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Cam 6 Essay Topics

Test 1

Today, Some people think that parents should teach children

how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe
that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has

Test 2

changed because of technology.

In what ways has technology affected the types of
relationships people make?

Has this become a positive or negative development?

Test 3

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing
traffic and pollution problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

What other measures do you think might be effective?

In some countries the average weight of people is increasing

Test 4

and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.

What do you think are the causes of these problems and what

measures could be taken to solve them?


ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of
society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Identifying the essay type: Discussion + opinion

Structuring the essay:



Sentence 1: Introduce the given topic about the roles of


Sentence 2: Clearly and directly state my opinion (both



parents and schools

parents and schools are equally important)

Paragraph 1: 2 reasons why some people think parents are

 Family is the root of one’s nature


 Articulation

Paragraph 2: 2 reasons why others think schools are

 Sharing and a sense of community



 Patriotism and appreciation for life

Restate my opinion

ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi

Sample answer
People have differing views about whether it is parents’ or school’s responsibility to educate
children to become well-rounded citizens. In my opinion, both families and schools play an
equal role in children’s education.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why parents could contribute geatly to

children’s development. It is believed that family is the root of every person’s nature which

partly shape his personalities and who he would become in the future. In fact, a child could
even genetically inherit his parents’ good traits and develop those traits as his own.

Additionally, the bond between family members enables parents to easily articulate certain
lessons about life, such as a repect for their ancestors, to their kids. This is a hindrance to
many school systems which show incompetence in connecting with young students who
sometimes feel reluctant to be open to teachers and classmates.

On the other hand, I would argue that schools are also an ideal place for children to learn to
become active citizens of their society. First, children’s interactions with their peers,

cooperation or even some certain amount of rivalry for instance, could promote their

sharing and their sense of community. They will learn how to associate, make friends and

get on with others through a variety of outdoor activities, which proves vital for their future.
Secondly, schools could help children develop their patriotism and appreciation for their
lives through history lessons about how Vietnamese people, for example, defended the
nation and reclaimed sovereignty from intruders.

In conclusion, I believe that schools and families complement each other in the education of
young children.

(266 words)


Useful vocabulary:

Well-rounded citizens: Cơng dân hồn thiện


Genetically inherit parents’ good traits: Kế thừa những tính tốt từ bố mẹ


To shape one’s personalities: Định hình tính cách của ai

ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi


To articulate certain lessons to children: Truyền tải những bài học nhất định cho


To be reluctant to be open to teachers and classmates: Gượng ép để có thể cởi mở


bọn nhỏ

với giáo viên và bạn bè

Active citizens: Công dân năng nổ

Their sense of community: Cảm giác vì cộng đồng

Develop their patriotism and appreciation for their lives: Phát triển tình yêu nước
và sự trân trọng cuộc sống của họ


ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi


Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of
In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?
Has this become a positive or negative development?

Identifying the essay type: Direct-question

Structuring the essay:



Sentence 1: Introduce the given topic about changes in the


Sentence 2: Answer the two question directly and clearly.



types of relationships

Paragraph 1: 2 changes in the type of relationships
 Long-distance communication
 Cyber-relationships

Paragraph 2: Positve + negative
 Convenience

 Cyber-addiction



Restate my opinion


ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi

Sample answer

Technological progress has considerably reshaped how people communicate in the modern
world. Technology has changed relationships in various ways and those could be seen as
both positive and negative.

There are several newly-emerged patterns of communication as a result of technological

advances. New lines of smart phones and numerous online websites, Myspace for example,
have made long-distance calls possible, which ameliorates communication across different
countries, or even continents. People do not have to travel to other nations for meetings,
especially business meetings with foreign counterparts, thanks to the help of technology.

Furthermore, the number of cyber-relationships has accelerated considerably for the past

few years. Instead of traditional face-to-face interaction with fellow friends at schools,

young students nowadays are somehow too engrossed in making friends on Facebook, or in
some cases, show disinterest in real life relationships.

Such analyzed changes could be considered a sign of progression and negativity at the same
time. There is little doubt about the convenience of long-distance communication. This is

because it facilitates the process of keeping in touch with family members, relatives and also
business partners who live far away, which is impossible with the limited technology in the
past. However, the shortcomings should not be underestimated as good things are usually
accompanied by their own flaws. The inevitibility of cyber-addiction to virtual

communication could be the price as young people are much vulnerable to new tempting

applications. This could lead to not only negligene on study but also health deterioration like
short-sight or autism.

In conclusion, both negative and positive aspects could be anticipated from the emergence
of new types of relationships which have appeared as a consequence of technological


(276 words)

ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi

Useful vocabulary:


Newly-emerged patterns of communication: Những phương thức giao tiếp mới xuất


Ameliorates communication: Làm cho giao tiếp trở nên tốt hơn



Cyber-relationships: Những mối quan hệ ảo

Traditional face-to-face interaction: Tương tác trực tiếp

Show disinterest in real life relationships: Không hứng thú với những mối quan hệ
thực tế

A sign of progression and negativity at the same time: Dấu hiệu của sự phát triển và
tiêu cực cùng một lúc

The inevitibility of cyber-addiction: Sự không tránh được của việc nghiện công nghệ
Health deterioration like short-sight or autism: Giảm sức khỏe như cận thị hoặc tự


ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi


Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
What other measures do you think might be effective?


Identifying the essay type: Opinion essay

Structuring the essay:



Sentence 1: Introduce the given topic about changes in the


Sentence 2: Clearly state my opinion (disagree and 2 other



types of relationships


Paragraph 1: 2 reasons why I disagree
 Time and safety

 Social disagreement

Paragraph 2: 2 alternatives

 Restriction on the use of cars
 Encouraging cycling



Restate my opinion


ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi

Sample answer

It is believed that traffic and pollution issues would be best tackled by higher prices of gas.

In my opinion, this idea is completely flawed and there are several reasonable alternatives.
Clearly the price of fuel has little to do with pressing problems of traffic and pollution. The
inevitable demand for time-saving and safe travelling in the modern world makes the

change in price of gas become rather insignificant, which proves the ineffectiveness of the

given policy. In other words, even if the price were increased, people would still travel on a

daily basis and the problems of traffic and pollution would stay unsolved. Additionally, this
solution could easily trigger social disagreement and resentment. This, coupled with the

reluctance of using expensive fuel to travel everyday, could be counter-productive and this
proposed idea would become irrelevant.

On the other hand, alternatives to increased price of petrol show greater effectiveness.

First, the government could implement certain regulations restricting the use of private
vehicles such as cars and turn people to using public transportation. This would relieve

many roads from heavy traffic by reducing the number of vehicles, which in return alleviates
the problem of pollution caused by exhaust. Second, cycling which proves environmentally
friendly should be more encouraged in major cities. At the same time, separate zones for

cyclists should be created to avoid the overload of traffic in the rush hour when the number
of vehicles might exceed the road’s capacity.

In conclusion, I believe that heightening the price of fuel used for travelling to address traffic
and pollution problems is somewhat absurd; and that some other methods should be
carried out.

Useful vocabulary:

(272 words)


For time-saving and safe travelling: Để di chuyển một cách an toàn và tiết kiệm thời


The ineffectiveness of the given policy: Sự không hiệu quả của chính sách trên


ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi


The problems of traffic and pollution would stay unsolved: Những vấn đề về giao


Relieve many roads from heavy traffic: Giảm nhẹ lưu thông


thông và ô nhiễm sẽ không thể được giải quyết

To alleviate the problem of pollution caused by exhaust: Giảm nhẹ vấn đề ơ nhiễm
gây nên bởi khí thải


ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi


In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and
fitness are decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what
measures could be taken to solve them?


Identifying the essay type: Causes and solutions

Structuring the essay:



Sentence 1: Introduce the given topic about changes in the


Sentence 2: Answer the two question directly and clearly



types of relationships

Paragraph 1: 2 causes

 The consumption of fast food
 Lack of exercise

Paragraph 2: 2 solutions
 Higher taxes

 Social awareness



Restate my opinion


ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi

Sample answer

There is a difference of opinions regarding the correlation between people’s increased

weight and deteriorating health. In my view, the causes of this are varied and there are
several practical solutions to such a problem.

There are two main underlying causes of overweight and health deterioration. Firstly, highsugar diets cause numerous diseases such as diabettes and obesity. The excessive

consumption of fast food, especially when fast food producers such as KFC or McDonald are
dominating the Western market, is taking its toll on consumers’ weight and health.

Secondly, the lack of exercise to maintain a strong body due to occupational aspects

complements the adverse effects of unreasonable diets on people. This is the main reason

for back pain and blood pressure among modern individuals who lead a sedentary lifestyle,
designers for example.

Some feasible remedies could be carried out to tackle the said problem. Higher taxes should
be imposed on fast food to stall the expansion of fast food producers. Consumers would be
those who bear the increased taxes which would be certainly added to the price of their

food, which gradually discourages them to purchase such a type of food. Additionally, social
awareness of the severity of little regular exercise should be heightened. This could be
executed by propagation on TV programs which would be possible if sponsored by

governments or even individual companies. In the end, people would understand the
importance of exercise to their weight and health and try to balance their work with
physical training.

In conclusion, there are several explanations for people’s overweight and health

degradation, and governmental involvement is crucial to remedy such a problem.

(271 words)

Useful vocabulary:


Overweight and health deterioration: Thừa cân và sức khỏe giảm sút


The excessive consumption of fast food: Sự tiêu thụ quá nhiều thức ăn nhanh


High-sugar diets: Chế độ ăn nhiều đường

Lead a sedentary lifestyle: Có lối sống ít vận động

ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi


Stall the expansion of fast food producers: Làm chậm sự phát triển của những nhà


To balance their work with physical training: Cân bằng công việc với rèn luyện sức


sản xuất thức ăn nhanh

Remedy such a problem: Giải quyết vấn đề này


ZIM ACADEMY | Room 2501, Ocean Group Building, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan Dist, Hanoi
