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M.C 10 - MLH 8

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I/ Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others
1. a. barter b. banker c. cash d. exact
2. a. card b. market c. tobacco d. barter
3. a. content b. wealth c. exchange d. precious
4. a. currency b. face c. race d. tobacco
5. a. inherite b. equal c. credit d. sell
II/ Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence
6. Money is used buying or selling goods .
.a. at b. to c. for d/ on
7. Almost every society now has a money economy based coins and paper notes.
a. on b. in c. at d. for
8. In societies, a system of barter was used.
a. modern b. ancient c. primtive d.
9. We waited for her. , she didn’t come.
a. Although b. Besides c. But d. However
10. was a direct exchange of goods.
a. Cash b. Barter c. Coin d. Money
11. Many places do not accept cash at night security reasons
a. of b. because c. for d. on
12. In primities societies, someone could exchange a sheep, for example, anything
in the market - place that they considered to be of equal value.
a. with b. by c. to d. for
13. is rubber used for? It is used for making tyres and other elastic things.
a. Where b. Who c When d. What
14. When into coins, precious metals were portable.
a. made b. make c. making d. be made
15. How can people the value of money?

a. measure b. measurement c. measuring d. to measure
III/ Find the one choose that best completes the sentence
16. Most of the money today is metal and paper.
a. made of b. made from c. made in d. made by
17. Today anyone will accept money goods or services
a. to exchance b. exchange for c. in exchange for d. in exchange with
18. You ‘ll get a discount if you
a. pay in cash b. pay with cash c. will pay by cash d. will pay with cash
19. When , the goods can be exchanged
a.considering to be of equal value b. considered to be of equal value
c.considering equal value d. considered equal value
20. Money buying or selling goods
a. is used by b. is used to c. is used for d. is used with
21. 21. cash, what are being used widely in this modern
world ?
a. Beside b. Besides c. By d. Next to
22. The library cards are at the beginning of each shool year
a.issue b. issuing c. being issued d. issued
23. I Mary, but now she gets on my nerves
a. used love b. used to love c. am used to loving d. am you for loving
24. The Englishmen are not used on the right
a. to driver b. to driving c. for driving d. with driving
25. When , she opened it right away
a. give a present b. gave a present c. given a present d, giving a present
IV/ Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English
26. When cosidering to be of equal value, the goods can be exchanged.
a b c d
27. She can’t get used for the cold weather there.
a b c d
28. What is money used for ? _ It is used for measure value.

a b c d
29. A fool and his money are soon part.
a b c d
30. Rubber is used for make tyres and other elastic things.
a b c d
31. When asking what she would do, she said nothing.
a b c d
32. Almost every society now have a money economy based on coins and paper notes
a b c d
33. . A coin is a piece of metal, usually disc - shape, which bears lettering, designs or
a b c d
numbers showing its value
34. She’s used for getting up early in the morning.
a b c d
35. This is not always been true that the money economy of most societies is based on
a b c
V. Choose the word (a, b, c or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces
Since civilization began, gold has been regardad (36) a symbol of power
and wealth. (37) many societies gold was seen as a (38) substance
which could protect people against illness and evil spirits.(39) for goods or
service.Many kind never seens to have enough gold and the search for it has driven
men (40) . The need to search for gold has been compared to (41) and
is called gold fever . In the Middle Ages men called alchemists tried to manufacture gold
from other metals.
The first gold (42) was issued by King Croesus of Lydia in the sixth century BC.
Today gold still plays an important (43) in the international monetary system. It
is likely that gold will always be valued as (44) against inflation. People can buy
gold in the forms of bars, (45) and medals.

36. a. as b. with c. by d . on
37. a.On b. During c. In d. As
38. a. wonderful b. hard c. magic d. nice
39. a. change b. exchange c. place d. buy
40. a. peaceful b. good c. mad d. patient
41. a. peace b. war c. struggle d. disease
42. a.coin b.note c. glass d. money
43. a. game b. part c. place d. choice
44. a. protect b. . protection c. medicine d. help
45. a.coins b. paper notes c. cheques d. bankers’ cards
VI. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c or d) that best
answers each of the questions about it
Ted Robinson had been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he received a letter
from the local police. In the letter he was asked to call at the station yesterday and now
is not worried any more. At the station he was told by a smilling policeman that his
bicycle had been found. Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was pisk up
in a small village four hundred miles away. It is now being sent to his home by train. Ted
was most surprised when he heard the news. He was amused too because he never
expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty year ago when Ted was a boy of
46. Ted was worried beacause .
a. he received a letter
b. he went to the police station yesterday
c. the police would catch him
d. he didn’t know why the police wanted him
47. The policeman who talked to Ted was .
a. pleasant b. worried c. surprised d. small
48. Why was ted very surprised when he heard the news ?
a. Because his bicycle was stolen 20 years ago .
b. Because he bicycle was found when he was a boy fifteen.

c. Because he thought he would never find the bicycle .
d. Because the bicycle was sent to him by train.
49. When was Ted’s biycle found ?
a. last Tuesday
b. five days ago
c. twenty years ago
d. yesterday
50. Which of the following statements is not true ?
a. The police asked Ted to go to their station.
b. The policeman told Ted the good news five days ago
c. Ted is no longer anxious.
d. Ted is 35 years old now.
I/ Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others
1. a. divisible b.primitive c. design d. increasingly
2. a. skull b. tusk c. durable d. current
3. a. feather b. worth c. wealth d. anything
4. a. coincide b precise c. divisible d. recognizable
5. a. value b. use c. currency d. music
II/ Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence
6. Can you the price of this small book ?
a. imagination b. imagine c. imanigary d/ imagines
7. Precious metals gradually
a. took on b. took away c. took over d. took in
8.He is considered the greatest scientist
a. to be b. be c. being d. is
9. Before to school, he had breakfast.
a. went b. going c. go d.gone

10. What are pencils used ?
a. with b. at c. to d. for
11. Anybody can take part in this competion, age
a. no b. irrespective of c. irrespective from d. no matter
12. Cheques, bankers’ cards, and credit cards increasingly.
a. are used b. are being used c. use . are using
13. What cheques used for?
a. have b. are c be d. had
14. His answer is
a. incomplete b. uncomplete c. ircomplete d. imcomplete
15. When to be of equal value, the goods can be exchanged.
a. consider b. considering c. considered d. considers
III/ Find the one choose that best completes the sentence
16. being the boy, Tom often played tennis
a. Before b. When c. After d. Was
17. Paper money when it is used for buying or selling goods.
a. is easy to handle b. .are easy to handle c. is easy handle d. are easy
18. American women being independent.
a. are used to b. are not used to c. used to d. not used
19 . We’ ve just bought a new cooker.
a. electricity b. electric c. electrical d. electrified
20. hearing those airplanes over your house ?
a. Are you used to b. Are you used for
c. Are you accustom to d. Are you accustomed to
21. Since here, I’ ve made a lot of friends.
a. I come b. come c. came d. I came
22. The police are knowing more about that man.
a.interesting in b. interested in c. interesting d. interested

23. When un , the word happy becomes its opposite.
a. it adds b. it is adding c. added d. adding
24. is there in my bank account?
a. How many money b. How many monetary
c. How much money d. How much monetary
25. That knife oranges.
a. is used to cutting b. is used to cut
c. gets used to cutting d, is used for cut
IV/ Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English
26. Money are used for storing wealth and measuring value
a b c d
27. American filling stations refuse to accept cash at night because security
a b c d
28. It is possible imagine what she will say
a b c d
29. Before give her a present, I wished her good luck
a b c d
30. The Englishmen are not used to drive on the right
a b c d
31. I used that broken glass for hold pens.
a b c d
32. The twins have the same identical birthmarks on their backs
a b c d
33. The computer is used solving the complex problems
A b c d
34. After said goodbye to my parents, I went to school with my sister.
A b c d
35. Electricity are used for serving human beings.
A b c d
V. Choose the word (a, b, c or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces

Last Monday, William Murphy saw a wallet (36) _____a lonely street (37) _____
Montreal. He (38) _____ it up and found a ticket inside. He noticed the number on the
ticket immediately and it was the (39) ticket in the lottery. The prize (40) _____
seven million dollars!
Murphy did not collect (41) _____ huge prize. He took the ticket back to the owner,
Mr Dupont. Yesterday Mr Dupont got the prize and at (42) _____gave Murphy a million
dollars (43) _____ a reward.
I have never won a lottery before. He (44) _____ the reporters.
Now I (45) _____ rich and I want to reward honestly.
36. a. in b. at c. from d. under
37. a. from b. in c. on d. at
38. a. took b. lifted c. placed d. picked
39. a. win b. winning c. won d. winner
40. a. was b. is c. be d. been
41. a. a b. the c. an d. those
42. a. once b. one c. ones d. one’s
43. a. with b. of c. as d. by
44. a. told b. spoke c. said d. talked
45. a. has been b. was c. am d. will be
VI. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c or d) that best
answers each of the questions about it
Queen Isabella of Spain was born on 22 April, 1451. She helped Columbus and
gave him ships and men to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. As a result, Columbus
discovered the New World. How ever, all the ships and men cost less than two parles
she gave !
The Norwegian explorer, Ronald Amundsen, was born on 16 July, 1872.
Amundsen was the first man to reach the South Pole. When he set out from Norway,
homever, every one thought that he was on his way to the North Pole !
Einstein was born in Germany on 14 March, 1876. He was one of the greatest
scientists and most intelligent men in the world. How ever, he failed the entrance

examination for the Federal Polytechnic of Zurich when he was a young man !
46. ``Columbus was helped
a. in 1451 b. on April.
c. by Queen Isabella d. by his men
47. Two of Queen Isabella ‘s parties cost all the ships.
a. more than
b. less than
c. as much as
d. very much
48. Ronald Amundsen was born .
a. in Norwegian
b. in July, 1782
c. in Norway
d. Both b and c are correct
49. When he set out from Norway, every one thought that he was on his way to
a. the South Pole b. the North Pole c. one of the two Poles d. both
50. Einstein was born in Germany
a. on March 14, 1876 b. on March 15, 1876
c. on March14, 187 7 d. on March 15, 187 7

I. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others
1. a. Society b. note c. tobacco d. no longer
2. a. no longer b. exchange c. grain d.
3. a. soon b. good c. foot d. look
4. a. money b. number c. result d. worth
5. a. world b. worth c. form d. furniture

I. II. Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence
6. Barter was an _____ system.
a. unsatisfactory b. imsatisfactory c. irsatisfactory d.
7. What is wood used for ? – It is used for _____.
a. making furniture and build b. make furniture and build
c. making furniture and building d. making furniture and building
8. She used that money _____ a new car.
a. buy b. buying c. to buy d. for
9. Most governments now issue paper money in the _____ of value.
a. shape b. example c. form d. system
10. Metals are _____ into larger and smaller units of value.
a. indivisible b. divisible c. portable d. durable
11. Grover Cleveland was the first president _____ in the White House.
a. to get married b. got married c. had got married d. was
12. Look _____ the pennies and the pounds will look _____ themselves.
a. after / after b. at /at c. for / for d. in / in
13. Friendship _____ on trust and understanding is often long-lasting.
a. base b. bases c. basing d. based
14. When made _____ coins, precious metals were portable.
a. into b. as c. for d. to
15. Since _____ here, I’ve learned a lot of English.
a. came b. having come c. come d. coming
III. Find the one choice that best completes the sentence
16. When _____, my mother used to take me to the zoo every Sunday morning.
a. a child b. my mother was a child

b. being a child d. I was a child
17. In some countries, black people do not have _____ white people.
a. equal with b. equal in c. equality with d. equality
18. You can go to bed _____.
a. when tired b. after tired c. when tiring d. after
19. There _____ a tree in front of my house.
a. used to b. used to be c. was used to d. was
used to being

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