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The first question we might ask is: What can you learn in college that will help you in
being an employee? The schools teach a (1)__________ many things of value to the
future accountant, doctor or electrician. Do they also teach anything of value to the
future employee? Yes, they teach the one thing that it is perhaps most valuable for the
future employee to know. But very few students bother to learn it. This basic is the
skill ability to organize and express ideas in writing and in speaking. This means that
your success as an employee will depend on your ability to communicate with people
and to (2)__________ your own thoughts and ideas to them so they will both
understand what you are driving at and be persuaded.
Of course, skill in expression is not enough by itself. You must have something to say
in the first place. The effectiveness of your job depends (3)__________ your ability to
make other people understand your work as they do on the quality of the work itself.
Expressing one’s thoughts is one skill that the school can really teach. The foundations
for (4)__________ in expression have to be laid early: an interest in and an ear for
language; experience in organizing ideas and data, in brushing aside the irrelevant, and
above all the (5)__________ of verbal expression. If you do not lay these foundations
during your school years, you may never have an opportunity again.
Question 1:

A. large

B. great

C. far

D. deal

Question 2:

A. interpret

B. give out

C. transfer

D. present

Question 3:

A. on most

B. most on

C. much on

D. on much

Question 4:

A. method

B. skill

C. way

D. pattern

Question 5:

A. habit

B. routine

C. trend

D. hobby

A recent (1)_______ of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of
experts in the field of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable
for those considering a language course. One suggestion is that you access whether you
are likely to be successful (2)_______ learning a language. Did you enjoy studying
language at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language ? The
major cost will be your own time and effort. Therefore, you must make sure that course

on offer leads to a recognized qualification. Also, be realistic in your (3)_______. If
you don’t set achievable aims, you are more likely to give up. Don’t be deceived into
thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. Shop around to get the best
possible value for money. You should also bear in your mind that the quicker you learn
a language, the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to
teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course. Already fluent in four languages
and with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (4)_______
progress were high. Three years on she remembers very little. She feels her biggest
mistake was not to follow up her first experience. "I think the teacher’s role is
important. It's so nice to have somebody give you a/an (5)_______”.
Question 1:

A. volume

B. issue

C. printing

D. version

Question 2:

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. of

Question 3:

A. sights

B. object

C. recognized D. goals

Question 4:

A. making

B. achieving

C. gaining

Question 5:

A. hand

B. encouragement C. help

D. doing
D. aid

Everyone, old or young, should think about joining a sports club. There are many
benefits of being a (1)________of a club. First of all, you have the opportunity not just
to play your favorite sport on a regular basis, but also to improve. Most clubs have
training sessions or even professionals who (2)________lessons. Secondly, it’s a
chance to meet people who enjoying doing the same things as you so you will probably
get (3)________with them and end up with a good network of friends. Also these clubs
usually have an excellent social life as they arrange parties and special occasions at the
club where you can meet to talk and eat together and generally have a good time. Many
people (4)________up sports in their early teens but it is good idea to continue as
doing sport is a way of relieving stress and giving you more energy as well as being a
good break from your studies. Best of all, a lot of clubs can arrange to get tickets for
top sporting events that are hard to (5)________This means you can often get front row
seats for matches and competitions in your favorite sport, or you may even be able to
see your favorite team. Well worth joining!
Question 1:

A. fellow

B. member

C. representative D. associate

Question 2:

A. offer

B. present

C. hand

D. propose

Question 3:

A. up

B. on

C. over

D. about

Question 4:

A. set

B. get

C. give

D. put

Question 5:

A. order

B. book

C. engage

D. register

I live on the first floor of a house that has been (1) _______ into three flats. Five
months ago, a couple moved into the flat above and since then my life has been a
nightmare. They get up at 6 a.m and make a terrible noise. They listen to the radio at
top (2) _______, talk loudly and stamp on the floor. In the evening they play the same
record on their stereo over and over again. It’s beginning to (3) _______ me mad. I’ve
tried turning my own stereo up to (4) _______ out the noise but I like peace and quiet
and find loud music stressful. I tried to talking to them but it hasn’t done any good. I
realize I should live and (5) _______ live , but I have begun to have quite irrational
revenge fantasies about them – like switching off their electricity or deliberately
making a lot of noise late at night when I know they are asleep. What on earth can I
Question 1:

A. changed

B. converted

C. adapted

D. remade

Question 2:

A. power

B. volume

C. pitch

D. intensity

Question 3:

A. drive

B. force

C. turn

D. put

Question 4:

A. wipe

B. sound

C. deafen

D. drown

Question 5:

A. let

B. make

C. have

D. be

Wind, water, air, ice and heat all work to cause erosion. As the wind blows over the
land, it often (1)________ small grains of sand. When these grains of sand strike
against solid rocks, the rocks are slowly worn away. In this way even very hard rocks
are worn away by the wind. When particles of rocks or soil became loosened(tơi ra) in
any way, running water carries them down the (2)________ Some rocks and soil
particles are carried into streams and then into the sea. Land that is covered with trees,
grass and other plants wears away very slowly, and so loses very (3)________ of its
soil. The roots of plants help to (4)________ the rocks and soil in place. Water that

falls on grasslands runs away more slowly than water that falls on bare ground. Thus,
forests and grasslands (5)________ to slow down erosion.
Question 1:

A. holds up

B. picks up

C. cleans out

D. carries out

Question 2:

A. hillsides

B. borders

C. topside

D. topsoil

Question 3:

A. few

B. much

C. little

D. large

Question 4:

A. stay

B. store

C. hold

D. back

Question 5:

A. help

B. assess

C. facilitate

D. aid

Students and jobseekers are keen to get onto the course or into the workplace of their
choice hope that voluntary work will help them stand out from the crowd. This chance
to (1)________experience-personally and professionally-is high on the wish list of
young people. A survey carried out last year revealed that young and old alike said
volunteering had improved their lives, particularly those (2)________in conservation
or heritage work. Businesses recognize its importance and get to raise their profile in

the community, while staff get a break from their daily routine to develop “soft skill”,
(3)________initiative and decision-making. One volunteering organization is conduct
another survey to find out if volunteering does make a difference in the workplace, or
if it is something businesses do simply to improve their (4)________Not only are
business-sponsored placements becoming more common, the government is also
investing money and aiming to (5)________volunteers. The push is clear to make
volunteering as attractive as possible to everyone. And the more people who
participate, the more act fulfils its direction of making the world a better place.
Question 1:

A. gain

B. achieve

C. collect

D. win

Question 2:

A. committed

B. associated

C. connected

D. involved

Question 3:

A. such

B. such and such C. such like

Question 4:

A. representation B. image

C. look

D. figure

Question 5:

A. recruit

C. bring

D. enter


B. claim

D. such as

It is a well-known fact that Japanese people have a longer life expectancy than the
population of most other countries. A (1)________report shows that the Japanese also
expect to remain healthier for longer. Scientists are trying to work out what keeps

elderly Japanese people so healthy, and whether there is a lesson to be learnt from their
lifestyles. Should we (2)________any changes to our eating habits, for instance, or go
jogging each day before breakfast? Is there some secret (3)________in the Japanese
diet that is particularly beneficial for the human body? Although the prospect of a
longer , healthier life is a good thing for the individual, it can actually create a social
problem. The number of people over the age of 65 in the population has doubled in the
last 50 years and that has increased pension and medical costs. Japan could soon be
(4)________an economic problem: there are more elderly people who need to be
looked after. And relatively fewer younger people working and paying taxes to support
them. One solution could be to (5)________retirement age from 65 to 70 . After all, the
elderly have a great deal to contribute. If they continue to be active in society, younger
generations will have the chance to learns more from their wisdom and experience.
Question 1:

A. late

B. recent

C. morden

D. contemporary

Question 2:

A. do

B. make

C. set

D. give

Question 3:

A. ingredient

B. component

C. portion

D. helping

Question 4:

A. facing

B. meeting

C. adopting

D. encountering

Question 5:

A. put

B. move

C. rise

D. raise

If you’re interested in having the trip of a lifetime, but also doing something
useful at the same time, then why not try joining a Greenforce expedition as a
volunteer. Greenforce, which was (1)________in 1997, is an international research
agency that gathers information about the wildlife and natural habitats in various parts
of the world. There is a qualified biologist in (2)________of each team of volunteers
and these carry out surveys all year round in some of the world’s remotest and most
beautiful places. Volunteers come from all walks of life. The minimum age is 18 years,
but there is no upper age limit. No previous experience is necessary as Greenforce
provides location training in animal identification and survey methods. You’ll need to
be somebody who enjoys the outdoor life, however, as working in remote

(3)________can be challenging. You’ll also need to be passionate about wildlife and
prepared to learn a lot about the place you visit. Each expedition lasts for ten weeks,
and training begins in the UK with a residential weekend where you can get a
(4)________of expedition life and meet up with some of your team mates, as well as
learning about first-aid and basic survival skills. Each volunteer (5 )________£2,550
towards the cost of the expedition, but past volunteers say it is worth every penny.
Question 1:

A. brought about B. put on

C. set up

D. got off

Question 2:

A. head

B. guide

C. lead

D. charge

Question 3:

A. residences

B. positions

C. resorts

D. locations

Question 4:

A. touch

B. drop

C. trial

D. taste

Question 5:

A. contributes

B. affords

C. agrees

D. combines

Education was not formally integrated into the European Union policy portfolio
until the 1993 Maastricht Treaty, although the first Community legislation with an
impact on the education sector was adopted as long as the 1960s. These early
(1)____________ dealt with mutual recognition of qualifications. Achieving
recognition by one member state of a qualification obtained in another was an
important pre-condition for implementing the free movement of workers.
Citizens of EU (2)____________ who are students now enjoy the same rights to
access to higher education in all member states as they do in their home country,
provided that they have the relevant qualifications for entry. Growing numbers of
student (3)____________ activities have been developed, of which the oldest and most
famous is 1987 Erasmus program. By recognizing course credits, Erasmus
(4)____________ university students to study for one year in a different member state.
A separate program, Leonardo, gives young school leavers, students and graduates the
chance to receive educational training.
Few EU initiatives enjoy (5)____________ wholehearted and widespread
political support as these higher education programs. The key issue for future
initiatives is to build on this success without being over- ambitious. Unfortunately,
these programs are becoming very expensive, and this is now the primary areas of

Question 1:

A. rules

B. directors

C. laws

D. policies

Question 2:

A. provinces

B. countries

C. organizationsD. agencies

Question 3:

A. exchange

B. change

C. trade

D. replace

Question 4:

A. admits

B. submits

C. offers

D. allows

Question 5:

A. so a

B. such a

C. so

D. such

Tourism is the fastest-growing industry in the world. As well as bringing prosperity to
an area, however, it can also destroy the qualities which (1)________visitors in the
first place. If it is not carefully controlled, tourism can also create problems for local
people, as is shown by various examples from around the world. When Phuket in
Thailand first became a popular tourist (2)________, people there were unable to cope
with the increase in rubbish that 2 million visitors a year produce and a huge
incinerator had to be built in the countryside to deal with it. New hotels at Goa in India
caused a huge increase in water consumption, (3)________many local people to walk
considerable distances to get clean water. And Egypt’s desert landscapes are being

destroyed by the litter (4)________by tourists. Moving sands are difficult to clean, and
the white desert to the west of the Nile Valley may be permanently affected. It’s
encouraging, therefore, to read about the efforts of certain tour companies who are
organising environmental holidays in some of the worst hit areas. Regular tours now go
to places (5)________the Himalayas and Atlas mountains in North Africa with the aim
of combining a bit of sightseeing with the chance to help clear up some of the mess left
by previous visitors.
Question 1:

A. convinced

B. persuaded

C. attracted

D. appealed

Question 2:

A. position

B. destination

C. terminus

D. departure

Question 3:

A. encouraging

B. making

C. forcing

D. urging

Question 4:

A. dropped

B. sunk

C. lowered

D. fallen

Question 5:

A. as well as

B. as for

C. such as

D. so as to


Travelling abroad is getting easier and easier for young people nowadays. If you take
the time to talk to travel (1) ________and shop around, some really good deals can be
found. Eurorail and Interail are two travel cards which allow people aged 20 or under,
unlimited travel in Europe, mainly by train. It’s quite a good idea to plan your route
before you set off. Most young travelers stay on campsites or in youth (2) ________, as
they are quite cheap. Unbelievable bargains can be found by making last-minute
bookings for charter flights. Remember to check in with your luggage two hours before
(3) ________for international flights. But don’t take too much with you or you won’t
be able to carry it to the bus or taxi that will take you to your hotel. It is advisable to
carry traveler’s (4) ________rather than cash, and keep them in a money belt around
your waist. Look after your passport and tickets carefully. If disaster strikes and all
your valuables are stolen, contact your nearest (5) ________ there they’ll help you with
all the paperwork and make sure you get home safely.
Question 1:

A. officers

B. agents

C. guides

D. representatives

Question 2:

A. hostels

B. villas

C. hotels

D. apartments

Question 3:

A. lift-out

B. lifting

C. take-off

D. departing

Question 4:

A. cheques

B. receipts

C. bills

D. notes

Question 5:

A. council

B. bureau

C. ambassador D. embassy

One rather unlike word that has recently entered the language is “blog”, a shortened
form of “web log”. A blog is a diary on the Internet by the person writing it – the
“blogger” – who presumably expect other people to read it. Modern technology is
being used to (1)________new life into such an old-fashioned form as the personal
journal. And now, as the technology behind video camera is making them easier to use,
we have the video log, or “vlog”. Vlogging does not require (2)________sophisticated
equipment: a digital video camera, a high-speed Internet connection and a host are all
that is needed. Vloggers can put anything that takes their fancy onto their personal web
site. Some vloggers have no ambition (3)________than to show films they have shot
while on holiday in exotic places. However, vlogs can also serve more ambitious
purposes. For instance, amateur film-makers who want to make a (4)________for
themselves might publish their work on the Internet, eager to receive advice or

criticism. And increasingly, vlogs are being used to publicize political and social issues
that are not noteworthy enough to earn coverage by the mass media. It is still too early
to predict whether vlogging will ever (5)________off in a major way or if it is just a
passing fad, but its potential is only now becoming apparent.
Question 1:

A. add

B. inhale

C. insert

D. breathe

Question 2:

A. absolutely

B. highly

C. utterly

D. largely

Question 3:

A. except

B. other

C. rather

D. apart

Question 4:

A. name

B. fame

C. publicity

D. promotion

Question 5:

A. fly

B. take

C. show

D. make

It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented
you are. One thing you have to be (1) _______ of is that you will face criticism along
the way. The world is full of people who would rather say something negative than
positive. If you’ve made up your (2) _______ to achieve a certain goal, such as writing
a novel, don’t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target
and let constructive criticism have a positive (3) _______ on your work. If someone
says you’re totally lacking in talent, ignore them. That’s negative criticism. If,
however, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you good reasons for
doing so, you should (4) _______ their suggestions carefully. There are many film
stars who were once out of work. There are many famous novelists who made a
complete mess of their first novel - or who didn’t, but had to keep on approaching
hundreds of publishers before they could get it published. Being successful does
depend on luck, to a certain extent. But things are more likely to (5) _______ well if
you persevere(in/ at/ with: kiên nhẫn) and stay positive.
Question 1:

A. clever

B. aware

C. kept in mind

D. intelligent

Question 2:

A. thought

B. decision

C. idea

D. mind

Question 3:

A. effect

B. change

C. affect

D. result

Question 4:

A. reckon

B. consider

C. cautious

D. remember

Question 5:

A. get out

B. carry out

C. turn out

D. bring out

How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of
language is a (1) _______. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow
invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things so that
they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed (2) _______ certain
signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which
could be written down. These sounds, (3) _______ spoken or written in letters, are
called words. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express
these thoughts in words that appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This
charming and telling use of words is what we call literary (4) _______. Above all, the
real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like

music, and which by their position and association can (5) _______ men to tears. We
should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully, or they will make our speech
silly and vulgar.
Question 1:

A. story

B. secret

C. mystery

D. legend

Question 2:

A. at

B. upon

C. with

D. about

Question 3:

A. if

B. however

C. whether

D. though

Question 4:

A. prose

B. work

C. form

D. style

Question 5:

A. take

B. send

C. break

D. move

Around the age of sixteen, you must make one of the biggest decisions of your life.
“Do I stay on at school and hopefully go on to university (1) _______? Do I leave and
start work or begin a training course. The decision is yours, but it may be (2) _______
remembering two things: there is more unemployment among those who haven’t been
to university, and people who have the right skills will have a big advantage in the
competition for jobs. If you decide to go (3) _______ into a job, there are many

opportunities for training. Getting qualifications will help you to get on more quickly
in many careers, and evening classes allow you to learn (4) _______ you earn. Starting
work and taking a break to study when you are older is another possibility. In this way,
you can save up money for your student days, as well as (5) _______ practical work
Question 1:

A. former

B. past

C. later

D. after

Question 2:

A. necessary

B. important

C. useful

D. worth

Question 3:

A. instant

B. just

C. straight

D. direct

Question 4:

A. while

B. what

C. where

D. which

Question 5:

A. doing

B. getting

C. making

D. taking

The quality of life these days is something most of us take for (1) _______It takes
some radically different experience to bring this fact home to people. In my case, it
was spending three weeks aboard a yacht with twelve other people, competing in a

major sailing race. (2) _______I was officially a guest, it was made clear to me from
the start that there was to be no room for passengers, and that I’d have to (3)
_______my weight.
For the first few nights, none of us was able to sleep for more than a couple of hours at
a time before being rudely awoken by an aggressive command. Then we’d do
physically exhausting work in total darkness. Every few minutes we’d be completely
soaked to the (4) _______by a large wave we couldn’t see coming. I shared sleeping
quarters with six other women, with barely enough room to stretch my legs. Soon I
found myself (5) _______for my comfortable sheets back home, a hot chocolate and a
warm bath.
Question 1:

A. given

B. accepted

C. granted

D. read

Question 2:

A. Although

B. However

C. But

D. Therefore

Question 3:

A. offer

B. move

C. use

D. pull

Question 4:

A. flesh

B. skin

C. bones

D. tones

Question 5:

A. desiring

B. yearning

C. dreaming

D. craving

Keeping fit and healthy may seem difficult, but there are a few easy-to-follow
guidelines. Firstly, a balanced diet is absolutely essential. This (1)_______selecting
food that is low in salt and sugar. Experts recommend reducing the amount of fat in
your diet, as too much can lead to heart problems. They also suggest increasing the
(2)_______of high fiber food we eat. This comes in the form of fresh fruit, vegetables,

whole meal bread and pasta. As well as being packed with vitamins and minerals, they
are delicious too. Secondly, it’s important to fit exercise into your daily
(3)_______This can be done by simply walking as much as possible and climbing
stairs instead of taking the lift. Exercise is necessary to maintain a healthy body, as
well as increasing energy levels and (4)_______you feel generally fitter and happier.
Finally, staying relaxed is important for good health. Too much stress can lead to a
variety of illnesses, from headaches to high blood pressure. (5)_______possible, do
things you enjoy and treat yourself occasionally. So the message is simple- enjoy
yourself but learn to respect your body too. It’s all a question of getting the balance
Question 1:

A. contains

B. means

C. points

D. suggests

Question 2:

A. amount

B. bulk

C. number

D. mass

Question 3:

A. time

B. custom

C. routine

D. practice

Question 4:

A. providing

B. doing

C. making

D. assisting

Question 5:

A. Whenever

B. Whichever

C. However

D. How

Choosing clothes can be difficult. Some people want to be fashionable, but they don’t
want to look exactly like everybody else. Not all clothes are (1)_________ for work or
school, perhaps because they are not formal enough, or simply not comfortable. It is
easy to buy the (2)_________ size, and find that your trousers are too tight, especially
if you are a little bit overweight. Very (3)_________ clothes make you feel slim, but
when they have shrunk in the washing machine, then you have the same problem! If
you buy light cotton clothes, then they might not be (4)_________ enough for winter.
If your shoes are not waterproof and if you aren’t (5)_________ for the cold, you
might look good, but feel terrible!
Question 1:

A. fitted

B. suitable

C. comfort

D. equal

Question 2:

A. false

B. mistake

C. wrong

D. error

Question 3:

A. loose

B. lose

C. loosened

D. lost

Question 4:

A. warm

B. cold

C. hot

D. cool

Question 5:

A. worn

B. clothed

C. dressed

D. fitted

The future of the African elephant depends on man. No (1)_________ can human
beings and wild animals live in harmony throughout vast area of the continent as was
possible in days gone by, for man’s needs have increased as well as his numbers. There
are regions, such as the Congo forests and the equatorial Sudan, (2)_________ the old
relationship may remain for a few more years or even generations, but in general it has
gone. Conservation, if it is to be effective, should be a positive, constructive policy,
and it is wishful thinking to imagine otherwise, (3)_________ in the case of the
elephant. And this is not yet true of the whole of Africa, it soon will be, for the increase
in the human population is almost universal. Where human beings and wild animals
find themselves in competition with each other, the animals will (4)_________ Even if
there appears to be enough room for both, man will not tolerate long a situation in
which elephants and other (5)_________ make even occasional raids on his fields of
food or economic crops. For many years this has been a major cause of conflicting
interests and one of the reasons why so many elephants have been shot to control their
Question 1:

A. more

B. condition

C. circumstance

D. longer

Question 2:

A. where

B. when

C. how

D. why

Question 3:

A. certainly

B. particularly

C. only

D. entirely

Question 4:

A. win

B. lose

C. disappear

D. fight

Question 5:

A. people

B. plants

C. descendants

D. creatures

Many people love boats. Going out on the water on a warm summer day is a lot of (1)
_______. (2) _______ , different people like different kinds of boats. Two of the most
popular kinds of boat are sailboats and speedboats. Sailboats use the (3) _______to
give them power. They only have small engines. In contrast, speedboats have large
engines and go very fast. Furthermore, speedboats are usually not as (4) _______ as
sailboats. Speedboats are small so that they can go fast. Sailboats, on the other hand,
are big so that they are more comfortable. ( 5) _______, sailboats can travel into the
ocean, but this would be very dangerous in a speedboat. You can only use speedboats
on rivers or lakes.
Question 1:

A. funny

B. fun

C. funs

D. funnies

Question 2:

A. However

B. Although

C. Because

D. Unless

Question 3:

A. water

B. speed

C. weather

D. wind

Question 4:

A. small

B. fast

C. warm

D. big

Question 5:

A. Unfortunately B. At first

C. In addition D. Except for

Question 1. B
A great / good many things = many things
A great many things : rất nhiều điều
The first question we might ask is: What can you learn in college that will help you
in being an employee? The schools teach a (31)....................... many things of value
to the future accountant, doctor or electrician.Do they also teach anything of value
to the future employee? Yes, they teach the one thing that it is perhaps most
valuable for the future employee to know. But very few students bother to learn it.
[ Câu hỏi đầu tiên chúng ta có thể hỏi là: Bạn có thể học gì ở đại học cái mà sẽ giúp
bạn trờ thành một nhân viên? trường học dạy rất nhiều điều giá trị đối với kế toán,
bác sĩ hoặc thợ điện trong tương lai.Liệu chúng cũng dạy bất cứ điều gì có giá trị
cho một nhân viên tương lai? Vâng, chúng dạy một thứ có lẽ quý báu nhất mà một
nhân viên tương lai cần biết. Nhưng rất ít học sinh quan tâm đến việc học nó. ]
Question 2. D
Interpret: phiên dịch

Give out: cạn kiệt/ dừng hoạt động
Transfer: truyền tải ( cảm xúc/ bệnh tật/ sức mạnh)
Present: trình bày
This basic is the skill ability to organize and express ideas in writing and in
speaking. This means that your success as an employee will depend on your ability
to communicate with people and to (32)....................... your own thoughts and ideas
to them so they will both understand what you are driving at and be persuaded.
[ Điều cơ bản này là kỹ năng sắp xếp và trình bày ý tưởng ở dạng viết và nói. Điều
này có nghĩa là sự thành công của bạn khi là một nhân viên sẽ phụ thuộc vào khả

năng giao tiếp với mọi người và trình bày suy nghĩ của bạn và ý tưởng của bạn đến
họ vì vậy họ sẽ hiểu điều bạn đang hướng đến và bị thuyết phục]
Question 3. C
Cụm từ: depend much on: phụ thuộc nhều vào
Trạng từ much đặt ngay sau động từ depend
Không dùng most vì trong câu không có mạo từ “the” nên không dùng so sánh nhất
Of course, skill in expression is not enough by itself. You must have something to
say in the first place. The effectiveness of your job depends (33)....................... your
ability to make other people understand your work as they do on the quality of the
work itself.
[ Dĩ nhiên, mỗi kỹ năng trình bày vẫn chưa đủ. Bạn phải có cái gì đó để nói khi mở
đầu. Tình hiệu quả của công việc phụ thuộc nhiều vào khả năng của bạn làm cho
người khác hiểu công việc của bạn khi họ đánh giá chất lượng của công việc.]
Question 4. B
Method(n): phương pháp
Way (n): cách thức

Skill(n): kỹ năng
Pattern (n): hình mẫu

Expressing one’s thoughts is one skill that the school can really teach. The
foundations for (34)………….in expression have to be laid early: an interest in and
an ear for language;
[ Trình bày suy nghĩ của một người là một kỹ năng mà trường học có thể thật sự
dạy. Những nền tảng dành cho kỹ năng trình bày phải được hình thành sớm: sự
thích thú và năng khiếu ngôn ngữ bẩm sinh]
Question 5. A
Habit(n): thói quen
Routine(n): công việc thường nhật/ hoạt động hằng ngày
Trend(n): xu hướng
Hobby(n): sở thích
Cụm từ: habit of + danh từ: thói quen
trend for: có xu hướng
experience in organizing ideas and data, in brushing aside the irrelevant, and above
all the (35)………. of verbal expression. If you do not lay these foundations during
your school years, you may never have an opportunity again.

[ có kinh nghiệm trong việc tổ chức ý tưởng và dữ liệu, trong vi phát triển những ý
có liên quan, và trên tất cả là thói quen dùng ngôn ngữ. Nếu bạn không hình thành
được những yếu tố này trong những năm ở trường, bạn sẽ không bao giờ có lại cơ
hội này nữa.]

Question 1. B
volume: tập sách

issue :số báo

printing: bản in

version: bản dịch

A recent (31)____ of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of
experts in the field of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove
invaluable for those considering a language course.
[Một số báo gần đây của tạp chí học ngôn ngữ đã tham vấn ý kiến của một số
chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực tiếp thu ngôn ngữ thứ 2. Lời khuyên của họ có thể chứng
minh giá trị cho những người cân nhắc một khóa học ngôn ngữ.]
=>Chọn B
Question 2. C
Cụm từ: be successful at sth: thành công về ( cái gì đó)
One suggestion is that you access whether you are likely to be successful (32)……..
learning a language. Did you enjoy studying language at school, for example? Do
you have enough time to learn a language ? The major cost will be your own time
and effort.
[ Một đề nghị rằng bạn cứ tiếp cận bất kể có thành công trong việc học ngôn ngữ
hay không. Ví dụ bạn thích học ngôn ngữ ở trường không? Bạn có đủ thời gian để
học một ngôn ngữ? Cái giá của khóa học sẽ là thời gian và nỗ lực của chính bạn.]
=>Chọn C
Question 3. D
Sights (n): tầm nhìn

Object (n): vật thể

Recognized(adj): nhận ra/ công nhận

Goals(n): mục tiêu

Therefore, you must make sure that course on offer leads to a recognized
qualification. Also, be realistic in your (33) ____ . If you don’t set achievable aims,
you are more likely to give up. Don’t be deceived into thinking that the most

expensive courses are the best. Shop around to get the best possible value for
[ Vì vậy, bạn phải chắc chắn rằng khóa học được đề xuất dẫn đến những bằng cấp
được chứng nhận. Tương tự, hãy thực tế trong việc lựa chọn mục tiêu. Nếu bạn
không đạt được mục tiêu, bạn có thể sẽ từ bỏ. Đừng bị lừa gạt với ý nghĩ rằng khóa
học đắt tiền nhất là tốt nhất. Hãy tham khảo xung quang để tìm ra được sự lựa chọn
đáng tiền nhất.]
=>Chọn D
Question 4. A
Make progress = progress: có tiến bộ / tiến triển
You should also bear in your mind that the quicker you learn a language, the more
quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German
by enrolling on a crash course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound
knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (34) _____ progress were high.
[ Bạn nên ghi nhớ rằng bạn học ngôn ngữ càng nhanh, bạn quên nó càng nhanh.
Sandra Miller, một giáo viên tiếng Pháp, đã cố gắng tự học tiếng Đức bằng cách
đăng ký khóa học cấp tốc. Đã thành thạo 4 thứ tiếng và với kiến thức dạy phương
pháp học cơ hội tiến bộ của cô ấy rất cao.]
=>Chọn A
Question 5. A
Cụn từ: give sb a hand = help sb: giúp đỡ/ hỗ trợ ai đó
Three years on she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to
follow up her first experience. "I think the teacher’s role is important. It's so nice to
have somebody give you a/an (35)_____”.
[ Ba năm trôi qua cô ấy nhớ rất ít. Cô ấy cảm thấy sai lầm lớn nhất là đã không làm

theo kinh nghiệm đầu tiên. “ Tôi nghĩ vai trò của một giáo viên rất quan trọng. Thật
tuyệt khi có ai đó giúp đỡ/ hỗ trợ bạn.]
=>Chọn A

Question 1. B
Fellow(n): đồng chí
Member(n): thành viên

Representative(n): đại biểu
Associate(n): đồng minh
Everyone, old or young, should think about joining a sports club. There are many
benefits of being a (31)………of a club.
[Mọi người dù trẻ hay già nên nghĩ đến việc tham gia một câu lạc bộ thể thao. Có
nhiều lợi ích trở thành thành viên của một câu lạc bộ.]
=>Chọn B
Question 2. A
Offer: cung cấp/ dâng tặng
Present: trình bày
Hand:trao cho
Propose: đề xuất
First of all, you have the opportunity not just to play your favorite sport on a regular
basis, but also to improve. Most clubs have training sessions or even professionals
who (32)………lessons.
[ Trước hết, bạn có cơ hội không chỉ chơi môn thê thao yêu thích của bạn thường
xuyên mà còn để cải thiện tốt hơn. Hầu hết các câu lạc bộ đều có các buổi tập luyện
hay thậm chí các chuyên gia cung cấp/ hướng dẫn những bài tập luyện.]
=>Chọn A
Question 3. B

Get up: thức dậy
Get on: bước lên [ tàu, xe]
Get on with sb: hòa đồng/ hòa hợp [ với ai]
Get over = overcome: khắc phục/ vượt qua
Get about = get around: di chuyển từ nơi này đến nơi khác
Secondly, it’s a chance to meet people who enjoying doing the same things as you
so you will probably get (33)………..with them and end up with a good network of
friends. Also these clubs usually have an excellent social life as they arrange parties
and special occasions at the club where you can meet to talk and eat together and
generally have a good time.
[ Thứ hai, đó là cơ hội để gặp gỡ mọi người người mà thích làm những việc giống
bạn sẽ dễ hòa đồng với họ và bắt đầu có những người bạn tốt. Tương tự những câu
lạc bộ thường có đời sống xã hội tốt vì họ sắp xếp những bữa tiệc và những dịp

quan trọng tại câu lạc bộ nơi bạn có thể trò chuyện và ăn uống cùng nhau và nói
chung là rất vui.]
=>Chọn B
Question 4. C
Set up: thành lập/ hình thành
Get up: thức dậy
Give up: từ bỏ
Put up: đề xuất/ trình bày
Many people (34)……..up sports in their early teens but it is good idea to continue
as doing sport is a way of relieving stress and giving you more energy as well as
being a good break from your studies.
[ Nhiều người từ bỏ chơi thể thao từ rất sớm nhưng đó là ý kiến tốt khi tiếp tục chơi
thể thao như một cách để giải tỏa căng thẳng và cho bạn thêm năng lượng cũng như
nghỉ ngơi sau giờ học.]
=>Chọn C

Question 5. B
Order: đặ hàng
Book: đặt chỗ trước [ ở khách sạn hay nhà hàng]
Engage: đính hôn/ tham gia
Register: đăng ký
Best of all, a lot of clubs can arrange to get tickets for top sporting events that are
hard to (35)………..This means you can often get front row seats for matches and
competitions in your favorite sport, or you may even be able to see your favorite
team. Well worth joining!
[ Quan trọng nhất là, nhiều câu lạc bộ có thể sắp xếp vé cho những sự kiện thể thao
hàng đầu cái mà khó đặt vé trước. Điều này có nghĩa là bạn có thể thường xuyên
ngồi ở hàng ghế đầu xem những trận đấu và tranh tài những môn thể thao mà bạn
yêu thích, hoặc bạn thậm chí có thể xem đội bóng yêu thích. Rất đáng để tham gia
=>Chọn B

Question 1. B

changed : thay đổi
converted: chuyển đổi [ từ dạng này sang dạng khác]
adapted:nhận nuôi/ thích nghi/ áp dụng
remade: tái tạo
I live on the first floor of a house that has been (31) _______ into three flats. Five
months ago, a couple moved into the flat above and since then my life has been a
[Tôi sống ở tầng 1 của một ngôi nhà đã được sửa thành 3 căn nhà. Cách đây 5
tháng, một cặp vợ chồng đã chuyển đến ở tầng trên và kể từ đó cuộc đời của tôi trở
thành ác mộng.]

=>Chọn B
Question 2. B
Power: nặng lượng
Volume: âm lượng
Pitch: chai lọ/ độ nghiêng
Indensity: cường độ
They get up at 6 a.m and make a terrible noise. They listen to the radio at top (32)
_______, talk loudly and stamp on the floor. In the evening they play the same
record on their stereo over and over again.
[ Họ thức dậy lúc 6 giờ sáng và gây ra tiếng ông kinh khủng. họ nghe radio với âm
lượng cao nhất, nói chuyện lớn tiếng và giẫm lên sán nhà. Buổi tối họ phát cùng
một bài ghi âm trên máy lặp đi lặp lại.]
=>Chọn B
Question 3. A
Cụm từ: Drive sb mad: khiến ai đó phát điên
It‟s beginning to (33) _______ me mad. [ Điều đó bắt đầu khiến tôi phát điên lên.]
=>Chọn A
Question 4. D
Drown out: lấn át
I‟ve tried turning my own stereo up to (34) _______ out the noise but I like peace
and quiet and find loud music stressful. I tried to talking to them but it hasn‟t done
any good.

[ Tôi thử mở máy hát đĩa của mình để át đi tiếng ồn nhưng tôi thích sự yên tính và
hòa bình và tôi cảm thấy nhạc to thật căng thắng. Tôi cố gắng nói chuyện với họ
nhưng tình hình không khá lên chút nào.]
=>Chọn D
Question 5. A
Cụm từ: live and let live: dĩ hòa vi quý

I realize I should live and (35) _______ live , but I have begun to have quite
irrational revenge fantasies about them – like switching off their electricity or
deliberately making a lot of noise late at night when I know they are asleep. What
on earth can I do?
[ Tôi nhận ra rằng tôi nên dĩ hòa vi quý, nhưng tôi bắt đầu có những sở thích trả thù
khá vô lý dành cho họ như ngắt điện của họ hay gây ra nhiều tiếng ồn khó chịu vào
tối muộn khi tôi biết họ đang ngủ. Tôi có thể làm gì nữa đây?]
=>Chọn A

Question 1. B
holds up: làm trì trệ
picks up: ngắt/ hái/ nhặt lên/ mang theo/ nâng lên
cleans out: xóa sạch
carries out: thi hành, thực thi
Wind, water, air, ice and heat all work to cause erosion. As the wind blows over the
land, it often (31)____ small grains of sand. When these grains of sand strike
against solid rocks, the rocks are slowly worn away. In this way even very hard
rocks are worn away by the wind.
[ Gió, nước, không khí, băng đá và nhiệt tất cả đều gây ra sựu xói mòn. Khi gió thổi
qua một vùng đất, nó thường mang theo những hạt cát nhỏ. Khi những hạt cát này
va vào đá cứng, đá b mòn đi dần dần. Bằng cách này thậm chí đá rất cứng cũng bị
mòn đi bởi gió.]
=>Chọn B
Question 2. A
Hillsides: sườn đồi
Borders: biên giới

Topside: phần trên cùng

Topsoil: mặt đất
When particles of rocks or soil became loosened(tơi ra) in any way, running water
carries them down the (32) ____. Some rocks and soil particles are carried into
streams and then into the sea.
[ Khi những viên đá hoặc đất trở nên lỏng lẽo theo cách đó, nước chảy mang chúng
xuống sườn đồi . Một số viên đá và đất được mang vào những con suối và sau đó ra
=>Chọn A
Question 3. C
Few + danh từ số nhiều: một vài => loại vì of its soil [ danh từ không đếm được]
Much + danh từ không đếm được: nhiều
Litlle + danh từ không đếm được: một chút
Large (adj): rộng lớn => loại vì large + danh từ
Land that is covered with trees, grass and other plants wears away very slowly, and
so loses very (33) ____ of its soil.
[ Đất được bao phủ bởi cây, cỏ và những thực vật khác xói mòn rất chậm, và vì vậy
mất rất ít đất.]
=>Chọn C
Question 4. C
Stay: ở lại
Store: lưu trữ/ dự trữ
Hold: cầm lấy/ giữ lấy
Back: trở lại
The roots of plants help to (34) ____ the rocks and soil in place. Water that falls on
grasslands runs away more slowly than water that falls on bare ground.
[ Rễ cây giúp giữ lại đá và đất ở nơi đó. Nước rơi xuống vùng đất có cỏ chảy chậm
hơn nước rơi xuống vùng đất trống.]
=>Chọn C
Question 5. A
Help: giúp đỡ

Assess : đánh giá

Facilitate: tạo điều kiện
Aid + O + to Vo: trợ giúp
Help + Vo / to Vo
Thus, forests and grasslands (35)____ to slow down erosion.
[ Vì vậy, rừng và đồng cỏ giúp làm làm chậm quá trình xói mòn.]
=>Chọn A

Question 1. A
gain: đạt được
achieve: đạt được [ thành tựu, thành công]
collect: thu gom/ sưu tầm
win: chiến thắng
Cụm từ: gain experience [ có thêm kinh nghiệm]
Students and jobseekers are keen on to get onto the course or into the workplace of
their choice hope that voluntary work will help them stand out from the crowd. This
chance to (31)............experience – personally and professionally – is high on the
wish list of young people.
[ Những sinh viên và người săn việc quan tâm đến khóa học hoặc nơi làm việc mà
họ lựa chọn hi vọng rằng công việc tình nguyện sẽ giúp họ nổi bật giữa đám đông.
Cơ hội để có thêm kinh nghiệm cá nhân và chuyên nghiệp cao theo như danh sách
nguyện vọng của các bạn trẻ.]
=> Chọn A
Question 2. D
Commit:cam kết/ phạm tội
Associate: kết hợp
Connect: kết nối

Involve: tham gia vào
Cụm từ: be involved in sth [ tham gia vào cái gì ]
A survey caried out last year revealed that young and old alike said volunteering
had improved their lives, particularly those (32)..............in conservation or heritage

[ Một cuộc khảo sát đã được tiến hành năm ngoái tiết lộ rằng người trẻ và người già
có vẻ như nói rằng công việc tình nguyện đã cải thiện cuộc sống của họ, đặc biệt
những người làm công việc bảo tồn hay di sản.]
=> Chọn D
Question 3. D
Such as: chẳng hạn như
Businesses recognize its importance and get to raise their profile in the community,
while staff get a break from their daily routine to develop “ soft skills”,
(33)............initiative and decision – making.
[ Các doanh nhân nhận ra tầm quan trọng và tăng sự nhận diện của họ trong cộng
đồng, trong khi nhận thoát khỏi cuộc sống hằng ngày để phát triển kỹ năng mềm,
chẳng hạn như chủ động và đưa ra quyết định.]
=> Chọn D
Question 4. B
Representation: sự đại diện
Image: hình ảnh
Look: cái nhìn
Figure: con số/ số liệu
On volunteering organization is conduct another survey to find out if volunteering
does make a difference in the workplace, or if it is something businesses do simply
to omprove their (34)............
[ Một tổ chức tình nguyện tiến hành khảo sát xác định rằng liệu công việc tình
nguyện có tạo nên sự khác biệt ở nơi làm việc không, hay liệu nó là cái gì đó doanh

nghiệp làm đơn giản để cải thiện hình ảnh của họ.]
=> Chọn B
Question 5. A
Recruit: tuyển dụng
Claim: đòi hỏi, yêu cầu
Bring: mang theo
Enter: bước vào
Not only are business- sponsored placements becoming more common, the
government is also investing money and aiming to (35)....................vonlunteers.
The push is clear to make volunteering as attractive as possible to everyone. And

the more people who participate, the more act fulfils its direction of making the
world a better place.
[ Không chỉ những đợt thực tập do doanh nghiệp tài trợ đang trở nên ngày càng phổ
biến, chính phủ cũng đang đầu tư tiền và nhằm mục đích để tuyển dụng các tình
nguyện viên. Động thái này rõ ràng là để làm cho công việc tình nguyên trở nên hấp
dẫn nhất có thể đối với mọi người. Và càng nhiều người tham gia, càng nhiều động
thái đáp ứng được định hướng của nó làm cho thế giới trở thành một nơi sinh sống
tốt hơn.]
=> Chọn A

Question 1. B
Late: trễ/ muộn
Recent: gần đây/ mới đây
Modern: hiện đại
Contemporary: đồng thời/ đương đại
It is a well-known fact that Japanese people have a longer life expectancy than the
population of most other countries. A (31) ______report shows that the Japanese

also expect to remain healthier for longer.
[ Một sự thật được nhiều người biết đến là người Nhật có tuổi thọ dài hơn dân số
của hầu hết các quốc gia khác. Một báo cáo gần đây cho thấy rằng người Nhật cũng
mong đợi duy trì sức khỏe lâu hơn.]
=> Chọn B
Question 2. B
Cụm từ: make a change (n) = change (v): thay đổi/ làm cho thay đổi
Scientists are trying to work out what keeps elderly Japanese people so healthy, and
whether there is a lesson to be learnt from their lifestyles. Should we
(32)______any changes to our eating habits, for instance, or go jogging each day
before breakfast?
[ Các nhà khoa học đang cố gắng tìm ra điều giữ cho sức khỏe người già ở Nhật
khỏe mạnh như vậy, và liệu rằng có bài học nào có thể học hỏi từ lối sống của họ
