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Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain of the poor service I received at your hotel on July 5,
I stayed at your hotel on that day. The weather unexpectedly turned bad with
strong wind and heavy rain. The roof of my room was leaking rain water, and
the heater was not working well. I reported the problem to your customer service
officers at the front desk, but they just came, looked at the heater and the roof
and said, “We’ll be working on them”. In fact, nothing was done at all. Then I
asked them to change my room, but unfortunately there were no available rooms
at that time. With two days and one night in very poor conditions, I soon got
sick. Returning home, I had to ask my boss for two more days off and missed
one important meeting.
I would suggest that you pay more attention to your service center and take
better care of your customers to make sure that the same problem will not
happen again.
Next time, I will not choose to stay at your hotel and tell my family and friends
about my bad experience at your hotel if I see no improvement in your service.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Yours faithfully,
You and your family are living in rented accommodation in an English
speaking country. You are not satisfied with the condition of some of the
Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter
introduce yourself
explain what is wrong with the furniture
say what action you would like the landlord to take
Write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write and addresses.

Begin your letter as follows: Dear ..........,
Sample Answer 1:
Dear Ms Linda,
I am Ramesh, tenant of one of your properties in William Street, Norwood. My
flat number is 17. I am writing this to bring my dissatisfaction on some of the
household stuff that you have provided as part of our rental agreement.
In the living room, the sofa is in pathetic condition. The colour of the cushion
cloths is totally faded out and they are stinking too. The coffee table is
disjointed. Some of the buttons of the remote controller for the television are not
functioning. In the kitchen, the refrigerator is not maintaining temperature
accurately and I found it futile. Grocery cupboard door locks are missing.
Overall, some of the furniture you have provided is in faulty condition.
I request you to look into this matter seriously. I recommend you to arrange for
repair and maintenance of the living room furniture and replace the fridge. New
keys for the cupboard can be prepared by a locksmith. I expect your action on
this as soon as possible, as these problems affecting my daily routine.
Yours’ Sincerely,
[ Written by Ramesh ]
Sample Answer 2:
Dear Ms Saradha,
I am your new tenant of the flat number 106, Priya. Hope you are doing great. I
am writing in connection with the bad condition of the furniture in my
As you already know, the legs of the dining table are unequal in length. So this is
causing lots of problems for me. Miserably, my mom could not place all the
prepared dishes on the table since there is always a probability of the recipes
being spilt. While I signed the contract of my accommodation, you assured me

that it would be replaced soon. In spite of staying here for more than two
months, it has not been remedied. Imagine how awful it would be, because of
this reason, we are not enjoying our lunch and dinner!

It would be highly appreciated if you could kindly find a replacement for this
furniture soon and make our stay comfortable.
Looking forward to hearing your swift solution.
Yours sincerely,
[ Written by Nivetha ]

You are not happy with the course you are doing at college and would like
to change to a different course. Write a letter to the college director
requesting to change your course. You should include details about:
– what course are you doing now
– why you are not satisfied with that course
– what course would you like to change to
Dear Mr. Hodgkins,
I am currently enrolled in an Italian cooking class at St. James and am writing
regarding some difficulties I have had doing this subject for the past two weeks.
I would like to know if it is possible to change my course.
I believe that the last day allowed for students to make any changes was
Wednesday 5th June but, in my situation, the circumstance is uncompromising.
The fact is that, during the enrolment session, no one mentioned that I needed to
be literate in Italian, which I’m not. Therefore, you will comprehend that for me,
getting an understanding of what the teacher is saying is beyond
Thus, I am requesting that my current enrollment be transferred from the Italian
course to the French cooking class. As unlike in Italian, I am fluent in French.

I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to you and the staff and look
forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Sandrine Mo

You successfully passed a job interview. You are expected to start on
November 15, but you will not be available on that date. Task: Write a letter
to your new boss, explaining your situation, expressing your concern and
suggesting a solution.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Leonardo Gomes and I have recently passed a job interview for the
Software Engineer position at the Software Infrastructure group. I was expected
to start on November 15, as agreed, and am writing because, unfortunately, I
will not be able to present myself on that date.
During the interview I estimated fifteen days as the amount of time needed for
me to finish my activities at my current job and start at your company, but due to
fact that I got sick for the last whole week and was not able to work, I could not
finish my tasks and will need another week to do so. If necessary, I can give you
a copy of a letter from my doctor informing that I had to stay at home and under
medical care during that week.
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and hope this will not affect our
relationship. If I am expected to present any other form of proof or talk to
someone else in the company, please let me know.
Faithfully yours,

You stayed at your friends’ house when you participated in a business
seminar in Australia. You left a file with important documents in your

Task: Write a letter to your friend, describing the file and ask him/her to
return it to you by post.
My dearest Philip,
I am sorry I am writing only now. Firstly, I would like to thank you for all the
attention and support you gave me while I was in Sydney. Things like that are
priceless and all I can give you is my gratitude. I expect you and Ingrid to come
to Rio soon, so that I try to somehow propiciate equaly joyful moments as those
you propiciated to me. I am writing also, because of the fact that I forgot a very

important document in the room where I stayed at your house.
The document is a signed contract and was the most important reason for my
trip to Australia, after the business seminar I attended. You certaintly can
imagine how desperate I have been in the last days looking for this document in
my luggage. I could not find it anywhere and now I am sure I left it in your
Please let me know if you find it, and post it with express delivery as soon as
possible. I will pay for the expense; just let me know what is your bank, account
and branch numbers.
With best wishes,

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed with some
friends. They have just sent you some photos of your holiday.
Write a letter to your friends. In your letter:

thank them for the photos and for the holiday
explain why you didn't write earlier
invite them to come and stay with you

Write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write any address.
Begin your letter as follows:
Dear __________

Dear Ajay and Sunita,
Thanks so much for your kind letter and the lovely photos of my holiday in
Mumbai. Sorry for the delay in acknowledging your mail, but your package

arrived just as I was about to leave town on a business trip. I've just returned to
Toronto today.
Looking at the photos brings back so many happy memories of the times we
spent together and the wonderful hospitality you extended to me. I felt
completely pampered by both of you! You surrounded me with warm friends,
good food, amazing sights, great shopping, unforgettable cultural events and
laughter-filled evenings. I would have been lost without you. I can't thank you
These good memories gave me an idea. I know you've always wanted to visit
Canada. Why don't you plan a holiday and stay with me this summer? The
weather is great at that time of year, all tourist sites are open and I could take
two weeks off from work. Aside from seeing Toronto, we could drive to Niagara
Falls, Thousand Islands, Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec City. I would be thrilled
if you could make it.
Thank you both again for the beautiful holiday and the photos which are already

up on my wall. Now, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Warm wishes,

You have recently started work in a new company.
Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter,

explain why you changed jobs

describe your new job

tell him / her your other news
Write at least 150 words.

Dear Eva,
How are you? I hope you've been well. Sorry for having been out of touch for a
short while. There have been some changes in my life and I wanted to let you
know the latest from my side.
The big news is that I have finally changed my job! Do you remember when you
were here on holiday, I always talked about how I hated my boring bank job?
Well, it was clear I needed a change. So, finally, I took a part-time TESL course
and trained to be an ESL teacher. Now I'm working full-time in a private
language school. I teach General English, Business English and IELTS. Each

day, I look forward to going to work. My students come from all over the world
and I love teaching them as well as learning from them.
Aside from that, I also moved to a new apartment near the school where I work.
It's small, but downtown, so I am right in the heart of the city, instead of way out
in the suburbs. Suddenly, there's so many fun things to do, in the evenings too. I

am a much happier person today because of these recent changes.
So, how about you? I hope you'll have a chance to visit Canada again soon. In
the meantime, please write and let me know what's new with you.
Warm wishes

Exercise 1: I went to the concert last night with my friends...
Dear Oanh,
Thank you very much for your letter which arrived a few days ago. It was lovely
to hear from you. I am sorry, I haven't written for you such a long time because I
studied hard to pass the final exam. However, I had a great weekend more than
every when I went to live concerts last night with my friends. Now, I am writing
to tell you how the wonderful concert is.
It is the beautiful concert I have ever taken part in with many people and the
miracle of sound of piano. As you know, my pianist is Yiruma and in last concert
I couldn't believe that he appeared in my eyes and gave me a big hug after his
performance. I also listen a soothing music which is played by him and other
professional musicians. Only when I heard his song from the stage I feel
anythings around me seem to disappear and I can fly with many stars on the sky
to forget all my fears which I suffered before. That is amazing.
Let's come back to my live concert. It is so cool and until now I can't forget my
feeling about it. Do you often to go live concerts? What kind of music do you
like listening to? Who is your favorite singer?
I am glad if you tell me about it in the next letter.
I look forward to your reply.
Your sincerely,

Exercise 2: We had dinner at a new restaurant yesterday....
Dear Oanh,

Thank you very much for your letter which arrived a few days ago. It was lovely
to hear from you.
I think the restaurant which you told me in the letter is very interesting. I also
like to eat out and I usually go to a restaurant for dinner with my family twice a
month. Our favorite restaurant is a traditional restaurant in Hang Bong street. It
is not big but it is always busy. There are only a few tables in the restaurant and
on each table is a vase with lovely flowers. There are plants in the room corners.
I usually order the traditional dishes and eat them with rice. For example, fish
cooked with sauce, spring roll,...and vegetable and so on. The food is delicious
so we enjoy it very much. The service is also quick and friendly . My family
always have pleasant evening at our favorite restaurant.
Shall we go there when you come to visit my family next time?
See you next time.
Exercise 3: Tell me about a teacher from your past.
Thank you for our class' photo you sent me a few days ago. I was so glad to
write for you and tell you about my feeling after I receive it.
That photograph made me remember my old teacher who taught us high school.
She is slim with along hair and blue eyes. Do you remember her? Our English
teacher, her name is Sara. I can't forget that days when she played game with us
in each class and we sang Animal songs together. I also remember that She was
very sad when our class didn't do homework and we felt so guilty with her. Then
we studied English hard to fix our mistakes and she was so happy. But now she
doesn't still teach English in Vietnam. Ha, our classmates said she came back
England with her husband. I hope she would come to Vietnam, I will meet her
because I miss her so much. What about you? What do you think about her?
Have you ever had the old teacher who made you unforgettable?
Please tell me in next letter. I look forward to your reply.
Exercise 4: You went to a party last week, didn't you? Did you have a good

time there? Tell me about that party.

Dear Linh,
How are you? I hear that you are going to travel with your family next week. I
wish you will have a good time. Last weekend I went to the party arranged to
congratulate Lan. She won competition in her office. That night we had a good
time. The party was arranged at Lan's house. Her mother and sister helped to us
to prepare interesting dinner. We want to make her surprised. There were many
people to join this party and maybe you know some of them. After good meal,
we talked and listened romantic songs and danced together. We had interesting
and unforgettable night with friends. Are you going to next Friday? Don't forget
to send me some postcards from places where you will come.
Goodbye and see you after you com back.
Exercise 5: Can you describe the weather in your country? What's the
weather like at the moment? What outdoor activities are you able to do at
this time of year?
Dear Oanh,
It is so wet here. I am writing to tell you about the weather in my country. In my
country, it is in spring with high humidity. My country is a tropical monsoon
climate. Broadly speaking, the weather in Vietnam is featured by two monsoon
seasons the southwest monsoon from April to September and the northeast
monsoon from October to late March or early April. Moreover, the northeast
monsoon effects bring lower temperatures to my city, Hanoi and all days in
Hanoi is in rain. In fact, I am fed up with rainy day because I can't go out to
shopping with my friend. Only thing I can do in these days is writing letter for
you and tell you about the terrible weather here. All my clothes can't be dry and
the way I go to school every day is daubed with mud.

Exercise 6: Tell about your job.
Dear Oanh,
How are you? Thanks for your letter. I am so happy because you always miss
and think of me. Now, I am working as a teacher in the military academy
logistics. I start my working day at 7 pm every morning and finish it at 5 pm.
You know I love this job, right? It has been my dream to become a good teacher
for such a long time. I like my job because I can use my ability and knowledge

to finish my work the best. Moreover, I can study valuable experience from
colleagues not only about work but also about life. Now every day is wonderful
day with me. And you, your job is very interesting, isn't it? Let you tell me about
it in the next letter.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Exercise 6: Could you give me some advice? I'm going to spend my next
summer holiday in your country? Where should I go? What should I see?
Dear Oanh,
How are you? I hope you are fine. I have received your letter asking for my
advice for your next summer holiday in Vietnam. I am glad to give you some. As
you are living in temperature climate It's a great ideal to have a holiday in
tropical country like Vietnam. You can experience sunny and windy days here.
So, why do you go to Nha Trang beach? It is one of our most beautiful beaches
and is in recognition of the world as the most attractive destination in Vietnam. I
am sure you enjoy bathing in the sunshine and swimming in freshwater and
surfing. If you like, I can help you book a tour for you to know more about other
interesting places in Nha Trang such as temples, pagodas, etc. Nha Trang is also
famous for seafood. Therefore, It is a paradise of food for you to enjoy. I think
this place is good one for you to relax and enjoy yourself and get rid of worries

as well as stress.
Let me know your decision. I hope to see you in Vietnam as soon as possible.
Exerise 7: Tell about your house.
Dear Oanh,
Thanks for your letter so much. My family moved to this house 3 weeks ago.
My husband is going to arrange a small party to welcome to our new house this
week. We will be happy if you come. And about our new house, This is a three
floors house with a neat little garden. I will plant some flowers in this garden to
make the house more beautifully. All members of family want to live in a house
near nature, thus we decide to choose this house. It is not bigger but I like

because of its simple beauty. There are 1 sitting room, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms
and 1 kitchen in the house. My room is already lovely room in the 2nd floor. I
like it so much and next weekend if you come, I will show you some little
interest of my room. My husband want it to be a beautiful house full of joy and
wonder so he chose pink to paint it. Do you like pink, Oanh? And best of all, it
will never get dirty so we do not have to spend time just to clean up the mess. In
our house, there is not very a lot of furniture but I think that everything is
harmonious with other things. My husband want to decorate it more before the
party and I will help him. Don't forget to come here this weekend, Oanh.
Exercise 8: About the last film you saw and whether you enjoyed it.
Dear Oanh,
How are you? I hope you are fine. Don't worry about me. I am fine. Pass my
greetings to yours parents. Now I'm in my summer holiday so that I have a lot of
time to do what I want. You can't believe that last week I had a wonderful visit

to Vincom tower where I saw Titanic in 3D. It was such an interesting
experience that I could see that film in 3D. Everything seemed to real. I was also
moved by the content of the film. It is an epic romantic disaster film. It is
fictionalized based on the account of the sinking of the Titanic. Leonardo
Dicaprio and Kate Winslet stars in this film as members of different social
classes who fall in love abroad the ship during its ill – fated maiden voyage.
It's a little bit silly when I cried a lots in the end of film, because the female
actor was dead. It's worth watching so you should see film soon. Let me know
your feeling when seeing this film.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Exercise 9: Tell me how you keep fit and healthy.
Dear Oanh,
I was very happy after receiving your letter. Thanks for your praise. Are you
putting on weight? Don't worry. I will help you not only to lose weight but also
to have a fit and healthy body. I think the first you had better avoid foods high in

fats like cookies, fries,.. You also try to limit amount of animal protein consume.
I really little eat meat. I eat a lot of vegetables, fresh fruit which are full of fiber
and vitamin and drink enough water daily.
The second effective measure is to do exercise frequently. You can walk or jog
in the morning or afternoon everyday. Moreover, playing sports is also very
good for health, especially it is very efficient to lose weight. In addition, you can
join some clubs for examples as dance sport or aerobic clubs. If you want to
have a fit and healthy body, you should have regular daily routine. I think losing
weight will be difficult if you use suitable measures. I hope that these experience
are helpful for you.
Good luck,

Exercise 9: I know you've just come back from holiday. Tell me about the
holiday and whether you enjoyed it.
Dear Linh,
How are you? Thanks for your letter. I am so happy because you always miss
and think of me. I have just come back home from Hue. In this trip, I went to by
train because it is cheap and safe . That was a really interesting trip. Hue is
known for its beautiful imperial architecture and wonderful natural beauty,
especially the length of history of Nguyen dynasty. I think that Hue is the only
city in Vietnam that still has restored historic beauties with of walls, places, and
royal tombs. Everything in Hue city make me impressed and surprised. Perfume
rives is very poetic and peaceful. It always make me feel comfortable and
relaxing. In this trip, my father and I were on a boat in this river to listen to hue
songs every night. The melody of Hue songs is always very special. I love Hue
songs very much. The trips lasted 2 days. In the first day, we went to visit Tu
Duc tombs. It is a large and bulky structure. We spent all day to discover this
historical Structure. There are a lot of famous tomb in Hue but because os
limited time we only visited Tu Duc tombs. The following day, we came to
Thien Mu pagoda. This pagoda was built in the 14th century and is placed on Ha
Khe hillock area near the perfume river. It is also known as Linh Mu pagoda.
This is one of the most beautiful and acient architectural structures for reverence
in Hue. After that, we went around the city by cyclo and enjoined some special
food of hue. I had a lot of memories in this trip and I hope I will have more
times to visit Hue in the future. And you? Have you ever visited Hue city? Let
me about your impression about Hue.

Exercise 10: I know you often sports at weekends, what's your favorite

sport? Tell me about it.
Dear Linh,
Thanks for your letter. I'm glad to know that you and your family are always
healthy and happy. Now I feel healthier and more comfortable, too. I think that
is the result of doing exercise frequently. These days, I usually jog around the
park near my house every afternoon. Most of time, I work in the office. It will be
not good to sit a fixed place. Thus I determined to do exercise more frequently
to keep the body healthy and the sport which choose is jogging.
I enjoy jogging a lot because jogging helps me to be fitter and more enduring. I
think jogging gives us a lot of benefits not only for body but for mind. It is the
most efficient way of achieving fitness through exercise and burns more calories
because it is a high impact exercise. Jogging is also very good for your heart,
improves the muscle tone and strength, and relieves stress, beside also deal with
heart disease.
I usually spend 2 hours to jog every afternoon with my friends. We often make
appointment each other at Thong Nhat Park to do exercise together. It is much
happier than doing alone.
And you, what is your favorite sports? Can you share you thinking about it?
Exercise 11: In your letter, you said you had some close friends. Tell me
about one of your close friends.
Hi Linh,
Thanks for your letter. I'm very nice to make friend with you. This is the first
letter I write to you and I hope we will get in touch together frequently. In the
last letter you asked me about my closest friend and you wanted to get familiar
with him so I want to share you something about him,too
That's Hieu, one of my friends at university. We studied in the same major but
different classes. He is a kind and intelligent guy. Moreover, he always studied

hard so his studying result was very good. In addition, he is an active person and
usually joins a lot of social actions, for examples, teaching for poor children,
helping alone old people who have difficulties, etc.
I think he is the most wonderful friend I have ever had. And with me, he is
always very understanding, mature, fun, smart, and kind. He sticks by me even
during the hardest times, something only a true friend does. Now he is working
at the same office as me. We is more and more close and I hope our friendship
will be never stop. Do you want to meet and talk to him. I'm sure you will like
him as me.
Best regards,
