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speaking unit 1 english 10 thí điểm

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washing up



Unit 1
Family life
Speaking Lesson

ACTIVITY 1: listing

Write at least three household chores you 
like or dislike.

Give the reasons.

Example: LIKES
Name of chore
Feeding the cats and
Do the groceries
Taking out the



Example: Dislikes

Name of chore
Washing the dishes
Looking after the baby

Take much time and

quite hard
Often break things

Activity 2: matching 


1.What household chores do you do

a. Well, I think I like sweeping
the house

2. Which of the chores do you
like doing most?

b. Washing the dishes because I
often break things.

3.What do you like about it?

c. I do the laundry, wash the dishes,
and sweep the house. I sometimes do
the cooking when my mom is busy

4.Which of the chores do you dislike

d. It’s not too hard, and I like
seeing the house clean

Answer:1. c

2. a

3. d

4. b

A: What household chores do you do everyday?
B: I do the laundry, wash the dishes, and sweep the house. I sometimes
do the cooking when my mom is busy
A: Which of the chores do you like doing most?
B: Well, I think I like sweeping the house
A: What do you like about it?
B: It’s not too hard, and I like seeing the house clean
A: Which of the chores do you dislike most?
B: Washing the dishes because I often break things.

Activity 3: Make similar conversation
A: What household chores do you do everyday?
B: I ……………………………..

A: Which of the chores do you like doing most?
sweeping the house

B: Well, I think I like ……………………
A: What do you like about it?
B: Because ……………………….
A: Which of the chores do you dislike most?
B: I hate ………………….                   Because ……….

Activity 3: Make similar conversation
A: What household chores do you do everyday?
B: I ……………………………..

A: Which of the chores do you like doing most?
B: Well, I think I like ……………………
A: What do you like about it?
B: Because ……………………….
A: Which of the chores do you dislike most?
B: I hate …………………. Because ……….

Activity 4: Repor t to the class about your par tner's
likes and dislikes

I have just interviewed ............ about the 
household chores he/she does in the family.
does the laundry, washes the dishes, and sweeps the

She/He often ...................................................

She/He likes….. ….………………
She likes seeing the house clean
sweeping the house

She/He dislikes 
She often breaks things
Washing the dishes


Vocabulary related to household chores one 
likes and dislikes

- Speaking skills: making a dialogue based 
on the sample, interviewing, reporting

- Do the task again

- Read Unit 1 - Listening at home

Activity 4: Repor t to the class about your par tner's
likes and dislikes

I have just interviewed .... about the 
household chores he/she does in the family.

She/He often ...................................................

She/He likes ... …………………

She/He dislikes ... 
