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Gi¸o ¸n Anh 10 – NguyÔn V¨n Hïng
I. Date: January 20
, 2008 Period 60
II. Unit : 10 conservation
III. Aims:
1. Knowledge: Conserving the forests as well as the environment.
New words: Words related to the environment.
2. Skills: Reading for gist and for guessing meanings of words
IV. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures......
VI. Procedure.
Teacher’s activities
1.Warm up (5 )’
- T. prepares 2 sets, each set consists of 12
cards (6 with pictures and 6 with words)
- T. asks S
to match the pictures with words on
the blackboard. The student who does faster and
correctly will be the winner.
Before you read (6 )’
- T. asks S
to look at the pictures in the
- T. asks S
to work in pairs using given
- T. asks some S

to make questions and
answers before the class
While you read
(before reading, T. asks S
to look through tasks
1+2+3 to know what to do )
-Read the passage ( 5’)
- T. asks S
to read the text in silence twice or
three times.
Task 1(7 )’
-T. explains what S
have to do.
-T. pre- teaches some difficult words in the
definition part ( if necessary ).
+ movement ( n)
+ power (n)
+ to get rid of
+ liquid (n)
+ to flow (v)
- T. guides S
to read for understanding the
Students’ activities
- Match the pictures with words.
+ Elephant + Hydroelectric dam

+ Monkey + Flood
+ Forest + Polluted river
- S
look at the pictures
- S

work in pairs.
A. Have you ever visited a zoo or a forest ?
B. Yes, I have.
A. What animals are you interested in?
B. I’m interested in monkeys because they
are naughty. They jump from this branch to
another, they tease each other .....
A. Do we need to protect animals and
B. Yes, we do.
- Look through tasks 1+2+3
- Read the text in silence twice or three
- Listen carefully.
- Listen and copy down.
- Read the words in chorus twice.
- Write new words on their books.
- Listen and read for understanding the
definition before looking for words in the
- Match each word with its definition.

Gi¸o ¸n Anh 10 – NguyÔn V¨n Hïng
definition before looking for word with in the
- T. asks S
to match each word with its
- T. walks round the class and offers ideas and
comment when S
need help.
Task 2(7 )’
- T. asks S
to read the task again before reading
the text.
- T. Pre - teaches some new - words
(if necessary )
+To treat (V)
+Various T. asks S
to read the
+Erosion (N ) words in the chorus
+To save (V ) twice.
- T. asks S
to do the task in pairs
( T. reminds S
of finding information which is

used to clarify the statement and how to correct
the statement if it is false )
- T. walks round the class and offers ideas and
comments when S
need help.
- T. asks some S
to do the task in front of the
Task 3(3 )’
- T. has the class read the text again and get the
main idea of each paragraph.
Suggested key.
Paragraph 1 + 3
Paragraph 2 + 4
Paragraph 3 + 2
After you read ( 10 )’
- T. asks S
to read the text again then answer
the questions in the text books in groups .
- T. asks some representatives to present –
other groups listen then offer ideas and
- T. corrects mistakes
3. Home work ( 2 )’
- Asks the pupils to translate the text in to
1 + c, 2 + a, 3 + d, 4 + b.

- Read the task again.
- Read the words in chorus twice.
- Copy.
- Work in pairs.
- Do the task in front of the class.
1- T ( scientists say ...... each year )
2- T ( many of those.... other sicknesses )
3- T ( Trees, grasses ....... conserve it )
4- T ( These days ..... to the environment)
5- F (without plants .... during dry season)
6- F ( we can stop ...... nature’s defence )
- S
read the text again and get the main
- S
read the text again then answer the
questions in the text books in groups.
- Some representatives present – other
groups listen and offer ideas and comments.
- S
listen carefully.
- S
listen carefully and copy down.
- Do as the teacher’s request
- Listen to the teacher.

Gi¸o ¸n Anh 10 – NguyÔn V¨n Hïng
Giáo án Anh 10 NGuyễn Văn Hùng
I. Date: January 25
, 2008 Period 61
II. Unit:10 Conservation ( Period 2 : Speaking)
III. Aims
1. Knowledge : help students to present their ideas of zoos of the new kind.
2. Skills : speaking about a topic of zoos of the new kind .
IV. Method : Integrated, mainly communicative.

V. Teaching aids : books, colour chalks
VI. Procedure :
Teacher s activities Students s activities
1.Warm-up (5 ):
-Teacher writers some Vietnamese word on the
board and asks some students to write English
words on the board.
Con voi, cá voi biển, núi, rừng
Con khỉ, con hổ sở thú, công
Con gà viên
-Teacher corrects mistakes
-Teacher can give some questions
Have you seen monkeys ?
Have you ever visited a zoo ?
2. Task 1(10 )
-Teacher asks students to read paragraphs a,b in

- Teacher asks students to give some new words
-Teacher explains new words and phrases
-Teacher can give more new words and new phrases
(If necessary)
-Teacher reads paragraphs once or twice
-Teacher asks some students to read paragraphs
-Teacher corrects mistakes .
-Teacher asks students to work in pairs or in groups
to discuss questions then give answers.
1. For what purpose are zoos of the new kind
opened ?
2. What are their main features ?
-Students write English word on the
board .
- Students listen.
- Students answer teachers question.
- S1:yes, I have.
- S2: yes, I have.
- Students read paragraphs in
- Students give some new words
- Students listen to teacher and
write down.
- Students listen to the teacher
- Some students read
paragraphs aloud.

-Students work in pairs or in
groups to discuss questions
and give answers
1. They are opened to help
endangered species develop.
2. The animals are not kept
in cages . They can live in
their natural environment .
Gi¸o ¸n Anh 10 – NGuyÔn V¨n Hïng
3.Task 2(8 )’
-Teacher asks students to discuss and give their own
+ food
+ diseases
+ activities
+ feeling
-Teacher asks some students to present their ideas.
-Teacher remarks and marks
4.Task 3(10 )’
-Teacher asks students to discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind.
-Teacher can give a hint .
-Teacher asks some students to present their ideas .
-Teacher asks other students to give some more
questions .
-Teacher can mark.
5.Task 4(9 )’
-Teacher asks some students to make group
reports , sharing their views with the rest of the

-Teacher corrects mistakes and marks .
6. Home work(3 )’
-Teacher asks students to rewrite the advantages
and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind.
- Students discuss in pairs or in
groups and give their own ideas about
those problems
-Students put a tick (v) in the
right box .
-Students present their ideas
-Students discuss in pairs or in groups .
-Students develop their ideas
+ the conditions.
+ the money spent on reconstruction
of the animals’
natural environment.
+the animals that people can visit.
+the dangers that keepers
may have .
-Some students present their
ideas .
-Some students give some questions
-Some students present their
-Students listen to the teacher
-Students listen to the teacher
and write down
VII. Comment:


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