Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 1: They’re from Australia!
Week: 2
Lesson One Words
To identify different countries
To understand a short story
Language focus: listening, reading
Vocabulary: Korea, Viet Nam, Mexico, Thailand, Australia, the U.S.A., Brazil
Recycled vocabulary: family words
Extra vocabulary: our, know, from
Resources and materials
Student Book p. 8
Workbook p. 8
Audio Tracks 04, 06–07
Flashcards 1–17
Colored pencils
Worksheet 1: Matching game – Countries, one copy for each child
Culture note: The U.S.A.
The U.S.A. is an abbreviated form of The United States of America. The U.S.A. is also sometimes shortened to The
U.S., America, or The States.
Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play the song Twelve months a year (Track 04) for children to sing along to. Warmer
Hold up Flashcards 7–10 of Max, Holly, Amy, and Leo and ask Who is he / she?
Draw a family tree on the board, and put the flashcards in the correct places at the bottom of the family tree.
Hold up Flashcards 3–6 of the parents and ask questions, e.g., Is he Holly’s dad / uncle? Put them into the family
Repeat for Flashcards 1–2 of Grandma and Grandpa.
Point to the flashcards and say all of the family words for children to repeat.
Point to the flashcards at random and ask children to call out the family words.
Go faster and faster until children can’t keep up with you.
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 1: They’re from Australia!
Tell children that they are going to learn the names of some countries.
Use the Countries Flashcards 11–17 to introduce the vocabulary for the lesson. Hold them up one at a time and
ask What country is this? Try to elicit the names, but model any country names the children don’t know.
Say all the words for children to repeat.
Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to open their Student Books and look at the pictures of the flags for the different countries.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 06) for children to listen and point to the appropriate picture. Repeat if
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat.
Play the recording all the way through again for children to listen and point and then repeat the words in chorus.
Transcript (Track 06)
Listen and point.
Korea, Viet Nam, Mexico, Thailand, Australia, the U.S.A., Brazil
Brazil, the U.S.A., Mexico, Australia, Viet Nam, Thailand, Korea Listen
and repeat.
Korea, Viet Nam, Mexico, Thailand, Australia, the U.S.A., Brazil
Quick flash
With the Countries Flashcards, quickly flash one card at a time.
Ask the child who calls out the country name first to come to the front of the class and flash the next card.
Pointing game
Ask children to work in pairs.
Tell one child to say the name of a country and the second child to point to the correct flag in their books.
After a few minutes, tell the children to change roles.
Monitor and help with pronunciation where needed.
Listen and read. (Exercise 2)
Focus children’s attention on the story. Talk about each frame of the story. Ask Who are the children? Are they at
home? Where are they? Elicit or remind children of the word airport. Ask What do Mom / Holly / Max have?
Encourage predictions about the story.
Play the recording (Track 07) for children to listen and follow the words of the story in their books.
Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., Who do Holly and Max meet? Where are their cousins from? Where
are the other children from? Where are Max and Holly from? (the U.S.A.)
Play the recording a second time for
children to follow.
Ask children to find the words from Exercise 1 that appear in the story (Viet Nam, Australia, Mexico).
Practice the dialogue.
Ask children to close their books.
Write the dialogue from frame 2 on the board and ask children to read the dialogue aloud as a group. Pay
attention to the intonation of the sentences.
Erase the children’s names (except the names of the speakers) and ask children to read out the dialogue again,
saying the missing words.
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 1: They’re from Australia!
Now erase the countries and repeat.
Continue to erase words until children have memorized the whole dialogue for frame 2.
Worksheet 2: Matching game – Countries
Have children close their books and work individually.
Give each student a copy of the worksheet and some colored pencils. Ask them to color the flags with the correct
colors and then draw a line to connect the flag with the name of the country.
Tell the children to try to color the flags from memory (but allow them to look in the Student Book if needed).
Ask children to work in pairs.
Ask them to use the dialogue from frame 2 and change the names of the countries using the countries on
Worksheet 2, e.g., They aren’t from Thailand. They’re from Australia.
Continue until they have practiced with all the country names.
Exercises: Workbook p. 8
Story time: A reader of your choice
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 1: They’re from Australia!
Week: 2
Period: 6
Lesson Two Grammar
To review and use the short form of be in affirmative sentences and questions
To review personal pronouns To act out a story
Vocabulary: Where are you from? I’m from Korea. Where is he from? He’s from Brazil. Where are they from?
They’re from Viet Nam.
Extra vocabulary: friend
Resources and materials
Student Book p. 8–9
Workbook p. 9
Audio Tracks 07–08
Flashcards 9–17
Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Play a game of Snap to review the vocabulary from the last lesson.
Write one of the country names on the board, e.g., Mexico.
Put the flashcards in a pile and hold them up so that only the children can see the facing card. Reveal the cards
one at a time by putting the front card to the back. When children see the card for Mexico, they shout Snap!
Repeat with the rest of the word cards in the set.
With books closed, ask children to tell you the names of the four children in the story. Ask children questions
about what happened in the story, e.g., Who do Max and Holly meet? Where are Leo and Amy from?
Ask children to open their Student Books to p. 8 and find three countries mentioned in the story (Australia, Viet
Nam, Mexico).
Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
Play the recording (Track 07), pausing for children to repeat.
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 1: They’re from Australia!
Divide the class into groups of five to play the parts of Holly, Max, Mom, Amy, and Leo. If the class doesn’t divide
exactly, children can act twice, or you can give non-speaking parts, e.g., Dad.
As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below).
Play the recording a second time for children to mime the actions as they listen and say their character’s lines.
Children practice acting out the story in groups. Monitor the activity, helping where necessary and checking for
correct pronunciation. If you wish, ask one or two groups to come to the front of the class and act out the story.
Story actions
Picture 1: Holly holds her toy cat. Max holds a book. (Dad or Mom could look at a watch – not illustrated).
Picture 2: Holly looks at some children. Max points to the flag on the plane and gestures “no”.
Picture 3: Mom shows Holly and Max a photo. Holly points at two more children. Max looks at their bags and gestures
Picture 4: Amy and Leo (and their parents) arrive. Amy points to the photo.
Listen and repeat. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the picture in the Let’s learn! box. Ask Where are the children from? Elicit (They’re from)
Viet Nam, and ask a child to read out the speech bubble.
Say I’m from (your country). Ask individual children Where are you from?
Listen to the questions and sentences in the Let’s learn! chart (Track 08), pausing after each one for children to
Focus attention on the sentences on the right of the chart. Ask what ‘m, ‘s, and ‘re are short for (am, is, and are).
Write the words separately on the board and then together, e.g., I am, I’m, to check that children understand.
Ask children to close their books. Copy the questions and sentences onto the board, leaving the pronouns but not
the verbs.
Ask children to read aloud the sentences on the board, completing them with the missing letters or words.
Listen to the recording again to check answers.
Write I’m from… on the board and hold up different Countries Flashcards to elicit new sentences. Repeat with
He’s from… and They’re from…
Read and check (). (Exercise 3)
Write She’s from Australia. / He’s from Australia. on the board.
Hold up Flashcard 9 of Amy, and ask children to tell you the correct sentence. Repeat with Flashcard 10 of Leo.
Look at the example with children and check that they understand the exercise.
Children do the rest of the exercise individually. Go through the answers with the class.
She’s from Korea.
They’re from Viet
Nam. 3 He’s from
4 They’re from the U.S.A. Write.
(Exercise 4)
Write the first sentence from the Student Book on the board and ask the class what word should go in the blank.
Check that children understand. Children do the rest of the exercise individually.
Go through the answers with the class.
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 1: They’re from Australia!
Where are they from?
Give out the Countries Flashcards to seven children.
Now ask children to hide their flashcards so that the class has to remember where those children are “from”.
Ask, e.g., Where is (Duy) from? Children say (Duy) is from (Mexico). Ask the child to show his / her flashcard.
Give the flashcards to different children and repeat.
Let’s Practice!
Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say I’m from Viet Nam.
Have a student read the sentence.
Have students work in pairs and take turns saying the sentence. Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the
Put the children into small groups.
Ask them to write the names of the seven countries studied in the lesson across the top of a piece of paper.
Ask them to write the following categories down the left side of the paper: Capital city, Famous landmark, Famous
person, Famous food.
Tell them that you will give them ten minutes to fill in as many of the categories as they can for each country.
At the end of the ten minutes, the group with the most categories filled in is the winner. The winning group should
read out their entries for the class to check that they are correct.
Family and Friends Special Edition
Example answer:
Viet Nam
The U.S.A.
Ha Noi
Mexico City
Hoan Kiem
Golden Gate
Christ the
N Seoul
Ho Chi
(Uncle Ho)
Pad Thai
Meat pie
Kim chi
Capital city
Exercises: Workbook p. 9
Story time: A reader of your choice
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 1: They’re from Australia!
Lesson Three Grammar and Song
To ask and answer simple questions with be
To write sentences with be
To use be and countries in the context of a song
Language focus: listening, writing, speaking
Extra vocabulary: It’s nice to meet you, How are you?, today
Resources and materials
Student Book p. 10
Workbook p. 10
Audio Track 09
Blank paper Colored pencils
Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Play a game of Freeze to warm up the class.
Ask the children to stand at their desks. Give a series of instructions, e.g., swim, waterski, jump. Children mime the
When you say Freeze!, the children have to stop what they are doing and stand still.
The children who are the last to stop are out and have to sit down.
Continue the game until there is one winner left standing or a group of winners if you prefer.
Ask children to open their Student Books and look at the pictures in Exercise 1.
Ask a child Where is Ellie from? (Australia). Ask the child to choose another picture and ask a friend in the class
Where is (Jack) from? Repeat round the class.
Choose a boy or a girl. Ask and answer. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures and find the girls. Children call out the girls’ names (Linh, Ellie, Thu, Mi-rae).
Ask Which girl is from Australia? (Ellie).
Cross out Ellie in your book (in pencil) and point to Linh and Thu. Ask Who is eight years old, Linh or Thu? (Linh).
Ask two children to read aloud the speech bubbles to the class.
Ask children to work in pairs and do the exercise. Children should choose four pictures each.
Family and Friends Special Edition
Monitor and help where necessary.
Ask some pairs to ask and answer their questions for the class. Alternatively, you may wish to do the whole activity
with the class.
Write about three people. (Exercise 2)
Read the example with the children, and check that they understand the exercise.
Ask children to write about three more people, using the example to help them. Monitor and help where
Ask some children to read aloud their sentences for the class.
Mystery sentence
Ask children to look at p. 8 in their Student Books and write a mystery sentence about one of the four children,
Max, Holly, Amy, or Leo.
Children should write He or She instead of the name and write about the character’s age or country or brother /
sister. (Note that we don’t know Max or Amy’s age).
Tell children to close their books and work in small groups.
Ask one child in each group to read out his/her sentence. The other children try to guess the story character.
Repeat until all the children have read out one sentence and the characters have been used several times.
Listen and sing. (Exercise 3)
Point to the song pictures and ask questions, e.g., Are the children talking? Are they friends? Are they meeting a
new boy? Are they saying “hello”?
Play the recording (Track 09) for children to listen and look at the pictures in their books.
Play the recording again for children to follow the words.
Recite the words of the song with the class, without the recording. Say each line and ask children to repeat.
Play the recording for children to sing along.
Repeat (more than once if you wish).
Sing and do. (Exercise 4)
As a class decide on the actions for the song (see below).
Practice the actions with the class.
Play the recording for children to listen and do the actions.
Song actions
Where are you from? / How are you today? – draw a question mark in the air I’m
from the U.S.A. / Brazil – point to yourself
Hello, hello – wave
This is my friend – point to classmate
He’s from the U.S.A. – point to a (male) classmate
It’s nice to meet you! / Nice to meet you, too – shake hands with a classmate (or wave if you prefer).
Class song
Tell children they are going to make up their own version of the song.
Ask children to tell you different countries from the unit to replace the ones in the song.
Agree on new words for your class song.
Sing the new song in class, doing the actions from Exercise 4.
Meet my new friend.
Give each child a blank piece of paper and some colored pencils.
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 1: They’re from Australia!
Tell them they are going to draw a picture of their new friend. They should imagine their friend is from a different
Tell them to give their new friend a name and write on the picture My name is (Eun-hee). I’m (nine) years old. I’m
from (Korea).
Give them time to complete their pictures and writing. Monitor and help where needed.
When the pictures are finished, children should mingle and introduce their new “friends” to their classmates.
If you like, the pictures can be displayed in the classroom on a noticeboard.
Exercises: Workbook p. 10
Story time: A reader of your choice