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Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

Table of contents
PART I: INTRODUCTION. ............................................................................3


exportation . .........................................................................................3
The importance of exportation for a company. ....................................................4

Export activities of Best Care Import Export



Chapter 1: Introduction to the Company..…………………………………...9
1. General Information of the Company...............................................................9
2. Products….......................................................................................................11
3. Company structure…………………………………………………………..12
Chapter 2: Export activities of Best Care Company.................................................13
1. Export revenue................................................................................................13
2. Export markets: .............................................................................................15
3. Strengths and weaknesses of Best Care Import Export Company Limited in
3.1 Strengths.......................................................................................................16
3.2 Weaknesses...................................................................................................18

Chapter 3. Recommendations to improve export activities in Best Care
Import Export Company Limited..................................................................19
3.1To The Company...........................................................................................19
3.2 To The Government......................................................................................20
PART III: CONCLUSION.............................................................................24

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd


Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

Integration into the world economies brings Viet Nam many
opportunities and challenges. One of the most important activities to any
enterprise and company is exporting, especially when Viet Nam has become a
member of the World Trade Organization. Has long been famous for its
handicraft products, it’s wise and necessary for Viet Nam to take advantage of

the free trade and the opening policies of the Government.
For these reasons, I would like to introduce the “Activities of exporting
porcelain and pottery products Best Care Import Export Company Limited”
after 3 months of practical time with the company. In this report, I would like to
talk in general about the company, the export revenue, the market and some
recommendation to the company and to the government in order to improve the
export activities. I hope I could contribute a small part to promote and develop
the activities which bring the most profit for the company.
I also would like to express my thanks to all the teachers and specially
Mrs. Nguyen Hoang Gang (M.A), at Hanoi University of Foreign Trade for their
devoted teaching and for giving me new knowledge and studying methods.
Their teaching not only helps me gain valuable knowledge during the four years
at this university but also lays the foundation for me in the future.
I am deeply indebted to all the seniors at Best Care Company for their
support, suggestions, and criticism during the development of this report.
Finally, I wish to extend my special thanks to my family and my friends
for their assistance and encouragement in the making of this report.
Despite all the help I had. Many error and mistakes might have been made
here and there in the report, for these I am alone responsible. Constructive
suggestions and corrections are, therefore, highly appreciated.

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

Because of the shortage of time, there must be some mistakes in the

report. I hope to receive comments and ideas from teachers and the staff of Best
Care Import Export Company Limited.

Part I: Introduction
In economics, an export is any good or commodity, transported from one
country to another country in a legitimate fashion, typically for use in trade.
Export is an important part of international trade. Its counterpart is import.
Export goods or services are provided to foreign consumers

by domestic

produces. Export of commercial quantities of goods normally


involvement of the customs authorities in both the country of export and the
country of import.
We do not even have to set foot out of a small town to be affected by
international business. No matter where we live, we will be surrounded by
Imports-all the goods and services brought into a country that were purchased
from organizations located in other countries. Our counterparts around the
world will undoubtedly spend the day using our nations. Exports: all goods an
services sent from one country to other nations.
Exporting is considered as just one of a range of strategic options for
profiting from international expansion. Exporting is an activity just for large
multinational enterprises, many small companies have benefited significantly
from exporting activities.
All evidence suggest the volume of export activity in the world economy,
by companies of all sizes, is likely to increase in the foreseeable future. One
reason for this is that exporting has become easier over the years. The gradual

decline in trade barriers under the umbrella of GATT and now the WTO, along
with regional economic agreements such as the European Union and the North
American Free Trade Agreement, have significantly increased export
opportunities. At the same time the advent of modern communications and
transportation technologies have alleviated the logistical problems associated

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

with exporting. Firms are increasingly using fax machines, international
telephones and international air express services to reduces the costs of
Nevertheless exporting remains a difficult challenge for many enterprises
have long been conversant with the steps that must be taken to export
successfully, smaller enterprises can find the process intimidating. Among other
things the company wishing to export must identify foreign market
opportunities, avoid a host of anticipated problems that are often associated with
doing business in a foreign market, familiarize itself with the mechanics of
export and import financing, learn where it can get financing and export credit
insurance, and learn how it should deal with foreign exchange risk. The whole
process is made all the more problematic by currencies that are not freely
convertible. As a result there is the problem of arranging payment for exports
to countries with weak currencies.
1.2. The importance of exportation for a company
Exporting offers numerous advantages for a company. But many

companies do not know to take advantages that exporting can create. The trend
of globalization of economy, the opening of many new markets, bilateral and
multilateral trade agreements, the establishment of regional economic and trade
organizations that of the World Trade Organization have created opportunities
for businesses to export. With the application of the new products technologies,
many countries are able to produce cheaper, and better goods in a faster time of
production. Many developing countries have become competitors of developed
countries because of their links to global communication systems, the
development of television, printing machine and the internet. Therefore,
exporting is very important for a company:
Use their superfluous products. On the other way, a company can enlarge
product life cycle. Now and future, many enterprises always force production
ability. Therefore, their output has to be available with domestic market and of

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

course, supply is large than demand. Companies export its products and later
undertake foreign direct invesment as the product moves through its life cycle.
Exportation is the best way to use the output. It means that, the enterprises,
change its business activities from local market, domestic market to
international market. As doing business abroad or selling goods, they will find
the value of international market to use their output.
Increase sale and profit. If a company is performing well domestically,
expansion into foreign markets is likely to increase its profitability. Beside,

companies sometimes produce more goods and services than the market can
absorb. When that happens, resources sit idle. But if the company can find new
international sources of demand, it can spread its costs over a greater number of
units produced, thereby lowering the cost per unit and increasing profits. If it
passes on these benefits to consumers in the form of lower prices, the company
might also capture market share from competitor. A dominant market position
means greater market power, providing the company with greater power in
negotiating with both suppliers and buyers.
But in Viet Nam, many business do not export products yet although
they are capable to do it. The enterprises can sell their goods on both domestic
and global market but doing business abroad always is bigger than home. The
reason is the environment, life cycle of product differ from inside. You can have
to down the price of product in domestic but it is not necessary co abroad. The
other reason is the difference between the country you living and the country
you doing business.
Reduce dependence on existing domestic market. By expanding its
activities into foreign market, a company can develop its bases for sale and
reduce its dependence on domestic customers. Saturated domestic markets or an
economic slowdown often forces companies to explore international sales
opportunities. Another impetus for companies to seek international sales is
uneven income. Companies might be able to level off their income stream by

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

supplementing domestic sales with international sales. This also helps
companies avoid wild production swings characterized by cycles of overwork
and slack capacity. In particular, companies take the leap into international
markets when they are confident that buyers in other cultures are receptive to a
product and can afford it. Likewise, by exploiting global market, a company
will not be captive to changes of economy, consumers demand and seasonal
fluctuation in domestic market. Companies also export to access resources that
are unavailable or more costly at home. What commonly draws companies into
international markets is the quest for natural resources - products from nature
that are economically or technologically useful.
Gain foreign market share. By exporting, a company can learn from its
competitors, their strategies and what they have done to gain a share in foreign
markets. It is very important because there is lack of experience of medium and
small companies, especially in the speed of economic integration. The winner is
the person who can compete in every condition and use his advantages. Export
is the best way to penetrate in international market. They can learn a lot of
things from partners and competitors such as: information, technology, method
of doing business (negotiation, offering, training, managing and using staff).....
Full use of excess production capacity. Exporting can increase the
utilization of production capacity and raising economic effect of the company.
While a company having benefit from using new technologies, new methods
and processes of production, competitive capability of the business will be
increased and its country’s balance of payment will be later. Relying on that, the
company can reproduce and continuously create benefit.
Increasing national income. Companies should earn a good profit if they
obtain first-mover advantages and solidified positions in their market around the
world. It is assumed that these home - based companies will bring profit earned
abroad back home. However, this is not necessarily the case. Many large
international companies reinvest profits abroad, for example, to develop new

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

products or establish new production capacity. One way companies try to keep
their prices internationally competitive is by locating production in countries
with low - cost labor. In order to be attractive, a location must offer low - cost,
adequately skilled workers in an environment with acceptable levels of social,
political, and economic stability. When these conditions exist, the long term
investment necessary for economic development will flow into a country.
Reduce the expenditure. All enterprises are rich? Not only the small but
also the big have to save their money. On doing business, enterprises spend
money to make profit. The best way is cut down the expenditure for production.
If the output is twice, they can save from 20 to 30 percent of their money. On
the other hand, they can improve the competitiveness of goods. Moving to
international market or exportation, their profit can be developed.
For many companies, the decision not to export is based on the fear of
lacking information of foreign market. To overcome this difficult, it is necessary
to seek good experts in export with reasonable costs. Trade promotion
organizations in the country and those in foreign countries will help businesses
in collecting step by step knowledge of foreign market and advise them in the
course of export.

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

PART II: Export activities of Best Care import
export Company
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Company
1 General Information of the Company
Best Care Import Export Company Limited (Best Care company) is a
commercial company specializing in producing and exporting traditional and
handicraft porcelain and pottery products in Viet Nam. It was established in
1998 with the starting point of a small company and few labors in Bat Trang
village - one traditional pottery village with 1,000 years of history, only 13 km
far from Ha Noi on the North.
After over 10 years of establishment, Best Care company has gained a
numerous of achievements including possession of a factory with the total
surface of 24,000 m2 at the Pho Noi A Industrial Zone, Van Lam District, Hung
Yen Province and a 4,000 m2 showroom in Bat Trang Village.
Best Care company has a head office and 2 factories:
The head office was located in Bat Trang with total area of 4000 square
meters. It includes offices and a showroom (600 square meters). There are 50
staff working at the head office.
Also in Bat Trang, we have a factory supplying materials (clay, color,
glazed) with total area of 1500 square meters with 8 workers. The capacity of
this factory can supply enough materials to the manufacture of Best Care
company and 10% other ceramic enterprises in Bat trang.
The company was given the project “the high-end ceramic products for
export factory”, approved by the Hung Yen provincial committee in late 2000.
Built in 2001, the second factory of Best Care company is located in Hung Yen

Province at Pho Noi industrial Zone and put in use in use August 2002. With

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

the total area of 24000 square meters, the factory divided in 3 main areas:
Workshops and warehouse (13000 m2), offices (2000m2). This factory brings
USD 1 million revenue to Best Care company. In this factory, we have more
than 200 labors. The production capacity of this branch is 30,000 units per day
but now we use only a half of this capacity.
In the North in general, and in Bat Trang in particular, the furnaces
produced in Vietnam from 2001 to early 2002, contained a deoxidizing
environment and commonly had a small capacity of less than 6 cubic meters.
This created low quality outputs and high energy consumption. Therefore, Best
Care company imported technology from Korea and China which had some
advantages, notably popularity, high technology and high quality.
We have completed production line for ceramic and porcelain process
from the beginning (materials) to the end products.
10 gas kiln (24m3, 18m3, 3m3 )
24 model forming machines
2 Automatic - printing machines
3 Drying systems
3 Extruders
20 printing machines

5 Car and Lorries
At present, Best Care Company can meet the demands of valuable
customers with the total of 600 skillful labors, artisans, and technicians who
working regularly in the factory and a large of labors whose can be mobilized
from the local province.
With a staff of skillful, experienced and creative painters, artisans; to
inherit a long lasting of 200 years from the traditional pottery village of Vietnam

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

that was recognized by the Vietnamese history, at present, Best Care company
has more than 4,000 samples with different types, styles, materials, patterns,
designs, from traditional to modern products; meet the needs for daily usage and
decoration of customers.
Best Care company has used and upgraded regularly the latest
technologies on its producing lines such as glazing and coloring technologies,
firing and drying technologies, graphic depict and with the combination
between experience and traditional. Presently, our products have been exported
to a numerous of markets over the world such as North America, Euro,
Australia, South Africa, Japan, South Korea ect, ... Our products ensure the
highest quality as well as meet the international quality standards of
management, environment and labor safety ect.,... Nowadays, with the aim of
enlarging markets to different regions over the world, we are continuously
finding new valuable customers.

.2. Products
Located at well known traditional ceramic region as Bat Trang, the
products that are handmade and industrial art articles and tableware for home
and garden such as dinner sets, tea-sets, and crackle - glazed items, vases,
statues, lamp - stands, flower - pots with various designs are being of interest of
many customers from different markets. One important thing would be able
satisfy you that we can make products upon customers request as on color,
quality, design, shape.
Besides traditional ceramic and porcelain products, we are developing new line
products which was combined ceramic to rattan, bamboo, coconut peel,
lacquer.. and others materials.
3. Company structure
Best Care Co.,Ltd ’s organization structure

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

general OF director

vICE director




vice directors



Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6






Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

Chapter 2: Export activities of Best Care

1 Export revenue
For all export entrepreneurs, export revenue is necessary and important
because of the small consumption in domestic. For Best Care company,
exportation takes a large revenue. The beautiful samples, size and sort products
have been interesting for many customers so that they make high profit. Best
Care Company always concentrates on export by investing capital, high
technology, improving infrastructure and increasing labour. The result of export
in 2004 and 2005 demonstrate that. Best Care Company makes quite high
revenue from the big markets: North America, Euro, Australia, South Africa,
Japan, South Korea ect. Annual reports of export show the increasing export
Table 2.1: The Company’s export in 2004



Set of Units



North America




United Kingdom












South Africa







Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd


South Korea





Table 2.1: The Company’s export in 2005




North America


Set of Units












United Kingdom








South Africa




South Korea




Thai Lan










In period of 2004-2005, the company increased both quantity and
turnover from exportation. Thanks to develop market in Asia and Euro, the
company received more others contract. The largest market is USA where the
company exports more products and gets more profit. Best Care Company
mainly exports to USA, Japan and USA. Generally, the quantity and profit from
big markets very large. In 2004, the company got 985,880 $USD from 49,610
set of units. In 2005, because of researching market carefully, the company
decided to potential market. Therefore, both the quantity and profit of the
company are increased to 1,198,500 with 59,925 set of units.

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

2 Export markets: USA, EU, Asia
Like other companies, Best Care Company has done business with many
partners, in Vietnam and international market. Therefore customers of the
company are on all over the world. There are two zones of market: domestic and
For exporting, overseas market are divided into 3 zones USA, EU and
Asia. Best Care company always pay attention to finding new customers,
partners, and agents etc...With high quality of products and services, productive
capacities and technologies that recognized as ISO 9001-2000, we can meet all
demands of valuable customers on ceramic products.
Table 2.4: The Company’s export markets


Import Companies

United States of America

Disney Land








Sakura Co

South Africa

Rupp Coin

Thai Lan

Sunrise Ldt Company


Star Group

South Korea


Generally, international market is very vital for the company. The
international consumption is always higher than the domestic consumption very
much. The overseas customers normally choose goods by placing an individual
order. In globalization, the Vietnamese enterprises and Best Care Company need
to develop exportation activities. Therefore,

Best Care company


enlarge all kinds of market. The company researched everyplace to choose the
potential markets in not only USA but also Euro, Asia. Completing with

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

domestic market, international market are very large of scale and value. There
are so many kinds of customers in each nation that make Best Care Company
have a big consumption.
3. Strengths and weaknesses of Best Care Company in exportation
For every export company, it is very important to develop strengths and
reduce weaknesses. This will strengthen the post and the value of products on
international market. The companies which sell to domestic market to do not
have difficulties as they understand the competitors, easily get information of
goods, material, agencies... The activities or export company may get more risk
and difficulties because of international business environment. It challenges the
exporter and export products.
3.1. Strengths
Is the production ability of company high? The overseas orders normally
are large, long time Best Care company produce and export on the same time
and by a lot of orders. It helps the company to spur produce, high technology,
productivity and quality of products. After disadvantages of beginning years, the
company produced stable and its product occurred in both domestic and
international markets. The increasing reliability of customers force the company
raises its output.
The second strength of Best Care Company is the expert in export
handicraft pottery items. Best Care Company specializes in producing and
exporting porcelain and pottery items. On this prestige, Best Care Company
continues to develop its business on all provinces of Vietnam and many
countries in the world. Promoting production, improving quality of products and
selling services help the company create its trademark. As a result, exportation
is major activities to consume. An important reason to develop exportation and
enlarge market is training expert of export. In Best Care company, the marketing
department responds on consumption. Therefore, members of the marketing
department are experts in export. They are trained basically, have a lot of

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

experience and high level in foreign language. The channel of distribution of the
company is convenient not only in USA but also EU and Asia. The outlet and
retail shop and the middleman. The activities of advertisement and guaranteed
to bring benefit to ultimate consumers. The experts of export are also to
negotiate with partners, get feedback customers.... They play a role to help the
company decide to export strategy for market.
The third strengths is the effect of policy of Government. The export
activities are supported by the policy and law. The Government always uses
priority policies to promote exportation when Vietnam takes integration in
South East Asia, Asia and international economic. The Government currently
implements policies for producing goods to export such as allocating quotas,
establishing stock market and supporting information about international trade.
It helps products of Best Care Company more competitive, especially price on
international market. Furthermore, thanks to priority policies, the company
interests a lot of local labor, increases average income and generates jobs.
In the future, Best Care company prepares to transact in stock market.
Having good relationship and trust in image of products help Best Care
company to have many advantage such as: export every year with stable
quantity, reducing expense of marketing products because of traditional
customers. The traditional customers play a role as an active marketers in their
countries. The company also reduces expense for exportation as exporting to a

strange nation for the first time. There will not be difficult for the company to
compete with enterprises on that nation.
Every export company has to have target market. Now, the global market
is very large. For being active on producing and exporting. Best Care Company
expresses the target market. With a lot of experience in doing business overseas,
Best Care Company could get and use its advantage. Now, there are a lot of high
demands for imported pottery products. A customer in this nation is not same as
another nation. Best Care Company determined the target market: United States

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

of EU and some developed economies in Asia. Especially in USA, Best Care
Company researched carefully and penetrated in American market. The
customer imports a large volume of pottery to get the domestic demand. Their
orders are always direct. It means they negotiates and import from Best Care
company every month so that the big company like Disney Land is the bridge
for the exporter sells and services their products. In short, to determine target
market is too important for every export company and Best Care Company need
to determine its targets initially.
3.2 Weaknesses
Besides, there are many weaknesses in Best Care company export
activities. Those are weaknesses of many export companies in Vietnam. Best
Care company has a lot of traditional customers who often place some medium
orders about 10,000-20,000 $USD per order. In the opposite, they place the

orders of a kind of product for many different times. Their demands are
diversified. As result, products to export are to be suitable with customer’s
demand. There are some small differences of the kind of products such as color,
type, size, design. The export company produces the first consignment. The only
reason belongs to manufacturing and the supplier has to down price. It makes
customers appreciate technology and management ability. Best Care Company
sometimes gets this weakness. As a result, the products sometimes are not good
sot that the company to cut down and try to repair.
The second weakness is the objective. There are a few of companies
which has a large scale. Best Care Company was established on 1998 so that the
company has not got enough experiences, especially in taking part on
international market. Oppositely, overseas competitors have been doing on
business for many years. International laws and policies are changeable
everyday. The nation often uses hard policy to control imported goods to protect
domestic products. They use quota, tax, tariff for each import product. As a
result, it is very difficult for Best Care Company to compete with the huge

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

competitors not only for quality, price, service and type of products but also for
method of doing business. After signing contract, the commercial dispute would
happen to if Best Care Company does not understand the complex terms, for
example shipment or force majeure. The international partners often understand
that thing and they do not want to take over responsibilities which make them

some trouble. Furthermore, Best Care Company often has to control the
ownership because of many competitors. There are a lot of conflicts about the
same products which are different in price and quality. It asks the company to
strengthen management of exporters. The board of director of Best Care
Company is trying to improve this to succeed in international market.

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

Chapter 3. Recommendations to improve export activities
in of Best Care company
1. To the company
Save material and improve the competitiveness of product. The natural
material is limited and intend to high price. If domestic resource were not
enough to supply, the enterprises would have imported with expensive cost.
Therefore, it is possible to save material and find resource in domestic and
international (of course with reasonable price). In order to save material, the
producer and exporter also need to improve the competitiveness of product.
There are many challenges for Vietnamese enterprise: international companies
who have a lot of knowledge, capacity and capital are ready to dominate and
compete in Vietnamese market, for example China and India. International laws,
new method of business will be big barriers for Vietnamese enterprise. Best
Care company could do many things, include improve sample, color, quality,
design, shape of the product and diversify the products. The urgent and future
problem for the company is to invest modern machine and import technology.

These are major forces help the company to improve the competitiveness of
product and penetrate international market.
Develop market. Nowadays, Best Care Company mainly export to USA,
EU. It needs to open to some other countries in EU. Exporting to nearer zones
such as Asian nations can save money but cut down a large number of
customers in other zones. International Network (Internet) now is the shortest
bridge for enterprise all over the world to cooperate. Doing business by
telephone, fax, email and voice - chat are more popular and convenient.
Therefore, exportation is not up to this or that continental so that the enterprise
has to get chance where they found. In my opinion, Best Care Company needs
to widen export market, especially European market, a big and potential market.
European Unions are more and more strong, include members who are

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

developed economies. There are a lot of European companies importing the
handicraft products.
Develop human resource. It is reality because international trade has
been hanged for period of time. Our enterprise have many not only advantages
but also challenges. To use advantages and reduce challenges, the enterprise has
to have a number of good exporters. Strengthening capacity and enhancing the
effectiveness of staff is necessary for reach chances.
The company needs to increase number of exporter which has to be
training well, having good experience in exportation. Their mission is finding

customers overseas, introducing products, get information... to supply better
demand of customers. They also have to establish export strategy for each kind
of market at an exact time and drawing the strategy to dominate big and
potential markets. In order to do this, the experts often should be trained by the
international experts. They can learn and understand customs and habits of each
continental, zones and peoples form exporting lessons. Beside it, expert of
export should do business abroad to get practical experience, directly cooperate
with international partners in everywhere. They will be active and flexible in
2. To the Government
In the market economy, Government plays an important role in
controlling all fields of economy. Thanks to policies and laws, Government set
up a good environment which promote or prevent the development of
businesses. The fact that, the renovation in economy shows the role of
Government, especially in foreign trade. However, there are some lack of
management such as unreal laws, the changeable of policies in the short time....
All of them made many disadvantages for many companies, include exporting
Now, there are many advantages and disadvantages for companies in
economics integration. Open policy of Government is true in last years and its

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

have continuously to demonstrate the effectiveness. However, enterprises have a

problem: what to take part in but not be dominated? Therefore, the Government
implements solutions:
Law. The Government should develop a sound and strong legal system to
create a business environment and prevent the activities of traffic in trade and
spur domestic force, develop trade step by step. Managing economic activities
by law, the Government has to set up and strengthen market economy, the basic
of global business. It means to strengthen the awareness and understanding of
the roles and responsibilities of decision - makers and law enforcement officers
in the implement of taking part in global economy. This is very important
because Vietnamese enterprise have not enough experience to do business in
integration. Thereby, the Government should make use of policies to spur
Trade policy. Furthermore, it is necessary to support a multi - faces
policy for development of enterprises, especially medium and small enterprises.
It means the Government need to support the development of private economic
sectors such as: establishing a company, enlarging conditions of business and
the right of doing business (Price, advertisement, personnel, finance, spurring
subsides and representative office), restricting the weakness of administration,
developing competitiveness on construction and supplying services. At the same
time, the Government should reduce protectionism to support enterprise develop
export and compete with international partners during globalization, improve
the effectiveness of inter - cooperation. By drawing export and having aid on
export price, the Government could support companies develop stable and
generate many job, increase quality of product and grow up competitive ability
of Vietnamese goods on international market.
Finance. The choosing financial policy is very important to develop
some companies of majority industries which compete aggressively with
overseas partners. The Government should promote export by helping

Student: Vâ Anh §øc

Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd

companies finance their export activities. They can offer loans that a company
could otherwise not obtain or charge them an interest rate that is lower than the
market rate. Another option is for a government to guarantee that it will repay
the loan of a company if the company should default on repayment. Now,
receiving financing from Government agencies is often crucial to the success of
small business just beginning monitor and control inflation, rate of exchange
between Vietnamese dong (VND) and foreign currencies as soon as possible to
improve competitiveness of export products.
Credit. Besides, re-checking the policy to support exporting, especially
tax, credit and restrict monopoly - right, overcome trade fraud activities will
make it me effective for export companies. To export to international market,
companies need to have not only experience but also to be support by credit.
The Government should abolish the subsidized condition, renew mechanism
and policy of credit to encourage commercial banks initiatively in accordance
with capital supply demand. Therefore, the commercial banks can use
mechanism of loan guarantee, commercial document, methods of selling
payment.. to meet timely demand of borrowing capital of enterprises.

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd



Export is a part of trade activities, it create a lot of profit, jobs, use nature
and expand market. After Viet Nam has become an official member of WTO,
exporting should be the major forces for developing and integrating into the
international economy.
Export can bring chances for enterprises to develop themselves and our
economy. Specially, when the worlds are becoming more and more cultivated
and people would like to live in beautiful world. Handicraft products are useful
in everyday life and wonderfully use to decorate the houses. Best Care
Company has foreseen the situation and concentrates on exporting activities. It
does not only bring benefit in finance but also improve the status of the country
in areas of culture, diploma, and politics.
I expect the company will be more success in the future and find the best
way to develop the process of integration./.

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6


Field Study Report - Activities of exporting Best Care Import Export Co., Ltd


Best Care Company, Report of export 2001
Best Care Company, Report of export 2002
Best Care Company, Report of export 2003
Best Care Company, Report of export 2004
Best Care Company, Report of export 2005
John F. Wild, Kenneth L.Wild and Jerry C.Y.Han, International Business,
University of Foreign Trade.
John Thoms French, You’re in business, NXB Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, 2001.

Student: Vâ Anh §øc
Class : A1 – TATM 6

