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Welcome the Year of the Pig
The Chinese Canadian
Association of Yukon hosts
its annual Chinese New
Year feast on February 2 at
the Kwanlin Dün Cultural
By Danny Macdonald
lfred Au is a busy man, with
a multitude of messages on
his phone to go over, review and keep track of. But that’s
to be expected when you’re the
president of the Chinese Canadian
Association of Yukon, and you’re
organizing the local celebration
for the biggest holiday of the Chinese calendar, Chinese New Year.
The annual event, which marks
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January 30, 2019
PHOTOS: Rick Massie
Dragon dance performers Jacky Zhou (left), Alfred Au, Andrew Lin and Kelly Jiang are prepared for the Chinese New Year celebration
the start of the Year of the Pig, helps teach local Chinese youth to doesn’t appeal to everyone. Au
is an opportunity for our Chinese perform dances specific to one of also noted that he’s looking forward to a special feature this year
Canadian residents to share some the many cultural styles in China.
This year, the performance that will be a unique experience.
of their culture with the rest of
“Tippy Mah has donated two
dance will be Ode to Pear Blosthe Whitehorse.
“It’s the biggest holiday in Chi- som, derived from Peking Opera, roasted pigs,” Au explained.
“And we will
na,” Au said.
chop them up
“Usually, it
would be a
hope to. We
10 to 15-day
still have to
meet with the
and usually
Kwanlin Dün
[Cultural Cenat least five
days of paid
The presvacation.
tige of the
“ W h y
event draws a
we’re doing
number of visthis
itors who will
year; it’s to
be attending
this year’s celculture
ebration. The
Au himself
of China will
has been a
be up from
Yukon resident
PHOTO: Danny Macdonald V a n c o u v e r.
The associa2001. He first
tion has also
came to the
Alfred Au is the current president of the Chinese Canadian Association of Yukon
territory to
lish, in an imChu—a
Chimersion attempt to force himself or Beijing Opera. The perform- nese musician who is renowned
to speak the language. It’s far too ing style combines a variety of in China. Chu plays the Ghuzeng,
easy to simply speak Chinese in speech, song, dance and combat also known as the Chinese zither.
cities like Vancouver or Toronto, movement, but ultimately is eval- It’s a plucked string instrument
but here, students find it neces- uated on the beauty of the per- with a history that dates back
formers’ movement.
sary to speak English regularly.
more than 2,500 years.
The dinner this year will be
The celebration features a few
In addition, Matthew Lien will
key events that make the experi- prepared by the Green Garden be performing songs as part of the
ence memorable, including a cul- Restaurant and will feature an evening’s performance.
tural dance performance and a eight-course, plated meal. Au and
One of the other highlights for
traditional, multi-course Chinese organizers have done a tasting to youth is the tradition of the red
meal. For the dance, the associa- prepare. He says the meal will pockets.
tion partners with the Northern blend traditional Chinese food and
Lights School of Dance, which pro- specially designed food, just in
cont’d on page 3...
vides performers. The school also case some of the traditional food
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January 30, 2019
On the Cover
Welcome the Year of the Pig ...
The Chinese Canadian Association of
Yukon is preparing for Chinese New Year
Photo: Rick Massie
“A special coin will will be
handed out to the children born of
the year,” Au laughed. “We’ll get
all the little piggies up.”
The Chinese zodiac has special
meaning to many, and the Year of
the Pig means certain things. So
what should you expect of those
born under this sign of the zodiac?
According to China Highlights, pigs
are hard-working, compassionate,
responsible and generous, but can
be too trusting. And just in case
you’re wondering what numbers
you should keep track of if you’re
a pig, the numbers two, five and
eight, as well as any number containing them, such as 25, should
be lucky for you.
But luck doesn’t make the
event happen. It’s the result of
the hard work and generosity of
supporters and volunteers, who
will serve the full eight-course
meal. Funding comes from the
City of Whitehorse, Yukon Tourism
and Culture, Air North, RBC and
Northwestel. Individual supporters include Tippy Mah, Eddie and
Bonnie Ng, and the Jim Zheng Cultural Fund.
Tickets are sold out, but those
interested in attending can make
plans to contact the association
through its Facebook page well in
advance next year.
Danny Macdonald is the
editor of What’s Up Yukon.
He is a lifelong Yukoner
who is active in sports,
community organizations
and the Yukon’s events
What’s Inside
Chinese New Year ................. 2
Didee/Didoo ........................ 3
Eye on the Outdoors .............. 4
Living With Wildlife ............... 7
Seasonal Recipes .................. 8
Skagway Brewing Company ... 10
Yukon See It Here ............... 13
Cosmos North .................... 14
Jazz in the Hall: Lonnie Hall .. 17
Dimensions Tech Services ..... 18
Whitehorse Listings ................ 6
My Echo
There’s nothing of him to touch
And sometimes he talks too much.
Sometimes I can hear my own voice
An’ answering back is his own choice.
He’s like an answering machine,
But he has never been seen.
He must be my twin brother
’Cause we sound like each other.
I wonder if we look the same
Or is he just playing a hiding game.
I don’t know why he always hide,
But he talks with his mouth wide.
I can’t say that he talks the most
I wonder if he’s just my ghost.
Active Interests................... 12
Highlights .......................... 15
Community Listings .............. 16
He repeats every word
An’ his accent can be heard.
I like it when he takes a nap,
Then I won’t hear him yap.
Sometimes he chats
on his cell phone
So I know that he’s not alone.
Sometimes I hear him laugh
Because he’s my other half.
My Echo makes me wonder,
Will we both be six feet under?
Will we both be quiet
Or will He still cause a riot?
205-105 Titanium Way,
Whitehorse Yukon Y1A 0E7
Ph: 667-2910
What’s Up Yukon Team
Editorial Danny Macdonald
Client Care Tammy Beese
by Allan Benjamin “CHIN AHAA” from Old Crow
Mauretia Holloway
When I was a kid, this elder gave me a Gwich’in name,
“CHIH AHAA”. Translated, it means “walking ahead”
What would you rather be doing?
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It begins...
Design Lesley Ord
Team Paulette Comeau
Didier Delahaye
Admin Penny Bielopotocky
Keira Howard
Accounts Receivable
Ulrich Trachsel
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Going the Extra
with Murray Martin
Are you prepared for
a forest fire?
have the greatest respect for
all firefighters when they fight
a fire—be it a house fire or a
forest fire.
Fresh arrivals for
As a conservation officer in Ontario, we were trained in fighting
forest fires. It is one of the mostdangerous jobs you could possibly
have, as any minute the fire could
turn on you.
The only fire I was in charge
of was a small three- or fourhundred-acre ground fire north of
Chesterville, Ontario, back in the
early 60s. A grass fire was started
by a berry picker, a careless smoker who threw away a lit cigarette.
It was a surface fire (no trees)
and set fire to the tall grass. The
problem was that there was more
than four feet of peat under the
surface and that was also on fire.
Fortunately, with the help of some
backhoes, we diverted a small
creek, and within a week and a
half we had the fire out before it
could reach a conifer forest.
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First and
foremost …
Which new
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will give you SpiceFace?
Elements of a
forest fire ...
have seen some underground
peat fires burn all winter.
There is more to forest fires
than most would think, and the
North is a prime target for a giant,
deadly fire. First of all, to have
a fire, we look at what is called
the three sides of a triangle—fuel,
heat and oxygen. Many plants
contain all the volatile chemicals
to fuel a fire. Conifer trees (evergreens), common in northern for-
PHOTO: Murray Martin
Murray has one of the heat detectors for his own stove to keep track of safe
burning temperatures
cont’d on page 5 ...
Jan 29
Feb 12
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Known for offering professional
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condo corps and houses,
now also offers:
Are you prepared for a forest fire? …cont’d
A simple test for
forest-fire risk …
est regions, are fast-burning fuel.
Not only are conifer trees excellent fuel for forest fires, but trees
such as the white birch, with their
supply of sap and paper-like bark,
are highly flammable (can create
its own wind up to 60 MPH).
Fire and
global warming ...
nother factor we must consider in the prospects of
such giant fires is the Global
Warming Effect. As the climate
warms, the soil within a forest
will dry out much faster than previous years. One only has to look
at the warming of temperatures in
California to understand the prospects of the danger of giant forests fires in the future, and at this
point I am thinking of the Yukon.
The great
outdoors ...
his is not the only threat
to having more forest fires.
More people each year are
visiting the northern wildernesses
in Canada for outdoor experiences. Here, within, presents another danger and that is inexperienced people starting campfires
(and also leaving such a fire unattended). Yes, some visitors are
taught how to paddle a canoe or
kayak, but are they taught the
safe way to build a campfire? Do
they know the flammable gasses
contained in plants and trees? And
do they know about the Triangle
of Fire? Very doubtful.
community ...
he part of the community
you live in will tell you the
degree of fire risk you would
face if a fire like Paradise, California, should take place. Consider
the following ... Should a bad fire
occur downtown, in the lower portion of the valley, people living up
on the ridges are in greater danger than those down in the valley. Heat rises. This will heat up
the ridges. Once the soil or wood
reaches 800ºF, you have ignition
and fire. Fire builds winds.
“The ultimate
measure of a man
is not where he
stands, at time
of comfort, but
where he stands
–Martin Luther King (1929–
1968, U.S. civil rights leader)
ires burn faster uphill than
downhill. If such a fire occurs and the word comes out
to EVACUATE, do so immediately
as there may not be a second
chance. Have an evacuation plan.
Back in the 60s,I took a survival course under the guidance of
Berndt Berglund (world-famous).
Part of the course dealt with forest fires.
We focus on you and
we’re easy to work with!
1. Simply hold a dead pine needle
two inches apart between your
thumb and forefinger.
2. Start to bend it and if it breaks
at about a quarter of the full
closure, the fire risk is high.
3. If it bends more than one half,
the risk of fire is low. This is
due to the moisture in the air;
consequently, in the pine needle itself.
4. Repeat this with a couple of
needles to get a final result.
Do not panic
(be prepared)
f there is a fire and you find
yourself trapped, look for a
rocky area or a small stream or
body of water. Do not panic. If you
are on more than a one-day trip,
always carry a map of the area.
You may know the well-traveled
trail, but do you know what is on
the other side of the trail? Having
a map can give you the lay of the
land, as well as save your life.
When to evacuate
(867) 668-4729
e learned how to detect
any danger of a forest
at challenge and
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A word to
the wise …
or those with wood-burning
stoves. There is a small and
inexpensive heat detector
you can buy for your wood stove.
It has a magnet that holds the heat
detector to your fireplace stove
pipes. It should be located about
11 inches above your stove. These
little heat detectors will show you
the safe burning temperature you
should burn your fire at and also
when the heat is approaching a
danger point. Generally, you can
buy these little life-saving devices at any store that sells wood
Murray Martin is a former
Ontario conservation officer
and a longstanding member of
the Outdoor Writers of Canada.
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Whitehorse EVENTS
Until Jan 30 Leslie Leong - Artist Talk 6:00 PM MacBride
Museum Leslie will talk about the trials and triumphs she
experienced on her journey and some of the outcomes she
didn’t expect. This event is free to the public.
Until Jan 31 Lianne Marie Leda Charlie - Artist Talk
12:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre Lianne Marie Leda Charlie’s
talk about her work, Yukon land claims and Indigenous
Until Feb. 23 James Quong Photographer, Arts
Underground. Friends of the Yukon Archives Society
presents “James Quong Photographer” 667-5321
Until Wed. Mar. 6 Art Exhibit - To Talk With Others,
Yukon Arts Centre. Through a diverse range of media, the
artists reactivate the document and ultimately continue
the conversation surrounding self-determination. Free and
welcoming to all.
Wed. Jan. 23 Whitewater Wednesday 7:00 PM Epic
Pizza goes till we are done!
Thu. Jan. 24 Klondike Karaoke 2019 6:00 PM The Old
Fire Hall Great prizes to be won, and whole lot of fun to be
had! Sign up to participate! All Ages FREE
Thu. Jan. 24 Gold Rush Jam 7:30 PM Best Western Gold
Rush Inn
Thu. Jan. 24 LIVE: Steve Slade 8:00 PM Whiskey Jacks
Pub & Grill
Thu. Jan. 24 Ginger Jam 8:00 PM Epic Pizza Fully electric
jam session with PA system, drum kit and guitars provided
to musicians. Featuring guest co-hosts and performers.
Fri. Jan. 25 The Midnight Sons 7:30 PM Best Western
Gold Rush Inn
Fri. Jan. 25 LIVE: Rick Sward 9:00 PM Whiskey Jacks
Pub & Grill
Fri. Jan. 25 Karaoke 9:00 PM Yukon Inn in the Boiler
Sat. Jan. 26 Junk & Stretch9 7:00 PM Town & Mountain
Hotel Tickets available at the front desk of The Town and
Mountain Hotel
Sat. Jan. 26 Jennihouse 7:30 PM Best Western Gold
Rush Inn
Sat. Jan. 26 The Honey Badgers 7:30 PM Best Western
Gold Rush Inn
Sat. Jan. 26 LIVE: Kim Rogers & Hal Jordan 9:00 PM
Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill
Sat. Jan. 26 Karaoke 9:00 PM Yukon Inn in the Boiler
Sun. Jan. 27 Yukon Music Teachers Recital 3:00 PM
Riverdale Baptist Church Performances featuring original
compositions, Canadian repertoire and more. Artists
include Henry & Joyce Klassen, Andrea McColeman, Katie
Avery, Keitha Clark and others.
Sun. Jan. 27 Open Mic Jam Hosted By Rixx & Roxx 6:00
PM Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill
Sun. Jan. 27 Jam Session 6:00 PM 98 Hotel Bring your
instrument and have fun!
Sun. Jan. 27 Jazz on the Wing - Featuring Triology 7:30
PM Yukon Arts Centre Triology features three of Canada’s
most sought after jazz musicians. Tickets online or at the
door. 334-2789
Sun. Jan. 27 Mackenzie Brown 7:30 PM Best Western
Gold Rush Inn
Mon. Jan. 28 LIVE: Maddie B-Traplin & Jamie Pickard
6:00 PM Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill
Wed. Jan. 30 Whitewater Wednesday 7:00 PM Epic
Pizza goes till we are done!
Wed. Jan. 30 Aging in Place Public Forum 8:30 AM
Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre A look at the results of the
Government of Yukon’s public engagement on Aging in
Place, as well as further discussion on this important topic.
A light breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Wed. Jan. 30 Spanish Conversation Group 12:00 PM
Yukon Government Administration Building Join us inside
the Bridges Café 633-6081 Terry or Michèle
Wed. Jan. 30 Free Photography Sessions for Yukon
Permanent Art Collection Submissions 2:00 PM Arts
Underground Free photography sessions to assist artists in
preparing their work for submission. 667-5858
Wed. Jan. 30 Cartoonist - Sophie Labelle 5:00 PM Mac’s
Fireweed Books Sophie Labelle, the trans cartoonist of
Assigned Male from Montreal, is on a Canadian tour, come
and meet her for this intimate book signing.
Wed. Jan. 30 Learn to Brioche Class 6:30 PM ItsyBitsy Yarn Store Learn the basic brioche stitch as well as
increasing and decreasing using two colours to create a
cozy and reversible neck warmer/cowl. Please register
in advance at Itsy-Bitsy by phone 335-9276 or email
or in person.
Wed. Jan. 30 Wildlife Trivia Night 7:00 PM Baked Cafe
A free, pub-style trivia night focused on Yukon wildlife!
Impress your crew with your wildlife smarts, and take
home a prize!
Wed. Jan. 30 Community Build Night 7:00 PM
Yukonstruct Innovation Hub If you are interested in
woodwork, metal work, or would like to just hang out with
other members and have a fun social build night, Snacks
and beverages will be provided.
Wed. Jan. 30 Whitehorse United Church Choir Practice
7:30 PM Whitehorse United Church
Wed. Jan. 30 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
8:00 PM The Guild Hall The story revolves around the
relationships of three middle-aged single siblings, two of
whom live together, and takes place during a visit by the
third, Masha. Tickets online or at the door.
Wed. Jan. 30 Hump Day Trivia 8:00 PM Yukon Inn in the
Boiler Room
Thu. Jan. 31 Lianne Marie Leda Charlie - Artist Talk
12:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre Lianne Marie Leda Charlie’s
talk about her work, Yukon land claims and Indigenous
Thu. Jan. 31 2019 Start and Draw Banquet 5:00 PM
Yukon Convention Centre Experience the much anticipated
musher draw order, buffet dinner, entertainment, silent
auction, and door prizes! Call the Whitehorse office at
668-4711 or email for
information and tickets.
Thu. Jan. 31 Speaker Series with Sharon Shorty & Boyd
Benjamin 6:00 PM North of Ordinary Experience Center
Traditional stories of the Yukon First Nations.
Thu. Jan. 31 Kombucha 101 6:30 PM Summit
Kombucha Learn about the basic 2L method, as well as
troubleshooting tips. to register email summitbuch.yt@
Thu. Jan. 31 Chess Corner 6:30 PM Yukon College Chess
played in room A2101, beginners welcome, welcome to
bring your own ‘lucky’ board. Everyone welcome to sit in on
this game of strategy.
Thu. Jan. 31 Advanced Beginners Sight Singing Class
7:15 PM Whitehorse, Yukon All materials will be provided,
email Barbara Chamberlin at or call
667-4059 to register or for more info.
Thu. Jan. 31 Christ Church Cathedral Choir Practice
7:30 PM Christ Church Cathedral
Thu. Jan. 31 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
8:00 PM The Guild Hall The story revolves around the
relationships of three middle-aged single siblings, two of
whom live together, and takes place during a visit by the
third, Masha. Tickets online or at the door.
Fri. Feb. 1 Dusk’a Friday Language Lunches 12:00 PM
Duska Head Start and Family Learning Center Bring a bag
lunch and come learn Southern Tutchone with our special
guest speakers. Call Erin Pauls for more information 6337816. All Kwanlin citizens and staff are welcome!
Fri. Feb. 1 The Courageous Woman 12:00 PM Yukon
College Inspiring stories of NASA astronaut Kalpana
Chawla - Who dreamed to be amung the stars. Held in
Room C1530 Light Snacks and Refreshments will be
Fri. Feb. 1 New Horizons Workshops for Seniors - Book
Binding Workshop 1:00 PM Yukon Artists at Work Gallery
We will look at a variety of nifty artist book projects, talk
about what’s involved in designing a book project, and
make one or two small notebooks. All supplies provided.
Call Patrick at 456-7629 to register. Ages 55+
Fri. Feb. 1 Auditions - North of the Sixtieth Parallel – A
Zeitgeist Cabaret 5:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre For more
information please send inquiries, resumes and head shots
to and/or call Katherine
on 335 2288
Fri. Feb. 1 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
8:00 PM The Guild Hall The story revolves around the
relationships of three middle-aged single siblings, two of
whom live together, and takes place during a visit by the
third, Masha. Tickets online or at the door.
Fri. Feb. 1 Manic Expressive - Stand Up Comedy 9:00
PM Best Western Gold Rush Inn A comedy show where
musicians do stand up comedy!
Sun. Feb. 10 Available Light Film Festival 2019 Yukon
Arts Centre Canada’s largest film festival north of 60˚ - 70+
Films, Live events, exhibitions and ALFF Industry Tickets
available at Yukon Film Society, Yukon Arts Centre, Arts
Underground and online.
Sat. Feb. 2 Auditions for The Drowsy Chaperone! 1:00
PM The Guild Hall To arrange an audition please email
Sat. Feb. 2 Tia and Piujuq 2:00 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural
Centre Tia, a young Syrian girl new to Montreal, longs for
friends when she accidentally discovers a magic portal. 80
mins Free screening
Sat. Feb. 2 Genealogy Workshop - For Members and
Signed in Guests 2:00 PM Royal Canadian Legion Branch 254 A quick lesson on Genealogy and family
history! For more information email Kerri at kerri.passion@
Sat. Feb. 2 Opening Keynote: Richard Van Camp:
Community Healing Through Storytelling 4:00 PM
Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Dynamic speaker and author,
Richard Van Camp, talks about the process of turning the
graphic novel Three Feathers into a ground-breaking film
project. Free admission.
Sat. Feb. 2 Three Feathers 5:00 PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural
Centre Based on a graphic novel by Richard Van Camp,
tells the story of three young men who have vandalized
their community. 45 mins Free screening World premiere
Sat. Feb. 2 2019 Chinese New year Celebration 5:00
PM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Dragon dance, Chinese
musical instruments, peacock dance, vocal and authentic
Chinese buffet dinner. Tickets available at Vision Express
Optical or call 668-4262
Sat. Feb. 2 Crib Tournament 6:15 PM Royal Canadian
Legion - Branch 254 Crib tournaments every Saturday Member and non-members welcome.
Sat. Feb. 2 Chocolate Bonbons - Introductory
Chocolate Class 7:00 PM Well Bread Culinary Centre
Inc. Learn to temper couverture chocolate several ways;
including spreading it out on our marble tables and make a
variety of chocolate bonbons. Call or email to register or for
more info. 335-4133
Sat. Feb. 2 Ladies Worship Night 7:00 PM Bethany
Church Email for more
Sat. Feb. 2 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
8:00 PM The Guild Hall The story revolves around the
relationships of three middle-aged single siblings, two of
whom live together, and takes place during a visit by the
third, Masha. Tickets online or at the door.
Sat. Feb. 2 Snowbirds 9:00 PM Takhini Hotsprings
January 30, 2019
It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy.
Or email them to:
Snowbirds examines their hibernation destination: the
French-speaking community of Hallandale Beach in
Florida. 47 mins Tickets at Midnight sun or Yukon Film
Sat. Feb. 2 Selections from Dead North Film Festival
2018 11:00 PM Takhini Hotsprings Highlights from
Yellowknife’s 2018 Dead North Horror Film Festival.
Including short films made by filmmakers across the North,
including the Yukon. 65 mins Tickets at Midnight sun or
Yukon Film Society
Sun. Feb. 3 A.R.C.H.I.E 2 11:00 AM Yukon Arts Centre
Super intelligent artificial robotronic dog, Archie, voiced by
Michael J. Fox befriends Gregory, a young boy who is the
son of a carnival owner. 82 mins Filmmakers in attendance
Tickets online or at the door.
Sun. Feb. 3 Whitehorse Scrabble Club 1:00 PM Best
Western Gold Rush Inn Are you a wordy person, put your
words to the test and join the Scrabble Club. Must be 19+
Sun. Feb. 3 Auditions for The Drowsy Chaperone! 1:00
PM The Guild Hall To arrange an audition please email
Sun. Feb. 3 Elijah and the Rock Creature 1:15 PM Yukon
Arts Centre A grieving boy and his mother embark on a
trip to see the stars at the largest dark sky preserve in the
world. Tickets online or at the door. 84 mins Filmmakers
in attendance.
Sun. Feb. 3 Ceramics Open Studio 2:30 PM Arts
Underground Non-instructed open studio. Participants are
welcome to use the studio’s tools and equipment; clay
and some tools are available for purchase. Every Sunday
except long weekends. $5/hour.
Sun. Feb. 3 Warrior Women + Homecoming Song 3:30
PM Yukon Arts Centre A documentary about the women
of the AIM in the 1970s that focuses on Madonna Thunder
Hawk, her daughter Marcy Gilbert and their lives as
Indigenous rights activists 84 mins World premiere. Guests
in attendance. Tickets online or at the door.
Sun. Feb. 3 How To Bee (Opening Gala Film) 7:00 PM
Yukon Arts Centre A journey to connect with her father
through beekeeping after her dad – long time Yukoner and
cantankerous Renaissance man, Don Mark - is diagnosed
with a degenerative lung disease. 82 Mins Tickets online
or at the door.
Sun. Feb. 3 Life Drawing Drop-in 7:00 PM Arts
Underground Life Drawing is every first Sunday of the
Month and is non-instructional. Andew Sharp is the host. A
live model will pose each session. Cost is $5/hour to help
pay for the model.
Sun. Feb. 3 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
8:00 PM The Guild Hall The story revolves around the
relationships of three middle-aged single siblings, two of
whom live together, and takes place during a visit by the
third, Masha. Tickets online or at the door.
Mon. Feb. 4 Free drop-in computer labs 10:00 AM Yukon
Learn Free Drop-In Computer Lab for Self Directed Studies
A tutor/Instructor will be available on site to assist you. 867668-6280 or toll free: 888-668-6280 Fax: 867-633-4576
Mon. Feb. 4 Bears - Ultimate Survivors + Otter
Eye 12:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre This natural history
documentary looks at North America’s three species
of bears and their ability to adapt to a changing world.
Screens with: Otter Eye by Allan Code. 70 Mins Tickets
online or at the door.
Mon. Feb. 4 Beautiful Boy 2:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre
Chronicles the heartbreaking and inspiring experience of
survival and recovery in a family coping with addiction over
many years 121 Mins Tickets online or at the door.
Mon. Feb. 4 GO The Surrounding Game 6:00 PM
Starbucks Chilkoot Centre Simple Game Deep Strategy.
Beginners & Visitors Welcome. For more information email:
Mon. Feb. 4 Euchre Night 6:00 PM Royal Canadian
Legion - Branch 254 667-2802
Mon. Feb. 4 North by Northwest: Yukon Short Films
6:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre Films by Yukon filmmakers and
independent short films shot in the Yukon. Filmmakers in
attendance. 60 Mins Tickets online or at the door.
Mon. Feb. 4 Firecrackers 8:30 PM Yukon Arts Centre Lou
and her best friend Chantal plan to get out of their isolated,
run-down town and move to a city far, far away. Selected
one of Canada’s Top Ten 10 films of 2018. 93 Mins Tickets
online or at the door.
Tue. Feb. 5 Maj Doris 12:00 PM Yukon Arts Centre Some
people have a special ability to live their life to the fullest
and to be present in everything they do. One of them is the
74-year-old artist Maj Doris, who has traveled around the
world. 73 Mins Tickets online or at the door.
Tue. Feb. 5 Our New President 3:00 PM Yukon Arts
Centre Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign is told entirely
through a collage of footage from Russian state-sponsored
media. In Russian with English subtitles. 77 Mins Tickets
online or at the door.
Tue. Feb. 5 Second-hand Clothing Bazaar 5:30 PM
Whitehorse Seventh-day Adventist Church Donations of
clean clothing in good condition welcome. All proceeds go
to charitable causes. For more info. call 633-3463.
Tue. Feb. 5 This Mountain Life 6:00 PM Yukon Arts
Centre Martina and her mother Tania embark on a 6
month, 2300km journey to Alaska through a relentless
mountain wilderness. 77 Mins Tickets online or at the door.
Tue. Feb. 5 JCAY Taiko Practice 7:00 PM Christ the King
Elementary To register by email ,
please mark “Taiko registration” in the subject line.
Tue. Feb. 5 Brave New Words 7:00 PM North of Ordinary
Experience Center We encourage writers and storytellers
from all genres to come read what you have written.
Tue. Feb. 5 Drop-in Dart League 7:00 PM The Local Bar
Mixed dart league. Drop in for some fun.
Tue. Feb. 5 Wildlife 8:30 PM Yukon Arts Centre Adapted
from Richard Ford’s novel of the same name, Carey
Mulligan as Jeanette, a complex woman whose self-
determination and self-involvement disrupts the values and
expectations of a 1960s nuclear family. Also stars Jake
Gyllenhaal. 104 Mins Tickets online or at the door.
Wed. Feb. 6 Spanish Conversation Group 12:00 PM
Yukon Government Administration Building Join us inside
the Bridges Café 633-6081 Terry or Michèle
Wed. Feb. 6 Bachelor of Social Work Information
Sessions 12:00 PM Yukon College Held in Room A2605,
learn about the program’s admission requirements,
learning objectives and expected outcomes. Bring your
lunch! For more info email or call jaslette@yukoncollege.
yk.ca or 668-8845.
Wed. Feb. 6 The Woman Who Loves Giraffes 12:00
PM Yukon Arts Centre Dr. Anne Innis Dagg re-traces the
steps of her groundbreaking 1956 journey to South Africa
to study giraffes in the wild. 82 Mins Tickets online or at
the door.
Wed. Feb. 6 The Lord Eagle (Toyon Kyyl) 2:30 PM Yukon
Arts Centre Set in Yakutia, Siberia in 1930, an elderly
couple discovers an eagle has taken up residence outside
their home, which may be a bad omen. In Yakut with
English subtitles. 80 Mins Tickets online or at the door.
Wed. Feb. 6 Edge of the Knife 6:00 PM Yukon Arts
Centre On the remote islands of Haida Gwaii in the 1800s,
two extended families re-unite at their annual summer
fishing camp.In Haida with English subtitles. 100 Mins
Tickets online or at the door.
Wed. Feb. 6 Whitehorse United Church Choir Practice
7:30 PM Whitehorse United Church
Wed. Feb. 6 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
8:00 PM The Guild Hall The story revolves around the
relationships of three middle-aged single siblings, two of
whom live together, and takes place during a visit by the
third, Masha. Tickets online or at the door.
Wed. Feb. 6 Hump Day Trivia 8:00 PM Yukon Inn in the
Boiler Room
Wed. Feb. 6 Mouthpiece 8:30 PM Yukon Arts Centre
Following her mother’s sudden death, an aspiring writer
grapples with reconciling her feminism with her conformist
choices. 91 Mins Tickets online or at the door.
Wed. Feb. 6 The Goose 8:30 PM Yukon Arts Centre The
Goose: a mute young man who attempts to regain his
voice and escape his oppressive surroundings with the
help of a cast of colourful characters. 75 Mins Tickets
online or at the door.
Monday – Friday Learning Together 9:00 AM Elijah
Smith Elementary School Ages 3+, play time, games,
songs, snacks included. Drop in anytime, call 667-5992
for more info.
Wed. Jan. 30 Toddler Story Time 10:30 AM Whitehorse
Public Library Appropriate for 2 - 4 yrs. of age & caregiver,
Free drop-in. Contact 667-5239 for more information.
Wed. Jan. 30 Hooked on Stories 10:30 AM Family
Literacy Centre All ages - Explore storytelling using handson, interactive play. Call 668-8698 for more details.
Wed. Jan. 30 Prenatal Luncheon 12:00 PM Skookum
Jim Friendship Centre A healthy lunch and an activity for
all prenatal mothers and for those with babies up to 12
months old. Welcomes all pregnant moms-to-be, nursing
moms, new dads, expectant dads, wee babes, and family
Wed. Jan. 30 Juniors Tennis (ages 6-11) 5:00 PM Yukon
College Register online or email
for more info.
Wed. Jan. 30 Juniors Tennis (ages 11-15) 6:00 PM Yukon
College Register online or email
for more info.
Wed. Jan. 30 Meet the Mushers 6:30 PM Mount McIntyre
Recreation Centre Free event, the public can meet the
mushers and talk to them about the race. Bring something
to have signed by your favorite musher, or purchase a race
poster from our merchandise table.
Thu. Jan. 31 Dusk’a Head-Start - Monthly Luncheon
11:30 AM Duska Head Start and Family Learning Center
Please join us to celebrate our children’s success each
month! The food is GREAT, our salmon have hatched and
the children will be signing a traditional Southern Tutchone
song. All families are welcome - “It takes a community to
raise a child” For more information call 393-3775
Thu. Jan. 31 Youth Drop In Gymnastics 7:30 PM
Polarette’s Gymnastic Club Whether you’re perfecting your
skills, looking for a new work out idea, or trying your first
cartwheel, Call 668-4794 for more information.
Fri. Feb. 1 Preschool Drop-in Gymnastics 10:00 AM
Polarette’s Gymnastic Club Silly songs and preschool free
play, call 668-4794 for more information.
Fri. Feb. 1 Northern Tales 10:30 AM Family Literacy
Centre All ages - Enjoy stories, crafts and activities about
life in Northern cultures. Call 668-8698 for more details.
Fri. Feb. 1 Standard Format - Magic: The Gathering
6:00 PM Titan Gaming Cafe Legal sets = Ixalan, Rivals
of Ixalan, Dominaria, Core Set 2019, Guilds of Ravnica,
Ravnica Allegiance.Banned Cards = Rampaging Ferocidon
Fri. Feb. 1 Girls Club 7:30 PM Bethany Church Call 6684877 for more information.
Sat. Feb. 2 Free Day in the Clothing Room 10:00 AM
Church of the Nazarene Children’s, Mens and Womens
clothing that was freely received, freely we want to give.
Call 633-4903 for more information.
Sat. Feb. 2 Young Explorers’ Preschool Program 10:30
AM MacBride Museum 667-2709 Designed for parents
and children to explore the animal gallery together. Call or
email for more information.
Sat. Feb. 2 Family Drop In Gymnastics 3:00 PM
Polarette’s Gymnastic Club Call 668-4794 for more
Sat. Feb. 2 Kids & Parents Yoga 4:00 PM Grace Space
335-6216 Work with breathing, holding poses for longer
time, rapidity and coordination with sun salutations,
relaxation and meditation. Call or email for more info.
Sun. Feb. 3 Sima Sunday’s for Youth 12 - 17 9:00 AM
Mount Sima Includes transportation to and from, gear,
lift pass, rentals and lunch! Space is limited and weekly
registration is required. For more info and to register,
contact Kaitlyn Charlie at 334-8728.
Mon. Feb. 4 Preschool Drop-in Gymnastics 10:00 AM
Polarette’s Gymnastic Club Silly songs and preschool free
play, call 668-4794 for more information.
Mon. Feb. 4 Baby Sign and Sing 10:30 AM Family
Literacy Centre Up to 18 mths. Through fun songs, rhymes
and activities you and your baby can learn and practice
basic baby sign language. Call 668-8698 for more details.
Mon. Feb. 4 Baby Story Time 10:30 AM Whitehorse
Public Library Appropriate for ages 6 - 36 months
& caregiver, Free drop-in. Call 667-5239 for more
Mon. Feb. 4 After School Sports + Activities 3:15 PM
Nakwataku Potlatch House Whitehorse Outdoor and
indoor activities, skills and snacks, call 334-8728 or email
for more information.
Mon. Feb. 4 Juniors Tennis (ages 11-15) 4:30 PM Yukon
College Register online or email
for more info.
Tue. Feb. 5 Little Chefs 10:30 AM Family Literacy Centre
For ages 2+ A blend of story, food, cooking, activities and
crafts. Call 668-8698 for more details.
Tue. Feb. 5 Dungeon Draw Artist Night 6:00 PM Titan
Gaming Cafe 668-5750 Food and drink specials, watch for
special event theme nights.
Tue. Feb. 5 Youth Drop In Gymnastics 7:45 PM
Polarette’s Gymnastic Club Whether you’re perfecting your
skills, looking for a new work out idea, or trying your first
cartwheel, Call 668-4794 for more information.
Wed. Feb. 6 Toddler Story Time 10:30 AM Whitehorse
Public Library Appropriate for 2 - 4 yrs. of age & caregiver,
Free drop-in. Contact 667-5239 for more information.
Wed. Feb. 6 Hooked on Stories 10:30 AM Family Literacy
Centre All ages - Explore storytelling using hands-on,
interactive play. Call 668-8698 for more details.
Wed. Feb. 6 Prenatal Luncheon 12:00 PM Skookum
Jim Friendship Centre A healthy lunch and an activity for
all prenatal mothers and for those with babies up to 12
months old. Welcomes all pregnant moms-to-be, nursing
moms, new dads, expectant dads, wee babes, and family
Wed. Feb. 6 Juniors Tennis (ages 6-11) 5:00 PM Yukon
College Register online or email
for more info.
Wed. Feb. 6 Juniors Tennis (ages 11-15) 6:00 PM Yukon
College Register online or email
for more info.
Wed. Jan. 30 Northern Voices Toastmasters 7:00 AM
Sport Yukon Supportive members will help you develop
your public speaking, communication and leadership skills.
Drop-ins welcome. 867-689-6363 toastmastersyukon@
Wed. Jan. 30 Yukon Orienteering Association AGM 7:00
PM Sport Yukon
Thu. Jan. 31 Sundogs Toastmasters Club 12:00 PM
Sport Yukon A lunch time session to learn the skills,
practice the speaking, receive the feedback to improve
your public speaking, communication and leadership skills.
Drop-ins welcome. 867-689-6363 toastmastersyukon@
Thu. Jan. 31 Midnight Sun Toastmasters Club 5:30
PM Yukon College Room A2714. An after work meeting
to help you gain confidence in public speaking, improve
communication and add to your leadership skills. Drop-ins
welcome. 867-689-6363
Thu. Jan. 31 Lady Boss Head Shots 6:00 PM Three
Bears Creative Studio and Boutique A workshop aimed
at bringing together like minded ladies to explore
the link between positive self esteem and successful
entrepreneurship. Register online.
Sat. Feb. 2 Yukon Amateur Radio Association: Coffee
Discussion Group 9:00 AM A&W Restaurant Casual
event. Hams from outside the Yukon and those are
interested are welcome
Mon. Feb. 4 Sixties Scoop Information Session 9:30
AM Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre The Federal
Government of Canada and certain survivors of the Sixties
Scoop have reached a settlement of class action lawsuits
that provides compensation for certain survivors of the
Sixties Scoop. More information online.
Mon. Feb. 4 Yukon Amateur Radio Association:
Meeting 7:00 PM Emergency Measures Organisation BDG
Prospective hams are welcome.
Mon. Feb. 4 Whitehorse Right-to-Life AGM 7:00 PM
Whitehorse Right-to-Life AGM More info: whrighttolife@
Tue. Feb. 5 Canada Council Info Session 12:00 PM
The Old Fire Hall An overview on grants available to
artists working across artistic fields of practice. For more
information and to RSVP email laura.beks@canadacouncil.
Tue. Feb. 5 Executive Meeting 5:15 PM Sport Yukon We
produce many newsletters a year, plan and lead river trips,
organize the annual whitewater rodeo, and are the Yukon’s
sport governing body for flatwater and slalom racing.
Wed. Feb. 6 Northern Voices Toastmasters 7:00 AM
Sport Yukon Supportive members will help you develop
your public speaking, communication and leadership skills.
Drop-ins welcome. 867-689-6363 toastmastersyukon@
Wed. Feb. 6 Managing Conflict after Separation or
Divorce 5:30 PM Yukon Inn Learn how to renegotiate
personal boundaries and develop parenting strategies, To
register call 667-3066 or email
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January 30, 2019
Living with
Hello Everybody,
We invite you to share your photos of Yukon wildlife. Eail your highresolution images with a description of what’s going on and what camera
equipment you used to
Submitted by Steve Wilson
s there a better way to decorate a tree for
the holidays? Seasons greetings from the Pine
Grosbeaks in Golden Horn!
Camera: Nikon Coolpix B500
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Febuary Events...
Jam Nite
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Sat Feb 2: Ben Mahony
Sun Feb 3: Trivia w/ Jona Barr & Adrian Burrill
Skillet brown butter
chocolate chunk cookie
ig, squishy, gooey cookies are the best. And cookies that don’t require the use of
a mixer (or some serious gym rat-level hand mixing) and are pressed into a pan
instead of individually scooped are truly the height of human innovation. This
brown butter cookie checks all those boxes. Browning the butter eliminates the need for
a mixer, and making a smaller recipe that’s perfect for two people removes any need to
form each smaller cookie. If you’re looking for some serious, feel-good, support-local
points, you could even use bulk chocolate from your local chocolate company—or I could
just be getting a little cheeky.
Serves 2
Fri Feb 8: Pretty Exciting
Sat Feb 9: Shagadelica Unplugged
Sun Feb 10: Junkyard Bob
Fri Feb 15: Ryan McNally
Sat Feb 16: Anne Turner Jazz
Sun Feb 17: Lara Lewis
Fri Feb 22: KABN
Sat Feb 23: Patrick Keenan & the Fourth Responders
Sun Feb 24: Paris Pick
Band Hours 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Best Western Gold Rush Inn
411 Main Street, Whitehorse, 668-4500
S y dn ey K e
dd y
Melted bu
Wet ingre
Week days 7-11 am
Weekends until 2 pm
1 stick of butter
se flour
❑ 1 cup all-purpo
king soda
❑ 1/2 teaspoon ba
❑ Pinch of salt
❑ 1/4 cup brown
❑ 1/4 cup white su
❑ 1 egg
lla extract
❑ 1 teaspoon vani
d chocolate
❑ 1/2 cup choppe
cont’d on page 9 ...
Sydney Keddy is a recipe developer who lives in Whitehorse. Her work can be found in
The Boston Globe, Seriouseats.com, as well as in other publications.
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January 30, 2019
Skagway Brewing Company expands
Beer gets bigger and better at everyone’s favourite Skagway bar!
by Kylie Campbell
hether you’re visiting beautiful stainless steel brewing
Skagway by boat or by equipment from when Skagway
highway from White- Brewing was open from 1997 to
horse, a visit isn’t complete unless 2002 under different ownership.
Around that time, a friend gave
you’ve tried the local beer.
Skagway Brewing Company is a me a home brewing kit, and I was
The Skagway Brewing Company
popular spot for Yukoners, and we fascinated by the process. Things has changed so much! When we
caught up with owner and oper- just all of a sudden clicked.
first opened, we intended to be
Since I had some food and a brewery with a small restauator Mike Healy to discover how
the company grew to what it is beverage experience already, I rant component. We are now a
small brewery with a large
Healy was born and
restaurant. The brewery
raised in Yankton, South
component would have also
Dakota and first visited
increased alongside the
Skagway in 1999.
restaurant component, but
“So a buddy and I dewe’ve been maxed out on
cided to go on a roadtrip
brew space since day one.
to the East Coast. At the
last minute, we decided to
head to Skagway to visit a
friend instead,” said Healy.
That increase in the
“Though we were only in
restaurant side of our
Skagway for a couple of
operation has caused us to
weeks, this little town left
give up our tour program.
a lasting impression on me.
The tour room is now a
The people were so nice The popularity of the Skagway Brewing Company beer has walk-in freezer, and we
and the area so beautiful.”
forced them to bring in other beers on tap to keep up with had to time our ordering
After his visit, Healy obvery closely with our brew
tained a degree in business
schedule, because our
administration from Black
Hills State University in South Da- began
kota and decided to open his own into the feasbusiness when he moved to Skag- ibility of opening
a brewpub. The
way in 2003.
“I had always remembered timing was great
the economic opportunities from because the forthe visitor traffic in Skagway,” he mer owner of the
said. “A couple friends
and I decided to start
a coffee and smoothie shop there, Glacial
Smoothies & Espresso,
The Skagway Brewing Company is located on Broadway in
which we operated for
Skagway, AK
10 years before selling
the business late 2012 in
e q u i p m e n t brewer’s grain storage space got
order give full attention
was construct- eaten up by restaurant supplies.
to Brew Co’s potential.”
ing a new The high demand for our beer
We wanted to find out
building and has brought some challenges.
more about how Skagwanted some- Not only has it prevented us from
way Brewing Company
one to oper- selling our product to other bars,
started and what the exa brewpub but it has caused us to bring in
pansion will look like in
The Skagway Brewing Company ate
in the space. product from other breweries to
is planning a Yukoner special on My
father serve on our own taps because we
and I formed just can’t keep up. Additionally,
company we don’t have the tank space or
in January of time to work on new recipes. It
For me, Skagway Brewing start- 2007, then purchased the equip- feels really good to hear you say
ed around 2003, when I realized ment and name rights, opening we are synonymous with a trip to
that there was more to life than the doors in July of 2007.
Skagway. In our company, we are
cheap, watered-down beer. At
very aware that if we take pride
the time, I had never considered
in what we do, great product and
brewing beer, let alone opening a
service will follow. It’s nice to
I had not always wanted to know that is working!
brewery. My entrepreneurial side
kicked in a few years later while open a brewery, though I had
I was driving tours up and down wanted to open up another resTO EXPAND?
the pass. Every day I’d drive by taurant for some time.
the flatbed trailer, which held the
I’ve been trying to expand to
PHOTOS: courtesy of Skagway Brewing Company
It’s a family affair at Skagway Brewing Company
a new building for nearly seven
years. That is when we initially
outgrew our space! And every year
since, the wait to be seated has
been getting longer and longer.
Funding has been the major holdup, as banks just really don’t like
to lend to anything with a restaurant component.
Our expansion is really twopart. We’re moving the existing
operation to the new building,
and we’re remodelling our existing location to become a taqueria-style Mexican restaurant. The
new Brewing Company facility
will see an increase in seating of
more than 200 per cent. On the
first floor we’ll have the main bar,
which looks into the Brewery and
will feature a stagel, along with
a large outdoor beer garden with
a retractable awning, and a spacious gift shop. The second floor
will feature the dining rooms with
a small bar. There will also be
outdoor seating on the secondfloor deck, which faces south and
runs the length of the front of the
The brewery will see all new
equipment, with batch sizes going from four barrels at present,
to 10 barrel batches. The increase
in batch size, along with the additional tanks, means an overall
production capacity increase of
nearly 500 per cent.
The menu will chiefly remain
the same, but with the acquisition
of our new large pellet smoker,
look to see some smoked meats on
the menu, along with a variety of
dinner entrées.
The addition of the garden will
bring about some big changes to
our operation as leafy greens and
herbs (for salads, dressings, and
marinades) will be produced and
harvested from our onsite indoor
garden. To understand the magnitude of this, I’ll share our present
“greens” scenario. Currently, the
best-case sequence of events is
that our greens were harvested
right before we placed our order,
which is then delivered to the
barge in Seattle. We receive them
nine days later in Skagway. We
have a high standard for quality,
so we end up disposing of a staggering amount of produce. Luckily, much goes to feed some of
the local residents’ chickens, so it
isn’t a total waste.
We’re doing a couple of unique
things from a sustainability standpoint. We will use the waste CO2
from our brewing process to increase the capacity of our indoor
garden. All of the domestic hot
water in the building, the infloor radiant heat, and the steam
used in the brewing process will
be tempered from a boiler that
runs on homemade biodiesel.
We’ll take the waste vegetable
oil from our fryers, combine it
with a few other inputs, and
run it through a machine that
cleans the oil, de-waterizes it
and produces a biodiesel with the
same properties as heating oil.
Healy is also the president of the
Skagway Development Corporation, a non-profit organization
devoted to helping develop small
business, enhance the economy,
and offer assistance to smaller
non-profit organizations in Skagway.
You can visit them at http://
www.SkagwayBrewing.com or find
their events on Facebook.
Kylie Campbell is an Australian
writer and photographer
exploring the Yukon.
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January 30, 2019
Active Interest LISTINGS
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays,
COBRA Self Defense Age 5 - 12 5:00 pm N60
Combative Arts
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays,
Kickboxing Age 13+ 7:00 pm N60 Combative Arts
Mondays & Wednesdays, Judo Age 13+ 6:00 pm
N60 Combative Arts
Mondays & Wednesdays Ladies COBRA SD 8:00
PM N60 Combative Arts
Mondays, Fridays, Sundays Insanity®Live Drop-in
Classes Mon/Fri 12:15 PM, Sun. 10:45 AM Peak
Fitness Tailored to ALL fitness levels. No matter
what your fitness level is, Coach Brittany will help
you challenge yourself so you truly transform your
Tuesdays & Thursdays Winter Sprint Team
Training 4:30 pm Canada Games Centre Call
334-8121 or email info@flatwaternorth.ca for more
information. Open to anyone aged 12+
Tuesday & Thursdays Grappling 6:00 PM N60
Combative Arts
Tuesday & Thursdays Ladies Kickboxing 5:00 PM
N60 Combative Arts
Tuesday & Thursdays Muay Thai 7:00 PM N60
Combative Arts
Wednesdays Adult Drop In Gymnastics 7:30
PM Polarette’s Gymnastic Club Whether you’re
perfecting your skills, looking for a new work out
idea, or trying your first cartwheel, Call 668-4794 for
more information.
Wednesdays Dancefit 12:00 PM Better Bodies
Crosstraining Centre Workout dance rooted in jazz,
hip hop and Latin styles will take you away from
your stresses. Wednesdays with an extra class on
Saturdays at 11:00 a.m Call 633-5245 for more info.
Wednesdays & Sundays Velocity & Pursuit 4:30
PM Wed./10 AM Sun. Biathlon Range
Wednesdays & Saturdays Daley DanceFit 12:00
pm Avalanche Athletics Daley Dance-fit:Funky, jazzy
and a little bit sassy - Drop In.
Fridays & Sundays COBRA FS 8:00 PM N60
Combative Arts
Fridays & Sundays Ladies Grappling 6:00 PM N60
Combative Arts
Fri Feb 1- Sun Feb 3rd Camrose Race Biathlon
Sundays to Fridays, Kickboxing Age 5 - 12 4:00
pm N60 Combative Arts
Fri. Feb. 1 Golden Horn Judo 3:30 PM Golden
Horn Elementary
Fri. Feb. 1 Strong by Zumba with Lynda 6:00 AM
Better Bodies Crosstraining Centre Combines high
intensity interval training with the science of Synced
Music Motivation. Call 633-5245 for more info.
Sat. Feb. 2 2019 Yukon Quest Race Start! 3:00
PM Shipyards Park 1,000 mile international sled
dog race - Whitehorse to Fairbanks. Follow your
favourite teams by watching our live tracker which
Mon. Feb. 4 Yoga with Jess Sellers 7:00 PM Lorne
Mountain Community Centre For more info call 6677083 or Email
Wed. Jan. 30 The Counselling Drop-In Clinic 10:00
AM Many Rivers Counselling and Support Services
Free Drop-In counselling is offered every Wednesday
from 10am - 4pm.
Wed. Jan. 30 Women & Children Lunch Date 11:30
AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Delicious Free
Lunch for Women & Children
Wed. Jan. 30 Lunchtime Meditation Group 12:00 PM
Whitehorse Wellness Center Call 668-6429 or email
to register.
Wed. Jan. 30 Prenatal Luncheon 12:00 PM Skookum
Jim Friendship Centre A healthy lunch and an activity
for all prenatal mothers and for those with babies up
to 12 months old. Welcomes all pregnant moms-to-be,
nursing moms, new dads, expectant dads, wee babes,
and family supports.
Wed. Jan. 30 Drop-in Recovery Group Meetings
2:30 PM Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services
Health & Social Services Just come. We ask that you
be alcohol and drug free during the group meeting. Call
for more information. 456-3838
Wed. Jan. 30 Beginners with Experience - Yoga 5:30
PM Alpine Bakery An introduction to the fundamentals
of yoga including the principles of internal form,
breath, and core, To register call or email 393-4440
Wed. Jan. 30 Beginner Meditation 5:30 PM Mental
Health Association Yukon 6 week Beginner Meditation
course is appropriate for people with no experience
meditating or some experience meditating. To register
call 668-6429 or email
Wed. Jan. 30 Better Backs, Hips and Hams 7:30
PM Alpine Bakery Beginner/experienced beginner
– stretch, standing poses, back healing work. To
register call or email. Drop Ins Welcome. 393-4440
Thu. Jan. 31 Heated Yoga 7:15 PM Breath of Life
Collective 75 minute hatha yoga series creates a
healthy foundation in yoga to help stretch, strengthen
and tone muscles. Open to all levels, email
thebreathofl to register. 332-3569
Thu. Jan. 31 Broga - Beginner Series 7:15 PM Breath
of Life Collective This course will begin with basics
and move towards more challenging poses (yoga
asana). Call or email for more information 336-3569
Thu. Jan. 31 Office Pain Workshop 7:30 PM
Whitehorse Physiotherapy Learn common causes of
Start Your Wine Today
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Rendezvous Costumes here!
We’ve moved to the Peak Fitness Plaza.
Call for appointment: 867.667.2817
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workstation pain., admission by donation, call 6672138 for more info.
Fri. Feb. 1 Sally & Sisters Lunch 12:00 PM
Whitehorse Food Bank Free Hot Lunch for Women &
Children 334-9317
Fri. Feb. 1 Slow, Flow + Resto 5:30 PM Alpine Bakery
Combination of restorative, moving into accessible
Level 1 flow, then toning back down to stretch and
restorative. To register call or email, drop ins welcome
Sat. Feb. 2 Yin Yoga & Foam Rolling 10:00 AM
Rooted Tree Massage & Yoga Yin yoga is a gentle,
quiet practice suitable for all levels. Foam rollers and/
or balls will be used for self-massage & myofascial
release. Email for
more information.
Sat. Feb. 2 Red Tara Practice 12:30 PM VajraNorth
Everyone welcome. For more info contact 667-6951
(Cheryl Buchan) 633-3715
Sun. Feb. 3 Restorative Yoga 10:30 AM Alpine Bakery
To register call or email 393-4440 wallymaltz@mac.
Sun. Feb. 3 Manipura Chakra / Right Use of Power
1:00 PM Grace Space A foundation for a more healthy
and fulfilling relationship! Call 335-6216 or email info@
Sun. Feb. 3 Overeaters Anonymous Meeting 7:00
PM 4071 4th Ave (Many Rivers Bdg) Location may
vary please contact
Mon. Feb. 4 Sally & Sisters Lunch 12:00 PM
Whitehorse Food Bank Free Hot Lunch for Women &
Children 334-9317
Mon. Feb. 4 Shamata Meditation 5:15 PM White
Swan Sanctuary Group meditation all levels welcome
Mon. Feb. 4 Buddhist Meditation Society 5:15 PM
White Swan Sanctuary All are welcome!
Mon. Feb. 4 Absolute Beginners 5:30 PM Alpine
Bakery An introduction to the fundamentals of yoga
including the principles of internal form, breath, and
core, To register call or email 393-4440 wallymaltz@
Mon. Feb. 4 SomaYoga 5:30 PM Breath of Life
Collective Great for those with chronic pain, stress,
muscle soreness, busy mind or difficulty sleeping. This
is an all levels class. Call or email for more information.
332-3569 breathofl
Mon. Feb. 4 Evening Meditation Group 5:30 PM
Whitehorse Wellness Center Call 668-6429 or email
to register.
Mon. Feb. 4 Hospice Walking Group 6:30
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And you can make it in our store with
our craft winemaking professionals.
will be posted to the Yukon Quest home page at
race time.
Sat. Feb. 2 Box Lacrosse Coaching Clinic
9:00 AM Selkirk Elementary School Email email
for more information or to
Sat. Feb. 2 Grey Mtn Invitational ski race 12:00
PM Biathlon Range
Sat. Feb. 2 zFit with Jennifer 10:00 AM Better
Bodies Crosstraining Centre Call 633-5245 for
more info.
Sun. Feb. 3 BEARS 1:30 PM Biathlon Range
Sun. Feb. 3 Carcross Kickboxing 12:30 PM N60
Combative Arts
Sun. Feb. 3 Carcross Kids Kickboxing 11:30 AM
N60 Combative Arts
Sun. Feb. 3 Pre School Martial Arts 3:30 PM N60
Combative Arts
Mon. Feb. 4 Adult Tennis 5:30 PM Yukon College
Register online or email
for more info.
Tue. Feb. 5 Adult Biathlon 6:30 PM Biathlon
Tue. Feb. 5 Junior Shooting Program 7:00 PM
Whitehorse Rifle Pistol Club Youth aged 10-20,
parent permission required, Registration fee
applies. Participants will learn about gun safety and
marksmanship. 667-6907
PM S.S.Klondike An opportunity to share your
grief experience, or simply enjoy nature and the
companionship of others who are grieving. Call or email
for more details. 667-7429
Mon. Feb. 4 Hips Hams Core 7:30 PM Alpine Bakery
Find out exactly what and where your core is, learn
how to breath into and from it, engage it, work from it
To register call or email, drop ins welcome 393-4440
Tue. Feb. 5 Rise + Shine 7:00 AM Alpine Bakery To
register call or email 393-4440
Tue. Feb. 5 Yukon Order Of Pioneers Foot Clinic
8:00 AM Golden Age Society No charge, drop in.
Tue. Feb. 5 Weight Watchers 5:00 PM Yukon College
Please arrive 30-minutes prior to the listed meeting
time for weigh-in and registration, room A2202. 403473-0645
Tue. Feb. 5 Intermediate Yoga 5:30 PM Alpine Bakery
To register call or email 393-4440 wallymaltz@mac.
Tue. Feb. 5 Golden Horn Yoga 6:00 PM Golden Horn
Elementary Terice 668-6631
Tue. Feb. 5 Heated Yoga 7:15 PM Breath of Life
Collective 75 minute hatha yoga series creates a
healthy foundation in yoga to help stretch, strengthen
and tone muscles. Open to all levels, email
thebreathofl to register. 332-3569
Wed. Feb. 6 The Counselling Drop-In Clinic 10:00
AM Many Rivers Counselling and Support Services
Free Drop-In counselling is offered every Wednesday
from 10am - 4pm.
Wed. Feb. 6 Women & Children Lunch Date 11:30
AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre Delicious Free
Lunch for Women & Children
Wed. Feb. 6 Lunchtime Meditation Group 12:00 PM
Whitehorse Wellness Center Call 668-6429 or email
to register.
Wed. Feb. 6 Prenatal Luncheon 12:00 PM Skookum
Jim Friendship Centre A healthy lunch and an activity
for all prenatal mothers and for those with babies up
to 12 months old. Welcomes all pregnant moms-to-be,
nursing moms, new dads, expectant dads, wee babes,
and family supports.
Wed. Feb. 6 Soto Zen Meditation Group 1:00 PM
Whitehorse Public Library Everyone welcome. Please
make an effort to arrive at 1 to have time to settle as we
will begin on time at 1:10 sharp.
Wed. Feb. 6 Drop-in Recovery Group Meetings 2:30
PM Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services
Health & Social Services Just come. We ask that you
be alcohol and drug free during the group meeting. Call
for more information. 456-3838
Wed. Feb. 6 Beginners with Experience - Yoga 5:30
PM Alpine Bakery An introduction to the fundamentals
of yoga including the principles of internal form,
breath, and core, To register call or email 393-4440
Wed. Feb. 6 Beginner Meditation 5:30 PM Mental
Health Association Yukon 6 week Beginner Meditation
course is appropriate for people with no experience
meditating or some experience meditating. To register
call 668-6429 or email
Wed. Feb. 6 Better Backs, Hips and Hams 7:30
PM Alpine Bakery Beginner/experienced beginner
– stretch, standing poses, back healing work. To
register call or email. Drop Ins Welcome. 393-4440
January 30, 2019
Free New Horizons for 50+
Book Binding Workshop with Nicole Bauberger
February 1st, from 1 to 3 pm
See It
For details and to reserve your space,
call Patrick Royle, 456-7629.
Hello Everybody,
We invite you to share your photos of Yukon life.
Email your high-resolution images with a description
of what’s going on to
submitted by:
ken at
This w
ver th
king o
ck tow
e Road
rn Lak
Steve Wilson
These photos were taken at
sunrise on December 20, 2018.
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January 30, 2019
Cosmos North
with Jim Borisenko
Algol the demon - The exoneration
of an eclipsing binary star
he sheer darkness of our
Yukon winter sky is studded
with many awe inspiring
wonders. Some
dazzling, such
as the naked
nursery” that is
the Orion nebula, or the glittering pocket
of jewels of the
Pleiades open
star cluster.
Some however, every bit
and wondrous
as their more
neighbours, require a more
keen and inquisitive eye. A
prime example
of such a creature
northern sky is
a prominent bright star that, with
amazing precision, dramatically
dims by a factor of more than
three for about an hour, before
returning to its normal brightness.
A flirtatious cosmic wink from the
distant realms of deep space perhaps?
Well, perhaps not, but it
is most certainly an intriguing
astronomical object. It is in fact,
Algol, the best known of all variable stars for northern observers.
Algol, residing in the constellation
Perseus, is an eclipsing binary-two stars that are in orbit around
a common center, with the plane
of their orbit almost exactly in our
line of sight. The two stars are too
far away to be seen individually,
so when they eclipse, the single
point of light we see becomes the
light of only one of the stars. Thus
ness of this period is because the
two stars are very close to each
other. Earth is one astronomical
from the Sun,
or 150 million
(km). The two
stars of Algol
are only .062
AU, or just
over 9 milAbout 7.3 million years ago, Algol whizzed on by our neighbourhood, passing within 10 light
lion km from years of us. That may have been close enough to gravitationally perturb the Oort Cloud of icy
each other. bodies surrounding our Solar System, casting several in for a swing around the Sun. Perhaps the
C o n s i d e r i n g creatures of the late Miocene era were treated to a plethora of dazzling comets.
the combined
If your initial efforts to catch Algol at minima are not successful, don’t give up. There’s more
of the two eclipses on the way. In fact, the ones that your children may watch in their senior years have
stars are al- already left Algol. At 93 ly away now, Algol has performed this waltz more than 10,000 times, and
most 9 mil- all are enroute to us at the speed of light as we speak.
lion km gives
And conversely, at 93 ly away, the very first radio waves ever broadcast from Earth should be
just arriving at Algol now. All that beautiful music! Surely the Algolians will think us a pretty good
on just how
these lot once they hear Louis Armstrong don’t you think?
PHOTOS: Jim Borisenko/ FreeStarCharts.com stars
Algol can be found in the Perseus constellation
e the lighthouse). Very obvious to Algol will be impressive.
The chart for upcoming minluminosities the unaided eye.
If you don’t already have sky ima of Algol are in Yukon time.
Algol has been noted by stargazers of the two stars are radically charts, then print off this month’s I’ve only listed the ones that ocall the way back to the Egyptians, different. When the brighter, or sky chart from Skymaps.com, and cur during our night sky hours.
more than 3,000 years ago. And primary star, with 182 times the use it to locate the constellation The peak of the dimming lasts
because we feared oddities in na- luminosity of our Sun, eclipses Perseus in the sky. A good start- about 30 minutes either side of
ing point may be from a more the time for minima, but the
ture that we couldn’t underobvious constellation such as dimming will be noticeable for
stand back in those uncertain
Minima of Algol
Cassiopeia, the “W” shape a few hours. The reward will be
times, Algol got a bit of a Feb 01/19 @ 00:06 am
Mar 10/19 @ 06:47 am
embedded in the Milky way greater if you start looking well
bum-rap, and was considered Feb 03/19 @ 08:55 pm
Mar 16/19 @ 00:26 am
band, and work your way from before minima to see if Algol is
Mar 18/19 @ 09:15 pm
an omen of unlucky days Feb 06/19 @ 05:45 pm
there. Once you’ve found Per- beginning to dim. And if you are
Apr 02/19 @ 05:21 am
and such. Poor Algol became Feb 18/19 @ 05:02 am
seus and Algol is in your sites, patient and persistent, I guarFeb
known as the Demon Star.
then refer to the chart here. antee, Algol--that little demonApr 07/19 @ 11:00 pm
However, with the advent Feb 23/19 @ 10:41 pm
Find the star Almach, to the -will cast you a flirtatious wink.
of science, we can exonerate
right of Algol, in Andromeda.
the character of Algol with a
Notice that Algol and Almach
Jim Borisenko is a happily
better understanding of its true the dimmer secondary star, the
retired campground
nature. For example, we know dimming is hardly even notice- are roughly equivalent in brightness.
the brief period (the time from able (think a lighthouse eclipsing
one dimming to the next) of this a flashlight). But when the secwilderness. He also thinks
eclipsing binary happens precisely ondary star, with a luminosity of you’re out. Once you’re familiar
our long dark un-lightevery 2.867328 days (I told you less than 7 times that of our Sun, with them, it will be easy to catch
night skies is near
it was with precision), or every 2 blocks the light of the incredibly
of the list of the
days, 20 hours and 49 minutes is bright primary, the dimming is
that makes
certainly close enough. The brief- dramatic (the flashlight eclipses
ch holding steady, the dimming of
the Yukon awesome.
the dramatic dimming (or flirtatious wink, if you prefer).
The conspicuous dimming of
you don’t
advertise with
What’s Up Yukon?
Call our sales team at 867 667 2910 ext 2,
or email
We give a hoot about your biz!
January 30, 2019
Klondike Institute of Art and Culture
Dawson City, YT
feb 1-5
305 Main Street, Whitehorse
To register for any of the
following workshops,
visit Arts Underground or
call 867-667-4080.
Members receive a 10%
Free Artist Talk
Carole Epp
Feb. 9
Intro to Acrylics
Maya Rosenberg
Feb. 21 - Mar. 28
Level 3 Ceramics
Astrid Kruse
Feb. 16, 17, 23 & 24
Creative Screen Printing
Rebekah Senko
Feb. 23
Pysanky Easter Eggs
Sheelah Tolton
April. 13
February 27
Doors 7:30pm / Show at 8pm
Tomáš Kubínek:
Miracle Man
In the KIAC Ballroom
Courses & Outreach
($10 KIAC Members / $12 Non-Members)
Tuesdays, 6pm – 9pm
Hand-Building Pottery
Basic tools and materials provided
K e yNo t e speak er
Richard van Camp
Free pub lic even t
Sat , Feb 2, K D CC, 4pm
Innovation Building
2180 2nd Ave
No Experience Necessary
Tel: (867) 993-5005
Fax: (867) 993-5838
Website: www.kiac.ca
January 30
Davy Joly drop-in consultation
February 5
Technopreneur Series –
Be Your Own Boss
4 - 6pm
Sundays, 5 – 8pm
Screen Printing Drop-In
Boys and Girls Club
of Yukon
Free Teen Drop In
Ages 11 to 18
Free snack and meal
Open Hours Mon- Fri
For a complete list of our
winter workshops visit,
January 25-February 22
KIAC Member’s Exhibition
January 29
Metal Shop – Safety orientation
6- 8pm
January 30
Yukon Transportation Museum
Community Build Night
January 31
Repair Café
February 2-3
Women Woodworking: Cutting Boards
10am - 2pm
February 3
Mentor Night: CNC Router, Laser
Cutting, Woodworking, Programming
February 5
New Member Orientation
Women in the Metal Shop – Safety
6 - 9pm
Woodshop Orientation Sponsored by
Home Hardware
Painting in Pairs
Maya Rosenberg
Feb. 14
Tuesdays to Saturdays
3 PM to 9 PM
306A Alexander Street
Look for the big green door!
Contact Khoi Truong,
or 867-393-2824 ext. 202
Web: bgcyukon.com
Facebook: bgcyukon
Twitter: @bgcyukon
Visit the
Upstairs in the
CLOSED for lunch 12-12:30pm
OPEN SATURDAYS 10am-2pm for
Family Drop-In
Programs are FREE
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not finish tart.
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Trinity would love to walk
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Tuesdays - Fridays 12pm-6pm
Saturdays - 10am-6pm
126 Tlingit St, Whitehorse, YT
Y1A 6J2 | Tel: 867 633 6019
It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy.
Community EVENTS
Wednesdays Ladies’ Lunch & Carpet
Bowling 7:00 pm Atlin Rec Centre
Sundays St. Martins Anglican Church
Service 10:00 AM St. Martins Anglican
Sundays Atlin Christian Centre 10:30
AM Atlin Christian Centre
Fri. Jan. 25 Gold Nugget Mixed
Bonspiel Atlin Rec Centre Contact Lynn
at 250-651-7663 to enter a team or for
more information.
Mondays and Fridays Tot Time 9:30 am
Nelnah Bessie John School
Tuesdays and Saturdays Volleyball
8:00 pm Beaver Creek Community Club
Wed. Jan. 30 Elders Luncheon and
Fentanyl Presentation 12:15 PM
Jacquot Hall Have lunch, learn about
this deadly drug and how to help.
Until Fri. May. 3 Art Exhibit - A Closer
Look Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Building An exhibition showcasing five
new works by Yukon artists, recently
acquired for the Yukon Permanent Art
Tuesdays and Thursdays Pottery with
Claudia MacPhee 3:30 pm Ghùch
Tlâ Community School Every Tuesday
and Thursday, please enter by side
door. Everyone welcome! no fee for
community members 867-399-3321
Tuesdays and Wednesdays Tlingit
Language Game Nights 5:30 pm
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Building
Wednesdays Healthy Choices &
Nutrition Activities 9:00 am Carcross/
Tagish First Nation Building
Wednesdays and Fridays AA Carcross
Wed. 6:30 pm, Fri. 1:30 pm, Carcross/
Tagish First Nation Building
Wednesdays Hiroshikai Judo 6:00 pm
Ghùch Tlâ Community School 332-1031
Wed. Jan. 30 Canada Prenatal
Nutrition Program Lunch 12:00 PM
Ghùch Tlâ Community School For more
info:kathleen.cranfi 8214251
Thu. Jan. 31 CPNP Lunch 12:00 PM
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Building
Thu. Jan. 31 Sewing Nights 6:30 PM
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Building
Thu. Jan. 31 Prenatal Classes for
Mothers and Fathers to be 7:00 PM
Ghùch Tlâ Community School With
Kathleen Cranfield, Registered Midwife
and CPNP coordinator
Sat. Feb. 2 Traditional Handgames
1:00 PM Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Sun. Feb. 3 St. Saviours Church
Service 11:00 AM St. Saviour’s Church
Sun. Feb. 3 Sewing Sessions 12:00
PM Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Mon. Feb. 4 CTRRC Mtng 10:00 AM
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Building
Mon. Feb. 4 Art at the Carving Shed
5:00 PM Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Mon. Feb. 4 AA - Tagish 7:30 PM
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Building
Tue. Feb. 5 Elders Breakfast 10:00 AM
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Building
Tue. Feb. 5 C/TFN Communication
Team Mtng 1:00 PM Carcross/Tagish
First Nation Building
Tue. Feb. 5 Excellence Group 5:00 PM
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Building
Tue. Feb. 5 Warrior Women +
Homecoming Song 5:30 PM Carcross/
Tagish First Nation Building A doc about
the women of the AIM in the 1970s that
focuses on Madonna Thunder Hawk, her
daughter Marcy Gilbert and their lives
as Indigenous rights activists. 84 mins
World premiere. Guests in attendance.
Tickets online or at the door.
Tue. Feb. 5 Sports Night 6:00 PM
Ghùch Tlâ Community School
Tue. Feb. 5 Women’s Group 7:00 PM
Carcross Community Campus 821-4251
Wed. Feb. 6 Canada Prenatal Nutrition
Program Lunch 12:00 PM Ghùch
Tlâ Community School For more
info:kathleen.cranfi 8214251
Wed. Feb. 6 Tlingit Language Game
Nights 5:30 PM Carcross/Tagish First
Nation Building
Wed. Feb. 6
School Council 7:00 PM Carcross/
Tagish First Nation Building
Until Feb 22 Only in Dawson... KIAC
Members’ Exhibition KIAC Klondike
Institute of Art & Culture We invite you to
share what you have been inspired, or
perhaps driven, to do …only in Dawson.
Friday & Saturday Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in
Youth Centre 3:00 PM Tr’ondek
Hwech’in Youth Centre
Friday & Monday Women & Weights
(Ladies Only) 12:00 PM Dawson City
Fitness Centre
Wed. Jan. 30 Youth Hip Hop
Workshop W/ Snotty Nose Rez Kids
& DJ Kookum 3:30 PM KIAC Klondike
Institute of Art & Culture For ages 12-25.
A hip-hop duo from the Haisla Nation of
the Haislakala speaking people.
Fri. Feb. 1 Super Seniors Weights 55+
11:00 AM Dawson City Fitness Centre
Fri. Feb. 1 Jesse Smith in the Tavern
6:00 PM Westminster Hotel
Sat. Feb. 2 Roberts & Klein in the
Lounge 11:00 PM Westminster Hotel
Sat. Feb. 2 The Executives in the
Lounge 11:00 PM Westminster Hotel
Sat. Feb. 2 Painting 1:00 PM KIAC
Klondike Institute of Art & Culture Inspire
and be inspired by other artists. Bring
your own ideas and painting surfaces.
Paints, brushes and easels are supplied,
no instruction offered.
Sat. Feb. 2 Canada Council for the
Arts - Info Session 3:00 PM KIAC
Klondike Institute of Art & Culture An
overview on grants available to artists
working across artistic fields of practice.
For more information and to RSVP email
Sat. Feb. 2 Coffee House & Open Mic
Night 7:00 PM KIAC Klondike Institute
of Art & Culture Share your talents or
just hang out and enjoy yourself! All
funds raised will be donated locally.
Everyone Welcome, in KIAC Ballroom
Sun. Feb. 3 St. Paul’s Church Service
10:30 AM St Paul’s Church 867-9935381
Sun. Feb. 3 YEU Local Y026
(Klondike) monthly meeting 7:00 PM
YTG Property management building
Mon. Feb. 4 Super Seniors Weights
55+ 11:00 AM Dawson City Fitness
Mon. Feb. 4 Recreation Board Meeting
5:30 PM Art & Margaret Fry Recreation
Centre Recreation board grants are due
the Thursday preceding each meeting
Tue. Feb. 5 Jigging Club 3:30 PM Art &
Margaret Fry Recreation Centre Grades
1-4 Tuesdays held in the RSS Ancillary
Tue. Feb. 5 Step n Strong 7:00 PM
Robert Service School For more
information email: getrealfit(at)me.com
Wed. Jan. 30 Snowshoeing 3:30 PM
Faro All skill levels welcome, talk to Kelli
at the Rec Centre
Wed. Jan. 30 Public Skate 4:00
PM Faro Recreation Centre Email
or call 9942575 for more details.
Wed. Jan. 30 Faro Fire Department
Meeting 7:00 PM Faro Fire Hall Faro
Fire Department Wednesday Meeting.
Thu. Jan. 31 Parent & Tot Storytime
10:00 AM Faro Community Library For
babies to age 4. Stories & crafts will be
Thu. Jan. 31 Faro Carpet Bowling 1:00
PM Faro Recreation Centre All welcome.
Thu. Jan. 31 Faro Kids Club 3:30 PM
Faro Recreation Centre
Thu. Jan. 31 Adult Hockey 7:00 PM
Faro Recreation Centre
Fri. Feb. 1 Snowshoeing 3:30 PM Faro
All skill levels welcome, talk to Kelli at
the Rec Centre
Fri. Feb. 1 Teen Drop in Gym 7:00 PM
Del Van Gorder School
Sat. Feb. 2 Public Skate 2:00 PM Faro
Recreation Centre Email recreation@
faroyukon.ca or call 994-2575 for more
Sat. Feb. 2 Sticks and Pucks 4:00 PM
Faro Recreation Centre Call 994-2728
for more information.
Sun. Feb. 3 Faro Church of Apostles
Mass 10:00 AM Church of Apostles
Sun. Feb. 3 Faro Bible Chapel Sunday
Service 10:30 AM Faro Bible Chapel
with Pastor Ted Baker 994-2442
Mon. Feb. 4 Adult Hockey 7:00 PM
Faro Recreation Centre
Tue. Feb. 5 Parent & Tot Storytime
10:00 AM Faro Community Library For
babies to age 4. Stories & crafts will be
Tue. Feb. 5 Faro Carpet Bowling 1:00
PM Faro Recreation Centre All welcome.
Tue. Feb. 5 Faro Kids Club 3:30 PM
Faro Recreation Centre
Wed. Feb. 6 Public Skate 4:00 PM Faro
Recreation Centre Email recreation@
faroyukon.ca or call 994-2575 for more
Wed. Feb. 6 Faro Fire Department
Meeting 7:00 PM Faro Fire Hall Faro
Fire Department Wednesday Meeting.
January 30, 2019
Or email them to:
Daily Haines Public Library Open
Hours: Mon-Wed 11-8 | Fri 10-6 | Sat/
Sun 1:30-4:30| Thurs/Fri Closed #907766-2545
Mondays and Wednesdays Kids
Jujutsu 5:00 pm Chilkat Center For The
Monday, Wednesday & Fridays Aqua
Aerobics 8:00 AM Haines Borough
Swimming Pool
Monday, Wednesday & Fridays
Homework Help 5:30 PM Haines
Borough Public Library
Monday & Fridays Yoga with Mandy
1:00 PM Chilkat Center For The Arts
Tuesday & Thursday Ashtanga Yoga
with Melina 9:30 AM Chilkat Center For
The Arts
Tuesday & Thursday Fun Science 4:30
PM Haines Borough Public Library
Wednesdays Open Mic Nite 10:00 PM
Pioneer Bar
Wednesdays Rock Band for Teens and
Pre-teens 4:30 PM Haines Borough
Public Library
Wednesdays Sword Class 6:30 PM
Chilkat Center For The Arts
Wed. Jan. 30 Board Games 4:30 PM
Haines Borough Public Library
Wed. Jan. 30 Kids Jujutsu 5:00 PM
Chilkat Center For The Arts
Wed. Jan. 30 Homework Help 5:30 PM
Haines Borough Public Library
Fri. Feb. 1 Tai Chi - Advanced 10:15
AM Chilkat Center For The Arts
Fri. Feb. 1 Touch Base -- Pam, Tracey,
Laura 11:00 AM Haines Chamber Of
Fri. Feb. 1 Story time @ Library 12:00
PM Haines Borough Public Library
Fri. Feb. 1 Story Time 12:00 PM Haines
Borough Public Library fohbpl@gmail.
Fri. Feb. 1 Board Games 4:30 PM
Haines Borough Public Library
Fri. Feb. 1 American Legion Burger
Night 6:00 PM American Legion
Sat. Feb. 2 Tai Chi 11:00 AM Chilkat
Center For The Arts
Sun. Feb. 3 Sunday Worship 11:00 AM
Haines Presbyterian Church
Sun. Feb. 3 Bible Club - Sunday
School 12:30 PM Haines Presbyterian
Mon. Feb. 4 Mother Goose Stories and
Songs 11:00 AM Haines Borough Public
Mon. Feb. 4 Mother Goose Stories
and Songs @ Library 12:00 PM Haines
Borough Public Library
Mon. Feb. 4 Board Games 4:30 PM
Haines Borough Public Library
Mon. Feb. 4 Kids Jujutsu 5:00 PM
Chilkat Center For The Arts
Mon. Feb. 4 Adults Jujutsu 6:30 PM
Chilkat Center For The Arts
Tue. Feb. 5 Women’s Fellowship 3:00
PM Haines Senior Center
Tue. Feb. 5 Legion Monthly
Membership Meeting at Legion Hall
6:00 PM American Legion
Wed. Feb. 6 Board Games 4:30 PM
Haines Borough Public Library
Wed. Feb. 6 Kids Jujutsu 5:00 PM
Chilkat Center For The Arts
Wed. Feb. 6 Homework Help 5:30 PM
Haines Borough Public Library
Wednesdays Seniors - Drop-In and
Activities 1:30 PM Haines Junction
Seniors Apartments Arts, craft, fitness,
pool tournaments, shuffleboard, carpet
bowling, and card and board games.
Wednesdays Adult Volleyball 6:30 PM
St. Elias Community School
Thu. Jan. 31 Seniors - Carpet Bowling
1:30 PM St Elias Convention Centre All
Seniors and Elders welcome!
Thu. Jan. 31 Chair Yoga For Seniors
3:00 PM Haines Junction Seniors
Thu. Jan. 31 Women’s Circle 5:30 PM
Mun Ku Email
for more information.
Thu. Jan. 31 Adult Soccer 7:30 PM St.
Elias Community School
Fri. Feb. 1 Story Hour 10:00 AM Haines
Junction Community Library
Sat. Feb. 2 Public Skate 12:00 PM Bill
Brewster Arena Tues/Wed 3:15 - 4:45
pm - Fri 3-6 pm - Sat 12-4 pm and Sun
5-7:30 pm
Sun. Feb. 3 St Christopher’s Church
Service 10:30 AM St Christopher’s
Church Service - Info: Mark Ritchie 6342943
Tue. Feb. 5 Southern Tutchone
Classes 12:00 PM Da Ku Cultural
Tue. Feb. 5 Takhini Family Game
Night 7:00 PM Takhini Hall
Wed. Feb. 6 Village of Haines
Junction Council Meeting 7:00 PM St
Elias Convention Centre
Sun. Feb. 3 Fun with Fibre 12:00 PM
Lorne Mountain Community Centre Call
667-7083 or email lmca@northwestel.
net to register.
Sun. Feb. 3 Nuno Felt Workshop 12:00
PM Lorne Mountain Community Centre
Learn how to make a nuno felt scarf,
beginner’s welcome! Please register
email or phone
Mon. Feb. 4 Yoga with Jess Sellers
7:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community
Centre For more info call 667-7083 or
Tue. Feb. 5 Creative Dance Classes
5:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community
Centre For ages 4-7, Drop in - Free
Wednesdays Pump Fitness 6:30 pm
Marsh Lake Community Centre
Wed. Jan. 30 Open Hours 5:00 PM
Marsh Lake Community Centre
Wed. Jan. 30 Marsh Lake Community
Society Meeting 7:30 PM Marsh Lake
Community Centre All Welcome to
Thu. Jan. 31 Choir 6:30 PM Marsh Lake
Community Centre
Fri. Feb. 1 Friday Night Dinner&Drinks
6:00 PM Marsh Lake Community Centre
Sat. Feb. 2 Bridge club 12:00 PM
Marsh Lake Community Centre
Sat. Feb. 2 Knitting Circle 1:00 PM
Marsh Lake Community Centre 6604999
Tue. Feb. 5 North of 60 Seniors Cafe.
We heat the beverages, you heat the
air. 2:00 PM Marsh Lake Community
Tue. Feb. 5 Yoga with Richard 5:30 PM
Marsh Lake Community Centre
Wed. Feb. 6 Open Hours 5:00 PM
Marsh Lake Community Centre
Wed. Feb. 6 Waste Mgnt Society
Meeting 7:00 PM Marsh Lake
Community Centre
Fri. Feb. 1 Dinner and Movie Night
5:00 PM Mayo Community Hall And
Recreation Centre
Sun. Feb. 3 St. Mary’s Church Service
11:00 AM St Mary’s Church (867)6677746
Mon. Feb. 4 Minor hockey 5:30 PM
Mayo Hockey Arena For ages 6 and up.
Please have ur kids ready to go on the
ice at 6 pm sharp. They will need full
gear to able to participate on the ice.
Mon. Feb. 4 Yoga Classes 7:00 PM
Mayo Curling Arena Bring your own
Yoga mat or borrow ours. Classes
are free of charge and drop-ins are
welcome. 8979962043
Tue. Feb. 5 Mayo Sewing Nights 7:00
PM Yukon College Mayo Campus
Thu. Jan. 31 Adult Night at the Youth
Centre 7:00 PM Old Crow Community
Sun. Feb. 3 St. Luke’s Church Service
11:00 AM St. Luke’s Church 867-9935381
Tue. Feb. 5 Gym Night 7:00 PM Old
Crow Community Center
Daily, Mondays to Fridays, Mom, Dad
& Me Toddler Time 9:00 am Skagway
Alaska Appropriate for 2 - 4 yrs. of age
& caregiver, Free drop-in. Call 907-9832679 for more info.
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
Group Cycling 12:00 PM Skagway
Recreation Centre
Monday, Wednesday & Fridays Group
Cycling 12:00 PM Skagway Recreation
Monday & Wednesdays SpinFlex w/
Katherine 7:30 PM Skagway Recreation
Tuesday & Thursdays Basketball For
Adults 7:00 PM Skagway Recreation
Tuesday & Thursdays Mat Pilates
7:30 AM Skagway Recreation Centre
Intermediate core based class using
classical mat exercises to create long,
lean muscles.
Tuesday & Thursdays Senior Weights
10:30 AM Skagway Recreation Centre
Chair based resistance training program
that’s not just for seniors.
Wednesdays Acro Jam 6:30 PM
Skagway Recreation Centre Playful
practice that combines acrobatics and
yoga. This is an unstructured class to
work on things you would like to improve
on or trade
Wednesdays Back & Hip Yoga 10:00
AM Skagway Recreation Centre
Saturday & Sunday Undo and
Renew Gentle Yoga 3:00 PM
Skagway Recreation Centre
Feb. 1 SpinYOGA 9:00 AM Skagway
Recreation Centre
Sat. Feb. 2 Bouncy House Fun Time!
1:00 PM Skagway Recreation Centre
A parent or guardian must accompany
children 12 and under.
Mon. Feb. 4 Hatha Yoga w/Sherry- ALL
Levels 5:45 PM Skagway Recreation
Tue. Feb. 5 Let it Roll - Hatha Flow
with Foam Roller 5:45 PM Skagway
Recreation Centre Hatha Flow practice
followed by foam roller and pinky balls.
Mon. Feb. 4 Restorative - Yin Yoga
ALL Levels 10:00 AM Skagway
Recreation Centre
Wednesdays and Saturdays, Tagish
Library 12:00 pm Tagish Community
Centre 399-3407
Tuesday & Thursday Carpet Bowling
11:15 AM Tagish Community Centre
Everyone is invited to come and learn
the technical game of Carpet Bowling.
Wednesdays Coffee and Chat: Tagish
Community Centre 2:00 PM Tagish
Community Centre Fresh baked goods
every Wednesday.
Thu. Jan. 31 OsteoFit 10:00 AM Tagish
Community Centre
Thu. Jan. 31 Catch Kids Club 4:30
PM Tagish Community Centre Snacks,
crafts, field trips and lots of fun games.
Email for
more information.
Fri. Feb. 1 Pickleball 11:00 AM Tagish
Community Centre Come try Pickleball,
a new sport offered which combines
table tennis and regular tennis.
Sun. Feb. 3 Tagish Community
Church of the Nazarene 4:00 PM
Tagish Community Church of the
Nazarene 633-4903 tagishcc@gmail.
Mon. Feb. 4 Carcross Tagish
Renewable Resource Council 12:30
PM Tagish Community Centre All
welcome to attend.
Mon. Feb. 4 Nordic Walking 1:30 PM
Tagish Community Centre Call 399-3407
for more info.
Tue. Feb. 5 Get and Stay Fit 6:00 PM
Tagish Community Centre Call 399-3407
for more info.
Wed. Feb. 6 Tagish Library 12:00 PM
Tagish Community Centre 399-3418
Thu. Jan. 31 Badminton Nights 7:00
PM Teslin Rec Center Every Thursday,
bring your racket or just bring your self
for some swift fun! 335-4250 teslinrec@
Fri. Feb. 1 Girls Club 6:00 PM Teslin
Rec Center For grades 7-12, come hang
out, games, activities and snacks! Call
Kelsey 335-4250 for more information.
Fri. Feb. 1 Youth Club 8:00 PM Teslin
Rec Center For grades 7-12, come hang
out, games, activities and snacks! Call
Kelsey 335-4250 for more information.
Tue. Feb. 5 After School Sports K - Gr.
4 3:30 PM Teslin Rec Center
Tue. Feb. 5 Yoga in the Mezzanine
5:30 PM Teslin Rec Center Every
Tuesday, mats provided just bring your
zen. 335-4250
Tue. Feb. 5 Teslin Dance Group
Practice 7:00 PM Teslin Healing Centre
Every Tuesday evening, for more info
contact Melaina at 867.390.2532 ext.
333 or
Mondays-Fridays Youth Activity Club
3:15 pm Watson Lake Recreation Centre
For grades 5-11, come hang out, games,
activities and snacks! Call Meaghen
536-8023 for more info. Closed Dec. 24,
25, 31st & Jan 1st
Monday & Thursdays Help and Hope
Drop in for Moms and Kids 1:00 PM
Watson Lake Recreation Centre Crafts
and Activities together!
Tuesday & Thursdays Body Fit 7:00 PM
Watson Lake Recreation Centre Contact
Meaghan for more information 536-8023
Thu. Jan. 31 Community Kitchen 1:00
PM Watson Lake Recreation Centre A
afternoon of being in the kitchen, cooks
some nutritious meals and bake some
goodies to take home.
Sat. Feb. 2 Public Skate 2:00 PM
Watson Lake Recreation Centre
Sun. Feb. 3 St. John’s Church Service
10:00 AM St. John’s Church Service
(867) 536-2932
Tue. Feb. 5 Town of Watson Lake
Council Meeting 7:00 PM Town of
Watson Lake
January 30, 2019
Gluing it together
Drummer Lonnie Powell makes his band-leading
debut with a nine-piece ensemble at Jazz in the
Hall on February 7
by Ken Bolton
onnie Powell’s passion for
percussion dates back to
a childhood night in B.C.’s
Kootenay region, when he attended a wedding reception with
his mother and watched a “really animated” drummer strut his
“He was having so much fun
that it was infectious. That stuck
with me, because he was having
such a ball on the stage,” recalled
What really sealed his musical fate, though, was a birthday
present from his older sister when
he was 12—the drum kit she had
found in a second-hand store in
“It was an old Rogers set. I still
have some of those pieces today,
but that was a game-changer, for
sure. Once I had those, I don’t
think I’ve ever stopped hitting
things to this day.”
Powell’s father had been a
guitarist, but died before his son
could see him perform publicly.
Not long after getting his drum
kit, the teenaged Lonnie was
using it to play local gigs with his
dad’s brothers.
“A lot of my friends were delivering newspapers and working at
Sears, putting appliances in warehouses, but I think I might have
been making better money playing these shows on the weekend
with my uncles’ country band,” he
It didn’t take long for him to
recognize the sense of unity the
music brought to a roomful of
“Once I got to do a few live
shows, I realized that people
would dance to what we were doing, and that we were the source
of that feeling.”
Getting attention and approval
definitely added to the experience
in the early days of a musical career that’s been unfolding now for
more than 30 years.
“I did get the attention of
girls, too, which obviously is kind
of cool. The ladies like the drummers,” he added with a laugh.
Over the years, Powell has
heard his share of lame jokes
denigrating drummers as tonedeaf people who love to hang
around with musicians.
“It used to affect me. I used
to feel like, ‘Oh, I’m less than
the rest of these people because
I didn’t have a university background or a music degree.’ But I
also realized the importance of
the groove and the feeling of the
song—we call it the pocket.”
Powell had little interest in
emulating the “drumnastics and
fancy licks and how fast you can
play” pyrotechnics of some of the
more flamboyant percussionists.
Instead, he found himself attracted to “really musical” drummers, such as Steve Gadd, John
Bonham and Max Roach.
“I moved to Vancouver and
heard Duris Maxwell (also known
as Ted Lewis) playing with the
Powder Blues Band. That guy
could shuffle as good as anybody
on the planet.”
Although he didn’t know it at
the time, Maxwell had also been
highly influenced early on by Powell’s own mentor, Scottish-born
drum guru, Jim Blackley.
It was Blackley who imbued
Powell with an awareness of the
need for drummers to get out of
their heads and into their bodies.
“Blackley said it. ‘You should
be dancing with your hands, laddie. It’s a dance.’ And he was a
dancer. Buddy Rich was a great
tap dancer. Steve Gadd was an excellent tap dancer before he was
a drummer.
“They had the showmanship,
but those guys could really play.
When the substance is there and
the showmanship is there, it’s
PHOTO: courtesy of Lonnie Powell
Inside Yukon Inn Mall on Fourth
(Beside Dollar Store)
Longtime Whitehorse drummer Lonnie Powell playing at the Yukon Arts Centre in 2013
for the launch of Declan O’Donovan’s first CD
awesome,” Powell added.
“Those guys would flip sticks,
and jump up and down, and be all
over the kit, but they never got
away from the fact that it has to
really swing.”
A carpenter by trade, Powell
moved to the Yukon in 1995 to
pursue a different kind of swinging—with a hammer.
“I came up to build Bob Hamilton’s Old Crow studio. The moment we had that studio ready, I
started playing and tracking. And
that has had a huge effect,” he
“All that little stuff you think
you’re playing just gets in the way
of the singer-songwriter and their
music. So I know when I go in and
my ego’s going on, then, when I
listen to these tracks, it’s pretty
Besides his day job with Yukon
Housing, Powell has maintained
a busy performing and recording
schedule since moving to Whitehorse.
“I’ve had the chance to play
all kinds of music, with players
who’ve been able to lift me to
places where I didn’t even realize
I could go,” he said.
“I’ve recorded with some really good players and played genres
I’m normally not comfortable in,
but it has inspired me.”
On Thursday, Feb. 7, Powell’s
musical journey will take a new
direction. He’ll be leading a ninepiece group of some seasoned
Yukon performers in a Jazz in the
Hall concert at the Old Fire Hall.
(details at yukonartscentre.com)
The personnel will include
Andrea McColeman (keyboards),
Dave Haddock (bass), Jim Holland
(guitar), Keith Todd (trombone),
Adrian Burrill (trumpet) and
Olivier de Colombel (sax). Vocalists Lucie Desaulniers and Lorène
Charmetant will also join.
The program will be dedicated
to Steve Gadd, and feature numerous tunes he made famous with
an eclectic mix of performers such
as Eric Clapton, Rickie Lee Jones,
Paul Simon and Chick Corea.
“I’m including all those different genres because it’s an example of how much the drummer
affects those grooves,” he said.
“It kind of glues the whole
thing together. It’s got that ability.”
Ken Bolton is a freelance
writer and former co-editor of
What’s Up Yukon
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