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TIENG ANH 10 CB DE KT LAN 3 Tiếng Anh 10

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16. ___ means the existence of different kinds of animals.
A. Environment B. Habitat
C. Biodiversity
D. Marine life
17. Huong pagoda is ___ 50 km from Hanoi.
A. situated
B. located
C. A and B
D. bordered
I. Pronunciation:
18. Every year, thousands of animals and plants are being ___.
A. eliminated
B. cut down C. prohibited
D. bought
Choose the word whose stress is put differently from the other in group:
19. __________is a state of being polluted.
1. A. animal
B. conservation
C. plenty
D. various
A. Environment B. Contamination C. Conservation D. conversation
2. A. submarine
B. create
C. destruction D. sub-tropical
20. The wildlife of animals and plants ________seriously.
A. is being threatened
B. are being threatened
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the

C. is being threatening
D. are threatening
III. Listening: Listen to the tape and decide whether the statements are
3. A. played
B. closed
C. studied
D. laughed
True or False by writing T or F in the column.
4. A. pat
B. man
C. cat
D. plant
II. Vocabulary & Grammar:
Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences:
22. Tropical forests help us increase floods and droughts.
5. Bach Thao zoo ___ many kinds of wild animals, such as lion, tiger.

23. Forest fires are not the most terrible destruction.
A. covers
B. contains
C. includes D. consists
24. The World Wildlife Fund is working to protect and save the
6. She ____ to take part in the excursion.
forests, to plant new trees, to slow down the Greenhouse
A. don’t invite
B. haven’t invited
C. was not invited
D. have been invited
IV. Reading:
7. Quang Oai School was ___ in 1961.
Bach Ma National Park is located in central Vietnam in the province
A. began
B. prepared
C. appeared D. established
8. If it ___ fine tomorrow, we’ll go to visit Ba Vi national park.
of Thua Thien Hue, around 70 km south of the capital of Hanoi and 1000 km
A. is
B. was
C. would be D. should be
from Ho Chi Minh City. The national park covers an area of about 22,000 ha
9. What ___ happen if there were no plants on the Earth?
in the districts of Phu Loc and Nam Dong. With Steep Mountain and dense
A. will
B. shall
C. would
D. does

forests, this area is the home to a wide variety of animals and plants. At the
10. Three-quarters of the earth is covered by ___.
base of the mountains, there is a tropical monsoon forest, above 900 m subA. seas and oceans B. mountains
C. soil
D. sand
tropical forest. There are species from both northern and southern Vietnam.
11. We should do something to ___ endangered animals.
Bach Ma is recognized as one of the area of Indochina with high biodiversity.
A. protect
B. harm
C. purchase D. exchange
12. Vietnam lies in the ___ climate.
Bach Ma mountain peak is the highest point in the park at 1450 m above the
A. arctic
B. pacific
C. tropical
D. temperate
sea level and is only 18 km away from the coast.
13. Water ___ held on land by vegetation.
The following words appearing in the passage complete the sentences with
A. can be
B. were
C. are
D. was
a suitable one.
14. ___ is the most effective way to protect the environment.

A. Conservation B. Conservatory C. Conservationist D. Conservatism
15. Today’s scientists send submarines to ___ the undersea world.
A. investigating B. investigated C. investigate
D. investigation

25. You are surprised at the _____________ of animals and plants in Bach
Ma national park.
26. ___________________ relates to an area near a tropical area.
27. Water ___________________ seventy-five percent of the earth.
28. Phanxipang is the _________________ mountain in Vietnam.
Answering the following questions:
29. Where is Bach Ma national park?
30. How far is it from Ho Chi Minh City to Bach Ma national park?
V. Writing: Rewrite the following sentences:
31. People’s carelessness can cause forest fires.
 Forest fires _________________________________________.
32. I don’t have a computer, so I can’t send an e-mail to you.
 If _________________________________________________.
33. We should do something to save our planet which is being destroyed
 It is good _____________________________________________.
34. She is writing an article about environmental problems.
 An article ___________________________________________.

I/ Choose the word whose underlined part is placed differently:

1. A. dear
B. here
C. near
D. where
2. A. helped
B. cooked
C. studied
D. washed
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently:
3. A. national B. abandon C. orphanage D. chemical
4. A. ocean
B. devide
C. challenge D. picture
III/ Choose the word or pharse that best complete sentence of
subtitutes for the underline word of pharse.
5. Sperm whale population are at risk due to hunting.
A. in extinction B. in danger C. on the decrease D. in fewness

6. You may be surprised at the large _________ of animals that live in
Cuc Phuong national park.
A. variety
B. variously C. various
D. vary
7. Some people are_________ forests in some provinces in our
A. destruction B. destroyed C. destroying D. destroy
8. We cannot clean up our _________ rivers and seas overnight.
A. polluted
B. polluting C. pollution D. pollutant
9. One species is dependent ________ another for survival.

A. at
B. of
C. on
D. to
10. The authority supplied the victims of the fire _______ food,
clothes and money.
A. at
B. of
C. on
D. to
11. _________ Pacific is the world’s ocean, covering one third of the
Earth’s surface.
A. A
B. An
C. The
D. Ø
12. He is always interested in the mysteries that lie beneath the blue
depths of the ocean.
A. over
B. under
C. above
D. on
13. If only I _________ at home and ______ a football match on TV
A. am/ watch
B. were/ were watching
C. should be/ should be watching
D. be/ watch
14. The blue _________ is the largest known animals ever to have lived
on the sea or land.

A. krill
B. tuna
C. whale
D. shell
15. They spent their childhood in a tiny fishery village by the sea.
A. small
B. big
C. large
D. enormous
16. The road in our town _________.
A. wide
B. are being wide
C. are being widened
D. are being widen
17. _________ take the train instead of the bus?
A. How about B. Let’s
C. What about D. Why don’t we
18. A new laws to conserve wildfife in the area will come into force
next month.
A. protect
B. pollute
C. destroy
D. Eliminate
19. Due to pollution, a lot of fish in the lake became sick and died.
A. Because of B. Because
C. In spite of D. As if
20. Some plants and animals are referred to as _________ organisms
because they are extremely small.

A. tiny
B. gulf
C. challenges D. oversized
21. If Peter _________ his car before the drive he_________the
problem of out the petrol.
A. checked/ will not get
C. had checked/ wouldn’t have got
B. checks/ will not have got
D. would be checknig/ will not have
22. We can’t _________ without food, water and air.
A. protect
B. surround C. conserve D. exist
23. The best time _________ the park is during the dry season, from
October to April, when the rainy season is over.
A. visit
B. to visting C. visiting
D. to visit
IV. Error Indentification.
24. I think you shoudn’t do if it’s the right thing to do.
25. Children oughtn’t spend too much time playing computer games.
26. Why not you try the cake I have just made?

Most people are afraid of sharks, but they usually do not know much
about them. For example, there are about 350 species of sharks that live in
oceans over the world. All of the sharks are carnivores, but most of them
don't attack people. Some sharks are very small - the smallest shark is about
6 inches long - about as long as your hand. But some sharks are very large.
The largest species of sharks may be 60 feet long and weigh 15 tons. Unlike

many other kinds of fish, sharks do not have bone. Their bodies are made up
of a kind of tough white flexible material (called cartilage). Sharks do not
have ears. However, they 'hear' sounds and movements in the wade. Any
sound or movement makes the water vibrates. Sharks can feel these
vibrations and they help the sharks find food. Sharks use their large eyes to
find food, too. Most sharks see best in low light. They often hunt for food at
dawn in the evening, or in the middle of the night.
Nowadays scientists want to learn more about sharks for several reasons.
For example, cancer is common in many animals, including, people.
However, it is rare in sharks. Scientists want to find out why sharks almost
never get cancer. Maybe this information can help people prevent cancer too.
(Note: - vibrations (n): sự chuyển động, rung động/- bone (n): xương/cartilage (n): sụn)

7. According to the passage, sharks_______.
A. always attack humans.
B. are carnivores
C. usually live in warm water
D. are big mammals.
8. How long is a smallest shark?
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest from 1 to 2.
A. As long as a hand
B. As one's long hand
D. About 6 centimeters
1. A. damage
B. discover

C. consider D. preserve
9. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_______.
2. A. condition
B. temperature
C. establish D. develop
A. information about sharks help people infect with cancer.
Find the error from 3 to 6.
B. scientists are given permission to catch sharks for their studies.
C. the cancer risk among animals is found to be higher.
3. Erosion, which washes away valuable topsoil, can prevent by planting
D. sharks are being studied.
trees and grass.
10. Sharks can hunt for food at night because_______.
4. That pottery was found by an archaeologist while she was worked in
A. their eyes are large.
B. they feel vibrations in the water.
this area.
C. they see well in the dark.
D. they 'hear' more clearly at night.
5. The children are only allowed watching television on the weekend.
11. The word "they" underlined in the passage refers to_______.
6. You can't go into the reception if you've got a ticket.
A. sounds
B. sharks
C. movements
D. vibrations
Read the passage then choose the best answer for the following questions Read the passage then complete it by marking the corresponding letter A,
by marking the corresponding letter: A, B, C, or D from 7 to 11.
B, C, or D from 12 to 16

Dolphins are known as cetaceans, or marine (12)_____: they breathe air, 27. If energy ___________inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the
they are warm-blood, and they bear live young ones called (13)_____ The
world would be different.
A. had been
B. were
C. is
D. would be
size of dolphins varies greatly. The smallest dolphin is just about 50 kg in
weight and 1.2 meters in length (14)_____ the largest one can weigh up to 28. This park is the orphanage where lots of orphaned and abandoned anima
ls are taken care of.
8.200 kg and is 10 meters long. Dolphins are sociable creatures. They swim
A. dealt with
B. moved in
C.looked after D. involved in
together in group known as schools. They show great ability in the water and
29. Nairobi National Park is Kenya's smallest park, but you may be
you can often (15)_____ them playing (16)_____ ships.
surprised________the large variety of animals that live there.
A. at
B. in
C. on
D. with
12. A. fish
B. creatures C. mammals
D. life

13. A. babies
B. calves
C. young
D. diets
A. officer
B. office
C. official
D. officially
14. A. when
B. as
C. while
D. since
such precious
15. A. look down

B. come acrossC. run after
D. go by
16. A. around
B. on
C. in
D. next
A. confidential B. detailed
C. valuable D. precise
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently
32. You did not have breakfast. That is why you are hungry now.
from the rest from 17 to 19.
A. If you had had breakfast, you wouldn’t be hungry now.
B. If you had had breakfast, you wouldn’t have been hungry now.
17. A. valuable
B. bomb
C. baby
D. probably
C. If you had had breakfast, you wouldn’t hungry now.
18. A. played
B. worked
C. watched
D. hoped
D. If you had breakfast, you wouldn’t hungry now.
19. A. dear
B. year
C. bear
D. clear
33. These birds________to North Africa in winter.
A. migrate

B. settle
C. go
D. relocate
Choose the best answer from 20 to 40.
34. ___________ he have free time, he’ll play tennis.
A. Should
B. Were
C. Unless
D. Had
20. ________ is the variety of different types of plant and animal life in a
particular region.
computers arrived.
A. Interaction
B. Environment
C. Herbicide D. Biodiversity
A. tend forgotten
B. tend to forget
21. “Ms. Jones, please type those letters before noon”.
C. tend to be forgotten
D. tend being forgotten
“They've already________________sir. They're on your desk.”

be found in this region.
A. been being typed
B. been typed C. being typedD. typed
A. flowers
B. fauna
C. vegetation
D. flora
22. They were sent to a local ________right after their parents’ death.
A. orphanage
B. hospital
C. prison
D. park
A. conserve

B. establish C. endanger
D. produce
23. If I ______________you were ill last week, I would have gone to see
A. be laughed at
B. to be laughed at
A. knew
B. know
C. knows
D. had known
D. being laughed at
24. They were seeking a solution to the ________ of the rain forests.
39. ___________during the storm.
A. destroyer
B. destruction

C. destroying D. destroy
A. The fence was collapsed
B. They collapsed the fence
25. Most of them got carsick because they went ________coach.
D. The fence collapsed
A. on
B. in
C. by
D. with
40. He loves her, so he married her.
26. Walking home alone is not a good idea.
A. If he didn’t love her, he wouldn’t married her.
You __________________________.
B. If he didn’t love her, he wouldn’t have married her.
A. can't walk home alone.
B. mustn't walk home alone.
C. If he loves her, he wouldn’t have married her.
C. don't have to walk home alone.
D. shouldn't walk home alone.

D. If he hadn’t loved her, he wouldn’t have been married her.

A. must

B. will
C. should
D. ought
16. These flowers are fresh. They _______ from the garden.
A. have been just picked
B. have just been picked
D. just have been picked
17. You_______go to bed late. It’s not good for your health.
Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently:
A. mustn’t
B. should
C. shouldn’t D. oughtn’t
18. Linda: Excuse me. Where’s the post office? Maria: ________.
1. A. here
B. cheer
C. atmosphere
D. where
A. It’s over there B. I’m afraid not. C. Don’t worry. D. Yes, I think so.
2. A. teach
B. much
C. school
D. choice
19. I think you _______ study hard for the next exam.

3. A. photographed B. organized C. happened
D. filled
A. could
B. will
C. would
D. should
4. A. worked
B. played
C. watched
D. hoped
20. The life _______ of sperm whale can be up to seventy years.
A. distance
B. period
C. length
D. span
it falls.
* Choose (A or B, C, D) to complete the following sentences:
A. run off
B. run after C. run away

D. run by
5. People have sent ________ to investigate the seabed.
22. If Lan had worn a rain coat, she ______ a cold.
A. submarines B. Airplanes
C. Spaceships D. Helicopters
A. had got
B. wouldn’t get C. won’t get D. wouldn’t have got
6. I'll pay you double _______ you get the work finished by Friday. 23. I still can’t believe it! My bicycle_______last night.
A. if
B. unless
C. supposing D. provided
A. was stealing B. stolen
C. was stolen
D. stole
7. Many sea animals are at_______ due to hunting and water pollution.
24. The child’s arm was swollen because he_______by a bee.
A. loss
B. death
C. risk
D. danger
A. stung
B. had stung C. had being stung D. had been stung
8. A: I don’t know how to use this camera?
25. By the end of last summer, the farmers _______all the crop.
B: It's quite easy ________ you.
A. harvested
B. had harvested C. harvest
D. are harvested
A. I going to show
B. I'll show

C. I’m will show
D. I’m going to show
Read the following passage and answer the following questions.
9. We_______use herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that harm the
Yosemite National Park was established on October 1st 1890, and is the
A. should not
B. should
C. will
D. does not
Nation’s third oldest national park. The park was established for the
10. The animals are not kept in _______ they can live in their natural
purpose of preservation of the resources that contribute to its uniqueness
and attractiveness. Congress recognized the importance of preserving this
A. cages
B. house
C. hotel
D. restaurant
great park for future public enjoyment when it established Yosemite
11. If you _______ to me, you wouldn’t have got so much trouble.
National Park. Yosemite National Park is a show case of spectacular
A. listened
B. would listen
geological features, including the greatest concentration of granite domes in
C. had listened
D. would have listened
12. There is a large ________ of animals that live in Nairobi National Park. the world and the largest exposed granite monolith in the world.
A. varied
B. vary

C. variety
D. various
26. When was Yosemite National Park established?
13. My home village is ________ 40 kilometres north of the capital.
A. held
B. surrounded
C. laid
D. located
27. Is the Nation’s only oldest national park?
14. A: Would you like_______ lunch with us? ”.
B: “Yes I’d love to”.
28. Why was the park established?
A. have
B. to have
C. having
D. had
15. If you don’t know how to spell a word, you _____ look it up in the
What is it famous for?

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined
part that needs correction in each of the following.
30. My parents(A) often take careful(B) of me when(C) I am ill(D).
31. The(A) matter will discussing(B) at(C) the next meeting(D).

32. Many(A) people think(B) this novel(C) writing(D) by Ngo Tat To.
33. If I had known(A) you were(B) in(C) financial difficulty, I would
help(D) you.
Rewrite the following sentences:
34. They are building a new hotel near the park.
 A new hotel _____________________________________________.
35. Mozart wrote this symphony.
 This ___________________________________________________.
36. I will buy a computer tomorrow.
 A computer _____________________________________________.
Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense
37. If the sun (shine) __________________, we would go for a walk.
38. If we had hurried, we (not miss) ____________________the train.
39. The campfire (not cancel) ____________ if it (not rain)_____________
last night.
40. If John (be) ____________ here now, he would know what to do.
