Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
1. Reasons for the research
Innovative approach in teaching is a necessary requirement in education.
Integrative teaching is a new trend that many teachers use in the teaching of their
subject. Teaching English is not out of the trend. We know that English covers a
wide range of topics in life so it is possible to integrate much of the knowledge in
other subjects. However, with integrated teaching, students must constantly enrich
their vocabulary and have a good knowledge of many subjects.This has made the
activities of English language learning more lively and attracting more students. In
addition, students must actively explore the knowledge that they want to present to
whole class. So they will be more interested in the lesson and the knowledge will
be remembered longer and deeply. To do well integrated teaching in English
requires that the teacher of English spend a lot of time on preparing thoroughly to
be able to master the contents related to other subjects. It can be said that
integrated teaching in the subject of English is very necessary because it brings
good results for both teachers and learners. Furthermore, practising skills in
English for students at Thach Thanh 4 is really complicated because of their poor
vocabulary, incorrect pronunciation. Therefore, students are afraid of taking part in
activities in speaking lesson. Being a teacher of English, I always pay more
attention to how to help the students feel more simple and excited at speaking
2. Purpose.
We have all known recently that integrating subjects in solving a problem of lesson
is essential, which make learners not only study and improve the knowledge from
other subjects but also help them understand solve the matter fast and perfectly.
Integrating subjects such as Geography,Chemistry, Biology, general knowledge,
Civic education and Life in part B- Speaking Unit 10: NATURE IN DANGER :
English provides them a brief information the reasons why nature is threatened,the
effects and suggest the measures to protect environment. Moreover, with the
images of nature is being destroyed students are aware of their duties in protecting
as well.
Based on the innovation of the teaching methodology of the Ministry of
Education and Training on the application of interdisciplinary knowledge, I would
like to give some experiences in teaching part B- Speaking, Unit 10: NATURE IN
DANGER , English 11
3. Subjects.
In my research, I study with 11th grade students who will study unit 10: Nature in
Danger. The environment is a topic quite familiar to students. They will have some
knowledge of some subjects to talk about the causes and the reality of this
problem. Besides, teacher want to help them to express themselves in English
fluently by eliciting from many pictures, which is the goal of this period. Human
beings are badly destroying the environment and nature in all respects through
their actions and by their habits. That is reasons for which nature is threatened.
Moreover, students have opportunity to discover the excitement of the lesson
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
through the games (Who is the millionaire ?), the knowledge of the many subjects
related to this speaking class such as: know the songs about nature ( Earth songMichael Jackson), get information about human emissions into the earth's
environment, have chance to talk about global warming, natural greenhouse effect
and human enhanced greenhouse effect, talk about students’ responsibitities to
protect the environment. Students have the opportunity to learn about the state of
the forests and laws to protect them; explore the national parks in Vietnam (Cuc
Phuong, Ben En) and so on. From that practical teaching experience, I’ve found
that most of the students were very interested in the class and doing the exercises
more perfectly.
4. Methods
To make my solutions effectively, I have used some following methods:
Firstly, I always get advice from colleagues through co- working.
Secondly, I apply science and technology in teaching, use projector, video clip to
make the lesson efficiently. For example, I use the software which applied to
pronounce vocabulary to help students be accustomed to listening and speaking to
native speaker accent.
Thirdly, I study through the internet, use new methods in teaching English such as:
using pictures to teach vocabulary, using the matching -game to check up new
words; using English song about nature ( Earth song), etc.
Next, I often teach English through real situations such as the student can know
much about the life, environmental disasters in hometown ( Hoa Binh joint stock
company of sugar cane has discharged into the Buoi River, polluting the water and
kill a mount of fish and Nicotex Thanh Thai Joint Stock Company in Cam Van
Commune, Cam Thuy District (Thanh Hoa), some pictures of flood in Thanh Hoa
and especially students’ actions to protecting nature and so on
Lastly, I divide the students into groups and ask them to search for information
before coming class. Students use maps to find out some national parks in Vietnam
(Ben En, Cuc Phuong). Therefore, they can understand deeply about primary
causes and also consequences from which human beings are doing such as Global
warming, ozone layer depletion, etc.
1. Theoretical background
The purpose of teaching speaking is to help students self- confident to take part in
numerous activities in class as much as posible. It is the important that teacher help
students to speak in accurency and influency. Improving speaking skill not only
helps students to raise the intellectual activity but also understand other subjects
well and vice versa
In traditional teaching method, students are introduced to some new vocabulary in
tasks and practise speaking all the tasks that follow and get some information from
English speaking lesson, which is considered to be successful. In a limited period
of time teaching units related many subjects is not easy work because it requires
the teacher has a mount number of knowledge of all subjects and students need
rich vocabulary, good grammar. Unit 10: Nature in danger is within the theme of
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
environment and nature, specifically about reasons why nature is threatened and
measures which can integrate a great number of knowledgeable subjects such as
Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Civic education and general knowledge. And one
of the interesting things attracted myself to study this lesson is this period
mentioned taking our actions I want to give students the opportunity to study about
their duties with practical doing such as planting trees, sorting garbage, saying no
to plastic bags, turning off the lights when not in use. In addition, I am very
interested in the information of severe weather phenomena, environmental disaster,
which is one of the hot issues of humanity. The more information related to my
unit I look for , the more exciting I am.
2. Realities before applying the research
With the part B in unit 10, I used to teach the students by traditional method that
Homework checking
I. Lead in the lesson & vocabulary
- Ask some students to answer some questions in the textbook( reading)
- Introduce some new words/ expressions that appear in speaking tasks
- students practice new words and phrases
II. Practice:
-Ask ss to do all the tasks ( in textbook): there are some reasons why nature is
threatened and put them in the order of importance; Match the reasons in Task 1
with possible measures for protecting the environment below; State the negative
impacts made by people on the environment and suggest measures to protect it.
- Check sts’ answer.
III. Further practice
- Ask sts to do exercise about pronuciation.
-Give homework: Write a short paragraph about nature: causes, consequences and
When teaching with the steps above , I realize that most of my students are
passive in learning and lessons are less fun for students, even boring. I sometimes
explain more about some information related unit but not much because of a
limitation of time. Some students are not well- prepared lesson before going to
class. Hearing from the teacher also makes students not remember long, so the
students’ result is not good . From the above situation I always worry about how to
help students not only good skills but also interest in the lesson
3. Solutions
In my research, I only mention the new ways in teaching Part C- Speaking unit
10: Nature in danger effectively by integrating many subjects in it. I would like to
present the form of teaching plan below.
Teacher asks students to watch the video of the people’s interference with the
envirorment.( earth song )
Students watch the video of people’s interferenece with the enviroment
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
Teacher leads students to the new lesson: To know more about reasons why nature
is threatened and measures to protect it,let’s learn the new lesson”
Teacher gives vocabulary by asking student s to look at the pictures on the
projector and guess the words or phrases
Teacher shows the picture and ask students to guess “what is the state of Rhinos
and blue whale
Teacher gives the correct answer: Rhinos and blue whale are the endangered
1. endangered animal /ɪnˈdeɪndʒərd//ˈænɪml/ Động vật bị đe dọa
Teacher shows other pictures then ask “What are these men doing and Why do
human kill these rare animals?”
Teacher checks the student’s answer and give the correct name of the second
picture: They are killing a tiger/ rhino and these rare animals are killed for fur,
skin or food
2. Kill: /kɪl/ : Giết
3. Fur : Lông
4. skin: /skɪn/ : Da
Teacher asks students to look at the pictures and ask “What is he doing and What
happened to the bear?”
- Give the correct answer with the third picture: He is hunting animals and the
bear was captured
5. Hunt: /hʌnt/ Săn Bắn
6. capture/ˈkæptʃə(r)/ Nhốt, giữ
Teacher presents the picture and asks “What is the woman doing?”
Student answers: She is burning trees
7. Burn
/bɜːrn/ : (v) đốt
Teacher asks student to Look at picture and guess “What are these people doing?
Answer: They are using pesticides
8.Pesticide :/ˈpestɪsaɪd/ (n) thuốc trừ sâu
Teacher gives the pictures and ask them “What are these people doing?
Student can answer: They are using fertilizers
9. Fertilizer /ˈfɜːrtəlaɪzər/ (n) phân bón hóa học
Teacher shows the picture and ask “what name is the activity?”
Teacher listens to student’s answer, then gives the correct answer: They are
10. Farming =Cultivation : /ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃn/Trồng trọt
Teacher gives picture and ask “ what is this”
A student can answer: It is pollutant discharged from factories
/pəˈluːtənt/ (n) chất gây ô nhiễm
12.Discharge: /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/ (v) thải
Teacher tells student to guess its sign
Teacher corrects student’s answer and gives the name of the picture:
Littering, capturing & hunting animals are banned/ prohibited
13. Ban /bæn/ = prohibit /prəˈhɪbɪt/ (v) cấm
14. encourage :/ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ (v) khuyến khích
>< discourage /dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ/ (v) không khuyến khích
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
Teacher presents pictures and asks student “ what is the name of the picture”
Students observe pictures and give answer :
15. Cut down trees for wood: chặt cây lấy gỗ
Teacher gives the last picture and asks students the name of these pictures
16. Entertainment /ˌentəˈteɪnmənt/ Giải trí, tiêu khiển
= recreation /ˌriːkriˈeɪʃn/
Teacher shows all words or phrases, then asks students to look at the board and
listen to the teacher first
12.Discharge: /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/
2. Kill:
3. Fur : /fɜːr/
= prohibit /prəˈhɪbɪt/
4. skin: /skɪn/
14.encourage : /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/
5. Hunt:
>< discourage: /dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ/
6. Burn:
15.Cut down trees for wood
7. capture:
16. Entertainment:
8. Pesticide: :/ˈpestɪsaɪd/
9. Fertilizer:
= recreation:
10.Cultivation : /ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃn/
Teacher tells students to write down on their notebook, then reads after the teacher
Teacher calls 1,2 students to read the words again, then check pronunciation
Teacher uses the vocabulary checking to review the vocabulary for them
Teaccher asks students to match a word in A with its meaning in B.
1. capture
a. bẫy
2. pollutant
b. bắn
3. hunt
4. pesticide
d. phân bón
5. burn
e. đốt
6. fertilizer
f. không khuyến khích
7. prohibit
g. chất gây ô nhiễm
8. discourage
h. thuốc trừ sâu
Teacher checks student’s answer and gives the correct
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
Teacher asks students to guess why nature is threatened ( brain storming)
Teacher checks the students’s answer, shows some pictures then give reasons for
which nature is in danger. Firstly, pay attention to the pictures
Student can say: They are killing endangered animals for fur, skin &food
- Ask students “ what information do you know about some rare plants and
animals (knowledge of biology)
►They estimated that the number of pangolins hunted was up to 116,990 -233,980
each year,
►According to a new research 100,000 African elephants and 1,200 South
African rhinos were killed in three years
►Each year, 18,000 to 55,000 species of animals and plants are becoming extinct
due to human activities.
Teacher asks : what about our forests?
Students can answer: Human are burning forests and cutting down trees for wood.
Teacher gives out alarming numbers about the forests
(Geography knowledge)
►Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, there were about 3,309 ha of
forest burnt in 2016
►According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the
world lost 13 million hectares of tropical forests every year
Teacher shows the map about processing resources of Viet Nam forest
Student can give comment: The resources of forest decreased considerably from
1009 to 1993
Teacher gives question for students “what is planting forests for?
Student asnwers: for fighting flooding, cleaning up dirty air, muffling noise
pollution, giving us medicine, controlling temperature and so on
Teacher shows thepictures and asks: “Do you know about the photosynthesis of
(knowledge of Biology))
Teacher adds some information: With the photosynthesis of plants, carbon dioxide
is absorbed and oxygen is released that helps the air fresher, makes people feel
Teacher shows some pictures of natural disaster which has made to people in
recently years
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
Teacher asks students to look at the serious effect off overcutting down the trees
Teacher gives some pictues, then asks students “Do you know about what people
do with the environment?”
Students answer: They are discharging chemical pollutants into the environment.
Teacher uses the mindmap to show that every year human emissions into the
earth's environment
Teacher asks students to pay attention the pictures, then talks about global
warming, natural greenhouse effect and human enhanced greenhouse effect
(Chemistry knowledge)
Students look at these pictures and say something about global warming,
greenhouse effect: Greenhouse effect, a warming of Earth’s surface
and troposphere (the lowest layer of the atmosphere) caused by the presence of
water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, and certain other gases in the air.
Teacher can say more: Over 130 years, the earth's temperature has increased by 0.4
Teacher tells students to talk about affecting of ozone to the earth ( where , its
form, main cause ozone depletion)
(Chemisty and Geography knowledge)
Suggested answer:
The ozone layer is a layer in Earth's atmosphere which contains relatively high
concentrations of ozone (O3). This layer absorbs 97-99% of the sun's high
frequency ultraviolet light, which is potentially damaging to life on earth . Ozone is
known for its ability to absorb UV-B radiation. Ozone is naturally formed in the
ozone layer. Ozone depletion is caused by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other
pollutants in the atmosphere
Teacher asks students to tell some reality of polluted air in the worl and inVietnam.
Teacher checks the students’s answer and gives information (general knowledge)
►Vietnam has two cities listed as the six most severely polluted cities in the world
2. Shanghai
3. New delhi
4. Dhakar
5. Hanoi
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
6. HCM city
►Vietnam ranked lowest among 8 Southeast Asian countries on stable
environmental index
Teacher shows the pictures and explains more.
Teacher gives the pictures to talks about discharging pollution problems:
Students look the pictures and answer: Acid rain, contaminated water made a
series of aquatic animals death, Soil pollution, shortage of clean water
►Here are some problems of discharging pollution which has affected noticebly to
people’s life
Teacher explains and represents the health effects of pollution by showing the
picture.( Biology knowledge)
Teacher introduces some pictures and asks students “Have you ever seen animal
circus ?” is it good or bad for animals?
Some say yes, we have or no, we haven’t
They are hunting or capturing for recreation or entertainment
Teacher shows pictures, then gives some explainations about the reason why
animals is threatened.
Student answers: They are keeping animals as pets
Teacher asks: Is it dangerous?
►That is dangerous because the animal can attack us whenever.
Teacher shows the pictures to elecit the reasons of pollution
Students answer:They are using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation.
Teacher asks: what is the component of chemical fertilizer?
Students base on Chemistry knowledge to talk about.
Teacher can help the some vocabulary
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
►Nitrogen fertilizers provide nitrogen fertilizers for plants in the form of NO3nitrate ion and NH4 + ammonium ion
►Phosphate fertilizers provide phosphorus to the plant as phosphate ions
Teacher asks students “What are the advantages of using them?”
Student can answer: Chemical fertilizers help plants grow faster and the farmers
have a good crop
Based on Geographical knowledge, teacher tells students to talk about the
strength of Vietnam agriculture
►Vietnam is one of the major rice and fruits exporters in the world
In the first eight months of 2017, rice exports increased by 21.9% over the same
period in 2016, estimated at 4.1 million tons and turn over increased 19.4%,
reaching 1.81 billion USD
According to the latest figures from the General Statistics Office (GSO), in January
of this year, Vietnam exported $ 230 million of fruits and vegetables (an increase
of 14% over the same period in 2016). By 2017, it will reach over $ 3 billion
Teacher gives the pracrical situation of using fertilizers and pesticides for
cultivation by using the pictures.
Students answer: Farmers usually overuse them and when using fertilizers and
pesticides without protective clothing
Teacher gives more: (General knowledge)
►94% of households using pesticides did not follow the instructions on the
►35% of pesticide users do not read labels
Teacher asks: what are consequences of overusing plant protective products?
Students can answer through observing the pictures.
Teacher can summerize all reasons why nature is threatened mentioned above.
They / human beings are
1. Burning forests.
2. Cutting down trees for wood.
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
3. Discharging chemical pollutants into the environment.
4. Using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation.
5. Killing endangered animals for fur, skin &food.
6. Hunting or capturing for recreation or entertainment.
7. Keeping animals as pets.
Teacher asks students to watch video and answer the question “What we should do
to protect our environment and endangered animals?”
Teacher asks students to give some solutions of saving endangered nature
( textbook)
Students can answer according to their knowlege
Suggested answer:
1D 2D 3F 4E 5A 6C 7B
Teacher instructs the model sentences
Eg: S1: People are killing endangered animals for fur, skin or food.
S2: Killing endangered animals for fur, skin &food should be banned
- According to model sentence to make structure
+ S1: People are + Ving...
+S2: Ving........................ should be Ved/ p.p
Teacher gives some pictures and asks students “what should we do to protect the
forests ?”
Student answer: Cutting down trees for wood and burning forests should be
Student answer: Planting trees should be encouraged, especially in watershed
or coastal areas
Teacher shows some pictures and asks: what about the laws?
Student can answer: Laws have been introduced and instricted
Teacher adds: Tree provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air
and help combat climate change
Teacher presents the pictures and asks: what are measures to animals? Keeping
animals as pets and capturing them for recreation
Students answer: Keeping animals as pets should be discouraged and animals
should not be captured for recreation & entertainment.
All kinds of animals should be saved/ protected
Teacher asks students “can you refer a place where plants and animals are save”
A student answers: national parks
Teacher shows some pictures and asks them to guess which national parks are
Student answer: Ben en and Cuc Phuong
Teacher tells students to introduce some information about them.
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
(Geography knowledge)
►Ben En national park belongs to two districts: Nhu Thanh -Nhu Xuan,Thanh
Hoa province, is located 36 km southwest of Thanh Hoa.Ben En National Park
was established in 1992 with an area of 16,643 ha, including 8,544 ha of primary
and regenerated
forest. It is one of the most beautiful national parks in Vietnam
►Cuc phuong national park expands 3 provinces: Hoa Binh, Ninh Binh, Thanh
Hoa. Established in 1960, it contains over 200 square kilometres of rainforest.
Tourists can go there to visit some caves and look at the thousand- year –old tree
Teacher gives the map to name of these parks in VietNam?
Teacher gives the pictures one by one and ask students to guess the solution to
endangered animals?
Look at pictures, students can answers:
►Killing endangered animals for fur, skin &food should be banned.
►Illegal worldwide trade has been prosecuted and imprisoned
►One of us is a smart shopper and choose the food responsibly
Teacher have some pictures shown to guess measures
Students answer:
►Scientists have made the Red list and suggested ways to save them
► The Red lists was introduced to people to raise the people’s awareness of
protecting wild animals.
Teacher gives pictures and asks “What are the solutions to the problem of waste?”
Suggested answer:
►We should place rubbish and plastic bags in proper dustbins
►We should sort garbage and just say no to plastic bags to the world cleaner
Teacher asks: Have you heard “3R: reduce, reuse, recycle”? what does it mean?
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
Students can say:
►We should buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag
►To reduce emissions from vehicles into the environment we should walk, ride
bicycles or take public transportation to travel
►we should energy efficient light bulbs to reduce greenhouse gas emission and
save money.
►We should turn off the lights when not in use
Teacher shows the pictures and explain the reuse and recycle
►We can reuse some plastic bottles, car wheels to grow vegetable and flowers;
spoon to make a lamp
►The scrap paper, glass bottles even waste as the material could be made into
something new
Teacher asks students to answer the question “As a student what should you do to
save the earth? “
Students give the solutions to save the earth.( Civic education)
1. Propagate and raise awareness of environmental protection
2. Join to plant more trees
3. Take part in the Green Saturday Movement
4. Saving water and energy
5. Go to school by bike, by bus or walk to school , etc.
Teacher shows the pictures and ask “ Do you know what the dates are?” (general
Suggested answer:
World Environment Day (WED) occurs 5 June every year, and is the United
Nation's principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection
of our environment.Since it began in 1974, it has grown to become a global
platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries.
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events
are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in
1970, Earth Day events in more than 193 countries are now coordinated globally
by the Earth Day Network
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
Earth Hour is a worldwide movement organized by the World Wide Fund for
Nature (WWF). The event is held annually encouraging individuals, communities,
and businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights for one hour, from 8:30 to
9:30 pm on a specific day towards the end of March, as a symbol of commitment
to the planet
Teacher elicits solution to soil when uing fertilizers and pesticises.
Student can answer:
►Decreasing the use of fertilizers and pesticides for farming should be
►We had better not use pesticides and fertilizers that harm the environment.
►Using biological fertilizers should be encouraged
about environmental protection law, teacher shows the pictures and give examples
of real life ( polluted water in Buoi river and Nicotex Thanh Thai)
Suggested answer: ( General knowledge)
►Hoa Binh joint stock company of sugar cane has been discharged into the Buoi
River, polluting the water and kill a mount of fish. The company has to compensate
34 households with the amount of 1.4 billion of Vietnam dong
Teacher gives the pictures and ask “Do you know this problem ? “
►Nicotex Thanh Thai violated 11 defects in the field of environmental protection.
The Chairman of the People's Committee of Thanh Hoa province has issued
administrative sanctions against 10 administrative offenses with fines of over 421
million dong
Teacher asks students to play game now: who is millionaire?
Teacher explains the rule of the game.[1*]
Students play the game.
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
Teacher checks students’s answer
Choose a word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest
of others
1.A. animal
B. fertilizers
C. discharge
B. pesticide
C. chemical
D. forest
3.A. should
B. pollution
C. animal
4.A. protected
B. needed
C. prohibited
5.A. endanger
B. gym
C. gone
Teacher tells students to do this tasks individually, then calls 2-3 students to
Teacher gives feedback: 1B
4. Effectiveness of the research
To consolidate the lesson I had students done a fifteen minute test with ten multiple
choice questions on the worksheet [2*]. After 15 minutes I collected the papers,
gave marks and feedback. From the results of applying my new solution in
teaching, I realize that most students understand and do well. Besides, most of
them are interested in learning from interdisciplinary subjects which provides the
students a wide range of information related to the lesson. Futhermore, they join in
activies of lesson enthusastically. Below is the statistics I have collected from the
school year 2017 -2018 that my experiences have been done in two classes 11A1,
and 11A6 at Thach Thanh 4 high school.
11A1(30sts) Lower 5
5- 6
Upper 7
Before applying
After applying
of students
of students
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
11A6(44sts) Lower 5
5- 6
Upper 7
Tran Thi Binh
1. General conclusion
Using disciplinary knowledge in teaching English helps students become active
learners who have the capacity to deal with practical situations positively and
successfully. This also makes English speaking class become more interesting.
English is so far different from Vietnamese, so it is not easy to learn and memorize.
In speaking section, I want students to get some vocabulary, practise speaking
some tasks fluently but also apply flexibly techniques which are suitable for each
unit to help students have more chance to speaking English. In addition, the most
thing I want students to do is that the more student speak, the more the lesson is.
To sum up, I have integrated knowledge of Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Civic
education, Music and General knowledge in teaching this lesson.
2. Recommendation
* For my office and colleagues.
I would like to offer my office to invest more reference books, hold speaking
English clubs so that students have chances to practise and exchange knowledge
more often. I also take this hope that my colleagues will always cooperate and help
me in the process of teaching English at school.
* For Department of Education and Training.
I am looking for being paid attention to our teaching in a mountainous school as
mine that we feel interested in our career.
Above all my experiences, which have been applying to teaching English but still
have many disadvantages. I hope that colleagues are willing to contribute valuable
advices and sincere comments to make my research more perfect and successful.
Finally, I would like to show my sincere thanks
Thanh Hoa, May 20th 2018
I am convicted that this is the experience I do it
myself, not copying from the others
Approved by
Written by
Ngo Van Giang
(The headmaster
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
Tran Thi Binh
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
[1*] />Unit 10: Nature in danger - Tiếng Anh 11 (Sách cũ) - Nguyễn Thị Ha – thu vien
bai giang )
[2*] />( unit 10: Nature in danger - Tieng Anh 11- Dinh Thuy Linh – Thu vien de thi)
Textbook : English 11, Civic education 10,11,12, Geography 10,11,12, Chemistry
10,11 And other sources on internet
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger
Thach Thanh 4 high school
Tran Thi Binh
Time allowed: 15 minutes
Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
Question 1: A. feature
B. species C. weather
D. decrease
Question 2: A. survive
B. prohibit C. fertilizer
Choose the best option to complete the sentences below
Question 3: The________of the ozone layer is not a good thing for the earth.
A. depletion
B. deplete C. depleting
D. depletement
Question 4: Deforestation will lead to the extinction of rare animals due to the loss
of their habitats, and extreme floods and land _________.
A. erode
B. eroding
C. erosion
D. erodement
Question 5: The smoke from burning fuels causes pollution if it ______ into the
A. releases
B. is released
C. will be released D. released.
Question 6______is the removal or cutting down of all trees in an area for urban
use and farm lands.
A. Forest
B. Deforest
C. Deforestation
D. Foresting
Question 7. Water______are things like detergents, pesticides ,oils and other
chemicals that make the water unclean and contaminated.
A. pollution
B. pollutants
C. deforestation D. Fossil fuels
Question 8:The_______of fossil fuels has gradually increased in many countries
which is concerned for many environmentalists.
A. consumer
B. consume
C. consuming
D. consumption
Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 9: Mass tourism has contributed to the destruction of the environment.
A. damage
B. spoil
C. endangerment
D. protection
Question 10:The coastal areas have been severely polluted by the disposals of
harmful chemical rubbish.
A. cleaned
B. dirty
Using of interdisciplinary knowledge to improve students’ learning interest in
teaching Part B- Speaking Unit 10: Nature in Danger