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I/ From & Use
1 S+wish+S + WOULD+V(-
điều ao ước có thể xảy ra ở
tương lai
Tomorrow, next,
in the future

điều ao ước không có thật ở
hiện tại
Now, right now, at
present, at the moment, at
once, today
3 S+wish+S+had+V
điều ao ước không thật ở quá
Yesterday, last, in the
Ex: I wish I would be an astronaut in the future.
I wish I were rich.

She wishes she had had enough money to buy the house.
EX: I wish I had met her yesterday.
= If only I had mer her yesterday.
II/ Rewrite sentences using WISH CL:
1/ TYPE 1:
EX: + He won’t come to my party. I wish he would come to my party.
+ He wants to be a teacher. He wishes he would be a teacher.
 Dùng WISH 1 viết lại câu khi câu đó ở thì tương lai hoặc ngụ ý ở tương lai, viết lại đổi
thể. Nếu trong câu có “want” (muốn), “hope” (hi vọng) thì viết lại không đổi thể.
2/ TYPE 2:
EX: What a pity. I don’t have free time. I wish I had free time.
 Dùng WISH 2 viết lại câu khi câu đó ở thì hiện tại, viết lại đổi thể.
3/ TYPE 3:
EX: + I’m sorry, I didn’t help you. I wish I had helped you.
+ I regret not telling you the truth. I wish I had told you the truth.
 Dùng WISH 3 viết lại câu khi câu đó ở thì quá khứ, hoặc ngụ ý quá khứ, viết lại câu đổi
Notes: Khi viết lại câu dùng WISH CLAUSE ta không viết lại các thành ngữ như:
I’m sorry, what a pity,…
I/ Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:
1. She wishes her father (be) ____her now to help her.
2. I wish you (not give) ____them my phone number yesterday.
3. I wish they (visit) _____us when they were in town.
4. I wish somone (give) _______ me a job next month.
5. If only I (can take) ______the trip to Hanoi with her next summer.
6. We wish we (understand) ______all the teacher’s explantion yesterday.
7. He missed an exciting football match on TV last night. He wishes he (watch) _______it.

8. If only I (have) _____more time to do this job.
9. I wish she (come) _______to see me yesterday.
10.I wish that someday I (be) ____able to marry her.
II/ Rewrite the sentences below, using Wish or If Only to express wishes:
1. My father isn’t her now. I want him to be here now. 
2. You talk more than you work. The teacher wants you to work more than to talk. 
3. John would like to be an astronaut when he grows up. 
4. I’m sorry I didn’t help you yesterday. 
5. I regret that you didn’t give me a chance to tell you the truth. 
6. Mary is afraid she won’t be able to attend your wedding next week. 
7. We regret that we didn’t have enough money to buy that house. 
8. You drive too fast. I’d like you to drive more slowly. 
9. You are too lazy. The teacher wants you to be more studious. 
10.I’m afraid he won’t get over his illness soon. 
11.I’m not a doctor. 
12.I haven’t enough money to buy this book. 
13.I live in a big city, but I don’t like it. 
14.Nam is sorry now that he didn’t accept the job. 
15.Tomrrow is a workday. 
16.We have to work this Saturday. 
17.I feel sick because I ate too much ice-cream. 
18.It’s pity that you were not here last week. 
19.I regret speaking to him so impolitely yesterday. 
20.Alan regretted asking Arthur to lend him 20$. 
21.I want the baby to stop crying. 
22.He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Molly to his party. 
23.The hotel wasn’t good. 
24.I didn’t understand the lesson. 
25.My friend didn’t pass his exam. 

1. I wish my father were here now.
2. The teacher wishes you worked more than you talked.
3. John wishes he would be an astronaut in the future (when he grew up)
4. I wish I had helped you yesterday.
5. I wish you had given me a chance…
6. Mary wishes she would be able to attend…
7. We wish we had had enough money…
8. I wish you drove more slowly
9. The teacher wishes you were more studious.
10.I wish he would get over…
11.I wish I were a doctor.
12.I wish I had enough money…
13.I wish I didn’t live in a big city.
14.Nam wishes he had accepted the job.
15.I wish tomorrow weren’t a workday.
16.We wish we wouldn’t have to work this Saturday.
17.I wish I hadn’t eaten too much ice-cream.
18.I wish you had been here last week.
19.I wish I hadn’t spoken to him so impolitely yesterday.
20.Alan wished he hadn’t askes Arthur to lend him 20$.
21.I wish the baby stopped crying.
22.He wishes he had invited Molly to his party.
23.I wish the hotel had been good.
24.I wish I had understood the lesson.
25.I wish my friend had passed his exam.
I / Choose the best options:
1. If I found a wallet in the street, I ________take it to police.

A. will B. should C. would D. shall
2. I don’t really want to go their party, but I probaly will go. They’d be offended if I ____go.
A. didn’t B. don’t C. will D. will not
3. What would you do if you _____a million pounds?
A. win B. won C. will win D. A and C
4. I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep if I _______to bed now.
A. go B. went C. had gone D. would go
5. I _____that coat if I were you.
A. wouldn’t buy B. didn’t buy C. don’t buy D. won’t buy
6. I don’t know many people. I wish I _____more people.
A. know B. knew C. have known D. should know
7. I have to work tomorrow. I wish I ______in bed.
A. would stay B. should stay C. stay D. stayed
8. Ken got to the station in time to catch his train. If he__it, he would have been late for his
A. missed B. has missed C. miss D. had missed
9. I wan’t tired last night. If I had been tired, I _____home earlier.
A. would have gone B. will go C. go D. went
10.I wish _____so much.
A. I B. I hadn’t eaten C. I do not eat D. I won’t eat
11.Hadn’t it been for your help, I ______.
A. would get lost B. got lost C. would have got lost D.had got lost
12.I wish I ____applied for the job.
A. will B. should C.had D. have
13.If Margaret hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she _________injured.
A. has been B. would has been C. would be D. would have been
14.If the driver in front ________so suddenly, the accident wouldn’t have happened.
A hasn’t stopped B. hadn’t stopped C. didn’t stop D. don’t stop
15.If you didn’t do this, you ______punished.
A. are B. will be C. should be D. would be

16.They helped me a lot. I don’t know what I _______without their help.
A. have done B. had done C. would have done D. will
17.I wish you _____something instead if just sitting and doing nothing.
A. do B. should C. will do D. would do
18.I wish Sarah _______here now.
A. is B. were C. would be D. will be
19.When we were children, in summer, if the weather was fine, we _all get up early and go for
a swim
A. would B. will C. should D. A and B
20.The teacher _____the essays if he has time.
A. will grade B. would grade C. will have graded D.
21.The bus won’t stop _____you ring the bell.
A. when B. if C. if not D. unless
22._____a car to drive now.
A. If I had B. Only I had C. If only I had D. Better I had
23.I wish I ______to the party last night.
A. went B. go C. had gone D. have gone
24.–What are you going to do next year?
_ I wish I _____the answer to that question.
A. knew B. had known C. would know D. will know
25._It’s a pity the weather was bad yesterday.
_ Yes, if it hadn’t been cold, we _________swimming.
A. would go B. would have gone C. had gone D. went
26.She wishes she _____a doctor in the future.
A. is B. were C. will be D. would be
27.I wish I ___your wedding, but I was in Paris.
A. could attend B. would attend C. attended D. could have

28.If only _____taller, I might be better at basketball.
A. I am B. I were C. I be D. I have been
29.Cathy refused the job offer. I wish she _____that.
A. not do B. not to do C. couldn’t have done D. hadn’t done
30.If a catalyst _____, the reaction occurs more rapidly.
A. uses B. was used C. is used D. will be used
31.Mary jogs every day _____lose weight.
A. so she can B. so that she can C. because she can D. so that to
32.We’ll be late ______we hurry.
A. if B. despite C. unless D. when
33.She failed the test _____she studied hard.
A. although B. even though C. as D. A and B
34.You should bring an umbrella _______it rains.
A. if B. unless C. in case D. because of
35.He went on working ______feeling unwell.
A. although B. unless C. due to D. despite
36.They decided to go ______the danger.
A. because B. in spite of C. although D. so
37. _____, they lost, their fans gave them a big cheer.
A. However B. In spite of C. If D. Although
38.Jane has a computer, ______she doesn’t use it.
A. and B. since C. but D. in spite of
