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Rock types and rock cycle

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What is a Ro c k?
 Naturally-occurring

mixtures of
minerals, mineraloids (no crystals), or
organic matter.

Types of Rocks…

The three main kinds of rock are
igneous, sedimentary and
metamorphic rock.
– Igneous rock: forms when
magma/lava cools and hardens
– Sedimentary rock: forms when
sediments are buried,
compacted & cemented together
– Metamorphic rock: forms when
existing rock is subjected to
great heat & pressure over a
long period of time

What is the diffe re nc e
be twe e n a ro c k and a
mine ral?

 Rocks

are made up of ONE or MORE

Onc e a ro c k is fo rme d, do e s it
s tay the s ame ro c k fo re ve r?
 NO!

 Rocks

are continually changed by
many processes, such as
weathering, erosion, compaction,
cementation, melting, and cooling

 Rocks

can change to and from the
three types

What is the pro c e s s thro ug h
whic h ro c ks c hang e ?
 The

Rock Cycle—earth materials change
back and forth among the different
types of rocks

 No

set path a rock takes to become
another kind of rock

Weathering, Erosion,






Weathering, Erosion,


Ho w are ro c ks re dis tribute d?

 The

core, mantle, & crust are one giant
rock recycling machine

“Ignis” = Latin for “fire”

Formed from the cooling of either magma or lava

The most abundant type of rock

Classified according to their origin and composition

Igneous Rocks come from magma/lava cooling


ORIGIN— Where rocks are formed
 Below

ground = from magma (intrusive
igneous rock)
 Usually

have LARGE crystal grains (they cooled
slowly) Cooling could have taken hundreds of

Some have large & small crystals
(called porphyritic)

 Above

ground = from lava (extrusive
igneous rock)
 Usually

have SMALL or NO crystals (they
cooled too quickly)

Granite: Intrusive or

Extrusive? Why?

Obsidian: Intrusive or
Extrusive? Why?

COMPOS ITION— What kind of

substances or minerals are rocks made of

Basaltic Igneous Rocks —made

from lava/magma that is low in silica, rich
in iron and magnesium. Rocks are darkcolored.

Granitic Igneous Rocks—made
from magma/lava high in silica
and oxygen. Rocks are lightcolored.

Andesitic Igneous Rocks—
have a composition between
basaltic and granitic.

Diorite-has course grains

Basalt-no course grains


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