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Sở GD & ĐT Thanh Hoá ễN TP THI TT NGHIP THPT NM 2008-2009
Trờng THPT Cẩm thủy 1 Mụn thi: TING ANH - H 3 nm
Thi gian lm bi 60 phỳt
H v tờn: ..................................................................................................................................
Chn t (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) cú phn gch chõn c phỏt õm khỏc vi nhng t cũn li trong mi cõu sau.
1. A. caught B. taught C. daughter D. laughter
2. A. stronger B. younger C. finger D. singer
3. A. glory B. worry C. wonder D. government
4. A. laughed B. contained C. established D. talked
5. A. delights B. tasks C. feelings D. hopes
Chn t/cm t thớch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh mi cõu sau.
6. He wanted to talk to me, but I kept working and refused to listen.
A. on B. up C. in D. at
7. You turn on the light; I can see quite well
A. must B. mustnt C. neednt D. need
8. I bridge with Tom and Ann tonight.
A. play B. plays C. am going play D. am playing
9. You are too young to understand. I it to you when you older.
A. will explain / are B. will explain / will be C. explain / are D. explain / will be
10. He had tried his best; , he didnt pass the exam.
A. so B. therefore C. however D. but
11. The older you grow, you become.
A. wiser B. the wiser C. wisest D. the wisest
12. I dont know how many but it sounds like they have a dozen.
A. children do they have B. do they have children C. children they have D. they have children
13. Can you probably what he has written here?
A. make up B. make out C. make up for D. make with
14. Mrs. Lynn clients phone calls.
A. rarely returns B. returns rarely C. has returned rarely D. rarely had returned
15. Be sure to wash the vegetables thoroughly. A lot of pesticide residue on unwashed produce.
A. can find B. can be finding C. can be found D. can found

16. I didnt know you were asleep. Otherwise, I so much noise when I came in.
A. havent made B. wouldnt make C. wouldnt have made D. wont make
17. No one in English class knew correct answer to Mr. Green question.
A. an / a B. the / the C. an / the D. the / a
18. The secretary didnt know where the meeting was.
A. that talked to B. I talked to C. whom talked to D. to who I talked
19. Why did the boss get angry everyone in the office this morning?
A. to B. with C. in D. about
20. Mary says she doesnt need any help, Ill help her anyway.
A. Because B. Because of C. Even though D. In spite of
Xỏc nh t/cm t cú gch di (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) cn phi sa nhng cõu sau tr thnh chớnh xỏc.
21. When the cat heard a noise in the brushes, she stopped moving and listen intently.
22. Theres nothing original in the film being make in the studio.
23. Football is the only sport which I am really interested in it .
24. You were very rude with Sue at the party. Dont you think you should apologize to her?
25. For make bread, you usually need flour, salt, and yeast .
c k on vn sau v chn phng ỏn ỳng (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) cho mi ch trng t 41 n 45.
School exams are, generally speaking, the first kind of test we take. They find out how much knowledge we have
(26) But do they really show how intelligent we are? After all, isnt it a (27) that some people
who are very successful academically dont have any common sense? Intelligence is the speed at which we can understand
and (28) to new situations and it is usually tested by logic puzzles. Although scientists are now
preparing advanced computer technology that will be able to read our brains. (29), tests are still
the most popular ways of measuring intelligence. A persons IQ is their intelligence as it is measured by a special test. The
most common IQ tests are (30) by Mensa, an organization that was founded in England in 1946. By
1976, it had 1,300 members in Britain.

26. A. fetched B. gained C. attached D. caught
27. A. case B. fact C. circumstances D. truth
28. A. accord B. react C. answer D. alter
29. – A. At this age B. For the present C. At the time D. Now and then
30. – A. appointed B. commanded C. run D. steered
Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi câu từ 46 đến
When I opened the first “Body Shop” in 1976 my only object was to earn enough to feed my children. Today “The
Body Shop” is an international company rapidly growing all around the world. In the years since I began I have learned a
lot. Much of what I have learned will be found in this book, for I believe that we, as a company, have something worth
saying about how to run a successful business without giving up what we really believe in.
It’s not a normal business book, nor is it just about my life. The message is that to succeed in business you have to be
different. Business can be fun, a business can be run with love and it can do well. In business, as in life, I need to enjoy
myself, to have a feeling of family and to fell excited by the unexpected. I have always wanted the people who work for
“The Body Shop” to feel the same way.
Now this book sends these ideas on mine out into the world, makes them public. I’d like to think there are no limits to
our “family”, no limits to what can be done. I find that an exciting thought. I hope you do, too.
31 – What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this text?
A. to introduce her ideas to the reader. B. to tell the reader her life story.
C. to explain how international companies operate. D. to tell the reader how she brought up a family.
32 – What would someone learn from this text?
A. how to make a lot of money. B. how to write a book about business.
C. what the writer’s family is like. D. what the writer’s book is about.
33 – How does the writer feel about the business she runs?
A. She doesn’t care about success if her children are fed. B. She just runs it for her own entertainment.
C. It is not like any other company. D. It is likely to become even more successful.
34 – What kind of workers does the writer like to employ?
A. workers who have the same attitudes as she does. B. workers who get on well with the public.
C. workers who can explain her ideas. D. workers who have their own families.

35 – What kind of person does the writer seem to be?
A. She is mainly interested in making money. B. She doesn’t seem to be very confident.
C. She seems to be someone with strong opinions. D. She sees running a business as just a job.
Chọn câu có cấu trúc đúng và có nghĩa không đổi so với câu dẫn.
36. – They last visited me five years ago.
A. They haven’t visited me during five years. B. They have last visited me since five years ago.
C. They visited me for the last time in five years. D. They haven’t visited me for five years.
37. – I will get home at about seven, and I will give you a ring then.
A. I’ll give you a ring when I get home at about seven. B. I’ll give you a ring when I’ll get home at about seven.
C. I’ll give you a ring and then I get home at about seven. D. I’ll give you a ring after I’ll get home at about seven.
38. – We stayed in this hotel.
A. This is the hotel which we stayed in. B. This is the hotel that we stayed in.
C. This is the hotel we stayed in. D. All are correct.
39. – I am fond of my nephew although he behaves terribly.
A. I am fond of my nephew despite of his terrible behavior. B. I am fond of my nephew in spite of his behaving terribly.
C. I am fond of my nephew in spite of his terrible behavior. D. I am fond of my nephew despite his behaving so terribly.
40. – I can’t find the letter anywhere. I’m sure someone has thrown it away.
A. I can’t find the letter anywhere. It must be thrown away.
B. I can’t find the letter anywhere. It must have been thrown away.
C. I can’t find the letter anywhere. It is sure to have been thrown away.
D. I can’t find the letter anywhere. It was sure to be thrown away.
41. – No one has ever asked me that question before.
A. That question has ever been asked me by no one before. B. That question has never been asked me before by anyone.
C. I haven’t ever been asked that question before. D. I have never been asked that question before.
42. – You should have taken those books to the library.
A. Those books should have been taken to the library. B. Those books should be have taken to the library
C. Those books should have being taken to the library. D. Those books should have been taking to the library.
43. – “Don’t phone me late at night again!” she said.
A. She told me don’t phone her late at night again. B. She told me to not phone her late at night again.
C. She told me not to phone her late at night again. D. She told me shouldn’t phone her late at night again.

44 – Hunger and poverty are worldwide problems. We must find solutions to them.
A. Hunger and poverty are worldwide problems which solutions must be found.
B. Hunger and poverty are worldwide problems to which solutions must be found.
C. Hunger and poverty are worldwide problems that solutions must be found.
D. Hunger and poverty are worldwide problems to that solutions must be found.
45. – People say that he is an intelligent student.
A. It is said that he is an intelligent student. B. He is said to be an intelligent student.
C. It is said to be he is an intelligent student. D. Both A & B are correct.
§Ò thi
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