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Teaching Plan
Grade 10- Year 2006-2007
Period 1
Bài mở đầu
Chương trình,- phương pháp và yêu cầu đối với sách tiếng Anh 10 nâng cao
I/ Mục đích:
Thông qua tiết học này học sinh hiểu khái quát về tiếng Anh 10 nâng cao. nắm được
phương pháp học và những yêu cầu phải đạt được sau khi học xong chương trình này.
II/ Nội dung :
1. Chương trình tiếng Anh 10 nâng cao:
- Sách được biên soạn theo 6 chủ điểm thông qua 16 bài học và 4 bài ôn tập.
- Sách được biên soạn theo chương trình lấy chủ điểm làm cơ sở. Các chủ điểm giao
tiếp được ngữ cảnh hoá và phát triển một cách tự nhiên và đa dạng để học sinh có thể
thực hành tối đa các kỹ năng ngôn ngữ. Các hoạt động thực hành giao tiếp được tổ
chức phù hợp với nhu cầu, sở thích và tâm sinh lý lứa tuổi của học sinh.
- Mỗi đơn vị bài học gồm 5 phần:
+ Reading.
+ Listening.
+ Speaking.
+ Writing.
+ Language Focus.
- Tổng số tiết cho chương trình Tiếng Anh 10 nâng cao: 140 tiết .
- Số bài kiểm tra mỗi học kỳ:
+ Miệng: 2
+ 15’ : 2
+ 45’ : 3
+ HK : 1
2. Phương pháp học:
Định hướng giao tiếpđược sử dụng để luyện tập các kỹ năng nghe, nói đọc viết. Còn việc
cung cấp kiến thức và ngông ngữ(từ vựng, ngữ pháp, ngữ âm) và kiến thức chung được xem
như phương tiện hỗ trợ cho việc thực hành các kỹ năng giao tiếp.

Phương pháp này khuyến khích học sinh chủ động, tích cực sáng tạo trong việc luyện tập,
thực hành các kỹ năng.
3. Yêu cầu :
Sau khi học xong chương trình tiếng Anh 10 nâng cao học sinh phải đạt được những yêu
cầu sau về 4 kỹ năng:
- Đối với kỹ năng đọc: Có thể nghe hiểu được nội dung chính hoăc nội dung chi tiết các
đoạn văn khoảng từ 140 đến 160 từ theo chủ điểm đã học.
- Đối với kỹ năng nói: Có thể hỏi đáp, trình bầy về các nội dung liên quan tới chủ điểm
đã được học, thực hiện được 1 số chức năng giao tiếp cơ bản như: hướng dẫn, bầy tỏ ý
kiến, thái độ, quan điểm của mình về 1 số vấn đề liên quan tới chủ điểm đã học.
- Đối với kỹ năng nghe: Học sinh có thể đọc hiểu nội dung chính và nội dung chi tiết
của văn bản khoảng 100 đến 250 từ xung quanh các chủ điểm đã học.
- Đối với kỹ năng viết : các em có thể viết được 1 văn bản (theo mẫu hoặc có gợi ý)
khoảng 100 đến 120 từ liên quan tới chủ điểm đã học.
4. Ý kiến của học sinh :
Những nhận xét, đề nghị của các em sau khi đã được học chương trình Tiếng Anh lớp 6,
7, 8, 9.
Theme: School Talks
Period 2+3: Reading: Team Learning(P.14)
(Time:90 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students can express their opinions about school activities
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students learn about advantages and disadvantages of team
- Language:
+ New words: Words related to school activities.

+ Grammar: Gerund and to base form of verbs
3. Skills:- Reading for gist and for specific information.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
* Anticipated problems: students may not know clearly about advantages and
disadvantages of team learning and learning individually.
III/ Teaching aids: 1 textbook, pictures showing team learning and learning individually.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities:
1.Warm up (5 mn):
- Ask sts 1 question:
+ How can you learn to get the best result at school?
- Correct the Sts’s answers.
- Set the context: we are going to learn about
advantages and disadvantages of team learning.
2.Pre- reading (20 mn):
-Give 2 questions on the pictures:
+ What are they?
* Picture A: team learning
* Picture B : learning
+ Which way of learning do you prefer?
- Ask students to give the reasons.
*St. A: I prefer team learning because I can
share my ideas with my friends.
I can get new ideas from friends
*St. B: I prefer to study individually because
I want to think about the problems
3. While- reading (40 mn):

- Answer the T’s question in pairs.
-2 pairs speak before class.
- Others correct friends’ answers.
- Listen to the T.
- Work in pairs, individually to
answer the T’s questions.
- 2 of them answer orally.
- Others correct.
-2 of them give the reasons.
- Read the passage one time as model.
- Help Sts when they are reading.
- Explain the new words to the Sts:
+ instructor(N): người hướng dẫn
+ effectively(Adv): có hiệu quả
+ improve(V): nâng cao, cải thiện
+ share(V): chia sẻ
+ unfamiliar(adj): không thân thuộc
+ identify(V): nhận dạng
+ stratergy(N): kế hoạch
- Give Sts time to copy the words on the note-books.
- Give questions to the Sts:
+ What is this passage about?
* It’s about learning in groups.
+ What are important activities that a learning team
can work together?
* They are: sharing class notes, doing reseach and
reviewing test results.
+ What can you do to have a good team learning?
*If we want to have a good team learning, we must

seek right teammates, form team with both genders
and keep your group size small.
- Help Sts do tasks a, b,c in pairs and correct them
Task a.Which sentences are true, false or not
mentioned in the text:
* 1.T 2.T 3.N 4.F 5.F
Task b. Answer the questions:
*1. It is essential to share notes right after class
because we can understand the lessons more
*2. Small group helps us to get together outside class
more easily and we have more face to face
*3. To make a team successful:
- Having right teammates.
- Forming team with both genders.
- Having small size group.
Some teams are more successful than others
because they have effective strategies.
*4. Yes, quite often. We often compare our anwsers to
questions, talk about a topic in a speaking class, do a
writing task,etc.
Task c. Summary mapping: Complete the map.
*Team learning:
1. strategies.
2. sharing class notes.
3. reviewing test results.
- Listen to the teacher’s reading.
- Read the passage silently or in pairs
to find out the new words and the

ideas of the passage.
- Two of them write the new words
on the blackboard.
- All of the Sts. find out the
meanings of the words together with
the T.
- Read and coppy the words.
- Give the answers to the teacher’s
- Do the ex. in pairs to make T. or F
-5 of them speak before class.
-Others correct.
- Do the ex. in pairs to answer the
- 4 pairs of them speak before class.
-Others correct.
- Work in pairs to complete the map.
- 6 of them speak before class.
-Others correct.
4.forming team with both genders
5.-keeping your group size small.
6. learning more from friends than teachers and
4.Post- reading (20 mn):
Write 5 sentences showing the main ideas of team
-Help sts do the ex. Then correct them.
- 2 of them write 5 sentences
showing the main ideas of team

learning. on the board.
-Others correct.
5.Homework (3 mn):T assigns homework.
- Do exs a, b,c again.
- Write the advantages and disadvantages of team learning.
6.Comments (2 mn):
Period 4: Listening (P.17)
(Time: 45 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should understand more about the life of an elder person.
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students learn about school activities.
- Language:
+ New words: Words related to school activities.
+ Grammar: Past simple tence
3. Skills: Listening for gist and for specific information.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
* Anticipated problems: the Sts can’t catch the content of the passage from the recording.
III/ Teaching aids: 1 textbook, 1 cassette and 1 tapescript showing the conversation
between Mr Ba and his grandson.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities:
1.Warm up (5 mn):
-Ask Sts to talk about school activities using: who,
-Set the context: We are going to listen to the school days
of an elder person.
2.Pre- listening(7 mn):

Task a:Complete the sentences with the words and
phrases in the box.
-Help Sts read the words in the box and explain them.
+ recite(V): ôn tập, ngâm thơ.
+ nervous(A): bối rối.
+stick to(V): gắn chặt với
- Help Sts to do ex. and correct them.
*1.strict 2.overslept 3.hits
4.villages 5.lefthanded 6.recite
3.While- listening (18 mn):
-Work in pairs to talk about
school activities
- 2 pairs speak before class..
-Correct the friends’.
-Listen to the T.
-Read the words ,find out the
meanings and coppy them on the
-Work in pairs to complete the
-6 sts speak before class.
-Others correct.
Task b.Listen to Mr Ba and his grandson’s conversation
then make T. or F.:
- Help Sts.to read the sentences in the box.
- Play the recording twice.
- Correct sts’.
*1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F
Task c. Listen to the conversation again and answer the

- Explain the new words:
+ be terrified: e sợ
+ be punished: bị trừng phạt
- Play the recording once.
- Help Sts to do ex. and correct them.
*1. He was 6.
*2. Because the teacher hit him on his fingers.
*3. He went to school on foot.
*4. Because he was late for school.
*5. He was punished by writing 100 times the sentences:
“I must leave home early. I must not arrive late.”
4.Post- listening (10 mn):
Speak about a school memory.
- Help Sts to work in pairs
- Call some volunteers to speak.
- Listen to the recording.
- Do the ex.to make T. or F.
-5 sts speak before class.
-Others correct.
-Read and coppy the new words.
- Listen to the recording.
-Work in groups to answer the
-5 pairs of sts talk before class.
-Others correct.
- Work in pairs to speak about a
school memory.
-5 sts speak out.
-Others correct.

5.Homework (3 mn):
- Write what you remember about Mr Ba’s school activities.
6.Comments (2 mn):
Period 5: Speaking: Talking about Likes and Dislikes.(P.18)
(Time: 45 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know how to choose friends and teammates
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students learn to speak about likes and dislikes.
- Language:
+ New words: Words related to likes and dislikes.
+ Grammar: -V+ V-ing
- V+ to V
3. Skills: fluency in speaking about school talks.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
* Anticipated problems: Sts can make mistakes between V+ V-ing and V+ to V
III/ Teaching aids:1 textbook, pictures showing activities inside and outside school.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities:
1. Warm up (5 mn):
-Ask Sts to find out adjs describing good or
- Find out adjs describing good or
bad friends.
bad friends.Then correct them.
2. Pre- speaking (7 mn):
Task a - Discuss in groups:
- Help Sts to do the ex. and correct them.

+ What is an ideal teammate/ friend like?
*1 An idea friend is a person who is helpful. We can share
our feelings with him.
+ Give 2 qualities each should have and 2 qualities each
should not have.
should Shouldn’t
Idealteammate -active
- humorous
- attentive
- have
- be
Ideal friend - helpful
- generous
- supportive
- kind
- be selfish
- be talkative
3. While- speaking (18 mn):
Task b. In pairs, tell about the people or the school
subjects you like/ dislike working with:
Eg. St 1: What kind of people do you like
working with?
St 2: I like working with people who have
something in common with me.
St 1: And what else?

St 2: Well, I’d prefer someone who has a
good sense of humor.
St 1: Me,too.
- Let Sts read the eg. and useful expressions.
- Ask Sts to find the names of the subjects , some
activities on learning and some senses of the people.
- Help Sts to do the ex. and correct them.
4. 4. Post- speaking (10 mn):
c. Task c.Write 5 sentences about things you like doing most
after class:
Eg. Eg.After class, I like chatting with friends best.
- Help Sts to do exs. and remark them.
- 2 of them write on the board.
-Others correct.
- Do the ex.in pairs to discuss the
2 questions.
- 2 pairs of them write on the
-Others correct.
- Read the eg. and useful
-Some of them write the names
of the subjects , some activities
on learning and some senses of
the people on the board.
- Work in pairs to tell about the
people or the school subjects you
like/ dislike working with.
- 2 of them speak out,
-Others correct.

-W-Work in pairs to write 5
sentences about things you like
doing most after class:
- 2 of them write their sentences
on the board.
-Others speak and correct.
5.Homework (3 mn):- Make 5 sentences showing school activities.
- Prepare for “Writing”
6.Comments (2 mn):
Period 6+ 7: Writing: Writing a Narrative. (P.19)
(Time:90 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know more about school activities.
- General knowledge: Students learn about writing a narrative.
- Language:
+ New words: Words related to school talks.
+ Grammar: Past simple tense
3. Skills: writing a narrative.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
* Anticipated problems: irregular verbs in past simple tense.
III/ Teaching aids: 1 textbook.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities:
1- Warm up (5 mn):
-Ask Sts to tell sth about their school activities and give
them remarks.

*Note: Ask sts to pay attention to the tense? Adverbs of
time? (first, next, then, after that, finally)
2- Pre- writing(20 mn):
Task a. Work in pais to rearrange sentences about Mr
Ba’ s childhood memories when he was at
school 30 years ago;
-Ask Sts to read all the sentences, put them in right
order.Then correct them.
* 3-4-2-1-6-8-10-7-9-5.
3-While- writing (40 mn):
Task b. Write a story about your school activities:
- Give suggestions to Sts for writing:
+ What happened?
+ When?
+ Where?
+ How?
*Tuan is a good student in my class, but he often plays
jokes on his friends. One day, before the history class, he
took a piece of paper and wrote on it: “ I’m a bear and I
don’t like history.” Then he secretly glued the paper on
our class monitor’ s back. When our monitor stood up to
answer the questions of the history teacher, we saw the
word and laughed a lot. The teacher was very surprised
and it was very easy for her to to find out what was
happening. As the result of this joke, we had to sweep the
school yard for a week.
4.Post- writing (20 mn):
- 2 sts tell sth about their school
-Others correct.

-Work in pairs to read all the
sentences then put them in right
- 1 of them speaks before class.
-Others correct.
-Pay attenyion to the suggestions
and eg.
-Write a story about the school
-Exchange them with friends
-One st writes it on the board.
-Others correct.
-Corrects and gives remarks to the narrative of the Sts . - Follows the teacher’s explanation
5.Homework (3 mn): Write the narrative on the note books.
6.Comments (2 mn):
Period 8: Language Focus (P.20)
(Time: 45 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know more about school talks.
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students learn about the forms and the uses of gerund and to
base form of verbs
- Language:
+ New words: Words related to gerund and to base form of verbs.
+ Grammar: gerund and to base form of verbs.
3. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.

* Anticipated problems: the uses of gerund and to base form of verbs.
III/ Teaching aids: 1 textbook, A box of words related to gerund and to base form of V.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities:
1. Warm up (5 mn):
Word Study
Pick out two words that do not go with the word
- Help Sts to read the words.
- Help Sts to do ex. and remark them.
*job, share
2. Practice:
A. Controlled practice: (25 mn)
Grammar: gerund and to+ base form
- Give examples and explain.
*1. Vs that can be followed with gerunds: love, enjoy,
mind, can’t stand,etc
Eg. I enjoy swimming.
*2. Vs that can be followed by to+ base form of
verbs: want, decide, fail, pretent,prove,etc.
Eg. Tom decided to leave early.
*3. Vs can be followed by object+to+ base form of
verbs: ask, allow, persuade,etc.
- Gives some sentences and Sts underline v-ing and
to verb
+ Don’t let him go out.
+ He enjoys watching football.
+ I want to become a teacher of English
+ He advised me to take the exam

-Read the words
-Do the ex. in pairs to pick out two
words that do not go with the word
- 1 st. speaks before class.
-Others correct.
- Listen to the T., coppy and make
- Work in pairs to underline v-ing
and to verb.
-4 sts speak out.
-Others correct.
Eg.The teacher asked Ba to report on a book.
- Corrects the exs.
Task a. Put the verbs into the correct form:
- Help Sts to do ex. and remark them.
*1.to keep 2.to lock 3.to use 4.to know
5.watching 6.to go 7.waiting 8.having
Task b. Write a second sentence so that its meaning is
similar to the first:
- Help Sts to do ex. and remark them.
1. I wish I hadn’t sold my motorbike. (regret)
* - I secret selling my motorbike.
2. Sts were eager to see their new T.(wait)
* - Sts couldn’t wait to see their new T.
3. By chance I saw your sister yesterday. (happen)
* - I happened to see your sister yesterday.
4. Would you like to go for a walk? (fancy):
* - Do you fancy going for a walk?

5. I usually arrive at school five minutes early. (tend)
* - I tend to arrive at school five minutes early.
6. Peter hates getting up early in winter. (stand)
* - Peter can’t stand getting up early in winter.
7. My group continued to seek information for our
class presentation. (carry)
* - My group carried on seeking information for our
class presentation.
8. My visit to Ha Long Bay will always stay in my
memory. (forget)
*- I’ll never forget visiting Ha Long Bay .
B. Free practice: (10 mn)
- Ask Sts. to make examples with gerund and to base
form of verbs. Then correct them.
-Work in pairs to put the verbs into
the correct form:.
-8 of them read their sentences .
-Others correct.
- Work in pairs to write a second
sentence so that its meaning is
similar to the first
- 8 of them read their sentences .
- Others correct.
- 2 sts make examples with gerund
and to base form of verbs.
- Others correct.
3. Homework (3 mn): Do all of the exercises again on the notebooks.
4. Comments (2 mn)

Theme: People’s Backgrounds.
Period 9+ 10: Reading: Who is Who? (P. 24)
(Time:90 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know more about famous people in the world.
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students learn about some people’s backgrounds and their
contributions to society.
- Language:
+ New words: Words related to people’s backgrounds .
+ Grammar: Past simple tense.
+ Structure: Wh- questions.
3. Skills:- Reading for gist and for specific information.
- Skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, anticipation.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
* Anticipated problems: Sts may lack of information about Luis Pasteur, Ton That Tung
and Nelson Mandela.
III/ Teaching aids: pictures of Luis Pasteur, Ton That Tung and Nelson Mandela.
IV/ Procedure:
15mn test:
Make meaningful sentences from the clues:
1 Why/ you/ keep/ look back? You/ afraid/be/ follow.
*- Key: Why do you keep looking back? Are you afraid of being followed?
2. Nguyen Trai/ so brilliant/ that/ get/ Doctor’s degree/ age/twenty.
*- Key: Nguyen Trai was so brilliant that he got Doctor’s degree at the age of twenty.
3. We/ find/ it/ very difficult/ reach/ a decision/ but/ now/ we/ not.
*- Key: We found it very difficult to reach a decision but now we don’t.
4. Would/ you/ mind/ show/ me/ how/ work/ lift?

*- Key: Would you mind showing me how to work the lift?
5. It/ not be/ easy/ get/ used/ eat/ with chopsticks.
*- Key: It isn’t easy to get used to eating with chopsticks.
6. I/ look forward to/ see/ you.
*- Key: I am looking forward to seeing you.
7. He/ warn/ her/ not touch/ the wire.
*- Key: He warned her not to touch the wire.
8. She/ prefer/ drive/to/ ride.
*- Key: She prefers driving to riding.
9. Best wishes/ you/ year/ come.
*- Key: Best wishes to you in the year coming.
10. Not forget/ lock/ the door/ before/ go to bed.
*- Key: Don’t forget to lock the door before going to bed.
Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities:
1-Warm up (5 mn):
-Asks sts to answer 3 questions.
+ Do you know any famous peple in the world?
+ What is his/ her contribution to society?
+ Where and when was he/ she born?
-T. sets the context: Now we read some information
about Luis Pasteur, Ton That Tung and Nelson
2-Pre- reading (20 mn):
Work in pairs and match the names of people in
column A with relevant formation in column B:
- Help Sts to read the names of the famous people
and do the exs. then correct them.
-Work in pairs to answer 3 questions
- 3 sts give the answers.
-Others correct.

-Listen to the T.

-Work in pairs to match the names of
people in column A with relevant
* 1d. Nguyen Huu Canh was the founding father of
Sai gon.
.2g. luis Pasteur developed the vaccine.
3f. Yuri Gagarin was the fírst man in space.
4a. Ernest Hemingway wrote “ The old man and
the sea.”
5h. Charles Dickens wrote “David Copperfield”.
6b. Walt Disney was the creator of Mickey Mouse,
7e. Nelson Mandela was the first black president of
outh Africa.
8c. Alexandre Yersin discoved Da Lat.
3.While- reading (40 mn): Who is who?
Read the text and do the tasks that follow:
- Read the text 1 time.
- Help Sts. with the reading.
- Explain the new words :
+ pasteurization(N): tiệt trùng
+ honor(V): tôn vinh
+ liver(N): gan
+ antiapartheid(adj): chống CN Apat Thai
+ senior(adj): cấp cao
+ transition(N): chuyển tiếp
+ nonracial(adj): chống phân biệt chủng tộc
Task a.Work in pairs to complete the table below:
-Help sts to complete the table.Then correct them.

*1. Being a world- famous chemist.
*2. Developing a vaccine for rabies.
*3. Ton That Tung.
*4. Adressing the Conference of the Pan- African
Freedom Movement of East and Central Africa.
*5. Sharing the Nobel Peace Prize.
Task b. Answer the following questions:
-Help sts to answer the questions.Then correct
*1. He developed vaccines for several diseases
including rabies.
*2. Ton That Tung’s method enable a liver
operation to be completed in 4 to 8 minutes
instead of 3 to 6 hours as before.
*3. He was imprisoned for 26 years.
*4. Because he struggled to end apartheid and
brought a peaceful transition to nonracial
democracy in South Africa.
4.Post- reading (20 mn):
Task c. Work in groups to discuss the contribution
of a hero/ heroine or a famous person in Viet Nam.
- Ask Sts to work in pairs, individually and correct.
formation in column B.
- 8 sts speak out.
-Others correct.
- Listen to the T.
- Read the text silently and find out the
new words and its ideas.
- 3 Sts write the new words on the

- Read and coppy the new words.
- Read the names of the famous people
- Do the exs. in pairs to complete the
-5 Sts write the answers on the
-Others correct.
-Work in pairs to answer the questions
- 4 pairs of Sts ask and answer the
questions before class.
-Others correct.

- Work in pairs to discuss the
contribution of a hero/ heroine or a
famous person in Viet Nam
- 2 of them do it orally.
-Others correct.
5.Homework (3 mn): Write the background and contributions of a famous person in the
exercise notebooks.
6.Comments (2 mn)
Period 11: Listening(P.25)
(Time: 45 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should practise listening to know more about Alexandre
Yersin and his contributions to Viet Nam.
. 2.Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students learn more about Alexandre Yersin’s backgrounds and

his contributions to Viet Nam.
- Language:
+ New words: Words related to people’s backgrounds .
+ Grammar:- Past simple tense.
- Wh questions.
3. Skills: Listening for gist and for specific information.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
* Anticipated problems: - Sts can’t catch the content of the passage from the tapescript.
- Sts can’t pronounce /ed/ correctly.
III/ Teaching aids: 2 pictures of Da Lat and Nha Trang, 1 textbook, 1 cassette and
tapescript showing the paragraph about Alexandre Yersin .
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities:
1.Warm up (5 mn):
- Ask Sts to speak about a famous person he has known
and others can ask further questions then corrects.

2.Pre- listening(7 mn):
Task a. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer the
- Help Sts to do the ex. and correct them.
*1. Da Lat and Nha Trang.
*2. Alexandre Yersin .
*3. Alexandre Yersin .
3.While- listening (18 mn):
Task b. Find out the true/ false sentences and correct the
- Play the recording twice.
- Explain some new words:

+ baccalaureate(adj): kỳ thi tú tài ở Pháp.
+ thereafter(adv): sau đó
+ wanderlust(N): tính thích du lịch
-Help sts do the ex., then correct them.
-1 st. speaks about a famous
-Others ask further questions and
- Do the ex. in pairs to ask and
answer the questions.
- 3 pairs of them talk before class.
-Others correct.
- Listen to the recording.
- Read and coppy the new words.
- Work in pairs to make T. or F.
*1. F- Switzerland.
*2. T
*3. F- Nha Trang.
*4. F- Nha Trang.
*5. F- Viet Nam.
*6. F- 19
Task c.What happened to Yersin in the following years:
- Help Sts to do exs. and correct them.
* 1981: discovered Da Lat .
* 1940: returned to France.
* 1943: died in Nha Trang.
Task d.Líten to part B of the talk and cỉrcle the correct

- Play the recording twice.
- Explain some new words:
+ quinine(N): thuốc ký ninh
+ quinquina(N): cây canh ki na
+ ranch(N): trại nuôi súc vật
+ immunology(N): miễn dịch học
+ humility(N):lòng nhân đạo
*1d 2b 3c 4b 5d
4.Post- listening (10 mn):
Task e. In groups, talk about Yersin’s contributions in
Viet Nam.
- Ask Sts to do and correct.
-5 sts do it orally.
-Others correct.
- Work in pairs to find out what
happened to Yersin in the
following years.
-3 sts speak before class.
-Others correct.
- Listen to the recording.
- Work in pairs to cỉrcle the correct
- Read and coppy the new words.
-5 sts speak before class.
-Others correct.
- Work in groups to talk about
Yersin’s contributions in Viet
- 2 of them speak out.

-Others correct.
5. Homework (3 mn): Write a paragraph about Yersin in Viet Nam.(10 sentences)
6.Comments (2 mn):
Note: Background:- born, died
- job, achievements
- likes, dislikes
- family
Period 12: Speaking: Talking about People Backgrounds (P.27)
(Time: 45 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1.Educational aim: Students should know more about Luis Pasteur and his
contributions to people’s health.
- General knowledge: Students know more about Luis Pasteur and some other persons
by asking questions and answering them.
- Language:
+ New words: Words related to backgrounds.
+ Grammar::- Past simple tense.
- Wh questions.
3. Skills: fluency in speaking about people’s backgrounds.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
* Anticipated problems: Sts don’t know some words related to backgrounds.
III/ Teaching aids: 1 textbook, a picture of Luis Pasteur.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities:
1. Warm up (5 mn):
- Ask Sts to speak about their parents’s backgrounds

and correct them.
2. Pre- speaking (7 mn):
Task a. Make questions about Luis Pasteur(wh-
Eg. What did Luis Pasteur invent?
-Help Sts to do ex. and correct them.
- Explain some new words:
+ biologist(N): nhà sinh vật học
+ doctorate(N): học vị bác sỹ
+ rabies(N): bệnh dại
+ funeral(N): tang lễ
+ cathedral(N): nhà thờ lớn, đại giáo đường
-Help Sts to do ex. and correct them.
*where, who, what, what, what, what
3. While- speaking (18 mn):
Task b. Ask and answer about your favorite person’s
backgrounds. Use the following suggest
-Help Sts to do ex. and correct them.
4.Post- speaking (10 mn):
Write 5 sentences about Luis Pasteur’s backgrounds
and achievements.
-Help Sts to do ex. and correct them.

- Speak about their parents’
-Pay attention to the eg.
- Read and coppy the new words.
- Work in pairs to make questions
about Luis Pasteur.

- 6 pairs speak before class using wh-
-Others correct.
- Work in pairs to ask and answer
about your favorite person’s
-5 pairs speak before class.
-Others correct.
- Write individually about Luis
Pasteur’s backgrounds and
-5 sts write on the board.
Others correct.
5.Homework (3 mn):
Write about someone’s backgrounds.
6.Comments (2 mn):
Period 13+ 14: Writing: Writing a Summary of a Biography. (P.28)
(Time:90 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students know more about Elizabeth Blackwell.
- - General knowledge: Students learn how to write a summary of a biography.
- Language:
+ New words: Words related to biography.
+ Grammar: Past simple tense.
3.Skills: writing a summary of a biography.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.

* Anticipated problems: Sts don’t know how to write a summary of a biography.
III/ Teaching aids: 1 textbook, a picture of Elizabeth Blackwell.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities:
1.Warm up (5 mn):
- Ask sts to amser 1question:
+Do you know who Elizabeth Blackwell is?
- Say: Today we learn something more about her.
2.Pre- writing (20 mn):
- Read the passage 1 time as model.
-Help sts with the reading.
- Explain the new words:
+ emigrate(V): to leave 1 country to live in
another one.
+ determined(Adj): quyết tâm làm gì
+ tuition(N): the money one pay for being taught.
+ surgeon(N): cuộc giải phẫu
+ abandan(V): bỏ hoang.
3.While- writing (40 mn):
Task a. Read paragraph 1 and answer the following
-Help Sts to do ex. and correct them.
*1. In England in 1821.
*2 When she was 10.
*3. She wanted to become a doctor.
*4. It was difficult.
Task b. Look at the sample summary made from the
answers to the questions in part a. In group, discuss
and make questions on the main ideas of paragraph 2.
Then write a summary of it.

- Help Sts to read the paragraph.
- Correct the Sts’s summary when walking around.
4.Post- writing (20 mn):
- Call 2 Sts to the blackboard to write their summaries.
- Correct them.
- 1 st.answers the question.
May be: She is English.
She is a fermale doctor
-Others correct.
-Listen to the T
- Read it again silently to get its
ideas and find out the new words.
- 1 of them writes the new words on
the blackboard.
- Read the new words and coppy
- Work in pairs to answer the
following questions.
-4 pairs talk before class.
-Others correct.
- Read the paragraph to get its form.
- Write the summary.
- 2 of them write the summaries on
the blackboard.
-Others correct.
- Listen to the T’s correction.
5.Homework (3 mn): write about 1 of the favorite persons’s background in the
6.Comments (2 mn):

Period 15: Language Focus (P.29)
(Time: 45 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know more about Luis Pasteur and his
contributions to people’s health.
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students know how to use compound adj. and practise Wh-
- Language:
+ Grammar: Wh-questions
+ Structure: compound Adj: N+Adj.
3. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
* Anticipated problems: difficulties in forming compound Adj.
III/ Teaching aids: the list of question words.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities:
1.Warm up (10 mn):
- Ask sts to answer a question using a compound- Adj,
write it on the blackboard, underline the compound-
Adj, ask Sts to give remarks:
+ Who is the most world- famous playwright?
- Ask Sts to pay attention to Wh- questions and
compound- Adj, explain them.
& Wh- question: falling tune,without yes/ no in the
Question- words: Who, what, where, when, which,
why, whose, how.

& compound- Adj: long adj
.2. Practice:
A. Controlled practice : (20 mn)
Compound- Adj
Task a.Match the nouns in column A with the Adjs in
column B to form compound Adjs. Write them
in column C.
-Help Sts to do exs. and correct them.
*1b.man-made 2c.duty-free 3a.word-famous
4e.frost-free 5d.environment-friendly
Task b. Complete the following sentences with the
compound Adjs in part A.
-Help Sts to do exs. and correct them.
*1.man-made 2.frost-free 3.word-famous
4.duty-free 5d.environment-friendly
Wh- questions
Task a.Write Wh- questions for the underlined words
or phrases:

- Answer the question( can be
- Give remarks to the underlined
part of the sentence.
compound Adj.: N+Adj.
- Coppy the forms on the
- Listen to the T.s explanation.
- Work in pairs to match the nouns
in column A with the Adjs in
column B to form compound Adjs.

Write them in column C.
- 5 of them do the exs orally before
-Others correct.
- Work in pairs to complete the
following sentences with the
compound Adjs in part A.
- 5 of them speak before class.
-Others correct.
-Help Sts to do ex. and correct them.
*1. What is one of the most beautiful sights in Viet
*2. How long is this street?
*3. How did he answer the phone?
What did he do hurriedly?
*4. Why did they canceled thei trip?
*5. Whose new car is red?
Task b. Write Wh- questions for the following
-Help Sts to do ex. and correct them.
*2. How old is your sister?
*3. How far is your school from your house?
*4. How did he answer the phone?
*5. What’s your boss like?
Task c. What would you say in the following
-Help Sts to do ex. and correct them.
*2. When should we hand in our assignment?
*3. Who have you invited to your party?

*4. When will our English couse finish?
*5 How much beef did you buy, mom
B. Free practice: (10 mn)
- Help Sts talk freely using compound- Adjs and Wh-
- Work in pairs to write Wh-
questions for the underlined words
or phrases:
- 5 of them on the board.
-Others correct.
- Work in pairs to write Wh-
questions for the following
- 5 of them write on the board.
-Others correct.
- Work in pairs to find out what you
would say in the situations.
- 5 of them do the ex. orally before
-Others correct.
- Talk freely using compound- Adjs
and Wh- questions.
-Others correct.
3..Homework (3 mn):
- Do the exs on the books.
- Make 10 Wh- questions.
4. Comments (2 mn):
Period 16
45 mn- test(1st)

I/ Objectives:
- Sts revise unit 1 and 2 by doing the test.
II/ The test’s content:
Ex. 1: Write the proper form of each word in parentheses (write in the blank):
1- He wants…….……………..a doctor. (become)
2- She told you…. ……………….the door. (lock)
3- I enjoy watching television. It’s ……………….(relax).
4- I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ………………..(wait).
5- We were hungry so I suggested………………..dinner early. (have)
6- It was a nice day, so we decided….. …………….for a picnic.(go)
7- Her parents can’t stand……………………her at home all day.(see)
8- The teacher asked you…………………...in class.(not talk)
9- One of the main purposes of the text is to………….students to study in groups.(courage)
10-Team……………………….helps you save time doing your homework.(learn)
Ex.2: Make questions for the words underlined:
11- He decided to leave early.
12- We like speaking English.
13- She was born on November 7
1867 .
14- Luis Pasteur is a world famous French chemist.
15- He invented the process of pasteurization.
16- Ho Chi Minh’s home is in Kim Lien.
17- Shakespeare is English.
18- She imigrated to New York City at the age of ten.
19- There are 4 people in my family.
20- It took me 30 minutes to get there last week.
Ex. 3: Choose the words or phrases that best complete each sentences from A, B, C or D
by circling:

21- L: What do you think about team work?
P: Well, team work helps students….. good result in their schoolwork.
A. achieve B. perform C. perfect D. receive
22- L: Hoa, Minh and Hanh often work together in a team.
P: I’m not surprised. I know three of them have the same……
A. interaction B. achievement C. learning strategy D. interest
23- L: I can see that you are not very good at history and literature.
P: You are right. I like….. sciences like physics and biology better.
A. social B. natural C. physics D. modern
24- When my father travels by plane, he buys some….. food at the airport.
A. free of charge B. tax free C. duty-free D. free of duty
25- L. Does Mr Tan travel to Ho Chi Minh to work everyday?
P. Yes, he takes a….. bus.
A. transportation B. commuter C. passenger D. daily
Ex.4: What should you say in the following situations:
26- You want to know your friend’s age.Ask your friend.
27- Your friend is going to have a party. You’d like to know who he has invited. Ask him.
28- You want to know why your friend went to school late. Ask her.
29- You don’t know where and when Maria Curia was born. Ask your friend.
30- You want to know how far it is from your friend’s house to his school.Ask him.
Ex. 5: Write a second sentences so that it’s meaning is similar to the first. Use the words
31- I started learning English 7 years ago.
- I have…..
32- Peter hates drinking milk day after day.
- He can’t stand…..
33- They continued to seek information for our class presentation.
- They carried on…..
34- My visit to Thailand will always stay in my memory.
- I’ll never forget…..

35- How old is your father?
- What’s …..?
36- Would you like to go for a walk?
- Do you…..?
37- I have much money in the box.
- There…..
38- I happened to see your mother yesterday.
- By chance…..
39- They’re eager to know the result of your test.
- They can’t wait…..
40- He advised you not to smoke. It’s harmful to your health.
- He said “You shouldn’t…..”
Ex.6: Make true or false for the information you’ve learnt (write in the blank):
…..41- A team that includes boy and girl students will probably be more effective than one
with only boy students.
…..42- It’s a good idea to form teams of people who have different interests.
…..43- A team of ten people is better than a team of five.
…..44- An ideal teammate is a person who is cooperative.
…..45- Nguyen Huu Canh wrote “ The old man and the sea.”
…..46- Alexandre Yersin’s home is in Nha Trang.
…..47- Luis Pasteur was the first man in space.
…..48- Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa.
…..49- Ton That Tung was a pioneer in liver surgery.
…..50- It was easy for Elizabeth Blackwell to realize her dream in the 19
Period 17
Correction of the test(1st)

I/ Objectives:
Help Sts to find out their mistakes in their tests. After this period, they are able to
understand the word- study and grammar structures better and they understand more about
the topics they have learned.
II/ Content of the test:
Sts do first, then the teacher gives them remarks.
-T. correct the test carefully, explain the difficulties, pay attention to the sts’ mistakes.
-Sts listen to the T. carefully, correct their mistakes.
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities:
Ex. 1; Write the proper form of each word in parentheses
1.to become 2. to lock
3.relaxing 4.waiting
5.having 6.to go
7.seeing 8.not to talk
9.encourage 10.learning
Ex. 2.Make questions for the words underlined.
- Ask Sts to do the ex. and correct it.
11. What did he decide early?
12. What language do you like speaking?
13. When was she born?
14. Who is Louis Pasteur?
15. What did he invent?
16. Where’s Ho Chi Minh’ home?
- Repeat the use of structures
they’ve learned.
- Give remarks about the test.
- Read the sentences again.
- Do the exercise.
- Ask and answer.

17. What nationality is Shakespear?
18. When did he emigrate to New York City?
19. How many people are there in your family?
20. How long did it take you to get there last week?
Ex. 3. Choose the words or phrases that best complete
each sentence from A, B, C,D by circling.
21.A 22.D 23.B 24.C 25.B
Ex.4. What should you say in the following situations.
26. How old are you?
27. Who have you invited to the party?
28. Why did you go to school late?
29. Where and when was Marie Curie born?
30. How far is it from your house to school?
Ex.5. Write the second meaning so that its meaning is
similar to the first. Use the word given.
31.I’ve been learning English for 7 years.
32. He can’t stand drinking milk day after day.
33. They carried on seeking information to our
34. I’ll never forget visiting Thailand/ my visit to
35. What’s your father’s age?
36. Do you like going for a walk?
37. There is much money in the box.
38. by chance I saw your mother yesterday.
39. They can’t wait to know the result of your test.
40. He said “You shouldn’t smoke.”. It’s harmful to
your health.
Ex.6. Make true or false for the information you’ve

41.T 42.F 43.T 44.T 45.F
46.T 47.F 48.T 49.T 50.F
- Give remark, read, translate the
sentences into Vietnamese.
- Give more information for
friends to make questions.
- Repeat the structures related to
the first sentence.
- Read and translate the sentences.
- Read, correct the information of
the sentences.
III/ Remark the result of the test.
- 25 % sts did the test well.
- Over 30% sts did the test badly.
- The test should be easier.
- UNIT 3
Theme: Daily Activities.
Period 18+ 19: Reading: A Worker’s Typical Day.(P.32)
(Time: 90 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know about the routines of a teacher, a worker, a
farmer and a doctor.
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students learn the ways of speaking about someone’s routines.
- Language:
+ New words: Words related to routines.
+ Grammar: - Ns functioning as Adjs.
- Tenses: present simple,past simple, present perfect and present continuos

3. Skills:- Reading for gist and for specific information.
- Skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, anticipation.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
* Anticipated problems:
III/ Teaching aids: 1 textbook, pictures showing activities of a teacher, a worker, a
farmer and a doctor.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities:
1.Warm up (5 mn):
-Ask questions about Sts’s activities and correct the
answers of the Sts’.
+ What time do you often get up?
+ What do you often do in the morning?
- Set the context: Today we know more about some
people’ activities.
2.Pre- reading (20 mn):
- Ask sts to look at the pictures and speak about the
routines of a teacher, a worker, a farmer and a doctor.
- Correct the Sts’s.
*+ A teacher: goes to school, gives lessons in class,
grades Sts’s assignments, plans the lessons .. .
+ A worker: goes to the factories, works in the
factories, has lunch, takes a nap, continues working,
goes home, watches TV…
+ A farmer: gets up early, goes to the fields, works in
the fields…
+ A doctor: checks patients’ health, has meeting with
colleges, reads patients’ records…
3.While- reading (40 mn):

- Read the text loudly 1 time.
- Help Sts read the passage.
- Explain the new words:
+ install(V): lắp đặt
+ commuter: vé tháng
+ punch(V): đục lỗ
+ resume(V): bắt đầu lại
+ overtime: giờ làm thêm
+ bonus(N): tiền thưởng
+ count on(V): hy vọng.
Task a. Complete the chart:
- Help Sts to do the ex. and correct them.

- Answer the T’s questions.
- 2 of them speak before class.
-Others correct.
-Listen to the T.
- Look at the pictures, work in pairs
to speak about the routines of a
teacher, a worker, a farmer and a
- 4 of them speak out
-Others correct.
- Listen to the T.
- Read the passage to find out its
idea and the new words.
- Read and coppy the new words.
- Do the ex.in pairs to complete the
* Morning: getting at 5.15, having breakfast, travelling

to the factory, doing a 5- minute ex, installing pipes in
* Noon: having lunch, playing games/ talking with
friends/ taking a nap.
* Afternoon: doing ex., continuing work in the
afternoon, working over time/ going home.
Task b. Answer the questions:
- Help Sts to do the ex. and correct them.
- Explan the new words:
+ annual(A): hàng năm
+ income(N): thu nhập
*1. 80 minutes.
*2. $18,000.
*3. Yes, they do. After a short lunch, workers don’t take
a nap but play games, chess or talk to each other.
Task c. Match the words in column A with their
definitions in column B:
- Help Sts to do the ex. and correct them.
* 1.d 2.f 3.g 4.e 5.b 6.a 7.c
4..Post- reading (20 mn):
Task d. Discuss about the importance of college
- Help the Sts to do the ex. and correct them.
* Importance: It helps me get well- paid job/ work
better/ get promotion easily.
* Not importance: Skilled workers are needed than
engineers in the present situation of our country/ Young
people can attend in service schools to further their

- 3 of them speak before class.
-Others correct
- Do the ex. in pairs to answer the
- Read and coppy the new words.
- 3 pairs talk before class.
-Others correct
- Do the ex. in pairs to match the
words in column A with their
definitions in column B.
- 1 of them speaks before class.
-Others correct.
- Do the ex.in pairs to discuss about
the importance of college
- 2 of them speak before class.
-Others correct and add more
5.Homework (3 mn): Write about your typical day.
6.Comments (2 mn)
Period 20: Listening (P.34)
(Time: 45 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know what to do to have good health.
- General knowledge: Students learn about some kinds of activities for good health.
- Language:
+ New words: Words related to activities for good health.
+ Grammar:- Tenses: present simple,past simple, present perfect and present continuos

3. Skills: Listening for gist and for specific information.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
* Anticipated problems: the Sts can’t catch the content of the passage from the
III/ Teaching aids: 1 textbook, 1 cassette and tapescript showing the conversation
between Karen, a reporter and Lisa.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities:
1.Warm up (5 mn):
- Ask Sts 2 questions and correct the answers:
+ What should you do to have good health?
+ What shouldn’t you do to keep fit?
*+ Play sports/ do exs/ eat fruits, vegetables…
+ Don’t smoke/ drink too much beer…
2.Pre- listening(7 mn):
Task a. Which of the following activities and health
habits should a beauty queen acquire or do?
Discuss with your partner.
-Give eg.
Eg. S1: What should we do to keep fit?
S2: We should go to the gym.
- Help Sts to do the ex. and correct them.
1. Yes.
2. Yes, but not too much.
3. Yes, its good for health and beauty.
4. Yes, but just a little and not too often.
5. Yes, but not too much.
6. No.

3.While- listening (18 mn):
Task b.Karen is a reporter of “Women’s Weekly”. She
is interviewing Lisa, Miss Venezuela, about how
Lisa stays in shape. Listen and check the thing
she does.
- Play the recording twice.
- Help Sts to do the ex. and correct them.
* Check: 1-3-5-6-7-9.
Task c.Listen again and write in the blanks how often
she does the activities.
-Play the recording once.
- Help Sts to do the ex. and correct them.
*3. every morning.
*5. four times a week.
*6. everyday.
*7. everyday.
*9. once a day/ everyday.
4.Post- listening (10 mn):
Task d.Work in groups and tell your partners what you
often do and eat to keep fit.
- Help Sts to do the ex. and correct them.
-Work in pairs to answer the
- 2 of them speak .
-Others correct:
-Pay attention to the eg.
-Do the ex. in pairs to discuss
which of the following activities
and health habits should a beauty
queen acquire or do.

-6 pairs of sts talk.
-Others correct:
- Listen to the recording
- 1 of them speaks before class.
-Others correct.
- Listen to the recording
- 10 of them speak before class.
-Others correct.

- Work in groups.
Key. Suggested answers.
*I do physical ex. every morning.
* I eat a lot of vegetables.
* I never stay up late.
- 3 of them speak before class.
-Others correct.
5.Homework (3 mn): Write what people should not do to keep fit.
6.Comments (2 mn):
Period 21: Speaking : Talking about Daily Activities.(P.36)
(Time: 45 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know how to arrange their daily activities.
-General knowledge: Students learn how to talk about one’s daily activities.
+ New words: Words related to daily activities.
+ Grammar: present simple tence.
3. Skills: fluency in speaking about one’s daily activities.

II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
* Anticipated problems: the intonation when speaking.
III/ Teaching aids: some pictures showing daily activities.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities:
1.Warm up (5 mn):
- Ask Sts to talk about ther daily activities.
- Correct the Sts’.
2. Pre- speaking (7 mn):
Task a. Mai is a secretary of a trading company. Complete
the conversation between her and a journalist.
Practise the dialogue.
- Ask sts to read the conversation.
- Explain the new words:
+ arrange(V): sắp xếp
+ staff(N): hội đồng, tổ chức
*1. 7.50.
*2. What do you usually do in the morning?
*3. meet the manager.
*4. and have a meeting.
*5. What time do you continue working?
*6. Are you busy in the afternoon?
*7. arrange appointments for my boss.
*8. work on the computer/ write report/ work
in my group to discuss our plans.
*9. Do you like your job?
- Help Sts to do the ex. and correct them.
3.While- speaking (18 mn):
- Talk about ther daily activities.

- 2 pairs of them talk before
-Others correct
-Read the conversation.
- Do the ex.in pairs to complete
the conversation between Mai
and a journalist.
- Read and coppy the new
- 9 of them speak before class.
-Others correct.
-4 of them practise the dialogue.
Task b. You are a TV reporter. Interview your partner, a
bussinessman or a singer, and then report his/ her
routines to your class.
- Help Sts to do the ex. and correct them.
Eg. An is a businessman. He always begins his working
day at 8: 00. In the morning, he often reads documents
related to the company. Then he…..
Suggested phrases.
*A businessman’s activities:
+ having meeting/ business lunch.
+ signing contracts.
+ working on the computer.
+ playing sports/ golf.
+ attending an exhibition.
+ reading doccuments
* A singer’s activities:
+ getting up late.

+ having breakfast/ lunch with friends.
+ Learning how to sing songs.
+ going to the gym/ attending a club.
+ rehearsing with his or her group.
4.Post- speaking (10 mn):
Task c. Write 5 sentences about what you often do on
- Help Sts to write.
- Correct the sentences on the board.
-Pay attention to the eg.
- Do the ex.in pairs to report a
bussinessman or a singer ‘s
routines to the class.
-4 of them practise before class.
-Others correct it.
- Do the ex.
- 2 of them write on the board.
- Others correct.
5.Homework (3 mn):Speak about a journalist’s daily activities.
6.Comments (2 mn):
Period 22+ 23: Writing: Writing a letter of complaint (P.37)
(Time:90 mn)
I/ Objectives:
1.Educational aim: Students should show their politeness toward other people when
writing a letter of complaint.
- General knowledge: Students learn about the organization of the content on a letter of
- Language:

+ New words: Words related to a letter of complaint.
+ Structure: I was very surprised…/ I hope that you will…
3.Skills: writing a letter of complaint.
II/ Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
* Anticipated problems: difficult words of complaint.
III/ Teaching aids: 1 textbook.
IV/ Procedure:

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