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Branch: Business administration
Code: 9 34 01 01

HA NOI, 2019

The work was completed at: Graduate cademy of Social Sciences

1. Associate Prof. Dr. BUI VAN HUYEN
2. Associate. Prof. Dr. NGUYEN AN HA

Reviewer 1: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ngo Xuan Binh
Reviewer 2: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Thai
Reviewer 3: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Hai

The thesis will be protected before the Doctoral Dissertation
Committee meets at: Graduate cademy of social sciences
giờ, ngày tháng

năm 2019

The thesis can be found at:
Library of Graduate cademy of social science

1. Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy (2018), "Factors affecting the
development of human resource management in small and medium
enterprises in Phu Tho province", Economic and Forecast magazine, No.
36 ( 12/2018): ISSN 0866-7120, p.119-122.
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Van Huyen, Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy
(2018), "Developing Vietnamese small and medium enterprises in the
context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution", Journal of Political Theory
Information Science - Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy, No. 10
(47) 2018: ISSN 2354 - 1040, p.14 - 20.




Thuy (2018),

"Improving the

competitiveness of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam during the
integration period", Journal of Social Sciences Human Resources,
Academy of Social Sciences 60 (5-2018): ISSN 0866 - 756X, p.32 - 38.

4. Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy (2017), "International experience in
developing human resource management in small and medium
enterprises", Journal of Economics and Management - Institute of
Economics, National Political Academy Ho Chi Minh City No. 21 (32017): ISSN 1859 - 4565, p.67-71.
5. Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy (2017), "Improving the quality of
human resources in small and medium enterprises", Market magazine prices, Ministry of Finance, March 2017: ISSN 2354 - 1490 , p.34 - 36.

1. The urgency of the topic
The rapid development of science and technology, international
economic integration has become more and more extensive, the global
business and competitive environment has been posing a great challenge and
demand for human resources in general, human resources for corporate
governance in particular. Located in that general context, improving
management capacity for business managers, especially for small and
medium enterprises is an urgent issue. Enterprises in Phu Tho province
account for more than 96% of the total number of enterprises in the province,
which are key contributors to the economic growth, investment and budget
collection of the province, contributing to creating jobs for local laborers
directions, development of social security. However, the business owners and
managers have limited knowledge and management skills, especially
advanced business management skills. Stemming from the above reasons, to
propose feasible solutions to the development of management human
resources in small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho province, contributing
to socio-economic development. In the province in particular and the country
in general, the fellows selected the topic "Developing human resources for
management in small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho province" as the
research topic.
2. Research purposes and tasks.

2.1. Research purposes
First, build a theoretical system of human resource management in
small and medium-sized enterprises in Phu Tho province,


Secondly, proposing solutions, proposing the development of
management human resources in small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho
2.2. Research tasks
+ Clarify the theoretical and methodological basis for developing human
resource management in small and medium enterprises.
+ Study and consult experiences on developing human resources for
small and medium enterprise management, then draw lessons on human
resource development for small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho province.
+ Analyzing the current situation of human resource development
management by practical data to make martial arts strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and challenges, propose solutions and persistence to perfect
human resources for management in small and medium enterprises in Phu
Tho province.
3. Subjects and scope of research
3.1. Research subjects
Research object of the thesis: Current situation of human resource
management in small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho province.
3.2. Research scope
Human resources for management: In this study, there are: heads of all
levels of the enterprise (director, deputy director); deputy heads of functional
departments; supervisors, business managers.
Research content: Limiting research and development on the quality of

management resources in the quality of human resources in small and
medium enterprises. Research on development activities, factors affecting
human resource development for management of small and medium

enterprises in Phu Tho province. How to approach management human
resource development including the development activities of enterprises.
About space: Research on developing human resources for management
in non-state small and medium enterprises without State capital
About time: The thesis focuses on researching the status of human
resource management development with the main data from 2010 to 2017 in
small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho province. The period of selection
for research provides the orientation, objectives and solutions for development
until 2030.
4. Research Methodology
+ Qualitative research method: Research secondary documents, discuss
with business owners and some business managers to collect data on the status
of human resource development in corporate governance small and mediumsized enterprises, discover, adjust and supplement observed variables, build
scales of factors affecting human resource development in corporate
governance. Using a combination of methods: Collection, information
processing, descriptive statistics, general analysis, investigation, ....
+ Quantitative research method: Surveying the status of quality of
human resources in management at 394 small and medium enterprises in Phu
Tho province. Survey data will be processed and analyzed on SPSS statistical
software 20.
5. New scientific contributions of the thesis
Understanding international and domestic experiences, successfully
applying and transforming management capacity scales used in studies in
Vietnam and abroad into research in small and medium enterprises in Phu

Tho province . Proposing some research variables.

Proposing and building a model to measure the influence of factors on
human resource development management, analyzing the influencing factors
6. The theoretical and practical significance of the thesis
6.1. Reasoning meaning
The dissertation contributes a part of the theory of developing human
resources for management in enterprises to a province, hoping that this
contribution will enrich the theoretical and experienced sources for the
development of management human resources enterprise. At the same time,
the author hopes to provide information to other scientists interested.
6.2. Practical significance
In fact, the quality of management human resources in small and
medium enterprises in Phu Tho province is still limited, enterprises will face
many difficulties in the integration process. The author's thesis has further
clarified the quality of human resources for small and medium enterprise
management, finding out the causes, limitations and solutions.
7. Structure of the thesis
Chapter 1: Overview of research situation.
Chapter 2: Theoretical and practical basis for developing human
resource management in small and medium enterprises.
Chapter 3: Current situation of human resource management in small
and medium enterprises in Phu Tho province.
Chapter 4: Solutions to develop human resources for management in
small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho province.


Chapter 1
1.1. Overview of foreign research on human resource management
in small and medium enterprises
Foreign studies related to HRD management in SMEs are very rich in
many different aspects, confirming the role and importance of HRD in
management of SMEs. These are the materials referenced by the researchers
in the research process
1.2. Overview of research related to human resource management
development in small and medium enterprises in Vietnam
(1) Focusing on analysis of governance capacity of governance; (2)
studies of training and development activities; (3) research on influencing
factors; (4) experience of countries in developing human resources for
management in SMEs. Among the research works, there are some research
works are doctoral dissertations, monographs, articles published in specialized
journals, provincial decisions and websites ...
1.3. Comments from the research overview and research
orientation of the thesis
Research on the quality of SMEs' managers with the trend of
management capacity based on factors of knowledge, skills, behavior,
attitudes, qualities and authors choose according to the approaching trend
However, in the context of globalization and international economic
integration along with the continuous progress of science and technology, on
the basis of inheriting the author built some new scales for management
capacity. of enterprise administrators.
1.4. Questions and research process

Question 1: What is the quality of human resources management in
SMEs in Phu Tho province?
Question 2: What is the content of HRD management in SMEs in
Phu Tho province?
Question 3: What is the current situation of human resources
development management in SMEs in Phu Tho province? What were the
Question 4: What factors affect the development of HR management
in SMEs in Phu Tho province? How are the weak impact factors?
Question 5: What causes the limitations of HRD in SME
management in Phu Tho province?
Question 6: To develop human resources for management in SMEs
in Phu Tho province, what solutions are needed?
* Research process of the thesis: Based on the overview of related
research works, the author provides research process and research hypotheses
as follows:
Hypothesis 1: The quality of human resources managed in SMEs in
Phu Tho province is not good.
Hypothesis 2: Actual situation of human resources development
management in SMEs in Phu Tho province is not really effective.
Hypothesis 3: There are factors that positively affect HRD in
SME governance.
Hypothesis 4: Developing human resources management is an
important solution to SME development in Phu Tho province.


Chapter 2

2.1. Some theoretical issues about developing human resource
management in small and medium enterprises
2.1.1. Theoretical basis for small and medium enterprises
There are many different concepts about SMEs in Vietnam. However,
up to now, the Decree No. 39/2018 / ND-CP dated 11/3/2018 on "Detailed
provisions on some articles of the supporting law in small and medium
enterprises" has set the determination criteria. SMEs
- The role of SMEs: SMEs contribute significantly to economic growth,
solve a large number of jobs for the population, increase income for workers,
contribute to poverty reduction. Mobilizing resources in the population ....
- Characteristics of SMEs: Small and micro enterprises account for the
majority of SMEs. Small businesses often have limited production and
business capacity.
- Advantages of SMEs: Easy to adapt when the market fluctuates. The
efficiency of capital use is relatively high because it is easy to attract labor with
low cost. ....
- Limitations of SMEs: Production capacity is limited because the
number of employees in SMEs is often low, not enough skills to effectively
compete in markets with increasing levels of liberalization and capacity. low
2.1.2. Perspectives on human resources for corporate governance


From the concepts and analysis of human resources management of
other studies, within the scope of research of the thesis, HR managers of
enterprises are understood: As managers in an enterprise, they are capable and

complete. All are responsible for making decisions and implementing
administrative behaviors to maintain and develop businesses.
Characteristics of human resources for management in SMEs: Human
resources management in SMEs has its own characteristics, these
characteristics are reflected in the differences between different levels of
governance in enterprise management and enterprise management capacity.
* Comparing management human resources in SMEs with managing
human resources in large enterprises: Human resources managing SMEs
often have a shorter vision than foresight, jobs associated with production
rather than management, often trained and developed along with the process
of formation and development of enterprises rather than being trained before .
2.1.3. Perspectives on developing human resource management in
small and medium enterprises
The author's perspective on developing human resources management:
Development of human resources management is the process of training and
development, whereby human resources management can acquire and apply
knowledge, skills, knowledge and attitudes in management. promote business
2.2. Content of management resources development in small and
medium enterprises
2.2.1. Training human resources management
For effective training and development of human resources
management, enterprises must build training programs according to the

system approach, including: Determining training needs. Perform the training
process. Evaluate training effectiveness:
Forms of human resource management training
(1) Training at work (On-the-job training): (a) Job-based training: The

training process begins with the introduction and explanation of the teacher
about the goals of the job and meticulous instructions, step by step on how to
observe and exchange , learn and try it until you are proficient under the
guidance and strict guidance of the teacher. (b) Mentoring and advice: this
method is often used to help managers and supervisors can learn the
knowledge and skills necessary for the immediate work and work for the
future. hybrids through mentoring, advice from better managers. (c) Rotation
and transfer of work: Managers work on different jobs by rotating and
acquiring different skills to work on those jobs. Managers get the experience
of different departments to perform many different tasks.
(2) Out-of-job training: Methods include: (a) Classroom training:
Classroom training develops various case studies and role-play methods to
enhance managers' skills. (b) Sponsored programs: Managers attend these
courses rather than being trained in the organization. Lectures and
performances are part of those development programs. (c) Seminars:
Managers of different departments gather their ideas, information and
suggestions and learn from each other's experiences in workshops. (d)
Simulation: Models of real business situations are created and managers
perform the same role as actual workplace.
* Self-training: Through forms of training inside and outside of work,
self-training, self-study or self-training are evaluated forms of effectiveness


despite being limited by many factors of time time when human resources
management must solve all problems of enterprises.
2.2.2 . Forms of human resource management development
* Developing personal human resources for management: Enterprises
want to retain good managers must implement personal development

programs. Oriented research and personal development to help individuals
discover individual abilities, have the right to choose the right career, create
value for each human resource manager with aptitude suitable for work,
exploitation their ability.
* Promoting human resources for management: Promotion (promotion)
is to bring workers into a job position with higher wages, greater reputation
and responsibility, better working conditions and more development
(3) Recruitment: There are many sources of candidates to fill vacancies
or vacancies of enterprises such as: Candidates from within enterprises and
sources of candidates from outside enterprises. Unlike promotion,
appointment, internal recruitment is done publicly, with clear standards for all
candidates from within the enterprise. The form of internal recruitment is
usually prioritized due to the following advantages compared to recruitment
from outside
2.3. The main factors affecting management human resource
development in small and medium enterprises
Overview of research on the theory of human resources development
management in SMEs, an overview of the influencing factors, on the basis of
inheriting and combining with the research object of the thesis, the thesis has
developed photo elements enjoy the development of human resources for

management in SMEs in Phu Tho province including external factors: (1)
Macro factors; (2) The advancement of science and technology; Internal
factors: (3) Educational and training institutions; (4) Business awareness about
managing human resources management; (5) Policies for HRD management
of enterprises; (6) intrinsic factor of individual NNL governance; (7) Financial
ability of enterprises.

2.4. Experience in developing human resource management in
small and medium enterprises. Lessons learned for small and medium
enterprises in Phu Tho province.
Countries like Japan, England, USA, Sweden, Taiwan, Korea ... as well
as in Vietnam [1], [77], [14], [46], [44], [72], [74] , [57], [88] are all countries
with a high number of SMEs in the economy, and also indicate the forms of
training and development of management human resources. The selection of
appropriate training and development forms plays an important role in the
development of human resources in general and the management human
resources in particular of SMEs.
Chapter 3
3.1. Current situation of small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho
3.1.1. Characteristics of small and medium enterprises
* Enterprise size: The SMEs of the province are mostly small and super
small businesses. Micro enterprises and small businesses are dominant.


Regarding the structure of different types of enterprises, limited companies are
* Regarding occupational structure: enterprises in the trade and service
sector account for the highest proportion and tend to increase gradually over
the years.
3.1.2. Advantages and disadvantages and requirements for human
resource development in small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho

SMEs in Phu Tho province are mainly small and super small scale,
compact organizational model will be flexible and flexible in business, easy to
change in accordance with market demand. However, the technology level is
outdated, the level of labor is low, the ability to access foreign markets is
weak, affecting the economic efficiency. In the context of globalization,
human resource management capacity has posed significant challenges and
limitations for SMEs, so improving the capacity of governance is essential.
3.2. Human resource management activities in small and medium
enterprises in Phu Tho province.
3.2.1. Training human resources for management in small and
medium enterprises
* About the number of management human resources: According to the
annual survey data of Phu Tho Statistical Office, the total number of human
resources managing enterprises in 2010 was 5,158 people and increased by
2017 with the number of 9,756 people. NNL governance tends to increase due
to the increase in the number of SMEs. However, in terms of scale, average
management human resources / enterprises have no changes.


* About the level of human resources education management:
According to the survey results of the Department of Statistics of Phu Tho
province in 2016 and 2017 on the qualifications of SMEs: SMEs with
university / postgraduate qualifications in 2016 accounted for 35.03 % of all
SME owners, 45.04% in 2017; the college and intermediate level in 2016 is
37.12%, in 2017 it is 36.39%. The rate of business owners with college and
intermediate level accounts for a high proportion, especially the rate of
employers has not yet trained.

3.2.2. Form of human resource development management in small
and medium enterprises
* Personal development of management human resources:
According to survey results, most businesses attach great importance to
the contribution of human resources management in order to have timely
encouragement and remuneration policies (average score = 3.73). Businesses
perform relatively well to provide feedback from the leaders of enterprises
about the work that managing HR is undertaking (average score = 3.71). In
addition, enterprises underestimated the fact that enterprises have appropriate
personal development plans for each officer so that they can study and
improve their qualifications and capabilities.
* Promoting human resources for management
The majority of enterprises with 71.3% (average score = 3.71) surveyed
all made promotions according to the superior mechanism of appointing their
subordinates. 66.3% of total enterprises (Average score = 3.69) participated in
the survey to make promotions based on job requirements. 51.3% of
enterprises (Average score = 3.30) perform promotion based on knowledge,
capacity and attitude / quality of officials and employees.

* Assessing the effectiveness of training and development: Most
interviewees are well aware of the role of training to the development of
human resources management and development of the company.
The perception of human resources management on training
effectiveness: Through surveys, nearly half of the management human
resources were very satisfied with the training courses they attended, the low
dissatisfaction rate.
Evaluation of human resources management on the effectiveness of
training and development: Most of the interviewees agreed that after being

trained their management capacity is enhanced, they are more confident and
professional. .
* Recruitment reality in SMEs: According to the survey results, most
SMEs do not have recruitment activities due to characteristics of enterprises in
Phu Tho province, mostly small and super small enterprises. The remaining
enterprises have recruitment and source of internal candidates, accounting for
the highest proportion (17.5%), followed by friends of employees (15.3 &)
and the lowest is candidates from establishments training (8.2%).
3.3. Factors affecting the development of human resource
management in small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho province
As studied in Chapter 2, there are 7 factors affecting the development of
human resources in management of SMEs in Phu Tho province.
3.3.1. Preliminary research: The results of the reliability analysis show
that the total correlation coefficients show that the observed variables have
variable correlation coefficients - quite a tight sum between observed
3.3.2. Official research

From the research results, the multivariate regression equation has the
following form:
PT = 0.245+ 0.111 * VM + 0.094 * CN + 0.148 * GD + 0.210 * NT +
0.188 * CS + 0.209 * BT + 0.157 * TC
The priority, or magnitude of the factors affecting the development of
human resource management in small and medium enterprises and showing
the priority from large to small as follows: NT: Awareness of enterprises on
human resource management; BT: Internal factors of human resources for
management; TC: Financial ability of the enterprise; Education: Education
and training establishments; CS: Policies for developing human resources for

corporate governance; VM: Macro factor; CN: The advancement of science
and technology
3.4. Overall assessment of human resource development
management in small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho province
From the analysis of the situation and the factors affecting the
development of human resources management in SMEs in Phu Tho province,
SWOT model can be used to summarize the advantages, opportunities and
challenges for development. Development of human resources in SME
management in Phu Tho province.
Causes of weaknesses
- On the business side
SMEs have not set up plans and orientations for developing businesses
to meet the trend of international economic integration.
Activities of recruiting human resources for management in SMEs are
not really effective because the candidates are mainly from internal
enterprises. Candidates recruiting from low training institutions show that the

ability to link between enterprises and training institutions is not high, SMEs
have not taken advantage of opportunities to reduce training costs from
training institutions. ...
- On the side of human resources management
SMEs said that some officials and employees in the enterprise have not
actively sought opportunities for development, they also rarely assess their
own strengths and weaknesses.
- Causes from the system and training policies
Training only focuses on quantity achievement but not on output, not
towards practical knowledge and skills. The skills needed to apply in practice
are both weak and weak. As a result, there is a lack of qualified staff, good

management capacity to meet the work requirements. There is no close link
between SMEs in Phu Tho province and training institutions. Universities,
colleges and vocational schools provide labor resources for businesses in one
direction ...
- Causes from the policy mechanism of the State and Phu Tho province
Although the State is becoming more and more interested in human
resources training programs for SMEs. However, with the number of about
500,000 SMEs across the country in general and more than 2700 SMEs in
Phu Tho province in particular, funding for program implementation is still
limited. Not to mention the quality and content of training has not really been
interested and focused on training to improve corporate governance capacity.
- Chapter 4


4.1. Orientation and viewpoint of developing human resources for
management in small and medium enterprises.
4.1.1. International economic integration and requirements for
managing human resource management in small and medium enterprises
International economic integration, protection barriers, both tariffs and
non-tariffs, preferential policies are gradually being eliminated, instead a
competitive and fair market. Vietnam has many opportunities to promote
trade development. Business and production activities are expanded, creating
more jobs for employees. The context of strong globalization, the
development of science and technology, especially the CMCN 4.0, is going to
bring fierce competition pressure to the SMEs in Phu Tho province, which

requires human resources to be available. High quality meets integration
4.1.2. Orientation of human resource management in small and
medium enterprises of the State
The Prime Minister issued Decision No. 1231QD-TTg dated September
7, 2012 on the SME Development Plan for the period of 2011-2015. SMEs
development plan provides 8 groups of solutions, in which solution group 4 is:
Developing human resources for small and medium enterprises, focusing on
improving governance capacity for small businesses and fit. Decree No.
39/2018 / ND-CP of the Government: Regarding detailed regulations on a
number of articles of the law to support small and medium enterprises,

including the following contents: support training to start business and
administration business; vocational training support; direct training support in
4.1.3. The viewpoint of developing human resources for management
in small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho province
Implementing the mechanism of communication in training from
primary and intermediate to vocational colleges so that employees have more
opportunities to study, step by step forming a team of skilled technical
workers, skilled employees in the branches and field.
4.1.3. The viewpoint of developing human resources for management
in small and medium enterprises in Phu Tho province
Implementing the mechanism of communication in training from
primary and intermediate to vocational colleges so that employees have more
opportunities to study, step by step forming a team of skilled technicians and
skilled employees in the branches and field.
• Perspectives on HRD governance in SMEs

First, need to be aware of human resources development in general,
human resources management in particular is a core issue, is the most basic
condition for SMEs to survive and develop sustainably. Human resources
management team is a valuable asset, the most powerful impetus for
promoting business development. Secondly, HR Management must recognize
the role and importance of management capacity in managing and operating
enterprises to be responsible for improving and improving their management
capacity to meet the requirements. job demand and international integration.
Thirdly, NNL management development needs to be implemented
synchronously with many solutions and professionalization. Fourthly, HRD

management comes from specific conditions of SMEs to promote their
potentials and advantages. Fifthly, HRD management firstly takes advantage
of opportunities to overcome all challenges of the process of international
economic integration, while preserving and developing traditional values and
cultural identities. ethnic and cultural enterprises.
4.2. Solutions to develop human resources for management in small
and medium enterprises in Phu Tho province.
4.2.1. Control the factors affecting the development of human
resource management in small and medium enterprises
* Raising positive awareness of small and medium-sized business
leaders in developing human resources for management.
There should be proper awareness about the importance of developing
the overall capacity of officials and employees, discovering potential
capacities to properly invest in development activities. Business owners need
to identify human resources as an important and valuable asset for businesses
to grow in scale and improve competitiveness, especially in the context of
economic integration. their challenges and difficulties and proactively develop

plans for managing NNL management with a vision of at least 5-10 years.
* Developing policies for human resource management of enterprises
Along with the change in awareness in the context of international
economic integration, enterprises need to develop policies to develop human
resources management in accordance with business strategies, in accordance
with their "financial health". Enterprises need to invest in building policies to
develop human resources in a methodical and textual manner, in which the
contents of managing human resources management determine the roles and
responsibilities of enterprises and individuals in development; standards and

procedures for selecting staff to develop. Enterprises need policies on training
and developing human resources management.
* Improve the personal quality of human resource management
Improve problem solving skills and conflict resolution: Solving
problems is an activity that HR management always faces in most activities of
enterprises. Improve skills of using power and influence: To well implement
this skill, management human resources need: Professional expertise, personal
attraction, effort and respect for the legal value of enterprises.
* Financial solution
Regularly proactively making financial plans for managing human
resources management. Enterprises should establish development investment
funds. Costs for training and development of management human resources
will be taken from this fund. Training costs are large or small depending on
the size and operating status of each enterprise and must always be at a
reasonable level, the cost is not large but not too low, affecting the
effectiveness of training and delivery. development of management NNL.
* Enhancing the application of science and technology to enterprise

The speed of technology development is put into production and
business management is very fast, if not adaptable, businesses will not be able
to develop, especially when the world is changing itself with the industrial
revolution 4.0, want "Healthy living" in addition to access to capital, SMEs
need to promote the application of new technologies.
* Strengthening the role of training institutions:
Renovate training methods to reduce theory, increase practical practice,
improve the quality of teachers and lecturers. Attach training to the needs of

economic, social and business organizations, local socio-economic
development needs. Increasing investment in equipment to gradually improve
the quality of training.
4.2.2. Completing the management of human resource management in
small and medium enterprises.
* Building management human resources development plan: Developing
training and capacity development programs, equipping skills and knowledge
suitable to the mission requirements of enterprises, which are the top concerns of
each enterprise. .
* Complete training activities
- Determining training needs: Training and development is expensive but if
it is determined that the training and development needs are not met, not only can
the organization not gain benefits, but it may also fall into the real situation The
benefits such as the unreasonableness of labor structure become more serious, the
enthusiasm and belief of employees for organizations are reduced ...
- Implementation of training: After identifying training needs, the
organization of implementing training is very important. Assessing the
effectiveness of training and development: After implementing the training,
businesses will have to assess the economic effectiveness of training through

evaluating the costs and results of the training program. There are 4 levels of
evaluation of training results
* Implementing personal development activities and recommending
management NNL
Businesses need to create conditions for human resources management to
contact and cultivate more experience in other jobs besides the work they


undertake. There are pre-preparations to help them advance and develop their
individual as they wish ...
4.3. Proposals
4.3.1. Proposals to the State
Perfecting the completion of macro policies to encourage SMEs
development, formation of human resources development fund, continue to
implement the training program for human resources training, diversify SME
support activities
The State needs to create a synchronous legal basis, a favorable business
environment for SMEs' production and business activities.
Strengthening the propaganda of the Party's and State's views and policies in
the development of SMEs to reach the people. There is a policy of encouragement
and encouragement to promote and honor the business owners with management
capacity to achieve high business results and strictly abide by the law.
Forming support consultancy centers at different levels to meet the needs of
timely and effective assistance to SMEs. Extensive reform of the national
education and training system, training support, educational equipment and basic
socio-economic, cultural and legal knowledge ... for SMEs managers .
The State and organizations and associations strengthen support for
knowledge and knowledge about international integration for SMEs including the

legal system, incentives and legal sanctions. To strongly develop business support
services of enterprises and entrepreneurs, such as information and forecasting
systems; service system for business development and business development;
nurseries DN ...
Associations need to organize training courses for members or regularly
organize exchange activities to communicate experiences among members.
