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/> Revision
TEST 1 I. Choose one word whose underlines part is pronounced differently.
1. A. servant B. her C. very D. verse
2. A. ago B. ashame C. apple D. again
3. A. broken B. cot C. note D. code
4. A. burn B. turn C. curl D. during
5. A. steak B. meal C. meat D. leaf
II. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different.
6. A. population B. solidarity C. difficulty D. nationality
7. A. destroy B. carry C. repeat D. become
8. A. reference B. capacity C. enjoyment D. extinction
9. A. butcher B. ecologist C. chemist D. physicist
10. A. hotel B. factory C. hospital D. library
11. He is always willing to give other people what he has. He is very _________.
A. selfish B. mean C. generous D. energetic
12. The storm caused a lot of damages _________ our crops and houses.
A. to B. for C. on D. x
13. The number of unemployed people ___ for the last ten years. A.were increasing
B. is increasing C. has been increasing D. have been increasing
14. A number of people _________ in the earthquake in Indonesia last week.
A. had been injured B. were injured C. was injured D. injured
15. My house is the one ________ door is green.
A. which B. that C. of which D. where
16 The man _____ a Rolls – Royce is a famous film star.
A. to drive B. driven C. drives D. driving
17. The man ___ has a big scar on his face. A. whom the police is looking for
B. whom the police looks for C. the police are looking for D. who love her
18. He went to Paris _________ he studied architecture.
A. which B. that C. when D. where
19. Last summer we paid a visit to Beijing _________ is the capital of China.

A. which B. who C. what D. where
20. I can play ________ the guitar nor table tennis.
A. either B. neither C. both D. none
21. Charles Dicken had to live in prison with his family when he was small, ________?
A. hadn’t he B. wasn’t he C. did he D. didn’t he
22. It was we that were the last ________ our office yesterday afternoon.
A. to leave B. leaving C. left D. leave
23. Both Son and Vinh like English. __________ of them likes literature.
A. None B. Neither C. Either D. Both
24. Shut the door, ________?
/>A. don’t you B. won’t you C. do you D. will you
25. I am your friend, _____ I ? A. am not B. am C. aren’t D. do
26. Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom, __________?
A. are they B. isn’t it C. aren’t they D. is it
27. We would rather __________ slaves.
A. dying to being B. to die than to be C. die than be D. die to be
28. If you ________ 5 minutes earlier, you would have met her.
A. came B. come C. had come D. had came
29. Let’s share our happiness and unhappiness together, __________?
A. don’t we B. shall we C. do we D. shan’t we
30. The workers of this factory often complain ________ their bad working conditions
and low salary. A. for B. at C. about D. to
31. It ___ that our scientists will find cure for serious diseases such as cancer and AIDs
some day. A. was thought B. is believing C. said D. is believed
32. It was at this time yesterday that I __________ in my office.
A. worked B. would be working C. was working D. had worked
33. Our new products are ____________ friendly.
A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally D. environmentalist
34. His suits used to __________ by a famous taior.

A. being made B. making C. be making D. be made
35. When I got home I found the letter she ________ to me on the table.
A. wrote B. writes C. had written C. was writing
36. You can hardly answer this question, _______________?
A. can’t you B. can you C. do you D. will you
37. Neither she nor I ________ responsible for that. It isn’t our duty.
A. are B. is C. am D. have
38. I didn’t remember her birthday. That’s the reason _________ she doesn’t want to
speak to me. A. which B. that C. how D. why
39. The spoon was so hot that I ____ it. A. was able to touch B. couldn’t touch
C. haven’t been able to touch D. couldn’t have touched
40. It is _________ an interesting film that I have seen it three times.
A. such B. so C. quite D. very
41. It was Peter who ____________ us the money.
A. lends B. is lending C. lent D. lend
42. It was _________ that the police saw entering the bank yesterday afternoon.
A. he B. him C. his D. whom
43. It is ___ that can speak 6 languages in our office.
A. he B. him C. his D. her
44. He has made great __________ to the environmental protection.
A. contribution B. progress C. helpful D. plan
45. He thinks horror films are _____________.
A. amuse B. amused C. amuses D. amusing
/>46. Never before ____ to accept a bribe. A. I had been asked
B. they had asked me C. had I been asked D. I had asked
47. Not until she had left me ________ how much I loved her.
A. I realized B. do I realize C. did I realized D. did I realize
48. I admire him ___ for his wisdom ___ for his kindness. A. neither / nor
B. either / or C. not only / but also D. neither/ none

49. The killer ___ immediately or he _____ more people. A. needs finding / kills
B. must find / will be killed C. must be found / will kill D. may be found / will kill
50. I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer, _____________?
A. will they B. do I C. won’t they D. do they
A festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. This festival is a cheerful occasion,
for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the
living. As they are (51) _ to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them.
Specially – made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way.
All night long, people dance and sing. In the early morning, the food that had been laid out
for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered (52)_ for anyone living
to eat it. In towns (53) _ are near the sea, the tiny lanterns which had been hung in the
streets the night before, are placed into the water (54)_ the festival is over. Thousands of
lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world.
This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore (55)_ the lanterns
drifting away until they can be seen no more.
51. A. expecting B. expected C. expectation D. to expect
52. A. unlucky B. lucky C. luckily D. unluck
53. A. where B. that C. who D. when
54. A. where B. which C. who D. when
55. A. looking B. seen C. watching D. make
WRITING 56. The ladder which I was standing began to slip.
57. That is your house, isn’t that?
56. A driver whom has knocked someone down must stop.
59. He never tells a lie. He is a dishonest man.
60. The rich has a lot of ways to spend their money.
61. I prefer listening to music than playing chess.
62. Neither of the three men knows her name.
63. It was we that the guide showed round the ancient town.
64. It was we that want to see the hotel manager.

65. Only my improving our equipment we can increase our production.
66. You can send the report by fax or you can send it by email.
A. You can send the report neither by fax nor by email.
B. You can send the report either by fax nor by email.
C. You can send the report either by fax or by email.
D. You can send the report by no means.
/>67. People think that he is living abroad.
A. It was thought that he is living abroad. B. He is thought to live abroad.
C. He is thought to have lived abroad. D. He is thought to be living abroad.
68. We ordered wine, not beer.
A. It is wine, not beer that we ordered. B. It was wine, not beer what we ordered.
C. It was wine that we ordered, not beer. D. It was wine which we order, not beer.
69. We must be back before midnight; otherwise we’ll be locked out.
A. If we are not back by midnight we will be locked out.
B. If we are back before midnight we’ll be locked out.
C. If we were not back at midnight we would be locked out.
D. If we hadn’t been back by midnight we would have been locked out.
70. I gave the contract to the secretary herself on May 12
A. It was May 12
that I gave the contract to the secretary herself.
B. It was the contract to which I gave the secretary herself on May 12
C. It was the secretary that was given the contract to on May 12

D. It was me who gave the contract to the secretary herself on May 12
71. The old woman is weeping sorrowfully because her son died in the storm.
A. The old woman is weeping sorrowfully whose son died in the storm.
B. The old woman who has son died in the storm is weeping sorrowfully.
C. The old woman whose son died in the storm is weeping sorrowfully.
D. The old woman is weeping sorrowfully due to her son died in the storm.
72. He hasn’t got a job and he hasn’t got a house, either.
A. He hasn’t got either a job or a house. B. He hasn’t got either a jopb nor a house.
C. He has got either a job or a house. D. He has got either a job nor a house.
73. I won’t leave here until you come.
A. Not until you come will I leave here. B. As soon as you come I won’t leave here.
C. I will leave here before you come. D. If you don’t come here I will leave.
Galileo was one of the first modern scientists. He was (1) _ in Pisa, Italy, in 1564. At first he
studied philosophy. But (2)_ he studied mathematics and astronomy. He was very
interested (3)_ the way the earth and other planets move around the sun. He found out
several important (4)__ about our world. He also started a new way of working in science.
Galileo is famous (5)_ his study of how things fall. He was the first person to (6)__
experiments about this problem. Before him, people thought that heavy things always fell
faster (7) _ light things. He found out that this was not true. He took a heavy ball and a light
ball and he (8)_ them both from a high place. They fell (9)_ the same speed. This meant that
weight is not important. This is the law of falling bodies . It is an important law for (10) _ our
world. 1.a.burned b.known c.bored d.born
2.a.later b.latter c.late d.latest
3.a.with b.in c.on d.at
4.a.news b.information c.facts d.thought
5.a.with b.about c.in d.for
6.a.work b.do c.make d.build
7.a.than b.then c.as d.with

8.a.took b.dropped c.stopped d.topped
9.a.in b.with c.at d.on
10.a. making b.understanding c.dropping d.falling
/>TEST 2
I- Make the correct choice :
1/ I must thank the people _______ I got a present
a. from whom b. from that c. from who d. who
2/ The people _______ house we visited were nice.
a. who b. whom c. whose d. that
3/ The town _______ I grew up is small.
a. in which b. where c. in where d. a&b are correct
4/ Yesterday I ran across an old friend _______ I hadn’t seen for years.
a. with whom b. whom c. for whom d. to whom
5/ 1960 is the year _______ the revolution took place.
a. when b. on which c. in that d. where
6/ Martin, _______ mother is Spanish, speaks both Spanish and English.
a. his b. who c. that d. whose
7/ Yesterday at a restaurant, I _______ Pam , an old friend of mine.
a. had seen b. have seen c. saw d. see
8/ I haven’t seen her _______ years.
a. in b. with c. since d. for
9/ At first, I didn’t recognize her because she _______ many pounds.
a. loses b. had lost c. is losing d. will lose
10/ It _______ us two hours to finish the work.
a. spent b. got c. took d. made
11/ He _______ playing football five years ago.
a. started b. has started c.is starting d.had started
12/ Those letters _______ by 5 o’clock.
a. must have finished b.must be finishing c.must finish d.must be finished

13/ _______ driving too fast, he caused a serious accident.
a. With b. Because of c. Despite d. In spite of
14/ Better methods of refrigeration _______ on engineers.
a. depend b. spend c. expend d. impend
15/ It is very kind _______ you to help me ?
a. to b. for c. with d. of
16/ What is the reason _______ your absence ?
a. for b. why c. with d. to
17/ I’m very proud _______ my father.
a. with b. for c. of d. in
18/ Are you good _______ repairing cars ?
a. for b. to c. with d. at
19/ _______ he had done his homework, he went to bed.
a. Before b. After c. If d. Though
20/ Your house is bigger than _______.
a. me b. my c. mine d. I am
21/ It is _______ lesson that we can’t understand it.
a. such difficult b. a difficult c. such a difficult d. so difficult
22/ The weather was _______ that we didn’t go out.
a. cold enough b. very cold c. too cold d. so cold
23/ The room was _______ dark for me to see anything.
a. so b. very c. too d. enough
24/ The British people are used _______ on the left.
a. to drive b. to driving c. for driving d. and drive
25/ Gravity keeps us all _____ being hurled off the earth as it whirls around.
a. from b. of c. for d. at

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