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DSpace at VNU: Two new species of the genus Arisaema Mart. (Araceae) described for flora of Vietnam

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VNƯ Journal of Science, N atural Sciences an d Technology 23 (2007) 86-90

Two new species of the genus Arisaema Mart. (Araceae)
described for Flora of Vietnam
Nguyen Van Du *
I n s titu te o fE c o lo g y a n d B iological R esources, V ietnam ese A c a d e m y o f Science and T echnology

18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam
R eceived 10 A u g u st 2006

A b stract. Arisaema omkoiense G u s m a n a n d A . ramulosum Andervv. h av e been described as nevv
reco rd for Flora o f V ietn am . A m o n g them , Arisaema omkoiense w a s fo u n d in C hieng M ai (T hailand)
recently by G u sm a n , novv re c o rd c d in C en tre V ietnam (Q u an g T ri a n d K o n tu m prov.). T he o th er
One, A ramulosum A ndervv. an en d e m ic of In d o n e sia for longtim e, has been fo u n d in N o rth e rn
V ietn am (C ao B ang a n d Bac C an prov.).

1. In tro d u ctio n
The genus Arisaema c . M art. (Araceae
Juss.) includes ab o u t 170 species [1]. They are
distributed m ainly in A sia an d few species
there are in E ast-N orthern A írica and
N orthern A m erica [2]. Beíore, this gen u s w as
recorded w ith 5 species belonging to 2
sections in V ietnam [3-6]. R ecent stu d ies [7-9]
ha ve recorded 16 species of this gen u s know n
in Vietnam. AU of them belong to 4 sections
(following M u rata's concept [5]) o r 5 sections
(following GusmarTs concept [10]). Base on
the M urata's system [5], am ong V ietnam ese
species, 12 species belong to the section
ỉimbriata, 2 species b elong to th e section

Decipientia, 1 species belong to the section
Franchetiana and 1 species belong. to the
section Sinarisaema.
In this paper, the au th o r describes tw o
species A. omkoiense G u sm an and A.

* Tel.: 84-4-8360169

ramulosum Aldrervv. found V ietnam recently.
Both of them belong to the section Fim briata
(follow ing M u rata' concept). The first time,
both species are described from m aterials
collected in Vietnam . The first species, A.
omkoiense G usm an, w as described by
G usm an from the type specim ens collected
from C hiengm ai (Doi Inthanon) of Thailand
[1]. Follow ing G usm an, this species are
distributeđ vvidely from South-W est of China
to Thailand and Vietnam . Base on the
com parison betw een the m aterials collected
in H uong H oa (Q uang Tri prov.) and in Ngoe
Linh m ountain (K ontum prov.) and the
original description, type specim en as well as
discussion directly behveen the author and
Prof. G usm an in his house in Bruxsell, the
species A . omkoiense has been recorded for
Flora of Vietnam .
In the expeditions in Thang H en (Cao
Bang prov.) and Babe lake (Bac Can prov.)

that vvere carried o u t the author and Mary
Sizem ore (Plorida, USA) and John Tan Hoew
(Singapore), a species of Arisaema genus was

N g u y en Van Du / VblU Ịournaỉ o f Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 23 (2007) 86-90

coilected. T hrough m orphological analyses,
vve recognized that the characters of this
species com pletely fit to the species A.
Aldrervv. This investigation
surprised us because A. ramulosum vvas an
endem ic species of Indonesia for long time
but now it has been íound in N orthern
Vietnam vvhere is separated from Indonesia
not only by distance b u t also by sea.
Hovvever the identiíication vvas coníirm ed
w hen type specim ens of A. ramulosum
checked by the auth o r in Borgo herbarium
(BO) in N ovem ber, 2005 and m any
discussions betvveen the au th o r and superspecialist of this genus in vvorld.

2. D escrip tio n of new species
A risaem a o m k o ien se G usm an 2001.
Syst. Geogr. Pl. 71: 3; id. 2003. Arisaema. Mon.
Bot. Mat. Lov. 83.
R hizom atous herbaceous plant, c. 60 cm
tall. Rhizom e short, 1.5-3 cm long, c. 1 cm in

diam . C ataphylls em brace petiole and
p ed u n cle separately, 1 around petiole, 2
around peduncle, inside One longer than
outside, c. 13 cm long. Leaf 1-2; petiole 56 cm
long; leaf blade triíoliate; leaf lobes vvith
stipitates, 1.5 ơ n long at lateral lobes and 3
cm long at Central lobe, ovate to nearly
elliptic shape, 22-24 cm long, 14-15 cm w ide,
base rounded at lateral lobes and obtuse at
Central Iobes, apex acum inate; lateral veins 910 pairs, conspicuous, collective vein d istant
3-7 m m from m argin. Peduncle 13.5-20 cm
m ore
íem ale
inílorescence; spathe 7-9 cm long, pale green,
white at base; tube portion hm nel shape, 4-5
cm long, c. 2 cm vvide at m outh, m outh
m argin lightly recurved; spathe lam ina
shorter than tube portion, triangular form, 3-


4 cm long, acum inate 2-4 m m long; male
spadix 4.5 cm long, íertile portion cylindrical,
1.7 cm long, fIow ers in loose arrangem ent,
appendix lightly conical, from base to apex
covered densely by slender filiform steriles;

m ale flow ers consisted by 2-3 stam ens,
stam ens w ith a sh o rt stipitate, 0.5 m m long,
anthers subglobose, dehiscent by pore at
apex, íilam ent depressed, base attenuate,
u p p e r n arro w triangular, apex elongated into
an acum ination; bisexual spadix 6 cm long;
íem ale p o rtio n cylindrical to lightly conical,
1.8 cm long, ovaries loose in arrangem ent,
ovaries subglobose to spindle shape, truncate
at apex, stigm a d o t íorm , penicillate, not
rarely serrated disciíorm (in m aterial VH
070), style sh o rt conical; m ale portion c. 8 m m
long, few íem ale in loose arrangem ent, 2
stam ens g ro u p in 2, íilam ent 1.5 m m long,
connected together at 0.5 m m , u p p er portion
divided, c. 0.3 m m long, apex elongate in
subulate form , c. 0.3 m m long; appendix
rather stout, lightly conical, 2 m m w ide at
base, densely covered vvith filiform steriles
from base to apex.
Typus: Thailand, Qìiengm ai prov., near
Omkoi, G usm an GG00013 (holo BR (original type
pictures!); iso. BKF).
Habitat: P rim ary and secondary boardleaved evergreen sub-m ountain íorest on
very steep rocky shale Southern slopes of Sa
M ui m ountain; 1200-1300 m alt.
V ietnam
(Q uang
K ontum ), T hailand (Chiengm ai).


Materials exampled: Q uang Tri prov.,
H uong
H oa
H uong
P hung
m unicipality, P.K. Loc et al. HLF 5863 (HN).
K on T um prov., N goe Linh m ountain,
A veryanov & others VH 070 (HN, p, LE, MO).
Discussion: In the original publication of
A . omkoiense, G usm an com pared this species


N g u y e n V a n D u / V N U Ịo u r n a ỉ o f S c ien c e , N a tu r a l S c ie n c e s a n d T e c h n o lo g y 2 3 (2 0 0 7 ) 8 6 -9 0

to other triíoliate species as A. garrettii, A.
pingianense, A. petelotii, and A. balansae and
gave the different characters betvveen species.
Hovvever, the author find th at A. omkoiense is
closest to A. petelotii by having spadix not or
hardly exserted from spathe tube, along
spadix appendix covered by filiform sterile
ílovvers. A. omkoiense is d iííeren t from A.
petelotii by not having pseudostem , stam ens
vvith a short stipitate, connectives subulate,

cross over anthers.
A risaem a ram u lo su m A lderw . 1922.
Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitnezorg 3(4): 166; G usm an,
2003. Arisaema. Mon. Bot. Mat. Lov. 181.
H erbaceous tuberous m onoecious plant,
9-30 cm tall, usually sm all in m ale plants.
Tuber subglobose, 0.5-4 cm in diam ., light
brow n ou t side, vvhite in side. Leaf solitary;
petiole 9-30 cm long, pale to d ark som etim e
dirt green, low er portion created into
pseudostem 5-15 cm, free portion 4-15 cm
long; leaf blade triíoliolate, lobes d ark green
on suríace and paler at u n d er suríace, glossy;
lateral lobes subsessile, lanceolate ovate,
7.5 - 12 cm long, 4.5 - 6.2 cm vvide, oblique,
ba se obtus to round, apex acum inate 1-1.5 cm
long, tip arista; Central lobe vvith a stipitate,
ovate lanceolate, 7-14 cm long, 4-8 cm vvide,
base cuneate, obtus to round, apex acum inate
w ith short arista at tip. Peduncle equal,
shorter or little longer than free portion of
petiole, 7-12 cm long, pale green or brow n
w ith w hite rouges; spathe long 5-8 cm long,
tube cylindrical, 2-4 cm long, c. 1 cm vvide,
w hite to pale green or little purplish, m ottled
and w ith longitudinal, d ark p u rp le stripes,
inside white; m outh m argin green and hardly
recurved; spathe lam ina triangular, 3-4 cm
long, outside dull, pale green, glossy, w ith

dark stripes and ílushed purple near
margins, w ith d ark green cross band at base,
apex acum inate; m ale spadix 2.5 cm long

w ith a short stipitate, stipe c. 2 m m long,
íertile portion conical, 1.2 cm long, rather
dense flowers/ appendix subulate íorm, c. 2 cm
long, d ark green w ith brow n strips, covered
w ith several purple, filiform sterile flowers at
base and apex; m ale flow er grouped in 2
stamensy sessile, anthers dehiscence by lateral
slit; íem ale spadix 4 cm long, íertile portion
slightly conical 8 m m long, 5 m m vvide at
base, appendix the sam e in m ale spadix, a
little thicker, c. 3 cm long, 1.5 m m thick at
base; ovaries bottle shape, size 1.5 X 1 mm,
stigm a spot íorm, style absent.
Typus: Indonesia, Java J.J. Smith 775
Habitat: The plants grovv in the gaps of
rocks, u n d e r shade Broad leaf evergreen
prim ary íorest on lim estone m ountain.
N orthern Vietnam.



Materials exampled: Cao Bang prov.y Tra
Linh distr., Q uoc Toan com m unity, Thang
H en lake, A veryanov et al. VH 4873, 4874
(HN, LE), N guyen Van Du 404 (HN).
Discussion: In the section Pimbriata, 3
species have spathe having d ark cross b m d
at base of spathe lim e as A. ramulosum A.
penicillatum and A. ỉaminatum. A. ramuloìum
distinguished from A. peniciỉlatum by its
spathe tube vvhitish, equal or shorter than
lam ina portion, w ith o u t w hite area betvveen

an d


lam ina.



by its

appendix stout subulate, vvith few sterile

flowers loosely arranged at base and apex

[1] G. G u sm an , A risaem a om k o ien se (Aracea?)/ a
n ew species describ ed from N o rth T h aihnd,
Syst. Geogr. Pl., B clgium 71 (2001) 3.

N g u y ê n V a n D u / V N U Ị o u r n a ỉ o f S cien c e, N a tu r a l S à e n c e s a n d T e c h n o lo g y 2 3 (2 0 0 7 ) 8 6 -9 0


[2] S.J. M ayo ct al., The genera o f Araceae, Kew publ.,
London, Kevv, 1997.

[7] N g u y e n V an Du, T hrce nevv records of the
g enus A risaem a (A raceae) for Flora of V ietnam

(3| F. G agnepain, Araees. Flore Générale de rindỡChine, 6 (1942) 1075.
[4| C.R.W.K. A ld erw ere lt/ N e w o r Notevvorthy
M alayan A raceae 2. Bull. Ịard. Bot. Buitenzorg
ser. 3, 4(1) (1962) 163.
[5] J. M urata, ^ u r n , An A tte m p t a t an Inírageneric
C lassiíication of th e G en u s A risaem a (Araceae).
Faculty Sà. U n i v e r s Tokyo, sect.3, 13 (1984) 431.
[6] Pham H o an g Ho, Araceae. Ịlỉustrations fo r Fỉora of

an d th eir m e d iđ n a l values, Ịournaỉ o f Mat. Med.,

Vietìtam, vol. 3, book. 1 (1993) 416, M ontréal (in

V ietnam ese).

Plate: A risa em a o m k o ie n s e G u sm an
2. Habit; 2. Spíĩthe; 3. Female spadix; 4. Male spadix;
5. variation o f maỉeỊĨoĩvers; 6. Ovary.

7 (2002) 69.
[8] N g u y e n V an D u, O n e nevv species of the genus
A risaem a c. M art. (A raceae) for the Flora of
V ietnam , Ịoum . ofBiol. 26 (2004) 54.
[9] N g u y e n V an Du, p.c. Boyce, T w o N ew Species
of T he G enus A risaem a (Araceae: Arisacmateae)
from Northern Vietnam, Folm Míỉhĩysừtrm 6 (2005) 35.
[10] G. G u sm an , G. Liliane, The genus Arisaema. Publ.
House. A.R. Gantner Verlag Mommanditgeseilschaít
FL. 9491, R uggeỉl. G erm any, 2003.

Pictures: A risa em a ra m u lo su m A lderw
H a b it a n d íem al spadix.
(Photo: N g u y e n V an Du).


N g u y e n V a n D u / V N U Ị o u m a ỉ o f S cie n c e , N a tu r a l S c ie n c e s a n d T e c h n o lo g y 2 3 (2 0 0 7 ) 8 6 -9 0

Mô tả 2 loài mới thuộc chi Arisaema Mart. (Araceae)
cho hệ thực vật Việt Nam

Nguyễn Văn Dư
Viện Sinh thái và Tài nguyên Sinh vật, Viện Kỉtoa học và Công n%hệ Việt Nam
18 Hoàng Quôc Việt, Hà Nội, Việt Nam

Lần đầu tiên 2 loài mới thuộc chi Arisaema được m ô tả cho hệ thực vật Việt N am từ n h ữ ng
m ẫu vật mới thu được gần đây. Đó là Arisaema omkoiense G usm an và A. ramulosum Alderw. Cả 2
loài đều thuộc section Fim briata (dựa theo hệ thông cùa M urata, 1984) với các đặc điếm phiến lá
xẻ 3 thuỳ, phần phụ ít nhiều m ành, không có cuống, ít nhiều có các hoa bâ't thụ dạng sợi.
Trong 2 loài, Arisaema omkoiense G usm an râ't gần với A. petolotii vì bông nạc thư ờng ít nhô ra
khói ông mo, toàn phần phụ được bao phủ bởi các hoa bất thụ. Tuy nhiên nó khác với A. petelotii
vì thường chi m ang 1 lá, không có phần thân giả, nhị có phần Irung đới kéo dài hình dùi, ngắn.
A. ramolusum trước đây chi được biết có ở Inđônêxia 0 av a)/ n ay lại tìm thây ở Việt Nam. Đây
là lần đầu tiên loài này được p hát hiện có ở ngoài khu phân bô' của nó. Loài này râ't gần với các
loài A. ramulosum, A. penicilỉatum and A. lamimtum vì phiên m o đểu có m ột dải m ầu xanh đậm ờ
gô'c. N hưng A. ramulosum phân biệt với A. penicillatum do có ống m o m ầu trắng, dài bằng hoặc
ngắn hơn phiến mo, không có khoảng trắng giữa ông m o và phiến mo. A. ramulosum cũng phân
biệt với A. laminatum do có p hần phụ hình dùi m ập và ít hoa bâ't thụ xếp ớ gôc và đỉnh phần phụ
(hình dùi m ảnh, không có hoa bất thụ ờ A. ỉaminatum).
