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ĐỀ SỐ 13

ĐỀ THI THỬ THPT QG - NĂM 2018 – 2019
Tên môn: TIẾNG ANH

* Mark the letter A, B C or D on answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each following question.
Question 1: A. wave
B. stay
C. hate
D. party
Question 2: A. attracted
B. blessed
C. hoped
D. handed
* Mark the letter A, B C or D on answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following question.
Question 3: A. signal
B. supposeald
C. approach
D. respond
Question 4: A. situation
B. appropriate
C. informality
D. entertainment
* Mark the letter A, B C or D on answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE " meaning to the
underlined word(s) each following question.
Question 5: Later a wine reception will be followed by a concert before guests tuck into a banquet.
A. an enormous breakfast

C. an informal party
B. a formal conference
D. a formal party
Question 6: In many cultures, people signify their agreement by nodding their head.
A. turning
B. shaking
C. pointing
D. waving
* Mark the letter A, B C or D on answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) each following question.
Question 7: You shouldn't point at people when you are talking to them. It is very impolite.
A. smart
B. rude
C. informal
D. honest
Question 8: I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.
A. correct
B. right
C. exact
D. suitable
* Mark the letter A, B C or D on answer sheet to indicate the answer to each of the following question.
Question 9: He bent toward the candle and _______ gently.
A. blow
B. blew
C. blowing
D. blown
Question 10: They held a concert to mark the _______of Mozart's death.
A. occasion
B. situation
C. anniversary

D. remembrance
Question 11: The manager is good at difficult customers.
A. relying on
B. dealing with
C. showing off
D. wiping off
Question 12: The party starts at 9 o'clock so I'll _______ at 8.30.
A. look for you
B. pick you up
C. bring you along
D. bring up
Question 13: 15. My parents are going to hit the roof if they find out we had a party here.
A. become angry
B. become sad
C. become worried
D. become nervous
Question 14: You can use non-verbal forms of communication, such as gestures or body languages to get
the waiter's _______. When you are in a restaurant.
A. attract
B. attractive
C. attractivelyn
D. attraction
Question 15: Alice didn't expect _______to Tom's party. ou o bront
A. asking
B. being asked
C. to ask
D. to be asked
Question 16: Mr. Peter is the big_______ in the company as he has just been promoted to the position of
Managing Director. ng ang iiw fudbradnblarla to moto moto
A. bread hot

B. meat
C. cheese
D. apple
Question 17: When he realized the police had spotted him, the man ______ the exit as quickly as
A. made off
B. made for
C. made out
D. made up
Question 18: Heslo kolo not having finished the project. stions to los lamie lening
A. reproached his secretary for
B. allowed his secretary to
C. resented his secretary of
D. was furious with his secretary at
Question 19: These activities are considered as a chance for new comers to _______their colleagues in
A. suppose
B. socialize
C. attend
D. discuss

Question 20: On my birthday my father gave me some money, so that I could buy a hat for myself, which
made me _______excited.
A. extremely
B. perfectl
C. lonely
D. correctly
* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable, to complete each of
the following exchanges.

Question 21: Alice meets Mary at their class after Mary has had her hair cut.
Alice: "What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!"
Mary:"________. "
A. Thank you very much. I am afraid
B. You are telling a lie
C. Thank you for your compliment
D. I don't like your sayings
Question 22: Peter and Jack are playing tennis
Peter: "How well you are playing!" Jack:
A. Say it again. I like to hear your words
B. I think so. I am proud of myself
C. Thank you too much
D. Many thanks. That is a nice compliment
* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 23: His teacher encouraged him taking part in the international piano competition.
A. encouraged
B. taking
C. the international D. competition
Question 24: So far this term, the students in writing class have learned how to write thesis statements,
organize their material, and summarizing their conclusion.
A. have learned
B. write
C. organize
D. summarizing
Question 25: Body language is quiet and secret, but most powerful language of all.
A. Body language
B. and secret
C. most
D. of all

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.
In summary, for most visitors, the Japanese are (26)________ and difficult to understand. The
graceful act of (27) ________ , is the traditional greeting. However, they have also adopted the western
custom of shaking hands, but with a light grip. Meanwhile, to show respect for their customs, it would
flatter them to offer a slight bow when being introduced. Avoid hugging and kissing when greeting. It is
considered rude to stare. Prolonged direct eye contact is considered to be (28) ________or even
intimidating. It is rude to stand with your hand or hands in your pockets, especially when greeting
someone or when addressing a group of people. The seemingly simple act of exchanging business cards is
more complex in Japan (29) ________the business card represents not only one's identity but also his
status in life. Yours should be printed in your own language and in Japanese. The Japanese are not a
touch-oriented society; so avoid open displays of affection, touching or any prolonged form of body
contact. Queues are generally respected; especially in crowded train and subway stations (30)
________volume of people causes touching and pushing.
the huge
Question 26: A. complex
B. easy
C. simply
D. cheap
Question 27: A. shaking
B. hugging
C. bowing
D. looking
Question 28: A. politely
B. impoliteness
C. impolitely
D. impolite
Question 29: A. because
B. even if
C. unless

D. though
Question 30: A. that
B. when
C. which
D. where
* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 37.
A gesture is an action that sends a message from one person to another without using words. We use
gestures to communicate with others. There are some gestures that have completely different meaning
depending on when and where they are used.
When an American wants to show that something is OK or good, he raises his hand and makes a
circle with his thumb and foreigners. The circle sign has only one meaning for him. He might be surprised
to learn that in other countries it can mean something different. In Japan, for instance, it is the gesture for

money. In France, it means 'zero' or 'worthless'. Such differences can lead to all kinds of
misunderstanding when foreigners meet. But why is it that the same gesture has so many different
When some people want to show that something is exact or precise, they make a sign to show that
they are holding something between the tips of their thumb and forefinger. Many people from all over the
world do this when they want to make a specific point as they are speaking. People later started using this
signal to mean 'exactly right' or 'perfect'. This was how the famous OK was born.
In Japan, money means coins and coins are around. Therefore, making a round hand sign came to
represent money. It is simple as that. The French sign for 'nothing' or 'worthless' also has a simple origin.
This time the circle doesn't represent a coin, but nought. Nought equals zero, zero equals nothing, nothing
equals worthless.
Question 31: What is the difference between gesture and speech. at mobile
A. Speech use words while gestures don't.
B. Gestures use words whole speech doesn't.
C. Gestures are used to communicate with others but speech isn't.

D. Gestures convey meanings that are different from speech.
Question 32: When does an American raise his hand and make a circle sign?
A. When he means that he has no money.
B. When he wants to show that something is OK.
C. When he wants to send a message that he is not well.
D. When he plays with his thumb and foreigner.

Question 36: What does the circle sign represent in France?
A. It means money.
B. It means coins.
C. It means something exact.
D. It means useless.
Question 37: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. the different meaning of showing OK sign in America, Japan and France.
B. using gestures may lead to misunderstanding.
C. people from different cultures may understand a gesture in different ways.
D. people shouldn't use gestures because they can make mistake.
* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 45.
Halloween falls on October 31 each year in North America and other part of the world. What do you
know about Halloween? Do you celebrate it in your country? Here is a little history about it?
Like other holidays, Halloween has evolved and changed throughout history. Over 2,000 years ago
people called the Celts lived in what is now Ireland, the UK, and parts of Northern France. November 1

was their New Year's Day. They believed that the night before the New Year (October 31) was a time
when the living and the dead came together.
More than a thousand years ago the Christian church named November 1 All Saints Day (also called
All Hallows). This was a special holy day to honor the saints and other people who died for their religion.
The night before All Hallows was called Hallows Eve. Later the name was changed to Halloween.

Like the Celts, the Europeans of that time also believed that the spirits of the dead would visit the
earth on Halloween. They worried that evil spirits would cause problems or hurt them. So on that night
people wore costumes that looked like ghosts or other evil creatures. They thought if they dressed like
that, the spirits would think they were also dead and not harm them.
The tradition of Halloween was carried to America by the immigrating Europeans. Some of the
traditions changed a little, though. For example, on Halloween in Europe some people would carry
lanterns made from turnips. In America, pumpkins were more common. So people began putting candles
inside them and using them as lanterns. That is why you see Jack 'o lanterns today.
These days Halloween is not usually considered a religious holiday. It primarily a fun for children.
Children dress up in costumes like people did a thousand years ago. But instead of worrying about evil
spirits, they go from house to house. They knock on door and say "trick or treat". The owner of each
house give candy or something special to each trick and treat.
Question 38: The Celts thought on ______October 31.
A. the dead would revive
B. the spirits of dead people returned to the earth
C. they would have a party to welcome the dead
D. the spirits of dead people would never come back to the earth
Question 39: According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The Celts created All Hallows
B. The name Halloween originated from the word Hallows Eve.
C. Halloween falls on October 31 each year.
D. Halloween is a special holy day to honor the saints and people who died for their religion.
Question 40: The word "trick or treat" in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. cheat and joke s a
B. worrying about evil spirits
C. a religious holiday in some countries.
D. a Halloween custom for children in many countries.
Question 41: The word "they" in paragraph 4 refers to ________.
A. the Celts
B. evil spirits

C. the Europeans
D. ghosts
Question 42: According to the passage, which of the following can result from the carrying Halloween to
America? borste o onom o folo buone of
A. People don't wear costumes like ghosts or other evil creature any more.
B. The Americans carry lanterns made from pumpkins instead of turnips. a lo siga la
C. People go from house to house for drinking teA. w Biod and Saba BW
D. Halloween is not on October 31 any longer. o o toi b o mow DD
Question 43: The word "immigrating" in paragraph 5 is opposite in meaning to ________.
A. emigrating
B. migrating
C. settling
D. transmigrating
Question 44: The passage is mainly about?
A. The Celts and Halloween.
B. Halloween today and in the past.
C. History of Halloween.
D. The difference of Halloween in Europe and in America.
Question 45: Why the old Europeans wore costumes like ghosts and other evil creatures?
A. Because they wanted the spirits not to harm them.
B. Because they wanted to get candy.
C. They wore costumes to go to parties.
D. They wore costumes to go house from house. a sl sit gnilo

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to each of the following questions.
Question 46: "How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary.org
A. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.
B. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress.

C. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.
D. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress
Question 47: "Why don't you ask the teacher for help?" Peter asked me.
A. Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help.
B. Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help.
C. Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help.
D. Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help.
Question 48: As soon as he arrived at the airport, he called home.
A. No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he called home.
B. He arrived at the airport sooner than he had expected.
C. Calling home, he said that he had arrived the airport.
D. Immediately after he called home, he arrived the airport.
* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that combines each pair
of sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: She tried very hard to pass the driving test. She could hardly pass it
A. Although she didn't try hard to pass pass the driving test, she could pass it
B. Despite being able to pass the driving test, she didn't pass it
C. Hard as she tried, she could hardly hard pass the driving test
D. She tried very hard, so she passed the driving test satisfactorily Bro o x
Question 50: We didn't want to spend a lot of money. We stayed in a cheap hotel
A. Instead of spending a lot of money, we stayed in a cheap hotel
B. In spite of spending a lot of money, we stayed in a cheap hotelo antema
C. We stayed in a cheap hotel, but we had to spend a lot of money
D. We didn't want to spend a lot of money. We stayed in the cheap hotel
----------- THE END ----------



















































( – Website đề thi – chuyên đề file word có lời giải chi tiết)

Quý thầy cô liên hệ đặt mua word: 03338.222.55

Question 1: D
A. wave weiv/ (v) vẫy, phất, vung vẩy
B. stay /stei/ (v) ở lại, lưu lại
C. hate /heit/ (v) ghét, không thích ngh
D. party /'patti/ (n) bữa tiệc
Question 2: B
A. attracted/o'træktid/ (v) thu hút
B. blessed / blesid/(a) linh thiêng
C. hoped/ həʊpt/ (v) hy vọng
D. handed /'hændid/ (a) thuận tay
Question 3: A
A. signal /'siginal/ (n) dấu hiệu, tín hiệu
B. suppose /so'pooz/ (v) cho rằng
C. approach la'proot/? (V) đến, tiếp cận
D. respond /ri'spond/ (v) trả lời, phản hồi
Đáp án A trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 1, còn lại rơi vào âm tiết 2
Question 4: B

A. situation/,sɪt.ju'eɪ.ʃən/ (n) tình hình, hoàn cảnh, trạng thái
B. appropriate lə'prəʊ.pri.ət/ (a) thích hợp
C. informality /,ɪnfᴐ: mel.a.ti/ (n) tính không nghi thức, thân mật.
D. entertainment /en.tə'teɪn.mənt/ (n) sự giải trí
Đáp án B trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 2, còn lại rơi vào âm tiết 3
Question 5: C
C. an informal party # banquet: bữa tiệc thân mật # bữa tiệc lớn
A. an enormous breakfast (np) bữa sáng lớn, thịnh soạn
B. a formal conference (nf) cuộc hội thảo trang trọng
D. an formal party (np) bữa tiệc trang trọng
Question 6: B
B. shaking # nodding: lắc đầu # gật đầu
Question 7: B
B. rude = impolite: thô lỗ, bất lịch sự
A. smart (a) lịch sự.
C. informal (a) thân mật, gần gũi
D. honest (a) trung thực t
Question 8: D
D. suitable = appropriate: hợp lí
Question 9: B
Ngữ pháp: sự tương ứng về thì giữa hai động từ chính trong một câu, cùng ở B thì quá khứ đơn.
Dịch nghĩa: Anh ấy cúi xuống cây nến và thổi nhẹ.
Question 10: C
A. Occasion (n) sự kiện

B. situation (n) tình hình, hoàn cảnh, trạng thái
C. anniversary (n): ngày kỉ niệm, lễ kỉ niệm
D. remembrance (n) lễ tưởng nhớ 216
Từ vựng: Họ đã tổ chức một buổi hòa nhạc để kỉ niệm ngày mất của nhạc sĩ Mozart

Question 15: D
Ngữ pháp: câu bị động với động từ nguyên thể có "to" là to be Vp2
Dịch nghĩa: Alice không mong đợi được bảo tới bữa tiệc của Tom. - bread (n): bánh mì
Question 16: C
- meat (n): thịt
- cheese (n): pho mát
- apple (n): quả táo
- the/ a big cheese: người quan trọng nhất hay quyền lực nhất trong một nhóm hoặc tổ chức.
E.g: The big cheese is coming to visit our office today.
Dịch nghĩa: Ông Peter là người quyền lực nhất trong công ti vì ông ấy vừa mới được thăng chức lên vị trí
giám đốc điều hành.
Question 17: B
A. make off: bỏ trốn
B. make for: chạy đến, hướng đến
C. make out : hiểu được, hiểu ra
D. make up: dựng lên, bịa chuyện
Make off có nghĩa là bỏ trốn nhưng sau make off không có tân ngữ đi kèm => make for : chạy tới đâu .
Dịch nghĩa: Khi anh ta nhận ra cảnh sát đã phát hiện ra mình, người đàn ông hướng đến lối thoát hiểm
càng nhanh càng tối
Question 18: A
A. reproach sb for (not) doing sth: mắng ai vì (không) làm gì
B. allow sb to do sth: cho phép ai làm gì
C. resent sb of doing sth: không bằng lòng khi ai đó làm gì
D. be furious with sb at sth: tức giận ai vì cái gì
Dịch nghĩa: Ông ấy mắng thư kí của ông ấy vì đã không hoàn thành dự án.
Question 19: B
A. supposes (v) cho rằng
B. socializes (v) hòa nhập, thích nghi với xã hội
C. attends (v) tham dự

D. discusses (v) thảo luận
Dịch nghĩa: Những hoạt động này được xem như là cơ hội dành cho những người mới đến hòa nhập
cùng với đồng nghiệp trong công ti.

Question 20: A
be extremely excited: cực kì vui sướng
Dịch nghĩa: Vào ngày sinh nhật của tôi, bố tôi cho tôi một ít tiền để mà tôi có thể tự mình mua được một
cái mũ, điều ấy làm tôi vô cùng sung sướng.
Question 21: C
Câu hội thoại ngắn về sử dụng ngôn ngữ lời nói: Kiểu tóc mới của cậu thật là 21 C thu hút đấy Mary ạ!
Cảm ơn lời khen của cậu. (Những phương án còn lại không phù hợp nghĩa và ngữ cảnh)
Question 22: D
Câu hội thoại ngắn về sử dụng ngôn ngữ lời nói: Peter: Cậu chơi rất hay!
- Jack: Cảm ơn nhiều. Đó là lời khen rất tuyệt. (Những phương án còn lại không phù hợp nghĩa và ngữ
Question 23: B
- to take
Cấu trúc câu: encourage sb to do sth - khuyến khích ai làm gì
Question 24: D
D - summarizet
Cấu trúc câu: sự tương đồng về từ loại trong câu, các động từ write, organize, summarizing đều phải để
nguyên mẫu vì đứng sau "to".
Question 25: C
C - the most
Ngữ pháp: So sánh hơn nhất với tính từ dài: the most + adj.
Question 26: A
A. complex (a) phức tạp, rắc rối
B. easy (a) dễ dàng
C. simply (a) đơn giản

D. cheap (a) ré 26
In summary, for most visitors, the Japanese are (26) ___ and difficult to understand. (Nói tóm lại, đối với
hầu hết các du khách thì người Nhật Bản khá phức tạp và khó hiểu.)
Question 27: C
A. shaking (v) lắc
B. hugging (v) ôm
C. bowing (v) cúi
D. looking (v) nhìn
The graceful act of (27)_______ , is the traditional greeting.;
(Cách cư xử cúi người thanh nhã là cách chào truyền thống.)
Question 28: D
A. politely (adv) một cách lịch sự
B. impoliteness (n) sự lịch sự
C. impolitely (adv) một cách không lịch sự
D. impolite (a) bất lịch sự
Prolonged direct eye contact is considered to be (28)_______or even intimidating.
(Việc nhìn vào mắt người khác quá lâu được xem như là không lịch sự, thậm chí là đáng sợ)
Question 29: A
A. because - bởi vì
B. even if - nếu như
C. unless - trừ khi
D. though - mặc dù
The seemingly simple act of exchanging business cards is more complex in Japan (29)_______ the
business card represents not only one's identity but also his status in life. (Hành động có vẻ đơn giản như
trao đổi danh thiếp ở Nhật Bản cũng trở nên rắc rối hơn bởi vì danh thiếp không chỉ thể hiện người đó là
ai mà còn thể hiện địa vị của họ.)
Question 30: D
A. that - cái mà

B. when - khi mà
C. which - cái mà
D. where - nơi mà
Queues are generally respected; especially in crowded train and subway stations (30)_________ the huge
volume of people causes touching and pushing. (Việc xếp hàng thường được chú ý, đặc biệt trên những
chuyến tàu đông đúc và ở ga tàu điện nơi mà đám đông thường gây nên việc động chạm và xô đấy.)
Question 31: A
A. Speech use words while gestures don't.
Câu trong bài: A gesture is an action that sends a message from one person to
another without using words
Question 32: B
B. When he wants to show that something is
Câu trong bài: When an American wants to show that something is OK or good, he raises his hand and
makes a circle with his thumb and foreigners.
Question 33: C
C. people
Câu trong bài: When some people want to show that something is exact or precise, they make a sign to
show that they are holding something between the tips of their thumb and forefinger believed that the
spirits of the dead would visit the earth on Halloween.
Question 34: D
D. A gesture may mean different things in different cultures.
Câu trong bài: The circle sign has only one meaning for him. He might be surprised to learn that in other
countries it can mean something different.
Question 35: D
C. It comes from the sign made by the tip of the thumb and forefinger.
Câu trong bài: They make a sign to show that they are holding something between the tips of their thumb
and forefinger.
Question 36: D
D. It means useless.
Câu trong bài: In France, it means 'zero' or 'worthless'

Question 37: C
C. people from different cultures may understand a gesture in different ways.
Câu trong bài: Such differences can lead to all kinds of misunderstanding when foreigners meet. But
why is it that the same gesture has so many different | meanings?
Question 38: A
B. the spirits of dead people returned to the earth
Câu trong bài: Like the Celts, the Europeans of that time also
Question 39: A
A. The Celts created All Hallows
Câu trong bài: More than a thousand years ago the Christian church named November 1 All Saints Day
(also called All Hallows).
Question 40: D
D. a Halloween custom for children in many countries.
Câu trong bài: It primarily a fun for children. Children dress up in costumes like people did a thousand
years ago. But instead of worrying about evil spirits. they go from house to house. They knock on door
and say "trick or treat".
Question 41: C
C. the Europeans
Câu trong bài: Like the Celts, the Europeans of that time also believed that the spirits of the dead would
visit the earth on Halloween. They worried that evil spirits would cause problems or hurt them.
Question 42: B
B. The Americans carry lanterns made from pumpkins instead of turnips.

Câu trong bài: For example, on Halloween in Europe some people would carry lanterns made from
turnips. In America, pumpkins were more common. So people began putting candles inside them and
using them as lanterns.
Question 43: C
Từ “immigrating” trong đoạn văn số 5 trái nghĩa với từ nào dưới đây?
+ immigrating: nhập cư

+ emigrating: di cu
+ settling: ổn định
+ transmigrating: di cu, di trú
Question 44: C
Đoạn văn chủ yếu thảo luận về vấn đề gì?
A. Người Xen-tơ và lễ hội Halloween
B. Lễ hội Halloween ngày nay và ngày xưa
C. Lịch sử của Halloween
D. Sự khác nhau giữa Halloween ở Châu Âu và ở Mĩ
Question 45: A
A. Because they wanted the spirits not to harm them.
Câu trong bài: So on that night people wore costumes that looked like ghosts or other evil creatures.
They thought if they dressed like that, the spirits would think they were also dead and not harm them.
C. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.
Question 46: C
Câu trực tiếp là một lời khen nên khi chuyển sang câu gián tiếp phải sử dụng động từ gián tiếp
"complement sb on sth: khen ai đó cái gì".
Question 47: A
A. Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help.
Cấu trúc gián tiếp: advised sb to do sth - khuyên ai làm gì
Question 48: A
A. No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he called home.
Đảo ngữ" No sooner had + S + Vpp + than + clause (past simple)
= Hardly/scarely + had + S+ Vpp+ when+ clause (past simple)
Question 49: C
Cô ấy đã rất cố gắng vượt qua kì thi lái xe. Cô ấy khó mà có thể vượt qua nó.
=C. Cố gắng như vậy, nhưng cô ấy khó mà có thể vượt qua kì thi lái xe.
A. Dù không cố gắng trong kì thi lái xe, cô ấy vượt qua nó
B. Mặc dù có thể vượt qua kì thi lái xe, cô ấy đã ko qua
D. Cô ấy rất cố gắng, cho nên đã vượt qua kì thi lái xe

Question 50: A
Chúng tôi không muốn tốn nhiều tiền. Chúng tôi ở trong một khách sạn rẻ.
=A. Thay vì tốn nhiều tiên, chúng tôi ở trong một khách sạn rẻ.
B. Mặc dù tốn nhiều tiên, chúng tôi ở trong 1 khách sạn rẻ
C. chúng tôi ở trong 1 khách sạn rẻ, nhưng phải trả rất nhiều tiền.
D. chúng tôi không ở trong 1 khách sạn rẻ bởi chúng tôi phải tiêu rất nhiều tiện
