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Rewrite the following sentences in such ways that the original meanings of the given sentences remain
1. We couldn’t have managed without my father’s money.
→ If it____________________________.
2. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.
→ Hardly____________________________.
3. It was Walter Raleigh who introduced potatoes and tobacco into England.
→ The English owe____________________________.
4. “If my members agree to that, I’ll be very surprised,” said the union delegate.
→ The union delegate observed that____________________________.
5. While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time.
→ Despite my____________________________.
6. I’m sorry I missed Professor Baker’s lecture.
→ I’m sorry not____________________________.
7. We may not be able to give the concert.
→ The concert____________________________.
8. I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test.
→ It came____________________________.
9. I only recognized him when he came into the light.
→ Not until____________________________.
10. That rumor about the politician and the construction contract is absolutely false.
→ There is____________________________.
11. One runner was too exhausted to complete the last lap of the race.
→ One runner was so____________________________.
12. My mother was the most warm-hearted person I’ve ever known.

→ I’ve____________________________.
13. They never made us do anything we didn’t want to do.
→ We____________________________.
14. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minister.
→ Had it not____________________________.
15. It is quite pointless to complain.
→ There’s no____________________________.
16. The workers only called off the strike after a new pay offer.
→ Only after____________________________.
17. He was sentenced to six months in prison for his part in the robbery.
→ He received a____________________________.
18. You can eat as much as you like for 5$ at the new lunch-bar.
→ There is no____________________________.
19. She wore a hearing-aid, even though she could hear the phone ring perfectly well.
→ She wasn’t so____________________________.
20. You will never meet anyone more generous than Mrs. Jones.
→ Mrs. Jones is____________________________.
21. My parents let me go abroad alone for the first time last year.
→ I was____________________________.
22. It was his incompetence which led to their capture.
→ If____________________________.
23. I’m certainly not going to give you any more money.
→ I have no____________________________.
24. Our hotel booking hasn’t been confirmed.
→ We haven’t received____________________________.
25. The sales man told me that my new car would be delivered next Wednesday.
→ According____________________________.
26. The Yeti has very rarely been seen at this altitude. = người tuyết
→ There have____________________________.
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27. It’s not certain that Jones will get the job.
→ It is open____________________________.
28. Everyone started complaining the moment the announcement was made.
→ No sooner____________________________.
29. As I get older, I want to travel less.
→ The older____________________________.
30. A house in that district will cost you at least 100,000$.
→ You won’t be able____________________________.
31. Alan worked too hard at the office, and this led to his illness.
→ Alan’s illness____________________________.
32. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test.
→ As long as____________________________.
33. Immediately after his appointment to the post, the new editor fell ill.
→ No sooner____________________________.
34. The protest has been so vociferous that the committee has had to reconsider. (om sòm)
→ There has been____________________________.
35. You think that fat people are always jolly but you are wrong.
→ Contrary____________________________.
36. My boss works better when he’s pressed for time.
→ The less____________________________.
37. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected.
→ The patient made____________________________.
38. There isn’t a pair of thermal socks left in the shop, Madam. (nhi ệt, ấm)
→ We are completely____________________________.
39. Their chances of success are small.
→ It is not____________________________.

40. The rail workers do not intend to call off their strike.
→ The rail workers have no____________________________.
41. Mrs. Scott is proud of her cooking.
→ Mrs. Scott prides____________________________.
42. It was the goalkeeper who saved the match for us.
→ If it hadn’t ____________________________.
43. It wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that Karen had changed her job.
→ It came____________________________.
44. You can try to get Tim to lend you his car but you won’t succeed.
→ There’s no point____________________________.
45. John didn’t celebrate until he received the offer of promotion in writing.
→ Not until____________________________.
46. I don’t really like her, even though I admire her achievements.
→ Much____________________________.
47. It’s thought that the accident was caused by human error.
→ The accident____________________________.
48. House prices have risen dramatically this year.
→ There has____________________________.
49. This affair does not concern you.
→ This affair is no____________________________.
50. You must submit articles for the magazine by June 18 th.
→ The final date____________________________.
51. Although Jimmy was the stronger of the two, his attacker soon overpowered him.
→ Despite his____________________________.
52. What a surprise to see you here!
→ Fancy____________________________.
53. I don’t intend to apologise to either of them.
→ I have____________________________.
54. It was only when I left home that I realized how much my father meant to me.
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→ Not until____________________________.
55. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended.
→ Had it not____________________________.
56. An and Cam did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their second child.
→ Only when____________________________.
57. You’re under no obligation to accept their offer.
→ Your can please____________________________.
58. Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life.
→ Martin’s poor____________________________.
59. The company presents a gold watch to each of its retiring employees.
→ Each____________________________.
60. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.
→ But for his command____________________________.
61. The Pacific Ocean is on average deeper than the Atlantic.
→ The average____________________________.
62. My father finds maps hard to follow.
→ My father has____________________________.
63. Under no circumstances should you phone the police.
→ The last____________________________.
64. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one would recognize him.
→ The film star avoided____________________________.
65. I am amazed by the mistakes he makes.
→ What____________________________.
66. We weren’t surprised by his success.
→ It came____________________________.
67. “That’s a lovely new dress, Jean” said her mother.

→ Jean’s mother complimented____________________________.
68. We couldn’t relax until all the guests had gone home.
→ Only____________________________.
69. We couldn’t find George anywhere.
→ George was____________________________.
70. Customs officials are stopping more travellers than usual this week.
→ An increased____________________________.
71. She listens more sympathetically than anyone else I know.
→ She is a____________________________.
72. No one has challenged his authority before.
→ This is the first time____________________________.
73. “If Brian doesn’t train harder, I won’t select him for the team,” said the manager.
→ The manager threatened____________________________.
74. The hurricane blew the roof off the house.
→ The house____________________________.
75. You’ll certainly meet lots of people in your new job.
→ You are____________________________.
76. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting.
→ Rather____________________________.
77. There aren’t many other books which explain this problem so well.
→ In few other books____________________________.
78. I dislike it when people criticize me unfairly.
→ I object____________________________.
79. Robert is sorry now that he didn’t accept the job.
→ Robert now wishes____________________________.
80. I am having a lot of trouble now because I host my passport last week.
→ If I____________________________.
81. When the police caught him, he was climbing over the garden wall.
→ The police caught____________________________.
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82. It’s sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year.
→ Sad____________________________.
83. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
→ The man is____________________________.
84. Since we had nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk.
→ Having____________________________.
85. “Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted house,” she said.
→ She flatly____________________________.
86. It wasn’t necessary for them to call for help after all.
→ They____________________________.
87. You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs Jones.
→ Nowhere____________________________.
88. She had hardly begun to speak before people started interrupting her.
→ Hardly____________________________.
89. It was a bit difficult to get into work this morning.
→ Getting____________________________.
90. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.
→ Much to____________________________.
91. He knows really everything there is to know about whales.
→ There’s____________________________.
92. If we can solve the problem soon, it will be better for an concerned.
→ The sooner____________________________.
93. The demand was so great that they had to reprint the book immediately.
→ So____________________________.
94. I’m absolutely sure that they weren’t playing in this weather.
→ They can’t____________________________.

95. “I didn’t steal the car,” he said, “I just borrowed it”.
→ He denied____________________________.
96. I only made that terrible mistake because I wasn’t thinking.
→ If I____________________________.
97. We had planned to visit grandmother, so we left early in the morning.
→ We were____________________________.
98. Someone rang the alarm as soon as the burglars left the building.
→ No sooner____________________________.
99. As television programmes become more popular, they seem to get worse.
→ The more____________________________..
100. “I think the whole idea’s ridiculous,” he said.
→ He dismissed____________________________.
101. The authorities will prosecute anyone they find trespassing on this land.
→ Anyone found____________________________.
102. I prefer going out for a meal to staying at home.
→ I’d rather____________________________.
103. It would have been a super weekend if it hadn’t been for the weather.
→ But____________________________.
104. “You should have waited for us,” the team leader said to John.
→ The team leader criticised____________________________.
105. It’s possible that he didn’t get my letter.
→ He might____________________________.
106. The last time it snowed here was six years ago.
→ It____________________________.
107. I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later.
→ Only when____________________________.
108. There weren’t nearly as many people there as I had expected.
→ There were far____________________________.
109. When the Minister was asked about the strike, he declined to comment.
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→ On____________________________.
110. There was no need for you to have gone to all that trouble.
→ You____________________________.
111. Please don’t say things like that.
→ I wish____________________________.
112. This is the best essay I have ever written.
→ Never____________________________.
113. I assumed that she would learn how to take shorthand after this course.
→ I took it____________________________.
114. I am terribly sorry; I thought you were a friend of Anna’s.
→ I took____________________________.
115. Although she was busy, she managed to find the time to proofread for me.
→ Busy____________________________.
116. I would prefer you to do computer science.
→ I’d rather____________________________.
117. He didn’t get his visa until last Monday.
→ It was____________________________.
118. They continued to say that I was to blame.
→ They persisted____________________________.
119. Vietnamese coffee is considered to be one of the best in the world.
→ Vietnamese coffee____________________________.
120. If you ask me well in advance I’ll be willing to work over time.
→ Provided you____________________________.
121. “I never used bad language,” she said.
→ She denied____________________________.
________THE END______

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