: Theory and Methods of Teaching
Department of Political Education
HA NOI – 2019
Scientific supervisors:
Supervisor 1: Assoc. Dr. Tran Thi Mai Phuong
Hanoi National University of Education
Supervisor 2: Dr. Nguyen Duc Thin
Hanoi National University of Education
Reviewer 1: Assoc. Dr. Doan Xuan Thuy
Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy
Reviewer 2: Assoc. Dr. To Duc Hanh
Hanoi National Economics University
Reviewer 3: Assoc. Dr. Dao Duc Doan
Hanoi National University of Education
The dissertation will be protected against supervision at the subject
level at the Library of the Hanoi Normal University of Education
on…… o’clock….., day…..month…..2019
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1. Rationale of the research topic
Cooperation is the foundation of life and social progress, the center of interpersonal,
family, economic and legal systems ... requires each individual to constantly study, train,
transform, adapt and shape yourself "an open culture", know how to receive and live with
other cultures in the peacefull and cooperative trend of of the multipolar world. It is also the
mission of education with the goal of equipping knowledge and skills to develop cooperation
capacity for young people.
The history of world education proves that the teaching views towards promoting the
cooperative capacity of learners have eared very early. The first form is tracing truth from Socrat
conversations [6]. ; "The method of Eloquence" by Marco Fabio Quintilian [45]. Seeing the role of
developing learners cooperative capacity through the teaching path, at the end of the eighteenth and
early nineteenth centuries, researchers designed many different forms of learning such as self-governing
in team by Georg Michael Kerschenteiner - German educator [86]; Albert Bandura with "social learning
theory" [81]; Brown and Palinscar, Roenshine, Meister, Slavin, Renkl focus on building the "group
teaching" model and strategies [95]; studying the relationship between factors: learners, teachers and the
environment in the pedagogical activities of Jean Marc Denomme and Madeleine Roy [44] ... All of
these studies are aimed at maximizing the exchange, sharing and cooperation between teachers and
students, learner and learners towards fostering and training students cooperation capacity. In Vietnam,
with the phrase "better learn your friends than your teacher", especially “Vietnamese antiilliteracy
campaign” after the August Revolution to kill the illiterate invader is eloquent proof, which proved
interaction and cooperation in teaching. However, so far, studies on the development of collaborative
capacity of learners in teaching are not much, most new projects mention some aspects of implementing
cooperation activities that have not been discussed fully, the system of concepts, structures, influencing
factors, methods, techniques, forms of organizing teaching to develop learners' cooperation capacity,
further sets the urgency of research topic.
The capacity development education program (output-oriented teaching), which was born in
the 90s of the twentieth century, has become the international education trend, aiming at the goal of
comprehensive development , personality, focusing on the ability to apply knowledge in practice to
prepare learners to the solve situations capacity in life and career, in which cooperation capacity is
considered one of the important and indispensable social capabilities of the younger generation. In
particular, the emergence of the industry revolutionary 4.0 with the growth of the knowledge
economy requires people to be able to self control, to master modern science and technology shown
in communication and connect with machines, equipment, sensors; the "borderless" connection of
people in the virtual world - internet of all things. However, high-tech science will also cause
humanity to face great challenges when modern people wan't to communicate, interact directly with
each other, instead of smartphones, ipads connecting to wifi. All of human's joys and sorrows
beings are in an unreal place - social network. That has limited the ability of the young generation to
cooperate, including students.
As one of the subjects taught at the currently universities, The basic principles of
Marxism - Leninism (Political economy) reseach the system of economic points, economic
rules of Marxist-Leninist political economic theory. In fact, it is human relations with people
in economic relations, formed and developed on the basis of inheriting values of mankind
thought and sum up the era reality. The subject an important role in the formation and
development of worldview, methodology in scientific awareness and practical activities for
students. However, the teaching reality of The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism
(Political economy) show that teachers often transmitted one-way the scientific knowledge
system in the program, not focusing on development cooperative capacity for learners. It is
reflected in not exploiting the value of cooperative relations in the lesson content to enhance
students' awareness of the role and meaning about creat, maintain and extend the cooperation
in socio-economic relations, thereby determining the need to cultivate cooperation capacity;
not yet using many methods and teaching techniques to create opportunities for students to
practice and show cooperative skills such as teamwork skills, listening skills and skills to
respect differences .... lead to the students after graduation, there are many limitations on
cooperation capacity, failing to meet the requirements of today's vibrant market economy.
From the above situation set out the necessary problem to find out measures to develop
students cooperative capacity in teaching The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism
(Political economy) response the increasing demands of practise, at the same time contributing
to improving the quality of teaching subjects at the current universities.
It’s a reason in order to choose the issue "Developing student’s cooperation capacity in
teaching The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political economy) at current universities in
Hanoi" as the research topic for summary of doctoral dissertation of theory and methoods of
training about subject Theory and Methods of Teaching Department of Political Education.
2. Reasearch objectives
From researching the rationale and practicality, the thesis proposes pedagogical
principles and measures to develop students cooperative capacity in teaching subjects The
basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Politics economics ) contribute to promote the
cooperative ability of students and improve the quality of teaching subjects at the currently
Hanoi's universities.
3. Research tasks
First, clarifying the rationale of developing students cooperative capacity in teaching
subjects Basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) at the currently
universities in Hanoi.
Secondly, studying and assessing the real situation of developing students cooperative
capacity in teaching subjects Basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political economy) at
the currently universities in Hanoi .
Third, proposing principles and measures to develop students' cooperative capacity in
teaching subjects Basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) at the currently
universities in Hanoi.
Fourth, organizing pedagogical experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of measures
proposed in the thesis.
4. The guests, subjects and the scopes of the study
Research subjects: the teaching process of The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism
(Political economy) at universities.
Research Objectives: Developing students' capacity for cooperation in teaching subject The
basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) are being implemented at universities.
Research scope:
- Research content: the development of students' cooperative capacity in teaching The
basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) are being implemented at the
current universities.
- Study location: surveying the real situation and conducting pedagogical experiment at
some current universities in Hanoi.
- Time for investigation and experiment: 2016 - 2017 and 2017 - 2018.
5. Scientific hypothesis
If teaching The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) are closely
associated with the development of student's cooperative capacity at universities on the basis
of compliance with principles and pedagogical measures proposed in the thesis, the quality of
teaching subjects will be improved. At the same time, the goal of developing cooperative
capacity of students is gradually met.
6. Methodology and Research methods
6.1. Methodology
In the research process, the thesis uses the methodology of dialectical materialism, the
principles of modern teaching reasoning is a basis for approaching the problem study in
teaching The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism to ensure the scientific, systematic and
consistency between reasoning and reality to meet the requirements as well as the
characteristics of educational science.
6.2. Research methods
6.2.1. Group of theoretical research methods
6.2.2. Group of empirical research methods
- Method of observation
- Method of investigation
- Interview
- Method of summarizing educational experience
- Product research methodology:
- Experimental method
6.2.3. Supporting methods
- Method of obtaining expert opinions
- Method of research on impact
- Method of mathematical statistic
7. The need to protect arguments
- Cooperation capacity is one of the core competencies needed for students in modern
society. Therefore, developing cooperation capacity of students is an important issue contributing
to perform the goal of developing high quality human resources in Vietnam today.
- In order to develop student'scooperative capacity of in teaching subjects The basic
principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political economy) need to synchronously implement the
requirements proposed in the thesis.
- Implement the pedagogical measures proposed in the thesis such as: determine the goal of
developing student's cooperative capacity for at each lesson; raising awareness about cooperation
for students through teaching subjects; perfect cooperation skills; building the active cooperation
spirit and attitude for students through the use of teaching methods and techniques ... in teaching
The Basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political economy) will raise the cooperative
capacity of students at currently universities.
8. New contributions of the thesis
- Clarifing the reasoning basis and interpret the advantages of subject teaching The basic
principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political economy) for the development of cooperative
capacity of students.
- Evaluate the current situation of developing the cooperative capacity of students in
teaching subjects Basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) at currently
universities in Hanoi.
- Proposing principles and measures to develop students' cooperation capacity in teaching
subjects The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) at universities.
9. The structure of the subject: Besides the introduction, conclusion, references and
appendices; the structure of the thesis consists of four chapters:
1.1. Research on the development of student’s cooperative capacity in teaching
1.1.1. Studies on cooperative capacity and development of students’ cooperative capacity in
The conception about society, Marx has interpreted the "formation of relationships in
human history, the formation of human history" through the interaction between people "in the
conscious living activities" makes each person closely attached to each other and the people
themselves grow together, improve themselves together.
In recent years, when the trend of globalization has become more and more popular,
finding cooperation has become an indispensable element in sustainable development,
scientists and organizations have paid much attention about the ability to "interact between
people" - the cooperative ability in modern society. The research has given the definition of
cooperation capacity, a structure of cooperation capacity; proposing criteria for cooperation
capacity from low to high levels and affirming the role of the collective in the comprehensive
development of people.
Realizing the potential that cooperation brings to society, many educational scientists in
history have brought the cooperative process into schools with different forms and ways to
improve the quality of teaching, build a healthy learning environment and develop the
comprehensive capacity and quality of learners such as Socrat with "argument art"; Albert
Bandura's “social learning theory”; Piaget Jean's "Theory of contradictable resolution";
interpretation about Vygotxky's "near development area" emphasizes the interaction between
learners and the environment, the interaction with others and effectiveness of close
cooperation between learners together...
In recent years, when science and technology has been expanded, the knowledge-based
economy has developed set an increasing requirements for capacity and qualifications for the
younger generation. So that Vietnamese education also towards positively the studying
learning activities to comprehensively develop personality, quality for learners, especially
students' cooperation capacity such as Modern teaching - argument, measures, techniques of
Dang Thanh Hung refers to the benefits of grouping when studying; Tran Ba Hoanh with
Innovating teaching methods, programs and textbooks affirming that team work/ individual
activities stimulate positive thinking of students, enhance the opposite relationship between
listeners and presenters , contributing to guiding students on how to study ... Author Le Thi
Minh Hoa and Luu Hai Hoa have come to the recognition of the cooperation capacity and
development of learner’s cooperative capacity in a number of different educational activities.
Overall, the studies show that, although not directly mentioning the development of
cooperation capacity in teaching, but the authors still show that besides natural factors, the
factors determining the formation and development human capacity is social factor, in which
education and training is the basic and decisive factor for the development of human capacity
in general, student's cooperation capacity in particular.
1.1.2. Research on the development of student’s cooperative capacity in teaching The basic
principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy)
So far, although there has not been any specific research work on developing cooperative
capacity of students in teaching The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political
economy) but there are also many research has content related to this issue. Being able to say
about the political economic theory with the cooperative principles in the social – economic
development, especial part of forth – The production of relative surplus value of The
Capitalism books make judgment about cooperation, describe cooperation in the develop
history of the capitalism in proportion to three stages of labor cooperation: simple cooperation,
manual site cooperation and factory cooperation.
Besides, it is possible to mention some researches on teaching methods, forms of
teaching organization, request for teaching political economies to contribute to the
development student's cooperation capacity such as author Tran Thi Mai Phuong set out a in
the basic requirements of the teaching process the subject of Political economy must establish
an inverse information relationship with learners; Luong Gia Ban, Hoang Xuan Phuc showed
that through the positive and self-discipline communication between teachers and students,
between students and students will arouse passion, interest of students in learning; author Le
Thi Hong Khuyen considers students' cooperation as one of the factors that directly affect the
application of practical principles in studying The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (the
Political economy) in universities, colleges ...
The research shows that, although not mentioning the cooperation capacity of students in
subject teaching, but most authors have indirectly shown the efficiency achieved when
learners actively and initiative participate in the different organizing forms of cooperative
teaching activities. This proves that the development of student's cooperative capacity in
teaching this subject is very satisfactory.
1.2. Brief overview of research results are inherited thesis and problems continue to study
1.2.1. The content has been mentioned by the research
Firstly, the scientific works are printed and outside the country have clarified
cooperation capacity and factors, structures of cooperation capacity; confirming the role of
collective in the developing comprehensive ability of learners themselves. However, it is not
yet a systematic interpretation of the concept, just the structure of cooperation capacity,
expression, the factors that impact the ability to cooperate.
Secondly, for the development of cooperation capacity in teaching, the authors have
pointed out the great significance of cooperation in learning and social activities together with
the reality of cooperative capacity of students and suggestions a number of orientations for
training cooperative skills for students on criteria for awareness of cooperative skills; design
and build group learning tasks; strengthening collective activities, extra-curricular activities;
propose a method of assessing group learning outcomes towards fostering cooperation
competence through homework assignments, essay writing tests and presentation
presentations, which allows members to help, support and support each other in the learning
process ... However, in theory, the research and development of cooperation capacity in
teaching in recent years only mentioned a few aspects of the implementation of teaching
learning working on or describing the cooperation capacity of learners, combining cooperative
capacities with other competencies without discussing comprehensively on teaching concepts,
processes, teaching methods and techniques organize teaching methods to develop students'
cooperation capacity effectively.
Third, The Theory of Political economy have confirmed human social relations in the
process of producing and reproducing material, outlining the rules governing production,
distribution, and giving exchanging and consuming those material possessions in certain levels
of human society development. Therefore, teaching The basic principles of MarxismLeninism (Political economy) will provide scientific knowledge about cooperation in the field
of economics for learners. In addition, educational scientists have developed a number of
teaching methods and methods to develop collaborative capacity of students; affirming the
positive and voluntary exchange between teachers and students, between students and students
on a certain issue in both theoretical and practical aspects will arouse passion and excitement
of students; classrooms are the communication environment between teachers and students,
between students and students learning activities will promote cooperation between
individuals in the process of learning, assessing the situation of cooperative capacity of
students in teaching political reasoning, building criteria of cooperative competence; propose
some solutions to develop cooperation capacity for students. However, scientists only stop
seeing the benefits and the importance of developing cooperative capacity for current students
but still have not given a theoretical system of cooperative capacity and elements of capacity
to cooperate through teaching subjects; teaching methods, methods, techniques, forms of
specific teaching together with organizational processes to develop the collaborative capacity
of students.
Besides the resulting gaps still need to learn, such as:
- The rationale of the development cooperation capability of students in teaching subject
the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy).
- Status of capacity development cooperation of students in teaching the basic principles
of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) at the universities today.
- Rules and methods to develop the ability of student's cooperation in teaching the basic
principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) at the universities.
1.2.2. Thesis issues need further study
Study on the topic "Developing students' cooperation capacity in teaching the basic
principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) in current universities in Hanoi", author
selectively inherit the achievements of scientists go ahead. Within the framework of the thesis,
the author participates in the research and further clarifies the following aspects:
Firstly, systematizing and deepening the theory of developing students' cooperation
capacity in teaching The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political Economy) at current
Secondly, clarifying the real situation of developing student's cooperative capacity in
teaching The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political Economy) at some universities
in Hanoi today.
Thirdly, proposing principles and measures to develop students' cooperation capacity in
teaching subjects The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political Economy) at current
universities in Hanoi.
2.1. The theoretical basic of developing student’s cooperation capacity in teaching the
basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political economy) in universities
2.1.1. Cooperation capacity and developing student’s cooperation capacity Cooperation capacity
Cooperation is the active coordination of two or more subjects in a certain field, working
together, helping each other on the basis of voluntariness, mutual respect and striving for the
general purpose. Today, cooperation is not only the need to increase the strength and mentality
to accomplish the common goal, but also becomes the self-need of every human being, each
community due to increasingly tight links close to other individuals and ethnic groups. New
life requires must full awareness of the roles, abilities, and cooperation capabilities of each
human being as a solution for humanity to live and develop together.
Cooperative capacity is the ability of people to initiative coordinate in a certain area on
the basis of voluntariness, positive, mutual respect, respect for differences, based on
awareness, necessary skill systems be educated or available and the same positive attitudes
and feelings expressed through individual behavior to solve problems in learning and life.
Elements of cooperative capacity include: Firstly, awareness of cooperation; Secondly,
cooperative skills; Thirdly, the cooperative spirit and attitude. Developing student’s cooperation capacity
Developing student's cooperative capacity is a process of increasing and raising
awareness about cooperation, perfecting cooperative skills and building the spirit and attitude
of students through cooperative activities from the single working level to promote the
association of the members with people around in a positive, proactive, interactive, support
each other in order to effectively complete collaborative learning activities in learning as well
as in life.
Content of developing student's cooperation capacity includes: raising cooperation
awareness of students; perfecting the cooperative skills of students (with three skill groups:
independent working skills group, cooperative working skills group; evaluation skills group);
building student’s positive spirit and attitude of cooperation.
2.1.2. Teaching the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) with
development students' cooperation capacity Something about teaching The basic principles of Marxism Leninism (Political
economy) at universities
Object of learning and studying subjects The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism are
the fundamental, foundation and sustainable truth views of Marxism-Leninism within the
three components, that is Marxist-Leninist philosophy; Political economy Marxism - Leninism
and Scientific socialism. In particular, the content of Political economy lies in the second part
of The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism, titled the economic doctrine of Marxist Leninist on the method of capitalist production, including 3 chapters:
Chapter IV: The doctrine of value
Chapter V: The doctrine of surplus value
Chapter VI: Economic doctrine of monopoly capitalism and state monopoly capitalism
Political economy has an important role in social life. Therefore, in addition to help
students understand the nature of phenomena, economic processes, the economic laws that
govern movement and development of social; developing economic theory and applying that
theory into practice, learning Political economy also helps to form economic thinking through
cooperation in the economic activities of human with society. The role of teaching The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political economy) with
development of student's cooperative capacity in universities
Developing student's cooperative capacity carried out in many different ways through
organizations and unions, collective activities ... and teaching subjects in the school, in which
have The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy).
- Through learning The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy),
students are provided with a lot of knowledge about cooperation, helping students realize the
importance and necessity of the cooperative relation in life, in production and business, in the
integration and development trend of the currently world, thenceforth contributing to
developing student's awareness capacity about cooperation.
- With the implementation of the teaching process The basic principles of Marxism Leninism (Political economy) in the direction of capacity development, teachers of the subject
regularly organize cooperative learning activities, use the active teaching methods and
techniques such as project teaching, problem solving, group discussion, seminars ... Through
cooperative activities, in parallel with completing common tasks, students have opportunities to
practice cooperative skills and build a positive cooperative attitude and spirit.
From here, the important elements of students' cooperation capacity are formed and
developed. It is worth noting that, in the learning environment of universities, students cooperative
capacity is clearly and directly reflected in the teaching process. At the same time, through
practical activities, especially situations, specific cases, professional practice activities in the process
of studying the subject, the cooperation capacity of the students is constantly enhance, perfect, help
them become more confident when they step out into society, become the future owners with full
knowledge, skills and attitudes about cooperation. That is the destination of developing students
cooperative capacity at the currently universities through teaching subjects The basic principles of
Marxism-Leninism (Political economy). Characteristics of developing students' cooperation capacity in teaching Basic principles
of Marxism-Leninism
Developing students cooperative capacity in teaching The basic principles of MarxismLeninism are in fact the process of improving knowledge about subject and cooperative
awareness; training, perfecting and supplementing students' cooperative skills and the
cooperation spiritual and attitudes through learning activities between teachers and students,
between students and students in a positive and proactive manner in order to complete
effective learning activities.
Developing students cooperative capacity in teaching The basic principles of Marxism Leninism (Political economy) have characteristics about cooperative subject as the
relationship between teachers and students; content of development cooperation capacity;
cooperation scale; cooperation mode; principles of cooperation; cooperation time, purpose of
cooperation and levels of cooperation.
The impact of developing student’s cooperative capacity in teaching the subject is the
sum of the strength of the above characteristics in a unified and closely related one. These
characteristics mutual intertwine, interact and exist in all cooperative environments.
2.1.3. Factors influencing development student's cooperation capacity in teaching The basic
principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) in universities Subjective factors
- Students aged from 18 to 25 years old with characteristics of cognition, congenital
factors, physiological mind ages.
- For teachers: Teachers are the subjects of the teaching process. In order to achieve this
goal, requires teachers to be fully aware of the importance, the need to develop cooperative
capacity of students. Since then, teachers cultivate awareness, professional and pedagogical
knowledge about developing cooperative capacity for students; designing teaching lessons;
selecting teaching methods and techniques, organizational forms of teaching have many
advantages to develop cooperative capacity for students; along with the attitude and
expression of teachers directly impact on the quality of teacher's teaching. Objective factor
Based on the scientific basic of developing student’s cooperative capacity, the factors
influence the development of the learner's ability be apply to teach The basic principles of
Marxism-Leninism (Political economy), the first thing that affects the students' co-operation
in learning is teacher, which is reflected in the following factors: teaching objectives, lesson
content, methods and techniques teaching with other forms of teaching organization;
evaluation method; study environment; equipment for the cooperation process; Scientific and
technological elements with requirements for industrial revolution 4.0 ...
2.2. Practical foundation for developing student’s cooperation capacity in teaching The
basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) in Hanoi Universities
2.2.1. Features of students at Hanoi’s universities
Hanoi is the political, economic, cultural and scientific center of the country with
multi-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary universities; There are training links with
international universities that meet all the career needs of students.
Students of Hanoi's universities come from many different regions in the country, the
majority of students are good, have a sense of discipline, they obey the regulations of the
school, be polite to teachers, solidarity, cordiality with friends. Being the next generation, the
main labor force makes the face of the country's economy and society, students are very
dynamic, creative, have the will to rise up, high sense of responsibility but face many
challenges from the rapid progress of science and technology, market economy, labor quality
requirements during the period of international integration ... besides the temptations,
conflicts, violence, social evils, pressure from family, work and life, many students lose
confidence in life, helplessness, stress, not wanting to participate in social activities, spirit
health decline, mental life too poor, even seek death to free yourself; social relations tend to be
pragmatic, loose life, irresponsible to each other, strange to the morals of Vietnamese people.
Setting an urgent issue is how to do when students graduated has full quality and ability to
meet future careers.
2.2.2. Situation of developing student's cooperative capacity in teaching The basic principles
of Marxism - Leninism (Political economy) at Hanoi’s universities today. The process of situation survey The result of situation survey
2.2.3. Evaluating the results of the development of students' cooperation capacity in teaching
subjects of basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) at Hanoi’s universities. These achievements
Most teachers think that cooperative capacity is an indispensable capacity of the young
generation, especially in the period of industrialization and modernization of the country.
Although not fully focused on developing collaborative capacity in the teaching and learning
process, but with different forms such as group discussion, problem solving, project - based...
has partly formed a favorable environment to developing cooperative capacity of students.
Most student see the importance of cooperation capacity in learning activities as well as in
life, the factors that affected, the changes of student’s cooperative capacity when teachers innovate
the teaching methods and forms. In terms of knowledge, when participating in cooperative
activities, they not only be equipped with the subject knowledge and knowledge of cooperation but
also know how to effectively cooperate. In terms of skills and attitude, cooperative capacity of
students is still in the latent form, not yet environment, conditions to show and promote positive.
This shows that the ability to develop student's cooperative capacity through teaching this
subject is reasonable. Limitations
Besides in the teaching progress of developing cooperative capacity in teaching the basic
principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political economy) at universities also reveals the
following limitations:
There are still many teachers rarely performed, limitations in the implementation of
cooperation activities, while having some shortcomings in the selection of the content, forms
and methods of teaching, as well as take measures to check the competency assessment
cooperate effectively, yet clearly define the quality, skills development for student's
cooperation activities.
Teachers and students are limited in disagreement mediation in the group, students also
retaliate, there exists a way to teach teachers do not find ways to learn, self-discover, selfsolve scientific knowledge; students are still not fully aware of the cooperative capacity. The cause of the limitations
As a result of a multi-sided survey on the development of cooperative capacity in
teaching The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy), we draw the
following conclusions:
Objective reasons
Course content is also abstract, heavy on theory, not much actual contact, as well as
practical exercises for learners to engage in the process of class, making class becomes poor,
hard. As a general subject for university majors, the overcrowding of classrooms limits the
development of student's cooperation capacity.
Classroom space, the equipment for the class are limited, directly impacting on the
ability of students to show their cooperation capacity in collaborative learning activities in
teaching subjects.
Subjective reasons
In terms of teachers, in teaching activities, teachers are more inclined to communicate, to
present knowledge contents, less renew innovative teaching methods as well as limit practical
contact or develop case studies to change the air - classrooms.
Content and form of inspection, assessment are not changed. Most of the test questions
and major tests still require students to memorize and limit the application of knowledge
content to students' real life and future jobs.
In terms of expertise, the controllable ability to the teaching organization of a division
of teachers is limited. The teaching process, the application of the active teaching methods and
techniques as well as the test and assessment innovation are not regular, the level of
implementation is not high. There are some teachers who do not know how to apply active
teaching methods, which leads to limitations, so the teaching progress are not as effective as
Teachers have little exploitation the characteristics of the political economic exercise in
teaching. Therefore, training some skills for students is still limited such as using textbooks,
skills of analyzing, evaluating and interpreting economic activities.
Lecture contents have been little exploitation about a cooperative aspect in the
examples, evidence, "dynamic" images that illustrate, update new information, "hot" about the
transformation of the economy - society in our country and in the world such as joining WTO,
APEC, ASEM ... or the negative side of commodity production, leading to the teaching of
economic doctrines of Marxism - Leninism mainly bring about theoretical, unconvincing,
unattractive, don't makes learners to fully understand the practical value of the subject.
In terms of students, they thinking about The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism is
a common subject, in the process of learning, learners are passive, dependent, not active, not
self-aware, not discovering knowledge. Because of exam's condition, the students go to class,
so the study results are not high, do not understand the position and role of the subject for the
movement and development of socio-economic.
A part of students is still not aware fully of the practical meaning, the urgency of the
subject, saying that the content of subject knowledge The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism,
especially Political economic is not helpful for the trained and future jobs. Therefore, students are
passive in learning activities as well as complete general learning tasks.
Most students are lack of soft basic skills lead to psychological lack of self-confidence
in front of a crowd; not yet aware the way to present a problem of logic and science; not
opinions, personal views, expression of spirit; not enthusiastic, integrated, active in building
social relationships with members in other majors.
* Issues raised
Limitations in developing student's cooperation capacity in teaching The basic principles
of Marxism - Leninism (Political Economy) at Hanoi's universities have been posing many
problems the urgent problem that teaching argument needs to participate in solving.
Firstly, it is necessary to build a theoretical framework for developing student's
cooperative capacity in teaching The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political
economy). This theoretical framework will equip subject teachers with a theoretical basis as
well as orient them in determining objectives, selecting content, using measures and methods
of teaching organization The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) to
successfully implement the development of student's cooperative capacities and improve the
quality of teaching and learning.
Secondly, there are the measure to help subject teachers and students improve deep
awareness of the need to develop student’s cooperative capacity in teaching The basic
principal Marxism-Leninism (Political economy).
Thirdly, there find out principles and measures to not only teach better The basic principal
Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) buts also perform the goal about developing student’s
cooperative capacities.
The above-mentioned issues are the basis for us to proposes principles and measures to
develop student's cooperative capacity of in teaching The basic principles of Marxism - Lenin
(part of Political Economy) at Hanoi's universities in the next chapter
Chapter 3
3.1. Principles for developing students' cooperative capacity in teaching The basic
principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) in universities
3.1.1. Ensure learning goals
Ensuring teaching objectives is a consistent principle not only in the teaching process in
general but also the teaching process towards developing student's cooperative capacity in
teaching The Basic principles of Marxism - Lenin (Political Economy). This principle requires
teachers to keep abreast of the teaching goals, on the basis of implementing the teaching
objectives in order to achieve the objectives of developing cooperative capacity of students, and at
the same time, in each hour of class, teachers cannot turn the lesson into a teaching hour to
implement the contents of developing cooperative capacity. In this lesson, teacher must be
interlacing and ensuring both equip sufficient and profound knowledge in the subject contents and
lifting student's cooperation ability. To do that, teachers need to pay attentions:
+ Attaching the goal of raising awareness about cooperation with implementing the
knowledge objectives of the lesson.
+ Attaching the goal of perfecting cooperation skills with the skill objectives of the lesson.
+ Attach the goal of building a positive cooperation spirit and attitude to with the spirit
and attitude objectives of the lesson.
3.1.2. Ensuring practicality and education
Ensuring practicality and education are one of the principles in any teaching process
must be done.
Teaching process The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism aiming at developing
student's cooperative capacity must ensure at the same time the principle of practicality and
education, expressed in two aspects:
Firstly, based on the content of teaching, teachers select, identify contents with deep
practical significance to look for example, connection, clarify human cooperation in economic
relations and at the same time, educate and orient students in matters of cooperation relation;
connected production and business in the market.
Secondly, building and designing practical, project exercises with practicality, using
appropriate teaching methods and forms to promote student's cooperative capacity in the
learning activities in inside and outside the classroom.
To ensure the practicality and education, teachers should pay attention to the following
basic requirements:
The first, teachers must also organize teaching forms, choose teaching methods, the suit
test and evaluation with local economic, political and social conditions on the basis about
students' awareness conditions and school facilities.
The second, contacting realities as well as educational contents, orientation of
development student's cooperative capacity must ensure scientific and updating, in accordance
with the new requirements of the era. At the same time, orienting and educating appropriate
capacities, qualities, attitudes with labors so as to meet the increasing requirements of the
quality of human resources in the renovation period.
3.1.3. Promote the positive learning of students in the teaching and learning process
Based on the characteristics of the subject contains a lot of practical factors, at the same
time also a very rich learning materials, added to the teaching theory of political science. This
fact is the driving force for the discovery, curiosity and learning of students, motivating them
to be active, enthusiastic, dynamic, creative, self-taught in the shared learning environment is
an extremely valuable quality of students in modern society. With the development student’s
cooperative capacity in teaching subjects The basic principles Marxism - Leninism (Political
Economy), the active learning of students are manifested in self-awareness, positive selfstudy, self-creation. Along with the impact of teachers and the social environment will
promote learners to actively integrate, expand, establish and maintain good social relations
with enthusiastic and amiable attitude, adjust yourself to suit all circumstances and conditions.
This principle needs to be implemented in the whole process of developing the
collaborative capacity of students in teaching The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political
Economy) at universities, from the design of the topic / teaching lesson, the selection of teaching
methods and techniques, the form of organization of teaching to the examination and assessment
of the progress of cooperative capacity of students. This will help students maximize their
activeness, initiative, creativity as well as ability to integrate and cooperate throughout the
learning process of students; at the same time forming the habit of mobilizing, connecting with
people, promoting the available resources of themselves in knowledge and competence when
solving problems, tasks and situations due to life that have been and will be asked.
3.1.4. Maintain consensus in cooperative teaching activities
Consensus is a fundamental factor to maintain the stability and development of society
from the past to the present. In order to maintain consensus in society, it requires the young
generation - who is the pioneer in construction, innovation and national development to be
deep awareness, implementation and maintenance of consensus in life, first of all in the
learning environment, before being able to autonomously carry out your passions.
Social consensus is an element of the nature of socialist society, is the target of the
whole Party, the people and the whole army are striving to build. Therefore, with education
and training in general, in teaching subjects The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism
(Political Economy) in particular, the principle of maintaining consensus in teaching becomes
the common need, which has important implications for the survival and sustainable
development of the society, is reflected in the following factors:
Political economy includes economic principles and laws, it is necessary to use the
scientific abstraction method to research, so the subject's content easily leads to contradictions
and disagreements in opinion when students work in team. So the first and most fundamental
element is that members participate in resolving contradictory, finding the root of
contradictory in the group, together regulating, uniting the views, finding common ideals and
goals, then continue to act.
The second, maintaining equity in education, ensuring conditions for all members to be
study, ensuring fairness in the distribution of educational resources, conditions, educational
methods and educational outcomes ...
The third, in addition to their own interests, members need to be responsible for the
tasks and work of the group, the collective, towards common goals and ideals.
The fourth, consensus is the result of discussions, negotiation and agreements objectively,
comprehensively, freely, democratically and openly. In order to do that, there is a need to have
the voluntarily agree and the sense of cohesion between team members and collectives can
provide input towards common goals and ideals. It should be noted that the current democracy
is considered the common value of humanity. In our country, democratization is associated
with national independence, industrialization, modernization and development of the country.
Therefore, building and maintaining a spirit of consensus and democracy in teaching The
basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political Economy) is the first step in increasing
opportunities for comprehensive development for the citizens, forming "social capital",
promoting social responsibility, joining hands to build a peaceful, civilized and beautiful
country, having a fair and democratic society, happy families.
3.2. Measures for developing of student’s cooperative capacity in teaching The basic
principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political economy) in universities
3.2.1. Defining the goals and collect the content to develop students' cooperative capacity Defining the goals of developing students' cooperative capacity in the teaching goals
The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political Economy) provide profound
knowledge about cooperation, the role of cooperation, affirming that cooperation will help
people create strength and lift high labor productivity; requires each individual to improve
themselves, demonstrating his own ability through cooperation with the community and
society, especially in the economic field. Through cooperation, production and business
development, and have achieved outstanding progress. It is also the knowledge of cooperation
and cooperative capacity that every student should be instilled, transformed into his own
awareness to take that as a basis, a motivation to train yourself, to improve the ability
cooperation force, meeting the requirements of society.
When building a teaching plan, teachers must determine the lesson goal parallel of the
goals about developing student's cooperative capacity, including the objectives of knowledge,
skills and attitudes.
i- Objectives to raise the cooperation awareness of student
When implementing the cooperation awareness of students, teachers base on lesson
objectives, find knowledge content related to cooperative relations, from that ask students not
only to understand and grasp knowledge but also to see the principle of cooperation, the power
of cooperation, the requirement of cooperation in economic activities.
ii- Perfecting student's cooperative skills
With the aim of improving cooperative skills, teachers organize cooperative teaching
activities using teaching methods and techniques, organizing learning activities with many
advantages to develop student's cooperative capability, asking students to solve academic tasks
such as topics, situations, learning projects about Political economy, create a cooperative
environment in the classroom for training and development suitable skills for students.
iii- Building students positive spirit and attitude of cooperation
In addition to the teaching goal subject about the spirit and attitude is to acquire and act
on the new values, new perspectives, the sense of cooperate with the members in group,
respect the labor results of others, the sense of building a group, constantly learning from
friends. It is more important than training the spirit, attitude, professional ethics when young
people start their careers. Besides, teachers determine the goals of mental building, positive
attitude extreme cooperation for students can through the content of the subject, education,
orientation on cooperative relations in society, or from the implementation of cooperative
learning activities, teachers train, foster, shaping on the cooperation spirit and attitudes for
students, thereby serving as a basis for teachers and students to evaluate, draw experiences,
suggestions for students.
In the field of economics, cooperation is an indispensable path to creating high labor
productivity, a key factor to sustainable development, but how to cooperate successfully in
another issue that needs a lot of time, effort, enthusiasm to achieve. Therefore, in addition to
choosing, finding the content that contains the cooperation for the purpose of education,
raising the student’s awareness about cooperation tin teaching The basic principles of
Marxism - Leninism (Political Economy), teachers also need to provide, guide, train skills of
cooperation and educate, orient the cooperative spirits and attitudes, share construction and
only experience maintain relationships; then through testing and evaluation to develop
advantages and repair, adjust the limitation for students to improve. Collecting the content subject to develop student’s cooperative capacity
Content's knowledge of the Basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political Economy)
include value theory, surplus value doctrine, Doctrine of monopoly capitalism and State
monopoly capitalism, contains the most basic concepts, nature, rules, principles of MarxismLeninism on the method of capitalist production, the inner relationship of phenomena and
economic rules that dominate too social production process and orientation for all practical
activities of people. However, In the above content, not any part, any content, content also
contains knowledge about cooperation, so teachers must be knowledgeable about political
economy knowledge in each lesson, know what to choose this lessons and knowledge units
which have mentioned cooperation relations to implement the goal of raising awareness of
cooperation for students.
1 / Affirming cooperation is a matter of law
2 / The role of cooperation in production and business activities
3 / Expressions of the cooperative relation in the current context
4 / The expectance to continuously improve the cooperation capacity of real life for each
subject involved in production and business activities as well as other social activities.
In order to raise awareness about cooperation for students, teachers should pay attention
to some points as follows:
- Firstly, in addition to the goal of developing cooperative capacity of students, teachers
need to keep abreast of the objectives of the lesson, ensuring proper and adequate content of
teaching when going to class.
- Secondly, teachers of Political Economy must have major training, solid expertise,
extensive knowledge not only of professional knowledge but also the skills of implementing
methods and pedagogical skills of specialized.
- Thirdly, students' cognitive process will not result if the discussion topic does not
match the common perception of students in the class. Therefore, for each topic, teachers need
to rely on the starting level of students, the capacity of each student to propose suitable tasks
from simple to complex, from easy to difficult. However, the tasks / themes are designed not
for those who already have the ability to produce good things; the school has a mission to help
each person achieve new expertise, even if the quality of the group's products is at a
- Fourthly, the knowledge surrounding the cooperation issues in economicis very diverse
and plentiful. Therefore, depending on the way of asking questions, designing case studies,
teachers' educational purposes during the teaching process, teachers can exploit different
aspects of cooperation in economics to meet the goals raise students' awareness about
3.2.2. Using teaching methods and techniques to develop the collaborative capacity of students
Developing student's cooperative capacity in teaching subjects at universities, in
addition to equipping subject knowledge, awareness of cooperation, teachers design
cooperative learning environment from use flexible the teaching methods (group
discussion, problem solving, project teaching), teaching techniques (grafting techniques,
tablecloth techniques) have many advantages for developing student's cooperation capacity
in the form of cooperative activities in order to students apply and experience knowledge
learned in practice, creating opportunities for training, fostering and perfecting the positive
cooperative skills, spirit, attitude in the process of communicating, sharing, interacting
with teachers and friends. Using the group discussion method
Group discussion method is a teaching method that meets all conditions to develop the
cooperative capacity of students, any discussion environment is a place to train and develop
learner's positive interactive, expressed with the following advantages:
- In terms of awareness, the group discussion method plays a role in supplementing
knowledge through implementing exercises, solving specific practical issues.
- In terms of perfecting skills: Group discussion is an effective form for students to
express their opinions, express their awareness, opinions, exchange and share with teachers
and friends to come to conclusions general.
- In terms of spirit, cooperative attitude: through discussion with teachers and friends,
emotions, behavior, gestures, and expressions of each student are also revealed. This will help
students to assess themselves and evaluate others and teachers receive feedback from learners.
Thus, in order to promote the effectiveness of this method with the development of
student's cooperative capacity, teachers need to pay attention to some following aspects:
Firstly, choose the topic of discussion: Teachers design topics, situation exercises that
are suitable for students, have relative difficulty, can stimulate curiosity, desire to learn, ability
to search knowledge scientific knowledge of students to build discussion topics.
Secondly, dividing the discussion group: The grouping can be carried out in many different
forms but need to be used flexibly in each content and object of specific discussion. Using the project-based teaching methods
Projects aimed at developing students cooperative capacity in teaching subjects The basic
principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political Economy) are designed with complex, interdisciplinary,
and integrated learning tasks, connected reasoning with practice, highly educated, organized in
seminars, scientific research topics or practical sightseeing activities. With such forms of
organization, Political economy projects are often large projects, "open" questions with a very wide
range, the level is relative difficulty with many strict requirements in each step of the process, forms
of product presentation associated with the time of product completion.
Example in Chapter IV. Value doctrine
I. Conditions, characteristics and advantages of commodity production
Teacher offers the project: Studying negative effects of commodity production on the
local environment.
To implement this project, teachers perform sequential steps as follows:
Step 1: Define the goal of developing cooperative capacity for students and grouping:
This is a practical project associated with human life, so students need to have a combination,
together invade enter reality to collect data, information and data from various sources.
Therefore, along with the lesson objectives, students should pay attention to the goals of
developing cooperative capacity as follows:
- Raising student's awareness about cooperation: In this unit of knowledge, there is an
understanding of the principle of cooperation: The commodity production has an exchange,
sharing and understanding between producers and consumers, producers and the government,
local people. Therefore, to protect the environment from the negative effects of commodity
production, it is necessary to join hands and contribute of community. It should also be noted
that in the subject knowledge units of the subject Basic principles of Marxism-Leninism
(Political Economy) include content containing cooperation or not. Therefore, the design of
complex, interdisciplinary projects, associating theory with practice, high education will
directly impact the addition of awareness of students. Through communicating, sharing and
interacting with teachers and friends in the process of project implementation, students selfaware, adjust and draw experience in the process of cooperation.
- Positive impact on perfecting cooperative skills: With the topic of political economy,
regardless of form, project teaching also creates an environment to enhance the activeness,
initiative and creativity of students themselves, training cooperation skills of students.
- Building student's positive spirit and attitude of cooperation: Learning projects are
usually done in groups, deeply social. Therefore, through the implementation of the project,
the collective spirit is enhanced, the relationship with friends, the community is tightened, the
qualities of teamwork are promoted.
Step 2: Instruct students to make a project outline based on suggested questions.
Step 3: Guide students to implement the project:
+ Teacher guides students to plan group activities, assigning each member of the group
to have specific tasks, deadline for completion and shown in the report of the group leader.
+ When doing groups, follow these steps: Gather information, process information,
discuss, select and arrive at the results.
- Project products:
+ The environmental pollution consequences of the production unit of the local survey
group is evidenced by photos, videos, other practical information ... Report the research results
of the group.
+ The project presented by the group must have the content of the subject theory,
presentation with photos, documents, figures and power point presentation.
Step 4: Presenting the project product.
Step 5: Evaluate the project product and cooperation capacity, learn from experience:
Teachers base on the task report of the team leader, checking the tasks of each team member.
In addition to creating a project product, students conduct a self-assessment, comment, score
points on the evaluation sheet of the collaborative capacity of students and the team,
indicating the progress and limitations in the process of completing tasks. Based on the
assessment of the cooperative capacity of each student and the project product report in class,
teachers have documents and bases to assess the lesson awareness process and the progress of
students' cooperation capacity.
In order to implement the project teaching method to develop student's cooperative
capacity in teaching subjects The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political Economy),
teachers pay attention to the following points:
Firstly, teachers need to clearly define what the learning objectives of students are to
build the content / topics that are both associated with reality, update the issues that take place
in the surrounding life, social, profound education. It is related to the lesson content, but it is
suitable for students' abilities and qualifications.
Secondly, teachers base on the condition of facilities, classroom equipment, time and
learning space to organize teaching projects to develop student's cooperative capacity to
achieve the best results.
Thirdly, in the process of students implementing the project, teachers need to instruct in
detail the steps to implement, at the same time follow and monitor the process of gathering
information, discussing of the group members to timely guide for students, avoid misleading
or not find the final result for the project; solve conflicts, avoid disagree views of team
members to make groups complete on time. Method of addressing and problem solving
Developing collaborative capacity of students through teaching methods and solving
problems in teaching The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political economy) not
only provide knowledge system about concepts, category, economic law, but also always put
the learner in front of a cognitive task and stimulate them to forcefully solve that task
creatively. Teaching on solving problems methods is an effective way to develop the
collective spirit and strength to gather the best solutions in the shortest time with a
multifaceted, multi-dimensional approach, thus the issues raised will be best addressed.
To implement the problem-solving method in teaching The basic principles of MarxismLeninism (political economy) to develop the cooperative capacity of students, in addition to
complying with the implementation steps, teachers note the following points:
- The content of the situation, topics and questions must really stimulate, inspire
awareness for students, have a moderate difficulty, so that they can solve and know the way to
solve based on mobilization available knowledge.
- Problem-solving teaching is not a specific teaching method, so it can be easily applied to
solve problems in the teaching process depending on the level of self-reliance of students.
- In the process of organizing problem-solving teaching, teachers need to have the ability
to control, monitor, cover self-study of each class member and closely monitor the discussion
process of students in the groups to avoid the situation of some students inactive, not adapting
to the collaborative learning environment. Teachers are also arbitrators responsible for
arbitration, resolving disagreements and reorient in discussion content for groups to ensure
class time.
- Teachers can use problem situations at the beginning of a new lesson, start a section of
a lesson or introduce a specific content of a lesson, a concept, a causal relationship.
- Problem-solving teaching in the subjects basic principles of Marxism - Leninism
(Political Economy) to develop student's cooperative capacity can be used with many forms
such as visiting fact, seminars inside and outside the classroom. Use some teaching techniques to promote student collaboration
Some teaching techniques to promote the cooperative capacity of students in teaching
The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political Economy) want to conduct
successfully, teachers need to design the topic content , interesting and brief political economy
situations, referring to economic knowledge in both theory and practice for students to
participate in solving.
When using teaching techniques to promote cooperation of students, teachers must
perform basic tasks: 1/ Presenting and processing learning information, supporting
information, especially management information; 2/ Using and operating means, tools,
documents and ideas to conduct teaching; 3/ Environmental organization and teaching
methods; 4/ Conducting and solving situations and relationships in teaching; 5/ Guide, direct
the process and learning activities; 6/ Checking, monitoring, evaluating, adjusting the process
and learning results; 7/ Encouraging, motivating learners and students' activities.
The organization of teaching techniques to promote student’s cooperative capacity can
be done specifically as follows:
- Table cloth technique
Is one of the teaching techniques thanks to the combination of individual activities and
small group activities. This technique helps group activities to be more effective, forcing each
member to give their opinions on the topic of discussion, they will be more responsible, proactive,
not relying on other members, promoting and training cooperative skills of students, and at the
same time, fostering the spirit and attitude to actively cooperate in the process of participating in
discussion, debate, sharing, ... information, creating an environment for students perform
simultaneously individual activities and group activities in a short period of time.
In the process of implementing the tablecloth technique to develop the cooperative
capacity of students, teachers need to pay attention to some points as follows:
- In the process of discussing to give general opinions, there are still inconsistent
opinions, students attach this different ideas in the section around the tablecloth (when
presenting products can share more or share with teachers).
- Tablecloth techniques are organized in the classroom space with a small group size,
short implementation time so the design of the political economic tasks to develop cooperative
capacity needs to be suitable with capacity, the level of students, has just promoted the ability
of creative and quick thinking of students.
- Techniques of puzzle pieces
The difference of this technique is not only in cooperative learning among individuals in
the group but also as a link between groups to solve a complex task, stimulating participation
positive of students, improving the role and responsibility of individuals in the process of
The linkage in the technique puzzle pieces is shown through two stages: the expert group
stage and the graft phase. Because the two stages in the technique puzzle are two processes
with different content and tasks, to avoid confusion and students can use it effectively in the
learning process The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political Economy), teachers
need to note the following points:
- In order to get the information from the puzzle pieces in the first round when put
together, students can understand the panorama of a problem and the basis for solving a
complex task in the second round. Teachers need observe and closely monitor the discussion
process of the expert group, orient and edit the discussion content of each group when
necessary, avoid cases of discussing non-focused issues, extend discussion time.
- Because the experts in the first round may have different qualifications, in the process
of preparing the lesson, the teacher needs to identify the supporting factors for all experts to
complete the tasks in the first round and prepare for round 2.
- The division of groups as well as the division of the number of pieces in a learning
content should not be too big so that within a certain time, all members of the puzzle group
can convey knowledge to each other, and enough time for members to discuss and give
answers to new tasks.
- New task in round 2 is a complex task and can only solved on the basis of mastering
the knowledge already in the first round. Therefore, students need to clearly identify necessary
and limited elements knowledge, skills, information as well as support factors to solve
complex tasks.
- The implementation of puzzle pieces techniques should be organized in the classroom
with a large space, convenient for moving, with the support of modern technical facilities to
develop student's cooperative capacity.
- This technique applies to group activities with many small topics in class, so when
designing learning tasks, teachers need to pay attention to logic and science between
questions, so that the knowledge in the question at the expert group is a premise and a
condition for students to answer learning tasks in the puzzle group.
In order for the teaching techniques to develop student's cooperative capacity, teachers
need to use effectively and appropriately the topics and situation exercises with the objectives,
teaching contents and learning interest of students, placing learners into solving, handling
situations in practice in class or self-study outside class.
3.2.3. Measures to check and evaluate the development of student’s cooperative capacity
Examination and assessment are the final stage in the teaching process, helping
teachers to determine the teaching quality of teachers and the learning quality of students
about knowledge, skills and attitudes after a period of studying subjects. Design table of criteria for evaluating cooperation capacity
i- Assessing the development student's cooperative skills
Examination and evaluation is the last step in the teaching process, helping teachers
determine the quality of your mine teaching and the learning quality of students in knowledge,
skills and attitude after a period of study subjects.
- Criteria for evaluating the development of independent working skills group of students
with 8 skills at 3 levels from low to high corresponding to a specific scale: mastering skills,
creative thinking skills , skills to take responsibility and planning skills; observation skills;
self-study skills, problem solving and decision-making skills, self-regulation skills.
- Criteria for evaluating the development of cooperative working skills group of students
with 7 skills at 3 levels from low to high corresponding to a specific scale: persuasion skills,
presentations, critical skills , listening and empathy skills, communication and behavior skills,
contradictory resolution skills, Teamwork skills, Skills to create and maintain relationships.
- Criteria for evaluating the development of a group of assessment skills with 2 skills at 3
levels from low to high corresponding to a specific scale: self-assessment skills and mutual
evaluation skills.
ii- Assessing student’s positive spirit and attitudes with criteria about the activity
principle, the proactive in cooperative activities and the cooperative spirit with others. Tool to evaluate the development students cooperative capacity
- Assessing the progress of student's awareness of subjects: through the results of the
test (include content subjects and awareness of cooperation) or product of the case study, topic
and research project.
- Assessing the progress of students on the improvement of cooperation skills and
building student's positive spirit and attitude of cooperation through the assessment note about
cooperation capacity, students self-assess themselves, each group self-assess and each group
check achievements and score each member of your group. After that, teachers base, sum and
give points to students through the average score plus product presentation results, score of
personal self-assess and score of evaluation and classification groups for each member of the
group. In order to assess cooperation capacity in an objective way, both teachers and students
keep the attitude of fairness, equality with everyone, everything during the learning process.
Teacher design the evaluation plan, rewarding in a timely and accurate manner will create
confidence, interest of students in the subject and with the remaining members in the class. To
do that, note the following:
Firstly, assess the result of team members based on the contribution of each student to
solving common tasks of the group.
Secondly, it should be noted that the teaching methods used to promote co-operation are
not only applied in one or two lessons but need to be applied regularly.
Thirdly, evaluate the level of cooperation of the group possibly by checking out any
member or all.
Fourthly, build a system of evaluation scales and evaluation criteria according to the
appropriate capacity development orientation.
Fifth, flexible use of assessment forms to obtain the most accurate information on the
quality of learning of students.
Chapter 4
4.1. The plan of experiment
4.1.1. Objectives, tasks, principles of pedagogical experiment
Pedagogical experimentation is an important step in verifying the effectiveness and
feasibility of proposed pedagogical measures in order to develop the student's cooperative
capacity in teaching The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) at
universities in Hanoi.
4.1.2. Establishments and objects of experimental pedagogy
The experiment will be conducted in the two years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 for the
first year students of the school: 64 students Academy of Finance; 200 students of Hanoi
Medical University; 119 Hanoi University of Culture; 24 students of the Army University of
Culture and Arts; 180 students of the University of Commerce.
4.1.3. Experimental content
Table 4.2. Content of experimental teaching
Chapter IV: The theory of value
Chapter V: The theory of surplus value
Labor goods
Chapter VI: Capitalism of monopoly and State capitalism of monopoly Capitalism exporting
4.1.5. Conduct experiment
Phase 1. Exploratory experiment
Phase 2. Impact experiment includes experimental preparation, experiment conducting,
experimental result evaluation; evaluation criteria are determined as follows:
- Criteria1. Students' academic results
- Criteria 2. Skills and attitudes of students in the process of participating in teaching activities
4.1.6. Processing method of experimental results
4.2. Experimental results
4.2.1. Stage 1: Exploratory experiment
Overall assessment of students' cognitive processes at universities: The results about
statistical test scores before the experiment show that the students of the 5 selected schools have the
same scores in each class. The average level of cognitive performance is not very large. The level of
awareness of students is quite similar in two groups of classrooms at 5 universities
Assessment of student’s cooperative capacity: Points of the self-assessment of the
students' cooperative skills systems and the attitude of students at the experiment and control
classes in the exploratory experiment without The difference is too large (0,1 points),
indicating that the level of expression of cooperative capacity of experiment and control
classes is similar.
4.5.2. Stage 2: Control experiments Experimental results of lesson plan 1
- Assessment students' awareness about the content lesson
Results of cognitive test scores of students in experiment classes when teachers use lesson
plan 1 to experiment scores have significant changes. In the grade of good - good, experiment class
is higher than control class; In this test, the mean score in control class is lower than the
experimental class. The average grade of the experimental group was 6,68, whereas the average
grade of the control group was 5,91, the average standard deviation of the two class was 0,77.
- Assess of development students' cooperative capacity
About the completion of student’s cooperative skills: most of the scores for the skills of
the TN classes have changed while in the control class there is no significant change. As
compared to the exploratory experiment, even some lower scoring skills. In particular, for
experimental classes, the most changing skills include self-study skills, observation, creative
thinking skills ...;
About building student’s positive cooperative spirits and attitudes: It can said about
ability to learn and develop through cooperative activities; Respect the difference, while
emphasizing common values; in which the ability to learn and grow through cooperative
activities increased by 0,6 points. Experimental results of the lesson plan 2
- Assess students' awareness about the content lesson
The assessment of the learning results of the experimental and control class through the
lesson plan 2, author found that the learning results of the experiment class increased
compared to the control class. The average score - weak - mainly focused on the control class,
while the good point - good focus mainly in the experiment class. The average grade of the
experimental class was 7,13 while the average grade of the control group was 5,8. The average
standard deviation between experiment and control class was 1,33.
- Assessment of students' cooperative capacity after the experiment of lesson plan 2
About the completion of student’s cooperative skills: the skills of students in the
experiment class are more progressive than those of the control class, maybe talk about a
number of skills such as: communication skills, behavior, observation skills; critical skills;
skills to resolve conflict and disagreement
About building student’s positive cooperative spirits and attitudes: while the spirit and
cooperative attitude of the experimental class changed, in the control class there was almost
no change compared to the lesson plan 1. In comparison with the lesson plan 1, respect the
difference, while emphasizing the common values; motivation to work when participating in
cooperative activities have more progressive (up 0,4 points).
22 Experimental results of the lesson plan 3
- Assess students' awareness about the content lesson
In this teaching plan, author designed a learning theme combining the use of project-based
teaching method with group discussion and power point presentation, author found that the learning
outcomes of the experimental group increased compared with the control class. The point average of
the control class (5,67) and experiment class (7,01) are of different level was 1,34.
- Assessment of students' cooperative capacity after the experiment of lesson plan 3
About the completion of student’s cooperative skills: The result shows that most of the
skills of students in the experiment class exceeded, the skills are shown breakthrough, are
more advanced than the control class.
About building student’s positive cooperative spirits and attitudes: While the spirit of
collaborative behavior of the experimental group was markedly changed, in the control group
there was almost no change compared with the previous experiment.
4.5.3. General evaluation of experimental pedagogical results Qualitative assessment of post-experiential teaching results of teachers and students
The results of the three experiments show student’s progress of in the experiment class
after the pedagogical impact. In order to better illustrate the above results, after each method
of teaching, we used the questionnaire to collect the opinions of teachers, students of
experiment classes and teachers taking part in teaching the experiment class at selected
schools. Including 31 teachers (teachers teach the control and experiment class, teachers
attend) and 294/294 students participate in class comments.
- About the teacher
- About the students Quantitative evaluation of experimental results
* Assess students' awareness about the content lesson
- Lesson plan 1, the summarize results of the average point of the experiment is 6,68
while the control class is 5,91.
- Lesson plan 2, the summarize results of the average point of the experiment is 7,13
while the control class is 5,8.
- Lesson plan 3, the summarize results of the average point of the experiment is 7,01
while the control class is 5,67.
* Assess of development students' cooperative capacity after experiment:
Most of the skills in experiment class have a better rating and more progression
through each lesson plan, especially when organizing experience activities and field trips.
The skills of cooperative competence changed markedly, in which the skill are most
changed being skills in creating and maintaining relationships (1,1 points increase), selfregulation skills, planning (up 1,2 points); Listening and empathy skills, persuasive skills and
presentation (1 point).
The mental manifestations, attitudes through the three lesson plans have changed significantly,
including motivation to work when participating in cooperation activities and maintain good
relationships among members (increase by 1,2 points); Voluntary, active, responsible when
participating in cooperation activities (increase 1 point); Find consensus on views and equity,
equality with people, everything (up 1,1 points); Honest, truthful in the job (increase 1 point).
As a result, through experiment's results and feedback from teachers and students, all
confirmed the feasibility and effectiveness of the measures and specific procedures proposed.
In each measure to ensure the development of students' cooperative capacity in teaching The
basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political economy) which the thesis has developed and
proposed orientations for implementation.
From the results of the research process of the thesis, some following conclusions can
be drawn:
1.1. Development of student's cooperative capacity is an indispensable work
contributing to the comprehensive development of Vietnamese people to meet the
requirements of the new era. However, the development of collaborative capacity of students
at universities is a problem that needs to be studied systematically and scientifically in order to
achieve the goal of comprehensively developing the qualities, energy of students as well as
lifting high quality in teaching The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Political
1.2. From the actual survey results, most teachers and students highly appreciate the
role and meaning of developing student's cooperative capacity in teaching subjects The basic
principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political economy). However, the implementation of the
development of student's cooperative capacity in teaching subjects The basic principles of
Marxism - Leninism ( Political Economy) are not yet really regular and not as effective as
1.3. Based on the real situation of the research problem, the thesis proposed principles
and solutions to develop student's cooperative capacity in teaching subjects The basic principles
of Marxism - Leninism (Political Economy). At the same time, conducting pedagogical
experiment to demonstrate the correctness of that solution. The result of the pedagogical
experiment showed that measures built in the thesis are completely correct and feasible. So that,
implementing development of student’s cooperative capacity in teaching The basic principles of
Marxism - Leninism (Political Economy) contribute to well implement goals of improving the
training quality at Hanoi’s universities in the current stages.
Firstly, for university manager and leaders, the development of student's cooperative
capacity in teaching subjects The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (part of Political
Economy) need to ensure the following conditions:
+ Increasing investment in facilities, support facilities, equipment and materials for
learning the subject of The basic principles of Marxism - Leninism (Political Economy) to
ensure diversify teaching methods actively and improve the capacity of using information
technology for students in learning.
+ Classroom space: is one of the important conditions that need attention and attention.
The teaching space is arranged scientifically and reasonably to help teachers divide and
supervise the activities of each group easily. Students are moving and exchanging easily, the
cooperation of team members becomes stricter, the cooperative environment is open. In
classrooms, the system of tables and chairs designed in a flexible way will limit the
preparation time and increase the connection of all members in the group, avoid the situation
that focuses on only some active members in the group. The change of teaching space takes
place on a regular basis will create positive emotions for students during the implementation