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Organization of teaching english communication activities for grade 10 students at upper – secondary school

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I. Rationales
II. Aims of the study
III. The subjects of the study
IV. The methods of the study
V. The new feature of the study

I. Theoretical background
1. Special point of the communication activity
2. Types of communication
II. Practical background
1. Characteristics of teaching communication .
2. Characteristics of Forms of Communication Teaching.
3. The role of communication learning
4. Results, the effect of the situation.
III. The solutions
1. Difficulties in organizing students to communicate.

2. Suggesting solutions .
3. Organized during school commication sessions.
4. The discussion
5. Measures for organization of implementation.
I. The results of the study.
II. Request
The list of topics has been confirmed





I. Rationale:
In the current trend of integration, the use of English in the field of
communication is very necessary. It has been proven that people who know how
to use English fluently in business, commerce, politics, tourism, as well as in
everyday life ... have achieved much success.
However, nowadays, at many professional schools and in provinces,
Learning English is still inadequate, especially the practice of communication in
English, the use of equipment in their studying. Therefore, when entering
universities and colleges, most of them spend a lot of time studying English; In
addition, many students when leave school to find a job has encountered many
difficulties due to the limited ability to use their English ...
From that fact, learning English communication is very necessary,
especially when communicating with foreigners requires the person of
communication should understand the purpose of communicating through the
information in a major way. Being able to communicate effectively with others is
an important skill. Through communication, people gain some understanding of
each other, learn to mimic each other, influence each other, build trust, and learn
more about themselves and how they perceive people. Effective communicators
know how to interact with others flexibly, responsibly, but still do not lose their
individual needs and integrity.
To understand what needs to be communicated, learners need to learn a
habit from the beginning when learning a foreign language, creating a learning
environment, using complementary methods, Audiovisual communication,
communication with indigenous people ... to acquire knowledge of English
proficiency when communicating.
English in the secondary education system has provided information,
methods, teaching methods and learning methods. In the new upper secondary
school program, it was determined that: "Innovative teaching methods, learning
methods" [3], diversify forms of teaching organization such as classroom

teaching, small group teaching, pairing... the most effective way to learn. After
many years of reforming the new textbooks, applying a new method of morality, I
started to feel awkward and have not experienced much. Done, now the use of the
new method has many changes. So, one of the things that I want to mention in this
article is: Organization of teaching English communication acitivies at class so
that students learn how to speak English effectively.
II. Aims of the study:
The aims of the topic may be listed as follows:
+ To understand a language, or to use language fluently, learners need to know
how to use methods in which the role of communication method is indispensable.
+ To help students apply the means to suit the communicative method.
+ To give out some further practices

III. The subjects of the study.
To promote communication activities in English, and direct the students to
deepen their communication skills so that they can speak the English language.
The subject of this research, I focus on the students in grade 10 at the Sam Son
upper secondary school to help them get to know how to use the language spoken
from the beginning.
IV. The methods of the study.
In this topic, I mainly deal with research issues related to
English communication. The method I applied was mostly group
or in pairs, applying simulations of student sitting positions,
drama, role playing, practical application in everyday life.
V. The new features of the study.
In my previous experience initiative report (2007-2008), I
have applied to this topic and have made great achievements in
teaching English communication. This title was certificate type C

by Thanh Hoa department of education and training. However,
that year I was only deploying and applying in small aspects such
as communication in English in pairs or groups in the spirit of
conversation, dialouge. In this new topic, I am implementing
some new content as follows:
- Communication in pairs or groups, performation himself,
express new ideas through picutes or a story.
- Convert the sitting position of the students by counting the
sequence number, dividing the class into 6 groups.
- Apply open talk, students talk freely in English on the subject of
the teacher.
- Students can speak in groups, choosing to communicate freely.
- There are 3 part interviews. Introduce yourself, select the topic
and answer the questions.

I. Theoretical background
1. Special point of the communication activity.
Communication activities are forms of exercise that enable students to practice
free-to-play communication, much like real communication, in which there is very
little control and control over the language and speech of the student.
Communication activities have the following characteristics: [1]
* Language is used purposefully;
* Create communication needs (through tricks to create information gaps, views ...
between students when doing exercises);
* Encourage students to use creative language, contribute ideas and express their
own views;

* Focus on language content rather than language accuracy;
* Encourage the independent work of the students;
* Students choose and decide what they want to say rather than being influenced
by "pattern words" as in controlled practice.
Communication activities are commonly used in the form of interviews,
questionnaires, guided roleplaying exercises, interactive games, information gaps,
discussions, Work in pairs, groups... These activities are usually carried out
following guided activities; Or be conducted at any stage of study for the purpose
of strengthening and practicing liberty, or to open the article, as a prerequisite for
subsequent referral activities.
2. Types of communication
2.1 Internal communication [1]
When people talk to themselves, this communication takes place in the
brain. It includes thoughts, memories, and awareness throughout the
communication process. Most of the behavioral responses to the main levels of
communication are rooted in introspection. At this level, the subject sets out the
rules for himself and the communication patterns. Intuitive communication
Senses - Examples: interpreters, texts, symbols
Non-verbal communication - eg, gestures, eye contact
Communication between parts of the body [1]
- For example, "My eyes tell me it's already dark".
2.2 Communication behavior [1]
Communicative behavior is understood to be communication between two
individual individuals. [1] This form of communication occurs when two people
communicate with each other or in groups. This also means that people can
capture communication with different people in different situations and make the
person feel good. Actions such as eye contact, body movement, and hand
movements are also part of behavioral communication. The most common
functions of communication behavior are listening, speaking and resolving

conflicts. Classification of behavioral communication goes from language to nonverbal communication and from one situation to another. Communicative behavior
includes targeted and appropriate face-to-face communication.
2.3 Communication in small groups [1]
Small group communication is a collaborative process that occurs in groups
of three or more to set common goals that include face to face communication and
types of interactions. [2] This type of communication sometimes includes
behavioral interactions where there is only one major difference in the number of
participants in the process.
2.4 Communication community [1]


When a person sends a message to an audience, does not distinguish
different individuals. Unlike the above levels of communication, spokespeople
play a key role in this communication process.
2.5 Communication together [1]
The process of centralized communication takes place when a small group
of people sends a message to a large receiver through a particular media. This
process manifests the formation and propagation of a message to a large receiver
through the media.
2.6 Nonverbal communication [1]
In nonverbal communication, people communicate messages to each other
without using language. They communicate through facial expressions, head
position, hand and hand movements, body movements, position of the legs and
feet. People can also use "distance" to express a message. By paying attention to
nonverbal communication, one can understand the message from the other, and
pass the message on to others. Attention to non-verbal communication helps
people: [1]
Express your confidence and understanding.

Demonstrated power and influence.
Express your sincerity, excitement and cooperation.
Build trust
Recognize the mood of yourself and others.
Discover the difference between what others are saying and what they are
Change behavior and communication spaces to create more effective

II. Practical background
1. Characteristics of teaching communication .
- Teaching activities are still conducted on the whole class.
- Student grouping is both subject to the cognitive psychology of the student, and
depends on the learning task that the student needs to address. [2]
- In each group, the members must be assigned clear tasks, must work together to
solve common tasks of the group.
- Teachers during the school hours are the organizers of activities for students. [3]
- Teachers must rely on the duties of the class that design specific learning tasks
and activities for the student to solve individually or in groups, make specific
inquiries, Works actively. In particular, teachers must observe, evaluate, help,
modify when students have difficulties or problems during the operation.
2. Characteristics of Forms of Communication Teaching.
The individual activities of each individual student are reorganized and linked
organically in a common activity to carry out learning activities. At the same time
in the process of linking it will form and integrate the interrelationships: Learner -


Teacher - Learner. Each factor in an interactive relationship has a very important

position. [2]
2.1 Learner: Active, active subject of creativity learning activities. [2]
In the process of communication: Learner actively listen to, learn situations,
situations, words ... from the teacher exchange interaction between teachers and
games, chat with the game through communication in the group . From there, it
develops its inherent thinking ability. Students acquire knowledge by learning
activities themselves. Thereby, the children find their own knowledge,
understanding and memory in an active way, creating interest in learning for
2.2 Teacher: "The one who awakens" organizes and directs. [3]
Teachers play a very important role in guiding, directing, and directing
students to work effectively. The mentor from the role of an active person in the
classroom becomes the facilitator who helps students conduct their own activities.
The teacher leads the students to explore, gain knowledge through the cognitive
steps, organize activities in the process of teaching.
3. The role of communication learning
3.1. Students.
Communication activities promote language ability, confidence in the
process of communication.
- Create opportunities for all students to develop their communication skills,
using language effectively. In particular, weak students, can also be steamed in the
- Create opportunities for students to express their views.
- Promote the initiative, creativity, thinking ability, ability to evaluate the
problem of students. Practice self-expression in the crowd when using the
- Enhance mutual understanding among students in the classroom.
- Training the ability to express, brief information, clear.
- Through the process of addressing the problem that the teacher mentions,
students increase self-esteem and self-esteem.

3.2 Teacher
- Facilitate teachers to more accurately assess student comprehension, cognitive,
emotional, and expression levels, as well as student thinking abilities.
- Adjust teaching method appropriately.
4. Results, the effect of the situation.
From the above situations, in order to achieve better performance, I boldly
improved the content and methods of communication activities applied well in the
class 10 in Sam Son High School. This method is not new to students as it is for
English or other subjects. But this activity can not fade during teaching and

learning. Because, this method will help students actively active, more confident
when communicating with foreigners.
The method of communication that I have applied at school helps students
actively explore, create speeches, dialogues, express thoughts, emotions, passions,
knowledge of social, political, cultural matters ... Although it may be just a short
speech or three sentences when communicating. These, every day a little, students
were able to confidently learn, sticking to each topic to express their views.
Through surveys and surveys, most students in the classes that I am assigned to
teach (Grades 10A4 - 10A9) would love to use this method to communicate.

III: The solutions
1. Difficulties in organizing students to communicate.

Although the organization of teaching communication was taught by many
teachers during the lessons. However, the implementation of this new curriculum
in practice has encountered some difficulties. Many times, it is still formal and
implementation is still inadequate. Therefore, I would like to introduce some
limitations that myself as well as some colleagues (through exchange) often have:

1.1 Teaching methods and learning are inadequate, not be suitable to the
requirements of innovation.
Teachers do not properly understand the nature and variety of
communication teaching. Therefore, teachers use their mother tongue
(Vietnamese) more than English, and sometimes the teacher due to the need to
communicate with native people is limited, so the organization of monotonous
teaching is not effective.
For example: Teachers who have just translated English into Vietnamese, in
the process of teaching, speaking, asking questions often also use Vietnamese,
sometimes afraid to speak wrong while communicating with students ...
1.2. Communication skills of students have not been improved.
- Students are mostly unconfident, embarrassed, shy in communication,
- Students do not know how to show support, agree with each other.
- Discussion, discussion in the group is not exciting, not excited, not create
products discussed.
- Students are timid, not brave when expressing opinions as well as presenting the
- Teachers do not really put out activities that are effective but simply think about
telling them about the principles of doing things, showing them how to do things,
and then hopefully students follow them.
Example: You have to listen to each other's opinions ...
But in reality, students do not perform as expected of the teacher. Therefore,
students do not develop self-learning skills on the textbook and on the instrument
of experimental practice or exchange in the process of communication.

1.3. Not motivating the participation of the team members.
- Many communication activities are only some children who are quite
good at work, the other children are also indifferent, self-deprecated enthusiasm

for this activity.
1.4. The role of the teacher is not clear.
- When teaching communication, because worry about the students not to
understand the problem of communication, difficult to use the language to express
the use of bilingual language is always formed, trying to translate for the students
to understand without paying attention to the problem of expressing ideas,
suggesting, guiding the reception of students.
Teachers can only be give some ideas to self-discovery, self-discovery,
knowledge acquisition, self-assessment based on knowledge. From there, provide
methods for students to discuss and control their own problems when they are
having problems.
1.5. Inadequate facilities.
- Facilities is also a very important part of teaching foreign languages.
However, in the schools can not meet the needs of facilities such as audio-visual
room, practice room, software in the application of information technology into
the sound. In addition, the class is over 45 students / class, tables and chairs are 4
students / 1 table so the arrangement of activities is very difficult and time
consuming while moving.
- The preparation of study cards, (hand out) pictures are difficult. The
facilities for group activities such as specimens, practice facilities, group tables,
visual aids etc. are not sufficient so the efficiency is low. Each time you go to
class, teachers have to manage themselves, prepare themselves at home or prepare
students to sample, objects ... for students to actively exchange and express in new
2. Suggesting solutions .
2.1 Teaching methods
Many teachers use traditional teaching methods such as: grammar translation, direct method, listening and speaking method, listening method, open
method ... If with foreign language teaching method The grammatical approach
focuses on learning and mastering grammatical structures. With the approach of
teaching foreign languages according to the method of communicating the

formation in learners Proficiency in the use of language is central to the teaching
process. Unlike audio-lingual methods, with the emphasis on the role of practice
maturing existing patterns, the practice of communicative teaching emphasizes the
interoperability of learners. In the context of communication, in which each
language behavior of the learner will change depending on the previous responses
and responses of the participants.


According to traditional teaching methods, language learning is often seen
as a process of transferring knowledge from teacher to teacher. Using
communication practice, teaching and learning languages are now seen as a
process. Discovery, in which learners gradually use the language for specific
communication purposes. This is a learner-centered learning model in which both
teachers and students share the responsibility of teaching and learning. Along with
emphasizing the goal of developing communicative competence in learners, the
selection of learning activities is useful, tailored to the needs of the learner, and
must be embedded in real contexts. Learners are more likely to encounter in
everyday life is always featured.
To create attractive learning environment in which the active connection of
teachers and students. As a facilitator in the teaching process, the instructor must
create every situation, every ability to guide the activities of the learner during the
lesson. The teacher should use all manipulations and means, gestures gestures to
enhance communication activities. Teaching facilities are fully promoted.
Learning a foreign language is a process of knowledge recognition and skill
training, [5] so when teaching English, the teacher needs to design, reasonable
time allocation between teaching stages, between the time of knowledge transfer
New and duration for the learner to practice. Strengthening group practice, in
pairs, in order to facilitate learners' development of language skills, reducing

hesitant psychology, increasing initiative and collaboration among learners; Learn
from each other and practice learning, teamwork, teamwork. Instructor as a
director and an actor, as a member of the activity.
It is necessary to design the types of exercises in the direction of creating
creative initiative for learners and depending on the level of learners. For lowlevel learners, the practice should be enhanced in the direction of "awarenessimitation-creative thinking". For high-level learners, the practice of "perception contact - creative thinking" is applied.
It’s better to diversify the teaching activities by alternating the game to
create interesting learning for students, each teacher needs to have the motivation
to encourage active thinking of the learner. It is necessary to monitor the learning
process of learners and have timely feedback to help learners develop strengths
and weaknesses, repair weaknesses, help learners feel confident to learn and not
feel the language. He is a hard subject. Teachers must be flexible in their role as
new knowledge transferers, who help reduce the difficulty of the student, guide
and consolidate the knowledge.
In fact, teaching method English communication trend is very difficult to
apply for a class of overcrowding as today. When teaching in a new curriculum,
many parts of communication are discarded or taught in the proper way by each
teacher. The effectiveness of these hours of practicing communication is almost
low or nonexistent. In addition to the application of the teaching method art as
mentioned above, a lesson to be successful also depends on many external factors,
in which the facilities, equipment and learner qualifications are the mechanical
factors. you. To do this, the teacher must first understand the course objectives,

course content, methods of examination and evaluation of the course. In addition,
teachers must understand the characteristics of the learner to see what they lack to
achieve the goal of the course. And in order to be more effective in teaching
English, in addition to refreshing programs and methods, it is necessary to
immediately classify learners' English proficiency, Number of classes and
allocation of teaching time rational.

Renovation of teaching methods in general and renewal of foreign language
teaching in particular is the renovation of the way of teaching, learner-centered
learning, new teaching methods must be suitable with learner's ability to absorb
and needs. , Making learners love the subject to ensure the highest efficiency of
communication for learners. A fixed the teaching method can not be a common
key for all teachers, depending on the circumstances of the class, the subject, the
content of the course so that each teacher needs to adjust the teaching activities as
perceived by the Newtonian teacher. "What we know is just a drop of water, the
unknown is the ocean. On the road of knowledge acquisition, there is no shore.
And on the road to the top of knowledge, each one has different methods. " We
can not have a rigid, rigorous approach that applies to all subjects, but depends on
the level of cognitive, aptitude, interest, passion for the subject chosen by the
teacher and learner. His own method for learning and teaching.
2.2. Properly follow the process of organizing communication teaching.
In order to teach effective communication, improve the quality of the class,
I conducted myself through a process from lesson planning to classroom work and
assessment. On the basis of conceptual analysis, the characteristics of the
organization of teaching communication in the classroom and based on the theory
of organization has been carried out according to the process of 3 basic steps with
12 specific steps as follows:
Design lesson
Step 1: Define lesson objectives
- Clearly identify the clear goals that students need to achieve.
- Define the main content of the post and form the questions to answer.
- Understand the understanding of the learner, the views, attitudes, and the
importance of critical issues.
- Make regular English speaking with common sentences.
Step 2: Define the purpose of communication
The goal of communication teaching consists of two basic objectives:
- The goal of the unit

- Specific objectives for the development of social skills in communication,
communication goals may include a range of related issues such as attention,
understanding, concern, motivation, Attitude and some other skills
Step 3: Design tasks for communication.
- Design tasks that require interdependence.
- Create tasks that match the skills and abilities of the student.
- Assignment of fair tasks among members.

- Ensure personal responsibility.
- Report on the results of individual, group discussions.
- Supervision, coverage, control, help.
Step 4. Identify communication medium:
Each facility has its own advantages and disadvantages, we need to
selectively select the mode of receiving information. For example, the Internet has
a huge audience in the world, but underdeveloped countries do not have access, so
people there will not get your message. TV seems to be a more efficient medium,
but more localized than the community, in which case the TV will be a good
medium for an area, not a global one.
Step 5: Estimated way of assessment, scoring.
- Evaluate how each individual's efforts are meaningful in the achievement of
3. Organized during school commication sessions.
Step 1: Organize group communication arrangements.
a, Division of work groups according to objectives, tasks of school hours,
conditions for conducting classes, teamwork skills of students.
Form groups:
- According to the task of learning.
- According to random rules.

- According to the table or some table close together.
- By gender.
- By student level.
b, Group: Depending on the amount of exercise, furniture and equipment
c, Arrange seating for students to work.
- Arrange seats suitable for group activities as well as size of work group to
- Placement of seats ensures students' convenience while working as well as on
the move while ensuring interaction among students in groups and between
There are many ways of organizing pairs in the classroom. Pairs can be between
teacher and classmate (picture a); Possibly an open pair: between two students
sitting far apart (picture b), the pair between two students sit next to each other
(picture c).
In order to avoid the boring, mismatched mechanics of working in pairs,
teachers can flexibly use these forms, not necessarily just one diagram, to create a
new environment and environment. The need for natural communication between
students with each other and between students and teachers. If the conditions of
the class are tight, it is possible for the students to sit in two adjacent rows, turning
their heads together to form a group of four people (diagram d) without moving
much in class. Teachers should name the groups in English names, such as the
names of flowers, animals, or colors, or interesting adjectives that they like.

å a: Th
Çy - trß
a. S¬

- student

å c: c.

ãng - Trß- trß

å b: CÆ
ë - Trßfar
- trßapart
b. ®

å d: Nh
m4 s¸t nhau
in ãgroup

Organization operates in pairs
Teaching English – A training course for teachers by Adrian Doff Cambridge university [2]

Step 2: Assign tasks and set time for discussion.
- This is important because otherwise students will understand incorrect or

- Teachers need to give very specific instructions, how long.
Step 3: Guide the method, work skills.
- Teachers help groups assign roles and tasks to each member.
- Track, direct students to teamwork skills through multi-dimensional, face-toface interactions within the group.
Step 4: Observe activity control.
- Teachers help students in trouble.
- Control the cooperation process of the members.
4. The discussion
4.1. Evaluate the results of group communication activities.
Step 1: Students self-evaluate the performance of their team members: Awareness
and working practices.

Step 2: The teams evaluate each other's performance:
- The group representative reported the results of their group.
- Other team representatives check and comment.
Step 3: Assessment teachers comment on the performance of the groups.
- Teachers and students check the results of the evaluation of the correct group?
Any place that is not properly assessed should point out to the class and explain
- Encourage groups and individuals to fulfill their tasks well, reminding
individuals and groups not active.
In the process of teaching my English subjects, I conducted group teaching in
many classes as the lessons allowed.
Such as:
* Practice the pattern after the new introductory vocabulary and after a few
minutes practice the whole class in the language focus sessions.
* Practice short conversations in the speaking periods: repetition of conversations,

or conversations that are similar to a conversation, with the suggestion to
* Communication exercises such as information -gap, role play, interview,
questionnaire, problem-solving, communicative games.
* Read the text - ask questions about the content of the text in the reading
sections by having students discuss the questions in the group, pairing them then
reading the pre-reading or students whispering themselves. Post, then ask and
answer the contents of the group while-reading.
* Discussion: Can be done in pairs or in small groups and then the whole
class discusses.
4.2. Communication skills.
- Create communication environment in the teaching process, using the
English language regularly.
- Provide detailed instruction for group communication skills, organized
+ Discuss immediately after sitting in place.
+ When you speak, look at the speaker, do not work alone, listen to you
Express your support for your face, your eyes, your nod, your attitude ...
+ You should be clear, speak enough, do not affect other groups


Instruct students to respect your opinion, when they disagree with you. Give
them the atmosphere of solidarity, mutual help, and weaker students also express
their opinions.
These skills are essential for effective communication. Therefore, in
interactions with interactions that need explanation, modeling, and systematic

practice, allow them to practice those skills. At the same time, when evaluating the
results of communication activities, I pay attention to the children who have good
skills to follow other students, encouraging them to be brave, confident in the
process of activity, actively help Others when discussing.
Forging communication skills is a complex but necessary job, and I have
plans to build graduates for students from simple to complex, from easy questions
to difficult questions.
4.3. The role of teachers
In many situations, the role of communication is evident only after the plan
is implemented, thus minimizing the benefits of communication. Although
communication does not simply solve the problem, it is a useful tool in the initial
strategy of a plan.
The quality of teaching communication effectively depends on the teacher.
Teachers are facilitators, activity guides, mentors who encourage, encourage and
support student learning with their educational experiences, using spoken English
regularly throughout the course.
First of all, it is necessary to develop a detailed communication lesson plan
in accordance with the general procedure.
Ask questions and direct them to work in pairs or in groups.
- Explain how to evaluate activities.
- Observing the activities of groups, identifying and supporting difficult
groups in need.
- Encourage groups to operate ineffectively.
- The attitude reflects intimacy, cooperation, trust for the children.
4.4. Facilities
Getting students to communicate better requires very necessary activities
where effective group communication is effective. Therefore, in order for students
to communicate freely and freely, their seating positions should also be arranged
reasonably. For example, there is a private study room, audiovisual room with
modern equipment and simple chairs.

While the classroom is not full of tables and chairs as required for students
to work in groups, I have applied by:
- Regularly change seats for students in their class, giving students a
comfortable seat so that teachers can interact with students, helping students to
perform better.


- Remind the clusters so that the clerk and clerk should not sit deflected at
the ends of the table but should be in position so that all team members can follow
and present.
- Preparation and effective use of teaching aids, especially large format
paper, markers, sub-tables, group tables, some illustrations necessary for working
5. Measures for organization of implementation.
5.1 Students work in pairs or small groups during communication.
An issue should be discussed, depending on the type of discussion for which
the activity group may be, either a dialogue, a reading, speaking or listening
text. ... Students grasp that type of lesson to discuss in the group.
Example 1: Cast in the process of executing the dialogue. (Role play)
S1: What time does Quan have a Literature lesson on Tuesday?
S2: He has a Literature lesson on 8.05 am
S1: What lesson does Quan have at 10.40 am on Thursday?
S2: He has a Chemistry lesson
S1: What lesson does Quan have a Physics lesson on Wednesday?
S2: He has a Physics lesson at 9.55 am
S1: What lesson does Quan have at 8.55 on Friday?
S2: He has an English lesson
S1: What lesson does Quan have a Class Meeting on Saturday?

S2: He has a class at 10.40 am.
English 10 page 14,15 [4]
Students play roles to discuss their communicative needs, develop
sentences, and discuss ideas about the topic in the group. Report the results of
the practice by communicating with other groups or under the supervised play of
the teacher.
Example 2: It can be a game from communication skill training.
Before the class, choose a short article from a newspaper or magazine to
share with the class. Every topic is and has many details in it. At the beginning of
the lesson, it was a gentle read that he read an interesting article and wanted to
share it with the whole class. Read the article for the whole class. After reading the
article, give a small but attractive reward and say: "You have some questions
related to the article you just heard. Any child who can accurately answer the most
questions will receive this cute award. "Ask students to take a blank sheet of
paper, listen to their questions, and write their answers in paper. You may ask
about 8-10 sentences related to the content of the article. Then ask the students to
swap answers to each other for cross-examination when you publish the answer.
You will find the winner and award the prize.

Obviously the whole class is listening to the same story but not all of them can
remember the full details. So do not forget to ask students why they do not
remember much after listening to the story. Suggest the whole class to discuss
how they can help them improve their listening skills and whether they can hear
more focused when they know there will be a reward for the person to remember
correctly and fully. not.
Example 3: Teachers give students pictures with different contents. Through
these pictures, students rely on them to express their thoughts on the content of the
pictures to communicate. Students discuss in groups, each with their own ideas by

expressing their views or by writing them down on a piece of paper. After a period
of time the representative of the group was discribe about them.
5.2 The role of the teacher in the process of student guidance.
Teaching in pairs, group is a new form of teaching. It is one of the best forms
of good teaching that promotes student activeness and interaction. In this form,
students are engaging, engaging in learning activities, gathering knowledge by
their own abilities with the help and guidance of teachers.
Communication teaching is a complex task that requires teachers and
students to be prepared and have time to get used to it.
- Teachers must carefully prepare teaching plans, select the content suitable
for activities and design activities to help children learn, discover new knowledge
in the best way.
- Teaching in a well-organized group communication will save the time and
effort of teachers and students. Students learn a useful way of working later in life
when applying reality when communicating.
- Organizing communication activities requires a flexible operator when
instructing students. In the process of discussing the inevitability of students not
trying, talking privately ... That's it, the teacher should have many positive
measures to attract students swirling on the topic that needs discussion, create.
The atmosphere is cheerful and close, making it easy for all students to participate
fully. Offer incentive incentives to create a comfortable atmosphere when
- Supervision, help, suggestion ... is the responsibility of the facilitator,
giving students the most effective way of working through the specific activity
that the teacher has given. It helps them overcome the limitations or places are not
understood, do not understand deeply or many children still do not know the
article. Therefore, the facilitator should be closer, more urgent when observing the
members are discussing communication with each other.
Preparation at home is essential for the discussion. Both teachers and
students are good at the discussion such as: tables, furniture, diagrams, pictures,

posters, billboards, slogans, hot news on television, mass media ... serve well for
the process of delivery activities.


From the above, from the many years of practical work in well-coordinated
careers in college as well as near-field subjects. I have made my own experience
in guiding my students to be active in their academic pursuits and to be highly
effective. In grades 10A4, 10A9, they are somewhat more confident, more
confident about communication methods, have a deeper understanding and are
able to communicate better when learning skills. Now students are more confident
speaking English, no longer shy as before. Statistical results before and after the
application of this method are as follows:
In terms of student communication.
Class number


begining of

term 1

term 2

end of year

Student performance statistics table speaking English


Looking at the statistics table, we find that the learning of students is very
limited, depending on the object, each class can understand the lesson. However, it
is only the ability of some students to communicate. They have confidence, can
use their English to give then, using words, learned to apply directly to
With this title is not new, but it is also the experience from many years, is a
number of colleagues in the teaching force, students actively participate.
Hopefully, by combining many good methods, many teachers and students will be

more effective in teaching and learning.
The school provides more facilities and mental facilities for teachers in
general subjects and English subjects in particular such as audiovisual rooms,
language classes separate from other subjects do not make noise. It affects the
layers next door. Facilitate students to have direct contact with native speakers so
that they can communicate and learn the language and culture of their country.
The above are some small ideas, in the process itself, in teaching in the
spirit of innovation in the education sector. Its feasibility is limited. There are
many shortcomings in the article, I wish the teachers, colleagues for comments to
improve the article.
The confirmation of the Head –Master
Thanh Hoa, 10th May in 2017.
I assure this is my experience initiative,
not copying the contents of other people.
The writer
Lê Ngọc Nội

Nguyễn Văn Xô

[1]. Phương pháp dạy tiếng Anh trong trường phổ thông: Tác giả Nguyễn Hạnh
Dung NXB Giáo dục năm 2001.
[2]. Teaching English – A training course for teachers của Adrian Doff Trường Đại
học Cambridge.
[3]. Giáo trình Giáo học pháp – Vinh university
[4]. Tiếng Anh 10 NXB Giáo dục năm 2007



Họ và tên tác giả: NGUYỄN VĂN XÔ
Chức vụ và đơn vị công tác: Trường THPT Sầm Sơn – Thanh Hóa

Tên đề tài SKKN

Cấp đánh
giá xếp loại

Kết quả
đánh giá
xếp loại

Năm học
đánh giá xếp

Thanh Hóa


2007 - 2008

Thanh Hóa


2010 - 2011

Thanh Hóa


2013 - 2014

Một số thủ thuật dạy học
nhóm trên lớp ở Trường


THPT Sầm Sơn.
Tổ chức hoạt động giao tiếp


tiếng Anh.
Các sử dụng dạng phân – tính
từ hiệu quả.


