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Đặt mua file word soạn tin “Tôi muốn mua đề Tiếng Anh Anh 2018 file word” gửi đến 0982.563.365
Hoặc vào link sau để đăng ký />Đề thi thử THPT QG 2018 - Đề 4

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following
Câu 1:
A. university

B. understand

C. discussion

B. seem

C. sun

D. industrial

Câu 2:
A. sort

D. sure

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from
the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 1:
A. mysterious

B. historical

C. particular

D. heritage

B. festival

C. atmosphere

D. location

Câu 2:
A. scenery

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
Câu 1: The skin receives nearly (A) the (B) third of the blood pumped out (C) by (D) the
A. nearly

B. the

C. pumped out

D. by

Câu 2: Salt was once (A) too (B) scare and (C) precious that it was used as money. (D)
A. once

B. too

C. and

D. as money

Câu 3: There being (A) no evidence (B) against himself (C) , Slade was released. (D)
A. There being

B. no evidence

C. himself

D. was released

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
Câu 1: Are there any household chores for …………………. men are better ……………..
than women?
A. whose/suited

B. which/suit

C. that/suit

D. which/suited

Câu 2: Too many factories dispose ……………… their waste by pumping it into rivers and
the sea.
A. out

B. of

C. away

D. off

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Hoặc vào link sau để đăng ký />Câu 3: Why did Berth ask you ……………….. a bicycle?
A. that if you had

B. do you have

C. that you had

D. if you had

Câu 4: She wondered if they ……………………. her jeweler and rather hoped that they had.
A. find

B. have found

C. had found

D. would find

Câu 5: I cannot bear the noise of my brother’s radio; it ………………. me from my work.
A. distracts

B. perturbs

C. interrupts

D. disturbs

Câu 6: -“Is swimming under water very difficult?”
-“No, it’s just a matter …………………… able to control your breathing.”
A. to be

B. of being

C. that you are

D. being

Câu 7: I am going to the dentist’s tomorrow. I hope I don’t need to ………………….
A. have anything done

B. have nothing done

C. be done anything

D. get him do anything

Câu 8: A young girl came on to the stage with a bouquet ………………… to the conductor.
A. Presented

B. and presented

C. for presenting

D. to present

Câu 9: …………………….. I love you, I can’t let you do whatever you like.
A. Whatever

B. Whether

C. Despite

D. Much as

Câu 10: He ……………………. alone a month ago, and …………………… of since.
A. set off/hasn’t been heard

B. setted off/hasn’t heard

C. set on/hasn’t heard

D. setted on/hadn’t been heard

Câu 11: His ……………….. of the school regulations really can’t be ignored any longer.
A. carelessness

B. inattention

C. unfamiliarity

D. disregard

Câu 12: Beaches were ……………….. as police searched for canisters of toxic waste from
the damaged ship.
A. sealed off

B. cut off

C. washed up

D. kept out

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
Câu 1: Peter: “……………………………………”
Tim: “What happened?”
A. What did you do to day?

B. I had a bad day.

C. How was your day?

D. Have a nice day.

Câu 2: “Don’t fail to look after yourself, Mary!” – “…………………………………”
A. Of course, you’re an adult.

B. Oh, I knew about that.

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C. Thanks, me too.

D. Thanks, I will

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined ones.
Câu 3: When you cross the street, be careful and be on the alert for the bus.
A. Look for

B. watch out for

C. search for

D. watch for

Câu 4: He was asked to account for his presence at the scene of crime
A. complain

B. exchange

C. explain

D. arrange

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined ones.
Câu 1: Because Jack defaulted on his loan, the bank took him to court

A. failed to pay

B. paid in full

C. had a bad personality

D. was paid much money

Câu 2: His career in the illicit drug trade ended with the police raid this morning.
A. elicited

B. irregular

C. secret

D. legal

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate sentence that is similar in
meaning to the given one
Câu 1: "If I were you, I would take the job," said my room-mate.
A. My room-mate was thinking about taking the job.
B. My room-mate advised me to take the job.
C. My room-mate introduced the idea of taking the job to me.
D. My room-mate insisted on taking the job for me.
Câu 2: "It's too stuffy in this room, isn't it?" said the guest.
A. The guest suggested that the room should be aired.
B. The guest remarked that the room should be aired.
C. The guest said that the room was too crowded.
D. The guest said that there was too much stuff in the room.
Câu 3: "Cigarette?" he asked. "No, thanks." I said.

A. He asked for a cigarette, and I immediately refused.
B. He mentioned a cigarette, so I thanked him.
C. He offered me a cigarette, but I promptly declined.
D. He asked if I was smoking, and I denied at once.

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions
Câu 1: She tried very hard to pass the driving test. She could hardly pass it.
A. Although she didn’t try hard to pass the driving test, she could pass it.
B. Despite being able to pass the driving test, she didn’t pass it.
C. No matter how hard she tried, she could hardly pass the driving test.
D. She tried very hard, so she passed the driving test satisfactorily.
Câu 2: We didn’t want to spend a lot of money. We stayed in a cheap hotel.
A. Rather than spending a lot of money, we stayed in a cheap hotel.
B. In spite of spending a lot of money, we stayed in a cheap hotel.
C. We stayed in a cheap hotel, but we had to spend a lot of money.
D. We didn’t stay in a cheap hotel as we had a lot of money to spend.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.
How men first learnt to (1) ........ words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a
mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, (2) ............ invented certain sounds to
express thoughts and feelings, actions and things so that they could communicate with each
other; and that later they agreed (3) ........... certain signs, called letters, which could be combined
to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. These sounds, (4) .......... spoken or
written in letters, are called words. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but

also express these thoughts in words that a peal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This
charming and telling use of words is what we call literary (5) ........... Above all, the real poet is a
master of words.
Câu 1:
A. invent

B. create

C. make

D. discover

B. however

C. somewhat

D. whatever

B. upon

C. with

D. to

B. however

C. whether

D. though

Câu 2:
A. somehow
Câu 3:
A. at
Câu 4:
A. if
Câu 5:
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A. prose

B. work

C. form

D. style

Read the following passage on transport, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 7.
(1) The protozoans, minute, aquatic creatures each of which consists of a single cell of
protoplasm, constitute a classification of the most primitive forms of animal life. They are
fantastically diverse, but three major groups may be identified on the basis of their motility. The
Mastigophora have one or more long tails, which they use to project themselves forward. The
Ciliata, which use the same basic means for locomotion as the Mastigophora, have a larger
number of short tails. The Sarcodina, which include amoebae, float or row themselves about on
their crusted bodies.
(2) In addition to their form of movement, several other features discriminate among the three

groups of protozoans. For example, at least two nuclei per cell have been identified in the Ciliata,
usually a large nucleus that regulates growth but decomposes during reproduction, and a smaller
one that contains the genetic code necessary to generate the large nucleus.
(3) Protozoans are considered animals because, unlike pigmented plants to which some
protozoans are otherwise almost identical, they do not live on simple organic compounds. Their
cell demonstrates all of the major characteristics of the cells of higher animals.
(4) Many species of protozoans collect into colonies, physically connected to each other and
responding uniformly to outside stimulae. Current research into this phenomenon, along with
investigations carried out with advanced microscopes may necessitate a redefinition of what
constitutes protozoans, even calling into question the basic premise that they have only one cell.
Nevertheless, with the current data available, almost 40,000 species of protozoans have been
identified. No doubt, as the technology improves our methods of observation, better models of
classification will be proposed.
Câu 1: With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
A. Colonies of protozoans

B. Mastigophora

C. Motility in protozoans

D. Characteristics of protozoans

Câu 2: The word “minute” in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by
A. Very common

B. Very fast

C. Very old

D. Very small

C. Grass

D. Wood

Câu 3: Where do protozoans probably live?
A. Water

B. Sand

Câu 4: What is protoplasm?
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A. A class of protozoan

B. The substance that forms the cell of a protozoan

C. A primitive animal similar to a protozoan

D. An animal that developed from a protozoan

Câu 5: The word “uniformly” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to
A. in the same way

B. once in a while

C. all of a sudden

D. in the long run

C. investigations

D. colonies

Câu 6: The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to
A. protozoans

B. microscopes

Câu 7: Which of the following statements are NOT true of protozoans?
A. There are approximately 40,000 species.
B. They are the most primitive forms of animal life.
C. They have a large cell and a smaller cell.
D. They are difficult to observe.
Read the following passage on transport, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 8.
(1) It was the first photograph that I had ever seen, and it fascinated me. I can remember holding
it at every angle in order to catch the flickering light from the oil lamp on the dresser. The man in
the photograph was unsmiling, but his eyes were kind. I had never met him, but I felt that I knew
him. One evening when I was looking at the photograph, as I always did before I went to sleep, I
noticed a shadow across the man’s thin face. I moved the photograph so that the shadow lay
perfectly around his hollow cheecks. How different he looked!
(2) That night I could not sleep, thinking about the letter that I would write. First, I would tell
him that I was eleven years old, and that if he had a little girl my age, she could write to me
instead of him. I knew that he was a very busy man. Then I would explain to him the real
purpose of my letter. I would tell him how wonderful he looked with the shadow that I had seen
across his photograph, and I would most carefully suggest that he grow whiskers.

(3) Four months later when I met him at the train station near my home in Westfield, New York,
he was wearing a full beard. He was so much taller than I had imagined from my tiny
(4) “Ladies and gentlemen,” he said, “I have no speech to make and no time to make it in. I
appear before you that I may see you and that you may see me.” Then he picked me right up and
kissed me on both cheeks. The whiskers scratched. “Do you think I look better, my little friend?”
he asked me.
(5) My name is Grace Bedell, and the man in the photograph was Abraham Lincoln.
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Hoặc vào link sau để đăng ký />Câu 1: What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?
A. To explain how Grace Bedell took a photograph of Abraham Lincoln
B. To explain why Abraham Lincoln wore a beard
C. To explain why the first photographs were significant in American life
D. To explain why Westfield is an important city
Câu 2: The word “fascinated” in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by
A. interested

B. frightened

C. confused

D. disgusted

Câu 3: The man in the photograph
A. was smiling

B. had a beard

C. had a round, fat face D. looked kind

Câu 4: What did Grace Bedell do every night before she went to sleep?
A. She wrote letters.

B. She looked at the photograph.

C. She made shadow figures on the wall.

D. She read stories.

Câu 5: The little girl could not sleep because she was
A. sick

B. excited

C. lonely

D. sad

C. Photograph

D. Station

Câu 6: The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to
A. Time

B. Speech

Câu 7: From this passage, it may be inferred that
A. Grace Bedell was the only one at the train station when Lincoln stopped at Westfield
B. There were many people waiting for Lincoln to arrive on the train
C. Lincoln made a long speech at the station in Westfield
D. Lincoln was offended by the letter
Câu 8: Why did the author wait until the last line to reveal the identity of the man in the
A. The author did not know it.
B. The author wanted to make the reader fell foolish.
C. The author wanted to build the interest and curiosity of the reader.
D. The author was just a little girl.

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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following
Câu 1: Đáp án A
ju và u
Câu 2: Đáp án D
/s/; /ʃ/
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from
the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 1: Đáp án D
/mɪstɪəriəs/,/hɪstɒrɪkl/, /pətɪkjələ®/ /herɪtɪdʒ/
Câu 2: Đáp án D

Location nhấn âm 2 trước đuôi “tion”, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
Câu 1: Đáp án B
the --> a (a third:1/3), the third + N: …..thứ 3
Câu 2: Đáp án B
too--> so ( so…that: quá….đến nỗi mà)
Câu 3: Đáp án C
himself --> him: chủ ngữ là there nên không sử dụng tân ngữ là đại từ phản thân, chỉ sử dụng
tân ngữ là đại từ phản thân khi chủ ngữ và tân ngữ chỉ cùng một đối tượng
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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
Câu 1: Đáp án D
Loại A và C vì có giới từ for đứng trước. Are + suited (not suit)
Câu 2: Đáp án B
Dispose of St: vứt bỏ cái gì = throw out/away= give st away
Câu 3: Đáp án D
Trong câu gián tiếp dùng if hoặc whether cho câu hỏi dạng yes/no question
Câu 4: Đáp án C
từ dẫn wondered ở thì quá khứ nên câu theo sau phải có hiện tượng lùi thì
Câu 5: Đáp án A
distract sb from st: làm ai xao nhãng việc gì
perturb sb: làm cho ai lo sợ
interrupt Sb with st: làm gián đoạn ai đó bằng điều gì (trong khi người đó đang nói)
disturb Sb: làm gián đoạn ai đó bằng điều gì (trong khi người đó đang làm việc gì đó)

Câu 6: Đáp án B
a matter of st: vấn đề về
Câu 7: Đáp án A
câu phủ định dùng anything, không dùng câu B là nothing nữa
have ST done = Get SB to do ST
Câu 8: Đáp án D
to Verb: chỉ mục đích
Câu 9: Đáp án D
Much as + S + V = Although + S + V: Mặc dù
Câu 10: Đáp án A
Loại B và D vì set-set-set. Set off: khởi hành
Set on/upon SB: tấn công ai đó đột ngột
Câu 11: Đáp án B
Dịch nghĩa: việc không để tâm đến nội quy trường thật sự không thể để bị phớt lờ được nữa
Disregard of: coi thường việc gì, in attention to; unfarmiliarity with
Câu 12: Đáp án A
seal sb/st off: ngăn chặn ai/cái gì đi vào hoặc đi ra đâu đó
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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable
response to complete each of the following exchanges.
Câu 1: Đáp án B
Dịch nghĩa: Tôi đã có một ngày tồi tệ. Chuyện gì đã xảy ra thế
Câu 2: Đáp án D
Đừng quên tự chăm sóc bản thân nhé. Cảm ơn, mình sẽ làm như vậy
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined ones.

Câu 1: Đáp án B
Be on the alert for = watch out for: trông chừng
Câu 2: Đáp án C
Account for = explain: giải thích
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined ones.
Câu 1: Đáp án B
default ≠ paid in full: không thể trả nợ ≠ trả đầy đủ nợ
Câu 2: Đáp án D
illicit: bất hợp pháp ≠ legal: hợp pháp
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate sentence that is similar in
meaning to the given one
Câu 3: Đáp án B
Có “if I were…, dùng câu tường thuật chỉ lời khuyên: advised SB + to do ST
Câu 4: Đáp án A
Câu tường thuật dạng lời đề nghị với sugested: “Phòng quá bừa bộn phải không nào?”
Câu 5: Đáp án C
Câu tường tuật dạng hỗn hợp lời đề nghị với offered + tường thuật câu trả lời yes/no : “hút
thuốc nhé”/ không, cảm ơn
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate sentence that best
combines each pair of sentences in the following questions
Câu 1: Đáp án C
Giải thích: Cấu trúc could + hardly + V (khó khăn để làm gì)

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Hoặc vào link sau để đăng ký />Dịch nghĩa: Cô ấy đã cố gắng rất nhiều để có thể đậu kỳ thi lái xe. Cô ấy khó có thể thi đậu

C: Dù có cố gắng thế nào đi nữa, cô ấy cũng khó có thể đậu kỳ thi lái xe.
A: Mặc dù cô ấy không cố gắng nhiều để đậu kỳ thi lái xe, cô ấy vẫn thi đậu.
B: Mặc dù có thể đậu được kỳ thi lái xe, cô ấy đã không đậu.
D: Cô ấy đã cố gắng nhiều vì vậy cô ấy đã đậu kỳ thi lái xe một cách hài lòng.
Câu 2: Đáp án A
Giải thích: rather than st = instead of th (Thay vì)
Dịch nghĩa: Chúng tôi không muốn tiêu nhiều tiền. Chúng tôi ở trong một khách sạn rẻ tiền.
A: Thay vì tiêu nhiều tiền, chúng tôi ở trong một khách sạn rẻ tiền.
B: Mặc dù tiêu nhiều tiền, chúng tôi ở trong một khách sạn rẻ tiền.
C: Chúng tôi ở trong một khách sạn rẻ tiền nhưng chúng tôi phải tiêu nhiều tiền.
D: Chúng tôi đã không ở trong một khách sạn rẻ tiền vì chúng tôi có rất nhiều tiền tiêu.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to
Câu 1: Đáp án A
Invent: khi nói tới vật gì đó mà do con người tạo ra. Ví dụ: Điện thoại, ô tô, xe máy vv…
Discover khi nói tới gì đó mà nó đã tồn tại ngoài ý muốn của con người, tìm ra cái gì đó nó bị
ẩn đi mà con người chưa biết.
Ví dụ: một hành tinh, hòn đảo, một
Make= Tạo ra sản phẩm nhờ vào việc lắp ghép các bộ phận, phần, vật liệu đã có.
Create tạo ra cái gì mang tính sáng tạo như tư tưởng, tác phẩm
Câu 2: Đáp án A
Somehow: bằng cách nào đó
Somewhat: ở một mức độ nào đó
Câu 3: Đáp án B
Agree with sb on/upon st: thống nhất với ai về việc gì
Câu 4: Đáp án C
whether…or: hoặc là…hoặc là
Câu 5: Đáp án D
literacy style: phong cách văn chương

Trang 11 – Website chuyên đề thi thử file word có lời giải

Đặt mua file word soạn tin “Tôi muốn mua đề Tiếng Anh Anh 2018 file word” gửi đến 0982.563.365
Hoặc vào link sau để đăng ký />prose: văn xuôi
work: tác phẩm
form: hình thức
Read the following passage on transport, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 7.
Câu 1: Đáp án D
(A) Colonies of protozoans: các loại sinh vật đơn bào
(B) Mastigophora: Nhóm Mastigophora
(C) Motility in protozoans: tính chất của sinh vật đơn bào
(D) Characteristics of protozoans: đặc điểm của sinh vật đơn bào
Câu 2: Đáp án D
Minute -> very small: rất bé
Very common: rất phổ biến
Very fast: rất nhanh
Very old: rất già
Câu 3: Đáp án A
(1) The protozoans, minute, aquatic creatures each of which consists Aquatic: sống ở nước
Câu 4: Đáp án B
(1) The protozoans, minute, aquatic creatures each of which consists of a single cell of
Câu 5: Đáp án A
Uniformly <=> in the same way: theo cùng một cách
once in a while: thỉnh thoảng
all of a sudden: một cách bất ngờ
in the long run: sau cùng, rốt cuộc là
Câu 6: Đáp án A

(1) Protozoans are considered animals because, unlike pigmented plants to which some
protozoans are otherwise almost identical, they (protozoans) do not live on simple organic
Câu 7: Đáp án C
A: (4) Nevertheless, with the current data available, almost 40,000 species of protozoans have
been identified.
Trang 12 – Website chuyên đề thi thử file word có lời giải

Đặt mua file word soạn tin “Tôi muốn mua đề Tiếng Anh Anh 2018 file word” gửi đến 0982.563.365
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B: (1) The protozoans, minute, aquatic creatures each of which consists of a single cell of
protoplasm, constitute a classification of the most primitive forms of animal life
D: (4) No doubt, as the technology improves our methods of observation, better models of
classification will be proposed.
Read the following passage on transport, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 8.
Câu 1: Đáp án C
Các đáp án A, B, D còn lại chỉ là ví dụ nhỏ trong câu không phải là mục đích chính của bài
viết. Mục đích chính là giải thích tại sao các bức ảnh đầu tiên lại quan trong trong đời sống
người Mỹ
Câu 2: Đáp án A
fascinated = interested: gây hứng thú
frighten: làm sợ hãi
confuse: làm bối rối
disgust: làm chán ghét
Câu 3: Đáp án D
Dòng 2 + 3 đoạn 1 “The man in the photograph was unsmiling, but his eyes were kind”
Câu 4: Đáp án B
Dòng 3 + 4 đoạn 1: “One evening when I was looking at the photograph, as I always did

before I went to sleep”
Câu 5: Đáp án B
Dòng 1 đoạn 2: “That night I could not sleep, thinking about the letter that I would write”
Sick: ốm
Exited: hào hứng
Lonely: cô đơn
Sad: buồn
Câu 6: Đáp án B
“I have no speech to make and no time to make it in.” tôi không có bài diễn thuyết nào để
thực hiện cả và cũng không có thời gian để diễn thuyết
Time: thời gian
Speech: bài diễn thuyết
Photograph: chụp ảnh
Trang 13 – Website chuyên đề thi thử file word có lời giải

Đặt mua file word soạn tin “Tôi muốn mua đề Tiếng Anh Anh 2018 file word” gửi đến 0982.563.365
Hoặc vào link sau để đăng ký />
Station: sân ga
Câu 7: Đáp án B
““Ladies and gentlemen,” he said, “I have no speech to make and no time to make it in. I
appear before you that I may see you and that you may see me” =>Có rất nhiều người đợi
Lincoln ở ga tàu Lincoln đến, nên khi đến Lincoln chào mọi người “thưa các quý ông quý
bà,…tôi xuất hiện trước mặt các bạn để tôi có thể thấy mọi người và mọi người có thể thấy
Câu 8: Đáp án C
(C) Tác giả muốn gây sự thu hút và tò mò từ phía người đọc

Trang 14 – Website chuyên đề thi thử file word có lời giải
