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Gia sư Thành Được


Choose the word that has different stress from that of the others.
A. successful
B. collector
C. relative
D. accomplish
A. knowledge
B. friendship
C. athlete
D. event
Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.
A. miles
B. words
C. accidents
D. tensions
A. admired
B. liked
C. placed
D. watched
A. coughs
B. laughs
C. photographs
D. weighs

Choose the option A, B, C or D that best completes each of the following sentences.
6. The instructions _______ by Professor Johnson helped us know more about the danger of energy
A. that explained
B. explained
C. explaining
D. which explained
7. By the time a baby has reached his first birthday, he should ________sit up or even stand up.
A. to be able to
B. able to
C. to be able
D. be able to
8. ________of this huge stone pyramid was to serve as a tomb.
A. The purpose
B. The completion
C. The revolution
D. The development
9. One of the __________you need to work here is carefulness.
A. hobbies
B. pastimes
C. activities
D. qualification
10. We were all very lucky. We __________ get out of the fire in such a terrible accident.
A. could
B. were able to
C. could not
D. were not able to
11. Daisy: Why don’t we go camping this weekend?
Mary: __________. If we go camping, we can enjoy ourselves in the quiet countryside.
A. I am not with you there.

B. I can’t help thinking the same.
C. That’s a good idea, but…
D. I can’t agree with you.
12. The film was __________boring __________long. I don’t like it.
A. both / and
B. either / nor
C. neither / and
D. either / or
13. __________is considered to be the most popular, is also my favorite.
A. football
B. Football, that
C. Football which
D. Football, which
14. __________who were amused by the monkeys.
A. It is the child
B. It was the children C. The children
D. It were the children
15. Secretary: “Good morning. __________?”
Customer: “Yes, I want to have a telephone line installed at home.”
A. Can you help me? B. What happens
C. Help me
D. Can I help you?
16. The man is my teacher. I am grateful to him.
A. The man whom I am grateful to him is my teacher.
B. The man is my teacher who I am grateful
C. The man to whom I am grateful is my teacher
D. The man to him I am grateful is my teacher.
17. Oil, coal, natural gas are __________.
A. nuclear power
B. fossil fuels

C. hydropower
D. solar system
18. The musicians __________yesterday have played together for many years.
A. to who we listened to
B. who we listened to
C. to that we listened
D. to whom we listened
19. People are destroying the air by adding __________to it.
A. pollutants
B. pollutions
C. polluted
D. polluters
20. The World Wild Funds is working to protect and save the forests that are in _________.
A. danger
B. interest
C. encouragement
D. consequence
21. Hunting for meat and burning forests for soil_________ wildlife.
A. protect
B. conserve
C. destroy
D. survive
22. Someone had recognized him, __________?
A. don't they
B. hadn't they
C. didn't they
D. haven't they
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Gia sư Thành Được


23. _________is the empty area outside the Earth's atmosphere, where the planets and the stars are.

B. The sun
B. The earth
C. The moon
D. Space
Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.
24. If the pollution goes on, what will happen?
B. dirt
B. smoke
C. chemical
D. contamination
25. The staff of the hotel are always sociable and courteous.
A. efficient
B. polite
C. helpful
D. hard-working
Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.
One of the most serious problems threatening human life is the dirtying and poisoning of air and
water. It is the pollution of our environment. Air pollution occurs when wastes are poured into the
atmosphere and the air becomes contaminated and unpleasant to breathe. We depend for life on the air
we breathe. As the air becomes more and more polluted, hazards to health increase. Today we have
industrial air pollutants from factories and mills and engine-exhaust fumes. That’s why some large cities
have to ban cars from the city centre to wipe out smoke and limit the emission of poisonous gases and

dangerous chemicals from industrial smoke stacks in order to clean the air in our living environment as
much as possible.
26. One of the following is a serious problem threatening human life except__________.
A. dirty air
B. the poisoning of water
C. environmental pollution
D. environmental conservation
27. The air becomes polluted when __________.
A. wastes poured into the atmosphere
B. we breathe
C. we depend for life on the air
D. hazards to health increase
28. What accounts for air pollution in cities today? {account for sth: explain the cause of sth}
A. poor health
B. automobiles and industries
C. dirty water
D. environment
29. In some large cities people clean the air by __________.
A. emitting dangerous chemicals into the air B. emitting poisonous gases into the air
C. forbidding cars from the city centre
D. building more factories
30. The word “wipe out” in line 6 means:
A. ban
B. place
C. change
D. remove
Complete the sentences with the given words or phrases
31. My secretary sent the bill to Mr. Brown yesterday morning. (Cleft sentence in the passive)
 It __________________________________the bill by my secretary yesterday morning.
32. The man told me to oil the car. I bought the car from him. (use pre. +relative pronoun)

 The man__________________________________ told me to oil the car.
33. She is the only woman who was appointed to the board. (Reducing the relative clause)
 She __________________________________to the board.
34. She was the last person that got the news. (Reduce clause into phrase)
 She __________________________________ the news.
35. Richard and John didn't keep her secret. (Neither……nor)
 Neither ______________________________her secret.
36. His brother broke his glasses. (Cleft sentence in the passive)
 It ________________________________________by his brother.
37. People believe that Great Wall was built in 1368. (special passive voice)
 The Great Wall _______________________________________in 1368.
38. You can play football or you can go swimming. It’s up to you. (either ... or)
 You can ___________________________________swimming.
39. I met Arthur Jones. His books on sports are best-sellers. (combining using relative clauses)
 I met_______________________________________________ best-sellers.
40. Ann doesn’t go out at mid night, does she? (use tag question)
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Gia sư Thành Được


 Ann never ____________________________, __________she?

---THE END---

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