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Khảo sát chất lượng lớp 12 08-09

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Mã đề: 845
Sở giáo dục - đào tạo hòa bình bài kiểm tra chất lợng
Trờng thpt Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 12
Họ và tên: ...................................................
Lớp: 12A
Each of the following sentences has ONE mistake. Identify the mistake by choosing A, B, C or D.
Câu 1. I was talking to a businessman whose works with my brother.
Câu 2. I am looking forward to see you soon.
Câu 3. My teachers congratulated me for my success.
Câu 4. Nam promised to giving it to me the next day.
Câu 5. The song to that we listened lastnight was interesting.
Choose one word whose stress pattern is different (circle A, B, C or D)
Câu 6. A. experience B. wonderful C. memory D. continent
Câu 7. A. planet B. princess C. refer D. postcard
Câu 8. A. design B. surface C. actress D. service
Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D
The leaning tower of Pisa is one of the most famous (9) ...... in the world. It is famous not because
of its beauty or size, but (10) ...... it leans dangerously to one side. Each year the tower attracts thousands
of (11) ...... from all over the world.
(12) ...... the tower leans to the south and also curves towards the north. It is said that the tower
has leaned more than 17 feet. Over the past years, various proposals (13) ...... been made to stop the
tower from leaning (14) ...... and to prevent its collapse. Some people would like to pull it down and
rebuild it (15) ...... a stronger foundation. Others have suggested pouring (16) ...... around the base of
the tower to stop it from leaning further. If nothing (17) ...... done, the tower might collapse very soon.
But until it is rebuilt or straightened, it will remain as one of the most fascinating (18) ...... mistakes in
the world.

Câu 9. A. cities B. school C. buildings D. towns
Câu 10.A. because B. for C. nevertheless D. when
Câu 11.A. flies B. birds C. visitors D. dollars
Câu 12.A. Tomorrow B. Today C. Yesterday D. Sometimes
Câu 13.A. will B. had C. have D. are
Câu 14.A. downwards B. westwards C. much D. further
Câu 15.A. in B. around C. on D. under
Câu 16.A. water B. ropes C. concrete D. straw
Câu 17.A. will B. is C. was D. become
Câu 18.A. literacy B. architectural C. biological D. artistic
Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question.
Yuri Gagarin wa born in Klushino near Gzhatsk, a region west of Moscow, Russia, on March 9,
1934. He was a Soviet cosmonaut who in 1961 became the first person in space and the first human to
orbit the Earth. The adjacent town of Gzhatsk was renamed Gagarin in 1968 in his honor.
Yuri Gagagrins parents worked on a collective farm. His mother was reported a voracious reader,
and his father a skill carpenter. He was the third of four children in his family. Gagarins teacher described
him as intelligent and hard-working.
After starting an apprenticeship in a metalworks as a foundryman, Gagarin was selected for further
training at a high technical school in Saratov. While there, he joined the Aero Club and learned how to
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fly a light aircraft. In 1955, aftercompleting his technical schooling, he entered military flight training at
the Orenburg Pilot’s School. While there he met Valentina Goryacheva, whom he married in 1957, after
gaining his polot’s wings in MIG-15.
In 1960, an extensive search and selection process saw Yuri Gagrin, as one of 20 cosmonauts,
selected for the Soviet space program. Out of the 20 selected, the eventual choice for the first launch was
Gagarina and Gherman Titov, because of their excellent performance in training as well as their physical
characteristics. On April 12, 1961, Gagarin became the first human to travel into sace in Vostok 3KA- 2
(Vostok 1). He lost his life in a training accident on March 27, 1968.
C©u 19. What did he do after completing his technical schooling?
A. He joined the “Aero Club”.

B. He entered military flight training at the Orenburg Pilot’s School.
C. He married Valentina Goryacheva.
D. He learned how to fly a light aircraft.
C©u 20. Where was Yuri Gagarin born?
A. In Moscow. B. In Saratov. C. In Klushino. D. In Gzhatsk.
C©u 21. The word eventual in line 3, paragraph 4 could be best replaced by..........
A. daily B. annual C. second D. final
C©u 22. What did his father do?
A. A carpenter. B. A reader. C. A teacher. D. A pilot.
C©u 23. Which of the following is NOT true about Yuri Gagarin?
A. He was the third of four children in his family.
B. He died in 1968 because of lung cancer.
C. He was the first human to travel into space.
D. He was one of 20 cosmonauts selected for the Soviet space program.
Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently (circle A, B, C or D)
C©u 24.A. match B. chase C. dam D. scan
C©u 25.A. host B. jog C. slope D. stove
C©u 26.A. time B. while C. think D. final
C©u 27.A. breathe B. health C. threaten D. theory
C©u 28.A. fertilizers B. cigarettes C. crops D. strikes
C©u 29.A. headache B. champion C. chemistry D. school
C©u 30.A. raised B. approached C. addressed D. asked
Choose the sentence which has the same meaning as the given one.
C©u 31. Shall we go the cinema tonight ?
A. How about going to the cinema tonight?
B. How about shall we go to the cinema tonight?
C. How about tonight we shall go to the cinema?
D. How about to go the cinema tonight ?
C©u 32. We wrote the report in half an hour.
A. It takes us half an hour we write the report

B. It took us half an hour write the report
C. It took us hafl an hour writing the report
D. It took us half an hour to write the report
C©u 33. The teacher makes the children do many exercises
A. The children are made do many exercises
B. The childern are made to do many exercises
C. The children were made to do many exercises
D. The children are made doing many exercises
C©u 34. The cake was too hot for him to eat.
A. It was such so hot cake that he couldn’t eat.
B. The cake was so hot that he couldn’t eat it
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C. The cake was so hot that for him to eat.
D. The cake was so hot that he can’t eat it
C©u 35. Robert got here so late, he missed dinner.
A. If Robert got here so late, he would miss dinner.
B. If Robert hadn’t got here so late, he wouldn’t have missed dinner.
C. If Robert didn’t get here so late, he wouln’r miss dinner.
D. If Robert hadn’t got here so late, he would have missed dinner
Choose the suitable WORD or PHRASE to complete each of the sentences.
C©u 36. I’m not used .......... spoken to like that.
A. to be B. with C. being D. to being
C©u 37. Water .......... at 100 degrees Celsius.
A. is boiling B. will boil C. boiled D. boils
C©u 38. “Would you like to go to the concert, Jerry?”, asked Tom .Tom ......... Jerry to go to the concert.
A. congratulated B. invited C. thanked D. prevented
C©u 39. It was .......... a boring speech that I fell asleep.
A. very B. too C. such D. so
C©u 40. Is Africa the biggest .......... in the world?
A. area B. continent C. state D. forest

C©u 41. I caught him .......... a statue from that temple.
A. stolen B. to steal C. stealed D. stealing
C©u 42. Neither the director nor his assistant .......... yet.
A. has come B. hasn’t come C. haven’t come D. have come
C©u 43. If I .......... ill , I wouldn’t have been absent from school.
A. not being B. were not C. hadn’t been D. am not
C©u 44. The book, .......... I only bought last week, is falling apart already.
A. who B. which C. that D. what
C©u 45. I can neither draw .......... sing.
A. or B. both C. nor D. and
C©u 46. Yuri Gagarin is the first .......... in space.
A. man B. men C. women D. woman
C©u 47. He will not learn much .......... he works harder.
A. while B. unless C. when D. if
C©u 48. The subject, .......... we are going to discuss, is very important.
A. whose B. that C. who D. which
C©u 49. They lost the game, .......... disappointed their supporters.
A. which B. why C. when D. that
C©u 50. It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. So it .......... for two hours.
A. is raining B. rains C. has rained D. rained
- The end -
Your answer
1. ....... 2. ....... 3. ...... 4. ...... 5. ...... 6. ...... 7. ...... 8. ...... 9. ...... 10. ......
11. ...... 12. ...... 13. ...... 14. ....... 15. ...... 16. ....... 17. ...... 18. ...... 19. ...... 20. ......
21. ....... 22. ....... 23. ...... 24. ...... 25. ...... 26. ...... 27. ...... 28. ...... 29. ...... 30. ......
31. ....... 32. ....... 33. ...... 34. ...... 35. ...... 36. ...... 37. ...... 38. ...... 39. ...... 40. ......
41. ....... 42. ....... 43. ...... 44. ...... 45. ...... 46. ...... 47. ...... 48. ...... 49. ...... 50. ......
