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Market Leader
Unit 1 Language review
Present simple and continuous 1
Complete the sentences. Drag the appropriate word or phrase from the list to the
correct box.
a. Makes b. do c. are keeping d. knows e. is doing f. are buying g. buy
h. is testing i. is making j. keeps
1. Our suppliers always (do) their best to deliver on time.
2. Our department always (keeps) a detailed record of its spending.
3. Procter & Gamble (makes) a wide variety of consumer goods.
4. Our agency (is doing) all it can to ensure the success of our forthcoming
advertising campaign.
5. Most of my colleagues usually (buy) designer brands, but for me price is more
6. Glentex (is testing) a new cancer drug at the moment. They would like to start
production next year.
7. Everybody (are buying ) a number of cosmetics companies routinely test their
products on animals.
8. Foreign investors (knows)a lot of properties in our country this year.
9. Despite the pressure this week, we (are keeping) within schedule.
10. Demand is at a peak this month, but the production department (is making)
every possible effort to meet the targets.

Present simple and continuous 2.
Complete the text. Type the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Ana Caraman is a software developer, and she loves (love) what she does (do). She
works (work) for Swiftel, and exciting IT company based near Catanla, in Sicily, and
she is also a major shareholder in the company, Swiftel is gaining (gain)a high
reputation at home and abroad for its innovative products and solutions. Not only
are their young engineers remarkably skilled, they also know (know) how to market
their products. As a result, their fame is growing (grow) constantly, and currently

several global companies are trying (try) to enter into some form of partnership with

That is why this week Ana and two of her colleagues are not working (not/work) at
Swiftel. They are meeting (meet) some key people from Apple Computers in Vienna!
Of course, Ana believes (believe) something good for Swiftel will come out of this

Unit 1 Vocabulary
Describing Brands
Please find the match words and phrase with the correct definitions
1. _G_ value for money a. always working well
2. _B_ luxurious
b. very fine, expensive and comfortable
3. _H_ top of the range c. able to stay in good condition for a long time
4. _E_ inexpensive
d. not affected by changes in fashion

_D_ timeless
_F _cool
_A_ reliable
_C_ durable

e. not costing a lot of money
f. fashionable and attractive

g. worth its price
h. the most expensive in a category or market

Unit 1 Vocabulary
Brand Management
Complete the word partnerships. Drag a word from the list to the correct box.
Image placement range awareness name loyalty lifecycle launch
Stretching endorsement


A number of consumer associations are running campaigns to request
disclosure of product placement in all media, including TV, movies and
A problem with product endorsement is that the celebrities used might get
into trouble, which could then cause negative publicity.
Audi’s brand image is that of an upmarket, well-engineered, well-designed and
safe car.
By expanding their product range , many companies hope to attract new
In July 2006, coca-Cola started a huge advertising campaign to support its
biggest UK product launch in two decades.


In many countries, the “Hoover” brand name has become a synonym for
vacuum cleaners.
7. Manufacturing engineering companies must develop, describe, manage and
communicate information about their products. That process is called “product
lifecycle management” or PLM.
8. Many consumers are rebelling against the market dominance of large
supermarket chains, and brand loyalty is declining among shoppers.
9. We want more consumers to become familiar with our products. So the aim of
our next advertising campaign should be to raise brand awareness .
10. When Caterpillar, the manufacture of tractors and earth-moving vehicles,
moved into clothing and shoes, that was a typical example of brand
stretching .

Unit 2 Language review
Talking about the future
Complete the sentences with the form of the verb in brackets. Use present simple,
present continuous or will future.

I’ve just checked the railway timetable. The next train to Vienna is leaving
(leave) at 16:30.
The economy is doing well, so what I think they ‘ll do (do) is ask for a loan and

expand their business.
Your return flight will depart (depart) at 17:00, so you have the whole morning
free for sightseeing.
What are you doing (you/do) tomorrow evening?
This new airline looks very interesting. I’m sure they ‘ll be (be) very successful.
Ms Jespersen can’t see on Tuesday, I’m afraid. She is going (go) to the sales
Make sure you keep all Wednesday morning free. Our visitors will arrive (arrive)
at 7:30 in the morning.
Please leave your contact details. We ‘ll get back (get back)to you as soon as
She says she’s going to travel round the world when she retires (retire).

Unit 2 Vocabulary
Complete the British and American English words which correspond to these
1. A list of the times at which buses, trains, planes, etc. arrive and leave.
BrE: timetable
AmE: schedule
2. A railway system in which the trains run below the surface of the ground.
BrE: underground
AmE: subway
3. The opposite of single (BrE) / one way (AmE) ticket.
BrE: return
AmE: round trip
4. A bag you are allowed to take with you on board a plane.
BrE: hand luggage
AmE: carry on baggage
5. The cheapest class of seats in a plane.

BrE: economy class
AmE: coach class

Unit 2 Vocabulary
Business travel
Complete the text. Choose the correct option.
As every business traveler will tell you, flying can be an enjoyable experience, but it
can also be a traumatic one. Sometimes you get to the airport in plenty of time, just
to find that there are already 50 people in the check-in (desk/queue). Then there are
those announcements that everybody dreads: no flights are (delayed/retarded)
today, except yours, of course. Or worse still, there are going to be some
(cancellations/redundancies). Once you are on board the plane, new sources of
stress and (legislation/frustration) can appear. You may find that the air conditioning
is not working properly, or that you don’t have enough leg (room/space). Sometimes
too, the cabin (crew/personnel) are unfriendly, or a passenger near you is showing
serious sighs of (disorder/disruptive) behavior. Fortunately, many airlines are now
trying to respond to customer (disorientation/dissatisfaction), so the number of
passenger (complains/complaints) many soon be going down.

Unit 2 Skill
Complete this telephone conversation. Type one word in each box.
A: Good morning, Sunrise Travels. How may I help you?
B: I’d like to speak to Monica Meira, please. That’s extension 542.
A: Thank you. Who’s calling, please?
B: It’s Oscar Barros here, from Carlson International.
A: Just one moment please. Mr. Barros. I’m putting you through.
C.Hello, Oscar. Monica speaking.
B: Hello, Monica. I’m calling because I’d like to make an appointment to see you this

week. It’s about the travel arrangements for our eight engineers. I’m afraid
something’s come up.
A: Sure. How about Thursday at 16:30?
B: Sorry, I can’t make it hen. But I’m free in the morning after 10:00.
A: Ok. Shall we say 10:30?
B: That’s fine for me.

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