used with when, before, after , or by the time
0r: The past perfect tense is used to
• Refer to an earlier past:
eg: - She arrived when the train had left

- The boys loved the zoo. They had never sseen wild animals before
- Before a point of time
Eg: He hadn’t finished by yesterday evening
• As the past equivalence of the present perfect
Eg: - I’ve lost my pen
- I had lost my pen and I had to borrow hers
* As the past equivalence of the simple past tense
Eg: He met her in 2000 and again ten years later
Her hair, which had been grey at their first meeting, was white then
D. Practice
Ex 1 : Put he verbs in brackets into the correct form: past progressive, past perfect or past simple
1. He usually wears sandals but when I last saw him he……… ……. 1. was wearing
(wear) boots.
2. The car had nobody in it but the engine ……….. (run).
2. was running
3. The class……….. (begin) before we came yesterday.
3. had began
4. Tom ………….(just go out) at home when I arrived.
4. had just gone
5. Where did you get after my parents…………. (leave) ?
5. had left
6. Tom (sit) in a corner with a book. I told him that he ………. 6. was sitting/was reading
(read) in very bad light.
7. had already finished
7. They weren’t eating when I came to see them. They………..
(already finish) their dinner.
8. hadn’d seen
8. I was happy to see her again after such a long time. I ……… (not
see) her for year.
9. went

9. Was Tom at the party when you arrived?
Yes. But he……………. (go) home soon afterwards.
10. had just left
10. Was Mary at home when you phone?
No. she…………. (just leave)
11. had gone
11. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody…… ….
(go) to bed.
12. went
12. I felt very tired when I got home, so I ……….(go) straight to
13. had broken
13. Sory I’m late. The car ………..(break) down on my way here.
14. There was a car by the side of the road. It ………(break) down
14. had broken/ stopped
and the river was trying to repair it. So we ………(stop) to see if we
could help.
Ex2: Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning the first. One using the word
1. I’d prefer you to start work next week (rather)
I’d ……………………………………………………………………………………
2. I’ve never wacthed a more interresting football match than that (most)
3. I’ve never eaten with knives and forks before. (first)
It’s ……………………………………………………………………………………

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4. I’d like you help me to the chairs away. (help)
5. “ Do you remember what you have to do ?” The teacher ask her class. (what)
The teacher asked her class……………………………………………………….....
6. I don’t know anything about her family. (wish)
7. Bob is both talented and handsome. (not only……..but also)
8. She met her parents last on New Year’s Day. (since)
1. I’d rather you stared work next week
2. It’s the most interesting football match I’ve never watched
3. It’s the first time I’ve eaten with knives and forks
4. Do you mind helping me to put the chairs aways?
5. The teacher asked her class if they rememmbered what they had to do
6. I wish I knew something about her family
7. Bob is not only talented but also handsome
8. She hasn’t see her parents since New Year’s Day
E. Feedback
Remark the main mistakes and ask Ss to retalk the knowledge
F. Homework
Ask Ss to do exercises again and prepare: the present perfect progressive + past perfect

Week 4: TENSES
Present perfect progressive + past perfect progressive

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A. Objectives
Ss know the use way the present perfect progressive and past perfect progressive. By the end of
the lesson Ss can apply them to do some exercises.
B. Preparation
- T: some exercises
- Ss: perare 2 tenses above
C. Procedure
1. Form
(+) S + have/has + been + V-ing
Eg : I have been preparing the lesson every day.
(-) S + haven’t/hasn’t + been + V-ing
Eg : She hasn’t been watching the cartoons evry night.
(?) Have/has + S + been + V-ing? – Yes. S + have/has
- No. S + haven’t/hasn’t
Eg: Have they been living in Bao nhai? - Yes. They have
- No. they haven’t
2. Use : It is used to express
- actions in progress throughout a period.
Eg: We’ve been living here since 2000
- for reported actions.
Eg: He’s been watching TV every night
* Compare
- I’ve been painting this room. (uncompleted)

- I’ve painted this room . (definitely)
- Expresses how long an activity has been in progress (diễn tả hành động tiến hành trong bao lâu)
Eg: I has been stadying E at this school since May.
She has been sleeping for 2 hours.
- expresses the duration (the length of time) an activity is in progress.
Eg: I have been sitting in the room since 9.00 o’clock/for 45 minutes.
1. Form
(+) S + had + been + V- ing
Eg: I had been doing my homework
(-) S + hadn’t + been + V- ing
Eg : She hadn’t been living in my home
(?) Had + S + been + V- ing ? - Yes. S + had/No. S + hadn’t
Eg : Had you been doing all the homework ? – Yes. I had/No. I hadn’t
2. Use
- ….is used when the action began before the time of speaking in the past and continued up to that
time or stopped just before it
Eg: It was 11.10. I was very hungry because I had been working since early morning.
I was very tired when I arrived home. I’d been working hard all day.
* Compare “have been –ing” and “had been – ing”

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- I hope the bus come soon. I’ve been waiting

for 20 minutes.(before now)
- He’s out of breath. He has been running.
(Anh ấy thở gấp. Anh ấy đã chạy từ nẫy đến

- At last the bus came. I’d been waiting for 20
- He was out of breath. He had been running.
(Anh ấy đã thở gấp. Anh ấy đã chạy trước)

* Present perfect progressive and present perfect.
- She has been painting the ceiling.
(Nãy giờ cô ấy đang sơn trần nhà )
- My hands are very dirty.I’ve been repairing
the car.
- Where have you been? Have you been
playing tennis?
* How long : bao lâu

- She has painted the ceiling. (Cô ấy đã sơn trần
- The car is OK again now. I’ve repaired it.
- Have you ever played tennis?
* How much/ how many or how many times.
- How many pages of that book have you read?

- How long have you been reading?
* How long have you (been)………?
Eg : Bob and Alice are married. They got married exactly 20 years ago. So today is their 20th
wedding anniversary.

? How long have they been married?
They have been married for 20 years.
- Are you waiting for some body?
But how long have you been waiting?
* I have been doing sth
Eg ; I’ve been learning E for a long time. (don’t speak : I’m learning)
Sorry I’m late. Have you been waiting long?
* I have been doing : dùng nhiều với : how long/since/for
Eg : I have been learning E for a long time (ít dùng : I’ve learnt)
* Có thể dùng cả hai với động từ: live/work
Eg :John has been living/lived in London for a long time.
How long have you been working/have you worked here?
Nhưng “ always” chỉ dùng với :present perfect
Eg : John has always lived in London.
* When……? And How long……………….? For and since
Eg :- When did it start raining?
- How long has it been raining?
It started raining an hour ago/at 1.00
It’s been raining for an hour/since 1.00
“for , since” dùng để diễn tả một sự vật sảy ra trong bao lâu
* It’s (a long time/two years ….. ) since sth happened
Eg : It’s two years since I last saw him = I haven’t seen him for two years
It’s ages since we went to the cinema = we haven’t been to the cinema for ages
Thể nghi vấn là: How long is it since………… ?
Eg : How long is it since you last saw him? = when did you last see him?
How long is it since he died? = when did he die?
D. Practice
Ex 1. Put the verb into the most suitable form:past progressive, past perfect or past perfect

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Eg : It was noisy next door. Our neighbours were having (have) a party .We were good friends. We
had known (know) each other for a long time.
1. Jonh and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with
him because he…………(walk) so fast.
2. Mary was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath .
3. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with
their mouths full. They…………(eat)
4. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and
talking. Their mouths were empty but their stomachs were
full. They ………..(eat)
5. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He …..
………(look) for his contact lens
6. When I arrived, Kate………….(wait) for me. She was
rather annoyed with me because I was late and she …………
(wait) for a very long time.
7. I was sad when I sold my car. I …………(have) it for a
very long time.
8. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey.
We……….(travel) for more than 24 hours.

1. was walking
2. had been running
3. were eating

4. had been eating/had eaten
5. was looking
6. was waiting/had been waiting
7. had had
8. had been travelling

Ex 2: Read the situations and make sentences from the words in the brackets.
1. I was very tired when I arrived home.
(I/work/hard/all day) . I had been working hard all day.
2. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired.
(they/play/football). They had been playing football.
3. There was nobody in the room but there was a smell of cigarettes.
(somebody/smoke/in the room). Somebody had been smoking in the room.
4. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and didn’t know where she was
(she/dream). She had been dreaming
5. When I got home, Mike was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off.
(he/watch/TV) . He had been watching TV.
E. Feedback.
Retell the knowledge and remark the period
F. Homework
Ask Ss to learn by heard the lesson and prepare :Future

Week 5: TENSES
Future tense
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A. Ojectives
Ss review the future tense and apply them to do some exercises. And know some special forms in
the future tense.
B. Preparation
- T : some exercises
- Ss : review the future tense
C. Procedure
1. Form:
(+) S + will/shall + V
Eg : I’ll go to market tomorrow.
(-) S + will/shall not + V
Eg : She will not visit her parents next week.
(?) Will/Shall + S + V ? - Yes, S + will/shall
- No, S + will/shall not
Eg : Will you go to school tonight? - Yes, I will
- No, I won’t
Note: will/shall = ’ll ; will not = won’t ; shall not = shan’t
2. Use:
It is used to express
- the speaker’s opinions, assumptions, speculations about the future: (ý kiến, giả định, sự suy đoán về
tương lai)
Eg : He’ll come back.
They’ll wait for us.
- future habitual actions which we assume will take place: (thói quen được giả định trong tương lai)
Eg : Spring will come again.
- in sentences containing clauses of condition time, and some purpose.
Eg : If you drop that glass, it will break.
When it gets waemer, the bears will wake up.

* But not in an If – clause or time clause even when the meaning is in the future:
Eg : If he is late tomorrow………(not: If he will be late tomorrow)
- in fomal announ cements of future plans and weather forecasts
Eg : It will rain tomorrow
Eg : I’m going to meet her at the station
He is going to be a dentist when he grows up
They are going to sing an English song
Note : the use of shall (with I or we) to express future time is infrequent and formal.
* “Will” and “be going to” usually give the same meaning, but sometimes they express different
- “be going to” and “will” are the same meaning when they are used to make predictions about the
Eg: She is going to/will succeed because she works hard.
- “be going to” (but not will) is used to express a preconceived (định trước) plan.
Eg: I bought some wood because I am going to build a bookcase for my apartment.
- “will” (but not be going to) is used to volunteer or willingness.
Eg: This chair is too heavy for you to carry alone. I’ll help you. (the speaker is happy to help)
* Using “ probably” with “will”

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Eg : Ann will probable not go to the park tomorrow (formal)
Bob probably won’t go to the park tomorrow
- The idion ( thành ngữ ) “be about to do sth” expresses an activity that will happen in the near

future, usually within 5 minutes.
Eg: Ann’s bags are packed,and she is wearing her coat. She is about to leave for the airport.
(Ann is going to leave something in the next minutes)
Eg: The children start schoool on Sunday
What are you doing next Saturday?
- present simple to express future action which happens regularly (sự đều đặn thường xuyên, lặp đi
lặp lại)
Eg: The train SP leaves at 11.20 tomorrow.
- present progressive to express future action.
Eg: He is coming here late.
* Present plans for future activities using : intend, plan, hope
“ Entend, plan, hope” are used in present tense to express present ideas about future activities.
Eg: - I’m entending/entend to go to Paris.
- I’m planning/plan to take a trip next month.
- I’m hoping/hope to fly to Paris next week.
“Entend, plan, hope” are followed by an infinitive (To-V the simple form of a verb)
Note: Structures
- to be going to do sth
- to entend to do sth
- to be to + V
- to be about + V-ing
- to be on a point of + V- ing
Eg : I’m to teach you = I’m about teaching you.
1. Form:
will/shall be + V-ing
2. Use : It is used:

- as an ordinary progressive tense (actions start before a point of time and probably continue after it)
Eg : When you arrive, they will be cooking the meal
- to express future with attention
Eg: You will be taking the exam next week.
D. Practice
Ex1: Which is correct?
1. ‘Did you phone Ba?’ ‘Oh no, I forgot. I phone/I’ll phone her now!
2. I can’t meet you tomorrow afternoon. I’m playing/I’ll play tennis.
3. ‘I need some money’ ‘Ok, I’m lending/I’ll lend some you. How much do you need?
4. What time does your train leave/will your train leave tomorrow?
5. I don’t want to go out alone. Do you come/Will you come with me?
6. Ann isn’t free on Saturday . She’ll work/She’s working.
7. I think Jane will get/is getting the job. She has a lot of exprerience.
8. A: Have you decided where to go for your holiday?

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B: Yes, we will go/we are going to Italy.
9. I can’t meet you this evening. A friend of mind will come/is coming to see me.
10. I’ll go/I’m going to a party tomorrow tonight. Would you like to come too?
Ex2: Complete the sentences using will (‘ll) or going to
1. A: Why are you turning on the television?
B: …………………the new. (I/watch)
2. A: Oh, I’ve just realised. I haven’t got any money.
B: Haven’t you? Well, don’t worry…………………..you some. (I/land)
3. A: I’ve decided to repaint this room.

B: Oh, have you? What colour………………it? (you/paint)
4. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?
B: Yes,……………………something for dinner. (I/buy)
5. A: Did you post that letter for me?
B: Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot……………….it now. (I/do)
6. A:The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, doesn’t it?
B: No, it looks as if ………………down. (it/fall)
7. A: Has George decided what to do when he leaves school?
B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned…………………a holiday for a few weeks and then
…………….a computer programming course. (he/have ; he/do)
8. A: What would you like to eat?
B: …………………..a sandwich, please. (I/have)
E. Feedback
* The pressent progressive and the be going to form.
Planned future actions can be expressed by the present progressive tense with a time expression or
by the be going to form with or without a time expression. The present progressive is mainly used for
very definite arrangements in the near future. The be going to form can be used more widely.
Eg: I’m playing bridge tonight with Tom and Ann.
It’s very cold. I’m going to light a fair.
* The present progressive and the simpl future.
The be going to form could be instead of the present progressive, but for the sake of simplicity
students are advided to use only 2 tenses first mentioned.
Eg: I’ll see/am seeing you tomorrow.
* Will + V and the be going to form
Future with intention can usually be expressed by will + V or the be going to form.Very often
either of these can be used, but when the intention is clearly premeditated the be going to form must
be used, and when the intention ins clearly unpremeditated we must use will + V.
F. Homework
Ask Ss to learn by heart the old knowledge and do exercises again. Review for test1.

I. Change these sentences into negative and interogative. (10p)
1. They watched a TV program called “The Wonders of The World”

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2. Mai always goes shopping with her mother.
3. We have studied English for 3 years.
4. Hoa and Ba are going to have a pinnic.
5. Tom had just gone at home when Peter arrived.
6. I have been preparing the lesson everyday.
7. She had been working hard all day.
8. You will write a letter tomorrow.
9. We went out for our short holiday.
10. They were playing soccer when I came.
II. Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form.(5p)





Nga …… Jenny’s letter a week ago.
We (not)……..to the soccer match last Sunday because of the rain.
I……….. this little vase at the shop next to the post office yesterday.
Trung………….his friend Michael in the USA a small collection of Vietnamese stamps last
5- Jim (not)……………me when he came to Vietnam last summer.
6- Nhung (not)…………..my email last Wednesday because of her computer breakdown.
7- Why you………….the books to the library before the due date?
8- I…………to send Tam the CD on Sunday.
9- My dad…………..me to the National Museum when we were in Ha noi.
10- Last month my doctor…………….me to stay at home for some days because of my sickness.
III. Read the passage.Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (5p)
There (1)………..four people in my family. Each of us has (2)…………different hobby. My
dad likes (3)…………..newspapers because he can get the lastest news (4)………….morning.
However, my mom enjoys watching (5).……………and (6)………….. magazines. Mon often spends
hours reading articles about fashion and cooking. Unlike my mom and dad, my brother only loves
exploring websides (7)…………….airplanes. He spends most of free time getting information about
the history and development of aircraft. He also (8)…………….emails or chats with his friends about
his hobby. For me, I am really interested in (9)……………to music on the FM radio. I also like
music program on TV (10)…………….. Sundays. What about you? What is your hobby?
IV. Put the verbs into the correct form. (10p)
1- I (lose)_________my pen. I can’t find it anywhere.
2- Last night, my father (arrive)__________ home at half past ten. He (have) ______ __ a bath and
then (go)__________ to bad.

3- I (give)_________ Lan our letter when I (see)__________ her tomorrow.
4- He (sleep)_________ so he didn’t understand what you said.
5- Tom was very tired because he (run)___________ for an hour.
6- Where you (be)_________ all this morning? It’s nearly midday now.
7- My friend suggests (go)_________ to the movie tonight, but I can’t go because I
(be)____________busy (work) on the homework (give)__________ by my math teacher.
8- Were I (know)____________ the answer, I would tell you right away.
9- Why Long(not/want)__________ to play soccer last Sunday?
10- She doesn’t know Hung’s sister. She(never/ meet)___________ her.
11- When you (start)___________ school? - When I (be)_________ six.

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12- He wishes I (meet)_________ him earlier. But I can’t. If I’m not busy, I (come)_ _______
V. Read the first sentences, and then complete the second sentence with the same meaning. (15p)
1- Someone gave Mary this pressent an hour ago.
2- “How often do you go to school?” Nam asked.
Nam asked her…………………………………………………………………….
3- Has somebody repaired this telephone? Yes, it’s working again.
Has this telephone…………………………………………………………………..
4- “ Do you have many friends?” She asked me.
She asked me………………………………………………………………………
5- They told me that our teacher was sick.

6- Someone might steal your bike if you leave it outside.
Your bike……………………………………………………………………………
7- “ Can I move the furniture around?”
I asked her…………………………………………………………………………..
8- Mai doesn’t know a lot of students in her class.
She wishes…………………………………………………………………………
9- “ How many students are there in the college?”
I asked………………………………………………………………………………
10- Mark is too young to see the horror film.
Mark is not……………………………………………………………………….
11- The house was more expensive than he thought it would be.
The house wasn’t………………………………………………………………….
12- Minh is the most intelligent student in our class.
Nobody in…………………………………………………………………………
13- We live in the city but we don’t like it.
We wish………………………………………………………………………….
14- The last time I played volleyball was ten years ago.
I haven’t…………………………………………….............................................
15- Would you like a glass of cold orange juice?
Can I get you……………………………………………………….....................?
VI. Write a passage about the suject which you like best.( about 100- 120 words) (15p)
I. Change these sentences into negative and interogative. (10p)
1. They watched a TV program called “The Wonders of The World”
(-) They didn’t watch…………………………………………………………….
(?) Did they watch……………………………………………………………….?
2. Mai always goes shopping with her mother.
(-) Mai doesn’t always go…………………………………………………………
(?) Does Mai always go………………………………………………………….?

3. We have studied English for 3 years.
(-) We haven’t studied……………………………………………………………
(?) Have we studied……………………………………………………..............?
4. Hoa and Ba are going to have a pinnic.
(-) Hoa and Ba aren’t………………………………………………………………
(?) Are they going……………………………………………………………….?

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5. Tom had just gone at home when Peter arrived.
(-) Tom hadn’t just gone………………………………………………................
(?) Had Tom just gone…………………………………………………………?
6. I have been preparing the lesson everyday.
(-) I haven’t been preparing…………………………………………………….
(?) Have I / you been preparing……………………………………………….?
7. She had been working hard all day.
(-) She hadn’t been working…………………………………………………..
(?) Had she been working………………………………………………………?
8. You will write a letter tomorrow.
(-) You won’t write……………………………………………………………….
(?) Will you write……………………………………………………………….?
9. We went out for our short holiday.
(-) We didn’t go ………………………………………………………………..
(?) Did we/ you go……………………………………………………………..?
10. They were playing soccer when I came.
(-) They weren’t………………………………………………………………..

(?) Were they………………………………………………………………….?
II. Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form.(5p)





1- Nga.. received… Jenny’s letter a week ago.
2- We (not)..didn’t go…to the soccer match last Sunday because of the rain.
3- I…bought… this little vase at the shop next to the post office yesterday.
4- Trung..sent….his friend Michael in the USA a small collection of Vietnamese stamps last week.
5- Jim (not)…didn’t meet…me when he came to Vietnam last summer.
6- Nhung (not)…didn’t receive..my email last Wednesday because of her computer breakdown.
7- Why… did...you…return...the books to the library before the due date?
8- I…forgot…to send Tam the CD on Sunday.
9- My dad…took...me to the National Museum when we were in Ha noi.
10- Last month my doctor…advised….me to stay at home for some days because of my sickness.
III. Read the passage. Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (5p)
There(1)..are..four people in my family. Each of us has(2)…a...different hobby. My dad
likes(3)..reading…newspapers because he can get the lastest news (4)…every/in the.. morning.

However,my mom enjoys watching (5)…TV…and (6)…reading… magazines. Mom often spends
hours reading articles about fashion and cooking. Unlike my mom and dad, my brother only loves
exploring websides (7)about…airplanes. He spends most of free time getting information about the
history and development of aircraft. He also (8)…writes… emails or chats with his friends about his
hobby.For me, I am really interested in (9)…listening…to music on the FM radio. I also like music
program on TV (10)…on... Sundays. What about you? What is your hobby?
IV. Put the verbs into the correct form.(10p)
1- I (lose) have lost my pen. I can’t find it anywhere.
2- Last night, my father (arrive) arrived home at half past ten. He (have) had a bath and then (go)
went to bad.
3- I (give) will give Lan our letter when I (see) see her tomorrow.
4- He (sleep) was sleeping so he didn’t understand what you said.
5- Tom was very tired because he (run) had been running for an hour.

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6- Where have you (be) been being all this morning? It’s nearly midday now.
7- My friend suggests (go) going to the movie tonight, but I can’t go because I (be) will be busy
(work) working on the homework (give) given by my math teacher.
8- Were I (know) to know the answer, I would tell you right away.
9- Why didn’t Long (not/want) want to play soccer last Sunday?
10- She doesn’t know Hung’s sister. She (never/meet) has never met her.
11- When did you (start) start school? - When I (be) was six.
12- He wishes I (meet) met him earlier. But I can’t. If I’m not busy, I (come) will come early.
V. Read the first sentences, and then complete the second sentence with the same meaning.(15p)
1- Someone gave Mary this pressent an hour ago.

Mary was given this present an hour ago.
2- “How often do you go to school?” Nam asked.
Nam asked her how often she went to school
3- Has somebody repaired this telephone? Yes, it’s working again.
Has this telephone been repared? Yes, it’s working again.
4- “ Do you have many friends?” She asked me.
She asked me if/whether I had many friends
5- They told me that our teacher was sick.
I was told that our teacher was sick.
6- Someone might steal your bike if you leave it outside.
Your bike might be stolen if you leave it outside.
7- “Can I move the furniture around?”
I asked her if she could move the furniture around.
8- Mai doesn’t know a lot of students in her class.
She wishes she knew a lot of students in her class.
9- “How many students are there in the college?”
I asked how many students there were in the college.
10- Mark is too young to see the horror film.
Mark is not enough old to see the horror film.
11- The house was more expensive than he thought it would be.
The house wasn’t as cheap as he thought it would be.
12- Minh is the most intelligent student in our class.
Nobody in our class is as intelligent as Minh.
13- We live in the city but we don’t like it.
We wish we lived in the country.
14- The last time I played volleyball was ten years ago.
I haven’t played volleyball for ten .
15- Would you like a glass of cold orange juice?
Can I get you a glass of cold orange juice?
VI.Write a passage about the suject which you like best.(about 100- 120 words) (15p)

- introduce the subjects
- tell about the reasons which they like the best
- their feelling about that suject

A. Ojectives

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Ss review the passive voice and apply them to do some exercises. And know some special forms.
B. Preparation
- T : Some exercises
- Ss : Review the passive voice
C. Procedure
I./ Active voice and passive voice
1. Active voice.
The subject of the verb is the person or thing that does the action.
Eg: Tom has opened the door.
2. Passive voice.
The action is done to the subject → the subject of the active sentence becomes the subject of
the passive one.
Eg: The door has been opened by Tom.
be + P.P

S + V + O

Passive: S + be + p.p + (by 0)
Eg: We write a pen everyday.
→A pen is written (by us) everyday.
be P.P
by O
II./Tenses in passive voice
All the tenses.
Note: The perfect continuous tenses are very rarely used in the passive.
III./Active and passive equivalents
Tenses/Verb form
Simple present
Am/is/are + p.p
They make Hondas in Japan.
Hondas are made in Japan.
Present progressive
Am/is/are + V-ing
Am/is/are + being + p.p
They are making Hondas in Japan. Hondas are being made in Japan.
Have/has + p.p
Have/has + been + p.p
Present perfect

They’ve made Hondas in Japan.
Hondas have been made in Japan.
Was/were + p.p
They made Hondas here.
Hondas were made here.
Simple past
Was/were + V-ing
Was/were + being + p.p
They were making Hondas then.
Hondas were made then.
Past progressive
Had + p.p
They had made Hondas here
Had + been + p.p
before 1980.
Hondas had been made here before
Past perfect
Will + V
They will make Hondas here.
Will + be + p.p
Hondas will be made here.
Simple furture
With modal verbs
Someone must clean the door.
The door must be cleaned.
* “Be” is always there in the passive voice.

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* The agent, when, mentioned, is preceded by “by” (tác nh©n thực hiện/g©y ra hành động, khi được
đề cập đến thì đứng sau “by”)
Eg: - Tom painted the picture.
→ This picture was painted by Tom.
- What makes these holes?
→ What are these holes made by?
But - Smoke filled the room.
→ The room was filled with smoke.
- Paint covered the lock.
→ The lock was covered with pain.
(“smoke”, “paint”: materials, not agents) - (“smoke”, “paint”: là vật chất, không phải tác nhân)
* When a verb + prep + O. Conbination is put into the passive the prep. Will remain immediately
after the verb:
Eg: - We must take good care of the children.
→ The chidren must be taken good care of.
* Verb + prep/adv.combinations
Eg:- They thew away the waste paper.
→ The waste paper was thrown away.
- He looked after the chidren well.
→ The children were well looked after.
IV./Uses of the passive voice:
The passive voice is used:
1. When is not necessary to mention the doer of the action.(khi không cần thiết phải đề cập đến người
thực hiện hành động).

Eg: - The waste papper hasn’t been collected.
- Your hand will be X-rayed.
2. When we don’t know, or don’t know exactly, or have forgotten who did the action.
Eg: - My bike has been stolen.
- The room has been cleaned.
I’ve been told that….
3. When the subject of the active sentence is: “people”, “one”, “someone”, and (sometimes)
Eg: - People say he is a hero.
→ He is said to be a hero.
- Someone has locked the door.
→ The door has been locked.
- They bought that house.
→ That house was bought.
4. When we are more interesred in the action than the person who does it.
Eg:- They are building a new public library.
→ A new public library is being built.
* Nếu trong câu chủ động có các từ: see, watch, hear, make, know thì “V”→ “ V + to”
Eg: - My parends made me to do it.
→ I was made to do it by my parents.
* It is said that…. He is said to…..(be) supposed to………
- Every body says he has died.
→ It’s said that he has died./ He is said that to have died.

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- People said that he is 105 years old.
→ It is said that he is 105 years old./ He is said to be 105 years old.
Chúng ta có thể dùng cấu trúc này với một số động từ khác, đặc biệt là với:
Thought (nghĩ), believed (tin rằng), considered (xem xột,cho là), reported (báo cáo), known (biết),
expected (mong chờ), alleged (buộc tội), understood (hiểu).
It is believed that the boy is wearing a white pullover and blue jeans./The boy is believed to be
wearing a white pullover and blue jeans.
(be) supposed to….đôi khi (be) supposed to….. = it is said to……
Let’s go and see that film. It’s supposed to be very good. (= he is said to be very good)
- I will take care of the baby.
→ The baby will be taken care of.
* Trong trường hợp câu chủ động có các động từ khiếm khuyết: can, may, must, ought to….
Form: S + modal + be + P.P + (by O)
Eg: He can speak English.
→ English can be spoken (by him).
* Nếu trong câu chủ từ tác động là: I, he, you, they….or someone, people sang câu bị động có thể bỏ
(by O).
* Nếu cả túc từ trong câu tác động khi đổi sang câu thụ động dùng túc từ nào cũng được nhưng nếu
tân ngữ chỉ vật làm chủ ngữ thì phải có “to” trước tân ngữ chỉ người.
Eg: - He told me a lie. (a lie: tân ngữ gián tiếp, me: tân ngữ trực tiếp)
→A lie was told a lie to me/I was told a lie.
Một số động từ có 2 tân ngữ: Give, ask, offer, pay, show, teach, tell. Khi chúng ta dùng các động từ
này ở dạng thụ động, thông thường chúng ta bắt đầu bằng chủ ngữ là người.
Eg: - I was offered the job but I refused it. (= they offer me the job)
- You will be given plenty of time to decide. (= we will give you plenty of time)
- Have you been shown the new machine? (= has anybody shown you…?)
- The men were paid 200 dong to do the work. (= somebody paid the men 200 d)
* Some special form:
1. I was born….

Eg: I was born in Vietnam.
Where were you born?
But - How many babies are born everyday?
2. I don’t like being……(dạng thụ động của doing/seeing…. Là being done/being seen)
- Active: I don’t like people telling me what to do. Tôi không thích người ta sai bảo tôi phải làm gì.
- Passive: I don’t like being told what to do. Tôi không thích bị sai bảo.
* I remember being given a toy drum on fifth birthday.(= I remember somebody giving me a toy
* Mr.Miller hates being kept waiting.(he hates people keeping him waiting)
* We managed to climb over the wall without being seen.(=….without anybody seeing us)
3. Get: Đôi khi chúng ta có thể dùng “get” thay cho “be” ở dạng thụ động.
- There was a fight at the party but nobody got hurt.(= nobody was hurt)
- I don’t often get invited to parties.(I’m not often invited)
- I’m surprised Ann didn’t get offered the job.(..Ann wasn’t offered the job)
Chúng ta dùng “get” chủ yếu trong tiengs Anh thụng thường (informal spoken Enlish). Có thể dùng
‘BE’ trong tất cả các tình huống.
Chúng ta có thể dùng các thành ngữ sau (mà không mang nghĩa thụ động)
Get married (lập gđ)
get divorced (li dị)
Get dressed (mặc quần áo)
get changed (thay quần áo)
4. Have sth done./ get sth done. Have sb do sth/ get sb to do sth.

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Eg: Jill had the roof repaired yesterday.

Compare: - Jill repaired the roof.(= she repaired it herself)
- Jill had the roof repaired.(= she arranged for somebody else to repair it)
I think you should get your hair cut.
When are you going to get the roof repaired?
D. Practice
Ex 1. Change into the passive voice.
1.They will take that old woman to hospital tomorrow.
2. The man gave the beggar two pounds.
3. Someone has spilt tea all over the table cloth.
4. Has sb mended that chair yet?
5. People say that the postman has won a lot of money.
6. Why didn’t they hepl him?
7. What time can the pupils hand in their papers?
8. How did the police find the lost little girl?
9. Take off your hat.
10. Don’t let the others see you.
Ex 2. Rewrite the following sentences without changing its meaning.
1. My shoes need to be cleaned before the interview.
I must……………………………………………………………………………….
2. We are going to have the car repaired next week.
The garage is……………………………………………………………………….
3. My father had them cut the grass in the garden yesterday.
My father…………………………………………………………………………..
4. The plumber repaired the leak this morning.
I had………………………………………………………………………………..
5. This work has to be done at one.
We …………………………………………………………………………………
6. This building was built 100 years ago.
7. How are candles made?

How do they……………………………………………………………………….?
8. Is maths taught in primary school?
Do teachers…………………………………………………………………………?
9. Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
The telephone………………………………………………………………………
10. They will laugh at you if you wear that silly hat.
You ……………………………………………………………………………….
E. Feedback.
Retell the knowledge and remark the period
F. Homework
Ask Ss to learn by heard the lesson and prepare : reported speech

Week 7: Reported speech
A. Ojectives
Ss review the reported speech and apply them to do some exercises. And know some special
B. Preparation

Nguyen Le Kieu Tham

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Quang Trung Secondary School
- T : some exercises
- Ss : review the passive voice
C. Procedure
I./ Direct and indirect (or reported) speech :
There are two ways what a person has said: direct and indirect.

- In direct speech we repeat the original speaker’s exact words:
Eg: He said: “I have lost my umbrellar”
- In indirect speech we give the axact meaning of a remark or a speech,without necessarily
using the speaker’s exact words:
Eg: He said (that) he had lost his umbrellar.
When we turn direct into indirect, some changes are usually necessary. There are most easily
studied by considering statements, questions, and commands separately.
II./Statements in indirect (or reported) speech : tenses changes necessary
1. Indirect speech can be introduced by a verb in a present tense: He says that… This is usual when
we are:
- Reporting a conversation that is still going on
- Reading a letter and reporting what it says
- Reading instructions and reporting them
- Reporting statements that someone makes very ofen
Eg: Tom says that he’ll never get married.
Note: When the instroductory verb is in a present, present perfect or future tense we can report the
direct speech without any change of tense. We don’t have to change the other verb in indirect speech.
Eg: He says “I am a teacher” = He said he is a teacher.
He has just said “I came to see her yesterday” = He has just said he came to see her the day
2. But indirect speech is usually introduced by a verb in the past tense.
Verbs in the direct speech have then to be changed into a corresponding past tense.
Direct speech
1- Simple perent
“I never eat meat” he explained
2- Present progressive
“I’m waiting for her” he said
3- Present perfect
“I have found a flat” he said
4- Present perfect progressive

He said “I’ve been waiting for ages”
5- Simple past
“I took it home with me” she said
6- Future
He said “I’ll be in Paris on Monday”
7- future progressive
“I’ll be using the car myself on the 24th” she
But note, conditional
I said “I would like to see it”

Indirect speech
1- Simple past
He explained that he never ate meat.
2- Past progressive
He said (that) he was waiting for her.
3- Past perfect
He said he had found a flat.
4- Past perfect progressive
He said he had been waiting for ages
5- Past perfect
She said she had taken it home with her.
6- condditional
He said he would be in Paris on Monday.
7- Conditional progressive
She said she’d be using the car herself on the
I said I would like to see it.
(no tense change)

3. Note on ‘I/We shall/should’
- ‘I/we shall → he/she/they would’ in indirect speech.

Nguyen Le Kieu Tham

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