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NĂM HỌC 2017- 2018
(Đề gồm có 04 trang)
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1:A. raccoon
B. typhoon
C. lampoon
D. lagoon
Question 2:A. continuous B. lubricious
C. strenuous
D. prosperous
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 3: Many people aren't.....of the amount of waste produced by their own households.
A. known
B. familiar
C. aware
D. recognised
Question 4: Can you please excuse me........a moment? I need to answer this phone call.
A. with
B. of
C. for
D. from
Question 5: There have been several......additions to the old Parliament building.
A. later
B. current

C. last
D. recent
Question 6: I had just walked through the door.......the phone rang.
A. that
B. when
C. but
D. after
Question 7: The teacher is going to......the children according to height.
A. flock
B. group
C. collect
D. gather
Question 8: You can borrow my car.......you're careful.
A. provided as
B. in case
C. on condition as
D. so long as
Question 9: He had to......a business deal because he didn’t have any funds.
A. pass
B. break
C. leave
D. fail
Question 10: In which year........from university?
A. have you graduated
B. did you graduate
C. you were graduating
D. you graduated
Question 11: The trip to Indonesia was very expensive. .....it was worth every penny.
A. Whatever
B. However

C. Despite
D. Even though
Question 12: The teacher got annoyed because the student showed a (n)......of concentration.
A. absence
B. lack
C. shortage
D. omission
Question 13: I......myself for not being prepared for the exam.
A. accuse
B. charge
C. fault
D. blame
Question 14: Before her injury, my sister.........tennis professionally.
A. would used to play
B. would play
C. use to play
D. used to play
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 15:A. mechanics B. choir
C. chimney
D. archivist
Question 16:A. sliver
B. river
C. quiver
D. shiver
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 17: The economy has shuddered to a halt because of the civil war.
A. stopped suddenly

B. gone to the moon
C. lingered to success
D. been flying high
Question 18: He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.
A. ignorant
B. aware
C. informative
D. guilty
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19: Our new house is modern but there is not enough room to swing a cat.
A. no playground for cats
B. very small
C. no space for children
D. no room to keep cats
Question 20: We played my brother's school at football and beat them hollow.
A. defeated easily
B. had a draw
C. broke a nil score
D. lost the game
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 21: ~ A: “.................” ~ B: “No, everything‘s gone just fine so far.”
A. Have you had any problems with your new apartment?
B. Have you had any time to look around for a new apartment yet?
C. I wonder if he got ill last night from all the alcohol he drank.
D. Will you be able to finish the project on time?
Question 22: ~ A: “Who is going to drive you to the reception tomorrow?” ~ B: “.................”
A. I'm too tired to drive there.
B. I wonder if he will give me a lift.

C. Lauren will be picking me up in the morning at the corner. D. No. I had my car serviced yesterday.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.

Question 23: You could not have made a very good impression on them.
A. Something appears to have made them think you are unsuitable.
B. It‘s impossible that the effect you made on them was particularly positive.
C. You should have tried harder to make them think well of you.
D. You seem to have impressed them very unfavourably.
Question 24: Many people lack enough water due to population growth and climate change.
A. Many people lack enough water; therefore, the population grows, and climate changes.
B. Owing to many people’s lack of water, the population grows, and climate changes.
C. Because many people lack enough water, the population grows, and climate changes.
D. Many people lack enough water not only due to population growth, but also because of climate change.
Question 25: My boy was just not strong enough to have caused so much damage.
A. My boy, though quite strong, caused little damage himself.
B. Not much damage was caused because my boy was very weak.
C. My boy wasn‘t strong, but he caused great damage.
D. Someone else, not my boy, caused the damage.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 26 to 32.
Soichiro Honda was born in 1906 in a small village in Japan. It was so small that it didn’t even have electricity. His
family was poor. Soichiro had eight brothers and sisters. Sadly, five of them died when they were young because they did
not have good medical care. When Soichiro was eight years old, he saw his first automobile. He was amazed by it. For the
next 50 years, he loved machines on wheels. When he was 15 years old, Soichiro left his village to work at an auto repair
shop in Tokyo. It was then that Honda discovered motorcycles. He spent all of his free time fixing and riding motorcycles.
He returned to his village six years later to open his own garage. Soon he owned several shops and had over 50 employees.
At the same time, he began to build and race motorcycles and cars. Honda loved to race, and he became one of Japan’s

most competitive drivers. In 1936, his race car crashed while he was driving 100 miles per hour. Half of Honda’s face was
crushed, and he had other serious injuries. It took him a year and a half to recover. After this, his family begged him to give
up racing. He looked for a less dangerous job and finally decided to become a manufacturer.
At first, he manufactured engine parts. The Japanese navy used a lot of his engine parts in World War II . In 1948, after
the war, he started the Honda Motor Company. He started the company with only $3,300. He made his first machines from
engine parts that the military did not need after the war. These machines were not real motorcycles; they were bicycles with
motors. People bought them because they needed a reliable form of transportation. As Honda’s business grew, he began to
make different types of motorcycles. By 1950, his motorcycles were selling all over Japan. But there were 50 other
motorcycle makers in Japan at the time. In 1958, Honda designed a lightweight motorcycle called the Super Cub. It was a
huge success and Honda made a lot of money. Two years later, Honda built the world’s biggest motorcycle factory in Japan.
By the 1960s, the Super Cub was popular all over Asia. But Honda wanted the motorcycle to be popular all over the
world. In Europe, he put his motorcycles in difficult races to show how good they were. In the United States, he tried a
different method. He used a magazine ad with the words “You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda.” It showed ordinary
Americans such as students, businessmen, and older people all riding happily on the Honda Super Cub. The ad appeared in
many popular magazines.
Readers who had never ridden a motorcycle saw the ad. The ad showed that motorcycles were not just for crazy young
people who wore black leather jackets.They were good for other people too. The company sold thousands of motorcycles to
new riders. Honda then started to put the ads on television. This was also very successful. For example, he put an ad for his
motorcycle on during the Academy Awards program. Millions of people watched that program, and on the next day, sales
of the motorcycle went up tremendously. By 1968, Honda had sold 1 million motorcycles in the United States.
In 1963, his company started to make cars. In 1972, it produced the Civic; the next year, the Accord; and then in 1978, the
Prelude. Soon, the company was one of the world’s biggest automobile makers. Honda was also famous for his business
style. He believed that workers and bosses should have a close relationship. He also thought it was important to encourage
workers to do their best.
In 1973, Soichiro Honda retired as president of his company. He died in 1991. Honda was very important to Japan’s
recent history. He and many other business leaders helped make Japan into a leading industrial nation.
Question 26: Where did Honda go when he left his village?
A. went to work at an auto repair shop in Tokyo
B. went to work as a motor racer
C. went to open repair shop

D. went to fix and ride motorcycles
Question 27: Honda was very successful because he........
A. owned the only motorcycle maker
B. put his motorcycles in difficult races
C. had a good education
D. wasn’t afraid to take chances
Question 28: Soichiro Honda.........
A. wasted his time working at an auto repair shop
B. manufactured cars and motorcycles all his life
C. was poor when hestarted out, but later became a success
D. a mechanic coming from a poor family

Question 29: What was different about the new motorcycle that Honda designed?
A. It was a cheaper one
B. It was a bicycle with motor.
C. It was a lightweight one
D. It was the biggest one
Question 30: Honda start the Honda Motor Company in......
A. 1984
B. 1948
C. 1950
D. 1960
Question 31: What happened to Honda’s race car in 1936?
A. It crashed.
B. It collapsed.
C. It was crushed.
D. It was injured.
Question 32: Honda’s business was........
A. small in the beginning only and then expanded

B. a huge success in the United States
C. selling motorcycles to young people
D. a huge success from the beginning
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 33 to 40.
Most of us associate robots with films such as Star Wars, I, Robot or AI, but in reality they have more to do with social
issues and politics rather than science fiction. The term robot first made its appearance in a play entitled Rossum’s
Universal Robots written almost a century ago by a Czechoslovakian playwright by the name of Karel Capek. Capek got
the name robot from the Slavic word ‘robota’ which means forced labour. In his play, he portrays a society where robots,
which look human, are mass produced to work in the place of people.
Capeks story was well received by the critics but never really got credit for being the source of the notion of robots. The
play has significant relevance to our society today, as humanoid-type robots are being created to fulfil a wide range of
tasks. Robot engineers are not only developing mindless worker drones, but are attempting to create human-like companion
robots for people. Consequently, the question of what actually makes us human is the subject of lively debate.
In the USA, sociable robotics is developing at a relatively rapid rate and a human companion type of robot could soon be
a reality. Japanese researchers see a very bright future for these robots who will serve as friends or family to the lonely.
Nevertheless, one needs to ask if a human being can have a relationship with a machine in the same way as they do with
other people or animals, and if so, what effect this could have on our society. The success of robot toys or virtual pets
suggests that this type of relationship is possible.
Research shows that children tend to have similar relationships with humans as with non-humans whereas the same is
true for adults only with pets or when the robot is designed to look like a child. This is probably because robots display
superficial emotions and cannot as yet replace human touch. But will these machines one day succeed in replacing humans?
Some paint a very dark picture of a robot society and predict that artificially intelligent machines will take control of the
entire planet and dominate the human race. However, robot technology is still in its infancy and the idea of them taking
over the world is pure fantasy to most of us, including scientists. In fact, most robots can only perform very basic tasks and
even the most advanced robot that is capable of expressing over forty different emotions seems to do so in a totally random
manner, regardless of what is going on around it.
In spite of the simplicity of today’s robots, robotic technology is impacting our everyday lives in a dramatic way.
Nowadays, our robots are becoming more and more like those portrayed in Capeks work. In a society where human
relationships are so often strained, it is no surprise that the possibility for human-robot relationships is increasing.

Question 33: In line 6,‘was well received by the critics’ means......
A. reviewers thought the story was good.
B. they praised the w riter for his linguistic skills.
C. the story was sent to a lot of critics.
D. the author was criticised by other writers.
Question 34: The word “strained” in the last sentence means.....
A. separated
B. impressed
C. extended
D. pressed
Question 35: Adults tend to have good relationships with.....
A. childlike robots.
B. robot toys.
C. non-humans.
D. virtual pets.
Question 36: Japanese researchers think that robots could.....
A. be useful to engineers.
B. be put to use as servants.
C. be of use to families.
D. be of use to people who live alone.
Question 37: When most people think of robots, they tend to think of......
A. literature.
B. social issues.
C. politics.
D. films.
Question 38: Most critics ignored the fact that....
A. Capek came up with the idea of robots.
B. robots can do a lot of tasks,
C. robots are important in our society.
D. humanoid robots are being created.

Question 39: There is a lot of discussion about......
A. the truth about companionship.
B. the nature of a humanoid robot.
C. how a robot is made up.
D. what a human really is.
Question 40: Advanced robots still only......
A. express emotions randomly.
B. perform basic tasks.
C. express over forty emotions
D. react to emotions just like humans.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
Question 41: David was surprised by the amount of time necessary to fix the store house.
A. by
B. was
C. amount of
D. necessary to

Question 42: Can you get everybody altogether for the meeting in ten minutes?
A. in
B. altogether
C. get
D. for the
Question 43: They arrived to Paris sometime early in the summer.
A. to Paris
B. the
C. sometime
D. arrived
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or

phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 44 to 28.
The worst prediction for the next century ...(44)... the weather. Many people think that global warming will cause
important environmental changes. There is scientific evidence that suggests cities on the coast may disappear if the sea
level ...(45).... There is better news regarding health. Medical advances mean that people will live longer. Doctors will be
more successfully diagnosing an illness ...(46)... of new technology. Infective diseases will disappear in many areas of the
world and new drugs will be how to treat muscular aches and pains. Futuristic organ transplants will be easier. Finally,
scientists think they are near to solving the mystery of ...(47)... to make people invisible. Technological progress will give
experts the chance to manufacture invisibility cloaks, which may be ...(48)... the market before the end of the century.
Question 44:A. concerns B. involves
C. contacts
D. relates
Question 45:A. roars
B. lifts
C. rises
D. raises
Question 46:A. because
B. approving
C. regardless
D. in spite
Question 47:A. essential B. available
C. acessible
D. necessary
Question 48:A. at
B. in
C. to
D. on
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
Question 49: My mother is on a business trip. We have a cooked dinner every evening.

A. Although my mother is on a business trip, we have a cooked dinner every evening.
B. We have a cooked dinner every evening, so my mother is on a business trip.
C. Because my mother is on a business trip, we have a cooked dinner every evening.
D. When we have a cooked dinner every evening, my mother is on a business trip.
Question 50: Collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby. I know a lot of people who do this.
A. Because collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
B. Despite collectimg decay teeth being an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
C. Collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby; therfore, I know a lot of people who do this.
D. However collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2017- 2018
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1:A. prosperous B. lubricious
C. strenuous
D. continuous
Question 2:A. raccoon
B. typhoon
C. lagoon
D. lampoon
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following

Question 3: ~ A: “.................” ~ B: “No, everything‘s gone just fine so far.”
A. Have you had any time to look around for a new apartment yet?
B. I wonder if he got ill last night from all the alcohol he drank.
C. Have you had any problems with your new apartment?
D. Will you be able to finish the project on time?
Question 4: ~ A: “Who is going to drive you to the reception tomorrow?” ~ B: “.................”
A. No. I had my car serviced yesterday.
B. I wonder if he will give me a lift.
C. I'm too tired to drive there.
D. Lauren will be picking me up in the morning at the
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5: He had to......a business deal because he didn’t have any funds.
A. pass
B. break
C. leave
D. fail
Question 6: In which year........from university?
A. did you graduate
B. have you graduated
C. you graduated
D. you were graduating
Question 7: I had just walked through the door.......the phone rang.
A. when
B. but
C. after
D. that
Question 8: The teacher is going to......the children according to height.
A. collect

B. gather
C. flock
D. group
Question 9: I......myself for not being prepared for the exam.
A. charge
B. accuse
C. fault
D. blame
Question 10: The trip to Indonesia was very expensive. .....it was worth every penny.
A. Despite
B. However
C. Whatever
D. Even though
Question 11: You can borrow my car.......you're careful.
A. in case
B. provided as
C. so long as
D. on condition as
Question 12: Can you please excuse me........a moment? I need to answer this phone call.
A. from
B. for
C. with
D. of
Question 13: The teacher got annoyed because the student showed a (n)......of concentration.
A. shortage
B. omission
C. absence
D. lack
Question 14: There have been several......additions to the old Parliament building.
A. current

B. last
C. later
D. recent
Question 15: Many people aren't.....of the amount of waste produced by their own households.
A. familiar
B. known
C. aware
D. recognised
Question 16: Before her injury, my sister.........tennis professionally.
A. would used to play
B. use to play
C. would play
D. used to play
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 17: Our new house is modern but there is not enough room to swing a cat.
A. no playground for cats B. no room to keep cats
C. no space for children D. very small
Question 18: We played my brother's school at football and beat them hollow.
A. defeated easily
B. had a draw
C. lost the game
D. broke a nil score
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19: He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.
A. aware
B. informative
C. guilty
D. ignorant

Question 20: The economy has shuddered to a halt because of the civil war.
A. lingered to success
B. been flying high
C. gone to the moon
D. stopped suddenly
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 21 to 27.
Soichiro Honda was born in 1906 in a small village in Japan. It was so small that it didn’t even have electricity. His
family was poor. Soichiro had eight brothers and sisters. Sadly, five of them died when they were young because they did

not have good medical care. When Soichiro was eight years old, he saw his first automobile. He was amazed by it. For the
next 50 years, he loved machines on wheels. When he was 15 years old, Soichiro left his village to work at an auto repair
shop in Tokyo. It was then that Honda discovered motorcycles. He spent all of his free time fixing and riding motorcycles.
He returned to his village six years later to open his own garage. Soon he owned several shops and had over 50 employees.
At the same time, he began to build and race motorcycles and cars. Honda loved to race, and he became one of Japan’s
most competitive drivers. In 1936, his race car crashed while he was driving 100 miles per hour. Half of Honda’s face was
crushed, and he had other serious injuries. It took him a year and a half to recover. After this, his family begged him to give
up racing. He looked for a less dangerous job and finally decided to become a manufacturer.
At first, he manufactured engine parts. The Japanese navy used a lot of his engine parts in World War II . In 1948, after
the war, he started the Honda Motor Company. He started the company with only $3,300. He made his first machines from
engine parts that the military did not need after the war. These machines were not real motorcycles; they were bicycles with
motors. People bought them because they needed a reliable form of transportation. As Honda’s business grew, he began to
make different types of motorcycles. By 1950, his motorcycles were selling all over Japan. But there were 50 other
motorcycle makers in Japan at the time. In 1958, Honda designed a lightweight motorcycle called the Super Cub. It was a
huge success and Honda made a lot of money. Two years later, Honda built the world’s biggest motorcycle factory in Japan.
By the 1960s, the Super Cub was popular all over Asia. But Honda wanted the motorcycle to be popular all over the
world. In Europe, he put his motorcycles in difficult races to show how good they were. In the United States, he tried a
different method. He used a magazine ad with the words “You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda.” It showed ordinary

Americans such as students, businessmen, and older people all riding happily on the Honda Super Cub. The ad appeared in
many popular magazines.
Readers who had never ridden a motorcycle saw the ad. The ad showed that motorcycles were not just for crazy young
people who wore black leather jackets.They were good for other people too. The company sold thousands of motorcycles to
new riders. Honda then started to put the ads on television. This was also very successful. For example, he put an ad for his
motorcycle on during the Academy Awards program. Millions of people watched that program, and on the next day, sales
of the motorcycle went up tremendously. By 1968, Honda had sold 1 million motorcycles in the United States.
In 1963, his company started to make cars. In 1972, it produced the Civic; the next year, the Accord; and then in 1978, the
Prelude. Soon, the company was one of the world’s biggest automobile makers. Honda was also famous for his business
style. He believed that workers and bosses should have a close relationship. He also thought it was important to encourage
workers to do their best.
In 1973, Soichiro Honda retired as president of his company. He died in 1991. Honda was very important to Japan’s
recent history. He and many other business leaders helped make Japan into a leading industrial nation.
Question 21: Soichiro Honda.........
A. wasted his time working at an auto repair shop
B. manufactured cars and motorcycles all his life
C. was poor when hestarted out, but later became a success
D. a mechanic coming from a poor family
Question 22: Honda start the Honda Motor Company in......
A. 1984
B. 1948
C. 1960
D. 1950
Question 23: What happened to Honda’s race car in 1936?
A. It was crushed.
B. It collapsed.
C. It crashed.
D. It was injured.
Question 24: Honda was very successful because he........
A. owned the only motorcycle maker

B. wasn’t afraid to take chances
C. put his motorcycles in difficult races
D. had a good education
Question 25: Where did Honda go when he left his village?
A. went to open repair shop
B. went to work at an auto repair shop in Tokyo
C. went to fix and ride motorcycles
D. went to work as a motor racer
Question 26: Honda’s business was........
A. selling motorcycles to young people
B. small in the beginning only and then expanded
C. a huge success in the United States
D. a huge success from the beginning
Question 27: What was different about the new motorcycle that Honda designed?
A. It was a lightweight one
B. It was a bicycle with motor.
C. It was a cheaper one
D. It was the biggest one
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 28 to 32.
The worst prediction for the next century ...(28)... the weather. Many people think that global warming will cause
important environmental changes. There is scientific evidence that suggests cities on the coast may disappear if the sea
level ...(29).... There is better news regarding health. Medical advances mean that people will live longer. Doctors will be
more successfully diagnosing an illness ...(30)... of new technology. Infective diseases will disappear in many areas of the
world and new drugs will be how to treat muscular aches and pains. Futuristic organ transplants will be easier. Finally,
scientists think they are near to solving the mystery of ...(31)... to make people invisible. Technological progress will give
experts the chance to manufacture invisibility cloaks, which may be ...(32)... the market before the end of the century.

Question 28:A. concerns B. relates
C. involves
D. contacts
Question 29:A. rises
B. lifts
C. roars
D. raises
Question 30:A. because
B. in spite
C. regardless
D. approving
Question 31:A. available B. acessible
C. essential
D. necessary
Question 32:A. at
B. on
C. in
D. to
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 33 to 40.
Most of us associate robots with films such as Star Wars, I, Robot or AI, but in reality they have more to do with social
issues and politics rather than science fiction. The term robot first made its appearance in a play entitled Rossum’s
Universal Robots written almost a century ago by a Czechoslovakian playwright by the name of Karel Capek. Capek got
the name robot from the Slavic word ‘robota’ which means forced labour. In his play, he portrays a society where robots,
which look human, are mass produced to work in the place of people.
Capeks story was well received by the critics but never really got credit for being the source of the notion of robots. The
play has significant relevance to our society today, as humanoid-type robots are being created to fulfil a wide range of
tasks. Robot engineers are not only developing mindless worker drones, but are attempting to create human-like companion
robots for people. Consequently, the question of what actually makes us human is the subject of lively debate.
In the USA, sociable robotics is developing at a relatively rapid rate and a human companion type of robot could soon be

a reality. Japanese researchers see a very bright future for these robots who will serve as friends or family to the lonely.
Nevertheless, one needs to ask if a human being can have a relationship with a machine in the same way as they do with
other people or animals, and if so, what effect this could have on our society. The success of robot toys or virtual pets
suggests that this type of relationship is possible.
Research shows that children tend to have similar relationships with humans as with non-humans whereas the same is
true for adults only with pets or when the robot is designed to look like a child. This is probably because robots display
superficial emotions and cannot as yet replace human touch. But will these machines one day succeed in replacing humans?
Some paint a very dark picture of a robot society and predict that artificially intelligent machines will take control of the
entire planet and dominate the human race. However, robot technology is still in its infancy and the idea of them taking
over the world is pure fantasy to most of us, including scientists. In fact, most robots can only perform very basic tasks and
even the most advanced robot that is capable of expressing over forty different emotions seems to do so in a totally random
manner, regardless of what is going on around it.
In spite of the simplicity of today’s robots, robotic technology is impacting our everyday lives in a dramatic way.
Nowadays, our robots are becoming more and more like those portrayed in Capeks work. In a society where human
relationships are so often strained, it is no surprise that the possibility for human-robot relationships is increasing.
Question 33: Japanese researchers think that robots could.....
A. be of use to families.
B. be useful to engineers.
C. be put to use as servants.
D. be of use to people who live alone.
Question 34: Advanced robots still only......
A. perform basic tasks.
B. express emotions randomly.
C. react to emotions just like humans.
D. express over forty emotions
Question 35: Adults tend to have good relationships with.....
A. childlike robots.
B. robot toys.
C. non-humans.
D. virtual pets.

Question 36: Most critics ignored the fact that....
A. humanoid robots are being created.
B. robots can do a lot of tasks,
C. robots are important in our society.
D. Capek came up with the idea of robots.
Question 37: In line 6,‘was well received by the critics’ means......
A. they praised the w riter for his linguistic skills.
B. the author was criticised by other writers.
C. reviewers thought the story was good.
D. the story was sent to a lot of critics.
Question 38: The word “strained” in the last sentence means.....
A. separated
B. pressed
C. impressed
D. extended
Question 39: There is a lot of discussion about......
A. the nature of a humanoid robot.
B. what a human really is.
C. the truth about companionship.
D. how a robot is made up.
Question 40: When most people think of robots, they tend to think of......
A. literature.
B. social issues.
C. politics.
D. films.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 41:A. shiver
B. sliver
C. river

D. quiver
Question 42:A. mechanics B. choir
C. archivist
D. chimney
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
Question 43: They arrived to Paris sometime early in the summer.
A. arrived
B. to Paris
C. sometime
D. the
Question 44: Can you get everybody altogether for the meeting in ten minutes?

A. get
B. altogether
C. in
D. for the
Question 45: David was surprised by the amount of time necessary to fix the store house.
A. necessary to
B. amount of
C. was
D. by
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 46: My boy was just not strong enough to have caused so much damage.
A. My boy, though quite strong, caused little damage himself.
B. Someone else, not my boy, caused the damage.
C. My boy wasn‘t strong, but he caused great damage.
D. Not much damage was caused because my boy was very weak.

Question 47: Many people lack enough water due to population growth and climate change
A. Many people lack enough water; therefore, the population grows, and climate changes.
B. Because many people lack enough water, the population grows, and climate changes.
C. Owing to many people’s lack of water, the population grows, and climate changes.
D. Many people lack enough water not only due to population growth, but also because of climate change
Question 48: You could not have made a very good impression on them.
A. You seem to have impressed them very unfavourably.
B. Something appears to have made them think you are unsuitable.
C. It‘s impossible that the effect you made on them was particularly positive.
D. You should have tried harder to make them think well of you.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
Question 49: My mother is on a business trip. We have a cooked dinner every evening.
A. Because my mother is on a business trip, we have a cooked dinner every evening.
B. When we have a cooked dinner every evening, my mother is on a business trip.
C. We have a cooked dinner every evening, so my mother is on a business trip.
D. Although my mother is on a business trip, we have a cooked dinner every evening.
Question 50: Collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby. I know a lot of people who do this.
A. Despite collectimg decay teeth being an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
B. Collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby; therfore, I know a lot of people who do this.
C. However collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
D. Because collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)


NĂM HỌC 2017- 2018
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 01 to 07.
Soichiro Honda was born in 1906 in a small village in Japan. It was so small that it didn’t even have electricity. His
family was poor. Soichiro had eight brothers and sisters. Sadly, five of them died when they were young because they did
not have good medical care. When Soichiro was eight years old, he saw his first automobile. He was amazed by it. For the
next 50 years, he loved machines on wheels. When he was 15 years old, Soichiro left his village to work at an auto repair
shop in Tokyo. It was then that Honda discovered motorcycles. He spent all of his free time fixing and riding motorcycles.
He returned to his village six years later to open his own garage. Soon he owned several shops and had over 50 employees.
At the same time, he began to build and race motorcycles and cars. Honda loved to race, and he became one of Japan’s
most competitive drivers. In 1936, his race car crashed while he was driving 100 miles per hour. Half of Honda’s face was
crushed, and he had other serious injuries. It took him a year and a half to recover. After this, his family begged him to give
up racing. He looked for a less dangerous job and finally decided to become a manufacturer.
At first, he manufactured engine parts. The Japanese navy used a lot of his engine parts in World War II . In 1948, after
the war, he started the Honda Motor Company. He started the company with only $3,300. He made his first machines from
engine parts that the military did not need after the war. These machines were not real motorcycles; they were bicycles with
motors. People bought them because they needed a reliable form of transportation. As Honda’s business grew, he began to
make different types of motorcycles. By 1950, his motorcycles were selling all over Japan. But there were 50 other
motorcycle makers in Japan at the time. In 1958, Honda designed a lightweight motorcycle called the Super Cub. It was a
huge success and Honda made a lot of money. Two years later, Honda built the world’s biggest motorcycle factory in Japan.
By the 1960s, the Super Cub was popular all over Asia. But Honda wanted the motorcycle to be popular all over the
world. In Europe, he put his motorcycles in difficult races to show how good they were. In the United States, he tried a
different method. He used a magazine ad with the words “You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda.” It showed ordinary
Americans such as students, businessmen, and older people all riding happily on the Honda Super Cub. The ad appeared in
many popular magazines.
Readers who had never ridden a motorcycle saw the ad. The ad showed that motorcycles were not just for crazy young
people who wore black leather jackets.They were good for other people too. The company sold thousands of motorcycles to

new riders. Honda then started to put the ads on television. This was also very successful. For example, he put an ad for his
motorcycle on during the Academy Awards program. Millions of people watched that program, and on the next day, sales
of the motorcycle went up tremendously. By 1968, Honda had sold 1 million motorcycles in the United States.
In 1963, his company started to make cars. In 1972, it produced the Civic; the next year, the Accord; and then in 1978, the
Prelude. Soon, the company was one of the world’s biggest automobile makers. Honda was also famous for his business
style. He believed that workers and bosses should have a close relationship. He also thought it was important to encourage
workers to do their best.
In 1973, Soichiro Honda retired as president of his company. He died in 1991. Honda was very important to Japan’s
recent history. He and many other business leaders helped make Japan into a leading industrial nation.
Question 1: Where did Honda go when he left his village?
A. went to work at an auto repair shop in Tokyo
B. went to work as a motor racer
C. went to open repair shop
D. went to fix and ride motorcycles
Question 2: What happened to Honda’s race car in 1936?
A. It collapsed.
B. It was injured.
C. It was crushed.
D. It crashed.
Question 3: Honda was very successful because he........
A. put his motorcycles in difficult races
B. owned the only motorcycle maker
C. wasn’t afraid to take chances
D. had a good education
Question 4: What was different about the new motorcycle that Honda designed?
A. It was a bicycle with motor.
B. It was the biggest one
C. It was a cheaper one
D. It was a lightweight one
Question 5: Soichiro Honda.........

A. was poor when hestarted out, but later became a success
B. a mechanic coming from a poor family
C. manufactured cars and motorcycles all his life
D. wasted his time working at an auto repair shop
Question 6: Honda’s business was........
A. a huge success in the United States
B. a huge success from the beginning
C. small in the beginning only and then expanded
D. selling motorcycles to young people
Question 7: Honda start the Honda Motor Company in......
A. 1948
B. 1950
C. 1960
D. 1984

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 8:A. archivist
B. mechanics
C. chimney
D. choir
Question 9:A. sliver
B. river
C. shiver
D. quiver
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 10: The economy has shuddered to a halt because of the civil war.
A. lingered to success

B. gone to the moon
C. stopped suddenly
D. been flying high
Question 11: He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.
A. aware
B. guilty
C. ignorant
D. informative
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 12: Our new house is modern but there is not enough room to swing a cat.
A. very small
B. no space for children
C. no room to keep cats
D. no playground for cats
Question 13: We played my brother's school at football and beat them hollow.
A. broke a nil score
B. defeated easily
C. lost the game
D. had a draw
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 14 to 18.
The worst prediction for the next century ...(14)... the weather. Many people think that global warming will cause
important environmental changes. There is scientific evidence that suggests cities on the coast may disappear if the sea
level ...(15).... There is better news regarding health. Medical advances mean that people will live longer. Doctors will be
more successfully diagnosing an illness ...(16)... of new technology. Infective diseases will disappear in many areas of the
world and new drugs will be how to treat muscular aches and pains. Futuristic organ transplants will be easier. Finally,
scientists think they are near to solving the mystery of ...(17)... to make people invisible. Technological progress will give
experts the chance to manufacture invisibility cloaks, which may be ...(18)... the market before the end of the century.

Question 14:A. contacts
B. involves
C. relates
D. concerns
Question 15:A. lifts
B. rises
C. roars
D. raises
Question 16:A. because
B. regardless
C. in spite
D. approving
Question 17:A. essential
B. available
C. necessary
D. acessible
Question 18:A. at
B. in
C. to
D. on
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
Question 19: Can you get everybody altogether for the meeting in ten minutes?
A. for the
B. in
C. altogether
D. get
Question 20: They arrived to Paris sometime early in the summer.
A. arrived
B. sometime

C. to Paris
D. the
Question 21: David was surprised by the amount of time necessary to fix the store house.
A. necessary to
B. was
C. amount of
D. by
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 22: Many people aren't.....of the amount of waste produced by their own households.
A. recognised
B. familiar
C. known
D. aware
Question 23: You can borrow my car.......you're careful.
A. on condition as
B. provided as
C. in case
D. so long as
Question 24: The trip to Indonesia was very expensive. .....it was worth every penny.
A. Even though
B. Despite
C. However
D. Whatever
Question 25: There have been several......additions to the old Parliament building.
A. last
B. current
C. recent
D. later
Question 26: Can you please excuse me........a moment? I need to answer this phone call.
A. of

B. for
C. with
D. from
Question 27: The teacher got annoyed because the student showed a (n)......of concentration.
A. shortage
B. absence
C. lack
D. omission
Question 28: The teacher is going to......the children according to height.
A. gather
B. group
C. collect
D. flock
Question 29: I......myself for not being prepared for the exam.
A. accuse
B. blame
C. charge
D. fault
Question 30: Before her injury, my sister.........tennis professionally.
A. would play
B. use to play
C. would used to play
D. used to play
Question 31: I had just walked through the door.......the phone rang.
A. that
B. when
C. after
D. but
Question 32: He had to......a business deal because he didn’t have any funds.

A. leave
B. pass
C. fail
D. break
Question 33: In which year........from university?
A. have you graduated
B. you graduated
C. you were graduating
D. did you graduate
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 34:A. lubricious B. strenuous
C. prosperous
D. continuous
Question 35:A. lagoon
B. typhoon
C. raccoon
D. lampoon
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 36: ~ A: “.................” ~ B: “No, everything‘s gone just fine so far.”
A. Will you be able to finish the project on time?
B. Have you had any time to look around for a new apartment yet?
C. Have you had any problems with your new apartment?
D. I wonder if he got ill last night from all the alcohol he drank.
Question 37: ~ A: “Who is going to drive you to the reception tomorrow?” ~ B: “.................”
A. I wonder if he will give me a lift.
B. Lauren will be picking me up in the morning at the corner.
C. No. I had my car serviced yesterday.

D. I'm too tired to drive there.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 38 to 45.
Most of us associate robots with films such as Star Wars, I, Robot or AI, but in reality they have more to do with social
issues and politics rather than science fiction. The term robot first made its appearance in a play entitled Rossum’s
Universal Robots written almost a century ago by a Czechoslovakian playwright by the name of Karel Capek. Capek got
the name robot from the Slavic word ‘robota’ which means forced labour. In his play, he portrays a society where robots,
which look human, are mass produced to work in the place of people.
Capeks story was well received by the critics but never really got credit for being the source of the notion of robots. The
play has significant relevance to our society today, as humanoid-type robots are being created to fulfil a wide range of
tasks. Robot engineers are not only developing mindless worker drones, but are attempting to create human-like companion
robots for people. Consequently, the question of what actually makes us human is the subject of lively debate.
In the USA, sociable robotics is developing at a relatively rapid rate and a human companion type of robot could soon be
a reality. Japanese researchers see a very bright future for these robots who will serve as friends or family to the lonely.
Nevertheless, one needs to ask if a human being can have a relationship with a machine in the same way as they do with
other people or animals, and if so, what effect this could have on our society. The success of robot toys or virtual pets
suggests that this type of relationship is possible.
Research shows that children tend to have similar relationships with humans as with non-humans whereas the same is
true for adults only with pets or when the robot is designed to look like a child. This is probably because robots display
superficial emotions and cannot as yet replace human touch. But will these machines one day succeed in replacing humans?
Some paint a very dark picture of a robot society and predict that artificially intelligent machines will take control of the
entire planet and dominate the human race. However, robot technology is still in its infancy and the idea of them taking
over the world is pure fantasy to most of us, including scientists. In fact, most robots can only perform very basic tasks and
even the most advanced robot that is capable of expressing over forty different emotions seems to do so in a totally random
manner, regardless of what is going on around it.
In spite of the simplicity of today’s robots, robotic technology is impacting our everyday lives in a dramatic way.
Nowadays, our robots are becoming more and more like those portrayed in Capeks work. In a society where human
relationships are so often strained, it is no surprise that the possibility for human-robot relationships is increasing.
Question 38: In line 6,‘was well received by the critics’ means......
A. reviewers thought the story was good.

B. the author was criticised by other writers.
C. the story was sent to a lot of critics.
D. they praised the w riter for his linguistic skills.
Question 39: The word “strained” in the last sentence means.....
A. pressed
B. impressed
C. separated
D. extended
Question 40: Most critics ignored the fact that....
A. humanoid robots are being created.
B. Capek came up with the idea of robots.
C. robots are important in our society.
D. robots can do a lot of tasks,
Question 41: Adults tend to have good relationships with.....
A. virtual pets.
B. non-humans.
C. childlike robots.
D. robot toys.
Question 42: There is a lot of discussion about......
A. what a human really is.
B. the truth about companionship.
C. the nature of a humanoid robot.
D. how a robot is made up.
Question 43: Advanced robots still only......
A. express over forty emotions
B. express emotions randomly.
C. perform basic tasks.
D. react to emotions just like humans.
Question 44: When most people think of robots, they tend to think of......
A. social issues.

B. politics.
C. literature.
D. films.

Question 45: Japanese researchers think that robots could.....
A. be put to use as servants.
B. be of use to families.
C. be of use to people who live alone.
D. be useful to engineers.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 46: My boy was just not strong enough to have caused so much damage.
A. Not much damage was caused because my boy was very weak.
B. Someone else, not my boy, caused the damage.
C. My boy wasn‘t strong, but he caused great damage.
D. My boy, though quite strong, caused little damage himself.
Question 47: Many people lack enough water due to population growth and climate change
A. Many people lack enough water; therefore, the population grows, and climate changes.
B. Because many people lack enough water, the population grows, and climate changes.
C. Owing to many people’s lack of water, the population grows, and climate changes.
D. Many people lack enough water not only due to population growth, but also because of climate change
Question 48: You could not have made a very good impression on them.
A. It‘s impossible that the effect you made on them was particularly positive.
B. You seem to have impressed them very unfavourably.
C. You should have tried harder to make them think well of you.
D. Something appears to have made them think you are unsuitable.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
Question 49: My mother is on a business trip. We have a cooked dinner every evening.

A. When we have a cooked dinner every evening, my mother is on a business trip.
B. Although my mother is on a business trip, we have a cooked dinner every evening.
C. Because my mother is on a business trip, we have a cooked dinner every evening.
D. We have a cooked dinner every evening, so my mother is on a business trip.
Question 50: Collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby. I know a lot of people who do this.
A. Despite collectimg decay teeth being an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
B. Collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby; therfore, I know a lot of people who do this.
C. Because collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
D. However collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2017- 2018
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1:A. strenuous
B. continuous
C. prosperous
D. lubricious
Question 2:A. typhoon
B. raccoon
C. lagoon
D. lampoon

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 3: We played my brother's school at football and beat them hollow.
A. had a draw
B. defeated easily
C. lost the game
D. broke a nil score
Question 4: Our new house is modern but there is not enough room to swing a cat.
A. very small
B. no room to keep cats
C. no playground for cats
D. no space for children
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5: You can borrow my car.......you're careful.
A. on condition as
B. provided as
C. so long as
D. in case
Question 6: There have been several......additions to the old Parliament building.
A. current
B. last
C. later
D. recent
Question 7: The teacher is going to......the children according to height.
A. gather
B. group
C. collect
D. flock
Question 8: I......myself for not being prepared for the exam.
A. blame

B. fault
C. accuse
D. charge
Question 9: The trip to Indonesia was very expensive. .....it was worth every penny.
A. Whatever
B. Despite
C. Even though
D. However
Question 10: In which year........from university?
A. you graduated
B. you were graduating
C. have you graduated
D. did you graduate
Question 11: I had just walked through the door.......the phone rang.
A. after
B. when
C. but
D. that
Question 12: Before her injury, my sister.........tennis professionally.
A. would play
B. would used to play
C. used to play
D. use to play
Question 13: Many people aren't.....of the amount of waste produced by their own households.
A. known
B. familiar
C. recognised
D. aware
Question 14: The teacher got annoyed because the student showed a (n)......of concentration.
A. lack

B. omission
C. absence
D. shortage
Question 15: He had to......a business deal because he didn’t have any funds.
A. fail
B. leave
C. pass
D. break
Question 16: Can you please excuse me........a moment? I need to answer this phone call.
A. of
B. from
C. for
D. with
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 17:A. chimney
B. archivist
C. mechanics
D. choir
Question 18:A. quiver
B. shiver
C. river
D. sliver
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19: He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.
A. aware
B. guilty
C. informative
D. ignorant

Question 20: The economy has shuddered to a halt because of the civil war.
A. lingered to success
B. stopped suddenly
C. gone to the moon
D. been flying high
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 21: ~ A: “.................” ~ B: “No, everything‘s gone just fine so far.”
A. Will you be able to finish the project on time?
B. Have you had any problems with your new apartment?
C. I wonder if he got ill last night from all the alcohol he drank.
D. Have you had any time to look around for a new apartment yet?
Question 22: ~ A: “Who is going to drive you to the reception tomorrow?” ~ B: “.................”
A. I'm too tired to drive there.
B. No. I had my car serviced yesterday.
C. I wonder if he will give me a lift.
D. Lauren will be picking me up in the morning at the

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 23 to 29.
Soichiro Honda was born in 1906 in a small village in Japan. It was so small that it didn’t even have electricity. His
family was poor. Soichiro had eight brothers and sisters. Sadly, five of them died when they were young because they did
not have good medical care. When Soichiro was eight years old, he saw his first automobile. He was amazed by it. For the
next 50 years, he loved machines on wheels. When he was 15 years old, Soichiro left his village to work at an auto repair
shop in Tokyo. It was then that Honda discovered motorcycles. He spent all of his free time fixing and riding motorcycles.
He returned to his village six years later to open his own garage. Soon he owned several shops and had over 50 employees.
At the same time, he began to build and race motorcycles and cars. Honda loved to race, and he became one of Japan’s

most competitive drivers. In 1936, his race car crashed while he was driving 100 miles per hour. Half of Honda’s face was
crushed, and he had other serious injuries. It took him a year and a half to recover. After this, his family begged him to give
up racing. He looked for a less dangerous job and finally decided to become a manufacturer.
At first, he manufactured engine parts. The Japanese navy used a lot of his engine parts in World War II . In 1948, after
the war, he started the Honda Motor Company. He started the company with only $3,300. He made his first machines from
engine parts that the military did not need after the war. These machines were not real motorcycles; they were bicycles with
motors. People bought them because they needed a reliable form of transportation. As Honda’s business grew, he began to
make different types of motorcycles. By 1950, his motorcycles were selling all over Japan. But there were 50 other
motorcycle makers in Japan at the time. In 1958, Honda designed a lightweight motorcycle called the Super Cub. It was a
huge success and Honda made a lot of money. Two years later, Honda built the world’s biggest motorcycle factory in Japan.
By the 1960s, the Super Cub was popular all over Asia. But Honda wanted the motorcycle to be popular all over the
world. In Europe, he put his motorcycles in difficult races to show how good they were. In the United States, he tried a
different method. He used a magazine ad with the words “You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda.” It showed ordinary
Americans such as students, businessmen, and older people all riding happily on the Honda Super Cub. The ad appeared in
many popular magazines.
Readers who had never ridden a motorcycle saw the ad. The ad showed that motorcycles were not just for crazy young
people who wore black leather jackets.They were good for other people too. The company sold thousands of motorcycles to
new riders. Honda then started to put the ads on television. This was also very successful. For example, he put an ad for his
motorcycle on during the Academy Awards program. Millions of people watched that program, and on the next day, sales
of the motorcycle went up tremendously. By 1968, Honda had sold 1 million motorcycles in the United States.
In 1963, his company started to make cars. In 1972, it produced the Civic; the next year, the Accord; and then in 1978, the
Prelude. Soon, the company was one of the world’s biggest automobile makers. Honda was also famous for his business
style. He believed that workers and bosses should have a close relationship. He also thought it was important to encourage
workers to do their best.
In 1973, Soichiro Honda retired as president of his company. He died in 1991. Honda was very important to Japan’s
recent history. He and many other business leaders helped make Japan into a leading industrial nation.
Question 23: Soichiro Honda.........
A. wasted his time working at an auto repair shop
B. a mechanic coming from a poor family
C. was poor when hestarted out, but later became a success

D. manufactured cars and motorcycles all his life
Question 24: Honda start the Honda Motor Company in......
A. 1984
B. 1960
C. 1950
D. 1948
Question 25: What happened to Honda’s race car in 1936?
A. It was injured.
B. It was crushed.
C. It crashed.
D. It collapsed.
Question 26: What was different about the new motorcycle that Honda designed?
A. It was a lightweight one
B. It was the biggest one
C. It was a bicycle with motor.
D. It was a cheaper one
Question 27: Honda was very successful because he........
A. wasn’t afraid to take chances
B. owned the only motorcycle maker
C. put his motorcycles in difficult races
D. had a good education
Question 28: Honda’s business was........
A. selling motorcycles to young people
B. a huge success from the beginning
C. small in the beginning only and then expanded
D. a huge success in the United States
Question 29: Where did Honda go when he left his village?
A. went to work as a motor racer
B. went to open repair shop
C. went to fix and ride motorcycles

D. went to work at an auto repair shop in Tokyo
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
Question 30: My mother is on a business trip. We have a cooked dinner every evening.
A. When we have a cooked dinner every evening, my mother is on a business trip.
B. We have a cooked dinner every evening, so my mother is on a business trip.

C. Because my mother is on a business trip, we have a cooked dinner every evening.
D. Although my mother is on a business trip, we have a cooked dinner every evening.
Question 31: Collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby. I know a lot of people who do this.
A. Despite collectimg decay teeth being an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
B. Because collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
C. However collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
D. Collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby; therfore, I know a lot of people who do this.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 32 to 39.
Most of us associate robots with films such as Star Wars, I, Robot or AI, but in reality they have more to do with social
issues and politics rather than science fiction. The term robot first made its appearance in a play entitled Rossum’s
Universal Robots written almost a century ago by a Czechoslovakian playwright by the name of Karel Capek. Capek got
the name robot from the Slavic word ‘robota’ which means forced labour. In his play, he portrays a society where robots,
which look human, are mass produced to work in the place of people.
Capeks story was well received by the critics but never really got credit for being the source of the notion of robots. The
play has significant relevance to our society today, as humanoid-type robots are being created to fulfil a wide range of
tasks. Robot engineers are not only developing mindless worker drones, but are attempting to create human-like companion
robots for people. Consequently, the question of what actually makes us human is the subject of lively debate.
In the USA, sociable robotics is developing at a relatively rapid rate and a human companion type of robot could soon be
a reality. Japanese researchers see a very bright future for these robots who will serve as friends or family to the lonely.
Nevertheless, one needs to ask if a human being can have a relationship with a machine in the same way as they do with
other people or animals, and if so, what effect this could have on our society. The success of robot toys or virtual pets

suggests that this type of relationship is possible.
Research shows that children tend to have similar relationships with humans as with non-humans whereas the same is
true for adults only with pets or when the robot is designed to look like a child. This is probably because robots display
superficial emotions and cannot as yet replace human touch. But will these machines one day succeed in replacing humans?
Some paint a very dark picture of a robot society and predict that artificially intelligent machines will take control of the
entire planet and dominate the human race. However, robot technology is still in its infancy and the idea of them taking
over the world is pure fantasy to most of us, including scientists. In fact, most robots can only perform very basic tasks and
even the most advanced robot that is capable of expressing over forty different emotions seems to do so in a totally random
manner, regardless of what is going on around it.
In spite of the simplicity of today’s robots, robotic technology is impacting our everyday lives in a dramatic way.
Nowadays, our robots are becoming more and more like those portrayed in Capeks work. In a society where human
relationships are so often strained, it is no surprise that the possibility for human-robot relationships is increasing.
Question 32: Adults tend to have good relationships with.....
A. robot toys.
B. non-humans.
C. virtual pets.
D. childlike robots.
Question 33: There is a lot of discussion about......
A. the truth about companionship.
B. how a robot is made up.
C. the nature of a humanoid robot.
D. what a human really is.
Question 34: Advanced robots still only......
A. react to emotions just like humans.
B. perform basic tasks.
C. express over forty emotions
D. express emotions randomly.
Question 35: In line 6,‘was well received by the critics’ means......
A. the author was criticised by other writers.
B. they praised the w riter for his linguistic skills.

C. reviewers thought the story was good.
D. the story was sent to a lot of critics.
Question 36: Japanese researchers think that robots could.....
A. be useful to engineers.
B. be put to use as servants.
C. be of use to people who live alone.
D. be of use to families.
Question 37: Most critics ignored the fact that....
A. robots can do a lot of tasks,
B. robots are important in our society.
C. humanoid robots are being created.
D. Capek came up with the idea of robots.
Question 38: When most people think of robots, they tend to think of......
A. films.
B. literature.
C. politics.
D. social issues.
Question 39: The word “strained” in the last sentence means.....
A. separated
B. impressed
C. pressed
D. extended
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 40 to 44.
The worst prediction for the next century ...(40)... the weather. Many people think that global warming will cause
important environmental changes. There is scientific evidence that suggests cities on the coast may disappear if the sea
level ...(41).... There is better news regarding health. Medical advances mean that people will live longer. Doctors will be
more successfully diagnosing an illness ...(42)... of new technology. Infective diseases will disappear in many areas of the

world and new drugs will be how to treat muscular aches and pains. Futuristic organ transplants will be easier. Finally,
scientists think they are near to solving the mystery of ...(43)... to make people invisible. Technological progress will give
experts the chance to manufacture invisibility cloaks, which may be ...(44)... the market before the end of the century.
Question 40:A. concerns B. involves
C. relates
D. contacts
Question 41:A. rises
B. raises
C. lifts
D. roars
Question 42:A. because
B. regardless
C. in spite
D. approving
Question 43:A. essential B. acessible
C. necessary
D. available
Question 44:A. on
B. in
C. at
D. to
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 45: My boy was just not strong enough to have caused so much damage.
A. My boy wasn‘t strong, but he caused great damage.
B. Someone else, not my boy, caused the damage.
C. My boy, though quite strong, caused little damage himself.
D. Not much damage was caused because my boy was very weak.
Question 46: Many people lack enough water due to population growth and climate change

A. Many people lack enough water not only due to population growth, but also because of climate change
B. Many people lack enough water; therefore, the population grows, and climate changes.
C. Because many people lack enough water, the population grows, and climate changes.
D. Owing to many people’s lack of water, the population grows, and climate changes.
Question 47: You could not have made a very good impression on them.
A. You should have tried harder to make them think well of you.
B. It‘s impossible that the effect you made on them was particularly positive.
C. Something appears to have made them think you are unsuitable.
D. You seem to have impressed them very unfavourably.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
Question 48: They arrived to Paris sometime early in the summer.
A. arrived
B. sometime
C. the
D. to Paris
Question 49: Can you get everybody altogether for the meeting in ten minutes?
A. for the
B. get
C. altogether
D. in
Question 50: David was surprised by the amount of time necessary to fix the store house.
A. necessary to
B. by
C. amount of
D. was
The End


(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2017- 2018
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
Question 1: They arrived to Paris sometime early in the summer.
A. the
B. sometime
C. arrived
D. to Paris
Question 2: David was surprised by the amount of time necessary to fix the store house.
A. necessary to
B. was
C. by
D. amount of
Question 3: Can you get everybody altogether for the meeting in ten minutes?
A. for the
B. altogether
C. get
D. in
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 4:A. river
B. quiver
C. shiver
D. sliver

Question 5:A. chimney
B. choir
C. archivist
D. mechanics
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 6: ~ A: “.................” ~ B: “No, everything‘s gone just fine so far.”
A. I wonder if he got ill last night from all the alcohol he drank.
B. Will you be able to finish the project on time?
C. Have you had any time to look around for a new apartment yet?
D. Have you had any problems with your new apartment?
Question 7: ~ A: “Who is going to drive you to the reception tomorrow?” ~ B: “.................”
A. I wonder if he will give me a lift.
B. Lauren will be picking me up in the morning at the corner.
C. No. I had my car serviced yesterday.
D. I'm too tired to drive there.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 8: Our new house is modern but there is not enough room to swing a cat.
A. no playground for cats
B. no room to keep cats
C. no space for children
D. very small
Question 9: We played my brother's school at football and beat them hollow.
A. had a draw
B. broke a nil score
C. lost the game
D. defeated easily
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 10: He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.
A. ignorant
B. aware
C. guilty
D. informative
Question 11: The economy has shuddered to a halt because of the civil war.
A. stopped suddenly
B. been flying high
C. lingered to success
D. gone to the moon
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 12: Many people lack enough water due to population growth and climate change
A. Many people lack enough water; therefore, the population grows, and climate changes.
B. Many people lack enough water not only due to population growth, but also because of climate change
C. Because many people lack enough water, the population grows, and climate changes.
D. Owing to many people’s lack of water, the population grows, and climate changes.
Question 13: My boy was just not strong enough to have caused so much damage.
A. My boy wasn‘t strong, but he caused great damage.
B. Not much damage was caused because my boy was very weak.
C. Someone else, not my boy, caused the damage.
D. My boy, though quite strong, caused little damage himself.
Question 14: You could not have made a very good impression on them.
A. You seem to have impressed them very unfavourably.
B. You should have tried harder to make them think well of you.
C. Something appears to have made them think you are unsuitable.
D. It‘s impossible that the effect you made on them was particularly positive.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 15: Many people aren't.....of the amount of waste produced by their own households.
A. familiar

B. recognised
C. aware
D. known
Question 16: The trip to Indonesia was very expensive. .....it was worth every penny.
A. Despite
B. However
C. Whatever
D. Even though
Question 17: He had to......a business deal because he didn’t have any funds.

A. leave
B. pass
C. break
D. fail
Question 18: I......myself for not being prepared for the exam.
A. fault
B. charge
C. blame
D. accuse
Question 19: I had just walked through the door.......the phone rang.
A. that
B. after
C. when
D. but
Question 20: Before her injury, my sister.........tennis professionally.
A. used to play
B. use to play
C. would play
D. would used to play

Question 21: The teacher got annoyed because the student showed a (n)......of concentration.
A. lack
B. shortage
C. omission
D. absence
Question 22: The teacher is going to......the children according to height.
A. flock
B. collect
C. group
D. gather
Question 23: There have been several......additions to the old Parliament building.
A. recent
B. later
C. current
D. last
Question 24: In which year........from university?
A. you were graduating B. have you graduated
C. did you graduate
D. you graduated
Question 25: You can borrow my car.......you're careful.
A. in case
B. on condition as
C. provided as
D. so long as
Question 26: Can you please excuse me........a moment? I need to answer this phone call.
A. of
B. from
C. with
D. for
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to

each of the questions from 27 to 34.
Most of us associate robots with films such as Star Wars, I, Robot or AI, but in reality they have more to do with social
issues and politics rather than science fiction. The term robot first made its appearance in a play entitled Rossum’s
Universal Robots written almost a century ago by a Czechoslovakian playwright by the name of Karel Capek. Capek got
the name robot from the Slavic word ‘robota’ which means forced labour. In his play, he portrays a society where robots,
which look human, are mass produced to work in the place of people.
Capeks story was well received by the critics but never really got credit for being the source of the notion of robots. The
play has significant relevance to our society today, as humanoid-type robots are being created to fulfil a wide range of
tasks. Robot engineers are not only developing mindless worker drones, but are attempting to create human-like companion
robots for people. Consequently, the question of what actually makes us human is the subject of lively debate.
In the USA, sociable robotics is developing at a relatively rapid rate and a human companion type of robot could soon be
a reality. Japanese researchers see a very bright future for these robots who will serve as friends or family to the lonely.
Nevertheless, one needs to ask if a human being can have a relationship with a machine in the same way as they do with
other people or animals, and if so, what effect this could have on our society. The success of robot toys or virtual pets
suggests that this type of relationship is possible.
Research shows that children tend to have similar relationships with humans as with non-humans whereas the same is
true for adults only with pets or when the robot is designed to look like a child. This is probably because robots display
superficial emotions and cannot as yet replace human touch. But will these machines one day succeed in replacing humans?
Some paint a very dark picture of a robot society and predict that artificially intelligent machines will take control of the
entire planet and dominate the human race. However, robot technology is still in its infancy and the idea of them taking
over the world is pure fantasy to most of us, including scientists. In fact, most robots can only perform very basic tasks and
even the most advanced robot that is capable of expressing over forty different emotions seems to do so in a totally random
manner, regardless of what is going on around it.
In spite of the simplicity of today’s robots, robotic technology is impacting our everyday lives in a dramatic way.
Nowadays, our robots are becoming more and more like those portrayed in Capeks work. In a society where human
relationships are so often strained, it is no surprise that the possibility for human-robot relationships is increasing.
Question 27: In line 6,‘was well received by the critics’ means......
A. reviewers thought the story was good.
B. the story was sent to a lot of critics.
C. the author was criticised by other writers.

D. they praised the w riter for his linguistic skills.
Question 28: The word “strained” in the last sentence means.....
A. separated
B. impressed
C. extended
D. pressed
Question 29: There is a lot of discussion about......
A. how a robot is made up.
B. the truth about companionship.
C. the nature of a humanoid robot.
D. what a human really is.
Question 30: When most people think of robots, they tend to think of......
A. literature.
B. politics.
C. films.
D. social issues.
Question 31: Japanese researchers think that robots could.....
A. be put to use as servants.
B. be useful to engineers.
C. be of use to people who live alone.
D. be of use to families.
Question 32: Advanced robots still only......
A. perform basic tasks.
B. express over forty emotions
C. react to emotions just like humans.
D. express emotions randomly.

Question 33: Most critics ignored the fact that....
A. Capek came up with the idea of robots.

B. robots are important in our society.
C. robots can do a lot of tasks,
D. humanoid robots are being created.
Question 34: Adults tend to have good relationships with.....
A. childlike robots.
B. virtual pets.
C. non-humans.
D. robot toys.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 35 to 41.
Soichiro Honda was born in 1906 in a small village in Japan. It was so small that it didn’t even have electricity. His
family was poor. Soichiro had eight brothers and sisters. Sadly, five of them died when they were young because they did
not have good medical care. When Soichiro was eight years old, he saw his first automobile. He was amazed by it. For the
next 50 years, he loved machines on wheels. When he was 15 years old, Soichiro left his village to work at an auto repair
shop in Tokyo. It was then that Honda discovered motorcycles. He spent all of his free time fixing and riding motorcycles.
He returned to his village six years later to open his own garage. Soon he owned several shops and had over 50 employees.
At the same time, he began to build and race motorcycles and cars. Honda loved to race, and he became one of Japan’s
most competitive drivers. In 1936, his race car crashed while he was driving 100 miles per hour. Half of Honda’s face was
crushed, and he had other serious injuries. It took him a year and a half to recover. After this, his family begged him to give
up racing. He looked for a less dangerous job and finally decided to become a manufacturer.
At first, he manufactured engine parts. The Japanese navy used a lot of his engine parts in World War II . In 1948, after
the war, he started the Honda Motor Company. He started the company with only $3,300. He made his first machines from
engine parts that the military did not need after the war. These machines were not real motorcycles; they were bicycles with
motors. People bought them because they needed a reliable form of transportation. As Honda’s business grew, he began to
make different types of motorcycles. By 1950, his motorcycles were selling all over Japan. But there were 50 other
motorcycle makers in Japan at the time. In 1958, Honda designed a lightweight motorcycle called the Super Cub. It was a
huge success and Honda made a lot of money. Two years later, Honda built the world’s biggest motorcycle factory in Japan.
By the 1960s, the Super Cub was popular all over Asia. But Honda wanted the motorcycle to be popular all over the
world. In Europe, he put his motorcycles in difficult races to show how good they were. In the United States, he tried a

different method. He used a magazine ad with the words “You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda.” It showed ordinary
Americans such as students, businessmen, and older people all riding happily on the Honda Super Cub. The ad appeared in
many popular magazines.
Readers who had never ridden a motorcycle saw the ad. The ad showed that motorcycles were not just for crazy young
people who wore black leather jackets.They were good for other people too. The company sold thousands of motorcycles to
new riders. Honda then started to put the ads on television. This was also very successful. For example, he put an ad for his
motorcycle on during the Academy Awards program. Millions of people watched that program, and on the next day, sales
of the motorcycle went up tremendously. By 1968, Honda had sold 1 million motorcycles in the United States.
In 1963, his company started to make cars. In 1972, it produced the Civic; the next year, the Accord; and then in 1978, the
Prelude. Soon, the company was one of the world’s biggest automobile makers. Honda was also famous for his business
style. He believed that workers and bosses should have a close relationship. He also thought it was important to encourage
workers to do their best.
In 1973, Soichiro Honda retired as president of his company. He died in 1991. Honda was very important to Japan’s
recent history. He and many other business leaders helped make Japan into a leading industrial nation.
Question 35: Soichiro Honda.........
A. wasted his time working at an auto repair shop
B. manufactured cars and motorcycles all his life
C. a mechanic coming from a poor family
D. was poor when hestarted out, but later became a success
Question 36: What happened to Honda’s race car in 1936?
A. It was crushed.
B. It crashed.
C. It was injured.
D. It collapsed.
Question 37: What was different about the new motorcycle that Honda designed?
A. It was a lightweight one
B. It was a bicycle with motor.
C. It was a cheaper one
D. It was the biggest one
Question 38: Where did Honda go when he left his village?

A. went to fix and ride motorcycles
B. went to work as a motor racer
C. went to work at an auto repair shop in Tokyo
D. went to open repair shop
Question 39: Honda was very successful because he........
A. put his motorcycles in difficult races
B. wasn’t afraid to take chances
C. had a good education
D. owned the only motorcycle maker
Question 40: Honda’s business was........
A. a huge success in the United States
B. selling motorcycles to young people
C. small in the beginning only and then expanded
D. a huge success from the beginning
Question 41: Honda start the Honda Motor Company in......
A. 1960
B. 1984
C. 1948
D. 1950

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 42:A. continuous B. strenuous
C. prosperous
D. lubricious
Question 43:A. typhoon
B. raccoon
C. lagoon
D. lampoon

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 44 to 48.
The worst prediction for the next century ...(44)... the weather. Many people think that global warming will cause
important environmental changes. There is scientific evidence that suggests cities on the coast may disappear if the sea
level ...(45).... There is better news regarding health. Medical advances mean that people will live longer. Doctors will be
more successfully diagnosing an illness ...(46)... of new technology. Infective diseases will disappear in many areas of the
world and new drugs will be how to treat muscular aches and pains. Futuristic organ transplants will be easier. Finally,
scientists think they are near to solving the mystery of ...(47)... to make people invisible. Technological progress will give
experts the chance to manufacture invisibility cloaks, which may be ...(48)... the market before the end of the century.
Question 44:A. involves
B. relates
C. concerns
D. contacts
Question 45:A. raises
B. lifts
C. rises
D. roars
Question 46:A. in spite
B. regardless
C. because
D. approving
Question 47:A. essential
B. available
C. acessible
D. necessary
Question 48:A. to
B. in
C. on
D. at

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
Question 49: Collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby. I know a lot of people who do this.
A. Collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby; therfore, I know a lot of people who do this.
B. Despite collectimg decay teeth being an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
C. However collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
D. Because collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
Question 50: My mother is on a business trip. We have a cooked dinner every evening.
A. Although my mother is on a business trip, we have a cooked dinner every evening.
B. Because my mother is on a business trip, we have a cooked dinner every evening.
C. We have a cooked dinner every evening, so my mother is on a business trip.
D. When we have a cooked dinner every evening, my mother is on a business trip.
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2017- 2018
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1:A. lampoon
B. raccoon
C. lagoon
D. typhoon
Question 2:A. strenuous

B. lubricious
C. prosperous
D. continuous
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 3:A. shiver
B. sliver
C. quiver
D. river
Question 4:A. mechanics B. chimney
C. archivist
D. choir
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 5: Our new house is modern but there is not enough room to swing a cat.
A. no room to keep cats
B. no space for children
C. no playground for cats
D. very small
Question 6: We played my brother's school at football and beat them hollow.
A. defeated easily
B. broke a nil score
C. lost the game
D. had a draw
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 7: He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.
A. informative
B. ignorant
C. guilty

D. aware
Question 8: The economy has shuddered to a halt because of the civil war.
A. been flying high
B. lingered to success
C. gone to the moon
D. stopped suddenly
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 09 to 13.
The worst prediction for the next century ...(9)... the weather. Many people think that global warming will cause
important environmental changes. There is scientific evidence that suggests cities on the coast may disappear if the sea
level ...(10).... There is better news regarding health. Medical advances mean that people will live longer. Doctors will be
more successfully diagnosing an illness ...(11)... of new technology. Infective diseases will disappear in many areas of the
world and new drugs will be how to treat muscular aches and pains. Futuristic organ transplants will be easier. Finally,
scientists think they are near to solving the mystery of ...(12)... to make people invisible. Technological progress will give
experts the chance to manufacture invisibility cloaks, which may be ...(13)... the market before the end of the century.
Question 9:A. involves
B. relates
C. concerns
D. contacts
Question 10:A. roars
B. rises
C. raises
D. lifts
Question 11:A. regardless B. because
C. in spite
D. approving
Question 12:A. acessible B. available
C. essential
D. necessary

Question 13:A. on
B. at
C. in
D. to
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 14: ~ A: “.................” ~ B: “No, everything‘s gone just fine so far.”
A. Have you had any problems with your new apartment?
B. Have you had any time to look around for a new apartment yet?
C. Will you be able to finish the project on time?
D. I wonder if he got ill last night from all the alcohol he drank.
Question 15: ~ A: “Who is going to drive you to the reception tomorrow?” ~ B: “.................”
A. Lauren will be picking me up in the morning at the corner. B. No. I had my car serviced yesterday.
C. I wonder if he will give me a lift.
D. I'm too tired to drive there.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 16 to 23.
Most of us associate robots with films such as Star Wars, I, Robot or AI, but in reality they have more to do with social
issues and politics rather than science fiction. The term robot first made its appearance in a play entitled Rossum’s
Universal Robots written almost a century ago by a Czechoslovakian playwright by the name of Karel Capek. Capek got
the name robot from the Slavic word ‘robota’ which means forced labour. In his play, he portrays a society where robots,
which look human, are mass produced to work in the place of people.
Capeks story was well received by the critics but never really got credit for being the source of the notion of robots. The
play has significant relevance to our society today, as humanoid-type robots are being created to fulfil a wide range of
tasks. Robot engineers are not only developing mindless worker drones, but are attempting to create human-like companion
robots for people. Consequently, the question of what actually makes us human is the subject of lively debate.

In the USA, sociable robotics is developing at a relatively rapid rate and a human companion type of robot could soon be
a reality. Japanese researchers see a very bright future for these robots who will serve as friends or family to the lonely.

Nevertheless, one needs to ask if a human being can have a relationship with a machine in the same way as they do with
other people or animals, and if so, what effect this could have on our society. The success of robot toys or virtual pets
suggests that this type of relationship is possible.
Research shows that children tend to have similar relationships with humans as with non-humans whereas the same is
true for adults only with pets or when the robot is designed to look like a child. This is probably because robots display
superficial emotions and cannot as yet replace human touch. But will these machines one day succeed in replacing humans?
Some paint a very dark picture of a robot society and predict that artificially intelligent machines will take control of the
entire planet and dominate the human race. However, robot technology is still in its infancy and the idea of them taking
over the world is pure fantasy to most of us, including scientists. In fact, most robots can only perform very basic tasks and
even the most advanced robot that is capable of expressing over forty different emotions seems to do so in a totally random
manner, regardless of what is going on around it.
In spite of the simplicity of today’s robots, robotic technology is impacting our everyday lives in a dramatic way.
Nowadays, our robots are becoming more and more like those portrayed in Capeks work. In a society where human
relationships are so often strained, it is no surprise that the possibility for human-robot relationships is increasing.
Question 16: When most people think of robots, they tend to think of......
A. politics.
B. social issues.
C. literature.
D. films.
Question 17: There is a lot of discussion about......
A. what a human really is.
B. how a robot is made up.
C. the truth about companionship.
D. the nature of a humanoid robot.
Question 18: Most critics ignored the fact that....
A. Capek came up with the idea of robots.
B. humanoid robots are being created.
C. robots are important in our society.
D. robots can do a lot of tasks,
Question 19: In line 6,‘was well received by the critics’ means......

A. they praised the w riter for his linguistic skills.
B. the author was criticised by other writers.
C. reviewers thought the story was good.
D. the story was sent to a lot of critics.
Question 20: Japanese researchers think that robots could.....
A. be of use to people who live alone.
B. be put to use as servants.
C. be of use to families.
D. be useful to engineers,
Question 21: Adults tend to have good relationships with.....
A. non-humans.
B. childlike robots.
C. virtual pets.
D. robot toys.
Question 22: Advanced robots still only......
A. perform basic tasks. B. react to emotions just like humans.
C. express emotions randomly.
D. express over forty emotions
Question 23: The word “strained” in the last sentence means.....
A. pressed
B. separated
C. extended
D. impressed
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 24: Many people lack enough water due to population growth and climate change
A. Because many people lack enough water, the population grows, and climate changes.
B. Many people lack enough water not only due to population growth, but also because of climate change
C. Owing to many people’s lack of water, the population grows, and climate changes.
D. Many people lack enough water; therefore, the population grows, and climate changes.

Question 25: My boy was just not strong enough to have caused so much damage.
A. Not much damage was caused because my boy was very weak.
B. My boy, though quite strong, caused little damage himself.
C. Someone else, not my boy, caused the damage.
D. My boy wasn‘t strong, but he caused great damage.
Question 26: You could not have made a very good impression on them.
A. You seem to have impressed them very unfavourably.
B. It‘s impossible that the effect you made on them was particularly positive.
C. Something appears to have made them think you are unsuitable.
D. You should have tried harder to make them think well of you.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 27 to 33.
Soichiro Honda was born in 1906 in a small village in Japan. It was so small that it didn’t even have electricity. His
family was poor. Soichiro had eight brothers and sisters. Sadly, five of them died when they were young because they did
not have good medical care. When Soichiro was eight years old, he saw his first automobile. He was amazed by it. For the
next 50 years, he loved machines on wheels. When he was 15 years old, Soichiro left his village to work at an auto repair

shop in Tokyo. It was then that Honda discovered motorcycles. He spent all of his free time fixing and riding motorcycles.
He returned to his village six years later to open his own garage. Soon he owned several shops and had over 50 employees.
At the same time, he began to build and race motorcycles and cars. Honda loved to race, and he became one of Japan’s
most competitive drivers. In 1936, his race car crashed while he was driving 100 miles per hour. Half of Honda’s face was
crushed, and he had other serious injuries. It took him a year and a half to recover. After this, his family begged him to give
up racing. He looked for a less dangerous job and finally decided to become a manufacturer.
At first, he manufactured engine parts. The Japanese navy used a lot of his engine parts in World War II . In 1948, after
the war, he started the Honda Motor Company. He started the company with only $3,300. He made his first machines from
engine parts that the military did not need after the war. These machines were not real motorcycles; they were bicycles with
motors. People bought them because they needed a reliable form of transportation. As Honda’s business grew, he began to
make different types of motorcycles. By 1950, his motorcycles were selling all over Japan. But there were 50 other

motorcycle makers in Japan at the time. In 1958, Honda designed a lightweight motorcycle called the Super Cub. It was a
huge success and Honda made a lot of money. Two years later, Honda built the world’s biggest motorcycle factory in Japan.
By the 1960s, the Super Cub was popular all over Asia. But Honda wanted the motorcycle to be popular all over the
world. In Europe, he put his motorcycles in difficult races to show how good they were. In the United States, he tried a
different method. He used a magazine ad with the words “You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda.” It showed ordinary
Americans such as students, businessmen, and older people all riding happily on the Honda Super Cub. The ad appeared in
many popular magazines.
Readers who had never ridden a motorcycle saw the ad. The ad showed that motorcycles were not just for crazy young
people who wore black leather jackets.They were good for other people too. The company sold thousands of motorcycles to
new riders. Honda then started to put the ads on television. This was also very successful. For example, he put an ad for his
motorcycle on during the Academy Awards program. Millions of people watched that program, and on the next day, sales
of the motorcycle went up tremendously. By 1968, Honda had sold 1 million motorcycles in the United States.
In 1963, his company started to make cars. In 1972, it produced the Civic; the next year, the Accord; and then in 1978, the
Prelude. Soon, the company was one of the world’s biggest automobile makers. Honda was also famous for his business
style. He believed that workers and bosses should have a close relationship. He also thought it was important to encourage
workers to do their best.
In 1973, Soichiro Honda retired as president of his company. He died in 1991. Honda was very important to Japan’s
recent history. He and many other business leaders helped make Japan into a leading industrial nation.
Question 27: Soichiro Honda.........
A. manufactured cars and motorcycles all his life
B. wasted his time working at an auto repair shop
C. was poor when hestarted out, but later became a success
D. a mechanic coming from a poor family
Question 28: What happened to Honda’s race car in 1936?
A. It was injured.
B. It crashed.
C. It was crushed.
D. It collapsed.
Question 29: Honda was very successful because he........
A. wasn’t afraid to take chances

B. owned the only motorcycle maker
C. put his motorcycles in difficult races
D. had a good education
Question 30: Honda start the Honda Motor Company in......
A. 1960
B. 1948
C. 1984
D. 1950
Question 31: Honda’s business was........
A. selling motorcycles to young people
B. a huge success in the United States
C. small in the beginning only and then expanded
D. a huge success from the beginning
Question 32: What was different about the new motorcycle that Honda designed?
A. It was a bicycle with motor.
B. It was a lightweight one
C. It was a cheaper one
D. It was the biggest one
Question 33: Where did Honda go when he left his village?
A. went to open repair shop
B. went to work at an auto repair shop in Tokyo
C. went to fix and ride motorcycles
D. went to work as a motor racer
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
Question 34: David was surprised by the amount of time necessary to fix the store house.
A. necessary to
B. amount of
C. was
D. by

Question 35: They arrived to Paris sometime early in the summer.
A. sometime
B. arrived
C. to Paris
D. the
Question 36: Can you get everybody altogether for the meeting in ten minutes?
A. get
B. in
C. altogether
D. for the
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 37: In which year........from university?
A. did you graduate
B. you were graduating
C. have you graduated
D. you graduated
Question 38: The teacher got annoyed because the student showed a (n)......of concentration.

A. lack
B. absence
C. omission
D. shortage
Question 39: I had just walked through the door.......the phone rang.
A. when
B. but
C. that
D. after
Question 40: The teacher is going to......the children according to height.
A. gather

B. flock
C. group
D. collect
Question 41: There have been several......additions to the old Parliament building.
A. current
B. later
C. recent
D. last
Question 42: Many people aren't.....of the amount of waste produced by their own households.
A. aware
B. recognised
C. familiar
D. known
Question 43: The trip to Indonesia was very expensive. .....it was worth every penny.
A. Even though
B. However
C. Whatever
D. Despite
Question 44: Before her injury, my sister.........tennis professionally.
A. would used to play
B. used to play
C. would play
D. use to play
Question 45: Can you please excuse me........a moment? I need to answer this phone call.
A. from
B. for
C. of
D. with
Question 46: He had to......a business deal because he didn’t have any funds.
A. fail

B. pass
C. leave
D. break
Question 47: You can borrow my car.......you're careful.
A. so long as
B. on condition as
C. in case
D. provided as
Question 48: I......myself for not being prepared for the exam.
A. charge
B. fault
C. accuse
D. blame
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
Question 49: My mother is on a business trip. We have a cooked dinner every evening.
A. We have a cooked dinner every evening, so my mother is on a business trip.
B. When we have a cooked dinner every evening, my mother is on a business trip.
C. Although my mother is on a business trip, we have a cooked dinner every evening.
D. Because my mother is on a business trip, we have a cooked dinner every evening.
Question 50: Collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby. I know a lot of people who do this.
A. Despite collectimg decay teeth being an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
B. Collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby; therfore, I know a lot of people who do this.
C. Because collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
D. However collectimg decay teeth is an unusual hobby, I know a lot of people who do this.
The End

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