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1.Ten d~ tai: Quan



If nha nutrc tJ8ivOilang nghJ tren dja ban tinh

2. Chuyen nganh: Quan ly kinh tS

Thanh Hoa

3. Mil sa: 62 34 04 10

4. HQ va ten nghien ciru sinh: Mai Van Hai
5. Khoa dao tao: K31 (2015 - 2019)
6. NguOi huang dAn khoa hoc: PGS,TS Nguyen Quoc Thai
7. Ten


sO'dao tao: HQc vi~n Chinh tr] quac gia


Chi Minh

8. Tom t~t cac k~t qua moo ciia luin an:
8.1. Nhiing dong gop mOi vJ m~t hoc thuQ-t,lj lu{in

Tac gia da xay dung khung ly thuyet cho luan an, tac gia da trinh bay diroc khai
niem, muc tieu, nguyen tic, nQi dung quan ly nha mroc va nhimg nhan t6 anh huong

dSn quan ly nha mroc d6i voi lang nghe tren dia ban tinh; da dS xuit cac chi tieu danh
gia quan ly nha mroc d6i voi lang nghe. Dang thm mc gia cfing trinh bay kinh nghi~m
cua mQt s6 dia phuong trong nuac, ngoai nuac vS phat tri@nlang nghS va quan ly nha
nuac d6i vm lang nghS.
8.2. Nhimg tJiim mOi rut ra tic cac kit qua nghien cUu, khiio sat

- L~

an da phan tich th\fc ~g

va da danh gia quan ly nha nuac d6i vm lang nghS

tren dia ban tinh dum cac goc dQvS th\lChi~n m\lc tieu, nguyen tic, cac chi tieu va nQi
dung quan ly nha nuac d6i vm lang nghS tren dia ban tinh. L~

u.ru, h~

an da chi ra nhUng

chS Cllaquan ly nha nuac d6i vm lang nghS tren dia ban tinh Thanh Hoa

hi~n nay va nguyen nhan khach quan, chu quan dfu1 dSn nhUng h~ chS do. Di@mquan
trQng la lu~

an chi fa do nhUng ySu kSm vS t6 chuc quan ly, nang l\fc dQingil can bQ

quan ly, nang l\fc va nh~ thuc Cllangum dan.
- L~

an da chi ra phuong huang va 5 giai phap hoan thi~n cac nQidung quan ly nha

nuac d6i vm lang nghS, do la: (1) Nang cao nang l\lc, hi~u l\lc cua bQ may quan ly nha
nuac; (2) Hoan thi~n cong mc quy ho~ch phat tri@nlang nghS thea huang phat tri@nbSn
vfrng; (3) DiSu chinh, b6 sung, hoan thi~n cac chinh sach h6 trg phat tri@nlang nghS;
(4) Nang cao nang l\fc va nh~ thuc Cllacac hQ gia dinh va cac doanh nghi~p san xufit
kinh doanh trong cac lang nghS; (5) Tang cUOngcong mc thanh tra, ki@mtra, giam sat
ho~t dQngd6i vm lang nghS.


Quac Thai

Mai Van Hai

1. Name of thesis: State management for craft villages in Thanh Hoa province

2. Major: Economic management
3. Code: 62340410
4. Full name of PhD candidate: Mai Van Rai
5. Training course: N> 31 (2015-2019)
6. Supervisor: Assoc Prof, Dr Nguyen Quoc Thai
7. Training institution: Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
8. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:

8.1. New contributions in terms of academic and theories
The author has developed a theoretical framework for the thesis,
demonstrating concepts, objectives, principles, contents of state management and
factorsaffectingstate managementfor craft villages in the province;has proposedthe
indicators/targetsto evaluate state management for craft villages. Besides, the author
has also presented experiences of some regions in the country and abroad on the
developmentof craft villagesand statemanagementfor craftvillages.
8.2. New findings drawnfrom research and surveys
The thesis has analyzed the current situation, and evaluated state
management for craft village in the province in terms of execution of objectives,
principles, indicators/targets and contents of state management for craft villages
in the province. The thesis has indicated achievements and limitations of state
management for craft villages in Thanh Hoa province at the present, and
objective and subjective causes leading to such limitations. It is noteworthy that
the thesis has demonstrated weaknesses in organizing of management, staffs'
ability of managing, and the households' ability and awareness.
The thesis has propounded directions and 5 solutions to 'improve the
contents of state management for craft villages, that are: (1) Enhancing the ability
and validity of the state management apparatus; (2) Improving the development
planning of craft villages towards sustainable development; (3) Adjusting,
supplementing and improving policies to support the development of craft
villages; (4) Enhancing the ability and awareness of households, and enterprises
of production and business in craft villages; (5) Reinforcing the inspection,
examination and supervision of craft villages' activities.

Assoc Pro, Dr Nguyen Quoc Thai

Mai Van Hai
