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Giáo án anh văn lớp 9 cả năm kỳ i

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Cam Thuỷ Secondary School- Lesson
plan 9
Period 1

Prepare : / /
Teaching: : / /
I. Aims of the lesson:
Giỳp hs h thng li cỏc kin thc c bn ca chng trỡnh lp 8 hs cú c s
tip tc kin thc lp 9
II. Teaching aids:
H thng kin thc lp 8
III . Teaching steps:
1.Lý thuyt
Thỡ quỏ kh n
S + v(ed)/v(ct 2)+.
S + did not +V(inf)+.
Did + s + V(inf)+.
Thỡ quỏ kh n din t mt hnh ng ó xóy ra v kt thỳc ti mt thi im xỏc nh
trong quỏ kh.
Du hiu nhn bit
Yesterday, last (night, month,year,)
(Two days, one year, five months..)ago...
-I watched TV last night.
-My mother did not go to Treo market yesterday.
Thỡ hin ti hon thnh:

Thỡ hin ti hon thnh din t mt hnh ng ó xy ra ti mt thi im khụng xỏc
nh trong quỏ kh, mt hnh ng ó xy ra trong quỏ kh m cũn kộo di n hin ti hoc
tng lai.
I have met my old teacher.
She has lived in Thai Thuy for 20 years.
Du hiu nhn bit
Ever, never,already,just,recently,yet,..
Since+ mc thi gian(2000/last month/..)
For + khong thi gian( 2 years/ 9 hours.
2-Phn thc hnh:
Ikhoanh trũn ỏp ỏn ỳng nht

1. Have you ______ any news about Lan since her bike accident?
A. hear
B. hearing
C. to hear
D. heard
2. We ______ dinner when my friends arrived yesterday evening.
A. are having
B. is having
C. were having


D. was having

Teacher: Phạm Thị Ât

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson
plan 9
3. The glass bottle will be broken ______ small pieces.
A. into
B. to
C. in
D. by
4. They don’t want ______ to the market now.
A. go
B. to go
C. going
D. went
5. I ______ home for school at 7 o’clock every morning.
A. start
B. leave
C. go
D. move
6. The girl enjoys ______ her fitness exercise after classes.
A. doing
B. to do
C. do
D. did
7. I have known her _______ two years.
A. for
B. since
C. with
D. within

8. I’d like you ______ with me for some days.
A. staying
B. to stay
C. stayed
D. will stay
9. Used paper is collected and _______ to factories.
A. sent
B. sending
C. send
D. to send
10. I am happy _______ all the exams.
A. passed
B. pass
C. passing
D. to pass
11. Phong Nha Cave is in the _________ of Viet Nam.
A. southern
B. northern
C. south
D. north
12. She asked me __________ I liked coffee.
A. as
B. if
C. or
D. and
13. Millions of Christmas cards ______every year.
A. were sent
B. are sent
C. send
D. will send

14. Taj Mahal is _______ famous of all India’s ancient buildings.
A. more
B. most
C. the most
D. best
15. My mother is very keen ________ growing roses.
A. on
B. in
C. of
D. about
16. A test in which participants have to fetch water is called _______.
A. water-fetch contest
B. fetching-water contest
C. water-fetching contest.
D. fetch-watering contest
17. He said that he would come there _______.
A. tomorrow
B. the following
C. the following day D. next day
18. Do you mind ________out your cigarette .- No, of course not.
A. put
B. putting
C. to put
D. is putting
19. A workman who repairs water-pipes is called ______.
A. plumber
B. worker
C. farmer
D. repairer
20. Finally, we decided __________to the cinema.

A. going
B. go
C. to go
D. gone
Period 2

Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal
Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and Read
Prepare : / /
Teaching: : / /
I. Aims of the lesson:
 By the end of the lesson, sis will be able to know about some places LAN went to
with a foreign friend and some activities they took part in together


Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson
plan 9
Practice with the structures: : S + wish +S + Past simple
Be - were
II. Teaching aids:
 Textbook, board, pictures,
III. Training skills:
 Listening, spreaking, reading, writting.
IV. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s tasks

Students’ tasks
1. Warm up:( 8’)
Asks some questions
Answer teacher's questions individually.
?Do you have any pen pals?
Yes/ No, I have (not)
?Where does s/he live?
S/He lives ....
?Have she/ he ever visited your city?
Yes/ No. I have (not)
What activities would you do during the

2 . Presentation (12’)
*Present vocabulary
- Gives vocal and teaches them
-to correspond: (explanation): trao đổi thư tín
-a mosque: (picture): nhà thờ hồi giáo
-to be impressed: (explanation): gây ấn tượng
-to pray: ( mine): cầu nguyện
- Guides to check R. O. R
* Gap fill:
-Asks Ss to read the text again to choose the
correct option to complete the sentences on
? Work in pairs
1. Lan and Maryam usually write to one
another every two weeks

2. Maryam was impressed because Hanoi
people were friendly
3. The girls went to see famous places in
4. Maryam wanted to invite Lan to Kuala
*Model sentence:
Asks ss to translations sentence “Tôi ước gì
bạn có kỳ nghỉ dài hơn”
? Give form
? How do you use it?
3. Practice: ( 15’)
* Work cue drill:
? Practice by steps

Listen to the text to find some new words
Listen and guess the words from T's eliciting
Repeat in chorus individually
Copy the new words
Check by play the game: R.O.R

Read the text again to choose the correct
option to complete the sentences in pairs.
C. two weeks
B. Hanoi people were friendly
A. famous places in HN
B. invite Lan to Kuada Lampur
I wish you had a longer vacation

a. He wishes he were in Hue
b. Lan wishes she spoke English quickly
c. Nga wishes she had a lot of money


Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson
plan 9
a. He /wish/ he/ be Hue now
b. Lan/ wish/ she speak English quickly
c. Nga/ wish/ she/ have/ a lot of money
d. Lai / wish/ she/ go to beach
4. Further practice: (6’)
-Asks Ss to recommend places of interest in
their city.
-Asks them to discuss where they should take
their friends to and what activities they
should go
+ Lang Co Beach- swimming/beach in Hue
+ Bach Ma national park - mountain climbing
ecological tour
+ Linh Mu pagoda. Tu Duc Tombsightseeing beautiful sight.
Gives feed back by calling leader to report in

frond of the class
5. Consolidation 4’
New word, text.
6. Homework( 1’)
Write the short paragraph about what they
have just discussed with your friend

d. Lai wishes she went to beach

Answer: places of interest in their city.
Discussion in groups of 5 students

Write the short paragraph about what you
have just discussed with your friends

Display on the board
1-New words:
-to correspond: (v): trao đổi thư tín
-a mosque: (n): nhà thờ hồi giáo
-to be impressed: : gây ấn tượng
-to pray: ( v): cầu nguyện
2. Reading:
*Gap fill:
1. Lan and Maryam usually write to one another every two weeks
2. Maryam was impressed because Hanoi people were friendly
3. The girls went to see famous places in Hanoi
4. Maryam wanted to invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur
* Modal sentences:
I wish you had a longer vacation

S + wish + S + Past simple
Be - were
Use: Câu mong ước: mong ước ở hiện tại và khó thực hiện được ở hiện tại
* Word cue drill:
a. He /wish/ he/ be Hue now
b. Lan/ wish/ she speak English quickly


Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson
plan 9
c. Nga/ wish/ she/ have/ a lot of money
d. Lai / wish/ she/ go to beach
+ Lang Co Beach- swimming/beach in Hue
+ Bach Ma national park - mountain climbing ecological tour
+ Linh Mu pagoda. Tu Duc Tomb - sightseeing beautiful sight
3. Home work
Ex: 5(8)-7(10)
Period 3

Unit 1 : A visit from a pen pal
Lesson 2: Speak and Listen
Prepare :

/ /

Teaching: :

/ /

I. Aims of the lesson :
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make and respond to introdution.
 Listen to specific information to select the correct pictures
II. Teaching aids:
 Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recoder.
III. Training skills:
 Listening, spreaking, reading, writting.
IV. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s tasks
1.Warm up: ( 3’)
* Melanism
Divides ss into two teams and asks them to
choose two numbers
2. Pre – Teach (5”)
* Ordering
Introduces the situation: Nga is talking to
Maryam. They are
waiting for
Lan outside her school.
? Put their dialogue in the correct orders and
copy it into your exercises book.
Asks some questions to check Ss’understanding.
? Have Nga and Maryam met each other before?
? Is Maryam enjoying her stay in HN?
? What does she like in VN.

Feed back
3. While - speaking ( 15’)
* Role play
? one is Lan's friend and one is Maryam 's friend
to practice
Feed back
2. Pre listening: (5’)
*Open prediction:


Students’ tasks
Do the tasks in to two groups

Listen to the teacher
Put the dialogue in the correct orders and
copy it in to their notebooks.
- Answer the questions
* No
* Yes
- VN people are very friendly and HN is
a very interesting city.

Practice with their partners.

Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson

plan 9
Sets the scene: "Tim John' s Mexican pen pal,
Carlos is visiting the USA"
? Look at the pictures to guess the answering.
? Where are they going to go?
? What are they doing to do?
? How do they get there?
? Where are they eating?
3. While – listening 10’)
Asks ss to listen to the dialogue one time to
check their predition Feed back - evaluation
? Listen again and answer the questions
4. Post speaking (4’)
* Role play
Sets the scene: You are talking to Maryam’s
friends . Introduce yourself. Make some similar
dialogues take turns to be one of Maryam’s
? Work in Pairs
5. Consolidation. (3’)
New words, dialogue.
6. Home work: (1’)
- Asks Ss to make dialogue 3 and copy them into

*They are going to park...
*They are....
*They an get there....

Listen to the dialogue and check their

Look at the pictures and choose correct
- Listen to the dialogue to answer the
questions individually
Make dialogue 3 and copy them into

Display on the board
* Melanism



Hoi an


1. Speaking

*Ordering: answerkeys
1.c. 2.e
*Role play
2. Listening
1. Are the trees and flowers beautiful?
2. What can they do on Ocean Drive?
3.What are they walking on?
Home work
Do ex:3,4

Period 4


Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson
plan 9

Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal
Lesson 3: Reading
Prepare :

/ /

Teaching: :

/ /

I. Aims of the lesson :
 By the end of the lesson ss will have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the
countries of ASEAN.
II. Teaching aids:
 Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recoder.
III. Training skills:
 Listening, spreaking, reading, writting.
IV. Teaching steps
Teacher’s tasks
Students’ tasks
I. Warm up: ( 5’)
Do the tasks
Play the game
Draws strokes on the board. Each stroke
stand for a letter of the word student’s take
turn to guess the letters of the word.
The word has - - - - - - Letters. It’s Malaysia

II. New lesson
1. Pre - reading: (7’)
*New words
- Comprise (explanation):bao gồm
- Currency: (example) tiền tệ
- Tamil: (example) Tiếng Latin
- Compulsory: (Explanation) Bắt buộc

Checks R.O.R

Listen and guess the words from T's
Repeat in chorus and individually

Check by play the game: R.O.R

* Pre questions
Gives some questions and asks ss to guess
? Where is it?
? What is the capital of Malaysia
? What is its population?
? How big is Malaysia?
? What language is spoken in this country?
? Work in 2 groups
2. While - reading: ( 20’)
- Asks ss to read the text to find out the
answers to their questions.
- Gives feedback to the class.
- Asks ss to read the text the second time to

Work in 2 groups
Guess and answer then write on the board
Read the text to find out the answers to their
Read the text the second time to fill in the


Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson
plan 9
fill in the chart in exercises (a) on page 10.
* True / False statements.
? Read the text to do the “True or False
statements” P 10 . If it is T or F Why is it?
How can you correct?
? Work in pairs then work in 2 groups to
write on the board.
Feed back
3. Post - reading: ( 8’)
* Interview:
-Asks Ss to work in pair
-Gives Ss their task.
A: You are going to visit Malaysia.
Prepare some questions to ask Maryam
about her country (use the chart to ask)
B. You are Maryam from Malaysia. You
have to answer A’s questions about your
III. Consolidation. (4’)
Some information about Malaysia, one of the
countries of ASEAN.
IV. Home work ( 1’)
? Write some information about your

Ex: 2(6)

chart in exercises (a) on page 10.

- Read the text to do T/F

- Work in pairs then work in 2 groups to
write on the board.
- Answer individually

- Work in pairs
He interviews : may start like this
A. Hi, Maryam. I am going to visit
Malaysia next summer holiday, I'd like to
know some information about your country,
can you help me?
B. Yes, certainly

Write some information about your country
to make ask and answer the question.
Ex: 2(6)

1. New words:
- to Comprise :(v) bao gồm
- Currency: (n)tiền tệ
- Tamil: (n) tiếng La tinh
- Compulsory: (a) bắt buộc

2. Reading
*Answer given
*True/False statements.
2.F(there are more than two religions)
3.F( English,Chinese,and Tamil are also widely spoken)
4.F( One of the three: Malay, Chinese,Tamil)
5. F(English is a compulsory second language, not primary language)
A: Visitor: Hi, Maryam. I am going to visit Malaysia next summer holiday, I'd like to know
some information about your country, can you help me?


Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson
plan 9
B: Maryam: Yes, certainly
Home work
? Write some information about your country
Ex: 2(6)



Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
Period 5

Unit 1 : A visit from a pen pal
Lesson 4: Write
/ /
Teaching: : / /
I. Aims of the lesson :
 Write a peosonal letter.
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a personal letter.
II. Teaching aids:
 Textbook, board.
III. Teaching steps:
Teachers’ tasks
I. Warm up (5’)
* Chatting
? Have you ever visited any famous places in
? When did you go?
? How did you get there?
? Did you visit any places of interest?
? Did you buy any thing?

? When you are away from home do you keep in
touch ? How ?
II. New lesson ( 35’)
1. Pre- writing
* Answer given
Sets the sence: “Imagine you are visiting your
relatives or friends in another part of Vietnam or
different country”.
? Answer the following questions.
? Where are you now?
? How did you get there?
? Who did you meet?
? What have you done?
? What places have you visited?
- Who have you met?
- What kinds of food have you tried?
- What souvenirs have you bought?
? How do you fell now
? What do you think interest you bought.
? When will you return home.
? Work in pairs to talk to each other about their
- Reminds Ss about the format of a personal
letter by asking the question: What are the parts
of a personal letter .
2. While- writing:

Students’ tasks

Answer T’squestions individually

- Listen

- Answer the questions
+ I am.......
+ I got there by bus/ car..
+ I met my.......
+ I have.............
+ I visited some places...
+ I have met ....
+ I have tried.......
+ I bought .........for........
+I fell happy......
+I think..........

Work in pairs to talk to each other about
their visit.

Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
*Write it up
? write a letter to their family, telling them about
their visit.
? look at the outline on page 11
? What parts of the letter are they going to write
(body of the letter).

? follow the outline to write their own letter.
- Asks them to swap their letters compare with
their partners correct if they can.

3. Post- writing:
* Correction
Chooses some letters to correct
III. Consolidation ( 4’)
To write a personal letter.
IV. Home work. ( 1’)
? write a letter after correction

Answer the question
A. Heading
B. Opening
C. Body of the letter
D. Closing
Write a letter to their family.
Look at the outline to answer
Swap their letters compare with their
Look and correct

write a letter after


? write a letter after correction
+ I am.......

+ I got there by bus/ car..
+ I met my.......
+ I have.............
+ I visited some places...
+ I have met ....
+ I have tried.......
+ I bought .........for........
+I fell happy......
+I think..........
1. Format of a personal letter
A. Heading
B. Opening
C. Body of the letter
D. Closing
2. Writing
* Answer given
-Write it up
First paragraph:
Say when you arrived and who met you at the bus/train station/airport.

Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
Second part:
- Talk about
-What you’ve done
-Places you’ve visited

- people you’ve met
- food you’ve fried
- things you’ve bought
Third Para.....
- tell how you feel (happy/disappointed…..)
-Say what interests you most...
- Mention when you return home.
* Correction
. Home work

Period 6

Unit 1 : A visit from a pen pal
Lesson 5: Language focus
Prepare :

/ /

Teaching: : / /

I. Aims of the lesson :
 Use past simple and past simple with"wish”
II. Teaching aids:
 Textbook, board.
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s tasks
I. Warm up: ( 5’)
Devides the class in to 2 teams and asks
them to choose two numbers which content

the verb in INF and in its Past form
Feed back
II. New lesson ( 35’)
1. Presentation:
-Sets the scene: This is the conversation
between Tan and Phong. They are talking
about what Ba did on the weekend.
- Gives the beginning dialogue as examples.
Asks ss to give form of the past simple
2. Practice:
* Interview
- Asks Ss to practice with 4 dialogues by
working in pairs to ask and answer questions
about Ba, Nga, Nam and Hoa (ex on page

Students’ tasks

Do the tasks
Play the game in 2 groups

Give the form of the past simple tense
S + V-ed/ Vcột 2 + ………
- Practice with 4 dialogues in pairs

- Listen
Use the words and the pictures in the box to
write the things they did to prepare for the party


Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
Work in 2 groups to write down

*Write it up:
Sets the scene: Lan and her friends are
holding a farewell party for Manyam. Write
the things they did to prepare for the party.
- Asks Ss to use the words and the pictures in
the box to write the things they did to
prepare for the party.
- Asks Ss to write on the board working in 2
3. Production:
* Write it up
Gives form: I wish +S + Past simple
expresses unreal wishes in the present
-Asks students to look at the real situations
and make wishes.
-Asks students to tell in the class by working

- Wish is used when we want to be different and
exactly opposite to the truth.
- Look at the real situations and make wishes.

- Work individually

Display on board
1. The past simple
S + V-ed/ Vcột 2 + O
2. Practice:
1 A: What did Nga do on the weekend?
B: She went to the concert performed by Hanoi singers.
A. When did she go?
B: She went there on Saturday at 8 p.m
2. A. What did Lan do on the weekend
B. She went camping help by Y&Y
A. When did she go?
B. She went camping all the weekend
She went on sat. morning.
* Write it up
1- Hoa baked a cake
2- Hai hung colorful Lamps on the wall

Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
3- Hanh bought flowers
4- Tan painted a picture of HN
5-Nga and My wentshopping

* Write it up
I wish I were taller
From: I wish + S + V(P)
* Consolidation.
Form, use of past simple, Wish
* Home work:
Write 1, 2, 3, 4, (dialogues)

Period 7

Unit 2: Clothing
Lesson1: Getting started, Listen and read
Prepare :

/ /

Teaching: : / /

I. Aims of the lesson :
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will know some more about ao dai the traditional dress
of Vietnamese women. And understand more about the present perfect
 Review the passive voice .
II. Teaching aids:
 Textbook, board, record, tape. pictures,…...
IV. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s tasks
I. Warm up: ( 5’)
- Divides class into 2groups.
Asks them to look at the clothes people are

wearing and take turn to decide where each
person comes.
T: Where does the woman in picture a.
come from?
S1: She comes from Japan
T: How do you know?
S1: Because she is wearing a kimono
II. New lesson ( 35’)
1. Presentation:
*New words:
- a poet: (n) (examples):
-to slit: (v) (explanation):
-inspiration: (n) (translation):
- ethnicminorites:(n)(example)
-a pattern: (n) ( picture)
- Check :What and where
* Presentation the text:

Students’ tasks
a- She comes from Japan
b- She comes from Vietnam
c- He comes from Scotland (UK)
d- She comes from India
e- She comes from the USA
f- She comes from Arabia

- Listen and guess the words from T's eliciting
Repeat in chorus individually

Check :What and where


Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
Sets the scene: You are going to read a text
about the traditional dress of VN.
Aks students to read the text individually
* Gap fill:
Asks students to read the text again to do
exercises a page 14.
? Work in pairs
Gives feed back


*Comprehension questions
- Asks Ss to read the text again to prepare
the answers for the questions
- Runs throughout the questions.
? Work in 2 groups and play lucky numbers
Gives feed back

Play lucky number

4. Further practice
Asks Ss to do ex 4 in Langguage
fovus(page 21)

do ex 4 in Langguage focus

Read the text individually
Read the text again and complete the sentences,
using the information from the text
Read the text again to prepare the answers

Display on the board

1. Vocabs:
- a poet: (n): nhà thơ
-to slit: (v): xẻ
-inspiration: (n): cảm hứng
-ethnic minorites:(n) dân tộc thiểu số
a pattern: (n) hoa văn
2. Gap fill:
1. poem, novels, and songs
2. long tunic with slits up the sides worn over loose pants
3. to wear model clothing at work
4. printing lines of poetry on it
5. symbols such as suns, stars, crosses and stripes
4. Comprehension questions
(answer key)
1. Traditionally, men and woman used to wear the Ao dai.
2. Because it’s more convenient

Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
3. They have printed lines of poetry on it or have added symbol such as sun, stars, crosses, and
stripes to the ao dai.
* Consolidation. (4’)
New words, Aodai.Passive form...
IV. Home work: ( 1’)
? Do the exercises 5-6 in exercise books
Prepare: lesson 2: speak & listen

Period 8:

Unit 2: clothing
Lesson 2: Speak & Listen
Prepare : / /

Teaching: / /

I. Aims of the lesson :
 By the end of the lesson Ss will able to ask and respond to questions on personal
II. Teaching aids:
 Textbook, board, pictures, poster,…
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s tasks
Students’ tasks

I. Warm up: ( 5’)
Guessing game:
Listen to the description the try to find out the
T gives the instruction.
student which is discribed
Gets a student to stand in front of class, asks
him/her to discribe a student in the class
then gets class to listen and guess who
he/she is .
Ex:S- He is wearing a white shirt.
II. New lesson (35)
1. Pre Speaking
- Look at the pictures and match them with the
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and match correct phrases.
them with the phrases.
- Work in pairs look at the pictures
- Ask Ss to work in pairs
Remember the phrases then write down on the
- Checks: Kim’s game
- Asks Ss to remember the phrases on page
14, 15 in seconds. Then let their books
-Ask Ss to write on the board in groups
2. While speaking
Ask Ss work in groups of 8 or 10 Ss each to Work in groups of 8 or 10 Ss each to read and
read and write 2 more questions for the last write 2 more questions for the last section of
section of the survey about what ss wear

the survey about the wearing
1. what do you usually wear on

Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
the weekend
2. Why do you wear these
3. what is your favorite type of
the clothing? why
4 Is it comfortable to wear
Feed back- evaluation
3. Post speaking
Ask Ss to interview their fiends with the
questions in the table
Ask Ss to report the result of their survey in
their group.
IV. Listen
1. Pre - listening
*New words:
- announcement: (translation): thông báo
- missing: (synonym of lost): thất lạc
- fair: (explanation): hội chợ

- an entrance: (synonymy of a door) lối vào
- a doll: (realia) búp bê
Cheek: R. O. R
* Pre- questions
- Ask students to look at the pictures on
page 16 and answer the following questions
? What are these?
? What is this?
? What color is this?
? What color are these?
- Set the scene : You will hear an
announcement about a missing little girl
called Mary.
- Ask Ss to guess the answers for the
1. How old is she?
2. Where was she last seen?
3. What’s she like?


items of



Interview fiends with the questions in the table
Report the result of their survey in group

- Listen and guess the the meanings of the
words from T's eliciting
Repeat in chorus then individually

Go to the board and rewrite the vocabs.
- Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
These are .....
This is .....
This is .......
These are ....
- Listen
- Work in groups to guess the answers

2. While - listening
- Listen to the tape to check the answers
- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check the 1. She is three
2. She was last seen near the main entrance to
Feed back - evaluation
the Car Fair.
3. She has short dark hair.
Listen to the tape again to check (v)
Ask ss listen to the tape again to check (v)

Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
the letter of correct picture to show Mary is
Feed back – evaluation
3. Post - listening
- Describe about Mary
Ex: She is Mary, she is 3 years old,……
-Ask Ss to describe about Mary.
Ex: She is Mary, she is 3 years old,……
Display on the board
1 – a;
2 – h;
4 – f;
5- b
7- g
1. New words:
- announcement: (n) thông báo
- missing: (adj) thất lạc
- fair: (n) hội chợ
- an entrance: lối vào

- a doll: (n) búp bê
2. Listening:
*Answer the question
1. How old is she?
2. Where was she last seen?
3. What’s she like?
1. She is three
2. She was last seen near the main entrance to the Car Fair.
3. She has short dark hair.
a: B: She is wearing blue short
b. A: She is wearing a long - sleeved blouse.
c. C: She is wearing brown shoes

. Consolidation ( 4’)
Type of clothes, What to wear,......
. Homework: (4’)
Ask Ss to make a list of types of clothing that most of the Ss in the class like wearing
Do Ex:4 (p15) - Prepare: Lesson 3-reading


Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
Period 09

Unit 2: clothing
Lesson 3: Reading
Prepare :

/ /

Teaching: / /

A. Teaching points:
 By the end of the lesson , students will be able to understand the text for details about
B. Teaching aids:
 pictures, poster, chalk, board, textbook,..
C. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s tasks
Students’ tasks
I. Warm up: ( 5’)
Play in 2 groups, find out the numbers
Get Ss to play in 2 groups, find out the numbers that content the same verbs
that content the same verbs
2. Pre - reading: (7’)
*New words
- Material:( Translation): chất liệu
- Cotton: (Realia) sợi bông
- Wear out: (Explanation): làm rách
- Style: (picture): kiểu dáng
- embroider: (Realia) thêu hoa văn
- label: (Realia) nhản hiệu
Check: R.O.R

*Pre questions
Set the sence: We are going to read a text about
Jeans, now answer the following questions.
? What do you know about jeans?
? Where do Jeans come from?
? Who like wearing Jeans?
? Do you ever wear Jeans? How do you feel? Is
it comfortable?
3. While - reading: ( 20’)
-Asks Ss to read the text to check their answers
* Gap fill
- Asks Ss to read the text again to fill in the
missing dates and words in exercise a on page
? Work individually
* Question and answer
- Have Ss to work in pairs to answer the
1. Where does the words jeans come from?
2. What was the 60 s’ fashion?

- Listen and guess the words from T's
Repeat in chorus then in individual

Go to the board and rewrite the vocabs.

Answer the questions

-Read the text to check the answers
Read the text to fill in the missing dates
and words exercise a on page 17.
- Work in pairs

-Work in groups to discuss the question.

Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
3. Why old more and more people begin
wearing in the 1970?
4.. When did jeans at last become high fashion
5. Why did the sale of jeans stop growing?
3. Post - reading: ( 8’)
-Has Ss work in groups to discuss on the
following questions.
Work in groups to discuss on the give
1. Do you like wearing jeans? Why? Why not? questions
2. What type of jeans do you love wearing.
Display on the board

1. New words.
- Material: (n)chất liệu
- Cotton:(n) sợi bông
- (to)wear out: (v)làm rách
- Style:(n) kiểu dáng
- (to)embroider:(v)thêu hoa văn
- label: (n) nhản hiệu
2. Reading
*Gap fill
1. 18 century
2. 1960s ..... students
3. 1970s .........cheaper....
4. 1980s ................fashion
5. 1990..... sale
*Comprehension questions
1-The word jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe.
2-The 60’ fashions were embroidered jeans painted jeans and so on.
3-Because jeans became cheaper.
4-Jeans at last became high fashion clothing in the 1980.
5-The sale of jeans stopped growing Because the word wide economic situation got worse in
the 1990.
*Consolidation. ( 4’)
V+Ving:( stop, like,love,start,) Adj+ Prep+Ving:( fond of, proud of, good at,…)
* Home work ( 1’)

Write the things what they have talk in discussion
Do Ex:7,8(P .18/19)
Prepare: Lesson 4-Writing


Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
Period 10

Unit 2: Clothing
Lesson 4: Writing
Prepare :

/ /


/ /

I. Aims of the lesson :
 By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to write an exposition, presenting one side of an
II. Teaching aids:
 Textbook, board, poster, chalk,….
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s tasks

Student’s tasks
I. Warm up: ( 5’)
Asks Ss some questions about their feeling
when wearing different types of clothing.
? How often do you wear uniforms?
? How do you feel when weaning uniform ?
? If you have a choice, what type of clothing do
you want to wear when going to school? Why
do you choose it?

Answer T's questions individually

- Listen and guess the words from T's
Repeat in chorus individually

I. New lesson ( 34’)
1. Pre - writing:
*New words
- encourage: (explanation): khuyến khích
- be equal in: (explanation): công bằng
- bear one’s name: ( picture): mang tên
- freedom of choice: (translation) tự do lựa
- self- confident:( translation) tự tin
-Checks: R.O.R

Check: R.O.R

2. While writing
Now look at the table on the board and tell me
what it is.
This is the outline to present one side of an
Now, read the out line A and the passage then
answer my questions.
? What do you write in “introduction”
? What language is used?
? How can we present series of arguments?
? What do you write in “conclusion”? What....

Look at the table and answer the question
Read the out line and the passage
Answer T’s questios

Read the passage then answer T’s
Answer the questions individually

Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
Gets Ss to read the passage again then answer
the following questions.

? What is the topic of the passage?
?Why does wearing uniform encourage Ss to be
proud of their school?
? How do ss feel when wearing uniform?
? Do ss have to think of what to wear every
*Write it up
-Asks Ss on their own to write a paragraph of
100 - 150 words to support the argument that
secondary school students should wear casual
clothes, using the out line on page 19
3. Post - writing:
Now, swap your passages with your partners
then correct mistakes

Read the out line B and write the passage

swap their passages with their partners
then correct mistakes

Display on the board
1. New words:
- encourage: (v) khuyến khích
- be equal in: công bằng
- bear one’s name: mang tên
- freedom of choice: tự do lựa chọn
- self- confident: tự tin

My opinion is.../I think...
( Series of
2. Writing
* Outline B(P:19)
“Wearing casual clothes”
• Make ss feel comfortable.
• Suggested
Give ss freedom
of choices( sizes, colors, and fashion).
is that secondarys
wear casual clothes.
• Make ss feel self-confident
when theychool
are instudents
their favorite
Firstly, casual clothes make students feel comfortable.
• Make school

and lively.
clothes gives students freedom of choice. They have
it up
right to
choose sizes, colors, and fashions of clothes that they love.
Thirdly, casual clothes make students feel self - confident when they are in their
favorite clothes.
Finally, casual clothes make school more
22 colorful and lively.
¢t M·o
In conclusion, secondary school students should
wear casual
casual clothes is covenient, comfortable, and fun

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan

* Consolidation: ( 4’)
* Home work ( 2’)
Write a paragraph

Write a paragraph of 100 - 150 words to support the argument that secondary school students
should not go to school by motorbikes

Period 11

Unit 2: Clothing
Lesson 5: Language focus
Prepare :

/ /


/ /

I. Aims of the lesson :
 - By the end of the lesson Ss will able to use already and yet in the present perfect tense,
distinguish the difference between the past simple and the present perfect , and able to
use the passive form of the present perfect tense, simple present, simple past and simple
future practice modal auxiliaries.
II. Teaching aids:
 - Textbook, board, record, tape.
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s tasks
Student’s tasks

I.Warm up: ( 5’)
* Pelmanism
- Prepares ten cards with number of
V(inf) and V(P)

Work in 2 groups
II. New lesson ( 35’)
1. Language focus 1
Sets the sence.now what’s this? Yes!
This is an album,Nga’s album. Nga is
talking with Mi about some pictures in
her album
Presents the dialogue gets ss to listen

Play in two groups, choose the numbers that have
verb that in the past and in inf.

Listen to the situation
Listen and repeat
Work in pairs, make similar dialogues


Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
and repeat
Rub out some words
Gets ss to use the information in the
table to make similar dialogues
2. Language focus 2
* Review the present perfect with

already & yet.
Set the sense: You and your friend are
visiting HCM city. Look at the notes.
there are things you have done, and
things you haven’t done, what are they?
- Elicits students
- Ask students to look at the dialogue
- Elicit Ss the use and the position of
“already” and “yet” in the sentences.
3. Language focus 3
- Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in
Feet back
* Review the present perfect with
- Set the sense: Tom and Many are
talking to each other about places they
have been to.
- Asks Ss to look at the dialogue.
- Elicits from the students: use the past
simple to talk about definite time, use
the present perfect to talk about
indefinite pastime.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs.
Feet back



Look at the picture.
Recall the use and the position of “already and

Practice the dialogue in pairs.
- Listen to teacher
- Work in pairs, make the similar dialogues
-Perform the dialogues

Display on the board

Dialogue built
Nga-Come and see my photo album.
Mi-Lovely! Who is this girl?

Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o

Cam Thuû Secondary School- Lesson plan
Nga-Al! It’ Lan, my old friend.
Mi –How long have you known her?
Nga-I’ve known her for six years.
Mi –Have you seen her recently?
Nga-No, I haven’t seen her since 2003. She moved to HCM city with her family then
1. Review the present perfect with “already & yet”.
* “Already” is used in affirmative sentences and placed between aux and main V.
Ex: I have already seen that film.
* “yet” is used in negative and interrogative sentences and always placed at the end of the
Ex: Have you finished your homework yet ?
2. Review present perfect with “ever”.
* Ever: is used in yet/no questions
* Meaning: Cã bao giê
*Position: is placed right before the main V.
Ex: Have you ever seen a tiger?
III. Consolidation ( 5’) Present perfect, past simple,passive voice
IV. Home work: ( 1’)
- Ask Ss to copy the sentences in to their notebooks.
- Revise from Unit 1 to Unit 2

Period 12

Unit 2: Clothing
Lesson 5: Language focus 4-5
Prepare :

/ /


/ /

I. Aims of the lesson :
 - By the end of the lesson Ss will able to use already and yet in the present perfect tense,
distinguish the difference between the past simple and the present perfect , and able to
use the passive form of the present perfect tense, simple present, simple past and simple
future practice modal auxiliaries.
II. Teaching aids:
 - Textbook, board, record, tape.
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s tasks
Student’s tasks

I.Warm up: ( 5’)
* Pelmanism
- Prepares ten cards with number of
V(inf) and V(P)
Work in 2 groups
II. New lesson ( 35’)

4. Language focus 4 and 5

Play in two groups, choose the numbers that
have verb that in the past and in inf.

- Give from

Teacher: Ph¹m ThÞ ¢t M·o
