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Select two basic theories about motivating to employees. Analyze essence and
relationship betwent two theories?

Apply these theories to analyze working motivation of employees in your company?

I – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) is considered one of the leading
person of humanistic psychology which is regarded as the Third Force while there
existed two main psychology shool: Psychoanalysis and Behaviorism.
In 1943, he developed one of the theories with generally-recognised impact which has been
applied to various fields. This theory is Hierarchy of Needs of human. In this theory, he
arranges the needs of human in a hierachy system in which the higher hierachy demands
requires the satisfaction of the lower hierachy demand.

Overview on the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
In the first stage of the theory, Maslow arranged demands of human in 5 hierachys:
- Basic needs
- Safety needs
- Social needs
- Esteem needs
- Self-actualizing needs
Then, in 1970s and 1990s, this hierarchy has been amended into 7 hierachies and final was
8 hierachies:
- Basic needs
- Safety needs
- Social needs

- Esteem needs
- Cognitive needs
- Aesthetic needs
- Self-actualizing needs
- Transcendence
Demand hierarchy system of Maslow usually expressed in form of pyramid, the lower
hierachy demands, the lower it is ranked.

II - Herzberg’s Two Factors Theory
Herzberg’s study provided data to propose model of two factors:

Demotivate factor: means the factor of the demotivation in work of the officer of
any organization, properly caused by:


Treatment, policy of that organization


Unappropriate monitoring in work


Non-satisfaction of the officer with the work conditions


Nonappropriate or unfair salary and reward


“Problematic” relationship with colleage


Nonsatisfaction of relationship with hierachies (higher or lower)

Motivator factor: means the factor of nonsatisfaction in work:



Recognition of the organization, leaders, colleages




Advancement and promotion


Growth as expected

Environmental factors may cause nonsatisfaction:

Policy and management method of the enterprise.

Examination method.

Salary (coresponding to the position).

Relationship with the higher hierachy.

Work conditions.

Other relations and work atmosphere.

Private life.

Challenge of the work.

Promotion opportunities.

Feeling in completion of work.

Recognition of work outcome.

Respection of other people.


Salary (coresponding to the achivement).

III – Nature and interaction between the two theories – Analysing
working motivation of officers in the company:
Explanation and analysis of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs :
Applying 5- hierachy version to analyse and explain actions in life and education.
1. Basic needs:
This need is also called body needs or physiological needs, including basic needs of human
such as eating, sleeping, breathing, sexuality, comfortable needs, etc. These are the most

essential and strongest of human. In the pyramid, we can see this need arranged in the
lowest hierachy: the basic needs.
Maslow opines that, the higher hierachy needs shall not appear unless these basic needs are
satisfied and these basic needs shall control, encourage a person to act when this basic need
is not reached.
There is a saying: “Fine words butter no parsnips” meaning that the essential demand of
human must be satisfied so that can act and reach the higher demands.
We can easily verify this as our body is hungry or sick. At that time, other demands become
When objection of workers, officer as salary does not satisfy their lives, the basic needs
shall be prefered.
2. Safety, security needs:
When basic needs of human are satisfied, meaning that this need does no longer control
there thinking and actions, then what next will they need? At that time, safety and security
needs shall be activated. These safety and security needs are expressed physically and
Human wishes to be protected of their lives against dangers. This need shall become
motivation for their action in case of emergency, threatening to their lives including war,
disaster, wild beast, etc. Children usually express their lack of feeling safety when they are
uneasy, crying, wishing to be consoled.

This need is usually illustrated by desire of stability, safety in life, stable society, home, etc.
Many people seek for the protection by religion belief, philosophy resulting in the this
safety need which is the seek for the safety in mental.
Insurane policies, retirement treatment, saving plan, etc. also express the satisfaction of this
safety need.
* By studying hierarchy of needs above, there can be seen interesting things.

- In order to restraint or stop the development of someone, the best basic way is to attack to
their esstential needs. Many people work under unreasonable request, unfairness, because
they are afraid of loosing job, lack of money for their lives and families, and stability, etc.
- In order to develop a person to high hierachy, his essential needs shall be priority: good
salary, reasonable treatment, stable life, etc. There is a saying: “to live and work in peace
and contentment”.
- When an employee does not ensure basic needs of his life and family, he cannot focus on
their job. At this time, basic needs, safety and security needs are activated and prevail than
working needs. Studies on encephalon show that, in case of fear, threaten on mental or
physics, encephalon shall secrete chemicals preventing processes of thinking and working.
3. Social needs:
These need is also called need desiring to belong to an agency, organization (belonging
needs) or need on needs of love. This need is expressed through communication such as
seeking, making friends, loving, getting married, participating in a society, working, going
for picnic, participating on clubs, group working, etc.
This need is a trace of living nature in flock of human from the beginning of human kind.
Although Maslow arranges this need following to two above needs, he stresses that if this
need is not satisfied, it will cause serious diseases mentally.
To satisfy the third need, the company organises outside picnic for officers, group playing,
the school applies group working, matter-based teaching methods, unions in the schools are
in charge of collecting students, guiding them to the useful activities. The results show that:
the group activities and outdoor activities bring good effect for mental and productivity for

job is improved.
4. Esteem needs:
This need is also called self esteem needs because it illustrates two hierachies: esteem
needs through their achievements, and needs of feeling respects himself and his reputation,

confidence himself. The satisfaction and achievement of this need may cause a child to
study better, an adult to feel freer.
Practically, we can see that when a person is encouraged of reward for his work outcome,
he will more focus in work. This need is ranked following to the “belonging to
organization” and social needs above. After participating in an organization, group, we
always wish everyone in that organization or group respect, love and esteem, also we strive
to feel that we got a “position”.
5. Self-actualizing needs:
The self-actualizing needs does not mean negatively as it appear. It does not happen that
hierachy is ranked on the top. “Self-actualization” does not simply mean the showy hair,
smoking, sashaying, etc.
Maslow describes this need as: “Self-actualization as a person’s need to be and do that
which the person was “born to do”. In a simple way, this is need to utilize capacity and
potential to self-affirm, work and achieve in the society.
In practice, when we come to the end of our career, we always regret about not work with
capacity and wish. There can be cases that a person with high position in company, leave
the company to perform works as expected which Maslow called “born to do”. That is
seeking for methods in which our capacity, intelligence can be utilized and we are
Explanation and analysis of Herzberg’s two factors theory

Salary is an essential factor, but it is not all. Improvement in salary does not mean

that is the motivation to work productively more than necessary.

Environmental factors have big effect but rarely to be changed (a person rarely
change the policy of the enterprise, working conditions, salary, etc). Affecting the

environmental factors firstly hepls reduce unfairness, increase deal, prepare for the
appearance of ecouragement factors.

Encouragement factors can be changed : A person can amend his initiative,
determine high and difficult goals. Outcome of performance completely depends on
him and he can forsee his achievement.

Desire of officer is to promote and develop his career. Therefore, a person having
working motivation is one who cares about his job. This care always increases when
that person organizes work himself.


Person is encouraged when he is able to perform his intention.

Person is stimulated whenever his performance is correctly valued through

compliments (with good outcome) and punishment (when nonsatisfactory).

In order to a person is long-term encouraged, he must be encouraged usually.

People usually are discourage when they are criticized on themself or their behavior
which they cannot changed (or does not know how to change).

There is no more effective encouragement than overcoming difficulties to achieve
his goal.

4. Motivation for working of people
Why people are motivated to work ? What does encourage them ? What purpose do people
work for ? How are they encouraged ?
How is the encouragement performed ? And on what process ?

5. Basic process causing motivation

1. Needs (nonsatisfactory)
2. Seeking for satifaction of needs
3. Action towards a purpose
4. Outcome
5. Reward/ punishment
6. Re-evaluateing satisfaction hierachy

6. Expectation of officer
According to the priority hierachy : (Research result of 300 Vietnamese)

Promotion and development

Reasonable salary

Stability in job

Attractive job and appropriate with capacity

Highly appreciated and respected by others


7. Feeling of officer
In comparison with contribution and his treatment and others  Stressfull and
nonsatisfactory if feeling unfairly.

Seeking for equality  Amending his contribution in comparison with treatment he enjoys.
Seeking for another job or leaving.

IV - Conclusion
Human resource is the top capital of every organization, enterprise, is
major equipment for the enterprise to take the competitiveness. The
employee is both resource of the organization and important factor
composing production cost of the enterprise. Therefore, the role of
personnel management has been taking more and more important in
the organization. The concern of the organization and enterprise is how
to maximize effectiveness with their cost. Hence, leaders must be skilled
in the art of using human, managing employees effectively, making
them devoted and enthusistically in work. That will create motivation for
the employees. This is part of personnel management and it takes an
important role in the modern life today. Although there are various
studies on this field, theoretically and practically, topic on constructing
motivation for employees has not been understood clearly. It does exist
more problem in practice. The doctrines on motivation in work such as
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzbergs two factors theory show us the
various approach on motivation creation.
As other theories, these two theories of course are not absolute and
comprehensive. They received many contrary comments. However, for
many years passed, these two theories have been appreciated and
generally used.
