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(Đề thi có 50 câu / 4 trang)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or
part differs from the other
Question 1: A. explored
Question 2: A. beat

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
B. stretched
C. remained
D. entered
B. lead
C. mean
D. head

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. swallow
B. aware
C. support
D. enough
Question 4: A. advocate
B. consider
C. cultural

D. period
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 5: To control quality and making decisions about production are among the many responsibilities of an
industrial engineer.
Question 6: One-cent coins issued in the United States since 1982 is 96 percent zinc.
Question 7: Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get on well to his boss.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
Question 8: Computers are ________used in schools and universities.
A. widely
B. wide
C. widen
D. width
Question 9: An architect planning a new house should always _______ in mind his client’s needs.
A. carry
B. bear
C. remember

D. take
Question 10: In the future cars will still be with us, but instead of petrol they could run ______ anything from
electricity to methane gas.
A. on
B. by
C. out
D. with
Question 11: His son’s death was a terrible shock and it took him long time to________
A. get round
B. come through
C. go over
D. get over
Question 12: A good ________of English will help you find a job more easily.
A. expectation
B. satisfaction
C. condition
D. knowledge
Question 13: _______you study, _______marks you will get.
A. The harder/ the better
B. The more/ the much
C. The hardest /the best
D. The harder / the best
Question 14: By the end of the 21st century, Chinese astronauts _______________ on Mars.
A. will be landing
B. will have landed
C. will be landed
D. will land
Question 15: The bicycle ______now. You can do it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
A. need repairing
B. needn't be repaired

C. need to repair
D. needn't repairing
Question 16: The Red Cross is a________ organization whose purpose is to help people in wartime and
A. commercial
B. political
C. military
D. humanitarian
Question 17: Not only _________the exam but she also got the scholarship.
A. did she pass
B. she passed
C. she has passed
D. has she passed
Question 18: He asked me _________ home the day before.
A. what time I leave
B. what time I will leave C. what time I left
D. what time I had left
Question 19: It’s very kind of you to give me something on my birthday, but you ________ bought such an
expensive present like this.
A. didn’t need
B. needn’t
C. needn’t have
D. haven’t needed
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 20: Frank and Brandy are talking about Brandy’s last vacation.
- Frank: “I learned that you had an amazing vacation last summer. Did you go with your parents?”
–Brandy: “___________.I went with my cousins. We had a blast!”

A. That’s right
B. Oh, no. That’s unbelievable
C. Of course not
D. Certainly with my friends too
Question 21: Cindy and Peter are talking about species extintion.
- Cindy: "I think some plants and animals are likely to become extinct due to climate change."
- Peter: " ___________. So we need to make everyone aware of the harmful effects."
A. There’s no doubt about it
B. I can’t agree with you less
C. You can’t say it again
D. How wonderful your idea is

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: With the dawn of space exploration, the notion that atmospheric conditions on Earth may be
unique in the solar system was strengthened.
A. outcome
B. continuation
C. beginning
D. expansion
Question 23: There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree
A. examining
B. avoiding
C. seizing
D. pursuing
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 24: The Red Cross is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to reducing the sufferings of
wounded soldiers, civilians and prisoners of war.
A. worry and sadness

B. pain and sorrow
C. loss
D. happiness
Question 25: Lee doesn’t like conventional dressing. She prefers something modern and shocking.
A. contemporary
B. old
C. social
D. traditional
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 26: People say that some Americans are superficially friendly.
A. Some Americans are said as being superficially friendly
B. Some Americans are said that they are superficially friendly
C. People are said that some Americans are superficially friendly
D. Some Americans are said to be superficially friendly
Question 27: "Why don't you get up early to do morning exercises?" Peter asked me.
A. Peter advised me to get up early to do morning exercises.
B. Peter recommended me not to get up early to do morning exercises.
C. Peter told me the reason why I did not get up early to do morning exercises.
D. Peter suggested that he should get up early to do morning exercises.
Question 28: She took the train last night, so he wasn’t late.
A. If she had taken the train last night, she would have been late.
B. Unless she hadn’t taken the train last night, she would be late.
C. If she took the train last night, she would be late.
D. Had she not taken the train last night, she would have been late.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 29: Sue lives in this house. The house is opposite my house.
A. Sue lives in this house, which is opposite mine.
B. Sue lives in this house which is opposite mine.

C. Sue lives in this house, that is opposite mine.
D. Sue lives in this house, where is opposite mine.
Question 30: My mother is very busy at work . However, she takes good care of her children.
A. In spite of being busy at work, my mother takes good care of her children.
B. My mother takes good care of her children but she is very busy at work.
C. Though my mother was very busy at work my mother took good care of her children.
D. Although my mother was very busy at work she did not take good care of her children.
Read the following pasage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Karaoke is a popular form of (31)__________ around the world. Karaoke is when people sing along to
the recorded music of a song. The recorded vocals of the song are removed.
It is (32)____________ from Japan. The word “karaoke” comes from the Japanese words “kara”, which
means “empty” and “oke”, which means “orchestra”.

The first karaoke machine was invented by Daisuke Inoue in 1971. His friends always wanted to hear
recordings of his performances. They wanted to sing along to his music. Inoue made a machine with a tape
recorder. When someone put in 100 yen (about a dollar), the machine would play the music on the tape. (33)
___________ first, he rented the machine to restaurants and bars. As karaoke got more popular, many people
opened karaoke boxes. These were places (34)__________ people could go and sit in a room with their friends
and sing karaoke together.
Nowadays, karaoke is popular around the world. Newer karaoke machines have computers. They can
store thousands of songs and download new songs from the Internet automatically. Karaoke machines are
(35)___________ to screens that show music videos and song lyrics. People can change the speed and the
pitch of the music to suit their voice. Some karaoke machines give people a rating about their singing talent
after the song ends. If you’ve never tried karaoke, you should give it a shot! You might enjoy it!


31: A.
32: A.
33: A.
34: A.
35: A.







(Adapted from " />


Read the following pasage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet ti indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions
From 1940 to 1956, a man called George Metesky set off bombs in places like movie theaters and train
stations all over New York City. A psychiatrist named James A. Brussel was called in by the police to help. He
used crime scene photos and notes from the bomber to profile the criminal doing the bombings. He assured the
police that the man was middle-aged, unmarried, and a skilled mechanic from Connecticut.
This was an example of criminal profiling. Profiling is used when a criminal’s identity is unknown. Based on
profiling, a psychological sketch of the person is created. This sketch helps the police more easily find him or

her. It is an essential tool for the police trying to solve major crimes. Profiling has been used for a long time to
help the police.
Profilers are not police officers. They are experts who create criminal profiles for the police. They use the
crime scene evidence and psychology to write about the suspect. They can’t tell who the person is, but they can
tell the police what kind of person to look for. To be a profiler, one needs a degree in psychology, criminal
justice, or behavioral science. Profilers sometimes work in police departments and sometimes they are
independent workers.
Profiling is especially effective in cases of repeated crimes, like serial killers. The profile tells the police
what the killer may act like. It also tells the police what kind of person the killer may target next
and where it might happen. That way, the police can prevent further crimes. Profilers can learn a lot about a
criminal’s habits from the evidence they leave behind.
All of this is impressive, but not everyone agrees with profiling. Some say it’s just a guessing game. It may
not always work, but profiling methods have improved over time. Today’s profilers are much better than
previous profilers. They can create better profiles thanks to decades of knowledge and experience. Even if their
information isn’t perfect, it’s still a great help to the police.
(Adapted from "Suject Link L8”)

Question 36: What is the passage mainly about?
A. how to become a criminal profier
B. how criminal profiing was discovered
C. how criminal profiing helps catch criminals
D. how profiing helps predict what people will become criminals
Question 37: The main purpose of the second paragraph is to
A. explain what criminal profiing is
B. explain how to become a profier
C. provide an example of profiing
D. discuss how to fid a profier
Question 38: The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to ______
A. police officers
B. criminal profiles

C. Profilers
D. departments
Question 39: The word serial in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to
A. prior
B. repeat
C. undiscovered
D. guilty
Question 40: Which is true about James A. Brussel?
A. He worked as a psychiatrist from 1940 to 1956. B. He was involved in setting off bombs in New York.
C. He helped the police to fid the bomber.
D. He was middle-aged and a skilled mechanic.
Question 41: Which is NOT mentioned as a task that profiers do?
A. They tell the police what a criminal acts like.
B. They tell the police the type of person who might be targeted.

C. They tell the police where crimes might happen.
D. They tell the police specifially who to arrest.
Question 42: When might the police ask a profier for help?
A. when they know who to arrest
B. when they need an artistic sketch of a suspect
C. when they do not know anything about a criminal
D. when they know someone will be targeted by a serial killer

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions
It was one of the greatest art thefts in history. In March 1990, two thieves stole 13 pieces of art from the
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston. Valued at $500 million, it was the largest private
art theft ever, and for decades, it has gone unsolved.
The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum is unique in the art world. Founded in 1903, it is the only museum

where the art and the building are part of one person’s private collection. Gardner was a collector of art who
acquired many pieces on her travels to Europe. She eventually opened her museum to the public so she could
share her art with the world.
Two thieves disguised as police officers knocked on the museum’s door late at night on St. Patrick’s Day.
Because of the holiday, there were festivities all over the city. The “police officers” told the two guards that
there was a problem outside. Once inside, one of the “police officers” looked at the guards. “I have an arrest
warrant for you,” he said. That’s when he put handcuffs on the guards.
The thieves stole art from all over the museum. During the robbery, they set off an alarm when they tried
to take a Rembrandt off a wall, but they quickly smashed it. The thieves finally left the museum 81 minutes later
with their stolen art. The stolen art included The Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt, Landscape with an
Obelisk by Flinck, La Sortie de Pesage by Degas, and The Concert by Vermeer. The next morning, workers
found the art gone and the guards still tied up. They immediately called in the police and an investigation
Some called the robbery “dumb” because paintings are notoriously hard to sell, but others claimed the
thieves were very professional. They weren’t art experts and had likely been paid to steal the art. Today, the art
has still not been found. Empty frames hang where the paintings were. They are reminders of what was
(Adapted from "Suject Link L8”)

Question 43: What is the passage mainly about?
A. ways to steal art from a museum
B. methods to prevent future art theft
C. a legendary unsolved art robbery
D. what the police did to solve a past art robbery
Question 44: The main purpose of the third paragraph is to _________.
A. explain where Gardner acquired all her art
B. discuss how the thieves were caught
C. show what the thieves did with the art
D. explain how the thieves got into the museum
Question 45: The word “Founded” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to__________

A. Hidden
B. Discovered
C. Started
D. Destroyed
Question 46: The word “festivities” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. celebrations
B. entertainments
C. activities
D. advertisements
Question 47: The word “he” in paragraph 3 refers to ________.
A. the thief
B. the police officer
C. the guard
D. St. Patrick
Question 48: What happened during the robbery?
A. The thieves tricked the guards and tied them up.
B. The guards escaped and got some help.
C. A cleaning crew showed up and found the guards.
D. The thieves were arrested by the police outside the museum.
Question 49: Which is NOT true about the robbery?
A. The thieves set off an alarm while stealing art.
B. The guards helped the thieves steal art.
C. The thieves stole art by Rembrandt.
D. The art hasn’t been found to this day.
Question 50: What can be inferred about the thieves?
A. This was probably their fist robbery.
B. They carefully planned the theft.
C. They knew what paintings to steal because they studied art.
D. They were angry because the paintings were hard to sell.

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