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Giáo án Anh 8
Giáo án Anh 8
Preparing date:/ 5 / 4 / 2006
Period: 86.
A. Objectives:
I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make a report on
famous places using reported speech.
II. Skills: reading and listening.
III.Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, pictures and poster.
I. Class-organization: check-attendance (1m)
II .Checking-up: Newwords and read the dialogue.(5ms)
III.New- lesson:
Time Teacher's activities Ss' activities
10ms A. Presentation:
+ Matching: Put the chart with
the statements on the board.
-Asking Ss to read the statements
and the names of the famous
places in the box on page 133 and
do the matching.
1. It was designed and built by the
french civil engineer with 300
metres in height.
2. It's in Souh Central Asia, 8.848
metres high above sea level.
3. It was built from 246 - 209 BC
and some people say it can be

seen from the moon.
4. It's a bell striking the hours in
the clock tower of the houses of
Parliament in London.
5. It is a skycraper in Manhattan,
New York city.
6. It is a famous place in QB
province recognized as a world
Heritage Site by Unessco.
Ss work in pairs.
+Possible answers:
1. Effel tower.
2. Mount Everest.
3. Great wall of China.
4. Big Ben.
5. Empire Statue building USA.
6. Phong Nha cave.
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Giáo án Anh 8
Giáo án Anh 8
+ Set the scene:
-Asking a student.
T: Is Hue citadel in the Central
S: Yes, It is.
-Asking Ss to listen .
" I asked Lan if Hue Citadel was

in the Central Viet Nam.
She said It was." ( Indirect
speech ) Yes / No Question .
-Asking Ss to give the structures.
B. Practice:
-Asking Ss to substitute.
C. Post - speaking:
+ Free practice:
Ss copy down.
Ss give the structure.
S+O+ If / whether + S + V.
-I asked Hoa if Phong Nha cave
was in Southern VN.She said that
it was not.
- I asked Nag whether Petronas
Twin Towers in malaysia was the
highest building in the world.
Ss work in pairs to speak.
IV. Consolidation: (2ms)
-Asking Ss to remind the reported speech.
V. Recommendation: (2ms)
-Learning structures by heart.
-Doing exercise 3 in workbook.
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