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Major: Public management
Code: 62 34 04 03
HA NOI, 2017
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1. The thesis’s urgency.
The National Assembly is the highest-level representative organ of the
People, organ of the highest state power of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
At the present, the National Assembly is acting in three areas, including:
legislation, supreme supervision andfundermental decision on the country’s
issue in manner of increasingly democratic, practical and more effective.
However, operations of National Assembly, especially supervision activity, it
hasn’t achieved the desired result. Among those who have supervisory powers,
National Assembly deputies are special subjects, effectiveness of the National
Assembly deputies' supervision activities is a decisive factor for efficiency of
the National Assembly's supervisory activities and bodies of the National
Assembly in general. Only when every deputy participates actively and
effectively in the supervision, achievement and quality of the supervision can be
got by National Assembly and its bodies. In fact, there are still limitations in the
supervision of NA deputies.
Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 2013 regulated new
mechanism of assignment coordination and power control among state agencies
in exercising the legislative, executive, judicial, requirements of integration
period and industrialization and modernization career of the country which have
been set National Assembly of Vietnam to continue improving its effectiveness
and efficiency, in which effectiveness of the supervision of the National
Assembly in general and of every supervisory subject, including members of the
National Assembly must be more improved. This is an urgent and important
requirement in the process of reforming state apparatus, renewing and
completing organization and operation of the National Assembly, in line with
Party's and State's policieson reforming state apparatus to promote right of the
People, to build and complete law-governed Socialist State of Vietnam of the
people, by the people and for the people.
Therefore, it is necessary to build a supervisory mechanism of National
Assembly Deputies which iscompatible with practical conditions in Vietnam
and be closer to common standards of a modern parliament in the world.
Recognizing importance and urgency of the issue, Ph.D Student who is selecting
the topic “Supervisory activities of the National Assembly of Vietnam Deputies"
is the subject of the dissertation.
2. ResearchPurposes and Tasks
The dissertation aims to proposing measures to strengthen supervisory
activities of the National Assembly Deputies in order to satisfy the requirements
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of building a law-governed Socialist State of Vietnam of the people, by the
people, for the people, and of international integration.
Forgoings, the dissertation has the following tasks: assessing theoretical
and practical research related to the supervisory activities of the National
Assembly, the National Assembly Deputies; studying the theoretical views on
supervisory activities of the National Assembly Deputies; evaluating actual
status of the National Assembly Deputies in implementing supervisory
activities, assessing effects of the guarantee factors on supervisory activities of
the National Assembly Deputies; proposing specific renovation ideas and
solutions to strengthen the supervisory activities of the National Assembly
Deputies in a modern, democratic and professional National Assembly.
3. Research Object and Scope
4.1. Research object: The research approaches objects: system of
perspectives, policies and regulations on supervisory activities of National
Assembly Deputies and reality of supervisory activities of National Assembly
Deputies, including full time National Assembly Deputies and concurrent
4.2. Scope of research: The dissertation mainly studies supervisory
activities of National Assembly deputy on activities of law executive agencies in
the tenure of XI to XIV under Law on Organization of the National Assembly,
Law on Supervisory activities of National Assembly and the People's Council,
Law on election of National Assembly Deputy and other related documents.
5. Methodology
5.1. Methodology: The thesis’s methodology is Marxism-Leninism and Ho
Chi Minh Thought; economic, politic, state managementtheories; the Party's
viewpoints and plan on socio-economic development and the renewal of
political system in the transitional period to socialism; Renovation of
organization and operation of the National Assembly, organs of the National
Assembly and the National Assembly deputies.
5.2. Research method
- Document study: collect, gather, analyze information and data on research
objects and within scope of research. The method is conducted when Chapter 1,
Chapter 2, Chapter 3 of the thesis are studied.
- Practical survey method: PhD student has combined qualitative and
quantitative research with sociological investigations to collect necessary
information on study issues. Opinions of National Assembly deputies (tenure
XIII) on the contents has been got. The methodology is mainly presented in
Chapter 3, as a practical basis for assessing the strengths, limitations and causes
of the current situation on supervisory activities of National Assembly Deputies.
- Typical case study: some cases, specific practice on supervisory activities
of National Assembly Deputies, for instance.
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- Predictive research method: is presented in Chapter 4 of the thesis to
propose viewpoints and solutions to enhance supervisory activities of National
Assembly deputies in coming time.
5. New contributions
Theorically, the thesis has systematically discussed theoretical issues of
supervisory activities of National Assembly Deputies, in which concepts,
characteristics and meaning of supervisory activities of National Assembly
Deputies; concepts, and the guarantee, factors of supervisory activities of
National Assembly Deputies. Practically, the thesis has used qualitative and
quantitative study to assess the current implementation status of supervisory
activities of National Assembly Deputies, current guarantees on supervisory
activities of National Assembly Deputies, and based on that proposals are made
to strengthen supervisory activities of National Assembly Deputies. In which
three fundamental factors have a strong impact supervisory activities of National
Assembly Deputies including: legislative basis, political basis and the
supervisory capacity of the NA deputies.
6. Structure
In addition to introduction, conclusion, the thesis structures 4 chapters:
Chapter 1:Overview about the research and discussions in the thesis.
Chapter 2: Scientific basis on supervisory activities of National Assembly
Chapter3: Status of supervisory activities and guarantee for supervisory
activities of National Assembly of Vietnam.
Chapter 4: Viewpoints and measures to strengthen supervisory activities of
National Assembly deputies
Research Overview
In the world, many studies on supervisoryactivities of parliament and
parliamentarianswas conducted. In general, the studies provided a fairly
standard theory system of supervisory activities of parliament; including concept
of supervision, parliamentary autonomy, criteria of a parliamentary democracy
and effective supervision, supervising tools, and effective supervision
organization experience in new democracies ... These are useful comparisons to
assess practice and proposed recommendations for the thesis.
In our nation, previous researches have highlighted and clarified some issues
that the Ph.D. Student can inherit, namely, the legal status of supervisory
activities, role of National Assembly deputies, the general concept of
supervisory activity of National Assembly, legislative mechanism of supervisory
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activity, some comments, and evaluation on the questionnaires to National
Assembly Deputy; solution for completing, enhancing specialized activities of
National Assembly Deputy and improving guarantee condition of supervisory
activities of National Assembly deputy in the field. However, regarding
supervisory activities of National Assembly deputy, these previous study,
authors didn’t concern capacity of National Assembly deputy such as:
qualification, prestige, skill, motivation of the supervisory activities; didn’t
analyze basic political background to create the political will for National
Assembly Deputy in the supervisory activity; didn’t compare achievements and
limitations in supervisory activities of different deputies and not propose
comprehensive solutions for the most important things to ensure the supervisory
activities of National Assembly Deputy: legal foundation- politic willsubjective capacity so that National Assembly Deputy could supervise
1.2. Research issues
Firstly, the dissertation is studying in depth, analyze the concept and
characteristics of supervisory activities of NA Deputies; purpose, significance of
supervisory activities in public administration, state power control and
representative role of the NA Deputies.
Secondly, the dissertation is going to study and assess the actual situation of
supervisory activity of National Assembly Deputies in special activities;
Conclusion on conditions in order that National Assembly Deputy can
effectively implement supervisory activities is made from these analysis and
reality assessment.
Thirdly, the dissertation will also analyze and clarify status of necessary
guarantee for NA Deputies to conduct effective supervision.
Fourthly, the research clarifies conditions of a democratic, modern
parliamentary with effective supervision and professional operation.
Fifthly, based on theoretical study, assessment on reasons of practical
status, the dissertation shall propose suitable orientation and develop measures
to solve these reasons, to enhance supervisory activities and guarantee for
supervisory right of National Assembly Deputy.
2.1. Concept of supervisory activity
2.1.1. Definition of supervisory and operation right of National Assembly
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Supervisory right of National Assembly of Vietnam originates from
supervisory right of internal organs of the National Assembly, including
National Assembly Standing Committee, National Council, National Assembly
Commitees, NA delegations and NA Deputies. It can be defined that supervisory
right of NA Deputies is to monitor, review and evaluate activities of central
State agencies and individuals elected and adopted by the National Assembly in
compliance with constitutions and laws in order to protect legitimate rights and
interests of citizens and ensure the feasibility of policies, law issued by the
National Assembly. The supervisionright of the NA Deputy is concretized by
supervisory activities. It is the National Assembly Deputies that raise question,
supervise law document, execution of law in the locality and settlement of
complaints, denunciations and petitions of citizens to follow up, review,
assesment of those duties for supervised subjects.
2.1.2. Characteristics of supervisory activities of National Assembly
The supervisory activity of NA Deputies has some following
characteristics: it is implemented by only competent individual subjects under
National Assembly’s structure; be powerful activity of the State; with large
scope and supervision subjects and the supervisory activities of National
Assembly Deputy is reaching to politic duty other than legal duty.
2.1.3. Meaning of supervisory activity of National Assembly Deputy.
- Supervision to excercise representative role: National Assembly Deputy
conducts supervision activities because of request, pressure from voters' will and
desire to protect their legitimate rights and interests of voters, as well as meet
requirements of voter who elects us.
- Supervision to contribute State power control: as a supervising subject,
National Assembly Deputy attends to monitor, review and check excercising
power of State agencies to ensure that the agencies’authority are controlled
within the constitutional framework.
- Supervision to contribute to public administration:National Assemby
Deputy monitors, reviews, assesses activities of administrative individual,
organizations to detect, prevent adverse action againts Law ofState
administrative agencies, State officials and civil servants aiming at perfecting
the State administration, legal control, guarantee and discipline in public
- Supervision to supplement the legislature: Through the supervisory
activity, National Assembly Deputy collects support information for legislative
activities and test of law application adopted by the National Assembly to more
amendment and supplementation if necessary.
2.2. Classification of NA Deputy’s supervisory activity.
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There are many different ways to classify supervisory activities upon to
criteria basis. Based on timing criteria, the supervisory activity can be divided
into pre-check and post-check supervisory activity. But based on location, it can
be classified into internal and external NA supervisory activity.
According to Vietnamese law, NA Deputy exercises the following
supervisory activities: raise questions, supervise legal documents, law
enforcement in the locality; Supervise settlement of complaints, denunciations
and petitions of citizens. In the scope of this dissertation, Ph.D student is
analyzing the supervisory activity of National Assembly Deputies based on law
2.3. Guarantee on the supervisory activity of NA Deputies
Guarantee on the supervisory activity of NA’s deputies is the overall
condition by which NA Deputies can excercise the supervisory activity
effectively and on purpose set forth. These are the basically important factors to
decide implementation and effectiveness of the supervisory activity of NA’s
deputies, including legal basis, political basis (the Party’s leadership, election
mechanism, organization of state apparatus and National Assembly...) and
supervision capacity of NA Deputies (including qualification, pretige of the
deputies as well as their supervisory skills).
2.4. Supervisory activity of some members of parliament in the world and
reference for Vietnam.
-Parliamentarians' supervisory activity in some countries in the world:
Questioning and supervising settlement of complaints and denunciations of
voters are main supervision of parliamentarians in countries. In particular,
supervising settlement of complaints and denouncement of voters is often
regarded as an activity to exercise representative role of parliamentarians and
they seriously concern, spend their own time and energy to perform.
Interpellation acitivity is divided into a number of specific forms: interpellation,
question-and-answer, pre-set question, surprising question, hearing, written
- As a reference for Vietnam: diversify forms of contact with voters to
collect voters' opinions and aspirations, help voters exercise their rights to make
complaints and denunciations; Parliamentarians will be staffed with great help
and effective use of the media in the supervisory activity; In order to avoid
conflict of interest in the supervisory activity, countries don't let parliamentarian
in cum of positions in the executive or judicial apparatus or state budget owned
Chapter 3:
3.1. Status of supervisory activity of National Assembly Deputies.
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3.1.1. Interpellation activity
Interpellation is a key supervisory activity exercised by the National
Assembly's Deputy as the name of independent supervisory subjects. At present,
number of questions from National Assembly deputy is increasing in meeting
terms; the length of interpellation meeting in each term is also extended as
requested by National Assembly Deputy. However, there is an unequal
distribution of interpellation between full-time and concurrent National
Assembly's Deputies; among concurrent National Assembly Deputy in different
occupations and majors. In particular, there are overwhelming number of fulltime NAdeputiesagainst concurrent NA Deputy; number of deputies working for
the Fatherland Front at all levels, associations and organizations tended to
question more, then National Assembly's Deputy from universities, training
institutions, hospitals, also the number of entrepreneurs is quite large compared
to its force in National Assembly's deputy.
Regarding to quality, the Deputies raise mostly question about urgent
issues, which ask respondents to explain the cause, propose solutions and
commit to implement. National Assembly Deputies are more interested in
approaching to, pursuing the content questioned in the meeting conference,
which have been answered by the Minister on the settlement direction or
promised to resolve, leading to the supervisory activity will increasingly have a
positive impact on the practical life. How to organize interpellation activities at
the National Assembly forum is also renewed in the way of promoting direct
question-answer, enhancing discussion and debate on the forum. The Deputies
also begin to concern right of petitioning after interpellation, in which the right
to recommend the establishment of an interim committee to investigate some
particular issues.
However, it has some certain limitation in quality of questions, sending
pre-interpellation makes the assessment of National Assembly Deputies on
respondentsnot really accurate; some questions of the Deputies are not clear,
while the real urgent issues aren't answered properly by National Assembly
Deputies. In addition, the issue of "post-interpellation" has many "gaps", related
to responsibilities and efficiency of duty performance of Ministers which have
been mentioned but not solved finally. In addition, interpellation power of the
NA deputies is limited by the fact that the National Assembly Standing
Committee determines different interpellation contents, respondents at each
meeting of National Assembly Standing Committee.
3.1.2. Supervisory activity in law document
Supervisory activity in law document of National Assembly Deputy is
considered to be separate supervisory activity in law (such as: interpellation
activity, supervise settlement of complaints, denunciations of voters etc.), is
rarely organized independently and regularly but rather together with another
supervisory activities or connect to other supervisory activity. Even when
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National Assembly deputies participate in supervising law document with other
subjects (members of the delegation of NA Deputy, NA's committees, the
National Assembly Standing Committee), which is also not a regular and
effective activity.
3.1.3. Supervisory activity in law implementation
NA's Deputies have not been active in developing and deploying the
supervisory activity program forlaw implementation in the locality. When it is
implemented, this activity coincides with the supervisory scope, contents, forms
with those by delegation of NA Deputies, People's Councils and Deputy of
People's Councils at all levels. In addition, Law just stipulates its jurisdiction but
no measures to help National Assembly Deputy exercise their powers more
effectively and favorably.
3.1.4. Supervisory activity in settlement of complaints, denunciations and
petitions of citizens
At present, majority of National Assembly Deputy has only forwarded the
application and sent the letter to urge the settlement, while the following up at
the end of that issue is less done. In addition, the way to carry out the
supervisory activity in addressing voters' complaints, denunciations and
petitionsare mainly by listening to reports but rather deep investigation on its
accuracy and legality; Very few cases are considered, evaluated, recommended,
followed up to the end of case to clarify responsibilities of competent agencies
of complaint and denunciation settlement, protect legitimate rights and interests
of people.
3.2. Actual status of guarantees in supervisory activity of National
Assembly's Deputies.
3.2.1.Political guarantee
The political guarantees have contributed to create a strong political
position for National Assembly’s Deputies, especially full time deputies in
charge of supervision, in which popular election with a high percentage of
voters, in compliance with law regulation on elections, election area with
sufficient representative deputies, and results considered and published in
accordance with the process ... has brought a position " people-elected deputy "
for National Assembly Deputies. At the same time, National Assembly is
determined as the "highest power State organ," with "supreme supervisory
authority" for the State acvitities, which is the confirmation of the special
importance of the National Assembly, NA's Deputies, creating the "top down"
supervisory position of the subject for the whole operation of the state apparatus.
In addition, privilege of the NA Deputies also assist these Deputies necessary
guarantees to carry out supervisory activities.
However, political foundations have not helped the deputies to create the
independent political position and strength needed for supervisory acivities of
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National Assembly Deputies: Firstly, election regime has had a great impact on
establishment of political positions of National Assembly Deputies. By
establishing a "hard" structure, the National Assembly component, the electoral
campaign is kind of procedures, making elected deputies depend much on
voters, which fails to create social motivation and pressure to the supervisory
activity for the sake of voters; voters also aren’t in condition to understand and
select talented deputies as their representative. Even election administration unit
-based classification has some certain benefits for election, NA Deputies seem to
represent for locality’s benefit instead of nation’s in supervisory activities.
Secondly, leadership of the Party sometimes isn’t still flexible with issues
related to senior personnel after supervisory and interpellation activity. National
Assembly is organized unprofessionally (about 70% of National Assembly’s
Deputies is concurrent ones and many of them are working for administrative
agencies, specialized and justice bodies, so they are facing to many difficulties
in exercising their full right in supervisory activity). “Duality” position which is
both supervisory subject and supervisory object, restrict independent position of
Deputies, making National Assembly Deputies not be in political position
corresponding to legal position under law in supervisory activity. Thirdly,
National Assembly Deputies have not yet recognized privilege of their speeches,
so they still hesitate to express their opinions in protecting voters’ interest in
case of minority opinions.
3.2.2. Guarantee on legality:
Current provisions on supervisory activities of National Assembly Deputies
are basically institutionalized the Party’s views on the promotion of
representative democracy, organization renovation and mode of operation of the
National Assembly in the process of developing and finishing rule of law based
country, in particular Constitution 2013 which inherited advanced, superior
provisions in previous ones,its contents on supervisory authority and supervisory
procedures of National Assembly’s deputies are quite sufficient. The document
system is presented in relatively consistent and uniform manner in
manyrespects; in accordance with the constitution provisions. This is one of
material reasons leading to achievements in supervisory activity of National
Assembly and of NA’s deputies in the past few years.
However, legal guarantee on supervisory activities of National
Assembly’s deputies is gradually being completed even some limitations:
authority of National Assembly Deputies still quite large, which isn’t really
suitable with characteristics of National Assembly of Vietnam which holds with
70% concurrent deputies who have main jobs cum National Assembly Deputy
position, so they just spend about 30% their time for NA Deputy’s activities (
supervise all activities of central and local state bodies); supervisory activities of
National Assembly Deputies are classified unreasonably and not followed with
any criteria, leading to the supervisory activities have its name sometimes, but
rarely implemented by National Assembly Deputies. Some difficult supervisory
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activities are not in a supervisory form of National Assembly Deputies such as:
law document, implementation of law in locality.
3.2.3.Supervisory capacity of NA’s Deputies.
Capacity of the NA Deputies, including their qualifications, prestige, skills
and some other supporting conditions, should have been improved, which are
one of the important reasons for success of the NA Deputies in supervisory
activities, especially in interpellation activities which can be increasingly
strengthened in both quantity and quality.
However, there is high proportion of National Assembly Deputies with
higher education, but some of NA Deputies are still missing basic knowledge on
general principles of law and institutions, procedures of operation of the
National Assembly, including the supervisory procedure. Many National
Assembly Deputies lack supervision skills, especially the first half of the term
for Deputies who join the National Assembly in the first time. Besides, many
NA Deputies have not built their image and prestige in the front of voters
because their supervisory activities are not effective, because of breach of
dismissal law... Only qualification and skill for effective supervision, the NA
Deputies can have the trust, authorization from the People to communicate their
wills and desires.
4.1. Point of view of NA Deputies in supervisory activity
- Improving supervisory activities of NA Deputies is complied with the
Party’s point of view which is completing the socialist rule-of-law state and Ho
Chi Minh's thought in building the state of the people, by the people and for the
people. Specially point of view “completing NA election regime to select and
vote really typical persons joining to NA; “improving operation quality of NA
Deputies” and building NA of Vietnam to gather great power of the great
national unity block which is the constitutional and legislative body the country
to exercise democracy so that all levels of People can participate in the country
- Improving supervisory activities of NA Deputies must be complied with
international point of view in building a democracy and effective supervision
National Assembly. Our National Assembly of Vietnam is increasingly
improved in line with the general principle, norms of parliaments in countries to
operate more and more democratically and effectively. In the general context,
the supervisory activities of NA Deputies need to be more scientifically,
professionally exercised, and more substantive to transparency and
democratization of all activities of state agencies.
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- National Assembly Deputies should focus on supervising the
Government's activities. In the executive system, the government is the highest
level and the only one that has not been clarified accountability regime. Under
the Government, Ministries, branches and localities are responsible to the
Government through tools of inspection, checking and reporting. If the National
Assembly and National Assembly Deputies supervise agencies under the
government and localities, the supervisory function of the National Assembly
with the government inspection and examination institutions is overlapping. In
addition, National Assembly’s deputies should not supervise function of judicial
bodies because these bodies operate in a separate legal process (procedural
process), comply with the independent principle and only law.
- Personal responsibility of the NA Deputies in the supervisory activities
should be strengthened. National Assembly Deputies should make good use of
their supervisory powers and tools to carry out high quality and effective
supervisory activities. At the same time, voters should have close supervision
mechanism for National Assembly’s supervisory activities in order to create
motivation and pressure for the NA Deputies to act as their representatives,
including supervisory activities.
- Strengthening the supervisory activity of National Assembly is based on
overcoming limitations in the supervisory activities of National Assembly and
National Assembly Deputy over the past time, ensuring profession and
transparency in the supervisory activity.
4.2. Enhancement measures for the supervisory activities of NA’s
4.2.1. Solutions on politic guarantee. Continuously reform the Party's leadership method: the party
needs to lead from internal National Assembly. The National Assembly party
delegation should be given absolute authority to act the Party to direct
organization and operation of the National Assembly. At the same time, number
of Party members in the National Assembly should be considers for more
reasonable numbers, number of non-party members in National Assembly
should be increased in order that number of deputies who are party members
always occupy the majority to institutionalize the party’s policy and path into
the State law and highly supervise all activities of state agencies, but not
necessarily the absolute majority. Renovate election mechanism of the National Assembly’s deputiesIt
is necessary to change concept of representative ability to have more appropriate
policy for determining the component and structure of NA Deputies and to
select qualified Deputies who are passionate for NA’s activities; increase the
number of delegates introduced by the central government in order to solve
interest conflict between the central and local in the supervisory activity.
Improve dependence on voters in elections as to create motivation and social
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pressure on the NA's deputies in the supervisory activities, thus helping the NA
Deputies to better understand their role of representation and clearer orientation
of supervision for the purpose of voter interest. Reform concurrent regime of National Assembly: the concurrent
regime of NA’s Deputies need to solve interest conflictsof overlapping
relationships between the supervisory subjects and supervisory objects. It is not
appropriate to letparliamentarians in cum positions in the administrative and
judicial apparatus, state budget owned enterprises, encourage specialists to work
in research institutes and educational institutions, social organizations… In
addition, proportion of National Assembly Deputies in charge must account for
51% or more, it means that the number of independent Deputies who spend
100% of their time for the operation of National Assembly must occupy the
majority in the National Assembly. Enhance relationship between NA Deputies-Voters: Every
National Assembly’s Deputies has to change both awareness and ways of
working to get closer to people, to fully grasp their thoughts and aspirations, to
protect the rights and legitimate interests of the people; At the same time,
specify regulations, procedures and conditions for voters to exercise their right
to dismiss National Assembly Deputies while these Deputies haven’t been
trusted by voters anymore.
4.2.2. Solutions on legal guarantees. Modification of regulation on the supervisory scope of National
Assembly deputies: it is necessary to more clearly and reasonably define
supervisory scope of National Assembly Deputies who are: state administrative
agencies at the central level, and state in the laws on related matters. Amendment in regulation on supervisory activites of NA Deputies.
- Interpellation activity: Strengthening of interpellation meeting for
National Assembly deputies to ask questions directly (unannounced questions);
normalize argument procedures at the forum of National Assembly, the
Standing Committee of the National Assembly, and other committees of the
National Assembly, ensure that the National assembly can exercise the
debating right at all interrogations, explanations and other supervisory
- Regarding supervising of legal norm and documents: Legal norm and
documents on law enforcement in localities shouldn’t be regulated only
independent supervisory activity of NA Deputies but rather one step in the
process, combined with other supervisory activity or assigning to other objects.
- Supervising settlement of complaints, denunciations and petitions of
citizens: It is necessary to diversify forms to contact with voters in order to
collect their opinions and proposals; strictly adhere to the process of receiving,
handling and responding to petitions, letters of people; accompany with people
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until the case is resolved properly under law; effectively use public opinion,
media, television and social networks for the supervisory activity.
- Supervising law enforcement in locality: it is proposed that supervising
law enforcement in locality shouldn’t be considered as independent supervision
that NA Deputies only combine with implementation of other supervisory
4.2.3. Solutions on improving capacity of NA Deputies. Improving qualification of NA Deputies:qualification of NA
Deputies, including the educational qualification (professional qualifications)
and knowledge of parliament, institutional principles… should be improved
from input source of NA Deputy and trained by training and communication
programs suitable for different subjects. Improving the prestige of the NA Deputies: In addition to
improving the deputies’ qualification, NA Deputies must do very well the
things that people have trusted and sent to Deputies. At the same time, the NA
Deputies should have a strategy to build image of the NA Deputies in the
performance process of the Deputies. Improving supervision skills of National Assembly Deputies: It is
necessary to pay attention to increase number of deputies to be re-elected, at
the same time, to enhance the skill training for the NA Deputies and to foster
general skills such as skill of communication, negotiation; skills of contact
with the press, media, voters; information analysis and evaluation; speech and
debate; decision-making; planning, work organization ... Besides, it should be
focused on special supervision skill groups such as interpellationskills;
supervisory skill in settlement of complaints, denunciations and petitions of
citizens; in areas of expertise, for example, budget monitoring; Skills for
some special groups: Deputy from ethnic groups, female Deputy, concurrent
Deputy… Guarantee on information and other support resources for
National Assembly deputies in supervisory activities: In order that information
of supervisory activity is useful and effective for NA Deputies, objectivity,
accuracy, details and punctuality must be ensured. In addition, the information
needs to be processed (not raw information) by the system of research to provide
reference information for National Assembly’s and assisting apparatus of the
National Assembly Deputies. Furthermore, National Assembly Deputy can
superviseeffectively by increasing financial resources for the supervisory
activity and arrange assistants for the NA Deputies.
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Topic “Supervisory activities of Vietnam NA Deputies” have been
conducted in the context that the National Assembly has gone through a seventy
years of establishment and growth, gradually creating a firm position in the
people's hearts, non-stop development and strength to confirm role and position
the highest representative organ of the people, the highest powerful state organ
of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The National Assembly has also made
great achievements in implementing legislative functions, making decision
onvital issues of the country and supreme supervision. At the end of term XIII,
the supervisory activity was assessed as being "focused, main point, democratic,
open and accountableon the pressing issues of life, reflecting thoughts and
aspirations of the people, promoting implementation of the Constitution, laws
and resolutions of the National Assembly, strengthening the socialist
legislation”. It can be said that, in past time, the National Assembly is the
leading institution in the process of innovation and democratization of our
country. The achievements are tremendous while challenges faced by NA are
not small. One of challenges from operation quality of the most fundamental
component of NA is NA Deputies.
In the context, the research topic is aimed at developing a new scientific
basis, new thinking and approach to the activities of National Assembly deputies
in general and supervisory activities of National Assembly deputies in
particular, contributing to enhancement of the central role of National Assembly
deputies in implementing the functions of the National Assembly; Studying and
proposing solutions to enhance the supervisory activities of the National
Assembly deputies in the context of building a country of rule of law and
international integration, step by step introducing the National Assembly
deputies and the National Assembly of Vietnam to step into specialized
The thesis has made certain contributions to theory and practice, namely:
firstly, the concept, characteristics, purpose and classification of supervisory
activities of National Assembly Deputies have been built and interpreted;
Concept and role of guaranteefactors for the supervisory activities of National
Assembly deputies are necessary and sufficient conditions, which are an
important basis to improve quality and efficiency of the National Assembly
deputies' supervision; secondly, analyze and evaluate the practice, including
positive impacts on supervision objects and its limitations and shortcomings in
implementation of specific supervisions by National Assembly deputies such as
questioning and supervision on legal norm, documents, law enforcement in
localities, settlement of complaints, denunciations and petitions of citizens;
status of supervision guarantee of NA Deputies, including: politics, legislation
and supervision capacity of NA Deputies; Thirdly,on the basis of theoretical and
practical analysis, the thesis proposes orientation views and solutions to ensure
the implementation of higher quality and effeciency in supervisory activities of
the National Assembly deputies. At the same time, a number of issues need to be
further studied, including the possibility to assign competent court to make
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decision on right of constitutionality, legality and consistency of law system,
norm in our country.
National Assembly Deputies are representatives and on behalf of the
people to formulate, promulgate and supervise the implementation of the
country's socio-economic development policies and protect the legitimate rights
and interests of the people. In the present period, the renovation in organization
and operation of NA in general, in which supervisory activities of NA under the
Party's policy on building a socialist law-governed State is an important
orientation in the Party's view to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the
National Assembly’s activities.
This is also a content which clarify organization direction of the state
apparatus in accordance with the Ho Chi Minh thought in building and
developing a NA that converges all great power of national unity group, be a
constitutional and legislative body of the country, exercises democracy, ensures
all classes of people participate in the management of the country. I hope that
the research output will have positive contribution to build a Vietnam National
Assembly with more effective and professional activities.
1. Nguyen Thi Mai Thoa, Authoriy and responsibilites of National
Assembly Deputies in supervisory activity,Journal of Political Science, Ho Chi
Minh National Political Academy No. 7/2016
2. Nguyen Thi Mai Thoa, completing legislation on supervisory activities
of National Assembly Deputies, (Chairperson) Scientific research thesis at basic
level, Office of the National Assembly, August 2016.
3. Nguyen Thi Mai Thoa, Supervisory activity of parliamentarian in
settlement of complaints and denunciations of citizens in some contries, Journal
of Legislative Studies Review, Legislature Studies Institute No. 23, session 1,
December 2016.
4. Book: National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,
inheritance, innovation and development - published by National Political Truth,
2016 (participating in the compilation).
5.Book: Introductions on Japanese Parliament and its assistance
apparatus - Office of the National Assembly, 2017 (co-editor).
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